The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 19, 1897, Image 1

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    till v / - v I
p | ® le ) ittcCooh Sribtme * * .
B - K \ Their Annual Fair.
Bw s fll' % 0n last Saturday evening the ladies of
I 1 | S the Dorcas society of the Congregational
K WL if church closed their annual fair of two
H/ / day8 , The lad'e8 as U8Ual scored a
t J *
Hl f | | 1 very gratifying and complimentary sucK -
K /W | | cess. Their entertainments were liber-
L Vao II ally attended and greatly enjoyed , their
Blfif ] supper was freely patronized and the
k VftlS sale of fancy work was quite satisfactory.
K y . Ig ' The gross proceeds will be in the neigh-
L I T f borhood of two hundred dollars , which
H > I W # will give the ladies a neat sum for all
H 1 ® J'S their hard work.
K r Hi R n r * ay evening the feature of en-
B t [ jp * \ tertainmeut consisted in a little one-act
H' t W& ' % comedy entitled "Bachelor Maids. " The
H i > * la was crowded on this occasion and
H / WvL e comedy was greatly enjoyed by all
' M who could see and hear. Saturday even-
8 ! L
H \ yW * ing's programme was made up of tab-
M V m it leaux , scenes , etc. , and the audience ,
KO < " ' j though some somewhat smaller than on
H t * J& the preceding evening , was not a whit
B I' "Of 7 * ess aPPrecat > ve. The tableaux were
V } 7 r f beautiful and were warmly encored ; in
B ! > fact McCook audiences seem to be par- <
H / , tial to tableaux , which by the light of
V i j > the school lantern , which was kindly
H < | ; f loaned for the occasion , are decidedly
1 pretty.
> m' 5 \ The different booths were very prettily
W , , * decorated , and the costuming wus espec-
W ially attractive and elaborate , particu-
KjA larly in the case of the gypsy camp and
JK .j tableaux and the dancing dolls ,
1 j&fa \ Overtures were played on the piano
1 © \ both evenings by Mesdames A. P. Bon-
| H J not and \V. B. Mills , as an opening to
W \ the entertainments offered.
Jft J Tlle ladies of the society are to be cou-
afX gralulated upon the measure of success
bH achieved. They deserved it all. And
_ , M' 4 all connected with the affair , in what-
B $ § | J ever capacity , are proper subjects for feM -
M \ wt licitatious and gratitude. The amount
K fi $1 If of work involved in the preparation and
3 jjSl carrying through to successful conclu-
H | f \ [ I ston such an affair is simply immense ,
HK'L JI aud the ladies are entitled to all bene-
H < "X1 V fits and glory that may accrue to them
b ) . / vi an(1 tbeir society *
Bi j Wr = = = = = = = =
0 j X Business Men's Fraternity.
v U\ A lodge of the Business Men's Fra-
Bi ) ® iT ternitjT was organized m our city on
KJ % Monday evening of this week. There
Hjt \ are about thirty members in the organi-
Kl > * zation , which is of an instirance-com-
K/fyxLi mercial character. The officers are : Dr.
Kt ] p J * AGunnt president ; H. Thompson ,
b ) Mr ' past PresJdent5 Franklin , vice-presi-
K ) WI dent ; F. M. Kimmell , secretary ; Joseph
/ Mi MenardV. . T. Coleman and J. F. Gan-
H schow , stewards ; outer watch , Russell
M ml McMilleu ; inner watch , H. H. Troth ;
m M7 ' guide J- HBennett. . Messrs. H. P.
'l Wl Waite , H.Thompson and J. F.Ganschow
BV lH ( were chosen as a committee to select a
K'l l * place of meeting , and the rooms of the
K ( Wtl ) McCook club are mentioned as the
l llkI probable location to be selected. A
I H i m/ committee on by-laws was also selected
f ( wh and an adjournment was taken to next
Hi M\ .Monday evening in the city hall.
They Love The Old Bird.
The recent insult offered to"01d Abe"
by Colonel Mitchell , in a recent issue of
his paper , is resented by the old soldiers
of Bartley and vicinity in a vigorous
way. The expressions of auger that
might have been heard on the streets of
that burg , the next day after that paper
i appeared in that place , were warm
• enough to burn holes in the surround
ing atmosphere. There will be a hot
' time in the old town the next time the
jcolonel goes down there after news.
Burled In Frontier County.
After services at the residence in this
_ ,7 , , * city , Saturday morning , the remains of
Rf M Miss Bertha Viland were taken to Fron-
1 -Hr- teT c ° unty > tne f ° rmer home of the fam-
Hl < * & ) ? ' ' ilvi where the body was laid to rest beside
H i W ( { a sister who preceded her to the spirit
H.f . ? land about six years ago. The services
Hp. ' ' h were conducted by Rev. J. A. Badcon of
B C the Methodist church of our city , and
' attended by friends of the
B fc • vere
B'mfc \ family , teachers and schoolmates of the
V , , Kdeceased , by whom she was highly es-
HLv ] K deemed and much beloved.
H [ j Removal Sale.
K < W\ \ ' S. M. Cochran & . Co. are selling all
B , * * & [ lines of goods at a great sacrifice prepa-
B. if ratory to moving into their new location
H U in the A. O. U. W. temple building. In
B 1 * order to reduce their large stock and
M ' \ ' save cost of removal , all their goods
H i\ have been marked down accordingly.
B ( \ You can buy anything in their line until
H rI ey move at unheard-of prices. This is
sale no fake-
removal -
K y 'a genuine
B > \ . Leave your orders for a fine suit or
HKji .overcoat. A perfect fit and lowest prices
f / guaranteed for first-class work.
H ] The Famous Clothing Co.
ESm ) . Chamois , bath and carriage sponges at
e&McConnell's. . .
SF ] McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Hi -
tjhp " McConnellTs 'Balsanf cures congns.
C. H. Boyle was in Indianola on busi
ness , Thursday.
S. E. Solomon was down from Cul-
bertson on business , yesterday.
SHERIFF NEEL had business in the
city on Tuesday and Wednesday.
A. C. Rankin of Cambridge was a
city visitor on Monday evening.
Drs. Brach and Kay were in Cul-
bertson on professional duties , last Sun
Mrs. A. C. Noren went down to
Omaha , Thursday morning , on a short
Mrs. H. L. Kennedy was a west
bound passenger , Monday evening , on
No. 5.
Mrs. A. Danielson of Stratton has
been visiting relatives in our city the
past week or so.
Thomas Spencer of Oxford expects
to make McCook his home after the
20th of the month.
H. W. Cole was in Lincoln , Tuesday ,
on business in connection with the Star
of Jupiter order.
George Hocknell arrived home on
Thursdaj' morning from his trip to Cali
fornia on business.
J. S. Phillips of the Reporter and S.
R. Smith of Indianola were city visitors
on business , Monday.
A. A. WELLER was up from Syracuse ,
Nebraska , last Friday and Saturday ,
helping over pay-day.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. STaynER are here
from Edgar on a visit to their son L. W.
of Trainmaster Kenyon's office.
Samuel Garber and family are back
from their absence of about two weeks
visiting relatives in Red Cloud.
Mesdames William McCarl and
H. H. Miller have been spending the
week in Lincoln , visiting their parents.
W. R. Starr had business in Stock-
ville , first of the week. He drove down
to Indianola , and drove up from that
Mrs. Frank Carruth was in the
city , Monday , on her way to Platts-
mouth , whither she went on Tuesday
Mrs. J. B. MESERVE , who has been
the guest of her daughter , Mrs. F. M.
Kimmell , for a few days , left for Lin
coln on Monday evening.
D. C. Marsh went to Omaha , Tues-
3ay morning , to see the family. He
may decide to return to McCook , and
make his home with us again.
Mrs. Geo. OnThank of Grinnell , who
has been the guest of her niece , Mrs. J.
F. Kenyon , for a few weeks , departed for
Iowa on No. 2 , yesterday morning.
Miss Lillian Welborn , county su
perintendent-elect , was up from Indian
ola , last Friday and Saturday , the guest
of the Misses Gibbons and others.
Receiver Gibbons and Pat Walsh
are down in the Cherokee strip after a
large bunch of cattle they own down
there that have just been released from
Louis Thorgrimson , late of the
Tribune force , has taken a position in
the First National bank. Louis is a
competent , faithful young man and will
make his mark.
D. H. Babbitt , an old settler of Val
ley Grange precinct , has rented his farm
on the South Side and gone to Ann Ar
bor , Michigan. The farm has been
leased by Mr. Markwad.
Mrs. Lottie Brewer entertained a
few friends on the 14th in honor of Mes-
iaines Z. L. Kay , E. C. Ballew , and E.
Q. Robie , all of whom are soon to re
move or have removed from our city.
James Williams was over from near
Danbury , Tuesday. He says that an
unusually large acreage of fall grain has
been planted over in that section , this
fall , and that the prospects are very
H. E. Newbranch of Lincoln , who
has been here for a week or two past or
ganizing a lodge of the Business Men's
Fraternity , completed his work on Tues
day , and on the following morning went
east in the line of his work. He suc
ceeded in organizing a vigorous lodge
E. C. Ballew has decided to go to
Kansas City where he expects to enter
the service of the Pittsburg & Gulf rail
road. lg . and Mrs. Ballew will leave
for thel > new home as soon as they can
arrange their affairs here. Many old
time friends will regret their departure ;
at the same time wishing them every
joy and success in their new home.
Ten-inch dressed dolls with natural
hair and hood on the 10c. counter at the
Bee Hive.
A Bumper Success.
The musical and reunion held in St.
Patrick's church , Tuesday and Wednes
day evenings of this week , was a bum
per success. The church was crowded
to its utmost capacity with appreciative
audiences on both evenings , and the en
tertainment provided was splendid in
deed. The musical programme was pro
duced by such well known aud popular
artists as Mrs. A. P. Bonnet , Mrs. P. F.
McKenna , Miss Hannah Stangland , Miss
Bertha Townsend , Mrs. C. W. Brouson ,
Mrs. A. J. Clute , Mrs. George Elbert ,
Miss Maggie Hannan , Miss Jennie Gibbons
bens , Miss Florence Thompson , Miss
Maud Cordeal , Rev. J. W. Hickey , Dr.
S. C. Beach , Mr. Joseph Schmitz , and F.
A. Thompson. The various choruses ,
quartets , trios , duets and solos , both vo
cal and instrumental , were received with
warmest evidences of appreciation and
with marked enthusiasm. It was , as
promised , a rare musical treat.
Supper was served from an early hour
in order to accommodate the large crowd
that thronged the church , commencing
at 5:30 and continuing until a late hour.
The ladies spread an elegant feast in the
greatest abundance , a supper which in
itself was well worth the price asked for
both entertainment and supper.
The decorations were exclusively pa
triotic , the stars and stripes being used
in the form of flags and bunting , draped
and hung in different parts of the church.
On Wednesday evening the particulars
were as attractive and entertaining as
upon the first night. Much of the pro
gram was new and the refreshments
were equal in every respect.
The Tribune desires to congratulate
the members of St. Patrick's church up
on the great and merited success of their
affair , and also to compliment those en
gaged in the music of the evening.
The Minstrel Is Postponed.
On account of the failure of some mu
sic to arrive , the minstrel show has been
postponed until the 30th , Tuesday even
ing. The work of preparation is going
on with vigor and the performance will
be strictly all right. It should be re
membered that the entertainment is to
be given for the purpose of raising funds
to make some improvements in Longview -
view cemetery. This fact alone ought
to assure a full house. Remember the
change of date from the 24th to the
30th , however.
For Appendicitis.
Drs. Gunn and Kay operated on Ben
Phillippi , a son of A. A. Phillippi , Tues
day of this week , for appendicitis. The
operation was successful , but the result
is yet in doubt on account of the delay
in having the operation performed , as
the condition of the patient at the time
indicated that the operation ought to
have been performed some days before
it was. The boy was first taken sick on
A Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank our neighbors for
their help and kindnesses received dur
ing the sickness and after the death of
our dear one , Bertha. We also wish to
thank the teachers and scholars for their
sympathy and kind words. And as well
to the dear friends in Frontier county for
all their sympathy and kindness. May
God bless you all is our earnest wish and
prayer. C. P. Viland and Family.
Lost Three Finsrers.
Thursday morning , John Penney , who
lives a mile or so east of the city , had
the misfortune to have three fingers of
his right hand cut off in a threshing
machine. The first , second and third
fingers were cut off , slanting upward
from the first to the third finger. Dr.
Waters dressed the wound. The metal
buckets of the elevator were responsible
for the accident.
South Side C. E. Entertainment.
The members of the South Side Chris
tian Endeavor society will give an en
tertainment in the Fitch school house
on next Thursday evening. This bene
fit entertainment will consist of a mis
cellaneous programme of literary and
musical numbers , and it is promised
that it will be of a character to amuse
and instruct all. The admission will
be 10c.
The officers of the order of the Star of
Jupiter are pushing the affairs of the
order vigorously , and a large increase
may be expected in the membership in
the near future. The order has one of
the best plans and is destined to take
high rank among the leading benefic
iary societies of this western country.
The members and friends of the M. E.
church will give their pastor , Rev. J. A.
Badcon , a reception and donation at the
church on Thursday evening , the 25th
inst. Refreshments will be served dur
ing the evening. All are invited.
German Methodist Regular ser
vices at 9 o'clock , every Sunday morn
ing , in the South McCook Methodist
church ; services in German.
Rev. M.Herrmann.
Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 : , a. in. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
Rev. J. W. Hickey , Pastor.
'Episcopal Morning service at 11:00.
Evening service at 8:00. : Sunday school
at 10:00 : a. m. Evensong on Wednesdays
ajt 8 p. m. R. A. RUSSELL ,
Missionary in Charge.
Baptist Bible school at 10. Preach
ing at 11. Young People's meeting at 7.
• Preaching at 8 ; the first of sermons on
the Christ of Prophecy. Prayer-meeting
on Wednesday evening. A welcome to
all. Geo. W. Sheafor , Pastor.
Methodist Sunday school at 10 a.m.
Preaching at 11. Subject , second ser
mon on The infallibility of the Bible.
Junior League at 3. Epworth League at
at 7. Preaching at 8. Subject , Christ a
Shepherd. Prayer and Bible study on
Wednesday evening at 8. All are wel
come. J. A. Badcon , Pastor.
Thanksgiving services will be held in
the Methodist church , this year. Rev.
Sheafor will preach the sermon.
Hattie Bunnell entered the 10th grade ,
The marble-playing fad has extended
to the school girls.
The McCook high school cadets are
now organized and being drilled by Mr.
Thomas. We expect to be able to re
port rapid progress.
The Southwestern Nebraska Educa
tional association will hold its next an
nual meeting in Cambridge on Novem
ber 25 , 26 , 27. Superintendent Valen
tine of our public schools is president of
the association. Miss Clara Smith of
the East ward primary is on the pro
gramme for a discussion of kindergarten
work. Superintendent "Valentine's pres
ident's address will deal with "The
Teacher Alone. "
Affixed to the Sale of Alum
Baking Powder.
"Section 1. Every person who manu
factures for sale within this State or of
fers or exposes for sale , or sells , any bak
ing powder , or any mixture or compound
intended for use as a baking powder un
der any name or title whatever , which
shall contain , as may appear by the
proper tests , any alum , in any form or
shape , unless the same be labeled , as
hereinafter required and directed , shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor , and
upon conviction , shall , for each offence ,
be punished by a fine of not less than
twenty-five (25) ( or more than one hun
dred (100) ( dollars and costs , or by im
prisonment in the county jail not ex
ceeding thirty (30) ( days. "
This is from the law as it stands today
on the statute books of the State of Min
Star of Jupiter.
This is the name of a fraternal lumi
nary with headquarters in Nebraska ,
and now at work in California. It is
similar in its work to the other protect
ive orders , with a number of up-to-date
features added. The order is repre
sented in this city by T. C. Van Epps ,
supreme sentinel , who is also a past
grand master workman m the A.O.U.W.
of Washington. He has the first lodge
nearly ready for organization in the city ,
and in addition to his own personal work
he expects to put fifty deputies in the
fie.d throughout the state.
George Hocknell , president of the
First National Bank of McCook and one
of the directors of the order , is in the
city. Los Angeles Daily Times of No
vember 12th.
Cheap Home for Sale.
Five room house , 50 ft. lot , choice lo
cation , Marshall street , 2d house south
of Strasser's. $200 cash , $500 on 6 per
cent mortgage , semi-annual interest , be
ing only $2.50 per month rent. Write ,
H. G. Dixon ,
Kennett Square , Penna.
Rooms to Rent.
Two furnished front rooms. Inquire of
Mrs. C. T. Brewer.
Heartsease is on sale with Mrs. F. W.
Jeffries. 3ts
A full line of novelties manufactured
from the big trees of California , consist
ing of Redwood , Manzanita.YellowMes-
quit , Acacia.Chapparel , Orange , Almond
and Mountain Mahogany , now open for
your inspection at The Bee Hive.
Southwestern Nebraska Educa
tional Association
Meets this year at Cambridge , Thurs
day , Friday and Saturday , November 25
26 and 27 , and promises to be an exceed
ingly pleasant and profitable session.
The good people of Cambridge will
hospitably entertain all who attend and
enroll as members of the association ,
and the hotels give the liberal rate ol
eighty cents a day to those who prefer
to stop at a public house.
The railroads make a rate of one and
one-third fare for the round trip , pro
viding 100 or more purchase tickets to
the amount of over 50 cents each and
take a receipt from the station agents.
The subjects to be discussed are of
wide and general interest and are not
confined to technical educational topics.
All persons who attend will be invited
to participate in the . discussions , and the
object of the meeting will be best ful
filled if each person present freely and
frankly adds a unit to general stock ,
and all go home the richer.
Professor Lucius Sherman , who comes
from the state universiay , is a man who
has well earned his international reputa
tion as a thinker and a critic. His lect
ure on Friday evening will be a rare
treat to lovers of good books , and all
true students should be present.
Let everybody who is interested in the
improvement of our schools and who
cares for education for its own sake at
tend this meeting at Cambridge and
make it memorable in the annals of
Southwestern Nebraska.
Is Gaining- Popularity.
The session of the Star of Jupiter ,
Monday evening , attracted a large at
tendance , and the interest manifested
was of the livliest nature. There were
several applications for membership and
one initiation. The short literary pro
gram provided after the regular busi
ness proved very entertaining to the
members present and their friends , and
a pleasant social season closed the even
ing very satisfactorily. The order is
gaining in popularity and numbers right
along , and the meetings are increasing
in interest and attendance.
Mashed His Leg Badly.
Gus Budig had one of his legs badly
and painfully mashed , last Saturday ,
while helping to water an engine. Mas
ter Mechanic Archibald was at the throt
tle. While they were taking water the
locomotive suddenly started up , and
Budig's leg was caught between the en
gine and the spout gf the water tank.
Before the engine could be stopped the
leg was badly .mashed , though fortu-
natelv no bones were broken.
Here is a straight tip from a newspa
per called Brains : "There is only one
right way to advertise , and that is to
hammer your name , your location , your
business so constantly , so persistenly , so
thoroughly into the people's heads that
if they walk in their sleep they will con
stantly turn their steps toward your
store. The newspaper is your friend in
spite of your criticism. It helps to
build up the community that supports
you. When the day comes that the
newspapers are dead the people are on
the edge of the grave with nobody to
write the epitaph. "
The new officers of the 12th district
Christian Endeavor organization are :
President , B. M. Williams of Culbert
son ; vice-president , Jacob Longnecker
of Red Willow ; corresponding secretary ,
James Ferrier of Culbertson ; treasurer ,
Frank J. Thiember of Stratton ; district
missionary , Rev. L. A. Turner of Indi
Major Cole , who conducted revival
services in our city , last winter , is now
in Kansas City in that line of work.
The Star of that city contains an ac
count of the major's attempt to convert
a saloon keeper , whose place of business
he visited.
Miss Van Ness of Lincoln , general sec
retary of the women's foreign missionary
society of the Baptist church , is spend
ing the day in the city in the interest of
the foreign missionary work.
Merriam's clinch copper rivets , same
as the old liner asks your 25c. for , you
will find on our 10c. counter at the Bee
Large line of men's flannel overshirts ,
lined gloves , mits , and hosiery , at
The Famous Clothing Co. 's.
20 per cent off on all wall paper pur
chases for a limited time.
L. W. McConnell & Co.
Reduced price on wall paper to make
room for new stock at McMillen's. j
W. S. Morlan was a Lincoln- visitor , '
Wednesday , bn business. * / 'i- '
- ' < i *
, -
- rL
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. H
Chamois , bath and carriage sponges at fl
McConnell's. B
Reduced price on wall paper to make fl
room for new stock at McMillen's. fl
For Sale Cheap Round Oak stove ; |
first class condition. R. B. Simmons. H
Be in the swim. Buy one of those ' |
wonderful Vive Cameras from H. P. H
Sutton. > H
They have the scarlet fever in the , |
home of Mr. Tuttle on East Dennison B
street. M
We are not going to move , but will l , H
give you great bargains on anything in 1 |
the hardware line. II. P. Waite. fl
20 per cent off en all wall paper purchases - |
chases for a limited time. ' H
L. W. McConnell & Co. H
For stoves and ranges see new prices j |
on the best stoves in the market. H
II. P. Waite. fl
Don't be deceived , but buy the BECK- |
with Round Oak , the best heater made M
for sale only by H. P. Waite. , M
Buggies are included in the removal H |
sale prices at S. M. Cochran & CCa. D
Prices cannot be equaled in this part of * | H
Nebraska. i M
Mrs. C. T. Brewer will take orders for H
Pastel and Oil Paintings ; also Etnbroid-- H
ery aud Stamping. Orders for Christ- j H
mas solicited. > H
And now if there are any more lodges M
on earth not represented here , will some M
one please give them our address. There H
is room for at leust one more. |
* * 1
The Building Association has some |
good houses which can be bought at low |
prices and on easy payments. See the- H
Secretary at First National Bank. H
Have you seen our little boys' Chinchilla - H
chilla Reefer coats , Tarn O'Shanter hats 4 M
and Junior suits ? 'j l
The Famous Clothing Co. M
Do you want to rent or buy a house ? H
The Building Association has several H
good houses to rent or sell. Inquire of H
F. A. Pennell , Sec'y , at First National |
Bank. H
J.E. Kelley has received from the J. B. H
McFarland Co. a consignmentof buggies H
a carload for immediate sale. See H
him before buying. He will save you |
money. H
Advertised letters November 14th : C. I H
W. Higgens , Mr. J. W. Hoult , Mr. E. S. |
Jackson , Mr. Chris. Nelson , Mr. A. V. |
Olmstead , A. Tedrick , Mr. F. G. Van- * M
Deusen. H
J. E. Kelley has a carload of buggies |
that must be sold at once. This means H
unprecedented bargains for all wanting j H
a buggy. See him and get figures. They H
talk for themselves. |
Rev. H. G. Wilkinson , of Lexington. H
Nebraska , will preach at McConnell's H
Hall on Sunday next , at 11:00 a.m. and j H
7:30 p. m. Rev. Wilkinson is a fine H
speaker , and all are cordially invited to H
hear him. |
The next annual convention of the H
Christian Endeavorers of the 12th Nebraska - H
braska district will be held in Mc- - |
Cook in June of 1898. The late meeting - | |
ing in Culbertson was a success , and H
quite largely attended among the number - H
ber being Endeavorers from our city. H
Some of the merchants already have |
in their Christmas goods and the public H
may soon look for announcements of H
their opening for inspection. Large ' H
stocks have been bought so it will not H
be necessary for you to send out of town H
for your presents , this season. H
Colonel Mitchell is getting into the- H
bad habit of writing personal , signed j H
letters a furlong or two in length every H
time some one stops that paper from H
coming to his address. The colonel H
only apes Colonel Rosewater in the idea. H
There the comparison must needs stop. H
Colonel Mitchell's letters are tame and H
disinteresting. indeed , beside the vigor * H
ous literary efforts of his prototype. H
Jack Schoolfield , editor of the Danbury - H
bury Topics , went through town the H
first of the week to some place of which |
we know not. The fact is , Jack has | |
"yumped his yob" and will push the ? |
pencil and work the scissors no more ; in. H
Danbury at least. The fact is , euitoriaL |
life did not prove the blissful dream |
Jack imagined , but was beset with yicis- |
situdes of which he knew noLWilson' i l
ville Review. 2211111' * i l