The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 05, 1897, Image 8

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Wk 9 > teBOOHBW5)00 ) PfgSllJMH Willow 2
I .CANDIDATES. | j f f i : FS I i r f | Bfj 3 j 1 5 5 5 | ?
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" \ I MteJu Voit i1 n ! 31 37 13 26 29 21 2) 70 17 27 11 72 57 11 22 20 40 21 32 107 59 55 80 881
1 B. M. Strom ? . Prohib. . . 02000011000 050012 20 1 0 0 122
. _ . 1 War SMorVNatliD. 0000 0 100 2 1 0 0 6
Hi I F Chw E r . SkaloyRon.3l.18l9 27 29 2l24 70l9 27l2 75 571122 20 42 22 31109 59 57 81903
I J N.D iiBBS3ia815 26 20 2iai6017Z7 12 73 57 1122 20 42 22 31107 57 54 78 883
1 E ? Yon FoSllf I'oo.Tmi. 55 58 45 35 18 56 19 41 56 16 7 90 40 39 43 36 52 31 26 48 32 22 27 892
1 Goo. P. Snr ! P-Ind ! 55 57 44 33 19 51 19 41 56 16 7 92 40 37 43 37 51 31 26 47 SO 22 25 82
LH I Isabella Spurlock , Pro. 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 3 26
l D. L. Whitney , Pro 0 2 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 5 4 0 0 1 2.2 0 0 1 0 2 21
Hi J. Storting Morton , N.D. 02010000000 000011.0 0 3 2 0 111
Hi j ! 1.LeasNation.Dora. 01010000000 00000100 2 1 0 1 7
O.L.ThompsonEop.2 : 41 9 26 28 24 28 67 13 2912 8002132222 4223301OT 5 ! } 49 79 891
H .T.L.BerRe/Poo. Ind. . . .54 5152 3117 5215 45 6315 7 84 35 30 4:132 : 54 32 27 55 37 29 34 894 8
ft Eupeno Miilor.Dom. . . . 1 0 2 7 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 10 3 8 0 3 1 0 0 4 5 2 2 63
I IBt Fok Sheriff :
HFl W. A. McCool , Hop :8 : 37 19 29 15 21 27 70 39 25 11114 58 17 19 22 46 22 25 76 45 33 56 864
m John R. Neel , Poo. Ind. 49 50 43 29 25 5316 41 38 18 8 62 41 33 46 33 51 33 29 76 41 44 57 924 00
Cornelius J. Ryan , Dem. 15 2 7 9 3 110 10 3 2 1 0 2 0 0 3 10 9 7 7 74
Ruben P. Day , Rod 30 341127 26 2123 7014 2611 78 6814 2219 40 22 28 91 49 43 68835
K. A. Green , Poo. Ind. „ 57.59 52 37 21 55 20 40 61 18 8 9132 34 43 37 58 33 28 59 36 32 36 947112
M | Sterling PilartDom. . 10 112 2 110 0 0 8 2 2 0 2 0 0 1 14 9 2 7 62
H For Judge :
GeorgeS. Bishop. Rep. . 30 39 9 32 28 23 25 7119 2712 75 57 12 22 2147 22 31108 60 54 78 902 88
Inane M. SmithrP.Ind. 50 53 49 : U6 53 18 : 46 15 7 68 41 3J 43 33 38 33 23 43 26 23 30 814
1 George W.Cramor , Dem. 4 0 4 0 4 2 1 1 9 1 0 36 2 5 0 212 0 3 11 8 2 5118
Fok Superintendent :
C. N. Whittnker , Rep. . . 31 35 20 32 26 27 24 68 20 26 9 73 56 14 20 24 39 21 35 100 55 56 80 891
BBBBH Lillian M.Welborn , P.I. 55 60 43 32 22 51 20 44 55 17 9107 46 34 45 32 54 34 22 65 40 22 34 943 52
3 For Surveyor :
B Alfred F. Reeves , Rep. . 31 38 16 29 28 22 24 7115 27 12 75 58 12 22 21 41 22 31117 61 54 79 906 76
H Andrew Barber , P. Ind. 55 54 46 35 18 54 19 39 59 14 7 85 36 35 43 33 47 32 24 34 20 18 23 8:50 :
f John L. Wilson , Dom. . . 1 6 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 0 13 4 4 0 2 2 0 2 12 10 4 5 77
h For Coroner :
H Joseph Spotts. Rep 30 39 12 28 27 22 25 69 19 27 13 73 59 13 23 21 40 23 32 111 59 56 815 904 92
3 J. M. Brown , Pee : Ind. . 52 53 44 33 19 54 19 41 54 16 6 80 37 34 41 34 50 20 24 38 23 17 23 812
f John Tenis , Democrat. . 5 6 5 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 21 3 3 1 2 1 0 1 11 10 4 4 80
r For Com. 2d Dist. :
1 Henry Crabtroo , Rep. . . 36 08 29 . . . . 107 . . . . 23 . . 48 311 21
Hf S.E. HaBerPoo.Ind. . . 46 44 47 . . . . 65 . . . . 42 . . 46 290
jj The Union Must be Preserved j |
I m ftf e fli ° n ° f High Quality and Low Prices jffl
I 3a ? § of All-Wool Winter Clothing. S § §
II Wt B0YS' SH0RT PANT SUITS $ 3.00 ' § i 3
I 11 gig BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS ; 6.00 | g §
ill m $ B0YS' OVERCOATS4.00 ggg
III ggg MEN'S SUITS . ' 6.50 gg j
ill 3 ® MEN'S OVERCOATS. . . 8.50 § 5g
1 | | S&S MEN'S ULSTERS 7.00 fiSS
ill § 31 meN'SPANTS . ' 3.00 5g ?
II | | g § MEN'S SUITS ( made to order ) 13.50 g | | |
III p g MEN'S OVERCOATS ( made to order ) . . . 13.00 5gg
111 § K MEN'S MACKINTOSHES , § 4.50 , § 6 , $7.50 , § 9 pgpj
HI 3g | WOOL HOSE , per pair 25 fc
HI $ f § | COTTON HOSE , two pairs for 25 § §
11 S Z& § LINEN COLLARS , two any shape or style. . .25 § | §
I : M ' sg
II § VBXS Have fall line of Underwear and Shirts ; also Dr. SvftZ
11 3 > S entou's Sleeping Garments for children and adults. steP
I § km Remember , the clotLing is strictly all-wool and is § *
11 5 4i handsomely made. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed Jfcsjf
11 laQin or no sa e * l tm
II &r&2 Third Door North of. . . I t DCjVJ | A [ V/IM / | SSS
11 i S . . . First National Bank • • • • DLnJrtlYIIIN. J J
_ _
H "Mv boy came home from school one day
H | with his hand badly lacerated and bleeding ,
Hf and suffering great pain , " says Mr. E. ) .
H Schall , with Meyer Bros. Drug Co. , St. Louis ,
B Mo. "I dressed the wound , and applied
H Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely. All pain
H ceased , and in a remarkably snort time it
Hj healed without leaving a scar. For wounds ,
H | sprains , swellings and rheumatism I know of
H | no medicine or prescription equal to it. I
H | consider it a household necessity. " The 25
Hh and 50 cent sizes for sale by L.V. . McConnell
B & Co. , Druggists.
H | ! J. M. Thirswend of Grosbeck.Tex. , says that
B when he has a spell of indigestion and feels
bad and sluggish , he takes two of DeWitt's
Little Early Risers at night , and he is all right
the next morning. May thousands of others
do the same thing. Do you ? A. McMillen.
B Bfl | You can't cure consumption but you can
BbVB avoid it and cure every other form of throat
or lung trouble by the use of One Minute
Cough Cure. A. McMillen.
H United States Land Office , McCook , Ne-
mJI braska , October 21st , 1897.
i Notice is hereby given that May Graywidow
of Percy Gray , deceased , has filed notice of
| intention to make final proof before Register
or Receiver at his office in McCook , Nebras-
BBBJJ ka , on Saturday , the 27th day of November ,
YJj 1897 , on timber culture application No. 6502 ,
n for the S.E.ii of section No. 19 , in Township
bVJJ No. t N. , Range No. 30 W. , 6th P. M. She
j names as witnesses : Albert Weeks , Abraham
j Peters. August Wesch and Charles F. Elliott ,
H | . all of Banksvilie , Nebraska.
H io-22-6t. A. S. Campbell , Register.
H ROAD NO 317.
H [ To Valley Loan and Trust Co. , Frank Hag-
H erman , J. J. Hockstetler , Julia S. Floyd-Jones ,
K Nancy Stahl , Thomas F. O'Gara , James Hal-
R pin , will H. Moore , Mary A. McKay and to
Hj all whom it may concern :
B The board of county commissioners have
B established and ordered opened a road comB -
B raencing at southwest comer Section Nine (9) ( ) ,
B Town. Two (2) ( ) , Range Twenty-six (26) ( ) , in
H Tyrone precinct , Red Willow county , Nebras-
H ka , running thence east on section line four
HJ miles , terminating at southeast corner Section
H Twelve (12) ( , Town. (2) ( ) , Range Twenty-six
H (26) ) ; and all objections thereto or claims for
H damages must be filed in the county clerk's
H office on or before noon of the Eleventh day
Hj of December , A. D. 1897 , or said road will be
H established without reference theteto.
H io-i5-4t. R. A. Green , County Clerk.
United States Land Office , McCook , Ne
braska , October 19th , 1897. Notice is hereby
given that John W. Bennett has filed notice
of intention to make final proof before Regis
ter or Receiver at his office in McCook , Ne
braska , on Saturday , the 27th day of Novem
ber , 1897 , on timber culture application No.
5891 , for the N.E. # of section No. 7 , in Town
ship No. 5 N. , Range No. 29 W. 6th P. M. He
names as witnesses : Milan W. Quick , William
B. Whittaker , Charles T.Wallace and Charlie
Brown , all of Quick , Nebraska.
io-22-6t. A. S. Campbell , Register.
United States Land Office , )
McCook , Neb. , Oct. 4,1807. )
Notice is hereby given that Christopher C.
Dueland has filed notice of intention to make
final proof before Register or Receiver at his
office in McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday the
13th day of November , 1897 , on timber culture
application No. 6376 , for the S.E. f of section
No. 13 , in Township No. 6 N. , Range No. 30
W. 6th P. M. He names as witnesses : Colbein
P. Viland of McCook , Nebraska , Nels. Swanson -
son of Osborn , Nebraska , Chris. Anderson
and Enoch Osvog of Quick , Nebraska.
A. S. Campbell , Register.
United States Land Office , McCook , Ne
braska , September 23rd , 1807. Notice is here
by given that David R. Smith has filed notice
of intention to make final proof before Regis
ter or Receiver at his office in McCook , Ne
braska , on Saturday , the 13th day of Novem
ber , 1897 , on timber culture application No.
6536 , for the N. W. M of section No. 10 , in
Township No. 4 N. , Range No. 30 W.6th P.M.
He names as witnesses : Edward Osbaugh of
McCook , Nebraska , William Smith of Sheridan -
dan , Wyoming , Morley Piper of Box Elder ,
Nebraska , O. L. Thompson of McCook , Ne
braska. A. S. Campbell , Register.
United States Land Office , McCook , Neb. ,
October 14th , 1897. Notice is hereby given
that Abraham Peters has filed notice of inten
tion to make final proof before Register or
Receiver at his office in. McCook , Nebraska ,
on Saturday , the 27th day of November , 1897 ,
on timber culture application No. 5,283 , for
the southeast quarter of section No. 21 , in
township No. 1 , north of range No. 30 , west.
He names as witnesses : William H. Benjamin -
min , Albert Weeks , August Wesch , Charles
F. Elliott , all of Banksvilie , Nebraska.
io-i5-6t. A. S. Campbell , Register.
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James Campbell raised a fine
crop of turnips.
Coal , wood or corn is the fuel
used at present.
MWDella Gnrothers seeing to
be givingentififjietion in district 74.
The wolvetf are a terror in these
parts ; five and six being seen at a
Henry Cm-others says that the
ground lias nut been so wet for 9
R. Johnson thinks his pension
is in sight and is correspondingly
happy- .
The mail at Osborn was behind
time , Wednesday , on account of
the storm.
Road work whs being pushed ,
bdt is delayed on account of bad
Mrs. Henry Mitchell of McCook
recently spent a fortnight with the
home folks.
There Iihr been a bntter famine ,
few of the fanners making enough
to supply themselves.
The recent heavy raiiiB have put
a damper 011 the fall work. , Some
are plowing , but others'think it
too wet.
The sod houses which have done
such good service are a poor shel
ter during a hard storm and should
be retired on a pension.
H. Simmermnn's Bryan day was
well represented by people from
this place , and nil sorts of opinions
are given in regard to his address.
Tuesday the 26th was a ijood
day for the hired men as they had
a rest. The schools too were a
failure as some had no teachers ,
some no pupils , some neither.
Frank Carothers took a journey
150 miles south in Kansas. He
went overland on a viewing expe
dition , but will not leave our com
munity just yetas he is putting in
fall grain.
Sorghum , which has been pro
duced so abundantly heretofore ,
seems io have had its dav. None
but the Bixler mill running. They
just working what they raised
Rev. Mayfield of Cnlbertsotf ,
preached his first sermon at the
Coleman school house , Sunday the
17th , and interested the people
with his excellent discourse. He
is expected to preach there every
two weeks at 3 o'clock. Tour cor
respondent sincerely hopes that
the people will not be disappointed.
Butchering seems to be fashion
able among the farmers.
Miss Daisy Jackson spent Sun
day at Mose BattershalFs.
No school in district 47 , Tuesday
of last week , on account of stormy
Rev. J. E. Tirrill preached at
Banksvilie , Sunday , to a large and
attentive audience.
Miss Cora Tirrill returned home
on Sunday after spending the week
with Mrs. Nelson at Banksvilie.
A little girl arrived at the home
of T. Shield's , Wednesday of last
week , aud the little brother is very
much elated.
A meeting of the Fairview cem
etery association , called for last
Monday , there not being a quorum , *
was adjourned to meet -on Friday ,
November 5tb , at one o'clock , p.m.
There will be a C. E. box social
at the Kennedy school-house , Fri
day evening , November 12. Every
one is invited ; and the girls espec
ially to come with well filled boxes.
A. Peters is hauling his wheat
to Cedar Bluffs , Kansas.
Joe French is threshing for
John ' Rowland , this week.
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Relph , a nine-pound girl , Satur
day , October 30th.
J. H. Relph and L. C. Caldwell
were making proof on their home
stead , entries , Saturday last.
Ed. Lawthers' machine broke
down ( . while threshing , last week.
He will start up again , Wednesday.
A. V. Olmstead is residing tem
porarily on H. I. Peterson's place.
Abe says he has all he wants of
Arkansas and is here to stay. '
/ A. . . \ ' ' -
llll I.I I I 1 mwW W
AM Report a Chanpre for the Better
and Will Persevere.
Our fellow townsmen , L. W. McCon
nell & Co. , the Druggists , did not ex
pect so soon to get favorable reports from
applicants who procured from them free
samples ' of Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney
The tests made so far by the users of
the free samples , show that these re
markable pills produce favorable results
with a degree of quickness heretofore
unknown in lhe treatment of Kidney ,
Bladder and Blood diseases , and allied
Those who have used them have been
encouraged to persevere with the treat
ment , knowing that they could not ex
pect the three days treatment contained
in the sample box , notwithstanding the
remarkable results obtained so farwould
effect a complete cure. Kidney disease
is of imperceptible and insidious growth ;
it takes months to develop even the
symptoms. Reason and experience sug
gest that it takes more than a few days
to cure. Fortunately , Dr. Hobbs Spara-
gus Kidney Pills begin the good work of
cure with the first dose. The results are
evident from the beginning. The de
lightful effects of these Pills induce the
patient to continue their use until cured.
They are easy to take , easy to buy , easy
to get , and bountiful in good results.
Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills ,
for sale by
Our method of instruction by mail is
highly recommended by our patrons.
Send for testimonials and list of names
and addresses of students. It is free.
The American Business College , Omaha ,
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. 25c.
g- j
andslcknessfrom l " j9 f .
'which women tn ntS j
suffer is caused ( SwsnmirjL
by weakness or - * fgjfJZi
the organs of 0 % m\mffl \
menstruation. BgSwjWiil
Nearly alwaysHHflj5ffll
when a woman Is not well these
organs are affected. But when
they are strong and healthy a
• woman is very seldom sick.
Is nature's provision for the regu
lation of the menstrual function.
It cures all "female troubles. " It
is equally effective for the girl in
her teens , the young wife with do
mestic and maternal cares , and
the woman approaching the period
known as the "Change of Life. "
They all need it. They are all
benefitted by it.
For advice In cases requiring special
directions , address , giving symptoms ,
the "Ladles * Adrlscrjr Department , "
The Chattanooga Medicine Co. , Chatta
nooga , Tenn.
TH0S. i. COOPER , Tupelo , Mist. , says :
"My stster suffered from very Irregular
and painful menstruation and doctors
could not relieve her. Wine of Cardul
entirely cured her and also helped ray
mother through the Change of Life. "
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! i wm tndood a perfect dsy.
I ficarco recall the weather ,
6nt luuuinn culm and bloom of M 7
Boom nilnglod there togethor.
Then melody mo do ttwoot the hours ,
Each Kcntenco was a ballad ,
The rocks were Jowela , weeda were flower * ,
Whoa Mary drewted the aaiad.
No vernal scene whono blandishment
Will wolcoincly besot ua
Can have the ftuclnntion lent
By that smnll bprig of lettuce ,
And vainly imwt musicians toil
From utngo or rental wagon
For tonoa llko those with which the oil
Came loitering from the flagon.
Strange how theao merchant ohomlats mar
Each once alluring aavorl
How tnsteless la the vinegar I
How dull the poppor'H flavor I
Ofttimcs when .sterner mooda nro plnnnod
Tlioso memories come prennlng
That uaUid day , the muishino und
Thu girl who made the dressing.
Wuohington Star.
A Meeting With a Gentle Hearted 'Woman
Vaclced by a Ferocious Vog.
"At the foot of the stairs iu the front
ball of a furmhouBo one night , " said
the retired burglar , "I stumbled ever
something soft that turned oat to bo a
feather bed. If I had had a grain of
sense at all , I should have suapicioned
something from that , hnt I didn't. It
looked as though it had been just tum
bled down stairs and left there to he
carried off in the morning , and I lot it
go at that and stepped into it aud over
it to the first step of the stairs and on
• up.
' 'Stopping up on the fourth stop , I
kicked against a string stretched across
the stairs aud broke it. That made me
suspicions , but I never connected the
feather bed at the foot of the stairs
• with it. I looked up. I expected it to be
connected with something thero. And
it was , aud it was coming down the
stairs at mo aud filling up the whole
stairway. It was a big feather bed.
Eveu then I didn't see that the ouo
comiug dowu had auythiug to do with
the one dowu on the floor , and at the
same time I couldn't understand why
anybody should roll auythiug like a
feather bed dowu ou anybody bulky ,
to be sure , but so light that it was an
easy thing to stop.
"I put up my bauds to stop this ouo ,
but might just as well have tried to
stop a mountain. It was soft and
squashy on the outside , but it weighed
a tou. It just bowled me right over
backward , and I fell ou the other feath
er bed at the foot of the stairs. Then
I began to understand what that one
was for. It was to save the bones of the
man that was tumbled over by the ava
lanche bed.
"I lay there nearly smothered by the
bed on top and working out from under
it gradually.
" 'I hope you are not hurt ? ' I heard
somebody say from over the railing
along the hall up stairs , and I said ,
* No , ma'am , ' because it was a female
voice , and I am always polite to the
ladies , 'but would you mind telling me
what's inside the one that came down ? '
" 'Oh , 'she said , 'it's the summer
range , with the flatirous inside. Con
you lift it off , or shall I let the dog
come down and help yon ? '
"And with that I heard a dog scratch
ing up stairs. I supposed it started him
up to hear himself spoken of , and I
judged from the sound of his claws on
the carpet that ho must have been about
the size of a tiger and of about the same
kind of disposition.
" 'No , ' I says , 'I can get clear of it. '
And I did and stood up in the hall.
" 'Yon won't carry off the other one , :
will you ? ' she said.
' 'And hearing the dog still scratch
ing up stairs , I said , 'No , I won't. '
And I didn't. The lady appeared to be j
gentle hearted enough , but I knew you
couldn't trust the dog. " New York
Energy From Volcanic Heat.
The energy stored iu the coal beds
has rightly been referred back to the
sun , and it is no doubt to the same
source that we should ultimately attrib
ute the heat developed at great depths
below the surface of the earth. While
it is believed that no practical attempts
to utilize this subterranean heat have
yet been carried into effect , there ap
pears to be no good reason why the at
tempt should not be made , especially in
volcanic regions , where quite high tem
peratures should be revealed at moder
ate depths.
In a Colorado mining town an inter
esting combiuatiou was recently ob
served which a little ingenuity might
have converted iuto a cousidorable
source of power. Within 20 feet of each
other were two spriugs , one of a tem
perature of nearly 200 degrees F. and
the other not over 60 , the flow of each
being very uniform aud the temperature
quite constant. The theoretical efficiency
might readily be determined from the
well known law ofthermodynamics.and
the use of one stream to vaporize and
the other to condeuse some volatile
liquid , such a3 ammonia or bisulphide
of carbon , might enable a fair percen
tage of the energy to be utilized which
is now running to waste. Gassier's
She Had a Reason.
"I don't believe Salliecan know that
rich old Brown or she'd never marry
bim in spite of all his money. "
"Why not ? "
"Ho has such a violent temper. "
"Oh , that's all right. That's why
she has been giving so much time to
gymnasium i work lately. " Chicago
Strikes occurred centuries ago , and
their outcome was just as disastrous as
is that of the present day work iJtrug-
gles. ! In the year 1329 , says an old pa
per , a strike of brassworker3 was initiated -
tiated I in Breslau , Silesia , which lasted
a { year.
St. Moritz , Switzerland , has the
champion I toboggan slide of the world.
It ; is three-quarters of a mile long and
has I been descended in a whiz of 71 sec- I
onds. >
A. . '
t- < gGtei nSiEnH&2 Bi BKnBflBHHHHiB BH B H BY8finBpSC&3BHBjB B B B B B B H
" " - r H
Your Attention i * directed to the ad- f > H
vertisement of the American Buwnee * * H
College , Omaha , Neb , which appear * frr ' f' |
this issue. They offer to ive a thorough l M
course of Instruction in huxiuess branches bI
by mail free of charge for advertising J b H
purposes. This Is a rare chance. The J H
A. B. C. is one of the most successful W H |
business colleges in the United States , V- |
and to take a course with them means * H
success. _ _ L l
- - = = = u
Owine to over-crowding and bad ventil- V H
ation , the air of the schoolroom is often close ; < • H
and inpure , and teachers and pupils frequently - < H
quently suffer frrnn lung and throat troubles. , H
To all such we would say , try Chamberlain s ft H
Couch Remedy. For coucK colds , weak v H
lungs and bronchial troubles no other remedy H
can compare with it. Says A. C. Freed , H
Superintendent of schools , Prairie Depot , H
Ohio : "Having some knowledge of the M
efficacy of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , I H
have no hesitation in recommending it to all m
who suffer from coughs , lunc ; troubles , etc. M
For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Drug- H
gists. . H
Knipple will have a H
carload of cabbage on H
track , Saturday the H
Oth. Will sell at car H
for $1.05 per 100 lbs. ) H
Come and see the finest - M
est cabbage you ever H
saw. H
J. C. Berry , one of the best known citizens H
of Spencer , Mo. , testifies that lie cured himself ' L L Ll
of the worst kind of piles by using a few boxes H
of DeWitt's Witch Ilnzel Salve , lie had been H
troubled with piles for over thirty years and ' H
had used many different kinds of so-called / ' L
cures ; but DeWitt's was the one that did the ' L L La
work and he will verify this statement if any H
one wishes to write him. A. McMillen. H
Seaview , Va. We have a splendid sale on * y H
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , and our customers - H
tomers coming from far and near , speak of it H
in the highest terms. Many have said that H |
their children would have died of croup if H
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had not been M
given Kellam & Curren. The 25 and 50 cent |
sizes for sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , L H
Druggists. H
Resource , Screven Co. , Ga. I have been ' |
subject to attacks of hillious colic for several |
years. Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and H
Diarrhoea Remedy is the only sure relief. ' H
It acts like a charm. One dose of it gives H
relief when all other remedies fail. G. D. J H
Shapp. For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , H
Druggists. _ |
A full line of bill M
books and purses at H
the Bee Hive. H
Warning Persons who suffer from coughs H
and colds should heed the warnings of danger H
and save themselves suffering and fatal results |
by using One Minute Cough Cure. It is an H
infallible remedy for coughs , colds , croup and g
all throat and lung troubles. A. McMillen. H
You can't afford to risk your life by allow- H
ing a cold to develop into pneumonia or con- l H
sumption. Instant relief and a certain cure H
are afforded by One Minute Cough Cure. A. J b M
McMillen. H
Buy your gloves at H
the Bee Hive. H
Disfigurement for life by hums or scalds H
may be avoided by using DeWitt's Witch 3b1b bH
Hazel Salve , the great remedy lor piles and flL L LH
for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. A. SEa LH
McMillen. _ _ nL BH
There is no need of little children being tor- fl
tured by scald head , eczema and skin erup- H
tions. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve gives instant - H
stant relief and cures permanently. A. Mc- * H
Millen. B
Small pill , safe pill , best pill. DeWitt's M
Little Early Risers cure biliousness , constipa- M
tion , sick headache. A. McMillen. , H
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve >
Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns. b H
By virtue of an order of sale issued from H
the district court of Red Willow county , Ne- H
braska , under a decree in an action wherein & H
Nora M. Cole is plaintiff and Silas H. Colvin H
is defendant , to me directed and delivered , I H
shall offer at public sale , and sell to the high- H
est bidder for cash , at the front door of the bH
Phillips-Meeker block , in McCook , Red Wil- . M
Iov county , Nebraska , on the 6th day of De- \ H
cember , 1897 , at the hour of one o'clock p. m. . H
the following described real estate , to-wit : H
Lots one and two in block number four , and H
one in block ten. First addition to South Mc- H
Cook , the north 73.19 feet of lot one in block 1
four in West McCook , and lots one and two H
in block number thirty-one in the Second ad- M
dition to the Town of McCook , all in Red M
Willow county , Nebraska ; also the following M
described personal property , to-wit : one bay M
horse , about . six years old. weight about 1,100 b I
pounds. M
Dated this 5th day of November , 1807. H
J. R. Neel , Sheriff , M
, , , . c . , . , . By C. J. Ryan , Deputy. H
W. S.
Morlan , Attorney. n-5-6t. H
' .1 v VVVVJ
JUIilUS Ktotert , * | H
Carpet Laying , H
Carpet Cleaning. H
ZS7I am still doing carpet laying , carpel a H
cleaning ( lawn cutting and similar work. See H
or < write me before giving such work. Mv $ LH
j a , IEt- ! are eryreasonable- Leave orders at U H
Tribune office. B
J western corset coJ L T .t. . : M