KV _ B" Wmmmmmmm Ill IT w H _ _ / Bf'\ \ rQ COKE A COLD IK jONE DAT. _ Rll * Toho axatlvo riromo Quinlno Tablets. All Vu Druggists refund the money If It folia to dure. 26o Hp * Catarrh in the Head M F , Suffered with It for Five.Years , H Ji . but Hood's Sarsaparllia Cured. ' mmWmj ' " I bad catarrh in my head and suffered mmmjsLj A with It Jqr five years. I whb also troubled B > > ' with weakness. _ haVe taken Hood's Sar- K | eaparilla and it entirely cured the catarrh , Si built up ray system and did me a great mmWW % deal of good. " W. B. Melloway , C- HSx | lumbia , Missouri. Remember Hi Hood's Sarsaparalla mmmnWil } Is the best In facttho One Jruo Blood rurlfler. HKu ) Hood's Pills euro sick headache. 25c. WMMMmWi S fes IIOW natural It is .to watch him _ _ _ I\ x II who "climbs' * and wo wonder _ _ f ? Yi lr9 v A if ho will reach the , top. It is 1 , ' u S iiBj the "survival of the fittest. " If WBLmr \ , \aV # you would be at your best you WMMMW. L , 7 > \ must bo healthy. Your body WMMMWffr (1 ( ! T needs to bo nourished and ro- WMW Mli " A freshed as much as.an . engine _ _ H _ B53 Ji wM needs fuel to produce steam or H Bttf _ 9 y ° n cannot " climb. " The great kvK _ K trouble with so many is thev K < , \ ffHH cannot take nourishment and _ H _ > i.f [ rffl digest , it ; consequently their MwZtMtk W _ _ P1 encinu ( or body ) cannot run at WMMMmi at a high rate of speed. Their food HrA I Jf' is not digested and converted MMMMmFi _ • s\\ \ lnto Rood rich blood conse- MW9Mtfr * _ _ 2 _ o Qucntly they fall behind on the WMMWm' * f&7&fero5 UP Grade. The trouble is with v'w llnKM th0 w,1olo digestive tract. Not _ _ k y\ IP S ono man 'n ' llve whosc stomach Wf 11 W _ r and whole glandular system is yK § | ' JL.&Li in a good hcalty condition doing H R-M t w II Af its work properly. The result BKV * 'Jl\ ' . ! l II is he becomes Sooner or later in HJ _ k ( * V ' ' / | f aj. an unhealty condition. Ho tries Ur'i A ' ji this , that and the other remedy _ HvJr'f II but don't remove the cause and 'W VJJ \ \ so fails to regain his health Kfc > * f7 v lp" > " fully. His system needs reno- MwF\vr \ . fj Ty rt vating. There is nothing that Wmim& wflfeT renovates the whole system and restores the stomach and whole WmMfX' ' i _ r * i ILjEMMLc : glandular system to a natupal V \ II HUB healthy condition equal to Dr. WMMkl \ ' ! fl H Kay's Renovator. .It removes K& the cause by striking to the very Blf root of the matter. This is why it cures such Bj _ 9 * a largo variety of diseases which arc unable to HVt ' get help by any other remedy. The cures it has { * \ performed are marvelous. Read the following HjfiTV from Mrs. Nathan Quivcy , Shaw , Kansas : llf' ' • ' I bad Neuralgia in right side of head and Sr\ and eve until I became entirely blind. Dr. HHt > ; | Kay's Renovator has done me more good than HH _ T > . \ all the doctors and patent medicines I ever MMmWt * tried , and I tried a great many. It has helped HKi my eye , head , stomach , and liver , very much H ? arid I sleep much better. " HS * Also ono from Rev. J. B. Wade , Morrison Col. L " I am astonished at the mildness and yet i , the efllciency of Dr. Kay's Renovator in mov- Hf ing constipated bowels , and in producing a _ HR _ regular natural daily discharge. I have been L - afflicted with constipation for 23 years. " WMMM' It is sold bv druggists or sent by .us by mail H > , for 25 cts. or $1.00. Don't take any substitute _ _ , ( lor it has no equal. Write us for our .08 page book. It has 50 valuable recipes and treats _ _ < nearly all diseases. Address Dr. B. J. Kay WmI • Medical Co. , Omaha , Neb. We also guarantee • > \y * Dr. Kay's Lung Balm to cure every kind of Bkjr ) cough , influenza or la-grippe. Write for book. I&Interstate Commerce Commission HHBfe' • Safety Appliances n on Freight Cars. BHji\ ' > A hearing will be given by the Commission Dccera- A' ' lcr lft , 1E'J7 , upon the petitions of tltnso railroad com- BK4 | panles which have by November 15 , applied for an ex- KV / tenFton of time within which their freight cars are E/ jeijulrcd to be equipped with automatic couplers. BByjK Thu tlmo now Used is January 1 , next. K i All persons interested will then be heard and they jn\ . may at any tlmo prior to that date , file statements for HRk ' or nuainst raid petitions , etc. : li > i Further InfonnaUon will bo furnished by Ki3 , EDYT. A. J IOSELEY , Secretary. VdKJK 4 i i - - * . , . . . , . KIliiM A SlrtJIT TPUlfl" y ° u re Interested KM llUU'W I I t"linU teadforftirtsesa pla K * ) > copy or a new publication. Addres • Box C. Dallas.Tex. -Lnnr.gmmTuMn.in . tii , _ tjwmim - * i . . , , Xabor Ntntlatlcft. ? Gilhooly I see Hostottor McGhinis vvaljcirifj the streels all flay-long. What is ho ' .for nisolf . . ' ' dping' , , - i- } ! . . Gub De' .Sinlthrt-Ilo la Jookins for employment and eongratQlating him self that ho "can7t. . 'flhtl- ' . 'anjv Texas ' ' ' giiVngfj . " . ' . . ' . , . „ , ; . . . ' • f.s. - . . ' y Gr0 , . • • > * Ask your srocer" today to show yo'J a package of GRAIN-O 'the tiew food drink that takes the , place ot coffee. The children may drink if without injury as well as the adult. All who try it like It. GRAIN-0 has that rich seal Brown of Mocha or Java , but it is made from pure grains , and the most delicate stomach receives it without distress. % the price of coffee. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Sold by all grocers. . Tastes like cof fee. Looks like coffee. Jlotuls That Burn. We are accustomed to .think of metals as incombustible , but the con trary is the case. With the exception of the so-called noble metals gold , silver , platinum and a few others all metals burn or absorb oxygen when heated sufficiently in the air. Don't Tobacco Spit'and Smoke Your Lire Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever , be mag netic , full of life , nerve and vigor , take No-To- Bac , the wonder-worker , that makes weak men strong. All druggists , 50c. or 81. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York , Neglected Education. Mistress "Gracious , Bridget , you don't clean this house at all ! See , I can write my name in the dust . ' on the mantel. " Bridget "Shure , mum , .you've got er good edjikashun. That's , more than I kin do. " New York Journal. Everybody Says ho. Cascarets Candy Cathartic , the most wonder ful medical discovery of the age , pleasant and refreshing to the taste , act gently and positively on the kidneys , liver and bowels , cleansing the entire system , dispel colds , cure .headache , fever , habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day ; 10 , 25,50 cent. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. To get the good out of years we must learn to live each hour well. FKKE , IMPORTANT XNFORHIATION • To men ( plain envelope. ) How after ten years'.fruitless doctoring , I wag fully re stored to full vigor and robust manhood. No C.O.D. fraud. No money accepted. No connection Vith medical concerns. Sent absolutely free. Address , Lock Box 288 , Chicago , 111. Send 2-cent stamp if con venient. Call a little man great and other lit tle people will throw up their hats. For Lung and chest diseases , Fisp's Cure Is the best medicine we have used. Mrs. J. L. Northcott , Windsor , Ont. , Canada. When a man has prosperity , how the people like , to see him lose it ! Star Tobacco is. the leading brand of the -world , because it is the best. No mantis better than his opportu nities. H'AM OPEN -LETTER PL , . . . To MOTHERS. Kif ' v v - - WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE M t EXCLUSIVE USE OP THE WORD " CASTORIA , " AND HW "PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " AS OUR TRADE MARK. V I DR. SAMUEL PITCHER , of Byannis , Massachusetts , mm s tlie originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA/ ' the same BtV tJuzt lias borne and does " ' * * now > "a y > ff > ? , / ? orv every Kiflfc bear tlie facsimile signature of ( &uzyt T Ctc&M wrapper. HK This is t7ie original " PITCH ER'S CASTORIA/ ' which has been S used in tlie Iwmcs of the motliers of America for over thirty Wgmiryears. . LOOK CAREFULLY ab tlie wrapper and see that it is K\ tlie Icind you Jiave. alivays bought STK y/JTrfg ? " " on ie wl an-d has the signature of & & & ? ? " & & & wrap- IM per Jfo one Jtas autliority from me to use my name except , HlJ The Centaur Company of which Chas. IL. "Fletcher is ffiv President. * ' 1 March 8 , 18971 Q n /e i ,7i. H | Do Not Be Deceived. V/ / % * D ° not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute RiM ( which some druggist may offer you ( because he makes a few more pennies HJT < 5 ; on it ) , the ingredients of which even he does not know. ml "The Kind You Have Always Bought" . H , | | . BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Hf Insist on Having Hi The Kind That Never Failed You ? KAf * rMC CCNTAUR COMPANY. 7T UURnAT STRCCT. NCWYONK CITT- ft , 25c 50c ifgggHliypP DRUGGISTS GUARANTEED TO CURE j ] \ j ? & \r&ry ICinci of Cough or * La Grippe. jF p JDr. Kay's Lung Balm.S Wfi f yy Send address for CS-pajro book -with 56 excellent recipes and Free * Advice. m * \ k Address DR. B. J. KA2" MEDICAL CO. , "Western Office , Omaha , Neb. vk . _ H X _ K AAAA , A A AAAAAAA A A > . A. > * k AA HKvfy v f rry vvvt ? vvvvVTvf TrTr f P BLACK LEG/f\ E\ \ , Is prevented by'racclnaticn. " Mortality in U. S. A. durlnc B f _ rtT Tt H B last'2 years reduced toone-thlrd.bf . one per cent Thousands I R TP5' ' 3CV | | K. < rfHerdssucccssrullvvaccinated. Testimonialsetc. 1 jf\i _ ' a M PASTEUR VACCINE CO.MM / f- ' 56 Fifth Avenue , Chicago. gS V BEWARE OF IMITATIONS , NONE GENUINE WITHOUT OUR TRADE MARK. HK _ _ > . I ; " " " " " ' > [ iili i l-iJl.iliflii - . ] , M „ . . .iii.ih. . . i. . „ ' * if " y ' • * I wKBmmmammmmmnBmmmmammm mmmmmmmm . ' ' , " STEALING LITTLE ONES. + ; , „ . , ' • Anv Industry Which I Shawlui ; Slsn : ' \ . \ . ' • of KcvlvaL l i ' V • Away back in the , dark , ages when civilization was .slow in coming and the Tjarbarities' ' 6f ihe vicious members of the HumanfmUy made 'innocent people shudder , tthere were organized bands of fiafllans who made it a part # of their business' to kidnap children arid sometimes grown persons , and hold them un il various sums of mon ey were extorted from the agonized . parents , or friends. ' Qf course children were their favorite prey , as they were more easily kept and could not escape without assistance. Terrified..into si lence , shut up in some interior apart ment of a building , or concealed in a cave , many a child has dragged out a wretched" existence , frightened , ne glected and at last murdered or thrown into dens of vice if the demands of the kidnappers were not complied with. Since the time when Charley Ross so suddenly and mysteriously passed out of knowledge , ' -but few attempts have been made to disturb , the quiet of American households in this way. But of late" the disposition to extort money in this manner has seemed to be grow ing , and , in spite of themselves , Am erican parents are feeling-more or less concerned because of the dangers that menace their little ones. There is no punishment severe enough for the vil lain who snatches a child from the heart of a quiet , and unsuspecting fam ily. There is a moral and emotional phase to such an act that is by no means met if the miserable wretch ends his life at the hands of a justly en raged mob. There -is that , however , in the alertness of the American mind that makes it somewhat difficult for acts of this sort to go unpunished. It is not the easiest thing in the world for men of the sort who do deeds of this kind to escape detection. Such things might have been possible when the country was new and sparsely set tled , and when there were unbroken forests an unexplored caverns all about the great hills that environ some of our eastern cities. But the habit of observation is very strong in the average Yankee , and any unusual action or appearance is quite likely to be observed or commented on. There are towns in the vicinity of New York City into which a stranger , cannot go and lounge for six hours without the kdetective force is warned of it and knows his movements thoroughly. If there is the least suspicious action or expression he is not free from espion age as long as he remains. It is great ly to the credit of the men to whom the safety of these places is entrusted that they are rarely mistaken in their estimation of the men they shadow. In one town within six years not a mis take has been made , and dozens of stragglers have been apprehended and either put behind the bars or given to understand that in moving on was their only safety. In the case of the Conway child it was developed upon inquiry that if this scheme worked satisfactorily other children were to be similarly captured , and held , until money could be extorted from the par ents. But the sudden coming to grief' of this eifort has , it is hopedshown the persons who contemplate such villainy that the undertaking is altogether too , risky to pay. It is a fact that ninety- nine out of a hundred crimes are de tected and the criminals are punished. The hundredth escapes sometimes merely by fortunate circumstances , and sometimes because a thorough sifting reveals the fact that the criminal was too close to the household to be prose cuted. The cold-blooded fiendishness of the kidnapper of children is scarcely paralleled by any act in the history of crime. That all efforts should be made to prevent a recurrence of such acts every well _ disposed member of every community will devoutly wish. New York Ledger. - • When Trees Go to Sleep. * Trees and plants have their regular , times for going to sleep , as well as boys and girls.They need the same chance to rest from the work of. growing and -to repair and oil the machinery c-f life. Some plants do all their sleeping in the winter while the ground is frozen and the limbs are bare of leaves.In tropical countries where the snow nev er falls and. itis always growing weath er the trees repose during the rainy .season or during periods of drought. "They always choose the most unfavor able working time for doing their sleeping , , just as mankind chooses the night , when he cannot see to work. In connection with this interesting fact , a Norwegian observer has made some interesting experiments , in which he has tried to chloroform plants , arid he has found that the fumes of this an aesthetic or sleep-giver has a marked effect on the plant , making it sleep harder and grow faster when it wakes up. Hack to the Old Home. J. H. Hairston , a colored convict who recently escaped from the Virginia penitentiary , has , just sent a pathetic appeal to the superintendent of that institution to get him back. That of ficial on Tuesday received a telegram from Hairston , dated at Farmville , in which he said : "Please send up here after me at once. " This is the first time in the history of the institution * in which one of the escaped inmates Indicated so much anxiety to return. His wisli will be complied with prompt ly. Ex. ' v ' The most unique fence in Maine is that of a Harpswell fisherman. His front yard is surrounded by the swords of swordflsh , many of which have fig ured in exciting episodes. Exchange. i . , . „ rjJ i iiiiwa H aM Biwaaia < M < aigtBaiMaaBBaiaai 9- Lincoln FarK , Chicago , , ; } , jOnopftbo ; beauty bpots of Chicago , is described in a most beautifully illustrated lidok ; of 00 pages , uow being distributed by tbo Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul l oilway4Conipany. Itis , full of. tbejflnost . • ulf-tou ' o 'picturfcs of ode of Creation's . aostchanning places of resort for citizens jf tbo Great Ilopublic. Everyone vho has ever visited tbo park will appreciate the souvenir , and for tboso who bavo notit . .will bo n rovolatiou of what is po bo seen in Chicago. It can only bo procured by enclosing twenty-flve (25) ( ) cents iu coin or postage stamps , to Geo. II. Heafford , gen eral passenger agent , 410 Old Qolony lluildiug , Chicago , 111. The man who * robs others does not make the best of himself. The ass might sing better if he didn't pitch hitf tune sb high. Deafness Cannot Be Curcci by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion or the car. There is only one way to cure deafnnss , and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi tion of the mucous lining of the _ JSus-i tacblan Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect hearing , and when It is entirely closed. Deafness is the result , and .un less the Inflammation can bo taken out and this tubu restored to its normal con dition , hearing will be destroyed forever ; nine cases cut of ten are caused by ca tarrh , which Is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness ( caused by catarrh ) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars , free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo O. * Sold by Druggists , 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. You bet if a young husband fails to kiss his wife when he comes home , the girls notice it. Educate Your Bowel * Witli Cascarets. Candy Cathartic , cure constipation forever. 10c. 2oc. If C. C. C. fail , drugsistsVefund money. When a man talks too much , it may be said he has a runaway tongue. Dr. Kiiy's Renovator is guaranteed to cure dyspepsli , constipation and to renovate the system. Everybody sajs "Go up higher" to the man who is "getting there. 5' Coc's Couch Itnlsnm Is the oldest anil best , ft will break up a cold quieter than anything else. It is always reliable. Try it. There is a story on every man that ever lived. Sirs. WIiikIoiv'h Sootmi : ; * syrap For children tcethInirsoften < the fnims.reduces inflam mation , al.ays puin , cures wind colic. 15 cents u buttle. The man who looks at a clock five minutes to see what time it is , is lazy. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 23c. If C. C. C. fail to cure , druggists refund money. Men , as a rule , do not like to lie , but their wives ask too many questions. Poet Colcrldxe'a Kepsirtoc. "Do you really believe that an ass ever spoke to Balaam' ? " ' queried it man. who had prided himself on his in tellect. Coleridge , to whom the ques tion was put , reflected very calmly for a few moments , and then responded : "My friend , I have no doubt whatever that the story is true. I have been spoken to in the sumo way njyself. " ( > ive lis lt < : * t. Thli is the prayer of tbo nervous who do not sleep well. Let them use Hostettcr's Stomach Hitters and their prayer wlllbu speedily answered. Insomnia Is the product or Indigestion and nervousness , two associate ailments soon remedied by the Hitters , which also vanquishes malaria , constipation , liver complaint , rheumatism and Kidney com plaints. There are forty-seven papers and magazines iu this country edited or managed by women. Tf you want to operate on the Chicago Hoard of Trade send for our free book con taining full Information' how to trade. On account of tlio short wliuatcrop In foreign countries and the short corn crop In tills country , both com and wheat will selt much higher , and now is the time to make a prollt- alilo Investment. Wo execute orders In wheat in 1.000 bushels and upwards * and corn and oats iu 5.0CO bushels and upwards. Write us today. It. J. Latiehery & Co. , 'JiS ltlalto Uulldlug , Chicago Members Chicago Hoard of Trade. The invention of the typewriter has given emplo3ment to oyer hulf a mil lion women. FITS PermanentljCured.NofiUorncrvousnes.iaftoi first day's use of Dr. Kline's lireut .Nervu Uestoror. Send lor FREE S-.00 trial bottle and treatise. Un. R. II. Kx.INB.l.td.,931 Arch St. . Philadelphia , Pa. A shallow man always sees the face of a fool by looking into a deep well. FAnitBLL < N KAKI.Vt ! POWJIKIl IS The best , at half the price ; all grocers will re fund your money If you are not satisfied. Italy has more theatres than any any otiier country in Europe. Xo-To-Bae for FUty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , makes weak men strong , blood pure. 50c. 51. All druggists. We should like to see the man who can stand up against his kin. Bmoke Sledge Cigarettes , 20 for 5 cts. A good dog is worth more than you can get for it. • i ' ' • i i rr i rM.i w JHPBBSWB1 _ B * * * I - Jji | | I f I iThere is a t f f I iClass of People ! f | | Who are injured by the use " * of coffee. Recently there + , has been pluced in all the * ' tfl grocery stores n now pre- • a pnration called GUAIN-O , # • H made of pure grains , that * _ H takes the plnco of coffee. H 4 > The most delicate stomach X receives it without distress , - Hand and but few can tell it from 9 < > coffee. It docs not cost over < > j H M as much. Children mny J jH drink it with great benefit. jH % 15 cents and 25 cents per > ) H % package. Try it. Ask for J _ - GRAIN-O. * H ITry Grain = 0 ! | ; * f _ _ * S k " . . , . , . , H mir .r : 'in I' ' l i i i ui.ii nn.i n'i-iiai ' \ iiiiuiiiuua umv ji f eHAI rLVegetable [ ] HALLO Sicilian f 1HAIR RENBWERl I D Prevents the hair from falli H 111 ing out , and makes a new ml H ioft , growth come in. You Jgti j H ! lg\ . savc w at vou kavcykh. _ i $ pjcs. and get more. No Swj H lllll w gray ir ' * m | E lli _ _ s i51 _ _ _ _ _ " .ESlf lD V NEW DISCOVERY : eft" , _ H BUS ? _ _ x7 fi t2 * > a quick relief and cures wornt ifl H rasps. Send for book of testimonials and lO days' _ H treatment Free. Dr. il.ji.JiE5'8SOSsiuts.o _ ' _ | W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 45. 1897. | ' M When -writing to advorllsers , kindly mention - / " r m B . ' k this paper. W lP T > i E CREAT REMEDY $ /vA aI / f | _ H PgB ! CURES PROMPTLY. &sX _ f _ _ _ _ ! • * ' _ f _ iM _ _ " 5T _ _ _ _ M : ? ( .Mg. tte. M . J3UMl. . .f . • UK * • iV' jtA. < * . ijit. . M . _ _ _ F vM . f H • yii" * % • -Tvt- • } * • - JiViiV 'A * • siv'Ji * - • ? ! ii * * J - wtW * /i- - iv ? • /iV I ? H $ * f ICiidyard JnipUng7 * * l 41 , MwmWiI " % \ * e famous story-writer , is only one of many celebrated H M\ j \ ! JlM&LVj6 \ * > W contributors engaged to write for the next volume of " [ H * * * * • li l W / To snow tne variefl strength and charm of The " ) H w v- / IWW Mwi ( Companion's original features for 1898 , we give the I ) | ' l ' followmg partial list of J ? -j H sS/ * _ rV \Mf/// \ - - I | | % Distinguished Contributors. f M H . . - . Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone W. D. Howells [ ' * B wi ii jmI/Ii I Hon" Thomas B-Reed Alme LiHan , Nordica C ' K " - * / - / 5 ' ? ; _ _ ' ' mpi'MM y y/WW/ ) ) ) } on' us n McCarthy Mrs. Burton Harrison H WllMnmlfiii Hon. George F. Hoar Octave Thanet • " H # Wmm SMJw m Lieut.Peary Mary E. Wilkins ; f H wK m Mm MaxO'Rell Margaret E. Sangster J H Frank R Stockton Harriet P. Spofford M 4 ' " • * % Rudyard Kipling's thrilling new story. "The BarnfnK of the Sarah ' V " ' . And Fully Two Hundred Others.'W * H l | Sands , 'will appear exclusively in The Companion during 1898. 4 Gold Embossed Calendar Free to New Subscribers. H J This Calendar is published exclusively by The Youth's Companion and could not be sold in Art Stores for less than \ H i | % ? I.OO. It consists ofthree folding parts , each a true reproduction of charming group pictures. X3 See Important Offer. H S _ - _ - XEAV SUI5SCUIEEKS who ivill cut out this slii and send it at once , with name Z _ _ _ H 1/5. 9 ar S Wm rK O • t and address , and Sl.7.1 , will receive : . . . . . . . Z m/ . _ _ H fefsj 3 D a _ r Q I FKEE The Companion every week from the time snhscnption is received tUl 2 ? / WMMMMMM T 5 Ibi B-a January 1 , 1S98. - . , , . , Z _ _ l 3 FREE ThanltSKivins : , Christmas and New Tear's Double lumbers. _ _ H p ,1 , 3 . . .TO. . . FKEE The Companion Art Calendar for 1898 , a production superior to any of § I H & 2 _ . . . . the famous pieces of Companion color-work of previous years. It is a beaujj _ • ; H 1 * " 3 Ian I rtQrt . tiful ornament and a costly Kift. Size 10x24 in. Frte to 3 > tp Sub.eribers. S -7jt H S * * " * • V * JW. And Tlie Companion Fifty-Two Weeks , a Full Year , to January 1 , 18U9. HS3 Z WMMMMMM J Illustrated Prospectus of the Volume for 1S33 and Sample Copies of the Paper Free. J ? ; . H % TIE YOUTH'S COMPANION , 201 Columbus Avenue , - - BOSTON , MASS. • H I Iv I / & 1 ? 55T ? i1 ? 'A * TAiW * ? iv"Jiv - i * * * " "W " * * • J * * " ' * * • * } ' v' t ! ii "ii'C- m LJMM Iil2if il _ _ _ _ _ Hio ( inKB e I slicker ; WILL KEEP YOU DRY , j 3 ? ) B Don'tbefooledwithamackintosh BSk 'jaj'l ' or rubber coat. If you wanta coat F jjiKg 1 that will keep you dry in the harda - 7i & ' ' * - Test storm buy the Fish Brands iL'Qr < J > I Slicker. If not for sale in y ° urCfe & * _ Ki _ * own. write for catalogue to B iJSSS _ 8jig g A. J. TOWER. . Boston. Alass. % * % * r tS5S rx EiLEGflHTrchfe3 B. Vrf ? . ' 'T7 ? - S Buy direct. Get the- fB | * _ = y V : _ B best. At Factory Prices. JIT 1 IBT _ _ _ . lr1 ; = T Warranted 10 jears : all \iS2 [ _ _ _ _ _ ji _ 3 attnehmeatn for fancy _ _ _ nrJli work , JVo Money in ad' Itff vl .y'V * tanee. PreeWdnr trial. Th • W _ _ S _ r5iSet Elegant Altah. , $13JS0 to tZiM. VV10 Eecnlar price See to J1C0. Tha m JfM IlJnl oBnrt dnrable ArpjlM $1G5 HES \ _ SS8 S1 to $1960rectdnr _ price ttO to VlllLS3 J S60 * Th8 6ins r ° < Ml l 525. . irnPiirffnTn | Send for lnrKOcatalosnebefow 5 ' * * * you buy , nnd Bare money. ELY MF'G CO. . 307-309 Wabash Ave. . Chicago. Oft AS E ( & Self-adding , pat. combination beam \ | j 11 | _ P _ k " ° ' ° ese wefebts. U. S. f tan < lar ; * * * 'r' " " vBeft ami cheapurt. Sopd for prices WEEKS SCALE WORKS , BUFFALO , N. Y. CDCIGUT BflEfl oa * " oraers. of 20U0 Eq. ft. of 'nCiunl r'iU Rooting or Wall and CVillng Manilla. Wr te for samples and prices. XJie _ _ y aiaiiilln Koofixts Company , Camden , > . J. TJ HtS tllEAlL EUSEFAILS Ea tmd Best Congh Syrup. Tastes Good. Use I * ! E m time. Sold by druggists gl lY , t 4 jB i _ _ _ _ 1 ' _ --i - - 1 _ _ " _ _ H H _ BH 5 If you are going to bicycle , bicycle now don't < * MMMMMMm ) put off healthful pleasure 'tis a long time to spring } { H i * months of the .best of riding days Columbia ' H riders wheel on certainty. H I $ ° a l u | H 1897 Columbias , $75 I ua b _ _ H _ _ H ) Hartford Bicycles , $50 , $45 , $40. } M WMMMMMM I _ a rSaSga ? - : POPE MFG. CO. , Hartford , Conn. | \ HH tjy Z&l CURE YOURSELF ! | T y CDHESS 1 Use Bie G for unnatural / /la 1 w5d y . \ I discharges , inflammations , / rf On rmnt d y Irritations or ulcerations lvii cot ta iuiciort. 0f mucous membranes. | C alP"T"lu coa" i0B- Painless , and not aatrin- tfoo\ITHE \ VAX3 GHEUICAlCa fient or poisonous. F _ \ciHaNNATI.O.L J SoIdbyDrngBUta , % \ tT. S. x. 7. r or 8ent 'n ' Plln wrapper , \ ISA. I ° y express , prepaid , for * < W * < io1 J.m or 3 bottles , $2.75. t _ Circular ent on request. SOUTHERN j H Homeseeksrs'Gulde ETery hoaicjeekcr should address either J. T. \ MMMMMMm JIKRRY. A. G. r. A. . Manchester , Iowa ; W. A. \ * MWMMMMMM KiJLLOND , A. a. P. A. , LontiTille , Ky. . or S. Q. f jMMMMMMMM HATCH , I > . I" . A. . Cincinnati. O. , for a tree copy of IMWMMMMMM the ILLINOIS CKNTRAL KAILKOAD'S MWMMMMMMM SOUrHERN ilOMESEEKERS' GUIDE. wWMMMMMMM MMMMMMMm wmmmmmmm