The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 29, 1897, Image 7

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    Mff -
b1\ \ Men ° f the noblest dispositions
HH H think themselves happiest when others
Hw. k1 Fhare their happiness with them.
k.M . Jeremy Taylor.
Br ; V The greatest capo in the world is
H SKl/ Capo Horn , a ijrecipitoiiB mountain
UMjBtH OVCr 3'000 fcet h'sh' '
flgljjf * i , The nobleness of lifo depends on its
Hfljb i consistency , clearness of purpose , quiet
JH a and ceaseless energy.Ruskin. .
| S > " ) f ' Prayer is not conquering God's re-
H 'tf . - luctance , but laying hold upon God's
HR j'r r\ , willingness. Phillips Brooks.
KSi- > $ > * Unmingled Joys here to no man 'be-
Hm\ | , fa 11. Southwell.
> i '
Hj ) Lincoln I'urJc , Chicago ,
fl Tj Ono of the bounty upots of Chicago , is
Vr' described in n most beautifully illustrated
Hr-/ ) { t\ Wool : , of DO pages , now being distributed
85 I ) lJT the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
HXutT Jtuilwny Company. It is full of the finest
HfitjUt half-tone pictures of one of Creation's
n\i most charming places of resort for citizens
HRSk # / of the Great Republic. Everyone who has
Kw * jf\ over visited the park will appreciate the
wK > ) ij houvenir , and for these who have not it
IBCJiTf will bo a revelation of what is to be seen
Rawu ( in Chicago. It can only bo procured by
HBMenclosing ) twenty-flvo (25) ( ) cents in coin or
HBra postage stamps , to Geo. H. Henfford , gen-
Hk1 i > n ernl passenger agent , 410 Old Colony
PS ) h\j ] Building , Chicago , . 111.
flffKv -A- recent invention Is a cradle that
BBryj rocks by means of a clockwork inech-
BXlt < ( anis-31 , and , at the same time , plays
BSttr/\ haby tunes.
KJlji * Tf you want to operate on tli * Chicago
V/ ( Board of Trade send for our free book con-
KHV . talnlnR full Information how to trade. On
KHt account of the short wheat crop In foreign
Bffr r ? / J countries and the short corn crop in this
K ETsf/ / country , both corn and wheat will bell much
f " 9l s / higher , and now is the time to make a proflt-
# y f able investment. We execute orders in
BBK , " wheat in 1.000 bushels and upwards , and
BiiM com and oats in 5,000 bushels and upwards.
HPAV Write us today. It. J. Laughery & Co. , 223
K'tf lUalto Huilding , Chicago Members Chicago
KVa V Board of Trade.
Hf& % } As far as calculations can decide , the
VJH/ / temperature of comets is believed to be
Hi , 2,000 times fiercer than that of red-hot
HJ ? , Iron-
HfK ' • ' The best ; all pro errs will refund your money If
bH | > you arc not satisfied with It.
Kb There in India -widows
> ,1 are % 200,000widows
B9g aged between ten and fourteen years ,
j V { and 80,000 less than nine years old.
B ' ' 3Zrs.VInsIow' Sootninj ; syrup
H H , ' , For children tcethinffsoften < i the gumg.reduces lnflam-
Kdv maUou , al.ays pain , cures wind colic. ' > cents a bottlo.
HvK What is ambition ? Tis a glorious
Bfk.f cheat. Willis.
fjrV I * TO CURE A c ° LD IN olfE dav.
ft-jA ] Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
jkn ' Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c '
LftYt Gambling mania is now accepted in I
Sfv , , Franco as a ground for divorce. |
- . - < -
" * * " " " * " " " " " " "
ui iirirm y" f" .
A Kansas City young man * of Amen ,
can parentage , whose Christian name
was Moses , lias had it changed to
Moke , which may or may not be an
Life's a short summer ; man a flow
er. Dr. Johnson.
How'R This !
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHENEV & CO. , Toledo , O.
We , the undersigned , have known P.
J. Cheney for the lost 15 years , and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and Unancially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
"West & Truax. Wholesale DrugKlsts ,
Toledo , Or Walding , Kinnan & Marvin , '
Wholesale Druggists , Toledo , O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally ,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Testimo
nials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold
by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Religion is the mortar that binds so
ciety together ; the granite pedestal of
liberty ; the strong backbone of the
social system. Dr. Guthrie.
Tours In the Rocky Mountains.
The " -Scenic Line of the World. " the
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad , offers to
tourists in Colorado , Utah and Now Mexico
ice the choicest resorts , and to the trans
continental traveler the grandest scenery.
Two separate and distinct routes through
the Rocky Mountains , all through tickets
available via oithor. The direct line to
Cripple Creek , the greatest Gold Camp on
earth. Double daily train service with
through Pullman sleepers and tourists1 cars
between Denver to San Francisco.
The best line to Utah , Idaho , Montana ,
Oregon and Washington via the " Ogden
Gateway. "
Write S. K. Hooper , G. P. & T. A. , Den
ver , Colorado , for illustrated descriptive
A god book is the precious life-blood
of a master spirit , embalmed and
treasured up on purpose to a life be
yond life. Milton.
Cheap Tickets
Via the Omaha & St. Louis R. R. and
Wabasli R. R. St. Louis , one way,89.13i
round trip , S15.35. On sale every Tues
days and Thursdays. St. Louis : Round
trip October 3d to 8th , 811.50. Home-
seekers' Excursions. South : Septem
ber 21 , October 5 and 19. One fare the
round trip , plus S3. Springfield , 111. :
Round trip , S13.2 : " > ; on sale September '
18 , 19 , 20. For tickets and further in
formation call at 1415 Farnam St. ( Paxton -
ton Hotel Block ) , Omaha , or write G.
N. Claj'ton , Omaha. Neb.
Few people in India eat more than
twice a day and thousands only once.
Coe's Cough Balsam
Is the oldest and best. It will break up a cold quicker
than anything else. It Is always reliable. Try it.
The paths of glory lead but to the
grave. Gray.
Hfi ! ( bf T V V V T T V "V V \ V " T v " " " ' * "
fllft * > L ii fti rT > i rdfri r4Ki r i/h r % A Ai Aii i/k 1 ifirffoi - - |
ft * ' 4 I I i I I 111 I m/ 4
if'i 1 tmiKi v > ]
HM * j The hair is like a plant. What makes the !
B \ j plant fade and wither ? Usually lack of neces1
Bjjwv A sai7 nourishment. The reason why Ayer's Hair L
HKKwii ? " "l A Vigor restores gray or faded hair to its normal T.J
HUKwi \ \ J color , stops hair from falling , and makes it rJ
B Jfr J grow , is because it supplies the nourishment the fc > J
Hl | " n hair needs. i i
K ( S A - , , ffiu , , - - - - - * - AA -
| : \ | Walter Baker & Co. 's t
Wn I fLaBreakfast C0 AI
7 $ ( § fltp Pure , Delicious , Nutritious. 1
( ( ( ( B Iy \ M % $ Wi Costs Zess than ONE CENT a cnp. f
A\m" . Hh W l > ll Be sure that the package bears our Trade-Mark. A ,
IUHfr ) III Kill Walter Baker & Co. Limited , /
H i / " tjiuJJp ( Established 1780. ) Dorchester , Mass. t
\ ( V TradeIark. _ 8
IBs ! & 0k ! * \ M9,933w
Jh W
| HJ \ s > > specialist
I B.i Tf WSCttfw > " 3l\ wno TREATS ALL
Bil I6l . LT * > > / 20 Tears * Experience.
.CM _ \ 5 10 Years In Omaha.
K4 ffc , \ _ 4 _ • /aT _ Book free. Consultation
P H mtr J Bfe ' > lfei ? &ni Examlnatloc Tree.
K % ? ( SH U 14th & Farnam St-
' '
K'l ? K Yf iA &roa gilt e < ! f.o line , and CTcry
tf. fe X\rV KCnlloman should see thom be-
[ 'Jr/ I ; V Vv toro buying. They a re the best
VtvU .O V > % K.o ehave ever offered. Ask
Bk > ' Yv fi KLQlift v\tX jour dealer tor them , and
. Olke S v tou wUl Get the best as
iV fe fe"sx " ell as the latest
H \ \ C * * _ - * - . W _ N _ style shoe
H yl VSt r tf * tq 2jLlnlh0 mar-
| | | H if ' w&Bmp j * ggw iiiiw * " * ni ii hull
| | | | Sl/ \ B .NXL V Ol oi u , Dcs Moines , la.
i i i K * 1
H\ & O i J@il HOGety0urPens'0n '
B ; fii Write CAPT. O'FARRELL , Pension Agent ,
I VS U2S New York Avenue. WASHINGTON , D.C.
fl It Late rriscrpal Zzsmlner V. S. Pension Screas.
| | | | | | BV > | 3/is. in last war , liaSjuilatiaicltias , aUjr. sine *
Br _ ysy iii iij JLi
V | S Best Couch Syrup. Tastes Good. Use gi
BSHL E9 la lime , gold by drncgists. El _
" ' ' ' " ' " " "
at BjiiU' ' JUMI ' HM-iimi 'M ' mi ii i miiilnii i i imiiri TrTr J ;
Oj Keeps both rider and siddle perSj J | 5 ]
SDgB fectly dry in the hardest storms. ajBEf '
i PSSsI Substitutes will disappoint. Ask forJIR i
J i8o7Rsh Brand Pommel Slicker ? ; 2 ?
& } lit is entirely new. If not for sale In jj5 i
2IBe1 your town , write for catalogue to SJtKO ? <
tt/H M A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass. * aW | |
* T y OVBJE \ . I Use Big for unnatural
/ f In 1 to S d > ycI discharges , inflammations ,
I-t-f OtunsucdJ irritations or ulcerations ,
If ! bf not to uiieture. cf mucous membranes. <
j pmrau eoau < oa. Painless , and not astrin1
I &ITHEEVANS ChemkulCo. fi = nt or poisonous.
B VCHC1NHATI.0.L ! I S1 * byl > mgtl t , 1
\ \ U.S.a. y Per Bent in plain wrapper , j
. ISA. 1 T express , prepaid , for
" 2 " " " Jell flor 3 bottien , ? 2.73. \
i , 'Ct.y ' M Circular sent on request.
AlinUt/r \ howihd when to go.
Steamer Dates , Distances , Practical Adrice. All In
our pamphlet. " l'UKON POINTBB8 , " postage S
paid to any address Tor BO Cents.
Arctic Publusliing Co. , Seattle Wash. ]
' elet lTkonpsM's Eyt Wafer , j
m ia mi 1 1 ft tnii mimii i ii ' iiriwmmini inni
Coarago to Face the Ordeal One Man
Could Not Utter tlio Vows llccuaso of
Ills Kit rem e Nervousness Som
Amuslnc IncCdents.
y = OSSIBLY. every
fr w man about to mar-
Ajl ry experiences a [
f l novel inward flutter
Iicfu when crucial hour
ijspfj arrives and br/ngs
fVe ' the altar into sight , '
but it is not often )
that one hears of a
prospective hus
band whose nerve
deserts him to the
extent that he fights shy of the cere
mony at the last moment and allows ,
the brids to leave the church without
having changed her name , says Happy
Thoughts. Hitches of this startling
kind do , however , now and then occur. ?
The bridegroom has not the courage
to face the public ordeal , and the sit
uation becomes both humorous aud
dramatic. A most amusing attack of
"nerves" of this order was witnessed
by a large crowd at a country church ,
not long since. The bridegroom was
late in arriving. When at length lie
came abreast of the church gates , heat
ed and flurried , the sight of his white- ,
robed life partner in the midst of an
imposing party fairly scattered what
courage he had summoned for the !
occasion. He turned and made off
across country as fast as his shaking
legs would carry him. The crowd and
a number of his indignant friends pur
suing him , he took refuge up a tree , }
and no remonstrances would induce
him to descend and go through the cer
emony. He paid rather dearly for his
cowardice , however , for the bride
promptly jilted him and walked to the ,
• same church with a bolder man a few
months later. , At another church in
the neighborhood a number of people
who had flocked to see a popular local
couple made one were curiously dis
appointed. When it came to the turn
of the bridegroom to give utterance to
his vows he was found to be tongue-
tied by sheer nervousness. The longer
they waited for him to recover the
worse he became , and finally , white as
a ghost , he wheeled about and ran out
of the building. As no amount of jeers
or encouragement served to induce him
to attempt the ordeal a second time he
perforce remained in single misery.
Plenty of humorous instances have
been recorded where the intended hus
band , brave enough in his wooing.has
found himself unable to stand and be
publicly married. One gentleman be
came so unnerved at sight of the swell
ing assembly and the preparations that
he slipped into the vestry and locked
himself in until the registrar lost pa
tience and the ceremony had to be.
abandoned. In another case a missing
bridegroom was discovered locked in
his bedroom at home and sheer force
had to be used by his friends before
he could be induced to walk to the
church. As it turned out he was too
late. The bride felt herself justified in
declining to fulfill her part of the con
tract with so diffident a partner. But
perhaps as unique an example of what
may be termed "altar fright" as any
known was one which caused quite a
sensation in a midland town some
years ago. The circumstances were
peculiar enough to bear repetition. A
young man , standing at the altar with
the future participant of his joys and
sorrows , suddenly fainted when asked
to declare his willingness to take a wife
and had to be carried home in a cab.
Later he essayed to enter the lists of
matrimony with more success , but ,
strange to say , his nervousness again
reached such a pitch that he swooned
at precisely the same part of the pro
ceedings. When on a third occasion
the same weakness overcame him as
soon as he entered the church it he-
came evident that his physical cour
age was not equal to the ordeal. Wheth
er the bride declined to look foolish
for a fourth time or whether the cere
mony was subsequently performed in
private was not told. Brides , it is in
teresting to note , do not appear to suf
fer from any such backwardness ,
rheir nervousness seems to be of a
iifferent order and it is seldom or
aever that one hears of a case where
Lhe lady has failed to come up to the
'line" through mere dread of public
"Where mustaches Are Barred.
Time was in England when the em
ployes of banks might not wear beards
> r mustaches. This restriction has in
ilmost every instance long been re-
noved. One exception still remains ,
rhe historic house of Coutts , where
oyalty keeps its private accounts , de-
dines tc alter the rule of a by-gone age ,
md viskjrs to its ancient walls will
lote that its employes present a re-
narkably trim and smart appearance ,
rhe younger clerks yearning for those
lirsute adornments so dear to budding
idolescence have recently memorialized
he partners on this subject , but , alas !
vithout success.
Rem embrances.
Wife ( revisiting the scene of her be-
rothal ) I remember , Algernon , so ,
? ell when you proposed to me , how <
lainfully embarrassed you were. Al-
; ernon Yes , dear ; and I remember so
rell how kind and encouraging you
trere , and how very easy you made it ;
or me , after all.
The Latest In Combs.
A new comb has the teeth formed
eparately with eyelets in the base ,
rhich are threaded on a wire and im-
° dded in an elastic strip for use , mak-
3T the comb easy to clean. i
Woman' * Kotlnlnc Inilucnco In Mnlchiu
Her Family Happy.
The most perfect home I ever saw
was it little house into the sweet iiicotieo
of whoso fire went no costly things ,
but the mother was a creator of home ;
her relation with her children was the
most beautiful I have ever seen ; even
a dull and commonplace man was
lifted tin aud enabled to do good work
for r.ouls by the atmosphere which this
woman created ; every inmata of the
house involuntarily looked into her
fae for the keynote of the day and it
always rang clear. From the rosebud
or clover leaf , wjiich in spite of her
hard housework , she always found time
to put by our plates at breakfast , down
to the essay or story she had on hand
to bo read or discussed in the evening ,
there was no intermission of her in
She has always been and always will
bo my ideal of a mother , wife , home-
maker. It is more than twenty year3
since I crossed the threshold. I do
not know whether she is living or not.
But as I see house after house in which
fathers and mothers and children are
dragging out their lives in a haphazard
alternation of listless routine and un
pleasant collision. I always think with
a sigh of that poor little cottage by the
sea-shore and of the woman who was
the "light thereof , " and I find in the
faces of many men and children , as
plainly written , and as sad to see as
in the newspaper columns , "Wanted
a home. "
"Didn't you forget something , sir , "
asked the waiter. "Yes , " replied
Gimpy , reaching for his hat. "You
were so long bringing my dinner that
I forgot what I had ordered. " Phila
delphia North American.
"When you visit Omaha you should call at
C. S. Raymond Co. 's jewelry store , corner
Fifteenth and Douglas streets , and ex
amine their jewelry and art goods for
wedding , birthday and Christmas presents ,
also steel engraved wedding stationery , in
vitations and visiting cards. It is the only
first class , up-to-dato jewelry , art and cut
glass store west o Chicago and St. Louis.
Engraving and printing 100 visiting cards
$1.50 by mail.
First Passenger Would you an
ion d me your spectacles a moment ,
please ? Second Passenger Certainly ,
sir. First Passenger Ah , thank you ;
now , as you cannot see to read your
paper , would you mind letting me have
it , please ? Tit-Bits.
Toronto hotels have been bothered
by a man who persists in putting six
names on the register and ordering six
rooms , although no one accompanies
him , and he represents nobody but
Two Millions a Year.
When people buy , try , and buy again , it
means they're satisfied. The people of the
United States are now buying Cascarets
Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million
boxes a year and it will be three million
: bef ore New Year's. It moans merit proved ,
that Cascarets are the most delightful
bowel regulator for everybody the year
round. All druggists 10c , 25c , 50c a box ,
cure guaranteed.
Notwithstandingall the efforts of in
ventors , no one has been able to dis
cover a substitute for leather. For
shoes , belting , harness and a thousand
other uses , "there's nothing like leath
er. "
There Is a Claps of People
Who are injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed in all
the grocery stores a new preparation
called GRAIN-O , made of pure grains ,
that takes the place of coffee. The
most delicate stomach receives it with
out distress , and but few can tell it
from coffee. It does not cost over %
as much. Children may drink it with
great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents
per package. Try it. Ask for
To live invthe presence of great
truths and eternal laws , to be led by
permanent ideals that is what keeps
a. man patient when the world ignores
him , and calm and unspoiled when the
world praises him. Balzac.
It is only from the belief of the
goodness and wisdom of a Supreme Be
ing that our calamities can be borne
in the manner which becomes a man.
Wake Up.
Yes , wake up to the danger which threat
ens you if your kldnyes and bladder are inac
tive or weak. Don't you know that if you
fail to impel them to action , Bright's disease
or .diabetes awaits you ? Use Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters without delay. It has a most
beneficial effect upon the kidneys when slug
gish , and upon the bowels , liver , stomach and
nervous system.
Man's life is a book of history ; the
leaves therof are days ; the letters ,
mercies closely joined ; the title is
Sod's praise. Masson.
The Burlington Koute California Ex
Cheap , Quick , Comfortable.
Leave Omaha 4:35 p. m. , Lincoln 6:10 p. m.
and Hastings 8:50 p. m. every Thursday In
clean , modern , not crowded tourist sleepers.
No transfers ; cars run right through to San
Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic
Route through Denver and Salt Lake City.
Cars are carpeted ; upholstered in rattan ;
have spring seats and backs and are pro
dded with curtains , bedding , towels , soap ,
2tc. Uniformed porters and experienced ex-
: ursion conductors accompany each excur
sion , relieving passengers of all bother about
baggase , pointing out objects of Interest and
In many other ways helping to make the
Dveriand trip a delightful experience. Second
class tickets are honored. Berths 85.-
For folder giving full information , call at
nearest Burlington Route ticket office , or
write to J. Francis , General Passenger Agent ,
Omaha , Neb.
Nothln is ever done beautifully
vhich is done in rivalship ; nor nobly
vhlch is done in pride. Ruskin.
Read the Advertisements.
You will enjoy this publication much
setter if you will get into the habit of
reading the advertisements ; they will
ifford a most interesting study and
vill put you in the way of getting
iome excellent bargains. Our adver
tisers are reliable , they send what
; hey advertise.
For , live how we can , die we mjst.
To men ( plain onvdopo. ) How , nftor ton
years' fruitless doctoring , I was fully re
stored to full vigor and robust mnubeod.
No C.O.D. fraud. No mousy accepted. No
connection with medical concorns. Sent
absolutely free. Address , Lock Box 2S8 ,
Chicago , 111. Bond 2-ccnt stamp if con
She Isn't Colonel Oldbore the worst
fellow for firing off old saws and say
ings ? He A regular maxim-gun , oh ?
Brooklyn Life.
History is Indeed little more than
the register of the crimes , follies and
misfortunes of mankind. Gibbon.
SIOOO Given Away.
Think of it ! Ono thousand dollars
in gold coin offered free by the Sterling
Remedy Company , to the friends and
endorsers of Cascarets Candy Cathar
tic. The Sterling is honest and re
liable , its offer Is liberal and attrac-
ivo and Cascarets are the best medl-
: ino preparation ever discovered. Don't
miss your share of the gold , for you
an easily get It by reading and an
swering the big ad In this issue.
I have always found that the honest i
truth of one mind has a certain attraction - I
tion for every other mind which loves' '
truth honestly. Thomas Carlyle. I
The relative size of the earth as compared - '
pared with the sun is , approximately ,
that of a grain of sand to an orange.
Dnorsr treated f reo by Dr. H. H. Green's
Sons , of Atlanta , Ga. The greatest dropsy !
specialists in the world. Head their adver
tisement in another column of this paper.
Second crops of grapes have been.
raised at Belview , Fla. , this season.
Piso's cure for Consumption has been a
family medicine with us since 1SG5. J. R.
Madison , 240'J 42d Ave. , Chicago. Ills.
Life is too short for mean anxieties.
Kingsley. |
A Son Writes a Letter Telling How His f ( H
Father Was Troubled. & H
WINAMOE , 1KB"My father was | M
troubled with boils nuil carbuncles. After | H
suffering for some titno , ho heard of a | | H
similar case cured by Hood's Haranparllla. H H
Ho began taking this medicine and con- f | > H
tinued its use until ho was cured. My p H
mother is taking Hood's Sarainarilla for V H
rheumatism and it iu helping L r. " GUY p H
E. NnwKiim , Box 1SL H
Hnnrl'c Pillc cure Liver ills ; easy to U H
11UUU 2 > fills uke , easy to operate. 'J3c. V < H
iHQUR Something f H
WW 3 91 lift outlivly i' , B
liiiH ever been offered. . 9 fill § j & 'j j H
Joni-Hof IliiKliiuntiimX\ ! ILM H 1 k j > H
copy ot a n wpublication. Aililreti liox 0 Dollas.Tax. I H
D fl fCI ft ! O The hcst n < M * R"P ° Roofing for ITS. H
Kill IB * iiflll lc.Per q.t. . cnpsnntlnnlin In- 8 H
II WI 111 14 „ ) , „ , „ , , j < nb Jiifpsfnr 1'ln-ter J ! 1
Bomplesf. 'Oe.TheViYllAMU.lIIOOI'l.VOlU.UruJta.S.J. | | M
r&DdT&OeiV NEW DISCOVERY : ci * i |
tUT WJi V25 E quIfU-n-lIefanilcure * worst , H
cases. Send for book of tcntlinonlnlsantl lO < ] ayn * f H
treatment Ifrcc. Dr. lLU.UUXU'H bl)5S. AUutn.Ua. H
0ESIII8M HOMKCUKK. Hook KKKE. lilt. J. C j M
KWKll HOimiN , I l > rlUItf < j M
WANTED HlRhcst market price * M
ill I f"n Pat > l * J * - A. Clakk A Co. , 319 Ho. M
U I I L.1I 1Un St. . Omaha. | M
TWCnTR1 at C08t wtn * Icbc , > AKcnn H
JLL.iOUJ.Vi2i wautud In every town lu N'cbMKka. ; H
W. N. U. OMAHA. NO. 4-4--1897. j H
When writing to advertisers , kindly mention j H
this paper j |
" " " '
THE RECORDS SKOCUnE OF ft 'SgT _ ffir7 | ' |
Rheumatism JIM M
i i M
Q Cool , bracing cycling weather , tonic of the open air , > < | M
Q golden sunshine to paint away the blues buy a Columbia ) - \ | M
0 now and keep in good trim all winter. No time like the n | M
\ ) present no bicycle so good as the Columbia. Hartford Q | M
> ( bicycles , next best. 0 ; M
j POPE MFG. CO. , Hartford , Conn. R M
\l If Colmmbias are not properly represented in your vicinity , let us know. Q |
if SSM U G"2SPS Wet a Lottery , but a Contest ! M
&d & anK&ijP * r TlT of Science , Skill and Art. | H
f 1 1st PRIZE $100 in Gold 1 |
© a 2nd PRIZES $50.00 each 100 in Gold § S H
© - 43rd PRIZES 25.00 " 100 in Gold 3 H
5 6 4th PRIZES 20.00 " 100 in Gold M
M 85th PRIZES 12.50 100 in Gold % M
6 10 6th PRIZES. . . . . . 10.00 " 100 in Gold S ' H
@ 20 7th PRIZES COO " 100 in Gold § M
a 25 8th PRIZES 4.00 " 100 in Gold % H
fa 50 9th PRIZES 2.00 " 100 in Gold g H
g 100 10th PRIZES 1.00 * 100 in Gold O M
& 225 PRIZES amounting to $1,000 in Gold § H
flR IFfiT JWe want to awaken a universal appreciation of the ( treat merits ol CAS-S H
tflHR UDtltbl CARETS CANDY CATHARTIC. We also want to Increase our business by X B
teaching the people what diseases Cascarets will cure. If we can by this plan In a month's time. j H
Induce 10.0UO people to become users and well-wishers of this wonderful laxative and liver reeuln-SJ H
CS tor. which even now is selling at the rate of 5X00,000 boxes a year , it will pay us to elve away 11.000. & H
Instead of spending It for some other form of advertising. < Q H
t 2. Everybody knows what enormous sums of money we spend annually for adrertl ! nf. WcA H
g , probably lose 135,000 a year by not knowing Just what a paper Is worth as an advertising medium. If SJ H
% we can find out just how many see this advertisement and give It attention , it will be big money In as H
\ our pockets. Tour answer to this advertisement will help us And out. and we are willing to pay for * H
wS the Information. K3 ' H
WHAT Yflll ARF 70 110 There are In the schedule below fourteen names of dHea o 3K H
A SI J . . . ! W UU " and ailments cured by CASCARETS CANDT CATHARTIC. 2 H
- From each name letters have been omitted and their plnces supplied by stars. To fill In the blank 5 1
Q spaces properly and get the names rUht will be a test of your learning. We wunt you to .pell Q B
* ® P. ? , 8 ° lnr names as you can. then send the list to us with 25 cents to pay for a box of CASCASi HI
M RETS. For correct II ts wo ahall Blve cnsli prizes or from SI to SlOG In gold. The A HB
fa correct list gotten up In the most artistic and original style will be awarded the flm prize , the next &
j best , the second prize , and so on. Also , ifyour list contains ten or mora correct names , you will re- & HH
A ceT5. : i S' 1 * COXSOX.ATIOK PRIZE. By exercising care In preparing your 11st you V ? 1
< y ought to be able to secure part of the Sl.OOO cash award , but under all circumstances you 4 ?
u * will be a winner. The distance yon live makes no difference , as all are treated alike. vfi
I Sl ! n WltlVnt ? deIayC , . nt tb ? advertisement ont. * ° o.yon . ' wlT n TgTec ? " ; feM 'Alze ' * 5 H
| you gfve thee m ln ' theTrrtght o i rd , rr0mpty 'eBfc UCT * "e the W0rU310 be W e obu BeVure | H
I . * * * * * * * * * * H
. . , 8. S R ST HH Fermentation of ft
lyall other diseases , cured by Cascabets. digested rood , ir.siintly toifp d SjCxxfim g M
* , . lJf E h,5.T " \ du - "robbing Pain , 9. P * L * S .A painful Irritation caused by S H
© caused by bad stomach , cured by Cascaeets. constipation , cured only by Cascabets. < J > H
JfJrlt- * , A condI on caused ; 10. F * STLA.Annlcercau'edbvboweHrreg 3 1
fa by torpid In er , cured by V Cascabets. ularities. given a chance to heal 6y Cascaeks. % f M
. LY L * VR.TorpId : * * * * * IH
. 11. I D
t4. condition of an Im- . G T ON ImDroDcrEf.i-niWtlon *
_ portant organ relieved quickly by Cascarets. : of food , relieved by a Ji Mr alter meal § M
© 5. PIPLS..An : * * * * slH
eruption or the skin , re12. . DYPPA Chronic inactivitv of thr X
g moved by the purlfylag effect of Cascabets. stSmachTrequirlng atiVn ? use of Ca ! ab I § H
Ch • BL * T * H * S..Brown spots on the skin , ' ' 13. CLC A trrinlnc-naln attartln- n & H
caused to disappear quickly by Cascabets. dren mostl frequentF stopped bT Ca aeks. g H
7. BD BLD..Impure condition of the ' ; 14. I * SO * HA SleenlM.nC. dnatndl " * $ > IH
§ rtal fluid. Cascabets purify the system. J otthe seKl effim br StnK" ©
( $ rrST SEXDINO TOTjK r.IST OP WORDS , say whether you went the prize money a b I
fa eent In gold coin or whether you prefer bank draft or money order. The cash awards offered ics fl
Ji given without consideration as the box of Cascarets sent prepaid represents more than the \ aluo I H
giot the 23c von send with your list. Theonlything we will ak Is that vou will exhibit your ci , * ) H
; ? award , either in eold or In form of a check , as yon choose , for a few daVg In vour own Urusgt ! > A j H
W showwlndow. This entire offer Is an honest one , made by a responsible " Arm. whose honorW H
VJJ able reputation Is known to every retail druggist throughout the land. Cascarets are the most perA H
( B feet medicinal preparation ever discovered , and you will be delighted with tbem. They are the A H
greatest boon lor women and children and we want to make their merits known , lie lurcioA H
mention this paper In your letter , as otherwise your answer will not be considered 12 b H
5 ? Mr. II. L. Kramer. Treas. andGen.ilgr.of the Sterling Remedy Company , will give this contest lil * ? m |
* 4 careful personal attontlon. As he Is now at the famous Magno-Murt Cure and I.ltbla Water Eatbg < 5) H
M at which ho Is principal sure to address H. L. KRAMER. Indiana Mineral Sprlcgs , lad. O H
1 } RESPONSIBILITY\i \ $ l'V&m \ % The ! deal Laxative' 1 I
d I makers of Cascarets Candy/ Cathartic , T BLL4 ft fn H
ffI are favorably Unoivn to every publish- ? J TzL. t * * , w . A iA. ? u A ss sl
> S f er , banker , retail and wholesale lrucIk G "S jtt JH / T % # % ? % .
2 > ? aIst In this country , to whom we refer us T ,8P ftJS JJ ? > ? V LSj SiJit S > V asH
Qito our honesty and financial ability to kj S f y f f& sf Sy i&Kgy A > _ 4 H
(15 i carry ont to the letter every condition i NSs * S i S ssH
5 A or this contestIT < ll a ; BeJ , e w"l I CAKDY CATEASTlC2 j M