The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 29, 1897, Image 4

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Bl\ \ , $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE.
I i
I i ®
H I ! . For SuprcneJudce ,
n f ' For University Regents ,
H .
Hb For Clerk ,
H I oc " ESBEN P. DAY.
Bf I For Treasurer ,
Hf For Sheriff ,
H § W. A. McCOOL.
H 1 ,
? Forjudge
| j G. S. BISHOP.
Bl " ' ' For ,
Hk For ,
Hl fi For Coroner ,
Hf For Commissioner Second District ,
f Put a cross under the eagle and
H [ | The Republican county ticket
Hra ' is composed of competent men
1 | throughout. Give them your vote.
1 I A yote for W. A. McCool is a
Bf ' I vote for a man who will make a
B | i model sheriff. Put a cross there.
Byj Much careful work devolves on
Hij I the county clerk. . P. Day is
Bij | equal to all demands of the office.
H | =
B j In the language of the placard :
H "Subscribe for the Courier now
f and get all the campaign news. "
1 "I don't think. "
HJ Yon want a competent , an up-
Bf right , an experienced judge on the
El supreme bench. Judge A' M. Post
H is able , is honorable , has had the
Hf valuable experience. He deserves
K your vote.
HS Colonel Phillips thinks that
21 Colonel Mitchell has been waiting
Bjl for the Populists to put up some
El white metal before he opens up the
Hjl campaign rather than till he could
H ' see the whites of Eepublican eyes.
H A vote for O. L. Thompson is
H just that much toward assuring
H | the election of a man who is well
fl Hj equipped to give Bed Willow
HB * county a business-like admimstra-
H § tion of its financial matters. An
m X will do the business.
H B At the eleventh hour Colonel
H Mitchell began to realize that
KJ sheriff sales and- probate notices
H | are substantial sources of revenue ,
HHj and a "good thing" to have in his
H | business , so he said a faint word
H of praise for "Honest John" and
H "Ike the Just. " And then his
H can-opener got out of whack again ,
H and Dick's and Berge's campaign
B J will have to go over till next year.
Hfl We violate no confidence in sug-
n gesting that the Colonel is a sultry
B numeral.
Hh Already 131 leading articles of
HH - trade are under the control of
H trusts , and every branch of indus-
Bj try seems to be in danger of re-
Hj moval from the realm of competi-
H tion. Just where this tremendous
H centralization of industry and ;
H wealth will end no one seems to i
H know , and the idea of dealing with !
H it is appalling. A great trust of ;
B the people , administered through
Hj the government , appears to be the
H ! only adequate remedy.
R America's greatest editor , C. A.
B Dana of the New York Sun , was
B as thoroughly detested for his
K principles as he was admired for
Hj * his unequaled brilliancy : A defen-
H der of Tweed was the Sun until
Hj the sublime old rascal became ab-
B solutely indefensible ; a supporter
Hj of Ben Butler and greenbackism ;
Hj and long the organ of Tammany
H and its infamy ; a checkered career
H of glory and shame greets the his-
H j torian. From Tammany to Boss
Hf Piatt ! . From greenbackism to the
H single gold standard ! Hewasin-
HE sincerity in the highest.
R J l f * 1 _ , .
e fi -f - 'mr-i - - M - - -
The office of county judge is
Bteadily increasing in importance.
G. S. Bishop is qualified as a lawyer -
yer and clerically for all the grow
ing duties of the office.
The proper care of the unfortu
nate dead , or any of the possible
duties of coroner , would receive
the attention due it from Joseph
Spotts. Don't forget his X.
A progressive , energetic and
intelligent officer is needed at the
head of our county schools. An X
after the name of C. N. Whittaker
will help to secure that result.
The Indianola Beporter has it
figured out that the McCook Cour
ier neither molds nor reflects.
Just wait , Mr. Phillips , until Mr.
Mitchell opens up the campaign ?
One of the sterling young men
of Bed Willow county is A. F.
Beeves. The office of county sur
veyor would be in good hands by
his election. Place an X where it
will do the most good.
Colonel Phillips of the In
dianola Beporter is authority for
the statement that a McCook at
torney is laying the pipes for the
judicial nomination , two years
hence. Is it an oil line , Jasper ?
Some of the Popnlist leaders
say that Colonel Mitchell is wait
ing to see the whites of the enemy's
eyes before he delivers a broad
side. It is more likely he is wait
ing to see the white metal in the
pockets of his friends. Indianola
Just to let the railroads know
that his trip to Venezuela has not
impaired his physical or mental
powers , Governor Pingree is start
ing out to make them obey the
new Michigan law governing the
sale of mileage tickets. Governor
Pingree keeps the railroad mana
gers guessing all the time. Bee.
Everybody attended the show at
McCook , Saturday.
Andrew Anderson intends to
feed a bunch of cattle , this winter.
A fine rain , Monday and Tues
day ; about two inches of water fell
at this place.
Mrs. Mary L. Woods of May-
nard , Iowa , is here visiting her
sister , Mrs. B. M. Wade.
Mrs. E. E. Hayes and the chil
dren drove over from Danbury ,
Wednesday of last week , on a visit
to B. M. Wade and family. They
returned home on Suuday.
J. Pickrell and family , J. H.
Wade and wife , Miss Hattie Bun
nell and Mrs. M. L. Woods at
tended the Epworth League rally
at McCook , Suuday afternoon.
H.B.Wales , last Saturday , haul
ed out coal for the school in dis
trict 58.
Miss Anna Irvin's school was
not crowdedWednesday ; only two
scholars ; Maud and Boy Coleman.
The appointment at the Coleman
school house has been cut off from
Box Elder and attached to the Cul-
bertson work. The Be v. Mayfield
preached his first sermon on last
Sunday at 4 p. m. , fast time. It
is really encouraging to think that
we , at last , have a man that means
business in his line and will give
us preaching every two weeks right
straight along. May his ways be
such that all can follow him ; and
may he be the instrument in God's
hands in leading many precious
souls into tbe light ; and may the
good people here give him a hearty
support , spiritual and temporal.
Royal makes the food pure ,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolute/ ! Pure
BBMBw uui. tMil.l.l.iT lilll tfiiiaftiiiiaiiiwWWHBBBBM . . . . . , _ . " ' r T ? T " - ' - - - , - " IT B
. . . . . _ _ . mmimmm i i |
I eSabu eTS6. McCOOK , NEB. s ly one price ? i ' m
i At no time have we shown a Larger or a Finer I I
| Stock in all Departments. { I
J Particular Attention ?
J is called to our 7
J Large Lines of /
J Underwear. ?
J They comprise ?
J Numerous lines in /
J Fleece-lined , i
j Plain Weaves and J
, 5 Ribbed Goods /
j All at Lower Prices
4 than same class t
5 of goods have ever \
J sold at before. }
Our Hosiery and Glove /
J line is large and )
r complete. l
SS See our lines of Men's and Boys' <
Suits at $3.50 , $4.00 , $5.00 and $6.00. \
Finer grades at $7.00 and upwards. <
Perfect fitting" and well made. j
BS Our lines of Children's Suits <
comprise the Latest Novelties. In prices - <
ces they range at $1.50 , $2.00 , $2.50 {
and $2.75. Finer grades at $3.00 and <
upwards. Examine these and you will <
find the Fit , Trimming and Make to he /
Superior to All Others. j
You Save Money Iby Buyiix at I I
t Tnis IPQipixlEL-E0 House. I I
Couldn't Hear the Music
Colonel Burr of Virginia was a
mighty fox hunter and loved the sport
beyond words. He owned a fine pack of
hounds , and , during the season , thought
of nothing but his hunters , his dogs ,
and the weather. He was once enter
taining an army friend from Texas ,
whose ideas of hunting any animal in
volved the'use of firearms , and who had
never seen a foxhound. He had been
with difficulty persuaded to go forth
one morning with the colonel and some
friends to a meet , and they were wait
ing impatiently for the hounds to take
the scent. Presently there burst upon
their listening ears tbe din of SO canine
voices in full cry. The colonel's eyes
gleamed , and , as he settled his feet in
the stirrups and stretched his arm to
ward the yelping pack , he cried , "Ma
jor , listen to that heavenly musiol"
The major pricked up his ears for a second
end or two and then replied , "I can't
hear a thing ; these d d dogs are mak
ing suoh a noise. " The colonel put his
spur savagely into his horse's side and
dashed away , leaving his guest to his
own devices. San Francisco Argonaut.
Was No Seaman.
"There is a great difference between
the seafaring man of today and of 30
years ago , " said the man of many voy
ages. "Formerly the seafaring man was
a sailor , full of energy and the spirit of
adventure that was the particular charm
of Marryat's heroes , but now the man
who follows the sea for a living , espe
cially on one of the big ships , is noth
ing more than a paint swab.
"This is not any fault of thp men ,
but because of the changed conultions
which have left no sailor's work to do. .
Cleaning ship is the principal employ
ment of the modern so called seaman.
"One day a young woman novelist ,
in crossing the ocean on a big liner ,
asked an ancient mariner who was en
gaged painting a ventilator how long
he had been a seaman.
" 'Sailor , mum ? Bless yer heart , I'm
no sailor ; ' and then , glancing again at
his work , 'I'm no sailor ; I'm a bloomin
artist , I amNew York Journal.
A Yale Prank.
The Hartford Conrant tells a story of
Yale in the old days. The boys used to
bribe the printers' "devils" togetproofs
of the examination papers for them.
When the college authorities put a stop
to this practice , a bright idea seized one
fellow , and he saved the whole suffering
party. He hired one of the printers ( it
was summer ) to wear a pair of white
trousers to the office and at noon to sit
down on the form in which were lockf :
the precious questions. The inky seat ot
that pair of trousers sold for a deal more
than the clothes were worth in their
original spotlessness and .relief was se
The wheat fly feeds upon the flower
of the wheat , while the hessian fly lays
its eggs in the stem. The former thus
renders the flower abortive , while the j
injury done by the latter affects the
whole nlanfc.
About two inches of rain and
snowfall , Tuesday.
Phillip Gliem and Charls Oman
were Indianola visitors , Monday.
The schoolmarms here are pre
paring to entertain their visitors ,
Many from here and this vicin
ity went over to McCookSaturday ,
to hear Bryan.
William Sandon went to Omaha
on Friday last to purchase a line of
goods for the new store.
Remember that next Tuesday is
election day , and every man should
be a man and put the cross oppos
ite the man he desires for the
proper place , regardless.
Leave your subscription for The
Teibune with Clifford Naden at
The Bank of Danbury. He will
attend to any and all business en
trusted to him promptly.
James Marshall passed into the
mysterious world beyond , Monday
morning about 4 o'clock. He has
been suffering from consumption
for the last four years , " and death
relieved him of his pain and long
An X is only a small thing , but
it does the business. Mark it un
der the eagle.
Ax X under the eagle votes it
HighesV Honors World's Fair ,
• BR ;
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
Pay Your Delinquency.
In view of the better times , and higher
prices for grain etc. , the publisher ex
pects those indebted to The Tribune
for subscription to make good their de
linquencies at once. During the con
tinued hard times and failures no effort
was made to force the collection of sub
scription accounts , but now that the con
ditions have changed greatly for the bet
ter it is expected that these delinquencies
will be promptly paid up. Statements
will be sent out to all in arrears and with
the expectation that all will appreciate
our past indulgence and respond at once.
The Publisher.
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ . 15
Wheat 68
Oats 12
Rye 31
Barley 18
Potatoes 50
Eggs 1 iyz
Butter 15 @ .20
Cheap Home for Sale.
Five room house , 50 ft. lot , choice lo
cation , Marshall street , 2d house south
of Strasser ' s. $200 cash , $500 on 6 per ,
cent mortgage , semi-annual interest , be
ing only $2.50 per month rent. Write ,
H. G. Dixon ,
Kennett Square , Penna.
The special meeting of the A. P. A. (
lodge , last even'ng , kept the politicians :
thinking seriously We understand that
Rev. T. M. C. Birmington again address
ed the faithful en "National Prosperity
Through Christ. . " It was feared by some
that action was contemplated effecting
the coming election. But this is denied.
The following letters were advertised
October 24th , 1S97 : B. Bollord , Mr. Char
ley Eavens , Mrs. W. PI. Chamble , Mr. (
Edward Fisk , W. A. Fitzgerald , Mr. J
Bruff C. Jones , Mr. Earl McCarty , W. S.
Nuel , Mr. Clyde Northey , Miss Mary
Peters , Mr. Harry Winkelson , Doe Wil
While the American Business College ,
Omaha , Neb. , now offers to give a com
plete business course by mail , freeof tui
tion , we would advise our young people
to investigate the matter and profit by it.
The South Side C. E. society will have
a Lantern exhibition in the Fitch school
house , next Friday evening , tor the ben
efit of the society. Good music. Ad
mission will be 15 cents.
Subscribe for The McCook Tribune. \
f Ulsters and r , H
> ' Sack Overcoats J H
[ for Men , f j H
i Youths , Boys r H
Children M
> in great variety. $ H
J Latest Colors t B
and r H
Low Prices. J J M
i Mackintoshes r H
for J
. Men and Boys H
at prices % H
that will sell * M
them. H
The bladder was created for one pnrpose , . * * # l
namely , a receptacle for the urine , and as such. - , S
it is not liable to any form of disease exce/ft B
by one of two ways. The first way is fromXn- B
perfect action of the kidneys. The second 9
way is from careless local treatment of tither
diseases. . 9
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is I
the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the I
womb , like the bladder , was created for one
purpose , and if not doctored too much is not I
liable to weakness or disease , except in rare I
cases. It is situated back of and very close to *
the bladder , therefore any pain , disease or inconvenience - M
convenience manifested in the kidneys , back , . |
bladder or urinary passage is often , by mistake -
take , attributed to female weakness or womb f I
trouble of some sort. The error is easily made '
and may be as easily avoided. To find out I
correctly , set your urine aside for twenty-four
hours ; a sediment or settling indicates kidney fl
or bladder trouble. The mild and extraordi- fl
nary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root , . I
the great kidney , and bladder remedy is _ S
soon realized. If you need a medicine , < "B
you should have the best. At all druggists
fifty cents and dollar.
one You may have a
sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
mail. Mention The
Tribune and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton , N.
Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantees I
the genuineness of this .
offer. April 2-1 yr.
One Minute Cough Cure , cures. I
That Is what It was made for.
McCook. Nebraska. fl
rS'-Agent ' of Lincoln Land Co. Office j I
Rear of First National bank. - %
J. B. BALLARD , fl
All dental work done at our office is guar- 1
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
& Bellamy , assistants. H
t-MRS. E. E. UTTER.j |
Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo. H
Sy-Studio Opposite Postoffice. - M
Dr. W. V. GAGE. * \ tf H |
Mccook. - - - Nebraska. * * \ H
Office hours Ho at sPit1 l eve - F st National Bank. a * *
residence , 701 Marshall #
Before 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. Ave % H
Dr. S. C. BEACH , * I
McCook , Nebraska. H
"Office and l
Residence Over C A
Leach's jewelry store. * - fl H
• " V l
Specialty made *
of Diseases of
the Nose. Throat and Chest.
Z. L. KAY , fl
, yl
McCook , Nebraska. / |
-Office-Rooms ' H
4 and c 0ver T * % •
ewelry store. ? 1
- h 1
e Strasser
louse on Marshall street. ' / M