The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 29, 1897, Image 2

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H V. SI. "KIAIMEIA " , Publisher.
R * ' ' '
B | Fire in "Dakota City destroyed tlrri
Bl buildings.
Hll William'Caygill , of Weeping Wate
B \ lias just returned from a. two month
K 1 ' visit to England.
H \ The Merchants * "Natlonal'bank i
B j Nebraska. City has been aproved t
Hi f one of the-reserve agents of the go
K eminent
Hl ! I Someone spiked the big cannc
Hj -which has been standing in the cou
H I house yard at West Point since it ai
Hj I nounced the election 'of McKinley.
fl Triplets , two boys and a girl , \ve ;
BI horn to Mr. and Mrs. George Eage
Bjll Tcsiding three miles north of Grai
Hll Island. The little 'ones are all doii
Hi The ministerial association for tl
1 Nebraska City' 'district of the 'M. ]
HI church closed a two days' meeting ;
H Auburn. "There'was a good attem
H ance.
H Thomas TVIcDonaTd'and Patrick Mu
Hj ningban , two Saunders county farmer
Bj were seriously injured by "driving ov <
Hj a high bluff. Both were unconscious f <
Hf a time.
Hi The general-merchandise-store of
H M. Wondra &TJo. , of Weston , was t
Hf tally destroye 'di by fire. Loss , aboi
K $ G,000 , half of which isreovered' by. ii
Hf surance.
H | Landon , the • tlivine * healer. ' has" b
Kf gun operations in Beatrice and wi
H& give open air meetings-every evenii
H | and1 heal free'Of charge'all who con
B | to him.
1 Thirty car loads 6t potatoes , aggr
H | gating over 21 000 bushels , have be
H | shipped by the'Gordon merchants t
Hi to this time , while thousands of bus !
Kf els are yet to beonarketed. Buyers a :
Bf giving 30 cents - . 'bushel.
Bf The comptroller of the treasury h ;
Bf declared a third dividend of 10 pi
Bf cent in favor of the creditors of tl
l ; Citizens' National'bank of'Grand I
B § land , making in-all 50 per cent c
B | • claims proved , -amounting * to $132,766
BIH ' < )7
B | A command df" the "Union" Veteran
Bj -union was organized in Grand Islan
Hff • T > y T. J. Dunlapof Erie , Pa. , the ni
H : tional organizer , who was there f (
H ? ' that purpose. The command will t
B known as Lincora'command , No. 8 <
B Grand Island.
Bl ' Contractor Pontione has -returns
B § to Harvard from 'Haddam , Kas. , hai
1 ng completed the 'job of tearing dow
Bl the flouring mill. 'The'material is a
Kg loaded on cars and-will arrive in Ha :
Bk vard in a few days. The'mill will I
Ka re-erected without'delay.
Kv John Hanna , a squaw-man'from tt
Bf | Winnebago agency , who for six montt
Bff past has been lying'in the county ja
Ba at Dakota City awaiting'his trial i
BH the' dsitrict court tor theft , was la *
Bffi week foundi guilty of-petit'larceny , tl
Kf jury deliberating on 'their-vetdict fc
Kj three hours.
B& The business men ? f "McCool June
Bl tionare much interested'in'having th
H Stone roller waterpower flour mill
Bfl adjoining McCool operated. The rigl
ES man taking hold with some capital wi
Kj lind it most profitable -and will hav
HE the entire patronage - andencourage
Bn ment of the business-men-of'McCool.
Hl In the district court -of 'Jefferso
Hjjl county-in the case Of "Kate Smile
Hjl against Zimmerman & "Bannister
Hh their bondsmen for $5,1)00 ) 'damages b
HS reason'Of the sale of liquor to Georg
Hi S. Williams , under the 'irffluence c
Hjl which he killed her hudban'd , thejur
Hi | returned ? a verdict of " $1,000 for th
HH plaintiff.
BB At Wilber a verdict Tor $400 "fc
Bl - libel - in'favc
damar-rby was -given
HHf • of Philip : J. Gossard against 'Sylvest (
Rl Andrews. ' The parties are -rival ho
H ' breeders -near Friend and 'brothers-ii
HH ' law. The-'def amatory matter'consiste
| B * -of reflections upon the methods of Go :
H - sard as a'breeder in a circulaivsent oi
Bl ' by Andrews.
H A young-man by the name < -Of" Joh
H - Jones , living a few miles south-of-Fail
H " fielid1 , a son-ofTom Jones , was'brougl
H * before the'board of insanity-and ac
BJ * judged insane. - He had been developin
Bf • peculiar species of derangement'fc
B some time , 'burning straw stacks an
BB * outbuildings , --shooting atpeople
B wagons and > setting fire to tschooi
B -r houses.
B While stoc-kmen about Gordon 'hav
B * - been buying -and-selling cattle 'byth
Bj train load , the-sheep industry has -nc
B -fbeen altogether'forgotten. Over -5OO0
B . -came to that | * lace from eastern -mai
B kets this season • in exchange for * th
B -wool shipped out.The Iamb crop i
B -worth another $50,000 , and' any invest
H | ment that will net--ieO,000 in twelv
HB months on a capital of $400,000 , ani
B < when--a few dollars-invested , will brini
H as greait a proporionat © return , it i ;
H certain that farmers-will more larger :
BBjinterest themselves sheep raising.
B At the Grand Lodge assembiy of'Ne-
B raskadd Fellows , in-sess5ion : in Lin-
B < : oln , the grand secretary-made publi-
H -following reportIn the stat-
B there are 201 lodges , with a member
Hi "Ship of ' 9366 , a gain of ' 45 < 5 members
Bj lor the-year. The total paid outt foi
H relief during the year was " $10,4jV.25
H Of • this amount $8,10G was paid for , re-
H lief jf members , $1,186 for-burying the
H dead -and. 'Sl.OlO was paid -for 'spe < ia :
H Telief. Families of ten -widows re-
B ceived a small amount in "benefits. Tb-
HE tal asests of subordinate lodges -aggrev
H gate $401-507. Total receipts sirbor-
H | dinate lodges lor the year was $62,535
Hj and the current .expenses were -$40 601.
BP The grand lodge has $5,531 inthe
H | treasury.
B Link Lowrey of Bayard just -return-
B ed from Montana -with 700 ewe lambs.
Bj .He has 3,000 more -on the road.
H Business has grown to such an ei-
B 4e.nt at the stockyards at South Omaha
B -ha that the Burlington .has been comB -
B pall go ) to double its working force.
B "Today there are twice ae many men
Bj jemployed in the switching yards as at
B this < stage of the season last year. This
B also applies to the office of the
B Burlington in South Omaha. Colonel
Bj -Cheek , the live stock agent , says that
B if business keeps on improving in the
fl next thirty days as it has during the
B past thirty days the force will bare to
H he still incm-wed.
r , -i
- Con 'dousatlonn th'at Kniboily a Good Dei
of Information 'Without Kcqutrlti
Much Spuco Forolpn andDomest
Neivey Notes on All Subjects.
Cloudily , Ortobor IK.
Registration in New York foots i
' $570,740.
Recent rains have been highly ben
ficial to fall wheat.
A new comet has been sighted by tl
Lick observatory.
Colorado comes to the front with
thirty-six hours' storm.
The funeral of Ex-Senator Paddo <
will take" place at Beatrice.
Charles A. Dana , editor of the Ne
York Sun , died on the 18th , aged 78.
Senator Hanna has returned
Cleveland from campaigning almost
sick man.
The single tax league of Kansas Ci
endorses Henry George for mayor
New York.
Quarantine does not suppress yello
fever in New Orleans , and it , will pro
ably be lifted.
A monument to Robert Louis St
venson was unveiled at Portsmoui
Square , San Francisco.
The delegates from the Japane
government to the Behring sea confe
ence have , arrived in Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Lippy , <
Kinsman , Ohio , a few miles north
Youngstown , Ohio , have returned fro
a successful trip to the Klondik
bringing back . $65,000.
President McKinley and his cabin
are said to be considering an appe
from an alleged violation of the crv
service law which , if decided again
the appellant , will bring joy to a gre
many outs and corresponding deje
tion to the * ins.
Tuesday. Octobnr 19.
"There is a well grounded rumor th
"Fort Meade" is to be abandoned.
Omaha proposes spending $20,01
next year in Ak-Sar-Ben festivities.
"Two negroes named Penn and Hazl
ton were lynched at Somersville , Ga.
"The number of deaths from yello
fever in New Orleans has reached 100
W. J. Bryan addressed the people <
West Point , Neb. , and surroundir
John W. 'Hague , a well known acto
died at his'late residence in Bosto :
The Union Pacific , Short Line ar
Navigation-company have reached a
Luetgert , of Chicago , if acquitted (
the charge df murder , proposes to ope
a saloon.
Mr.andMrs. . Thunnison , Mitchell , !
D.were , axphyxiated by gas from
hard coal stove.
The case of Adolph Luetgert , on tri :
in Chicago "for the murder of his wif
• was given to1 the jury.
The-remains of Ex-Senator Paddocl
of Nebraska , -were buried in Prcspci
Hill cemetery , 'Omaha.
Clement Rivera shot and killed Mr
Victoria Barela at Gallup , N. M. , an
then blew ouUhis own brains.
A dispatch -from Dantzic says th ;
Arthur Dix , < -young journalist , we
shot deau"in \iuel by a lieutenant.
The 'Michigan state association <
farmers' ( dubs will hold the annus
meeting ; atiLansing December 14 , ]
and 16.
Admiral. 'JohniL. Worden , who in tl
late civil war commanded the Monitc
in the 'battle with the Merrimac.
J. N. "Baker , formerly assistant cit
treasurer .of Butte , Montana , commi
ted suicide'by shooting himself throug
the head.
Thomas 'F. 'Barr , assistant judge ac
vocate general , has been transferre
from the department of the east to tl.
department-of-the Missouri.
The Ililndis commissioners of tl
Trans-Mississippi exposition expect 1
• spend $20,000-of the $45,000 appropr
.ated by Illinois sfor the state building
Wednesday-October SO.
The Luetgert jury , is still out.
The revolution in Gautamala hs
been subdueS.
• Details of rfehe president's wester
trip have been ( completed.
. -New Orleans .people find that yello'
fever is on thejincrease.
tJrain dealers -estimate Illinois' < eire
of corn at 201 62,888'bushels.
t George M. Palllman.ithe sleeping < ee
man , died after : an .hour's illness.
Mrs. Langtry makes a statement tha
she has always iprovidea for her kus
TheiXansas state counoil of the im
proved order of iSed 'Men convened a
The cqueen regent -has confirms
Senor Leon Castiilavas4 Spanish amba
Oaxlon toJFrance.
-The united democracy.of jNew Yor
w U not -a receive ta .column on th
state official ballot
.Ctkl Fellows of Nebraska convene
at 'Lincoln sin the twenty-sixth annua
sessfipu ofthe grand encampment.
Cholera . has attacked battalion o
the Shnopshite regiment , 'Which is sta
tioned hi Sitapur , northwest India.
The .remains of Edward JLangtiy , th
husband * of Lily Langtry , the actress
were interred at Chester , England.
Eleven jjolicqaicn at Omaha dis
charged : by the police commissioner !
nave been restored by an , .order ivon
Fudge Scott.
Ex-Gorernor Moijrill , of Kanpas , whi
iss been sick in bed for ten days , ii
10 better , and his condition , while ncr
larjgerous is serious.
Currency is now being disinfected ir
: he ? ) anks of New Orleans. It is con-
> idered a medium for the transmissioi
> f jr.eIIow fever germs.
Geaeral Fitzhugh Lee , coosul generaj
o Otiha , was robbed of $100 in cash
md negotiable notes while getting oe
i street car at Richmond , Va *
Miss Elizabeth Callahan , living neai
iVaterbury , Conn. , has been in a France
or four days. Her appearance is thai
if one who has been dead some houte.
There is good authority for the state-
* „
ment that a suit for about $460,000 !
to be brought against Yale college dui
ing the month of November by th
town of New Haven for the collectlo
of taxes.
Thursday , October 21.
A gold strike in Oulnica , B. C , hi
drawn a Klondike rush.
Fever cases in New Orleans ai
growing more numerous.
The funeral of the late George 1
Pullman will take place on the 23d.
James K. Taylor , of Pensylvanla , hs
been appointed supervising archtiec
of the treasury.
The Japanese government has deck
ed to apply the gold standard to th
currency of Formosa immediately. .
Hon. T. H. Gore , the blind orator <
Corsicana , Texas , has been arrested o
a charge of wronging a 19-year-ol
blind girL
F. C. Truesdale , chief justice of tli
supreme court of Arizona , is dying i
Phoenix. He is 37 years old and
native of Rock Island , , 111.
Not since 1892 has the potato cro
of the United States proved so nearl
a failure , says the American Agricu
turist in its final report of the yield c
1897.The assertion was made in Surrogal
Fitzgerald's court that the estate lei
by the late Joseph Richardson , so fa
from being $30,000,000 , is little eve
half a million dollars.
The Chicago and Milwaukee Brew
ers' Association has decided that th
so-called ! pool , the existence of whic
was endangered , would be maintaine
for the present , and the price of bee
would not be allowed to go any lowe
than $4 a barrel.
Consul General Jernigan , at Shang
haL in a report to the state deparl
ment , says since the Japanese-Chines
war the tax on salt has been increase
1-6 of a cent per pound. The revenu
received from the tax is estimated s
$10,927,000. At one period salt wa
used as money in China.
Friday , October S3.
M. H. Hanna , a brother of Mark , i
dangerously ill at Cleveland.
The Luetgert jury failed to agre <
the standing being three for acquitta
Three highwaymen held up Josep
Hrabik near South Omaha and robbe
him of $10.65.
The German government will ask fo
a large increase of army , as well a
navy estimates.
The Worcester Cycle Manufacturin
company , Middletown , Conn. , was de
clared insolvent.
Senator Thurston has returned t
Omaha from political speechmaking i :
New York and Ohio.
There is a loud cry from Nebrask
and Iowa railroads for more cars t
move rapidly accumulating freight.
Hereafter every pound of goods nc
bought in Canada wil have to pay dut
before being allowed in the Klondik
Tuberculosis in a pronounced stag
has been found to exist in a herd o
cattle owned by the Kansas state ag
ricultural college.
The steamer Alameda brought t
San Francisco $2,250,000 in Englisl
sovereigns from Australia as a prt c
the balance of trade. .
Leyete , in one of the Philippin
islands , has been almost devastated b ;
a cyclone. Many persons were killei
and the damage to property is iucal
The government investigating com
mittee is now at work at South Omah :
looking into the case of employes o
the bureau of animal industry.
Governor Tanner has issued a proc
lamation permitting cattle from Ten
nessee and Arkansas north of the gov
ernment quarantine line to be admit
ted to Illinois.
George W. Barmore , at one tim
president of the Knickerbocker Ic
company of New York city , shot him
self through the head at Chicago , dy
ing instantly.
The Statistical Beet Sugar associa
tion of Madgeburg makes the follow
ing estimate of the sugar production
including molasses , for 1897 : Germany
1,790,000 tons , as compared with 2,8721 ,
000 tons in 1896 ; Austria , 822,000 tons
as compared with 927,000 tons in 1896
and France , 751,000 tons , as compare !
with 703,400 tons in 1896.
Saturday , October 23.
Application has been made for bai
for Luetgert.
There were fifty new fever cases a
New Orleans.
Great damage is reported throughou
Italy by floods.
Senator Thurston is making semi
campaign speeches.
A syndicate has been formed in Lon
don to purchase Klondike claims.
By explosion of a boiler in a Detroit
( Mich. ) factory , two men were killed.
John Schlegel is on trial in Kar.sai
City for the murder of Dr. A. l Ber
ger in July last.
"Emperor William of Germany in
spected the monument at Carlshrue
erected in honor of his grandfather.
Large drafts of soldiers have been or
dered to be got ready to reinforce eighl
British cavalry regiments now ir
In an imitation bull fight on A. M
Small's farm near Pine Camp , Neb.
the H-year-old son of Orrin F. Watl
received fatal inpuries.
Rev. Mr. Irl Hicks , the weather pro
phet of St. Louis , says that from now
until the < end of December the people
may look for many violent autumnal
md winter-storms , with wicked clashes
af winter -weather.
Henry W&tterson , editor of the
Louisville Courier-Journal , predicts
that the Democrats will cany Ken-
.ucky at the coming election , and thai
.he Tammany i-ymdidate will win in
ew York , with Tracy second.
The twin sonsjof the late George M.
Pullman have boan. disinherited , it is
jaid. The story = is to the effect that
: he strokes of Mr. Pullman's pen that
nde a barrier between his sons and
lis nioney were made sonly ten days be-
bre .his deatli.
There were 20o business failures re-
wrted throughout the United States
or the week ending dfctober 23 ,
igainst WG last week , 292 Ir. the week
1 year ago > 259 two years f O , 221 in
he like wee& in 1894 , and 329 in the
hlrd week of October , 1893.
- •
Free Delivery Ono of the Coming I )
tuandfl of the System Salaries ai
Allowances btatlatlca Concerning ; tl
lstlinatcii for tbo Year Ending ; Jui
30 , 1800.
The Pnfttolllce lUislncsw.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 23. The repo
of First Assistant Postmaster Goner
Perry S. Heath for the fiscal year em
ed June 30 has been made public. Tl
following is an abstract :
Special attention is called to the n
cessity of additional facilities for tl
division of salaries and allowances , bi
above all other recommendations
placed one making provision for
small corps of special agents aboi
ten who are expert accountants fi
miliar with real estate values , to ii
quire in the field into postmasters' r
quisitions and demands , and to reach
just ascertainment of merit in sue
purely business matters as cannot 1
obtained by correspondence. Thei
should also be fixed a more severe pei
alty for the punishment of postmaste :
who peddel postage stamps with a vie
to increasing their own salaries , r <
suiting in the diminution of the m
receipts of the government. Authorli
should be given to secure leases <
postofflco stations for a period of fi :
instead of ten years. So much
gained by our recent policy of consol
dation of postoffices and the establisl
ment or extension of the free delivei
that I urge such action by congre :
as will give greater latitude of discn
tion in the use of specific approprii
tions. Two assistant superintenden
of free delivery system have been a ]
pointed , one to be located at Ne
York and the other at Chicago , wit
proper plenary powers and primal
On July 1 there were 3,733 presidei
tial postoffices , embracing 169 firs
class , 750 second-class and 2,814 thin
class. The net increase for the ye :
in the salaries of the postmasters j
these offices is $97,600. Their aggregal
salaries are $230,800. With the coi
solidation of the present independei
postoffices within the limits of the ne
city of New York a saving of at lea :
$62,723 in salaries and commissions <
postmasters will be effected. Anotlu
considerable reduction in expens *
may be made by the merging , or tl
abolishment , in many cases , of tl
several heads of divisions and oth <
officials receiving the higher salarie
Congress should not only repeal tl
law providing that no postoffices be es
tablished at any county seat shall 1
abolished or discontinued by reason <
any consolidation of postoffices undt
the existing law , but should also ax
thorize the postmaster general to e :
tend consolidation wherever , in his lx
lief , the service may be thereby hem
The estimates for the fiscal year en <
ing June 30 , 1899 , embrace $16,250,0 (
for compensation of postmasters ; fc
clerk hire , $11,300,000 ; rental and pu
chase of cancelling machines , $125,00 (
rental , fuel and light , $1,750,000 ; mil
cellaneous items and furniture , $200
000 , and ! advertising , $20,000.
A plea , is made for the purchase (
the postal stations in the larger citic
and that for the re-classification <
postoffice clerks renewed. The est
mate for the free delivery service fc
the fiscal year ending in June , 1899 , :
$13,810,400. Since the close of the fi ;
cal year , .Time , 1897 , the service hs
been establisbsd in more than fort
offices and before the close of the cui
rent year all offices entitled to the sei
vice will receive the same.
Rural free delivery has been put t
the test of practical experiment i
twenty-nine states and over forty dil
ferent routes. The co-operation of th
communities served has in every ir
stance been effectively given. The ger
erally satisfactory results suggest th
feasibility of making rural delivery
permanent feature of postal adminis
tration in the United States ; not in :
mediately or in all districts at onci
but in some gradual and graduate
form regulated by the present exper :
Nebraska Defeated in the Trial to Ke
cover X o8t Jtoney.
OMAHA , Neb. , Oct. 23. The bonds
men of ex-State Treasurer Bartley wo
the suit instituted against them by th
state to recover he half million della
defalcation in the state treasury whe
Bartley toft the office.
Attorney General Smyth moved t
dismiss the case without prejudic <
He was compelled to do this under
ruling of the court to avoid the othe
alternative of forcing Judge Powell t
take the case out of the hands of th
jury and to instruct it to bring in :
verdict for the sureties. In accordanc
with the motion , the case was dismiss '
ed and the jury was discharged. Th'
case is now in a position where it mjus
be tried again.
The victory for the bondsmen wa
won on a question of law whether o
not the approval by the governor o
the bond of Bartley on the first day o
the term , January 3 , 1S95 , was essentia
to make the bond a valid and bindinj
instrument. The bond had been ap
proved by the governor four days af
terward , January 9 , 1895.
Judge Powell decided that the stat
ute s of Nebraska absolutely and un
qualifiedly required that the approva
of the bond should have occurred oi
the first day of the term ; that by th
failure of the governor to approve i
on that day the office of state treasure
became vacant ; that therefore Bartle ;
was not actually state treasurer , bu
simply acted in that capacity ; that Un
bondsmen had signed the bond o
Bartley as state treasurer and as noth
ing else and that therefore they couh
not be held liable for his acts , as actinj
state treasurer.
No Tax on 9lni rV Outfits.
OTTAWA , Ont. , Oct. 23. The repor
; e'ftgraphed from Victoria that th
IJa izdian government had decided tc
: har 3 a duty on every class of goods
aken jnto the Klondike country , in-
dud ing miners' packs , is not correct ,
[ "here ha& been no change in the cus-
ems laws affecting that country anc
niners are still permitted tt ? take ic
in outfit free of duty when not ex-
eeding $100 ir raiue. "
Ono Great Teature Mlnnhif ; Is > 'on l 'r <
CHICAGO , Oct. 22. The Associate
Press tonight obtained the ono grot
feature mteslng in the famous Luotgei
trial the sworn testimony of the d <
fendant himself , Adolph L. Luetgert.
Standing tonight in the gloomy Ja
adjoining the grim-'ooklng gray stor
court building , In which his remarl
able trial had at last been brought 1
a finish , the burly sausage manufai
turer clapped the climax of oxtraordii
ary series of events which began wit
his sensational bankruptcy and the a
leged frightful diabolism of boiling h
wife to death at midnlsht in a vat i
his factory collar.
Tonight , closely following the flm
result of the trial which has attractc
worldwide attention , Luetgert mat
under oath a statement for the Ai
sociated press concerning the fearfi
crime charged against him , the fin
sworn statement yet made by him , an
the first statement of such kind ev <
know in newspaper annals. The af !
davit was put in writing , in due leg !
form and is certified to by a notary.
Ex-Judge William A. Vincent , tr
leading counsel for the defendant , tt
man to whoso brains and skill and ei
ergy Luetgert beyond doubt owes h
great legal victory , gave consent to tt
affidavit being made.
The scene in the jail when Leutgei
took the oath was as dramatic as th
circumstances were unique. In th
dimly lighted jail corridor , Leutgei
standing erect and grasping the ire
bars that still kept him from Hbert ;
lifted his right hand and solemnly ai
sented as the notary administered th
binding form.
The affidavit explicitly declares Luc :
gert's innocence. The document i
full is as follows :
To the public : The result of m
trial ending today Is a victory for mi
because of the disagreement of th
jury , but I am very much disappointe
and very much surprised that the jur
did not bring in a verdict of not guilt :
I did not kill my wife , and do nc
know where she is , but I am sure thr
it is only a question of time until sh
comes home. I did not go upon th
witness stand because my lawye
Judge Vincent , was bitterly opposed t
my doing so , and because he advise
me it was not necessary. I am grate
ful for the tremendous change in pul
lie sentiment In my favor and time wi
demonstrate that I am not only an ir
nocent , but a very greviously wronge
Subscribed and sworn to before m
this 21st day of October , A. D. , 1897.
M. F. SULLIVAN , Notary Public.
Food Scarce in Klondike.
WASHINGTON , Oct. -Captai
Hoover , comander of the Bering se
patrol fleet , who has arrived in Wasl
ington to attend the seal conferenci
said today that the reports concernin
the scarcity of food in the Klondik
region are not , in his judgment , eji
aggerated. In the neighborhood c
Dawson City , he said , there are aboi
5,000 miners , whose supply of provh
ions for the coming winter is no greal
er than was barely sufficient for ha
that number during last winter. Gret
suffering would be the inevitable re
suit of this scarcity of food. Althoug
some of the more vigorous among th
miners might attempt to get away o
the ice of the Yukon , the chances wer
tliat a considerable number of thes
would perish from hunger an I expos
rrosocutions for Perjury.
CHICAGO , Oct , 23. It is quite pos
sible that some prosecutions for per
jury will result from , the Luetgert case
While the states attorney refused t
affirm or deny this , it is given on firs
class authority that the testimon ;
of two of the principal wit
nesses for the defense will b
laid before the grand jury fo
an investigation. It may be that mor
than two people will be included ii
the list that will be carried to th
grand jury , but it is practically set
tied that indictments will be asked fo
against two probably before the Luet
gert case can be reached for tria
Mayor Harrison for Governor.
CHICAGO , Oct 23. Mayor Harri
son's gubernatorial boom was launch
ed at the second annual meeting of th (
democratic editors of Illinois. Abou
150 were present when Mayor Harri
son was introduced by President Here
ford of the association. Mr. Herefort
in his introductory speech remarket
that if Mayor Harrison "stood witl
both feet on the Chicago platform he
would be heard from in state and na
tional politics. "
Xow IJuy Ilorsps.
LEAD , S. D. , Oct. 22. "Do you know
how to make sure money in the nexi
two years ? " asked a well posted cat
tleman. "Buy a bunch of good horses ,
Horses have touched a lower price
than will again be reached for many
years. One year ago range horses
could not be sold at any price. At the
present time the price is not high , it is
true , but there is a demand and it is
growing. The man who wants to make
money will buy horses now. "
Tlipusalyan * Jlav Retnrn.
ATHENS , Oct. 22. The Turkish gov
ernment has granted permission to the
Thessalyan refugees who fled from
Thessaly after the invasion of the con
quering Turkish troops to return to
their homes.
Contract for a bridge across Badger
3reek between Holt and Boyd- coun
ties was let at $ I" ,700 by the supervis-
srs of both in joint session.
.7adffe cott I < s Called Down.
OMAHA , Oct 22. Judge Cunning-
dam R. Scott of the District Court has
> een cited to apear before the Supreme
ZJourt on November 4 in conenction
with one of a series of restraining cr
iers he has lately issued. Last Friday
le disbarred an attorney and regretted
hat he could not disbar Judges Baker
ind Powell. In this case Judge Scott
vas overturning a decree of the Su-
> reme Court , which has taken cogniz-
: nce of his conduct.
Ninety-five cars of cattle were re-
eived at Ames the other day for Win
er feeding. . .
, iriripfliftJMalfaa' lill * * * * * [ B
, „ . . n j n ! i i ti
Favor iti-cord In Kur Orleans j < | B
NEWs ORLEANS , Oct. 23. At II / / ?
o'clock the Board of Health reports / f m
new coses and thrco deaths , / u I
sixteen the latter bolng Rev. D. L. V . - , I
among 4 ill
Street Baptist
of th6 Valcnca
Church. k , , , . , . . I I
England declines Americas lnvitr- } 4\ \
monetary con- ) Ll
tion to participate in a „
ference. . , |
energetic action
A Havana paper urges
tion against the United States.
George D. Meiklejohn , ass slant secretary
arrived in St.
and party
retary of wur ,
The Northwestern Miller gives Xhe-
flour output last week at Minneapolis , .
and Milwaukee at I
Duluth , Superior
425,140 barrels. , , , * I
The Illinois delegation selected site
for building at exposition grounds. |
At Jollct , HI. , Joe Patchen , the black ' |
pacing stnlion , reduced the world's
record to a four-wheel sulky by nearly
four seconds.
It is estimated that 220,000 head or
cattle have already been shipped from
the Black Hill3 ranges this season.
Masked men held up a stage in
Washington , securing Its treasury box.
. H
lliHuiarck Cnnllnnd to the Hoosi'
BERLIN , Oct. 23. Prince Bis-
march's throat , it is announced In a
dispatch from Friedrichuhe , has been
affected by the recent bad weather and
his usual out-of-
he is unable to take
door exercise. H
Iowa I'nteut OHlcn nojiort. H
DES MOINES , Oct. 20 Copyrights
and patents have been secured through.
our agency during the past week sis .
follows : H
J. J. Prosper , en experienced short B
hand reporter of Des Moines , has.
been granted a copyright for a book
entitled "Common Sense Phonogras H
F. W. Webster , the popular photographer - • J
grapher of Des Moines , has been. H
granted a copyright for a photo of L. H
M. Shaw , republican candidate for H
governor. M
Patents were allowed , but not yet H
Issued , as follows : ( H
To L. Gist of Lake City. Iowa , for ' H
an Automatic Check Row Com
Planter and Marker. Rotary motion. M
of the carriage axel is utilized for H
simultaneously opreating the seed 1
dropping and marking mechanisms at M
regular intervals of space as the machine - H
chine is advanced and by means of | H
levers at the side of a person on the H
seat , loss or gain of space can be H
readily governed. H
To C. F. Lathrop and F. C. Vreden- " M
burgh , of Atlantic , for a plumb level jH
in which the pointer is provided with M
wings to restrict vibration and with H
arms extending laterally in opposite V
directions and adjustable weights H
thereon to balance the vibrating B
United States Patents.
Last weed there were issued exactly 1
400 patents to citizens of the United 1
States. Amongst them was one for J
an airship , patented to a Minnesota
inventor , an autoharp , a cash register ,
while a New York inventor received j
a patent for a coffin. Amongst the
novel inventions arc found a quilting j
attachment for sewing machines , a j
simple attachment for bicycle tires , * tr
making them puncture proof , a barrel
shaped wiud mill , a machine for mak
ing elbows for stove pipes , a bicycle
frame that can be instantly changed
from a diamond to a ladies'drop frame
and a device to prevent the slipping of
belts. Amongst the famous expired
patents we have selected three which
are shown above and whicii may j *
now be used , comprising a double acting - 1
ing pump , a mop head and a vice. 1
These patents are taken from Sues' 1
copyrighted machine movements. Inventors - 1
ventors having applications filed I
through Wedderburn , should address 1
Sues & Co. , Attorneys at Law , Uee I
building , Omaha , Nebraska , for free I
information. 1
Quotations From New York , Chicago , St. I
Louis , Omaha and Elsewhere.
Butter Creamerv separator. 20 © 22
Butter Choice fancy coun- -
try. . . . . . 14 ® 17
Eggs Fresh 13 ffj is'/
Spring Chickens Per lb G < Zd G H
Turkeys , per lb 8 < fd 9
Pigeons Live 75 S SO
Lemons Choice Messinas . . . 4 25 f 4 50 fl
Honey Choice , per lb 12 < S > 12 Bm
Onions per bu 40 fi ) 55 H
Cranberries Cape Cod. per | H
bbl . . . . . . . . - - - . 5 00 © 5 50 H
fJeans Handpicked Navy ; . . . i 40 C ; 1 50 M
Potatoes per bu 40 ffi 55 H
Sweet potatoc per bbl 2 CO & 2 25 H
Dranges-per box 4 25 L 4 50 M
Apples Winter stock , per M
bbl . . . . . . . 2 75 < a > 3 0O jlM
Hay Upland , per ton 4 00 @ 5 50 H
tlogs Choice light 3 20 © 3 50 H
2ogHeavy weights 3 4" © 3 50 fLM
3ef steers 3 50 4 < *
? 'aIs , 2 70 @ 3W J M
' . ti , S 2 73 (1x3 ( 00 et B
Western feeders 3 00 @ 4 00
Sttwkers anl feeders . .i : 3 CO & 4 is < H
V-cp-Westera lambs ! . 4 GO ® 4 ? s > * * H
jheep-Natlve wethers 3 00 S 3 25 J WW
orn per bu " 24 oiikl ' N 1
, Vheat-No. 2 spring g g $
) ats ppr bu nt S icr A M
ive s-2 . : : : : : r > © < ° J ! I
rjmothy seert-Pnmu perbu * . 2 GO © 2 65 f , jB
.ard-peVYoo "fbs : : : : : : : : : : : : : " 4lo ill ) v H
-attle Western feeders 3 5 m 4 i | j m mM
Tugs-Pnme light " " 3 go ffi a en 7 m mM
Iheep-Xative lamb * . . . . "I" 3 60 I 3 73 b A LM
° red'wlnter J&
no ! 2 : . . ' © 100 +
KANsXs ' ciTY < SM75
Vheat No. 2 -M
lats : orn-No. No * 2 > . . . spring . . . . . . .I. S4 22frQ ? ® > § 3 { % i - L M LX
: attl-Stocke ' and fwderT3 M I 4 lHr H
hep-Muttons H : ' * g g | g f H