The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 15, 1897, Image 9

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If •
Cleanliness begins within. 12 man isn't
cleou iiirfidf , lie is fflr from GoJHno38. A
cougUjmtt J Hinuerisawtcjicli in this nostrils
I o the Deity A man wLoic foo.l hourw iu
Inn Btoinnch , ami whom liver in leaden ,
can'tl o3 | > looking at tlio world lintefully
with jpuudlced eye , und canjurhig up evil
thoughts In hih tortured brain. Clcnuli-
iic&iof pen on begobi clcnulinefH of thought.
CaHcuruts , Candy Cathartic arc the mis-
hionary medicine which purifies men's
bodicti end wiiiils. l'uro , trngrunt , palu-
table , mild and positive , they clean out the
intestinal cmutl. i > timulato the liver and
Ktrengthen tl o iMiweb' . Then a man cnjoyH
again feeling of cimrity and brotherly love
'for bin fellows and recommends others to
take Cuscarcts and be as happy as ho.
Miss Romantic "I do love birds.
Are voul JolIonH of tlicm ? "
K. ' Broker "I should say I am.
They make simply an ideal lunch ; but
wo can' .t afford them any more. Busi
ness in the street bas been running in
a ham-sandwich streaklately. " Smith ,
Gray & Go's Monthly.
When you visit Omaha you should call at
C. 8. Raymond Co. 's jewelry store , corner
Fifteenth and Douglas streets , and ex
amine their jewelry and art goods for
wedding , birthday and Christmas presents ,
also stool engraved wedding stationery , in
vitations and visiting cards. It is the only
first class , up-to-date jewelry , art and cut
gluss store west of Chicago and St. Louis.
Engraving and printing 100 visiting cards
S1.50 by mail.
The Lemonade Did Iu
Only four men have ever niado
enough money out of the circus bus
iness in this country to bo able to retire -
tire and live on their income , while
bundled ; have been financially used
up. It is believed that red lemonade
at ten cents a ghvss exercised a baleful
influence on the great majority.
Oar Klondike Shoes
are a gilt edge line , and every gentleman
should see them before buying. They are
th best line wo have ever offered. Ask
youi' dealer for thorn , and you will got the
best as well as the latest style shoe in the
market. Bently & Olmsted , wholesale
boots , shoes and rubbors.DesMoines , Iowa.
There is more or less loafer blood in
The best ; all Krocerswill refund youi money If
yon are not astlsflcd with It.
Opinions never chage the weather.
' - v
Drawing the Line.
A native Mow Zealandcr was induced
to wear a shirt , a paper collar , hhocs
and a hat. and ho almost concluded to
' cat with a knife ami embrace Chris-
; ; tianlty. Then they asked him to wear
suspendorn and ho wentout and hanged
.himself. It was pushing civilization
I too fast. _
j State of Ohio , City of Toledo ,
Lucas County ,
I 6.
j Frank J Cheney makes oath that be 13
the Hviiior partner of Uie firm or 1-.J. .
j Cheney & Co. , doing business In the City
of Toledo 'County and State afore alil.
and that said tlrm will pay the uum or.
and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo
cured by th use of Hairs Catarrh cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence , this Cth day of December ,
A ( SalJS 0'A. . W. GLEASON '
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally
and acts directly on the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Send tor
testimonials , free. .
F. C. CHENEY & CO. . Toledo. O.
Sold by Druggists , 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Foor r.Ittlo Billy.
"Poor little Billy ! " "What's the mat
ter with him ? " "He was taking Ger
man lessons from a female teacher ,
you know. Well , she had him propose
to her in German , and before he knew
what he was saying she accepted him. "
Philadelphia North American.
• J.Ty Graln-O.
Ask your grocer today to show yoo
a package of GRAIN-0 , the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without
injury as well as the adult. All who
• try it like it. GRAIN-0 has that rich
seal brown of Mocha or Java , but it is
made from pure grains , and the most
delicate stomach receives it without
distress. % the price of coffee.
15 cents and 25 cents per package.
Sold by all grocers. Tastes like cof
fee. Looks like coffee.
A Side Deal.
A man sedlom appreciates Liat which
does not cost him anything. This rule ,
however , doesn't * apply to side
• vhiskers. Somerville Journal.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
Druggistsref und tlio money if It fails to cure. 25c
What this country needs most of all
is a fool killer.
\ ( VS , , -A. Y ,
l l t | | n j -ii ifflt fli |
pills stand without a rival as a reliable family L4
medicine. They cure sick headache , biliousness. FJ
constipation , and keep the body in perfect health. J
In many homes no medicine is used except Lj
Dr. J. C. Ayer's [ 4
| I
. . \
3 x , Bicycling in windy autumn weather makes y
| _ vA $ * y ° ur cnee s urn tt'itn tne warm ruddy > <
9 " s12 1 ! } "ow ° nea tn * hardens you 'for the {
"i t. < jk * k r hardships of winter l'ife and gives you the )
ioik - ) & l - - < stimulation you need the .kind that is ]
) > " best- And all this for a ' <
vvPtnHv iiltyvlC * i
i \ kHJ i\ It isn't much to pav for the pleasure you '
} \ N v * 2et is i - No other bicycle is so good }
( _ as the Columbia {
HARTFORD I Standard of the World.
) BICYCLES , j $75Toniifiiike. I
| . S50 , $45 , 40. ( I
\ ) POPE MFG. COMPANY , Hartford , ConnB
< If Columblas are not properly represented in your vicinity , let us kr.ow. L <
Dr. Kay's Renovator Worth
Its Weight In Gold.
For Constipation , Indigestion and
Sleepless Nights.
1 have been troubled for the past 20 years
• with const patlon , Indigestion and sleepless
nights , but bince taking your Dr. ICay's Keno-
vator I can sleep like a child and am not
troubled la the least with the above named
diseases Your Dr. Day's Renovator is worth
its-weight in cold. lam an old lady 67 years
old. Years , Mrs. D. A. McCoy , 711 So. 27th
St. . Omaha. Neb. . March22,1895.
rag Tuerois nothing that renovates every
organ of the bodv , anfl restores them to a
heultby natural vigor , &o pleasantly , yet so safe
and certain in its effect as Dr. Kay' .s Renova
tor. ItBtriUcs to the root or the trouble and
removes the cause and cures vhen all other
remedies fail. Send for proof of it.
Dr. Kay's Itcnovaior and Dr. Kaysliuns
Bnlm are sold bv druggists or sent by mail.
Price 25 centsDon't Vike anv substitute for
it lias no equal. OUR BOOK "Dr. Kay's
Home Treatment" has 68 pases and 50excellent
rcrines. Andy "VVhitmer. Kast Chicago. Ind. .
writes * "I would not take $10.00 for your book
if I could not get another. " Sent free to those
naminc this naperby Dr. B. J.Kay Medical
Co. , Omaha , Neb.
iag , ggThoiBpsoBsEye Wafer.
rrHTiirrtn Cce o and Pact feather Pillows , Ueds ,
KHll I hMBoMeraaml , Cafhlont. Writeforpriccs.
i nlIiLl\0KI"aaCitJr'caU'erCo"iaaWlp"tSt- \
Write CAPT. O'FARRELL , Pension Agent ,
U25 New York Aveaae. WASHINGTON , D. C. j
an * * sk br Hi
I TheBest Cf 1 1
j Saddle Coat OI I V. fVSry
fePTlKeepsboth riJerand saddle rigrfzSiJSii ?
i I BkH fectly dry in the hardest storms. R BEf'
P S Substitutes will disappoint Ask for BjKjKfc
| i8j7 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker 1 S5 ?
SaB ' * * s ent'rcIyneur- notforsale in jb3sifi <
JHl ri your town , write for catalogue to BsH ?
WP i A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass. JtmS& !
K ffV B < 0 E qaickTcllofondcnrcswoist
roses. Send for book or testimonials and XO days *
treatment ITrcc. Dr. UVILGCKSS'S SOIS. Atlanta , Go.
D n ( % C S I ! O The bC8t B ° Pe R" ° flnc for
nLillr,8llIllc-per stJft * caps and nails in- i
Iivwi IIB ,
ndo snb t tntM for Planter
ftj ( JuHtS WtfSJILL EUJEFAILS. " ! Eg
hoi Cost Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use f"i
c3 tnttoe. Soldbrdromlgts. _ _ g |
A contract extending the monopoly
) f a patent to an unpatented and un
patentable , article necessary to the
operation of a ' patented machine by a
provision that this article shall be
bought exclusively from the patentee
Is sustained by the United States court.
A patrol of strikers in Iront of a
factory is held in Vegelahnv vs.
Guntner ( Mass. ) 35 h. R. A. 722 , to be
a private nuisance when instituted for
the purpose of interfering with the
buniness , and it Is no justification that
the motive or purpose of the strikers
Is to secure better wages.
A statute authorizing the killing ol
animals found neglected or abandoned ,
or which have become useless because
of injuries , disease or age , is held , in
Loesch vs. Koehler ( Ind. ) 35 L. R. A.
682 , to be unconstitutional as depriv
ing the owner of property without due
process of law so far as " it permits such
killing without notice to him.
The power of a district attorney to
enter a nolle prosequi after the con
viction of the accused is completed Is
denied , in State , ex rel. Butler vs.
Moise ( La. ) 35 L. R. A. 701. The an
notation carefully analyzes the author
ities as to the power of a public prosecutor
cuter to dismiss a prosecution.
The right of an attachment creditor
to have a prior attachment set aside
because it was without legal grounds
and based on a false affidavit , and was
permitted by the debtor to give a pref
erence , was denied in Blaser Bros. vs.
First National bank ( Ark. ) 35 L. R. A.
7G5. But an attachment issued upon
a debt not due was held , in Davis vs.
H. B. Clafiin Co. ( Ark. ) 35 L. R. A.
776 , to be subject to attack by a junior
attaching creditor , where the statute
did not authorize attachment for debts
net due under the circumstances of
that cape. With these cases is a very
extensive note reviewing the decisions
on the right of creditors to question
the validity of attachment.
Imprisonment for more than 2,160
days in default of paying fines aggre
gating $720 , for the violation of an or
dinance respecting trespass upon pub
lic parks , is held , in State , ex rel.
Garvey vs. Whitaker ( La. ) 35 L. R. A.
561 , to constitute unusual and un
reasonable punishment , where it ap
pears that the accused , upon what was
essentially one complaint , was found
guilty of seventy-two distinct viola
tions of the ordinance within 1 hour
and 40 minutes. In the annotation to
this case a very great number of de
cisions on cruel and unusual punish
ment are reviewed.
Primitive eyes appear in animals
very low in the scale of life. The most
remarkable instance of these early
organs of sight is in the jelly-fish ,
around whose umbrella-shaped body
are certain little cell-like organs ,
which are said to be rudimentary eyes.
The snail carries its eyes in tele
scopic watch-towers ; this animal is for
the most part nocturnal , and its vision
is in a comparatively high grade of
development. The eyes are situated at
the tips of the "horn" or "feeler" and
actual observation has proved that the
tiny creature can note a white ball at
the distance of two feet.
The periopphthalmus , a fish of
China , Japan , India , the Malayan arch
ipelago and eastern Africa , is prob
ably the oddest of creatures with its
eyes out of place. The poor fish gets
its name from its eyes ; all the terrible
cognomen means after all is rounti-
eyed. These organs are very large and
prominent , and possess , for a fish , the
rare property of looking around on
all sides ; they are situated at the top
of the animal's head. This fish is
peculiar also in that it hops out of
water to pursue its prey , jerking along
on its pectoral fins and breathing the
oxygen from quantities of water which
it has stored up in its immense gill-
There is alive today a little creatuje
which rejoices in a third eye , directly
in the middle of its forehead ; it is a
lizard , called the calotis. A tree lizard
found in the mountains of East Ten
nessee and Kentucky , and called by
the natives the "singing scorpion , " re
veals a third eye , when it is dissected ,
just underneath the skin , showing a
lens , retina and optic nerve.
A Jfegross Attorney.
Lutie A. Little , a 23-year-old negress.
with bright , round face and intelligent
eye , entered the criminal court at Mem
phis , Tenn. , one day last week , with all
the aplomb of an old practitioner and
presented her duly authenticated
claims to the privilege of practicing
law in the courts of Tennessee. She
was admitted without a question. She
is the first representative of her sex of
any color to be admitted to the bar of
Tennessee. She is the only colored
woman in the south licensed to practice
law. She is the only living colored
woman in the United States probably
in the world , a member of the bar.
Mutual Benefit.
"Did your husband's wheel trip do
him good ? "
"Yes , and It did me good , too. I
didn't have to help him clean his wheel
for three weeks. " Detroit Free Press.
The Ked of iron-
Inexperienced Maiden But tell me
who really rules the household j-bu
or your -husband ? Experienced Matron
Neither , dear mamma lives with us ,
you known.
* T'"T'Tpn' " • " . - - , - . *
T-TTiriTtTnr.TI Mi ii ii 7in nm
i i . . ' ii f inin'ni'Twiiii'munnifiSMa '
_ _ _ _ -
Several months ago , the Japanese
Tea Guild sent to this country a special
commission , composed of Mr. S. Mit-
suhashi , president of Shizuoka Prefec-
tural Assembly , and Mr. J. Ohara.mem-
ber of Japanese parliament , to investi
gate the condition of the Japanese tea
trade in the United States and Canada ,
and to co-operate with Mr. T. Furuya
and Mr. T. Mizutany , the Acierican
representatives of the Japanese Tea
Guild , in giving publicity to the merits'
of Japanese teas and the method of
preparing them for drinking which
would insure the best results.
Mr. Furuya and Mr. Mizutany are
planning to open tea bazars in many of
the principal cities in the United
States and Canada , where ladles can
enjoy a cup of fine Japanese tea made
by experts , and at the same time re
ceive instructions which will enable
them to make it equally well at home.
More than half the tea consumed in
the United States and Canada is of
Japanese growth , yet , the majority of
Americans apparently do not under
stand how to prepare it so as to de
velop the delicious qualities which it
contains. It is believed by these gen-
tlemen that when Americans are in
possession of the secret of making good
tea , the consumption in this country
will fully equal that of Europe in pro
portion. The Japanese government
has appropriated a large fund to aid
the Japanese tea growers and tea mer
chants in prosecuting this educational
work , and it is hoped that American
ladies will be apt students. The main
bureau of the Japanese Tea Guild has
issued an official recipe for making Jap
anese tea , the translation of which is
as follows :
First Use a small.dry and thorough
ly clean porcelain teapot.
Second Put in one teaspoonful of
tea leaves for each cup of tea desired.
Thiid When using Japanese teas ,
pour on the required quantity of fresh
boiled water , and let stand with closed
lid from 2 to 3 minutes. Never boil
the leaves. In order to retain the nat
ural flavor , Japanese tea leaves should
be kept in tight can or jar , free from
Note. To thoroughly enjoy the nat
ural , delicate , and sweet flavor of Jap
anese teas , neither sugar nor cream
should be used.
Xo .Fiirougli Cars Wanted.
This old darkey was wandering about
among the trains in the depot with a
carpeu sack in his hand. He was ac
costed by an employe with :
• • Where you groin' uncle ? " ]
"Ter Pitchburgh , sah. "
"Want a through car , I s ' pose ? * '
"JTo , sah , don 't ! Las1 kyar I rid in
• rant froo. an' cum nigh killin' me.
Los ' my hat. " '
"How ' s that- '
"Trussle warn't strong 'nuf. Xo ,
sah , I'se liuntin' de kyar dat don 't go
free ; I want de kyar dat'll git there
wid me. " '
He was shown the right car , the old
man got aboard and was soon on his *
way to the smolty City. Louisville
Danger in the Ballroom.
"What a beastly cold you've got.Sam !
Where did you get it ? "
"It's not a cold , it's hay fever. I got
it dancing with that grass widow the '
other night ! "
It Will Stlrlc.
Hero is a reeipe for it paste whirh will
stick anything : Take two otiw" < of
clear gum arable ono and a half onncos
of line starch and one-half ounce of
white sugar. Dissolve the gum arable
in as much water tis the laundress
would use for the quantity of starch in-
dicatcd. lix the sugar and starch
with the mucilage. Then cook the
mixture in a vessel suspended in boil
ing water until the starch becomes ,
clear. The ccmont should be thick as
tar and should bo kept so. It can bo
prevented from spoiling by the addi
tion of camphor or a little of cloves.
Almost Insidn Out.
Tlio stomach that Is not turnoJ thus by a
sha'ilnj ; upon the "briny wave" must bo : v
well fortified one. The tjiistrlo apparatus can
bo rendered proof against > > ea sickness with
that stomachic so popular amoiiR travelers
by sea and land Hostetter's Stomach Hit
ters. It defends the system against malaria
and rheumatism , and subdues liver com
plaint , constipation and dyspepsia.
The American Monthly Review of
Reviews for October has several ar
ticles of unusual interest to women
readers , Miss Frances Willard tells
the story of the world's W. C. T. U.
movement ; Mrs. Ellen M. Henrotin ,
president of the General Federation of
Women's Clubs , outlines the benefits
of those organizations ; Mrs. Sheldon
Amos , of England , writes of a London
woman ' s club , and Miss Mary Taylor
| Blauvelt contributes an enlightening
article on the opportunities for women
at the English universities.
Cheap Ticket *
Via the Omaha & St. Louis R. It. and
j ' Wabash It. R. St. Louis , one way , § 9.13 ,
! ' round trip , § 15.33. On sale ever\r Tues
i days and Thursdays. St. Louis : Round
trip October 3d to Sth , $11.50. Home-
seekers' Excursions. South : Septem
ber 21 , October j and 19. One fare the
round trip , plus $2. Springfield , 111. :
Round trip , S13.25 ; on .sale September
IS , 19 , 20. For tickets and further in
formation call at 1415 Farnam St. ( Paxton -
ton Hotel Block ) , Omaha , or write G.
N. Clayton , Omaha. Neb.
Where Will You Get the Money ?
A pleasant "guesr. " is to name how
many dollar bills would be required to
weigh as much as a $20 gold piece.
Answers fluctuate between 300 as the i
lowest and 1,000 : the correct number.
being thirty-four. |
To men ( plain envelope. ) How , after ten
vears' fruitless doctoring , I was fully re
stored to full vigor and robust manhood.
No C.O.D. fraud. No money accepted. No
connection with medical concerns. Sent
absolutely free. Address , Lock Box 288 ,
Chicago , 111. Send 2-cent stamp if con
No one longs to live longer than his
teeth last.
Read the Advertisements.
You will enjoy this publication much
better if you will get into the habit of
reading the advertisements ; they will
afford a most interesting study and
will put you in the way of getting
some excellent bargains. Our adver
tisers are reliable , they send what
they advertise.
Every woman thinks she does not
get out enough to hear anj'thing new.
Mm.Viit iows * foothills fyrnp
For tfuldren teethln ofteiiJ the KU" > * . * lnces Inflatn
uiJtion , al aj s pain , tuics w ind colic. = 5 coats J Dolllc
An unbapp3 * woman is the most un
happy looking thing on earth.
Slow promises make the best time.
mmammmmtmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmtiuiim iutjn nm. K
j I A Huge Turnip. JS
I Vegetation grown to vast proportions jjf
in the fertile northwest. A lurnio m
measuring four feet in ntvumfcreneo m
i.and i weighing fif pounds has been on | |
i exhibit'ou at the new Whatcom , Wa."h. , m
' chamber of commerce. b |
i Piso's Cure for Consumption Iiuk U' n a 11
. Gotl-sctid to me. Win. 11. McChtllnn , Cuesffl
ter , Flo. , Sept. 17 , 1S'X . . • m
Loafers have a way of saying that | 8
busy men are "cold. " J |
Coc'o Cough Ilulmtn IS
Is tli < < oldft anil bct. Itwlll tiicakupit tolil i'lckcr w
than anything rUe. It Ualwnj rt-lUUe. Try It. ]
A protestant preucher' .s idea of Joy S
, is to convert a Catholic. 'M
! j j ( Catarrh 1
"For several years I was n great sufferer m
with catarrh , and at times I could hardly
speak so any one could underntnnd me. JK
After taking a few bottles of llood'H Bar- M
sanarilla I was relieved and since then I m
have not been troubled with catarrh. " 11
Mrs. JosephineHornsby , Phillipn , Pa. 1M :
HOOCl S paritla 1
Is prepared by C. I. Hood & Co. . Lowell , Masa. } | | |
HnnH'c P 1 lc are the hest after-dinner US
IIUUU > flllt > pais , aid digestion. 'He. m
? /i iMA > rVU % in WASHERS in 20 YEARS.
ffij'iX \ P EN DU L U EV1
Wtttj&fe&i SsTttSOptrceaUofht * .
& & Ws
? | 7JrPlJ jX ' Can li -i > | rated ftand-
Mi4 § E "JHKk A * % hitror flttlni. . No
* > PjRJjtr \ . Si * " ' * \ nrk tlmu j
6f9 ? cS' ' ? > /i\ / [ * i2sfa } ' si 1 t ' "Jle f'l
H. F. BRAiilMER MFG. CO. , Davenport , Iowa I
Splendidly Illustrated. A nrst-cLi s hook KASY TO II
SKLU. Kxcln-ive territory. Liberal iliM-oiini * Aitilre * I
T11K CEXTUIIY CO. . 33 liirt 17lh Hticet. J 'u * York. |
j yZ 2n chre YOURSELF ? | l
* * jF y DKE8\ I Upg Bic G lor unnatural 'H '
/ /inlto5 < 3 / . \ I ditcharfies , tuHamuiatioLi1.
/ / GDranuedJ irritations or ul < cr.Uioa4
/t5j/ not to iuiciure. of iiiiicouh UK'Iiilir.ii.ts. H
-Pretrou coatitfoa. fainted , and nut afctrio- H
lSoUTHEE ( NS CheuISALCO. & * * poisonous.
V \CIKCINHUI.0.r7 l < , d by nrnci.b.tB , | H
\ \ tii. 7 rw Bcnt ' " r'a ' wrapjKir , !
. V " V \ I ! ' > ' expret * . prer&id , for § H
• O * > * i O \ jl.m. < ir3I ottle . $2.7. > . M
• jXCircular tent oa request. ifl
9ni 3 PI * HOME CUItE. Ibx.k r KhE. lilt. J. . M
B io9efl noinsAV , i btiiaBM = . , rinrAi .iLU U
TATOiTTDT ? atco t with a Seb. > ' „ Avenf * § H
lx\OUit-ill wanted Ini.vcry .witlii N < l is.a. [ H
OCT OtPU ntnCKI.V. Sen < l forBook. " Inventions !
Ut I nlbn y Wanted. " ld = analrA < o.SiB-wj.A r. !
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 4-2. 1897. [ H
When wrltlns to advertisers kindly men- | H
tlon this paper. \ M
I Walter Baker & Co. 's i I
i S Breakfast c l I
( dw&g Pure , Delicious , Nutritious. 1 H
? $ tMMi Costs Zess than ONE CENT a cup. f H
a grj \ 4' " Y'li Be sure that the package bears our Trade-Mark. , B
11 | | j \ \ H Walter Baker & Co Limited , f I
f -4 fegg * ( Established 1780. ) Dorchester. Mass. \ H
1 Trade-Mark. _ _ . _ # M
2j * # - , . • " / • 'T O GIVE MORE than is promised has always been the practice of y l |
> . * _ • C" S'r < : , - - Tbe Conpanion. The two hemispheres have been searched tor S . |
- k. ) - ' - - y K V attractive matter for the volume lor 1898 , and the contribtttors for the year l * |
• h-C j ? 541 . 1. - 'V - . include aot only popular writers of fiction , bat some of the most emiaeot C ' H
l ) < "C- - ? f M k ' - Statesmen , Scientists , Educators , Explorers and Leaders of Industry. S l 1
* t ; c L e n * ; FORALL - & * * 52TIMES J
M 3 m % 8 FAMLY-comDanion , YEAH' § I
" -C ' ' ' -J yt i ? ' - J n ? ' ' - The following partial list of contributors indicates the strength and 5- * H
* * \ " • ' ' ' % ? $ ? | ' > i-/ v * V - S- attractiveness of nezt year's volume. Y
S - - . Tf ! afe ? Distinguished Writers. &
l - S S &SsSf ft Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone Hon. Thomas B. Reed j H
1 --v-i l The Duke of Argyll Hon. George F. Hoar > -
-i 'vi Sp CC P 5 Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge Lillian Norfica <
> - - Slf i . ' tBjHn * Hon. Justin McCarthy , AL P. prof. N. S. Shaler Y .
I " & Story = TeIlers. | 1
" * - > V 1ST Rudyard Kipling W. D. Howells > -
> si / Octave Thanet Frank R. Stockton l ,
* * r\ \ _ , , . . . _ . , _ _ . , . I. Zanewiil Mrs. Burton Harrison ) \
> sC Mr. GIrdstoac has contributed an important article forthe next . . 2. , , , . , , . u . / . . . . . ) ,
„ „ „ >
Mary E. Haden Carruth H
Compani }
years volume of The Compan , to be published
" -J in the New Year's Number. and more than one hundred others. X' ' |
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