i ; I M'COOK TRIBUNE. lil I V. M , KXMM.KLL , , Publisher. 1 * 1 * _ _ _ _ _ WI I tffcCOOK , - : • - : - NEBRASKA | [ ; - : NEBRASKA. I- , Rutlek county expects a corii crop ? , . 6f 4,000,000 bushels. I. ' ' The Fort Randall reservation has ' been opened to settlement. Tlie Brown county fair was well attended - , tended and the exhibits highly eredit- able. H .Town Getz of Omaha was found dead H in his store , having suicided by shoot- Wk ing himself. H Tiurvks iloclced to Auburn in great H numbers dtiring the fair and a number H of arrests were made. H Thieves entered the store of Gard- H ner Bros , at Edgar and took about § 200 HR Worth of pocket knives and razors. H A corpse , partially exposed , was KJ discovered on a Missouri river sandbar Hi a few miles above Niobrara by Ed Bjj Barton and an Indian named Bird. Bjj . The September mortgage indebted- R ness of Gage county is as follows : Farm mortgages filed , 28 , S133,577 ; released - ' leased , 3(5 ( , § 43,549. City mortgages m filed , 10 , Sll,405 ; released , 11 , § 0,05' ) . R The creamery at Shicklcy burned to H the ground. There was no insurance. H Sparks from a hole in the smoke stack H near the roof is supposed to have been Hfj the cause. It will be a great loss BJ to the farmers. BJ The business handled by the B. & 51. Hj at Nebraska City station amounted to H ' S33,000 during the month of Septem- H | "ber. A year ago the business footed Hj | up $11,000. which is certainly , a very H | Haltering increase. H * Waure-vIIay lost liis barn/one-half Hi mile east of Seward , toge'iier with six Hi hundred and fifty bushels of oats , hay , B com , buggy , farm implements , several B hogs and many other things'usually. H j found around a barn. He had no in- H su ranee. H Henry Gass of Columbus met Avith a Bj painful accidentUis team became BJ frightened and ran away. In attempt s' ' ing to get out of the wagon his clothes BJ • caugilt and he was thrown violently to BJ | the ground , sustaining a compound BJ i fracture of the left leg. BJ \ Tine United Presbyterian parsonage BJ \ "was burned at llushville. It is sup- M | posed a defective flue was the cause. IH . The building cost about § 1,500 and was EH insured for § 1,000 , the policies being Hi held by one of the aid societies of' "the BJ church that helped erect the building. BJ ' Friday , October 15. has "been desig ns Dated as Children ' s building day for BJ the miblic schools of West Point. In 11 the afternoon of this day special exer- BJ cises will be rendered in all the depart- BJ ments of the schools. The object of IB the day is to arouse interest among the _ pupils in behalf of the children ' s build- Bf ing. which is contemplated by the BJ "h > ard of lad3' managers of the Trans- BJ Mississippi exposition. BJ I Luu.ky Sailtxo and Nettie Sprague , BJ two young people of Lexington , arres- Bc | ted at Heaver City , were taken back in Bf I charge of the girl's father and deputy Ba i j sheriff. Thev arrived in Beaver City Bf I a week ago and had been living at fl : : i local hotel as husband and wife. fl , Sailing was taken back on a charge of Bn seduction. Tlie father says his dattgh- Bh ter is under 10 years of age and that B8 I j tlie young man is but 20 j'earsold. Bfl | ' The funeral of Miss Daisy , the young BJJ daughter of Maj. M. L. Pcmbleton of KB York , who died of typhoid fever , was S ' held in the Methodist church , and .was BH ' largely attended by the friends and Hfi schoolmates of the young lady. Miss BJj ; Pcmbleton was an expert drummer , BC liaving while quite a small girl exhib- Bfl ited a wonderful talent for drumming. fli She was well known in this and other Bfl suites as the drummer girl of York. B The governor has issued his proela- Bfl jnation declaring that on Tuesday , the Bflj | 2nd day of November , 1S97 , there will fl * be an election held at the usual places fl of voting in the state for the purpose H of electing one judge of the supreme fl court , two regents of the University of fl Nebraska , one state seuator for the fl First senatorial district and one rep- H rescntative in the Eighteenth repre- H seutative district. The two legislative fl offices are to be filled because of the BB 1 \ resignation of Senator Osborne of Hfl \ Pawnee county and the death of Rep- Bfl rescntative Seiiram of Dixon county. fl John II. Grurex , who went to St. Hi Louis some three weeks ago with a car HK toad of dirt from the Muff farm in Sa- H line county , to have the same smelted H and assayed , returned last evening Hflj very much elated over the results of H the trip. The dirt run between S1G H | and Slii worth of bullion per ton , ac- H | cording to the assayists at the St. H i J ottis refining company. Considerable H delay was caused in smelting on ac- H . count of a lack of water and Mr. Gru- HH ben was compelled to leave before all H | I was run through , about five tons left H ' to smelt. Interested parties are anx- HH i iotisly waiting further developments. Hh j A Marshalltown ( fowa ) paper says : HB I A traveling man who has been out in D Nebraska sa3' .s that potatoes are plenty h and cheap at llushville , Hay Springs m and Gordon. One farmer had 400 HH i bushels and Avas offering to sell at 20 Hj j cents a bushel. As these towns are on Hj I fhe Chicapo fc Northwestern it may be HJ ii good thing for some of our dealers to H write to these towns and find out if H | they cannot be shipped into Iowa. K Tliis same man says the dry weather H of September has made the sugar beet B crop raised there the best ever known ; K that usttally the beets grade 12 per B , cent , sugar test , but this year all are B J testing IS and 20 per cent ; that the H r factory this season asks no questions B and takes all that comes. m The Presbj'terian church' of Fair- B jnont celebrated its 25th anniversary H | J on tlie 5th and Gth of October. B A toukg son of Charles H. Pratt a B * Hastings was badly bitten by one of , BB tlie bloodhounds with an "Uncle Tom's 1 - J Cabin" company that showed there re- 1 { cently. 1 .T. J. Barnes , a prosperous farmer 1 living about six miles northwest of Hl ' Columbus , sustained a severe loss by fireHe has been engaged in the H | manufacture of sorghum for several j Hj years and bis factory , together with ' B about 200 gallons of sorghum , besides • B a large number of new barrels and ! E come cane , were destroyed. ] BBBa BBH Iz ' , - - ' ' ' ' • "llW y4r-t rt-- BBT' K - - - - ! H I m i I , - . , _ ! ! _ ! LL _ " ' ' ' ' • tu rTT' i 'TTyv1 - . _ _ _ _ _ . _ BBBBB il * jj J i * * JI llBBBBK fc , 1r j * m * " " j , ' - . * ' 'V1' ua ' ' " - a.V : . . - . " ; 4. i _ ! \ . . ' T.\ , = " , , , = , --1 r " THE NEWS IN BRIEF. ITEMS OFINTEREST GATHERED HERE AND THERE. Condensations that Embody a Good Denl of Information Without Requiring Much Space Foreign and Domestic Nc\T y Notes on All Sabjccts. IMondny , Oct. 4. All Indications point to a How of gold from Europe to America. Town elections In Connecticut do not show much change since last fall. Gov. Holcomb of Nebraska has issued the usual election proclamation. Edward Langtry , former husband of Lily Langtry. has become demented. The pope of Komo Is in excellent health , reports to the contrary notwithstanding. By Hoods in China Of teen or twenty thous and persons have recently lost their lives. The London , 0101)0 predicts that Henry George will bo the next mayor of Now York. The new Spanish ministry has taken the oath of oQlce and entered upon their duties. The town of Austin , Pa. , was swept by fire , but live buildings being left * Hundreds arc homeless. A protest has been filed at Lincoln against admitting the national democrats to the offi cial ballot. A strong London syndicate I < ? comiug to this country to endeavor to purchase the Union Pacific. Disastrous prairie fires have occurred in Minnesota and South Dakota. Some loss of life is reported. It Is rumored that Grover Cleveland Is pre paring to re-enter politics , having an eye on the New Jersey sonatorshlp. The steamship Christina has arrived at Havana with 52,000,000 for Gen. Weylcr , to be applied to military operations. The condition of the national treasury on the 1st showed : Avallablo cash balance , S2W.437.G7s ; gold reserve. § 148,170.821. W. It. Finch , of "Wisconsin , has been appoint ed envoy extraordinary and minister pleni potentiary from the United States to Para guay and Uruguay. Tuesday , Oct. 0. Thirty-five conventions have beeu secured for Omaha next year. The railroads are bringing many homc- scckeers into Nebraska. In the inter-colleglato tennis contest at New Haven Harvard won. A largo hotel collapsed at Charlevoix , Mich. , killing two and injuring ten. Prof. Francis "W. Newman , author and philosopher , is dead at London , aged 93. Five political organizations will support Henry George for mayor of the greater New York. The veiled prophet pageant at St. Louis was said to bo the finest ever presented in that city. There is a fight on in Chicago over the price of beer. The price has been cut and the end is not yet. Ex-Governor Boles announces that ho will make no more speeches in Iowa during the present campaign. Contracts have been let for a standard gauge road from Canon City to Cripple Creek , Col. , to cost about $1,000,000. The land owned by the Northern Pacific amounts to nearly 34.000,000 acres , of which almost all Is west of the Missouri river. A statement of the condition of the na tional treasury shows : Avallablo cash bal ances , $213S02.0S1 ; gold reserve , SI 18,4GS,631. It is probable that E. W. Winter will bo elected president of the Union Pacific if the reorganized company gets control of the road. Samuel E. McMillan , United States senator from 1S70 tolSSS , died at his home in St. Paul of anamela. He had becu ill for nearly a year. The London Times says the Wolcott com mission intends to request the government to give an Immediate and final reply to its financial proposals. Captain W. A. Dunn lias sold his six-mile hill copper mine at Houghton , Mich. , to Cam- .eron , CurrioCo. . of Detroit , brokers for New York capitalists , for $300,000. As a result of the revival In trade , the mint in San Francisco will at once resume the coinage of silver dollars in accordance with instructions received from Washington. Daniel S. Lament has been elected presi dent of the Northern Pacific Express com pany , which is an adjunct of the railroad company of which ho is a director and vice- president. Jacob Harlan , republican nominee for cir cuit clerk of Harlan county , Kentucky , was killed In a political fight on Straight creek. Joe Milton , democratic candidate for jailer , was mortally wounded. Commissioner General Sullivan's annual report to the secretary of war shows the ex penditures during the year amounted to $2,1C5,209 of which $1,972,702 were for tlie sub sistence of the army and the balance to set tle claims and other purposes. The supreme court of Iowa hasaffirmed the decision of the lower court In not holding S. J. Spaulding , who embezzled S1S.000 from the secretary of the state pharmacy commission. The court holds he is not a public officer , but merely an employe of the commission. Spaulding appropriated the sum to speculate la graiu. "Wednesday , October ( J. It is so dry In Kentucky a water famine is threateneJ. London disyatches report indications of a Carllst rise. Prairie fires have done much damage in the vicinity of Chicago. The government has received no offer from the English syndicate for the Union Pacific. The Colorado Fuel and Iron Company will build a JSOO.OOO addition to Its plant at Pueblo. Ten states were represented In the west ern waterways convention held In Davenport , Iowa , by fifty delegates. A passenger train on the Boston and Maine road jumped the track , resulting in thirty persons being Injured. Mrs-'Lcna Iilploy Waters , a bride of thrco months , committed suicide by hang ing herself at the homo of her sister. The appointment of Hosca A. Townscnd. of Colorado , to bo judge of the United States court for the Indian Territory , is announced. Mrs. Langtry makes the announcement that she has retired from the stage aud that her steam yacht , Whyte Ladye , will bo sold. Tlie president has appointed Newton C- Batcs , U. S. N. . surgeon general aud chief of the bureau of modlcine and surgery of the navy. The funeral of NealDow , the veteran tcm- peaanco worker , at Portland , Me. , was large ly attended , many distinguished people being present. The annual executive session of tno Na tional Conncll of Women of the United States will be hold October 25. 20 , 27 and 2d at Nashville , Tcnn. From Washington It is reported that Min ister Woodford has received no additional Instruction , from Secretary Sherman or an y other government officer since ho sailed for Europe. J. R. Burton says this year is "the best that Kansas has seen in nineteen years. The people ple will live this year , not merely exist , and f1U put away In the neighborhood of n7o,000.000. : * The supreme court of Michigan has sus- /ained the act of'tho state legislature reijulr- . . , ' n" i ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' - ; 'rizzr - s j - ; - . - , - _ > rv _ r- . z- > < i * - $ " " * • MHHMHMflHBKMMMBMEk IHHMHBWMIB4MMMHM Ing railroads to lssuo 1,000 milo tickets for ! § 20 , good for use by any member of the pur chaser's family. Wedderburn & Co. . of Washington , D. C , were disbarred from practice before the In terior department as patent attorneys or agents. The firm Is held to have boon guilty "of gross fraud und unprofessional conduct. " Accordliu : to private advices a vessel car rying supplies of medicine , clothing , arms and ammunition for the Cuban army loft Montreal for Cuba lastTucsday. Thc-schcmo was not authorized by the Cuban Junta lu Now York. Attempts to get the Union Pacific to arbi trate Its differences with the Hues of the Western Passenger Association have fallen flat. The Union Pacific takes the stand that It will not arbitrate until the other roads hava declared that they will not allow the Oregon Short Line any better commissions than they have been granting to the Central Pacific , Thursday , Oct. 7. Three men were crushed to death in the Homcsteak mine at Lead , S. D. The business portion of the town or Mo- dora , 111. , was destroyed by fire. The shops of the Central railway system of Macon. Ga. , burned. Loss , $75,000. The president ha9 appointed Augustus O. Seyfert of Pennsylvania consul at Stratford. Ont , During the fair festivities at Kansas City thirty persons were injured by a falling plat form. On the Cth the sum of 100,000 ( $500,009) ) was withdrawn from the Bank of England for shipment to the United States. The girls'dormitory of the South Dakota Industrial school was destroyed by fire. Seven lives were lost In the conflagration. Yellow fever is gradually Increasing In Now Orleans and other southern cities. At Mobile the disease has reached the 100. mark. The general officers of the national W. C. T. U. have requested all local unions to hold memorial services for the late General Neal Dow. The Detroit opera house Is a mass or ruins. The llamcs spread to other buildings and be fore controlled had done damage to exceed ? 20O.CO0. Eight bandits held up a Chicago & Alton express train near Kansas City. They only succeeded In robbing the conductor aud ex press agents of personal effects. Editor Bran of the Inconoclast received a severe drubbing at Waco. Tex. , at the hands of thrco trustees of Baylor university , about which he had published an article. George H. Robinson , who several months ago mysteriously disappeared from Omaha , , has been found in Michigan. During his en tire absence ho claims his mind has becu a blank. Gautcmalan Insurgents have lost Quczal- tcuango and sustained a severe defeat at Tototonlcapan , turning the war strongly In favor of Director Barrios , says a New York ncrald dispatch. Official notice has been given by the Union Pacific to its connections In Chicago that the negotiations between that road aud the Oregon gen Short Line have been brought to a con clusion without any of the matters In dispute being sottled. Harvey Cherry , who had just returned to Washington from Nebraska , where he had sold his farm and had $9,000 on his person , . was waylaid by three footpads , knocked senseless and robbed of the money and a val uable gold watch. Friday , October 8. Disastrous forest fires have been raging In Manitoba. Eugene V. Debs is about to make speeches in a number of eastern cities. ' jj Senator Thurston was in Washington on th'c 7th and Called on the president. The drouth In Tennessee is unprecedented. Late crops have been literally burned up. John E. nart of Nebraska has been rein stated as a tagger in the agricultural depart ment. lion , L. M. Amraermann of Scranton , Pa. , capitalist and ex-congressman , died sudden ly of heart disease. Jose Silvorio Jorrln , formerly Cuban sena tor , is dead at his home in New York City of pneumonia , aged SI years , The design of Prof. Keinhold Bcgas , the celebrated sculptor , has been selected for the Bismarck monument to bo erected in Berlin. The comptroller of the currency lias called for a statement of the condition of the na tional banks at the close of business , Octo ber 5. The lord mayor of London announces that the Indian famine fund contributed by Great Britain , the United States and India amounts to 1,500,000. Secretary Wilson of the agricultural de partment Is making arrangements for the purchase of foreigu seeds for distribution by the department- October 8th was "Nebraska Day" at the Nashville Centennial exposition. Governor Holcomb , non. W. J. Bryan , Senator Allen and others were In attendance. The president has appointed the following consuls : Bufus Semming of Ohio , at Edin burgh , Scotland ; Samuel A. McAllister of Delaware , at Barbadoes , West Indies. It is understood that the supreme court will hand down its decision this autumn in what are known as the Nebraska maximum freight rate cases and that it will be in favor of the railroads and against the state. Dr. Jameson , the leader of the Transvaal raid , will seek a seat In the Cape's assembly at the next general election. The chief plank in his platform will be "Fedoratlon for South Africa. " Satnrday , October 0. Ex-Senator John K. McPherson of New Jersey Is dead. The corn crop yield of Nebraska this year Is 229,907,853 bushels. Senator Allen made quite a lengthy address at Nashville on "Nebraska Day. " The Second Presbyterian church at La fayette , Ind. , was destroyed by fire. The report that $50,000,000 has been bid for the Union Pacific has been confirmed. ' The president has appointed G. II. Bridge- man of New YorE minister to Bolivia. Discrepancies amounting to 500,000 have been discovered in the accounts of the auditor of Brooklyn. The government building at the Trans- Mississippi exposition Is at once to be pushed forward to completion. Governor Drake of Iowa , now at Excelsior Springs , Mo. , is so sick that it is feared he will never leave there alive. A dispatch from Tokio says it is reported there that the king of Corea has proclaimed himself emperor of Corea. Failures for the week ending Oct. 9 were 212 in the United States , as against 293 last year , and 29 in Canada against 4(5 ( last year. Charles S. Davis of Sisseton , S. D. , has de clined an appolntmont as superintendent of the Clontarf and Morris Indian schools , Min nesota. George Morgan , who was hung at Omaha , Is said by ono of the local papers to have made a confession and by another that he did not. The first Chicago ball player to sign a con tract for next year was Shortstop Dahlen , who affixed his signature to au agreement to play in Chicago. Special Master Cornish will conduct the .sale of the entire property embraced by the Kansas Pacific railway consolidated mort gage at Topeka , Kan. , Nov. 3 at 11 a. m. Among the diplomatic changes reported at Madrid as being Imminent is that the Duke of Almordova. or Senor Murugua , will re place Senor Dupuy do Lome as Spanish min ister to the United States. WAS-NEVER ; SO DRY. A GREAT SCARCITY OF WATER IN THE WEST. An Unprecedented Drought that Extends All Over tlio Country Mlmourl mid Illinois the Greatest Sufferers The MisKistlppt and .Missouri Itlvers Un usually Low. Wide Kxtended Drought. St. Louis , Mo. , Oct. 7. United States Observer Frankenfield said to day that the present unprecedented drought extends all over the country. Ho added : "Speaking from this sta tion , the states of Illinois , Missouri , Indiana , Kansas , Nebraska and Ar- kanss arc all in the need of wet weather. Iowa has had more rain than some of the surrounding states , but is now in almost as bad a condi tion as the rest. "Missouri and Illinois are suffering the most , particularly the southern portion of Illinois and Central Mis souri. There is yet no indication of ram. " Reports from these states say the ground is too dry for fall plowing and all the country roads are from four to six inches deep in dust A white film covers all the land. The ripening corn hangs dull and apparently life less in the heat of a summer sun , and everything is parched. In many sec tions of Missouri cisterns have gone dry and the danger of fire in the small cities and towns is imminent. The Mississippi and Missouri rivers have not been so low in ten years. , LIKE MR. POTTER OF TEXAS Man From Missouri Creates a Scoria In a Chicago' Hotel. Chicago , Oct. 7. F. R. Reed , a stockman from Culbertson , Mo.awoke from a troubled dream this morning at the Ross hotel , Root and Halsteud streets , possessed with the idea that someone had entered his room and taken from under his pillow $300 which he had received from a sale of stock the day before. Without looking to see if his fears were eorrect , 'Rced bounded from his bed , dashed out of the door and down the hallway with a revolver in his hand , yelling at the top of his voice. When lie reached the elevator shaft the car was at the top floor and Reed , thinking he saw at the bottom of the shaft the man who had stolen his money , fired three shots into the base ment No one was on the floor at the time except the porter and clerk , and they hurried above and overpowered the imaginative cattleman before he tried to shoot again. He was held until po licemen from the stock yards station arrived , and his revolver was taken from him and he was sent to the sta tion His pocketbook , containing S300 , was found under his pillow. He was not locked up , but was warned by the offi cers at the station to go home at once. HE HAD ELEVEN WIVES. 13v. William Six Sentenced to the. lllinoU Penitentiary for iitmy. Srr.i.vcriBM ) , 111. . Oct 7. Dr. Will iam Six pleaded guilty in the Sanga mon circuit court to the charge of bigamy , and was given an indefinite sentence , under the new law , to Ches ter penitentiary. The complaint was made by James Hornung , brother of Miss Katie Hornung of U. rry , 111. , his latest victim , whom he married last spring , when he had ten other undi- vorced wives living in various cities in Indiana , Missouri , Kansas , Oklahoma and Texas. Miss Hornung , with an unaccountable infatuation , stuck to Six to the last , ne is a veterinary surgeon , about 40 years old , and fairly good-looking. Chicago to Have a Beer "War. Chicago , Oct. 7. Chicago is des tined to have cheap beer for a time , and a beer fight thrown into the bar gain. A war of extermination was threatened by the beer trust to-day on the rebellious brewers who remain outside the breastworks. It is re ported unofficially that an immediate cut in the price from § 4.50 to S4 will be made , and that the prices will be scaled down to S2 even , if need be , be fore the fight is finished. tils Copper Mining1 Denl. Houghton , Mich. , Oct 7. Captain W. A. Dunn has sold his Six Mile Hill property to Cameron , Currie & Co. , of Detroit , brokers for New York cap italists , for 5500,000. The property has the richest showing of copper of any mine opened since the discovery of the Calumet and the Heclsi , and mining men are unanimous in predict ing a prosperous future. Heavy I.1 macros for Injuries. Leaykn'Wokth , Kan. , Oct 7. A jury in Judge Myers' court yesterday awarded a verdict for $3SjO to Mrs. Bridget A. Cusick against the Electric Street railway for injuries alleged to have been .received in 1894 while alighting off a car. Virginia .Republicans .Nomlnato- Lynchbukg , Ya. , Oct 7. The state Republican convention met in the opera house here at noon yesterday. Captain P. II. McCall of Culpepper was nominated for governor ; Christian Clmrchmau Convene. Emporia , Kan. , Oct G. The annual convention of .the Christian churches of the state of Kansas convened here to-day and will hold sessions until Friday evening next The attendance is very large , every section of the state being represented. Bank Teller Charged With Robbery. Napanee , Ont , Oct 6. W. II. Pon- ter , teller of the Dominion bank branch here , which was robbed of $30 , - 000 a few weeks ago , was arrested to day on charge of committing the rob bery. mmammB m fwimmmmm xmmmmsmmimnmmm THE " 'STOCK YARDS LAW. Judge Manger In the Federal Court Gratlin u Temporary Injunction. In the federal courtatLincoln.Judge Mungcr granted the temporary injunc tion in the ease of the South Omaha stock yards company against the statu of Nebraska. The stock yards company applied for an injunction to prevent the state otliccrs from putting into force the law enacted by the last legislature , regulating and fixing charges for handling live Rtock at the yards. Tlie order in the case , after citing the title , Oreenleaf VV. Simpson against the Union stock yards company at South Omaha ( limited ) , directs that the temporary order be issued to bo in force until the hearing of the cause , upon the filing of a bond by the plain tiff , the stockyards company in realty , but the stockholder Simpson in form , in tlie sum of $25,000. The order also provides that proof be taken as in dicated in the memorandum filed by the judge and in which the ruling of the court is given. This memorandum is in this lan guage : First The bill charges , and is sup ported by affidavit , that the company does business with the railroads and not with tlie public generally. If this is established by the proofs my present opinion is that the stock yards com pany is a private concern , and for that reason is not subject to regulation by the state. This may be illustrated by the case of an inn-keeper .whose charges may be fixed by the legisla ture. Hut if the inn-keeper docs not hold himself out as furnishing enter tainment to the public , but does so only for a particular class , he is not a public inn-kecper with whose business the state can interfere. Tlie case of an inn-keeper is one of those mentioned in Munn's case , for which reason I mention it. I am not bound to follow that case , but the distinction is obvious. Second The bill shows that there are several classes of business done at these yards. First : There is stock shipped from points in the state to the yards. This class of business is sub ject to state regulation. Second : There is stock shipped from outside the state to the yards , and third : There is stock shipped from points either in or outside the state to Chicago and other eastern points , and which lies over in the yards for rest and feed. These last two elasses of business , if interstate , cannot be interfered with bv the state. * Third The bill charges that tlie statutory rate does not yield compen sation for the services rendered by the company. If this is shown in the proofs the act is invalid. Fourth Our constitution provides that property shall not be damaged as well as shall not be taken for public use without compensation. If a street in front of a lot is graded and tlie con sequence is that the rental of the prop erty is decreased , it is a case for com pensation. I am unable to see any difference between that case and where the legislature by its direct act redu ces the earning capacity of the prop erty. I IJefore rendering a final decree I wish proofs to be taken on these points. I wish to know whether the company holds itself out to the public as a pub lic market , what part of its business originates in this state destined to the yards , and what part originates in or is destined ont of the state , and what is the value of the physical property , and what is the value of the stock to the company. An injunction will issue according to the prayer of the bill , to remain in force until the hearing , upon the plain tiff giving a bond with sureties to be approved by the clerk , in the penal sum of $25,000. "Senate File 10 ! ) . " The officials of a number of counties in the state , says a Lincoln correspond ent of the Omaha l.ee , have written to the attorney general to find out wheth er the new law which appears in the new copy of the session laws and which is labeled -'senate file 101) " ' is valid and can be put into practice at tlie com ing election : The attorney general has answered all these inquiries by setting forth the record on this partic ular bill , but has rendered no decision as to its validity. The bill , as introduced " duced in the senate , was calculated to allow counties having a population of 8,000 , or a voting population of 1,000 , to elect clerks of the district court at other times than the regular time for electing such officials. Tlie bill was introduced for the special benefit of Valley county , but if valid could be taken advantage of by about ten coun ties in the state this year. The record shows that the bill passed the senate , but that on the last day of the session it came to a vote in the house and fail ed to pass , the vote being forty-eight in favor and nineteen against. Jn spite of this failure to pass the bill , however , was certified to the governor , received his signature and is printed in the session laws. . Cody Docs the Proper Thing. Some time ago Adjutant General Barry sent to each member of the gov ernor's staff and the officers of the Ne braska national guard an invitation to accompany Governor Holcomb to Nashville and participate in the exer cises on Nebraska day , October 8. An answer has been received from Colonel W. F. Cody , " .Buffalo Hill , " in which he saysI am pleased to say that I will be in Nashville with Nebraska ' s wild west exhibition on October 7 and 8 , and that if the governor wants any horses for himself and staff , a band , regular army soldiers as escorts , or if he wishes the entire wild west show to turn out on Nebraska day , that I and my entire company are at his command. I also wish to extend to him and his officers , and ladies , an invitation to visit.the wild west exhibition during , our stay in Nashville. " Mr.Adam Kleinkanf , an old resi dent of Grand Island , has received a letter from his son William , who is at present making his way to Klondike with a party of eighty men. The let ter states that the party has yet two months to travel before they reach Dawson. It has been very rainy , says the writer , for eight days , and supplies were becoming mouldy and worthless in the dampness of the atmosphere. The letter was sent away on August 31. Tlie tone of the letter showed that the writer felt considerably discour aged. Some of the most beautiful scenery imaginable was seen , but there were also districts that were terrible. , ' - * - • * ? . . ! ' • - $ * % / ? ? : * * s * tC t | lam mmWWBJIJjM'll'HMlM'IWM ' ' ' Wl11 r. 'VTT ' " lT"iWMB ilK 1 Kauim Tiurglnr Shot. 1 Cottonwoon Falls , Kan. , Oct 5. M Last night about II o'clock an unsuc- k ccBsfttl attempt was innde by two rob- . H bcrstoloot the general merchandise * C * H store of C T. Mntilc at Strong City. H One of tlie robbers was shot by Mr. 4 < H | Maule's sop , Alex , who was sleeping H in the f.toro at the time. The wounded H robber , gives his name as George R. H Bishop of llloomtleld , .Iowl There is H little liopo of his recovery. Ho said H his partner was a barber from New- f H ton , Kan. , whoso name lie refused to ' H flntvatlou Army Colony IMrmi. Hi # l Denvku , Col. , Oct. 9. Thomas IIol- Jfl l land , national social secretary for the 7 | Salvation army , will leave for New T J York 4c4day. Commander Booth- H Tuckcc will hold a conference with H capitalists in New York October is , H when the last details of the proposed H colony will bo arranged. It is now | definitely settled that 1.000 families H will be placed in the Arkuusas valley. /d H r • M Weyler May Muke Trouble. H Madrid , Oct. 0. General Weyler , it H is believed , will tijjht tooth aud nail M against being removed from Cuba. He M .is trying to terrorize tlie Liberal min * H istry into retaining him in eVnmand I H in Cuba until next June , and , if recalled - H called now , he will use his influence H to create disturbances in the puniu * H sula or deliver himself to the Carlists. H A Nephew or Cleveland. H Emi'oisia , Kan. , Oct. 9. A warrant j H was issued yesterday for the arrest of • H C. E. Hastings , a nephew of Grover H Cleveland. Hastings is charged with H embezzlement by G. W. Yates , state H agent of the Union Central Lifelnsur- ( H H uncc company. The Iliidmti Klver Tunnel Involved. H New Yoiik , Oct. 0. The Farmers' H Loan and Trust company has brought B suit against the Hudson River Tunnel H company to foreclose a first inortgn < | H deed of trust amounting to $2,750,000. JH , OWA PATENT OFFICE REPORT. [ Des Moines , Sept. 20. During the inrrent week applications for United m States letters paten t have been allowed : o Iowa inventors as follows : To Peter .1. Quirk , of Des Moines , for an ipnaratus for weighing and dumping H ; oal. This machine is constructed to receive a quantity of coal as it is , lumped from the niim' elevator , to automatically wrigh the coal thu.n received and held , to indicate tin ; weight upon a suitable dial , and to H provide simple , convenient and easily H jperated means whereby tlie coal thus H held and weighed may be discharged H into a car or a wagon. To Matthew H Kehoe , of Cusliing , for a two-horse H ivener , the object of which as described - H cribed in his specification is "to H relieve the single trees pivotnliy connected - H nected with the ends of the double H tree from tortional strain , and to H avoid the dangers and accidents H incident to the ordinary manner of /H connecting and using louble trees and M single trees on a two-horse evener. " M To Burton A. Walrath , of Lehigh , on H a mechanical movement. This iuven- M tion is designed for use in governing | H the motion of an engine as it is imparted - parted to other machinery , and is .so 1J constructed that the motion of the driven shaft may be reversed or held H stationary while the driving shaft of H the engine is continually rotated in H the f.ame direction. ' ' B Valuable information about obtain- B ing. valuing and selling patents sent M free to any address. * fl Thomas G. ami .1. Hai.I'H Onwio , M Solicitors oi I'atent3. fl Odd Inventions. H Above are shown three odd contri- fl vances taken from Sues' Machine fl Movements , copyrighted 1807. The fl first shows a bread cutter , while the jM other two show mechanical contri van"M ces * by means of which the wheels , D fl and B maj'be rotated. Inventors and -fl others desiring free information as to fl the best method of securing their inventions - v ventions should address Sues it Co. , attorneys at law and patent experts , fl Bee Building , Omaha , Neb. fl I.IVU STOCK AXI ) IMIODUCK MARKET. H flotations From Xnr York , Chicago , st. JH Louis Omaha and Klsou-here. M OMAHA. fl Butter Creamery separator. . . 20 ft 21 M Butter Choice fancy country. . 13 < i it M E Kh Fresh 12 fe 12J4 Jprlii ? Chickens Per lb. fiJi © 7 m "l urkeys. perlb o f/j 8 , ' Pijrooiis Live To ( $ fo ' m Lemons-Choice Messinas 4 2 > ( jy 4 50 M Honey Choice , peril ) j2 * Kt JU Unionsperbu aa Git si ' Cranberries. Cape Cod. per bbl. C CO @ 50 J Beans ! imdptiked Navy l so fr 1 CO m i'otat' .es per bu 20 9 so Oranges per box 4 25 < 4 58 M Apples Per bbl 2 CO te > 2 25 Hay Fpland. per ton < W § 5M m SOI.TH OMAHA STOCK 1IARKBT. 1 Hess Choice li ht 3 CO @ S 63 J lhiKHeavy weights 3 K ! © 3 60 1 Beef steers 4 25 ( r * 4 M J Bmis 2 CO ft 2 fS J Majrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 va 4 M S Calves 450 < $ 5 50 , \\estcrri reedcrs 3 75 fcj 4 00 M Cows 2 co ( & 3 eo m Heirers ; j 20 C * 3 50 Stockers : in < l Feeders 2 73 { 4 # 0 1 Sheep Wotern Lambs 4 CO t $ 4 15 j Sheep Native wethers. 3 0 & 3 75 J CHICAGO. J Wheat No. 2 spring 55 ft &J Corn perbu 2P275 < ? " M Oats-perbu la @ J0 Bailey-No. 2 28 & 40 W6Y'V ' ! 4H& 46 ' Timothy teed Prime per mi. . 20) ft" 6214 Pork a H7 d s stQ. bard per 100 lbs 4 50 i 4 5" Cattle-Choice beef steers 4 C5 < & 5 00 Cattle-Western feeders. 3 CO 4 4 M Hoss-Prinic light. . . 4 00 61 4 10 sheep Native Lambs 3 co a 5 50 NEW YORK. Wheat-No. 2 , red. Winter ca < fc osi Corn No.2 w V : r2 Oats No 2 % k J5 " "S Port * oS0 20& . i aru " 470 © 489 1 KANSAS CITY. 1 2'SPrlDg 1 Corn-No • • ® ffl - zp : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Sf i " I