The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 24, 1897, Image 5

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    ! | 1 Clearing 1
1 Out Sale.
5 . . . J
_ _ W } § IP Having accumulated a large jli
111 I US lot of small sizes in Ladies' Shoes | S
| * l ) I II ANJD Slippers , I will dispose of ] | |
L JN ) | j them at the following prices : jj |
ml g AN 2 Sizes. S' ' a Pair. |
P / I All 3to3 Sizesl,25aPair. I
R $ I AII4to4 Slzesl.50aPalr. |
I \ , < w | The former prices of these j | |
I \ &i snoes were from $2 to $5. Your i ®
BsV . ' _ j little girls can wear them. Come i | |
I i _ _ ! ansee' We wave many more of PC
B t ) V | such bargains at the only jjj |
K 1 fllil fiplialilp Mnpm \ 1
&x m Uiu liullMJlu OjJuu olUlu p
lltf H J. F. GANSCHOW , McCooIr , jgj
B i | . . . i , . , . _ .T _ _ _ _ _ _
B\jl Knipple's new stock
fcf n Queensware , Crock-
L | ery > . Lamps , etc. , is
H # I now on the shelves.
HJ The like cannot he
Wt ft found in this part of
HS | the state aiid the prices -
' | - ces are very low ,
Hfe * Owing to over-crowding and bad ventil-
HT \ ation , the air of the schoolroom is often close
K > and inpure , and teachers and pupils fre-
j quently suffer from lung and throat troubles.
H / To all such we would say , try Chamberlain's
H * \ Cough Remedy. For coughs , colds , weak
| Hb 'y lungs and bronchial troubles no other remedy
K. J can compare with it. Says A. C. Freed ,
H _ ) Superintendent of schools , Prairie Depot ,
B y Ohio : "Having some knowledge of the
BL I efficacy of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , I
rk \ have no hesitation in recommending it to all
Htf \ who suffer from coughs , lung troubles , etc. "
H % For sale by JL. W. McConnell & Co. , Drug-
B • < , * Cists. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
H | I Tinware of all kinds
H I '
; at Knipple's.
_ _ \ _ 7 } % Running sores , indolent ulcers and similar
H.a „ # troubles , even though of many year's stand-
_ _ _ v ? ing , mav be cured by using DeWitt's Witch
_ W \ % Hazel Salve. It sooths , strengthens and
b v T heals. It is a great pile cure. A. McMillen.
H © " No man or woman can enjoy life or accom-
H ; & plish much in this world while suffering from
_ _ Wk W a torpid liver. DeWitt's Little Early Risers ,
Hr the pills that cleanse that organ , quickly. A.
L js McMillen.
\ i ALASKA 5
B S Tells you where to go , how to get f
B J | \ there , what to take along , ( either by 1
H * < * / land or waterdescribes the Routethe , /
K / Mines , the Ravines , tells where every >
p. \ \ Strike was made , and tells where others )
T / can be made. )
' J This Book is the only Reliable and j
Authentic book published. (
P Written b } ' a man who spent three /
5 S years obtaining all the facts. ?
< The Chicago Record is the pub- \
I lisher , and lion. Eli Gage , son of the r
} Secretary' of the Treasury of the United ?
c Slates , Is one of the contributorswhich C
H 1 C ought to be sufficient guarantee as to ?
L S C its authenticity. V
B W ? Those who desire making this trip , /
H / that will study this book and follow its ?
f-g / advice , will save several hundred dolS
f 1 C This book contains nearly boo pag- \
* r es , nearly lee illustrations , 12maps.and \
f \ % v coinplete index , handsomely bound. /
Hk"p C We will furnish this book on re- \
I. . j / ceiptofSi.50 and prepay all charges. /
WjSf \ . \ • ARents wantea 'n ever > ' town. Send 1
rj & . * \ ) 10 cents for outfit , . S
S 225 Dearborn St. , Chicagfo. (
H • DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
H Curts Piles. Scalds , Burns.
HBM tiff \
- i 11 1 1 1 ' . . . . . i . . . . . u i . . . . . . < , i n mi , < 1 li 1 1 fn
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn 5 . iS
Wheat 6S
Oats i24
Rye 3r
Barley 18
Hogs 3.50
Potatoes 60
Eggs 12X ,
Butter 15 @ .20
Our Store will be closed on MONDAY ,
OCTOBER 6th on account of holidays.
The September term of court will open ]
on next Monday morning.
The county judge issued a license to .
Hans P. Madison and Josie Otopolik , (
Saturday , and then joined the young j
people in matrimony. Both are of this -
city. j
He also issued a license to Clarence <
Honnold and Eva Bishop , both > of Cul-
bertson , and they were on last Thursday .
married oy Esquire H. H. Berry.
A continuance of 30 days was given in
the case of Phillip Blatt vs. A. F. Moore
et al.
In the case of Frank D. Hess vs. David
Spencer , the defendant confessed judg
Final settlement was made in the mat
ter of the Solomon Schott estate.
Burlington Route.
Another excursion to Hot Springs , S.
D. The last of the Burlington Route's ]
1877 Hot Springs excursions will be that '
of Tuesday , September 28. As usual , the
rate will be one fare for the round trip '
and the return limit thirty days. For '
tickets and information about trains , see (
the local agent of the B. & M. R. R. 1
For 24 page booklet descriptive of Hot
Springs , Sj'lvan "Lake , Deadwood and
Spearfish , write to J. Francis , G. P. A. , 'I
Omaha. Nebraska. i
Bees for Sale.
I have eleven hives of Italian bees for
sale. Will sell at a reasonable price. (
Call at farm five miles south of McCook. '
2ts. T. Schneider.
= = = = = ,
A trial subscription to the Semi-Week-
ly State Journal from now until January 1
1 , 1S98 , only costs twenty-five cents. You |
can send stamps. 1
= = = = = = ,
Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , atMcMil-
len's drug store.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers , 1
Tbs famous little pills. !
* V - - . . , . - -y tf- . . . . - •
\ - - ' - ' * i gii 4&y3z _ rr ?
| |
No. 2. Vestibuled Express , daily ,
Lincoln , Omaha , SL Joe ,
Kansas City. St. LouisChi-
cage , and all points south
and east 5:55A.M.
No. 4. Local Express , daily , Lin
coln , Omaha , Chicago , and
all points east 9:00 r. M.
N0.148. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday ,
Hastings and intermediate
stations 5:00 A. M.
No. 76. Freight , daily , Oxford , Hol-
drege , Hastings 6:45 A.M.
No. 'So. Freightdaily , Hastings and
intermediate stations 7:00 A. M
No. 64. Freight , daily , Oxford , Red
Cloud , St Joe , Kansas City 4:30 A. 11.
No. 5. Local Express , daily , Den
ver and intermediate sta
tions 8:15 P.M.
No. 3. Vestibuled Express , daily ,
Denver and all points in
Colo.Utah and California , 11:40 P.M.
N0.149. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday ,
Akron and intermediate sta
tions 6:00 A. M.
No. 77. Freight , daily.Stratton.Ben
kelman , Haigler , Wrayand
Akron 1:30 P. M.
No. 63. Freight , dailyStrattonBen-
kelman , Haigler , Wrayand
Akron 4:10 P. _ M.
N0.175. Accommodation , Mondays ,
Wednesdays and Fridays ,
Imperial and intermediate
stations 7:00 A. M.
Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars
( seats free ) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the
United States or Canada.
For information , time tables , maps and
tickets , call on or write C. E. Magner , Agent ,
McCook , Nebraska , or J. Francis , General
Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nebraska.
Herb Stone and Charles Leach went in
to the fair , Wednesday night.
Claim Agent Hanson went in to Oma
ha , Tuesday night , to see the fair.
Engineer Sanborn hasbeen summoned
east by the supposed fatal illness of his
Conductor and Mrs. S. L. Moench ,
this week , moved into the J. P. Lindsay
Mrs. C. W. Bronson and Mrs. William
McCarl are enjoying the great fair , this
week , at Omaha.
Train-master Birdsell shipped Conduc
tor Bounot u fine two-year-old Jersey
heifer , Monday night.
Joe Culbertson is ticket agent at Hol-
drege vice Fred Palmer , who has been
promoted to extra agent.
John Conley came down from McCook ,
Wednesday morning. He things some
of returning to Holdrege again. Hol-
drege Citizen-Forum.
The Burlington is preparing to put two
boarding trains in service in the near
future , which indicates that the company
contemplates considerable repairs and
improvements to roadbed etc. This will
be welcome news all around.
C. W. Britt left , Sunday , for Wymore ,
where he will have , charge of the South
ern division storehouse. He is a capable ,
clever fellow and everybody on the
Western division wishes him success ,
while regretting his removal from Mc
The coroner's jury place the responsi
bility for the terrible Santa Fe wreck at
Emporia , Kansas , with Dispatcher King
of Topeka , blaming the company for
lack of equipment at Lang station and
the agent at that place for not using all
precautions in his power.
No. 3 was about eight hours lateWed-
nesday morning , not reaching here until
after eight o'clock. The delay was
caused by the burning of a bridge over
in Iowa. Among the passengers was
Lyman J. Gage.secretary of the treasury ,
and wife. They were bound for Colorado
on a visit to relatives.
That was a big pile of cash that the C ,
B. & Q. paymaster left in Galesburg ,
Wednesday. It amounted to aboutno , -
000.00. Some of the engineers drew
checks for more than $200.00. That's
lots of money for one man to get for 30
days of toil. Some men will work hard
for nearly a year for that sum. The rail
road bo3s are happy. Hard times is be
coming a thing of the past with them.
Galesburg (111. ) Spectator.
The fiscal year of the Burlington road
having been changed so as to begin July
1 , the directors have submitted a state
ment of earnings and expenses for the
six months ending June 30. Total net
sarningsfrom operation$5i62,4i4 ; other
income , $175,908 , making a total net re
ceipts of $5 338i332- The interest on
bonds , rent of tracks and depots and
sinking funds amounted to $4,738,876 ,
leaving a surplus of $599,456. Dividends
were paid during the six months of Sr. -
340,056 , leaving a deficit for the six
months of $1,050,600.
The train on the Cheyenne line failed
to stop at Looinis , Wednesda } ' , on ac
count of being heavily loaded. She was
finally stopped about a mile this side of
Loomis and here they were unable to
back up. The train was heavily loaded
with cattle , hogs and sheep. An extra
was made up and again run back to Cur
tis to bring in additional stock which the
regular was unable to bring down. The
Cheyenne line is again doing a big busi
ness and it is expected that the company
will soon put a passenger train on. The
patrons on this line are all anxious to
see this change take place Holdrege
Citizen-Forum. ' 1
German Methodist Regular ser
vices at 9 o'clock , every Sunday niorn-
1 ing , in the South McCook Methodist
church ; services in German.
Rhv. M.Herrmann.
Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. ni.
All are cordially welcome.
RKV.J. W. HlCKEY , Pastor.
Episcopal Morning service at 11:00.
Evening service at 8:00. Sunday school
at 10:00 a. 111. Evensong 011 Wednesdays
at 8 p. in. A. F. Morgan ,
General Missionarj- .
R. A. Russell , Assistant.
Christian Services every alternate
Sunday , commencing with the first Sun
day in May at 11 and 7:30 o'clock in
McConnell hall. Sunday school every
Sunday at 10 o'clock.
Elder C P. Evans , Pastor.
Congregational Morning theme.
The Christian. Evening service at S
o'clock ; will be the third anniversary of
the Endeavor society , with a special pro
gram. Sunday school at 10. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
All are cordially invited to attend.
Hart L. Preston , Pastor.
Baptist The Bible school will hold
their Second Annual Rally at ioo'clock ,
Sunday morning. The program is one
of profit , with recitations , reviews and
some special music by the primary folks.
A very cordial invitation is extended all
to attend. The exercises commence at
10 o'clock sharp. Preaching at 11 ; sub
ject. Mystery of Suffering. Young Pee
ples' meeting at 7. Evening service at
S ; Christ Feeding the Multitude.
Geo. W. Sheafor , Pastor.
Miss Daisy Jackson is visiting in Holbrook -
brook a few days.
Conductor L E. Gilcrest spent Satur
day and Sunday in Hastings.
A. G. Bump has entered the train ser
vice as a freight brakeman.
Brakeman Otto Ballew was a Holdrege
visitor on business , last Friday.
Switchman C. P. Ball of Akron is in
Red.Cloud , this week , on a visit.
J. F. Utter , a former brakeman , was
up from Bartle } * , close of last week.
Mrs. F. S. Curry went up to Benkel-
man , close of last week , on a visit to
Supt. Campbell went up to Denver ,
Wednesday night , in his private car
No. 10.
Brakeman William Shinsel "got it in
neck" painfully in the shape of a car
Conductor C. O. LeHew of the Hast-
ings-Oberlin line spent Sunday here with
his family.
S. E. Callen will be conductor of the
gravel trains , with Brakemen Al. Sharp
and W. W. Webster.
Tony Clark and family came up from
Red Cloud , close of last week , and are
living in the Dungan house.
Mrs. J. G. Carter , who has been living
with Brakeman and Mrs. C. J. Snell ,
left for Oxford on Tuesday.
Brakeman F. A. Stark returned , last
Saturday night , from his visit in Xew
York , New Jersey and elsewhere east.
Extra Brakeman W. J. Crawford went
down to Republican City , first of week ,
to run on the St.Francis line.a few days.
Conductor T. W. Benjamin and his
engineer are making the best of quite a
vacation on account of the Blue Hill
Engineer Chambers is adding a com
modious kitchen to his residence , out of
the residue of his late West Dennison
Mrs. A. Campbell and Mrs. Frank
Kendlen attended a party in Culbertson ,
Wednesday , in honor of Mrs. W. C. La-
A. G. Bump and wife ariived from Los
Angeles , California , on Saturday morn
ing last , to make their home here. He
expects to enter the Burlington service.
Charlie Ward returned home , this
morning , from the mines near Atlantic
City , Fremont county , Wyoming , look
ing rugged , but happy to return to civil
We are informed that Elza Odell will
have charge of the two boarding trains
the company expects soon to place in ;
commission. He has closed up the res
The gravel train is expected to go up
to the pit atWaunetaMonday. The other
train will be located in the neighborhood
of Bartley for the present ballasting the
track at the point.
Engineer B. J. Sharkey and Fireman
J. W. Goldtrap brought up engine 308
from McCook , Wednesday. Mr. Sharkey
reports business very slack on the West
ern division. Alliance Grip.
Conductor H. H. Miller has taken a
brief vacation and will be married on
next Sunda } ' in Lincoln to Miss Maude
Smith , sister of Mrs. F , A. Pennell and
Mrs. Will McCarl. We extend congrat
ulations in advance.
Russell McMillen returned on Wednes
day night from his visit to his old home
back in Somerset county , Penns3-lvania.
He had the pleasure of meeting Presi
dent McKinley during his visit.
Mrs. Adolph Metzner is up from Alma ,
guest of her sister , Mrs. J. B. Ballard.
One Minute Cough Cure , cures.
That is what it was made for.
* I ' r II Willi l | I H WmHI'UH ' ' ! II Ml I I" I" ill II m r II - n-
1 3
[ big stock ] b
ft • * ALLG00DSi ] j
| | | just received. p&l
§ g g I
SS S Come and be convinced that it &g J
p& * is the largest and best selection gjjg * |
ferg we have ever shown. Prices are * & & |
ggpj lower than they ever were before. 1
jw j We bought them all before K ag-
g g prices went up. Come , buy early gg :
S 3 and get the benefit of low prices. gg
ggj Get our prices on Groceries , gfeg 1
m& at the . . . . arfef" |
T > > S § I
il ' wasn W H
S * 3jb s II
m * joarqatfi i
n > w > iore . . . . m a
! kj G. L. DeGROFF & GO. % & I
WBn MM MMaWMM HWBW M l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. < ' _ _
m fiirst T ) is I
Ka L w < v _ _ _ _ J ! § § I
ft n NATIONA _ N-l M I
_ _ ? _ ? * • " * _ _ * _ B
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 \P • * * • * 3 i
' \ c • v i t • *
H I BA.NI _ | jd | I
m Authorized Capital , $100,000. ; # f I
| SJ Capital and Surplus , $60,000 | p |
gCj GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. P5 I
HH W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass 't Cash. 'S I
gp A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. j § = p
jg _ _ ; : : _ _ _ _ _ _ r. _ f kjg _ _ _ : _ : _ _ _ _ _ : _ : _ . ? gS _ \
If V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier , ff I
| | OF McCOOK , NEB. # fl
c ? B
i | * o o & H
f. Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , S10,000 4i I
4h * * | v6 B
f - - DIRECTORS _ _ _ _ _ 1 | al
] S / . FRANKLIN , N. S. HARWOOD , A. C. EBERT , $ Z M
, # t Sg.artf.TfSrT ir- _ , Ti _ ghcjfojfaj& & _ 4 * * T t t tK-J &fe I _ _
' 1