The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 24, 1897, Image 1

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r County's Exhibit Attracts
siderable Attention.
te Fatr.-Some Clippings
maha Papers Telling
: They Thought of
ir Ownest Band ,
w , another county down on
border , has an excellent ex-
-geof William FitchWilliam
Stephen Bolles. The ex
es of no special features , but
: o show in the clearest pos-
r the resources of the.county
) fur west. There are thirty
: orn , seventeen of wheat.and
oportion. There are four
lfalfa , each sized up along-
: rte , show the growth at the
Ling was made. There are' '
orn which .will yield sixty-
to the acre , and wheat that
hi fifteen to forty-five bush-
ave. potatoes which weigh a
half each ; samples of apples ,
ums grown in the county ;
golden and German millet
is large as a popcorn cob.
creditable display of sugar
anagers stating that these
n compliance with.a promise
if it was shown that beets of
could be produced. In the
there is a picture of a burro
vas out of seeds and buffalo
: alleged niammoth sugar
' is shown
ee years' growth
r the in formation of a curious
Ecial statement is made thai
buffalo squash , supposed to
y Indians as an ague cure ,
itch of McCook is one of the
je of the Red Wiilow county
: is another of Nebraska's
i , having gone to that county
ears ago and resided there
sent time. He helped br-
junty , and served nineyears
i of county commissioners ,
milt the , first frame house in
and that the sheriff has not
lit in spite of drouth and
He hauled the lumber from
built from Lexingtonwhich
awn as Plum Creek.
ok band concert in Fairmont
y , says the Council Bluffs
at of the Omaha Bee , drew
rowd of people in the history
The facilities of the motor
r transporting passengers
ted before the first number
im was played. The band
: a .high order , but it lacked
: ient to be heard by one-
people , who were struggling
nough to hear it. The band
lirty-six members and has
ties and ability to make
enough to be heard , but the
sed the concert was to be
.vilion and had made up his
able for a partially indoors
he bandstand was located
regular stand between the
he car station , and several
jple found easy and conven-
the sides of the natural am-
pedal attraction of thefore-
i concert in the band stand ,
iven by the McCook band of
: ces under the leadership of
utton .which earned so many
a year ago. Among the se-
lered were a Fest overture by
overture from Rossini's fa-
l , "Semiramide , " and the
i the Beautiful Rhine. " by
The program was extremely
1 and in some respects the
> wed some improvement on
ionaliy meritorious perform
er. Mr. Sutton has suggest
ion e in regard to the pro-
has proven very satisfactory ,
ed a supply of small printed
iug the titles of over fee se-
i which the programs during
o be selected. Each selec-
iered and as the correspond-
is bulletined as each is
ors are enabled to see at a
l selection the band is play-
jf the first of the Ak-Sar-Ben
Ree says : The third division
vely South Omaha and "was
itirely of Magic City socie-
exception of the McCook
headed the division. The
ed-with its full strength of
: ces under its leader , Harvey
md its stirring music was
pplauded by the crowds on
S fi jjv-a * . -pi ; „ tJl . . + * . : -2Jghiin
S. L. Green is among the state fai
Mrs. C. H. McCarl spent Wednesday
in Hastings.
Tim Hannan went in to the state fair
Tuesday night.
W.R. Starr had legal business ir
Lincoln , Tuesday.
E. E. Coleman is in the city on t
visit to his children.
A. Barnett's family accompanied
him to the state fair.
Register Campbell went in to the
fair , Tuesday evening.
J. W. HiNKLE was up from Beatrice ,
Monday , on business.
Dr. W. W. Newsome of Wilsonville
was a city visitor , last week.
Gene Moser was down from Denver ,
Wednesday , taking orders in his line.
Mrs. Emerson Hanson returned ,
Tuesday night , from Bushnell , Illinois.
PERRY Stone arrived home , Tuesday
night , from his trip to Davenport , Iowa.
Miss Selma Noren returned to Lin
coln and her university work , Sunday.
Jacob Burnett was down from Den
ver , Monday evening , on a business trip.
Grandpa Oyster departed on Tues
day morning for his home in Alliance ,
Ohio :
State Treasurer and Mrs. Mes-
ERVE spent Sunday and Monday in the
George Leland will spend the win
ter with his brother in Arnold , Custer
R. O. Phillips was up from Lincoln ,
Monday , on business of the Lincoln
Land Co.
J. M. SEWALl/rf Hastings was in the
city. Monday , loKing after his grain
Rev. J. A. Badcon is absent from the
city , this week , attending conference at
Oscar Callihan of the Rank of.Ben-
kelman "was a business visitor , Friday
evening last.
M. J. ABBOTT of the Hayes Center Re
publican had business in the city , Friday
evening last.
Rev. H. L. Preston biked over to
Curtis , Monday , to briefly visit his bro
ther , returning on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Babcock went
in to Omaha , Wednesday night , to view
the attractions of the state fair.
Mrs. Albert McMillEn gave a
pleasant tea party , last Friday , in honor
of Mrs. Mehaffey of Pittsburgh.
Mr. and Mrs. ChurchfiEld are
down from Alliance.Nebraska.the guests
of their daughter , Mrs. James Doyle.
J. W. Dolan was up from Indianola ,
Friday last , on some matters of business.
He was the guest of Receiver Gibbons.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert .McMillen
drove up to Trenton , Sunday , to visit
the farm and her parents , returning on
Monday evening.
Henry Church and wife and Joseph
Allen and wife of the Upper Willow went
in to the state fair , Tuesday evening.
Mr. Hocknell is assisting in the
First National bank , this week , during
the absence of Asst. Cashier Pennell.
Deacon Fisher came down from
Wauneta , Monday , on his way to the
state fair in Omaha. J. G. Stokes came
down from Hayes Center on a similar
Mrs. J. F. Ganschow entertained
friends , Tuesday , in honor Mrs. Mehaf
fey of Pittsburgh , who has been visiting
her sister , Mrs. T. B. Campbell of our
city , for a few weeks past.
Mrs. J.A.Ranney went in to Council
Bluffs , Iowa , Wednesday night , to con
sult a physician and remain for treat
ment. She will be the guest of his sis
ter. Her health has not been so good
Mr. Mehaffey came in from Pitts
burgh , Wednesday night , and is the
guest of his brother-in-law , T. B. Camp
bell. Mr. and Mrs. Mehaffey will go
on to Denver , next Tuesday , on a visit
to relatives there.
Mrs. W. S. Cornutt of Culbertson
entertained lady friends , Wednesday ,
in honor of Mrs. W. C. LaTourette of
Cedar Rapids , Iowa. Among those pres
ent from McCook were : Mesdames S. P.
Hart , H. P. Sutton , J.W.Hnppand "Vina
Wood , who drove up from here , Wednes
day morning. . . •
aslafe aj&fajawiiJSgAsa ? 'l , 3gsasEfi5iy' . * : w ' 7 < > • - ;
Charles T. Brewer Passes Away After a
Long Illness.
The Deceased Was Long and Ac
tively Identified With the Bus
iness and Political Life
of Our City.
Last Sunday evening about six o'clock , .
Charles T. Brewer passed away from the
busy cares and ills of this present world
into the quiet and peace of eternity. Af
ter a long , courageous and hopeful fight
against a hopeless bodily infirmity , tired
nature succumbed and his spirit winged
its flight to its maker.
[ Charles T. Brewer was born near
Watertown , Hew York , September ist ,
1853 , being 44 years and 19 days old at
his death. Passing eleven years of his
early childhood there , he and his mother
moved to near Racine , Wisconsin , ( his
father having died a few years previous
ly. ) After a residence there of about
four years , they moved to Boone' , Iowa.
At this time he had acquired sufficient
education to enable him to teach , so he
began teaching summer schools , hut
still attending school during the winter
in order to further his education. During
the years 1875 and 1876 he attended the-
state agricultural college at Ames , Iowa.
In the spring of 1877 he was united in
marriage to Charlotte H. Walker of
of Boonesboro , Iowa. Five children
were born of this union : Percie Eliza
beth , James FrederickGeorgeRaymond ,
Benjamin Harrison and June. George
Raymond died in infaney , 17 months of
For several years after his marriage he
was engaged as principal of the West
Ward city school of Boonesboro ; during
which time he was elected and served
one term as city clerk. In 1881 they
movedto , Moingoina , Iowa , where he
embarked in the meat business ; but in
1SS2 moved to Colfax Springs , Iowa , fol
lowing the same pursuit. In 1883 he
came to Nebraska , engaging in the livery
business in Harvard , from whence in the
following fall the family came to Mc
Cook. Here he engaged in the meat
market and cattle shipping business ,
which he followed till his death. Dur-
his residence in McCook he has served
one term as councilman and three suc
cessive terms as mayor of the city. The
deceased leaves a wife and four children
to mourn his early demise. ]
The following brief sketch is an ex
pression of a number of the business , po
litical and personal friends of the de
ceased :
[ Charles T. Brewer located in McCook
in 1884 , and since that time has been one
of the foremost business men of the citjT ,
at all times taking a • lively interest in
the business enterprises of the city , giv
ing his time and means to this end. Mr.
Brewer has always been a liberal pur
chaser of stock and other products of the
farm. Thus in his liberal dealing has
brought to the city and counts' hundreds
of thousands of dollars , and to the sel
ler he will be missed. For three times
he was chosen mayor of the city and
once coroner of the county , and in ull
places of trust he proved himself worthy
of the trust imposed in him. Mr. Brewer ,
although a man of strong personality ,
made no enemies. While he was firm in
his convictions , he maintained these
convictions with the greatest of charity
for those with whom he differed. With
a large heart and a warm hand he could
clasp the hand of every man and leave
the full impression that he was a friend ,
and this character was never more mani
fest than in cases where it was needful
to contribute of his means to the desti
tute or distressed. ]
The funeral was held from the resi
dence at two o'clock on Tuesday after
noon. Brief services were conducted by
Rev. George Sheafor of the Baptist
church , after which the members of Mc
Cook lodge ISTo. 137 , I. O. O. F. , took
charge of the remains , which they es
corted to the cemetery , where the burial
was conducted according to the solemn
rites and ceremonies of Oddfollowship.
The memhers of McCook lodge No. 61 ,
A. O. U. W. , also formed a section of
the escort. Besides a throng of citizens
followed the remains to their last resting
place in Longview. The floral tributes
werehandsome : The Oddfellows' offering
was a beautiful pillow , upon which were ,
artistically wrought the links of the
order , the numberof this lodge , and the
name of the deceased brother. TheLady
Maccabees' pillow was also , a charming
combination of fragrance and floral
beauty. A number of anchors , pillows
etc added to the sentiment and attrac
tiveness of this appropriate feature.
The deceased , carried an insurance of
$5,000 on his life. . - -1 - > ? . - , .
* * "y * " _ j * ' * * ; " ' ' < " j , 'i' ' 'I' ' "i " * ' ' " " ' " 'T ' pr" ' " ' * > ' " 7" " ' * " , m' * * yri
It is expected that the loan collectioi
of slides will.begin in a few weeks.
Miss Edna Dixon circulated among thi
high school pupils as a visitor , Friday
afternoon last.
The lantern class , this evening , is ir
charge of the 12th grade , and an excel
lent program is assured thereby.
J. Albert Beyrer and Edith and Ethel
Oyster , all of that class of ' 97 , were visv
tors at the school , Tuesday afternoon.
At the lantern class , tonight at
o'clock , Mr. Valentine will read a story
by Robert Barr , entitled , "The TypeWritten -
Written Letter. "
Lantern class was very interesting ,
Friday evening last , the pictures , story
and music altogether making a very
creditable entertainment.
There were 29 more pupils enrolled on
the third Monday of school , this 3'ear ,
than there were on that day of last year ;
and the attendance of non-resident pupils
is about double that of last year , not
withstanding the tuition charged.
The Tribune voices the sentiment of
this community in extending the be
reaved wife and family its profound and
heartfelt sympathy.
card of thanks.
Words are inadequate to express our
gratitude to the I. O. O. F. , K. O.T. M. ,
A. O. U. W. , D. of H. , and the L. O. T.
M. , also to the kind friends and neigh
bors , who rendered assistance during the
illness of a kind and loving husband and
father , and for the consolation and res
pect of all business man and women in
our time of bereavement.
Mrs. C. T. Brewer.
Fred Brewer.
Mrs. W. B. Mills.
Hall of McCook Lodge No. I37.I.O.O.F.
Whereas : It has pleased the Grand
Master of all things , to call from earth
the soul of our beloved Brother C. T.
Brewer , therefore be it
Resolved : That we extend to the be
reaved family our most heartfelt sympa
thy , and may their hearts look up with
hope to Him whose invisible hand shall
dry the tears from every eye , and who
doeth all things well , and be it further
Resolved : That a copy of these Res
olutions be presented to the bereaved
family and that they be spread upon the
records of the lodge.
Dated at McCookNeb. , Sept. 24,1S97.
C. I. Hall ,
H. F. Pade ,
M. H. Holmes ,
Board of Education.
The board of education held a called
meeting in the office of Secretary Kelley ,
Monday evening , and the following bus
iness was transacted :
Secretary was instructed to renew the
contract for Sheridan coal , mine run.
Supt. Valentine reported 612 pupils
enrolled , this year , against 5S3 on third
Monday in 1S96. The Superintendent
was instructed to require all non-resident
pupils to present receipts from the City
Treasurer for $2.00 tuition on or before
the 10th day of each month or be refused
further admission to the schools , and
that those now delinquent be allowed
until September 30th to place their re
ceipts on file.
The committee on supplies was author
ized to purchase 100 song books at $12.50.
Formal action was taken in the matter
of hiring G. H. Thomas as assistant high
school teacher and his salary was placed
at $50 per month.
A number of bills for supplies were al
lowed and the board adjourned.
One Yield of Wheat.
August Droll has just completed the
delivery of a large contract for wheat.
Off of 70 acres of land he threshed out
2,583 bushels of wheat. This is a yield
of almost 37 bushels per acre. This at
the lowest market price even of this fall
realized more money than the market
price of the land is per acre. The wheat
averaged 62 pounds to the bushel.
He Has Resigned.
Rev. A. F. Morgan , missionary in
charge of the Episcopal work in this sec
tion , has resigned and accepted the rec-
torate of St. Stephen's church , Grand
Island. Rev. E. P. Chittenden , late of
St. Paul , Minnesota , succeeds him in
this field and will shortly visit this
Pupils in Music.
Mrs. A. P. Bonnet announces that she
will take a class in voice culture , sight
reading , and beginners on the piano
forte. Inquire at residence.
A phrenologist , well organized spirit-
uously , insisted upon feeling off the
bumps of this community , Wednesday.
. . , , , .
' " " " * -
; ! Ilh I r r 1 mn mi wTh iihiiii it i irin.
The Congregational People Reluctantl :
Consent to His Departure.
Ends With Nought But Expressions
of Regret and Hope for Suc
cess In His New Field
of Labor.
On last Sunday morning the members
of the Congregational church reluctantly
consented to release Rev. Hart L. Pres
ton from his pastorate , his resignation
being accepted with regret by all , in
deference to his desire in the matter.
For the past four years Rev. Preston
has served the Congregational people of
this place as pastor well and truly. Com
ing into the pastorate at a time when
tact and energy were required he has
enlarged and strengthened the member
ship and leaves the church now largely
and richly benefitted spiritually and nu
merically and financially. His circle of
admirers and friends has widelj * out
grown'mere denominational lines and he
is generally esteemed for his qualities of
heart and mind as well as for his recog
nized Christian virtues and ministerial
merit. It is a distinct pleasure to note
that Rev. Preston will leave McCook
cherishing in his heart and memory only
pleasant recollections of his four years'
sojourn here , and that the members of
his flock as well as a large part of the
community at large will part with him
with mingled regret and the heartiest
well-wishes for his continued success in
the work of the ministry elsewhere.
The farewell reception given by the
ladies of the Dorcas society in honor of
the pastor , Thursday evening , in the
church , was just such a charming , clever ,
social affair as the ladies of the society
are wont to have when the occasion of
fers , and added new laurels to their fame
as entertainers.
The church was attractively decorated
for the event. Flowers , furniture ,
screens , lamps , pillows and other articles
suggested by taste and comfort were scat
tered m convenient parts of the edifice ,
affording a pretty setting for the com
pany , which was numerous and ani
A brief program was rendered to the
pleasure of all : Mrs. A. P. Bonnet and
Miss Maud Cordeal played a duet on the
piano with excellent effect. Mr. William
Valentine read a selection from "The
Stickett Minister" , with the usual pleas
ing results. Mrs. A. P. Bonnet made
her customary hit in a vocal solo , and
Miss Mabel Perry was warmly encored
for her piano solo.
Mr. Valentine briefly expressed the
appreciation of the public schools for the
efforts of Rev. Preston in behalf of the
children during his residence here , and
Mr. Kimmell took occasion to voice the
unanimous regret of the membership of
the church at the approaching separa
tion of pastor and parishioners , an event
approached with hesitation and reluc-
tancy , and to express the gratitude felt
by all for the faithful , valuable services
rendered by Rev. Preston.
Refreshments were served during the
entire evening and this feature was up to
the high standard established in the past
by the ladies. Small tables , attractive
in napery , silver- and china-ware , were
utilized in the serving and the cream ,
ices , cake , coffee etc , were most appe
tizing. In this as well as in all other re
spects the ladies are to be congratulated.
Nothing marred the occasion save the
idea of separation associated , and this
fact is ameliorated by the knowledge
that naught but the pleasantest relations
exist between pulpit and pew , and that
Rev. Preston will go from our midst with
the heartiest good wishes and God-speed
of not onry the members of the Congre
gational church , but of the entire com-
Rev. Preston will preach his farewell
sermon on next Snnday morning. He
has not fully determined where he will
next be engaged in the Master's work.
Help Wanted.
A good girl for housework. Must be a
good cook. No other need appry.
Mrs. J. B. Ballard.
For Sale Cheap.
Horse , harness and phaeton , all com
plete , on very reasonable terms.
• " Frank-Harris.
School supplies at McConnell's.
3 cakes Juvenile soap 40c. at McCon- .
i _ . . . '
Yon can get a good ink tablet for 5c.
and ioc. at McConnell's.
The best line box : papers and tablets
in the city at McConnell's.
_ • * •
School supplies at McConnell's. ft
Hammocks at McMillen's drug store.
3 cakes Juvenile soap 40c. at McCon
Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , atMcMil-
len's drug store.
William Relph's fall wheat averaged
34 bushels per acre.
- , i ;
Engineer Wilson of the electric light ' 1
plant is on the sick list. - . ' |
= i
You can get a good ink tablet lor 5c. >
and ioc at McConnell's. ;
The best line box papers and tablets
in the city at McConnell's.
A guaranteed buggy for a cheap-john
ouKgy price at S. M. Cockran & Co. 's j
Original pensions have been granted 9
John Penny and Howard Mitchell of this M
Be in the swim. Buy one of those m
wonderful Vive Cameras from H. P. I
Sutton. '
The city hall is undergoing some needed -
ed repairs. A new ceiling of plaster is M
among the improvements. H
A jug of counterfeit dollars and halves I
was found • in making repairs on the m
county fair buildings , recently. m >
The Woodmen will hold a picnic in B
Bond's grove on the Coon creek , Indian- H
ola , Wednesday , September 29th. II
It is the general opinion than an un- II
usually large acreage of fall grain , will be II
sown in Red Willow county , this fall. II
A Workmen picnic is advertised to be I
held in Paxton's grove on the Willow in I
Hayes county .Thursday , September 30th. M
H. H. Berry has been admitted to j
practice as an attorney and agent for } M
claimants before the Interior department. !
Don't think of buying a carriage , bug- IU
gy or any other vehicle until you have jH
seen the stock at S. M. Cochran & . Co. 's !
store and gotten their prices. ; H
The Building Association has some tH
good houses which can be bought at low 'jfl
prices and on easy payments. See the H
Secretary at First National Bank. 'H '
Emil Hildeman , Burton Morton and H
Eugene Bellamy , all of Arapahoe , went M
to Omaha , Saturday evening , and played : M
with the Brigade band during the fair. ' M
Thirty-one Epworthians drove over to M
Prospect Park , Sunday afternoon , and M
held a m&eting in the Boatman school M
house. They report a splendid meeting. M
S. M. Cochran & Co. will have the H
largest line of carriages and buggies ever Sfl
exhibited in McCook. And they will fl
sell them at prices never equaled in this M
city. | |
Do j'ou want to rent or buv a house ? M
The Building Association has several M
good houses to rent or sell. Inquire of M
F. A. Pennell , Sec'y , at First National M
Bank. H
J.E. Kelley has received from the J. B. |
McFarland Co. a consignment of buggies H
a carload for immediate sale. See I H
him before buying. He will save you H
money. B
J. E. Kelley has a carload of buggies H
that must be sold at once. This means H
unprecedented bargains for all wanting H
a buggy. See him and get figures. They H
talk for themselves. H
The six-months old infant child of |
George Hoffman of South McCook died H
on Tuesday.and the remains were buried j H
in Longview , on Wednesday afternoon. |
Rev. Vogt conducted brief services at H
the home. H
The Indianola Reporter promises three H
people from Indianola to the reunion , H
next year , for every one from McCook H
that was present at their reunion , this H
year. Thanks , Colonel , we will entertain - H
tain them handsomely. H
S. M. Cochran & Co. are Headquarters H
for carriages , buggies , carts , and in fact , ; H
for all sorts of vehicles. They will make H
you prices that nobody can beat for first- I H
class , reliable goods. Don't buy until J H
you have seen them and heard their H
gentle racket on prices. Standard goods M
at rock-bottom prices. M
A petition was being circulated this M
week to the assistant postmaster general , AVfl
and largely signed by our citizensasking M
the establishment of a daily mail route V |
from Bartley to Curtis via of Stockville , ' H
thus giving us our mail at apout2 o'clock a |
p. m. instead of midnight , or the next H
day. The way the train has been arrivafl
ing here for the past two months makes H l
it much of the time impossible for the H
patrons of the office to receive their mail H
until the next morning- . Curtis Courier.H
' !