The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 17, 1897, Image 1

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Last Sunday evening about half past
seven o'clock , Mr. Charles McCarl and
Miss Lillian Troth were united in the
bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was
performed at the home of the bride's
parent * , Mayor and Mrs. H. H. Troth ,
in the presence of only the relatives of
the high contracting parties , Esquire H.
H. Berry uniting them. The home was
prettily and appropriately decorated for
the auspicious event. The bride is one
of McCook's most charming , talented
and pretty daughters and a general fav
orite. The groom is a trusted and popu
lar Burlington freight brakeman , and an
excellent , genial young man highly es
teemed by all. An elaborate and exquis
ite wedding feast followed the ceremony ,
in which full sweep was given to the
caterer's skill. Congratulations over and
a brief , delightful social season spent ,
the happy , estimable young people were
escorted to their cos\ new home in the
Mrs. Smith Gordon double residence ,
which had been thoroughly and taste
fully furnished and put in readiness for
their reception in lieu of a more elabo
rate wedding. Here for the space of an
hour or so the young people held an
informal reception to their guests , music
and social chat passing the brief time
most happily. They were the recipients
of many gifts of beauty.value and utility.
The Tribune echoes a general and
hearty sentiment in wishing them a pros
perous journey , with fair winds and a
safe harbor.
State Fair Exhibit.
This morning , Red Willow county's
exhibit left for the state fair at Omaha.
President Fitch and Secretary McCool of
the agricultural society , and Commis
sioner Belles , James Starr and Michael
Hogan were in charge. The exhibit em
braces grains , grasses , vegetables and
fruits , and it is of such an excellent qual
ity that the people of the county can be
proud of it. To attract attention a large
banner was provided. It consisted of a
mule made of grasses in a field of grain.
It will no doubt well serve its purpose.
The Tribune expects Red Willow
county to come in for a large share of
public attention. Her exhibit will be
meritorious and attractive , and those in
charge will courteously and fully answer
all inquiries concerning the county and
its display.
Christian Endeavor Union.
The annual county convention of the
Christian Endeavor union was held in
Bartley on Sunday. Several suggestive
papers upon practical subjects were read.
In answering the question , "What can
Christian Endeavorers do to secure a
better observance of Sunday ? " Arthur
Miller said we should try to shape public
opinion so that people will not ask for
anything which leads to work on Sunday.
Going to the postoffice. 'patronizing Sun
day trains , newspapers and other things
were named. The officers for the coming
year are : President , Jacob Longnecker ,
Iudianola ; vice-president , Arthur Miller ,
Cambridge ; secretary and treasurer.Stella
Norval , McCook.
The Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben.
On Thursday night , Septemoer 23 ,
" during the state fair in Omaha , the
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben will give their
annual parade , which will consist of 21
floats of mammoth proportions and hand
some designs. On Friday night , September - *
ber 24th , the Knights will hold their
grand ball. It is the purpose to eclipse
anything ever before attempted in ball or
parade by the Knights.
School Lands Leased.
Uucle Jake Wolfe , land commissioner ,
was in the city , Wednesday , to lease the
school lands advertised. There were be
tween seven and eight thousand acres
open to lease , and of this amount in the
neighborhood of five thousand acres were
bid off , with but little or no competition.
There was but one premium paid. In
addition much of the delinquent interest
on other leases was paid up so that but
little land remains to be leased.
Surprised the President.
A pleasant feature of the Monday even
ing meeting of the Star of Jupiter was
the surprise on the President , Mr. H. G.
Borneman , who on that date passed an
other milestone in the journey of life.
Refreshments were served and a general
good time enjoyed by all. Long life to
the President and success to the Order.
Died in Hayes County.
Daniel Barth , a former cook in the
McEntee house , died up in Hayes county ,
Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock ,
of consumption. The funeral occurred
Next Monday we open a handsome
line of men's and boys' mackintoshes.
Yon want to see them.
The Famous Clothing Co.
Quite a number of McCook people are
suffering from the influenza.
J.W. Hupp was in Lincoln on business ,
close of last week.
Cecil Matthews has returned to
spend the winter here.
Mrs. Robert Byers joined her hus
band here , last week.
Mrs. G. W. Bunting left , this week ,
for Indiana , on a visit.
George Hocknell spent Wednesday
in the city on business.
Miss Maud R. Wood spent Saturday
and Sunday in Culbertson. .
Mrs. M. O. McGlure and children
were Hastings visitors , Wednesday.
Ed. Harvey of Lincoln has been vis
iting Al. Gibbons for the past week.
Miss Laura Hood of Laporte , Ind. ,
has been the guest of the Misses Gibbons ,
this week.
Miss Della Bolton has been the
guests of the Misses Doan since the close
of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stokes of Hayes
Center attended the McCarl-Troth wed
ding , Sunday evening.
Miss Mabel Macho was out from
Omaha , last week , on a visit to her
mother and the family.
Mrs. C. A. Dixon and Miss Edna re
turned , Tnesday night , from their sum
mer sojourn in Chicago.
T. J. Floyd of the Trenton Register
had business in the city on Saturday
evening last between trains.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips are here from
Yale , Iowa , the guests of their daughter ,
Mrs. J. W. Corner of Coleman precinct.
Caleb Clothier came down from
Hayes county , last Friday evening , to
witness the McCarl-Troth nuptials , Sun
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. William Zint spent
Sunday in Bertrand visiting their son ,
driving over Saturday night and return
ing Sunday night.
H. P. Sutton spent a day or two ,
early part of the week , in Omaha , ar
ranging matters for the band during the
state fair next week.
Mrs. Emerson Hanson left on Thurs
day morning for Bushnell , Iliinois , ac
companying her mother home. She will
be gone but a few days.
Katie O'Connell on Sunday re
turned to Concordia , Kansas , to attend
school. The Misses Robideaux of Ben-
kelman went on the same train.
Land Commissioner Wolfe was in
1 the city , Wednesday , to lease school
lands as per announcement. He is per
forming similar work throughout this
senatorial district.
Orla LeHew arrived , Sunday night ,
from Osceola , Iowa. He will practice ,
this week , with the Brigade band and go
with them to Omaha , next week , to play
during the state fair.
Stella and Lillie Norval attend
ed the county convention of Christian
Endeavor societies at Bartley , Sunday
last. Miss Stella is the secretary and
treasurer of the union.
Miss Montgomery arrived from St.
Joe , Missouri , Tuesday night , and is em
ployed in Mrs. M. E. Barger's millinery
establishment. She comes highly rec-
'ommended by the house.
John Garber of McCook is here , this
week Ed. Beyrer of McCook was in
the city , this week , and made a pleasant
call at the Chief wigwam , depositing a
dollar with us on subscription. Red
Cloud Chief.
J. M. Snyder of Panora , Iowa , left
for home this morning. He has land
interests and relatives out here and has
been spending a few days in the north
western part of the county visiting and
looking after his interests.
John Cordeal departed , Tuesday
morning , for Chicago , to attend the com
ing session of the law department of the
Northwestern university. Ernest Cor
deal left on the same train for Lincoln to
enter the Nebraska university.
W. L. R. Johnson and son Julian of
Buckley , Illinois , spent Sunday in the
city , guest of Mrs. F. M. Kimmell. Mr.
Johnson is an older brother of State
Treasurer Meserve , and is on his way to
Escondido , California , where he expects
to make his future home. They left for
the west on 5 , Sunday night. Mr. John
son had not visited McCook for about
fourteen years and was both surprised
and pleased with the development and
growth of the city. He was interested
here in the stock business in the range
The County Fair.
The fair is a thing of the past.andmay
be considered a success. The people were
disgusted , last year , in not getting their
premiums , consequently there were only
a small number of exhibits in some de
partments. The showing of cattle was
good : W. N. Rogers bad his Herefords ,
Samuel Ball his Shorthorns , Joseph Harrison
risen his Angus , J' A. Miller his Gallo
ways and W. O. Bond his Holsteins.
There was a fine display of poultry : The
chief exhibitors were : ' P.J.Taylor ,
Mrs. William Byfield , Mrs. Taylor Quigley -
ley and Mrs. John F. Helm. The speed
department was good , considering the
heavy rain , which made the track bad
all day Wednesday and not much better
on Thursday , f he 2.25 trot for $150 was
filled with three starters ; the awards
were made as follows : Moncrief 1st , Eva
Wright 2d , Kittie Wright 3d. Best time
2.28. Half-mile and repeatrunningrace
for $50 was won by Alice Gray 1st , Peep
O'Day 2d , Tucker 3d , Whipsaw 4th.
Best time 53. Three-minute trot for $150 ,
there were four starters , awards as fol
lows : Galtena 1st , Leva Mundy 2dClaud
3d , Tom 4th. Best time 2.38 . Quarter-
mile running race , there were lour start
ers , won by Pumpkinseed 1st , Cottontail
2d , Minnie 3d , Billie N. 4th. Best time
25XHalfmile running race for $75 ,
was started on Wednesday evening and
finished on Thursday ; awards were made
as follows : Belle 1st , Tucker 2d , Peep
O'Day 3d , Whipsaw 4th. Best time 53 .
The last race was a trot between Mon
crief , Statless and Eva Wright. Eva
Wright took 1st , Moncrief 2d , Starlesss
3d. William Plourd gave an exhibition
of hippodrome riding on Wednesday and
Thursday to the satisfaction of all. The
balloon ascensions on Tuesday and Wed
nesday were fine , Thursday being too
windy no attempt was made to go up.
The attendance on Wednesday was large
not so numerous on Tuesday and Thurs
day. The officers say they will pay in
full. C. W. B.
A Disgraceful Scene.
Passengers on No. 3 , Saturday night ,
report one of the most disgaceful scenes
it had ever been their lot to witness on a
railroad train anywhere. Among the
passengers were the Corinne-American
Beauty company en route from Lincoln
to Denver. Corinne and some of the
more important members of the combi
nation occupied a sleeper , while the bal
let girls and lesser lights occcupied a
chair car. The wife of the leading come
dian joined the chair car gang during the
trip and before reaching this point. "The
whole outfit was well provided with
whisky , wine and beer and became very
hilarious , the wife of the comedian be
coming disgustingly , beastly drunk. It
seems the other members of the gang
encouraged and indulged the unfortunate
woman in her weakness. Between here
and Oxford the woman's husband came
in from the sleeper and tried to coax the
inebriate into her berth , but without
avail. Force was then resorted to by
the angry husband and the woman's
waist was literally torn from her person
and all efforts for the time to cover her
or induce her to put on a new waist were
fruitless. During the melee the woman
fought furiously , blackguarding and
swearing like a trooper. The husband
finally withdrew to the sleeper , much to
the merriment of the intoxicated gang ,
who at times made the welkin ring with
the ribaldry.
Will Compete in Denver.
The Nebraska Brigade band of our city
has announced its attention of entering
the band contest in Denverwhich occurs
on the second day of the great Mountain
and Plain Festival. The festival prom
ises to be the-grandest ever held. The
band will enter the contest with 27 pieces
and it will take something "finer than
silk" to head them off from the first
The Young Folks Picnic.
About a score of young ladies and gen
tlemen of the city indulged in a picnic of
pleasant particulars in the Fitch grove ,
Tuesday afternoon of this week. A
break-down of their wagon and a soaking
by J. Pluvius were among the features of
the affair.
Before you leave your orders see our
lines of samples for clothing to order.
You can save money , and get better fit
ting garments.
The Famous Clothing Co.
Colonel Rider would not object to hav
ing the court house built over on the
west side. In fact he says he would en
courage such a move.
The Order of the Star of Jupiter is a
local institution in which our people can
afford to take more than a passing in
Members of the Epworth League will
conduct services in the Prospect Park
school house , Sunday afternoon at 3.
Dr. S. C. Beach was a school visitor ,
The school library was o ' pened for use ,
first of the week.
About 30 pupils attended the reunion ,
last week ; and about 50 the county fair ,
this week.
The total enrollment up to Tuesday
day evening was 601 , an increase of ten
since last week.
"Gymnasia Mental and PbysicaP'was
the subject of Bishop Graves' short ad
dress , Monday morning.
A goodly number of the town people
were welcome visitors at the school , last
Friday afternoon. Call again.
No board meeting , Monday evening ,
for lack of quorum. There will proba
bly be a session next Monday evening.
Mr. J. D. Heater of Thornburg has re
moved to McCook to give his children
better school privileges. Hayes Center
Rev. Anson R. Graves made an inter
esting talk to the pupils of the assembly ,
Monday. Revs. Russell and Preston
were present with him.
Among the new non-resident pupils
are : Josie Stewart of Box Elder , Olive
Price of Stratton , and Roy Goheen of
Driftwood precinct , this county.
The graduating class is the largest in
the history of the McCook public schools
21 ; the next largest was 15 the class
of'96. Of the 21 , nine have received all
their schooling in this system.
The present cabinet officers of special
work department are : Maud Wood , di
rector of amusements ; Myrtle Meyer , as
sembly room manager ; Bert Whittaker ,
treasurer ; Al Gibbons , librarian , and
Harry Troth , lantern manager.
The opening lantern class , last Friday
evening , was fairly well attended. After
exhibiting some of the favorite slides of
the school collection , Mr. Valentine fin
ished the evening performance b } ' read-
a humorous ( i ) story of Mark Twain.
At the lantern class tonight Miss Edna
Dixon , who has been spending the sum
mer in Chicago taking music lessonswill
make her first appearance since her re
turn home. Miss Maud Cordeal will
also give a piano number , and Miss Myr
tle Meyer a vocal solo. An entertaining
evening is promised.
Licenses to marry were issued to
Charles H. McCarl and Lillian H. Troth ,
both of McCook , and to William C. San-
don and Maggie E. Oblonger , both of
An execution has been issued in the
case of George W. Hinkle vs. C. A. Jack
son et al.
The case on error of Hiram C. Rider
vs. David J. Osborn has been filed , this
Turn About.
"Ere long the farmer gay will go
With face all free from sorrow
To make advances to the men
From whom he used to borrow. "
The slot machines remind us of 16 to
1 ; $16 for the owner to $1 for the sucker.
The rainfall at this point on Tuesday
evening was a little over .50 of an inch.
The new postmaster at Wilsonville is
L. A. Kennedy vice J.W. Pruet.removed.
Mrs. Barger announces her fall open
ing of millinery for Friday and Saturday ,
24 and 25.
The Lowmans announce their fall mil
linery opening for Friday and Saturday ,
September 24th and 25th.
1 11 1 . . . . . .
These rains are placing the soil in fine
shape for the sowing of winter wheat and
a large acreage may be expected.
The Tribune understands that two
or three thousand sheep will be shipped
into this county to be fed , this winter.
Republican headquarters have been
established in convenient quarters in the
Republican office under the First Na
tional bank.
McCook has been having a pressing
butter famine all week. The drying up
of pastures and the harvest are doubtless
responsible largely for the shortage.
Misses Stover & Burgess wish to an
nounce that they will have their regular
fall -opening of novelties in millinery
Friday and Saturday , September 24th
and 25th. See 'bills later.
The concert given by the Brigade band
in'the ' Congregational church , last even
ing , under Christian Endeavor auspices ,
was very poorly attended. However ,
those present report a splendid musical
. -
Bishop Craves' Visit.
Monday was a notable day in Episco
pal circles , marking as it did a visitation
to the people of this parish of the Rt
Rev. Bishop Anson R. Graves of the Mis
sionary Jurisdiction of the Platte , from
Kearney , Nebraska. The Bishop preach
ed a brief , simple , but effective sermon
from the text , "My Son , go Work in My
Vineyard Today. " Quite a large class
received baptism and confirmation was
administered to five applicants. A pleas
ant feature of the services , which were
held in St. Alban's chapel in the even
ing , was the presentation to the Bishop
of a handsome new cope , which was fully
described in our last issue. Rev. Russell
made a brief speech in offering the cloak
to which the Bishop replied in few words
of thanks ; stating in connection that the
cope is the proper garment of the Bishop
notwithstanding the doctor's gown had
hitherto been worn by him and others of
the episcopate. The chapel was well
filled with members and friends.
Dedicated the Sod Church.
The sod Methodist church at Fairview ,
a few miles south of the city , was appro
priately dedicated to the service of the
Master , last Sunday afternoon. Rev. J.
A. Badcon of our city preached the ser
mon , besides him many others were
present from this place. The attendance
was sufficient to have filled another
building of that size. We congratulate
the people of that neighborhood in again
having a place in which to worship , al
though less pretentious than the frame
church recently removed from there to
South McCook.
Very Satisfactory Exhibit.
The exhibit of agricultural products
from Red Willow county made at the
late St. Joseph , Missouri , fair was very
satisfactory and highly creditable. C.B.
Gray was interested in the gathering of
the samples exhibited and J. F. Brittain
of Valley Grange precinct had the ex
hibit in charge and was obliging and
courteous in his conduct. The display
of beets , alfalfa , potatoes etc. "took the
cake" . The display was a part of the
grand exhibit made by the Burlington
For the State Fair.
Tomorrow evening the Nebraska Bri
gade band will leave for Omaha , to play
during the state fair. Sunday they will
play in Fairmont Park , over in Council
Bluffs , Iowa. Besides playing for the
state fair , the band has a number of
other engagements , among them being
the Ak-Sar-Ben parade and ball. The
band will contain 35 men and in their
new uniforms will look finer than silk.
Careless Sportsmen.
Some careless hunter shot at a rabbit
or other game , Sunday morning last.and
killed a fine fat hog for A. W.Utter , who
lives a few miles northeast of the city.
Every year domestic animals are killed
or maimed by careless sportsmen. There
may be some excuse for killing innocent
and harmless animals and birdsbut there
is none for such carelessness.
William C. Sandon and Maggie E. Ob
longer , two of Danbury's sterling young
people.were united in. marriage , Tuesday
afternoon , by County Judge Smith athis
office. Here's much joy and prosperiiy
to them.
Bees for Sale.
I have eleven hives of Italian bees for
sale. Will sell at a reasonable price.
Call at farm five miles south of McCook.
2ts. T. Schneider.
Help Wanted.
A good girl for housework. Must be a
good cook. No other need apply.
Mrs. J. B. Ballard.
School supplies at McConnell's.
3 cakes Juvenile soap 40c. at McCon
Rats are becoming disagreeably num
erous over the city.
You can get a good ink tablet for 5c.
and ioc. at McConnell's.
The best line box papers and tablets
in the city at McConnell's.
Latest things in hats and neckwear at
The Famous Clothing Co.
The Junior Leaguers had a fine patron
age , Saturday evening , selling all their
ice cream.
Band concerts about every night now ,
as the finishing touches are being put on
the band practice.
J. S. LeHew has been appointed jus
tice of the peace of Willow Grove pre
cinct to succeed A. J. Rittenhouse.
Children's blue denim bib-overalls 25
cents apiece at the
Famous Clothing Co.
School supplies at McConnell's.
Selby can repair your old buggy tops.
Hammocks at McMiHen's drug store.
3 cakes Juvenile soap 40c. at McCon
Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , atMcMil-
len'sdrug store.
For Sale 60 calves. Inquire at
First National bank.
Merchants generally report a heavy
and increasing business.
You can get a good ink tablet lor 5c.
and 10c. at McConnell's.
Have you been into look at Selby's
harness at the "Bee Hive" ?
The best line box papers and tablets
in the city at McConnell's.
The commissioners held a brief session ,
Saturday. See proceedings.
A guaranteed buggy for a cheap-john
buggy price at S. M. Cockran & Co. 's
Buffalo Bill is negotiating for an exhi
bition of his Wild West show in our city.
Be in the swim. Buy one of those
wonderful Vive Cameras from H. P.
Commissioner and Mrs. Stephen Belles
are looking after the welfare of a young
son , born to them first of the week.
LOST At Indiauola G. A. R. reunion ;
a pair of gold riding frame double lense
spectacles , M. S. G. on nose piece.
H. M. Clute's little boy received a
sprained arm , last Friday afternoon ,
while playing with some schoolmates.
Selby is now selling his own make of
leather suspenders at 40 cents ; same kind
the old hundred per center is selling at
60 cents.
You can see evidences on our streets
any Saturday now that many people can
not stand prosperity as soberly as they
do adversity. •
For McCook merchants The Tribune
is the recognized best advertising med
ium. It is read by the most people that
trade in this city.
Don't think of buying a carriage , bug
gy or any other vehicle until you have
seen the stock at S. M. Cochran & Co. 's
store and gotten their prices.
The Building Association has some
good houses which can be bought at low
prices and on easy payments. See the
Secretary at First National Bank.
S. M. Cochran & Co. will have the
largest line of carriages and buggies ever
exhibited in McCook. And they will
sell them at prices never equaled in this
Do you want to rent or buy a house ?
The Building Association has several
good houses to rent or sell. Inquire of
F. A. Pennell , Sec'y , at First National
J.E. 'Kelley has received from the J. B.
McFarland Co. a consignment of buggies
a carload for immediate sale. See
him before buying. He will save you
C. G. Coglizer has a substitute on the
street sprinkler and is building himself a
commodious barn on his property in
West McCook , recently bought 'from
Will Rider.
J. E. Kelley has a carload of buggies
that must be sold at once. This means
unprecedented bargains for all wanting
a buggy. See him and get figures. They
talk for themselves.
West Dennison street has recently un
dergone quite a transformation scene.
Nothing , however , has been lost of use
fulness or beauty. A movement for the
consolidation of business houses may be
expected to continue.
Last Thursday , Mrs. Daniel Soverns
died at her home in Devizes , Kansas.
She was about seventy years of age and
mother of Fred Soverns of Lebanonwell
known to many of our readers. Her hus
band preceded her into the land of rest
about nine months.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Donald of South McCook died on Mon
day and was buried on Tuesday after
noon. The infant was born on Friday
last. They are comparatively newcomers ,
she being a daughter of Mr. Drummond
of South McCook.
S. M. Cochran & . Co. are headquarters
for carriages , buggies , carts , and in fact ,
for all sorts of vehicles. They will make
yoiuprices that nobody can beat for first-
class , reliable goods. Don't buy until
you have seen them and heard their
gentle racket on prices. Standard good3
at rock-bottom prices.
- !