HHL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B B * * L H& 1 i Clearing i il 1 Out Sale. 1 _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ . . . & _ _ • _ wi Having-accumulated a large Ng ? I 9 * ot ot smal1 sizes in Ladies' Shoes i | | M > I # I IS ANB Slippers , I will dispose of IX 1 1 X [ tliem at the following'prices : JX Oh I All 2 Sizes , Sfi a Pair. 1 | I ! i I mint H 53 ! i Rfa g AH 3 to 3 SZ63SS.25 § aPair. | J i li ; P AiS4to434izesl.5QaPair , 1 J i I I I II &Cf ue * ormer Prices of these fel r ! v Rp snoes wore from $2 to $5. Your hi | K | J g _ ) little girls can wear them. Come gp UP. K anlseee have in any more of JXj B | | | such bargains at the only p | Ini .j . K fllii BpIiisIiIp ? lidP Jtnrp is | j > ; p urn 11011(1 ( lib ollUG oluiO i I i gfl J. F. GANSCHOW , McCook. IXi 1 H/ Knipple's new stock Hp\ Queensware , Orock- y\\ ery , Lamias , etc. , is WmfP now on the shelves. Wj f The like cannot be H | | | . found in this part of Blithe state and the pri- Bli L ces are very low , Mn _ _ r J ? 1 Owing to over-crowding and bad ventil- K f ation , the air of the schoolroom is often close K Kk I an ( * inpure , and teachers and pupils freE - _ E m\ \ r- quently suffer from lung and throat troubles. _ _ _ ( To all such we would say , try Chamberlain's Kl\ Cough Remedy. For coughs , colds , weak Hp J / lungs and bronchial troubles no other remedy HBjf can compare with it. Says A. C. Freed , Vvl * Superintendent of schools , Prairie Depot , mg Vx Ohio : "Having some knowledge of the HL W y efficacj' of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , I Hlf t ) have no hesitation in recommending it to all _ _ T 11 w ° sn tr rom coughs , lung troubles , etc. " 1l For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Drug- BflM fW > gists. H\j Knipple is display- l | | i ing' the finest line of III ; handsome lamps ever H t i "brought to the city. _ _ _ \ y " | Mv boy came home from school one day HB ( > t with his hand badly lacerated and bleeding , Kf | < ' and suffering great pain. " says Mr. E. J. | E ' 9 Y Schall. with Meyer Bros. Drug Co. , St. Louis , _ KI Mo. ' 'I dressed the wound , and applied _ _ f S' Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely. All pain If jf _ " ' ceased , and in a remarkably short time it _ _ _ _ ! * % healed without leaving a scar. For wounds , Kgf 1 % t sprains , swellings and rheumatism I know of R ? no rned'c'ne or prescription equal to it. I Rtl/ " consider it a household necessity. " The 25 / • * > jm * " * | \ jind 50 cent sizes for sale by L. W. McConnell Kff Ja * tc Co. , Druggists. WpS Knipple's new line II > C of Boots and Shoes is K | J 1 now in. Full line and mil 1 prices reasonable. Bflj } Jg Certainly you don't want to suffer with dys- Umi * L pepsia , constipation , .sick headache , sallow WQ t \ skm and loss of appetite. You have never tried II / K DeWitt's Little Early Risers for these com- HJE ( plaints or you would have been cured. They h k are small pills but great regulators. A. Mc- W I / * Millen. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * li' its ' ° wuere are r jr WkS * ° DO lotlil ( * na is W \ \ x at Knipple's , the lead- m \ p frig : grocer , sui'e. H i" ± J& Small precautions often prevent great mis- .J > ! chiefs. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are very Hf N ? small pills in size , but are most effective in K * * \ preventing the most serious forms of Jiver | V Jv * and stomach troubles. They cure constipation mjL J/ / * and headache and regulate the bowels. A. IB * McMillen. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; MI Tinware of all kinds \ m&t Knipple's. [ m \ To heal the broken and diseased tissues , tel l ' N soothe the irritated surfaces , to instantly re- _ r/ lieve and to permanently cure is the mission v\ of DeWitt's \Vitch Hazel Salve. A. McMillen. CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. German Methodist Regular ser vices at 9 o'clock , ever3 * Sunday morn ing , in the South IMcCook ZUethodis church ; services in German. Rev. M. Herrmann. Catholic Mass at S o'clock a. m High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. in. with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m All are cordially welcome. REV. J. W. HiCKEV , Pastor. Episcopal Morning service at 11:00 Evening service at 8:00. : Sunday schoo at 10:00 a. m. Evensong on Wednesday at S p. m. A. F. Morgan , General Missionary R. A. RUSSELL , Assistant. Christian Services every alternate Sunday , commencing with the first Sun day in May at 11 and 7:30 o'clock ii McConnell hall. Sunday school even Sunday at 10 o'clock. Elder C. P. Evans , Pastor. Methodist Sunday school at 10 Baptising after preaching at 11. Junio League at 2:30. Epworth League at 7 Preaching at S. Prayermeeting Wednes day evening at 8. All are welcome. J. A. Badcon , Pastor. Congregational Morning theme Love's Sacrifice. Sermon followed tr the Lord's Supper. Evening topicWha is beyond ? Sunday school at 10. En > deavor society at 7 ; topic , Our Gifts fron God : Our Gifts to God. Prayer meeting Wednesda3' evening at 8. All are cor diallv invited. invited.Hart Hart L. Preston , Pastor. Baptist Bible school at 10. Preach ing at 11. Young Peoples' meeting a 7. Evening service at 8 ; theme , contin uation of Christ's miracles. Septembei 15 , 9 and 10 , the annual association of th ( Baptist churches of Southwestern Ne braska will meet at McCook. Sermon : every evening by prominent minister : from abroad. An invitation to all t ( attend the services. Geo. W. Sheafor , Pastor. IT SaVES the CRourv children Seaview , Va. We have a splendid sale 01 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , and our cus tomers coming from far and near , speak of i in the highest terms. Many have said tha their children would have died * of croup i Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had not beei given Kellam & Curren. The 25 and 50 cen sizes for sale by L. W. JMcConnell Jc : Co. , Druggists. Running sores , indolent ulcers and simila troubles , even though of many year's stand ing , may be cured by using DeWitt's Witcl Hazel Salve. It sooths , strengthens am heals. It is a great pile cure. A. McMillen. If you have ever seen a little child in a par oxysm of whooping cough , or if you have bee : annoyed by a constant tickling in the throa you appreciate the value of One Minuti Cough Cure , which gives quick relief. A.Mc Millen. No man or woman can enjoy life or accom plish much in this world while suffering fron a torpid liver. DeWitt's Little Early Risers the pills that cleanse that organ , quickly. A McMillen. Try those hams ai Knipple's. Only 10 c sl Pound. Good. g ? I > gpmjg TIME TABLE , gggj \ LINCOLN , DENVER , OMAHA , HELENA , CHICAGO. BUTTE , ST. JOSEPH , PORTLAND , KANSAS CITY. SALT LAKE CITY , ST. LOUIS AND all SAN FRANCISCO , POINTS EAST AND AND ALL TOINTS SOUTH. WEST. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : CENTRAL TIME. No. 2. Vestihuled Express , daily , Lincoln , Omaha , St. Joe , Kansas City , St. LouisChi- cage , and all points south and east 5:55A.M. No. 4. Local Express , daily , Lin coln , Omaha , Chicago , and all points east 9o ° i' M- N0.148. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , -Hastings and intermediate stations 5o ° AM - No. 76. Freight , daily , Oxford , Hol- drege , Hastings 6:45 A.M. No. 80. Freight , daily , Hastings and intermediate stations 7:00 A. M MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 5. Local Express , daily , Den ver and intermediate sta tions SI5 P. M. No. 3. Vestibuled Express , daily , Denver and all points in Colo.Utah and California , 11:40 P.M. N0.149. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Akron and intermediatesta- tions 6:00 A. M. No. 77. Freight , dailyStrattonBeri- kelman , Haigler , Wray and , , Akron 1:30 P.M. No. 63. Freight , dailyStrattonBen- kelnian , HaiglerVray and Akron 4:10 P.M. N0.175. Accommodation , Mondajs , Wednesdays and Fridays , Imperial and intermediate stations 7co A. 11. No. 64. Freight daily , Oxford , Red Cloud , St. Joe , Kansas City 4:30 A. M. Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars ( seats free ) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write C. E. Magntr , Agent , McCook , Nebraska , or J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. Ham mocks at prices ranging from 75 cts. to $5.50 at MCCOINTSELI/S. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Mrs. O. R. Amick of Hastings was a city visitor , this week. W. W. Webster is on the Relief again # with a badly pinched finger. Mrs. John Roxby came up from the farm near Arapahoe , Monday evening , on a visit. Passenger trains Nos. 4 and 5 were both held , Wednesday night , to accom modate the circus travel. Many shopmen took advantage of Neighbor's order and took the entire day off. Wednesday , to see the circus. Engineer T.A. Hale } ' came down from Sheridan , Wyoming , close of last week , on a visit to relatives and friends. * Misses Lila and Ada Sircoloumb of Sheridan left , this week , for an extended r" visit with friends at McCook. Alliance 5t G"P- Deintnie Hiatt of Plattsmouth spent the fore part of the week in the city , • leaving for Beaver City on Thursday • morning. Dr. E. H. Waters returned from his vacation , Saturday night , Dr. Denne- . brinck leaving for the east on No. 4 , the 1 same evening. s The force of car repairers at this place Tnow exceeds thirty and we understand that there is a demand for more men in e that department. 1- 1n Conductor John Morris is having some y improvements and additions made to his residence which will add greatly to its comfort , convenience , and appearance. - R. B. Archibald , J. W. Trammell , H. . M. Tyler , C. H. Quereau , E. C. Quereau 5- arrived home from their trip to Wyoming , Sunday night , having enjoyed a grand trip and outing. " William Cody is here with the air- Lt brake car. He is the instructor for the - the whole BurlingtonH "system and is an n expert in that line. He will give in- F struction all this and part of next week. MorrisonBall has been transferred from B. & M. nignt operator at this station to second day man at Culbertson. C. E. ' Paul , of Cowles , Nebraska , is now holding - ing the night } ob at this place. Benkel- e man News. " Report is current that the B. & M hotel s will change hands about the first of the o coming month. It is reported that Mr. Byers has disposed of his interest in the hotel to a traveling man of Denver , Mr. W. M. Aller , who was married one day n this week. Holdrege Progress. Division Supt. Campbell and Gen. if Supt. Calvert , of the B. & M. went down n the road Thursday. We understand some improvements in our train service is con templated Material has been un- ir loaded at Wilson ville for new stock yards , I- which the B. & M. will build just west of and in connection with those already here. Another chute will be built and several pens , water tanks , etc. added. n The pens have long been needed and it they will add greatly to the convenience f of the shippers. Wilsonville Review. _ Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , at McMil- n len's drug store. , - Machine oils , 25c. per gallon at Mc- Connell's. f - u Hammocks at McMillen's drug store. One Minute Cough Cure , cures. That is what it was made for. s , 3a BHu u i nmalaawMwamrapB5K8US3SES3SKE3l * TiniTM ! I i , , . ! . , . . . . ! ! illl lpll 1 I. | | . IIIII H I I 1 1 11 i l s Tramps. Atlantic , Wyoming , August 18th , 1S97. The party of hunters and prospeciois having spent a few days looking over the National Park Mining Co. 's property here in the Atlantic mining district , are again loaded into wagon No. 2 and heud- ed for the Big Sandy creek on a hunt and fish for the famous mountain trout. On the journey we followed the old Indian trail , instead of leaving the trail at Rini- ker's claim. Six miles out and we came in sight of the Sweetwater , but a deep gorge lay betwetn us and the creek. Undaunted , down the gulch we go , with the wagon at times careening wildly , but we finally reach the creek , worn out and tired. At 2:30 p. m. we got into camp for dinner , Sweetwater , and at three o'clock we are again on our journey. We finally reached the Lander road and our trip thereafter was much easier ; we must reach the Big Sandy creek bjnight. . We traveled all day just south of the Wind range of the Rockies , and the lofty peaks , towering high above the rest of the range , look like sentinels on guard over the rest of the range , and a grand sight is presented. At 8 p. m. we are in camp for the night supper is over. Cook No. I is in charge.as the party has been increased by the addition of F. W. Bosworth , manager at the mines of the company. By nine o'clock all are fast asleep , dreaming of the great catch of fish to be made on the morrow. Break fast is called at 6 in the morning and at 8 o'clock we are climbing the foothills ; two hours later we are in camp on the Big Sandy for the day and fishing tackle is in demand. At noon the boys return well ladened with fish. 45 pretty trout are prepared for dinner and there wasn't a bone left. In the evening the boys again come to camp with a good catch. 40 more trout fall as victims to voracious appetites , a total of S5 in 7 hours eaten by S men. Breakfast again at six and 25 more trout are sacrificed , after which we start for the mountains about ten miles distant. Noon finds us at the foot of the range. 15 trout disappear at dinner , and during the afternoon 50 more are caught for supper and breakfast. While Archibald , McConnell and Ward were fishing up streau a mountain lion was seen coming down to the creek for a drink. The first sight had of the lion was when he came out of the brush just in front of Archibald , across the creek about 30 feet away. The lion had the right of way and we kept in the clear until he disappeared from sight. There are num erous signs of bear , but none have been seen up to this time. At about seven o'clock on the following morning , Sunday - 1 day , we all start for the big range , some hunters ' , others fishermen. A cool mountain breeze makes the da\- fine , and the scenery is grand as we climb the great range. The Big Sandy lake is reached at last , at the foot of the great peaks , and as fine a lake of water as one could wish to see , deep and blue as the ocean. Trout are very plentiful here. A few of us climbed to the timber line , 10,165 feet above sea level. Trammell and I climbed to the foot of Temple peak. Here are five lakes 500 feet above the timber line. Flowers are blooming at the feet of these great peaks at the edge of the snow. From appearances the snow has lain here far ages. It is over a hundred feet deep at this writing , Aug ust 22d , and cannot all melt before snow falls again. In camp once more and with a catch of 75 trout for the day's sport. No game has been seen , as the sheep go up above the timber on the range and drive all large game back into the heart of the mountains. The next morning Bosworth , Cochran , McConnell and Ouereau start for the range again , re turning in the evening tired and foot sore , from a walk of 16 miles , in which an altitude of 11,000 feet was reached. Many specimens and flowers were gath ered by the party. The next morning we are homeward bound , reaching the Sweetwater for supper. During the night two of our horses not being satis fied with the day's journey of 36 miles , deserted , and we resumed our journey on the morrow with but , two horses. At' ' noon we are in camp at the company's { cabin on Dunbar meadows. The boys are all delighted with their trip. To morrow we leave for Rock Springs. * where they take the train for home. C. A. Ward. , , - - 'I ' = = = = Agent Robison came down from t Wauneta on a stock extra to take in the g circus. Mrs. Robison returned with him , Wednesday night , on the special. ! 1 i Fred Hawksworth of Plattsmouth was I • the guest of his brother Frank , earlv in the week , leaving for home on Thursday | morning. * " 1 { Soldiers' and Sailors' Reunion. ! Indianola , Nebraska , June 23 , 1S97. Comrades : Yourselvesand familiesare 1 hereby invited to attend the 7th Annual Reunion of the Soldiers and Sailors to be \ heldatlndianola.Septeniber 7 , S , 9,10,1 r , * 1S97 , at which time we hope to meet all e in Fraternity , Charity and Loyalty. J Comrades , we have already engaged 1 tentsforyourandyourfamilies'accommo- dation yet if would be well for all Comrades - j rades having tents and covered wagons to • bring them along. We hope this circular - lar will be read at all meetings of the G. > A. R. Posts in this District from now till > September , also that you request your c local paper to publish the same. s Comrades don't forget the place and • date. The citizens of our city will give j I you a welcome that you will always re- * member. Hay , Corn , Straw , Wood and Water ij free to all Soldiers and their families. j W. P. Elmer , Wn.i.is Gossard , j Adjutant. Commander. ; | g tJ- , t iip 1 1 iiiii 1 m „ > utinSm" v' ' _ ryy i j * ' * 'i" ' ' HBB . • . M ' ; „ ' 1 . . ftSjfi * W Wl lW lV > AlW < lW A < i > A Vf S AJ fj | > J i [ bigIsSock ] b • J0VC ' ft if ALL GOODS ] JH NOW READY FOR INSPECTION. | | | 1 NEW DRESS GOODS fl POP JUST RECEIVED. § jfj f 5S 3 Come and be convinced , that it § 3 1 p § is the largest and best selection jj0rj | | $ w we have ever shown. Prices are | & | j | jj&Kj lower than they ever were before. s Dn j § 1 CLOTHING , If m UNDERWEAR , Ii pi CAPES , JACKETS II | _ _ _ - g g jjfev I gvj3 We bought them all before 53333 I $ | _ prices went up. Come , buy early g § | 1 5S § and get the benefit of low prices , i p I fete Get our prices on Groceries. fe | I gig AT THE . . . S5 1 j tash n I m 1-tfUii uwitn m il SttS . wFw & &s / -s w * m § - - & 3 gfe G. L. DeGROFF & GO. rl | | r NATIONAL - ! jf | - hm _ S > \ _ V * " " „ / _ _ _ _ Wi Authorized Capital , $100,000. l0 M Capital and Surplus , $60,000 H gCj GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. | J § H ( W | : W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEN NELL , Ass'i Cash. IS H p A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director , fej H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - --rfV-JV ir lV-jn > VESrifVj TJ a | r Hi % V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. f * > H - _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! I CITIZENS BANKi I SI OF MeCOOK , NEB. # H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ k < , i. * & M Paid Up Capital , 550,000. Surplus , Si0,000 # . H $ $ * > I - = _ _ _ = _ = = DIRECTORS _ _ = = = _ - - < f M ? V. FRANKLIN , N. S. HARW00D , A. C. EBERT , ft H B / / . T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. Y/ILLARD. | s . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .T jfWVk-i VlrVjfejW - - fei J | _ . _ . _ _ . _ . . . . H ' * * - > pF 3SQ5ias. fiasastfs .i j5.-- - A aassj * * * * < - < k v < J