I l"i85 " % "SgOS.JllllfiJ P" * Willi L LLhrniUI l5iA K < tgjM | AB50LUTELY THE ONLY GENUINE SPECIMEN EVER SEEN'"EOWE ° * jmiCF < wWN ffimSfim& ® 1 PRESENTED IN 30 TREMENDOUS SECTIONS ! " . ! Ff * ' AMD Es/EFy ON& A BIG , GLORIOUS PARADE : > % V § 4 1 - f&t Jj gi&j&ENGAGED AT THE HIGHEST SALARY EVER PAID ANY ATTRACTION r 2E35s \ ' r \ r . - rnT/V' . ARcnlC rEATUKtEifHiEiTEDIn AMERICA. fe& * . - & % fes nneA REor EhT/1U5i / Af > M WHEREVER WITflE5SED K § & L t /T vJWICE THE LARGEST CIRCUS EVER ORGANIZED. REQUIRING 3 RINGS AND 2 STAGES. & * ? Pfe * r | t4i i l&M < Ml ? M B&gfijl A& BESIDES THE MAMMOTH AERIAL SPACES W' P IP IfSl4H B4 ailaAMDMILE HIPPODROME TRACK 1 P . > -s A eP-'B H PCF TP&1 < 'EVER CONSTRUCTED , it- S UlROCJi 1 ESI Id absolutely water-proof - - 3 S f * ONE50CEMT TICKET ADMITS TOALL-CHILDREN OMDEPi HALF-PRICE-D0OR50PBl r7P.&PERFORHANCM | Ir ! WILL POSITIVELY EXHIBIT , RAIN Oil SHINE , \ McCOOK , WEDNESDAY , SEPT. I | RESERVED SEATS AND ADMISSIONS , SHOW DAY , WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE , AT McCOflNELL'S DRUG-STORE. i ? _ . iw Resolutions of Regret. \ > : l6 * - Whereas the hand of Divine Providence has removed their beloved daughter ' Marguerite from the care of Brother and ! N. Sister Samuel Moore , the McCook lodge i' ; ) No. 3 of Degree of Honor passed the following - | % " lowing resolutions : V „ Resolved , That we tenderly condole . , > 'N with the family in their bereavement and * devoutly commend them to the keeping I of Him who looks with pitying eye upc n | „ the afflicted : | - Resolved , That these resolutions be spread upon the records of the lodge and * a copy thereof be transmitted to the family - ; ' " ily of the deceased and each of the newf- f papers of McCook. , 3f" M. Ellen Spalding , ' / * Augusta Anton , fc Harriet Burns , Committee. " * * " ' _ _ _ - * * V JOHN E. KELLEY. I ATTORNEY AT LAW % - McCook , Nebraska. * • * JST-Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- Rear of First National bank. ' - J. B. BALLARD , # DENTIST. ® - All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith & Bellamy , assistants. - MRS. E. E. UTTERjl- . MUSICAL instructor. Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo. VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. ISfStudio Opposite Postoffice. McGOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , Or. W. V. GAGE. • * McCook , - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank. Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. , ( * before 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m. § • „ - Z. L. KAY , S- PHYSICIAN - AND - SURGEON , \ < McCook , Nebraska. t V. ; gOfflce Rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's \ r . jewelry store. Residence In the Strasser j .house on Marshall street. Dr. S. C. BEACH , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON \ ' McCook , Nebraska. * ? COffice and' Residence Over C A. * Leach's jewelry store. * , 1 Specialty made of Diseases of 4- , the Nose , Throat and Chest. tir * - Atlndianola Mondays and\Fridays o each &r week. Office Coscro House. j t . . . " ' " " " * - * " mum. * nimt i"wm.u.l'IL ' 1" mi"- Excursion to Hot Springs , S. D. , Friday , August 20th. $18.70 for the round trip from McCook , Nebraska. Tickets good to return until September 19th. Take advantage of the above low rate to visit the Black Hills. Bathe in mammoth plunge bath at Hot Springs , see beautiful Sylvan Lake , make the side trip to Spearfish , and you will re turn home with the knowledge that no where could you have had a pleasanter holiday. For full information call at B. & M. ticket office. Our new fall lines , comprising an im mense assortment of woolens and wor steds for clothing toorderare nowreadj' . Call and see them. The Famous Clothing Co. $ S.oo will buy a good hand-made har ness of Selby at the "Bee Hive" . Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , atMcMil- len's drug store. GETTING READY Every expectant mother has a trying ordeal to face. If she does not v i\ "Xii I 'j there is no telling \ , what may happen. ( J Child-birth is full of uncertainties if Nature is not given proper assistance. Mother's Friend is the best help you can use at this time. It is a liniment , and when regularly ap plied several months before baby comes , it makes the advent easy and nearly pain less. It relieves and prevents "morning sickness , " relaxes the overstrained mus cles , relieves the distended feeling , short ens labor , makes recovery rapid and certain - tain without any dangerous after-effects. Mother's Friend is good for only one purpose , viz. : to relieve motherhood of danger and pain. One dollar per toottlo at all drug stores , or sent by express on receipt of price. Free Books , containing valuable informa tion for women , will be Bent to any address ; upon application to THE BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO. , Atlanta , Oa. COURT HOUSE NEWS. DISTRICT COURT. The following filings have been made since last week : J. H. Berge as treasurer of Red Willow county , vs. Augustus Oppenheimer. At tachment. Alice R. Wadsworth vs. David Porter et al. Suit on note. Helen T.Campbell vs. Silas H. Colvin. Foreclosure. Farmers and Merchants Bank of Van- dalia , Illinois , vs. Edgar Floyd-Jones. Attachment. Petitions in foreclosure have been is sued as follows : Helen T. Campbell vs. Charles T. Brewer et al. Same vs. Levi D. Gockley et al. William O. Southwick vs. DeWitt C. Baker et al. Delia A. Dunham vs. Amelia H. Clark et al. Frances Smith vs. William Colling. Timothy W. Pres ton vs. Henry F. Crockford. Jennie Rush vs. Sarah J.Ward et al. Julia Fill more vs. Robert H. Rankin et al. Injunction allowed in case of Jesse F. Ingles vs. Altman & Tyler Machinery Co. et al. Execution issued on transcript in case of George W.Hinkle vs. C. A. Jackson. COUNTY COURT. License to rnarry was issued to Clar ence W. Hamilton of Decatur county , Kansas , and Anna B. Regennitter of Bennett , Iowa. Hearing was had on Wednesday on will of Dr. Hobson , deceased. The will of Lavina Dillon was probated on "Thursday. The harvest excursion of real estate men and farmers is expected in McCook , next Monday. j TYRONE. fl "Hear the music of the rain" . j Mr. Kimpton lost a horse by ] lightning , Sunday. I ' Several new buildings have been i ] arranged for here since the rain , 'i ' J. C. Moore returned from the | convention at North Platte , Tuesj j day. j It would do Uncle Billv's heart I good ' to see the booming crops in ! I Tyrone precinct. jj The prodigals are coming back , j the sorry ones are glad , and everyj j thing is looking up since the rain , j Mrs. Phebe Gowdy expects to I start soon for northern Alabama I where she and her husband "will j do evangelistic work. | 'J * f I1 "irTPfnlr-f 11 ! * iiiiwniwi I , lawiiwTTWiiWffwwuwuiBiiiwBipgi . PRECINCT PRIMARIES. COLKMAN. The Republican primary caucus for Coleman precinct will be held in Coleman school house , Friday evening , August 20th , 1897 , from 8 to 9:30 : o'clock , C. T. , for the purpose of selecting five delegates to the county delegate convention to be held in the city of McCook on Saturday , August 21st , 1897 , and to transact such other business as may properly come be fore the caucus. H. K. BlXLER , Committeeman. PKRRY. The Republican primary caucus for Perry precinct will be held in Flitcraft school house , Friday evening , August 20th , 1897 , from 8 to 9:30 o'clock , C. T. , for the purpose ofselecting four delegates to the county delegate convention to be held in the city of McCook on Saturday , August 21st , 1897 , and to transact such other business as may properly come be fore the caucus. Howe Smith , Committeeman. GRANT PRECINCT. The Republican primary caucus for Grant precinct will be held inllanksville school house on the evening of Thursday , August 191I1 , 1897 , for the purpose of se lecting three delegates to the county convention to be held in the city of Mc Cook on Saturday , August 21 , 1897 , and transact such other business as may properly come before the caucus. II. I. Peterson , Committeeman. National Encampment G.A. R. Buffalo. N. Y. , August 23-28. At the tiine of the National Encampnitnt of the G. A. R. , the Burlington Route will sell round trip tickets to Buffalo , at less than the regular one way rate. G. A. R. special train with through sleepers for Buffalo leaves Omaha 5 p.m. August 21. Berths reserved and special advertising matter furnished on request. See near est Burlington Route agent or write J. Francis , G. P. A. . Omaha , Neb. Camp Meeting. The Seventh Day Adventists will hold their camp meeting of the southwest district in the park at Cambridge , Ne braska , September 1st to 8th. Tents will be rented at $2.50 for the season. Pasturage and hay for horses will be fur nished at reasonable rates. All parties coming will be expected to furnish their own supplies in food as there will be no provision stand on the grouud. All are cordially invited to attend. By Order of Committee. Read the best coim- fcy newspaper that's The McCook Tribune every time. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four honrs ; a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is posi tive evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. order.WHAT WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed , that Dr. Kilmer ' s SwamrJ Root , the great kidney remedy , fulfils every wish in re lieving pain in the back , kindeys , liver , blad der and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it , or bad effects following use of liquor , wine or beer , and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists.pnce fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention The Tribune and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton , N. Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantees the genuineness of this offer. April 2-1 yr. LEGAL NOTICE. Edgar Floyd-Jones , and Julia Floyd-Jones , Defendants , will take notice that on the 4th day of August , 1897 , The Farmers and Mer chants Bank of Vandaha , Illinois , Plaintiffs herein , filed its Petition in the District Court of , Red Willow county , Nebraska , against said Defendants , the object and prayer of whicli are to attach the property of said Defendants situated in Red Willow county , Nebraska.and subject the same to the payment of a certain promissory note dated October 24 , 1894 , for the sum of 3142.08 due and payable on or before the 24th day of October , 1S95. That there is now due upon said note the sum of Sl/I.93 for which sum with interest from this date ( , Plaintiff prays judgment , and the sheriff has attached the S.E. % of Section 9 , in Town ship 1 , north of Range 29 , West 6th P. M. as the I property of said Defendants to satisfy said ! claim. You are required to answer said Petition on or before the 27th day of Septem ber j , 1897. Dated this nth day of August , 1S97. The Farmers and Merchants Bank of Vandalia , Illinois. By W. R. Starr , Its Attorney. j K 1 * 1 U B 'mB i \ / 1 5 ? i I \ • ' / j i S3 * I \ - - * r \ A K Ef * eUrTHEELGirSHIRT [ * y | BiWTHE-SE5T EVER-PRDDUCED-F0R'lg - - - ' [ ThE'MoneyPerfectFitting - ; Hi GUARflHT5 DW&MSUT1R MVSfclN AND MM i KH Eighteen Hundr&d Linem j | | | i HBrSau& \ / FA1JSU3 CLOTENS CO.JEM ; Ucfci , Hetratts. JBRJ ? LEGAL NOTICE. Silas II. Colvin , Sarah K. Colvin , John B. O'Lcary and Margret O'Leary , defendants , will take notice that on the 5th day of August , 1S97 , Helen T. 'Canmbell. plaintiff herein , filed her petition in the District Court of Red Wil low county , Nebraska , against said defend ants , the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Silas H. Colvin and Sarah R. Colvin , to the plaint iff , upon lot No. 2 , block 26 , in the First addi tion to the city of McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , to .secure the payment of certain promissory notes , dated March 16th , 1894. The principal note for the sum of S5 ° ° due in five years from date , and ten interest notes for S17.50 each , one of whicli is due and payable at the expiration of each six months from the date of said principal note. That there is now due upon said notes and mort gage the sum of S567.36 , for whicli sum with interest from this date plaintiff prays for a de cree that defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are also notified that on the 27th day of September , 1897 , the lirot day of the September term of the District Court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , at the court room in McCook , Neb raska , or as soon thereafter as I can be heard , I will apply to the District Court of Red Wil low county , for the appointment of a receiver of all tile property set forth in the petition , up- op the ground that the defendants " are non residents and insolvent and that said property is inadequate to pay the amount secured by said mortgage ; and in support of such appli- tion 1 will produce oral testimony to the court. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 20th day of September , 1897. Helen T. Campbell. By W. R. Starr , her attorney. [ First publication August 6-4L ] NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook.Nebraska , July 20th , 1897. Notice is herebv given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of ins claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , August 28th , 1S97 , viz : Iliberd E. Waugh , who made U. E. 10,243 for the S.W.K N.E.Jf and W.H S.E.tf S.E.tf S.E.J * section 25 , township I , north of range 27. W. 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , said land , vu : Francis M. Pen nington , Leroy F. Nichols , Daniel F. Hupp and Frederick S. Soverns , all of Lebanon , Ne braska. A. S. Campiiell , Register. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. ROAD NO. 315. To Elma Johnson , II. U. Rogers , Edgar F'loyd Jones , M. C. Stephens , Sophia 15. llro- man and George Rudkin and to all whom it may concern : The Commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at a point ( So ) rods east of the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of section (10) ( ) , town (1) ( ) , range (26) ( ) , in Leb anon precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running thence north on said quarter section line to town , line between towns , one (1) ( ) and two (2) ( ) , thence east on town , line and termi nating at northeast corner of section two (2) ( ) , town , one (1) ( ) , range twenty-six (26) ( ) , west of 6th P.M. , has reported in favor of the location thereof , and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 9U1 day of Oc tober , A. D. 1S97 , or said road will be estab lished without leference thereto. 23-4. R. A. Green , County Clerk. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER LIEN. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a Lien filed in the office of the County Clerk of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 2d day August , 1897 , and upon which there is now due the sum ot eight dollars , default having been made in the payment of said sum , and no suit or other proceedings at law having been insti tuted to recover said debt or any part thereof , therefore I will sell the property therein de scribed , viz : One dun colored horse , four white feet , with white strip in face , and supposed to be about 10 yeais old , at public auction in front of Court house , in the town of McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 7th day of September , 1S97 , at 2 o'clock p. m. of said dav. Dated August 2d , 1897. Aug. 6-4ts. Jacois C. Ball. TIMBER CULTURE FINAL PROOF- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office , McCook , Ne braska , August 3rd , 1897. Notice is hereby given that Matlnas L. Grosdider lias filed no tice of intention to make final proof before Register or Receiver at his office 111 McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , the nth day of Sep tember , 1897 , on timber culture application No. 6,377 , for the S.E.3 of section No. 4 , in Township No. 5 north , Range No. 30 west. He names as witnesses : Peter Reinhcimer , George Kopple. Jacob Zimmer , Joseph Harr , all of Zimmer , Nebraska. Aug. 6-6ts. A. S. Campbell , Register. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. In the District Court of Red Willow county , Nebraska. The State of Nebraska , to Ellen M. Burt ; Francis M. Burt , her husband ; Richard C. Wendel and Rachel A. Wendel , his wife , de fendants : You , and each of you , are hereby notified that you have been sued , together with E. A. Sexton , alias E. A. Sexson , Sarah L. Sexton , alias Sarah L. Sexson. his wife ; George Younger ; Younger ( real first name un known ; wife of George Younger , as codefendants fendants , by Carroll W. Parnsh , plaintiff , in the district court of Red Willow county , Ne braska , and that on or before the 13th day of September , 1S97 , you must answer the petition in Chancery tiled therein by said plaintiff against all of said defendants , wherein plain tiff prays for a decree of said court foreclosing a mortgage given by defendants Ellen M.Burt and Francis M. Burt , herhusband , to the Lom bard Investment Company , dated January 15th , 1SS7 , now owned by plaintiff , and cover ing the following described real estate situated in said County of Red Willow , and Stater " c Nebraska , to-wit : The South half of theNV. west quarter of Section number thirteen ( i\ and the Northwest quarter of the Northwest * quarter ot Section number thirteen (13) ( , and the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quar ter of Section number twelve fi2j , all in Township number four (4) North ; Range number - ber twenty-nine (29J ( , West of the Sixth Pnn- cipal Meridian. Said petition further prays that the rights , titles and interests of said defendants be de termined and settled ; that said lands be ap praised and sold , according to law , and that the proceeds arising from such sale be applied , first , in payment of the costs of said sale and of said action : second , in payment of the full amount due plaintiff on the indebtedness se cured by said mortgage , with all interest there on ; that from and after the confirmation of such sale , the defendants to said action , and all of them , be forever barred and foreclosed of and from all right , title , interest , lien , claim and equity of redemption of , in and to said land , and every part thereof. Unless you answer said petition , as afore said , the statements and allegations therein contained will be taken as true , and a decree will be rendered against you by said court as therein pra\ed. Witness my hand and the Seal of said Court , by me affixed , this 30th day of July , 1S67. [ seal ] G. C. Boatman , Clerk of the District Court of Red Willow County. Nebraska. Pulsifer & Alexander , Concordia , Kas. , Attorneys for Plaintiff. ' ( First published McCook Tribune 8-6-97. ) It heals everything but a broken heart may be said of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Piles and rectal diseases , cuts , burns , bruises , tetter , eczema and all skin troubles may be cured by it quickly and permanently. A. McMillen. Tinware of all kinds at Knippie's. DeWitV's Little Early Risers , The famous little pills. Mfll FREEI FHEEI FREEI W CATARRH 4 CAB BE CUBED ! ' \ And to PItOVE that our OATAJMIII i CURE will positively CURE catarrh In 4J | its worst forms , wo will send a VM Two Weeks' Treatment Free i to all who send us ton cents (10c. ( ) In stamps , ( to pay cost of postage and packing. j Address JOHNS & DIXON , Rochester , JUf. 7 F. D. BUKGESS , 7 I PMer and \ j Steam Fitter | ' , " Jj McCOOK , NEBR. 7 / , m Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass * Z Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. 1 \ Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Echpso X J y Windmills. Basementof the Meekery JP j Phillips building. P iff * Comrades , and all s\ interested in Pensions , j come and see me. I've ' ] had over ten years of J experience. "Work direct - A rect with Pension offfl ice and guarantee sat- 1 isfaction. C. W. BECK , J Indianola , Neb. m ANDREW CARSON , 1 M of Proprietor the . . . . i fl SUNNY SIDE DAIRY. ( 4 _ • H T ' M We respectfully solicit your business , H and guarantee pure milk , full measure , fl and prompt , courteous service. H J. S. McBRAYEJR , PROPRIETOR OK THE fl McCook Transfer Line 'y BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. W JSIPOrily furniture van in the A city. Also have a first class house t | moving outfit. Leave orders for fl bus calls at Commercial hotel or fl at office opposite the depot. ' V ! Cftase Co. Land and Live Stock Gs. 1 Horses branded on left hp ! or lort shoulder k 1 < qM dp P.O. add reerf Imperial II Fg Onaaecounty.and Beat MB Ig HKHV rice. Nebraska. Range. ' BHHrraStinkinir Water and the f M ' H niJ Frenchman creeks , in i H KflKVRfl Chase county. Nebraska. fl W Tr Ml Brand as cut on sldeof H fgSmem s JL * ' some animals , on hip and t H "HiW sfflHb sides of some , or any- M where on the animal. H fl R-I-P-A-N-S in ( H The modern stand- | cj ard Family Medicine - H cine : Cures the fl . common every-day M J ills of humanity. fl JUXIUS J&HNERT , Carpet Laying , * Carpet Cleaning , i 1 cna es sotSf S I