The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 13, 1897, Image 7

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    K i&mmmmmm\mwtimmmmmmMmammtmemmmmmmmm \
iM Try Allen's Foot Kane
Wf& A powder to be shaken into the
* enoes. At this season your feet feel
Ht % pollen and hot , and get tired easily.
1 you have smarting feet or tight
tshoes , try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools
Rf the feet and makes walking easy. Cures
Rl nml Prevents swollen and sweating
& % feet , blisters and callous spots. Re-
& < # • Heves corns and bunions of all pain
np and gives rest and comfort. Try it to-
ML day. Sold by all druggists and shoe
i stores for 25c. Trial package FREE.
* ! Address , Allen S. Olmsted , Le Roy ,
FW Cupid htcals a base every time lovers
f look ut Uic moon.
K JJ The best. at half the price ; all trroccri will re-
KT fund your raouey If you are not. satUned.
H [ I There is no wisdom in this world
K I like knowing how to keep your mouth
& No-To-Uac for Fifty Cents.
H 4 Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , makes weak
m aea btronc , blood pure. 60c , 61. All drucgists.
v\ Everybody dislikes the man who is
L\ too good to tell a lie to save a. friend.
| D I There Is a |
H ! Class of People I
I ° *
lh Who are injured by the use
\ < fy of coffee. Recently there 4
v has been placed in all the
K * 5 grocery stores a new pre-
I Z paratioa called GRAIN-O , %
k mads of pure grains , that
k & takes the place of coffee.
V * The most delicate stomach
Bf receives it without distress , J
Bi and but few can tell it from
K coffee. It does not cost over 0
JC 3-4 as much. Children may
K drink it with greatbenefit.
HI 4. 15 cent ? and 25 cents per *
B/ $ package. Try it. Ask for
f ITry Grain = 0 ! |
P "lb MDQrTlnM$75
gaPll i ® ne Standard
B I H < T 1i/0 < Sl mean a great tsal to every |
L x denotes a qsclity of raa- §
K 1 " " ftP S terial , construction and
m , -j-Ai \ § § elegance wliicli stands
- - k
V ? SLotv kP fil5 wor' ' 's Pattern.
M. YK /vsTt / Sii e se 8B1' emphasirss
B v3 ilui re3 " : e 'act ' st no ons csa
W'v 6W tay on 1897 ColuiabIa
* oU M
F Sw ftf * V , / / cheaper tban yon. Jnst
B HrT , SSy remember tiese tw 0 facts.
f jjpii i IS96 Columbias , $60 ,
I I Hartford Bicycles , Jgi" ®
I ds except the Calcntla , S50 , S4S , S40 , 530.
I I POPE A1FQ. CO. , Rariford , Conn. % |
B 8 CutaJojce free iroai ray Colctatiscciler ; by mail jj
L I from ii3 far one 2-Kst staap. 1
. . . .
t. T ! : * ' - * -w * - hi. Tttr Tnwt BCT-y
p wnx KEEF Y0P DRY * 1
* < te J ) i Don't be fooled with a mackintosh isg '
' rlor rubber coat. If jouwantacoatB g
PL * LSlAro that will keep you dry in the hard- I'fcK / '
H l65 * storTa buy the Fish Brand ! T
PK ffiwj Slicker. If not for sale in yourfitjkxg ?
i B ES a * own. write for catalogue to I.Sal J'f
H' ' gSj A. J. TOWER .Boston. Mass. I iWBg
L To huy SCAX.ES. guaranteed "AS GOODAS"
i H rAIURAMtS' , fur lebs money ; they csn't be
i BV msdc l > on't buj' , unless you pet the best. A
i V \ cheap Scaln is the most expensive Investment
PJH \ you can make : It Is unreliable , and means that
r > 7 Booner or later you mu t buy a aln. Bay only
fW n cenulne. latest ImprovrdFAtKBASKS
ff which will last you a lifetime , and prove the
| KI cheapest in t lie end. Xo one can then ditpute
H 1102 Farnam St. . Omaha , Neb.
H lUld SeHtett Itepnlrert.l
B IxO' ' ? " " . JOBjtV BtB * " fence for 14c.
W0 r / CDHEbI I Use Big J for unnatural
M f /lnlw5 < S ji.\ I discharges , inflammations ,
f f CunaucdJ irritations or ulcerations
lLi > \ [ vol u mituut. of mucous membranes.
II | | rrtTtou coaucum. PainleEii. and not Mtnn-
h sS\\THEEv I(3Ch 1I1C lC0. fient or poisonous.
f\ \ V IP VciHKRllXTl.O.r" ] So'1 byttrattimtm ,
f \.O.S.A.7T * nt 't > plain Trraprer ,
k > A I * T erjwws. prepaid , for
l * " * ll il.0n.or3Ntttlea.f2.T5.
k S * . \L Circular sent on request.
E- h te rrlodpal zamlDtr V. 8. Penston Bmtn.
pr . J Sjns.iixlastintf ( 15adjudicating claisuaxtj. iac .
/ * i "BB1P H. B.WH.LSONACO. TTosb-
J PATEN 'Sington. D.C Xo fee till patent
I # 4 1 bll 1 IsfMcured.s.paee book free.
' ' "
iJl CUKS HtKtAtL E15E fAl s ! _ Bi
D Best Cough Syruu. Tastes Good. TJceH
fa In time. Sold by druggists. _ - BL
l ' t i | iii-trrrii- nJtgi
Story of tlio Turtle DoTci An Incident
and a Scqual A Crippled Octopnn
Some IntrrestliiKT Anecdotes und In-
cldcuU for Little Ones.
Polly' * Handkerchiefs.
Ar 'N a pretty little
/-s , ( ( ( yr ) box.
I * " l . Nicely folded
nl . - • • yl , where they lay ,
frffl&&a kL I kerchiefs
mtz2nlss = = 3ri Glven hcr on
% $ pz = l Wr riChristmas Day ;
fi& rm , Wttt- Now the box is
gfajgaaaar emptied quite.
-g = ng ; = = rs > 4 Polly can't lmag-
"t'Tiim } A-11(1 she sJShs and
sadly asks ,
"Vere is all my
hankflsh now ? "
Two were pinned upon the dolls ,
One was tied upon the cat ,
Fide found one in the porch
And he straightway buried that ;
When my Polly pricked her thumb ,
One more bound it up , I think ;
And the last small handkerchief
Polly took to wipe the ink.
Pick them up and take them down ,
Grimy , scrubby little things.
To the Land of Make-It-Right ,
Where the laundress works and sings ;
Washed and rinsed and aired and
pressed ,
Here they are , all fresh and clear ,
Nicely folded in the box ;
Try again my Polly dear !
Eleanor W. F. Bates in the Inde
The Turtle Doves.
One day when Bull Chops , the but
cher's black haired , red-cheeked boy ,
came to bring the meat to Mrs. Wes
ton's house he brought with him be
sides the meat basket a big white one
with a cover , from which a curious
noise issued.
"What's that in the basket , Bill ? "
Jane asked ; "not chickens , surely ? "
Bill laughed. "If you wants to
know , call your little lady , Cook , " he
said. "It's a present for her. "
So cook called Dolly , and Dolly came
running down stairs.
"Father sends his compliments , Miss
Dolly , " he said , "and a turtle dove that
he thinks you'd like to have for a pet.
It's wings are clipped , so it can't fly
away. I've got another here for lit
tle Miss Agnes at the parsonage. I'll
show you the two of them together. "
Then out of the basket he took a pair
of beautiful doves and set them on the
table. They were just alike , and they
nestled up against each other and put
their heads together and began to ut
ter a curious little sound.
"Hark to them trilling their cooes , "
said Bill. "Well , I must be off. Good
bye ! "
"Good-bye , and thank Mr. Chops
very much , " said Dolly.
Then Bill went away , leaving one of
the doves on the table and carrying the
other off with him. Dolly took up her
large white apron by the corners , put
the dove into it , and carried it up to
the sewing room , where her mother
was busy at work. Mrs. Weston ad
mired the dove , told Dolly that it was
a very pretty and gentle pet , and that
her father would make a house for it
just outside of her bedroom window
sill ; and Dolly thought that she had
never been so happy in all her life. She
loved pets , but dogs frightened her a
little and cats were only nice when
they were kittens ; after that they were
disobedient and stole things and ran
away ; and once she had a large green
parrot with topaz eyes , who could
really talk to her ; but it bit her finger
very badly just when she was giving
it a lump of sugar , too. But this dove
was meek and mild and sweet.
Surely it would love her just as she
should love it.
"There is nothing like love and
sweetness in a pet , is there , mamma ? "
said Dolly.
"Nothing , " said mamma , and kissed
her little girl.
That night the dove was put in the
parrot's old cage and hung in Dolly's
room ; but it made so much noise that
Dolly slept very little. Over and over
again she arose and looked at it by
the light of the night lamp. The poor
little thing sat on one of the wide
perches bowing its head constantly ,
and repeating a strange little cry that
sounded like "tur-tur-tur. " And so it
went on for two or three nights.
In the daytime it would neither eat
nor drink , but made the most unhap
py little cry continually ; it seemed to
be crying.
"Mamma , " said Dolly , one morning ,
"do you think it is sick ? "
"I hope not , Doll } ' , " said her mother ;
"perhaps we have not given it what
it needs to eat. We will go to Aunt
Nannie , who keeps all sorts of fowls ,
and ask her advice about feeding it. "
So about ten o'clock off they started.
Aunt Nannie was a nice old colored
woman , who lived in a tiny house at
the foot of a hill and raised all kinds
of fowls and sold eggs to people who
wanted to set their hens. She listened
carefully to what Mrs. Weston had to
say about the dove , and when she had
finished , said , "Well , ma'am. I has
raised plenty of turtles in my time
and I kin tell you what is de matter.
Dat dove is mourning for her mate.
Turtles dat is mated carn't be parted
less you wants to kill 'em. Dey jes
mourns an' mourns an' dies , certain
shore. Dies of grief like dey was
folks. Massa Chops jes show his fool
ishness partin' dem birds. He should
a give 'em boff to you. Miss Dolly , or
he should a give 'em boff to Miss Ag
nes. I never parted a pair of turtles
sencc I sold pets. Dey ain't no com
fort to demselves or nobody breakin'
dere hearts an' callin' fur dere mates. "
"Oh ! dear ! dear ! " said Dolly ; "what
shnll I do ? "
"There's nothing to be done hut to
take your dove to the parsonage and
idve it to Agnes , " said Mrs. Weston.
"Give away my pretty pet ! " said
Dolly ; then she wiped away the team
that had sprung to her eyes and cried
out , "But of course I must. I do not
want my turtle dove to break her heart.
I want hcr to be happy. "
"Course you do , " said Aunt Nannie ;
"you is a little dove yourself. "
So Dolly went home quite cheerfully
and took the parrot's cage in her hand
and walked over to the pretty house
near the church where Agnes lived.
The little girl was sitting on the steps
with cotton in her ears and crying
softly , but bitterly.
Dolly cried out , "Oh , Agnes , have
you an earache ? "
Agnes took the cotton out of her
ears and answered : "No , Dolly. It is
to keep away that awful sound. Mr.
Chops sent me a dove a few days ago ,
and just hear it crying. Papa can not
write his sermon and tonight he will
take it back to Mr. Chops : and I love
it so. " Then Dolly told her the story
and why she had come and all that
Aunt Nannie had said , and Agnes ran
into the house and brought out her
dove and Dolly opened the door of her
cage and out walked hers , ard the next
minute the doves were standing close
together , their heads touching gur
gling and cooing and rejoicing as
plainly as if they had been able to say ,
"Oh , how glad we are ! We have
found each other again ! Oh , my dar
ling , how happy we are ! "
Dolly and x\gnes were so glad to see
them happy again that they jumped
about and clapped their hands with
joy. New York Ledger.
An Uncrateful Daughter.
A terrible fire broke out In a large
building. After the flames had got
ten well under way , and it was sup
posed every one was rescued , a mother
remembered one of her little ones was
sleeping on the third floor. In spite
of all entreaties the poor woman rushed
into the flames and saved her little
girl , but she was terribly burned , and
all the rest of her life her face was so
disfigured that no one who had known
her before would have recognized her
After her daughter had grown up
she went away to boarding school.
When she returned , there were several
young people in the depot that she
knew , who were with her when the
poor , disfigured mother came in to
meet her. But the daughter turned
her back towards her mother , and pre
tended not to see her.
"Oh , Belle , who is that horrid look
ing woman. She seems to be looking
towards you ? " said one of the girls.
"I don't know her , " said Belle , with
out looking around , while her cheeks
grew crimson with shame.
That mother had risked her life for
her child , who now denied and dis
owned her.
So the Lord Jesus Christ has suf
fered everything for us. Are we dis
owning him ?
Do we turn our backs on him and
profess we never knew him , while we
blush for shame for that ungrateful
daughter ? Are we owning our best
friend who has done so much for us ?
A Crippled Octopus.
A scientific anomaly in the form of a
six and a half legged octopus has for a
week past been lying in state on a
bed of seaweed garnished with rows of
ccean shells in the show windows of a
Chicago packing company. It is an
unusually large species , its long suck
er arms when extended measuring
more than ten feet from point to point.
It was shipped to the packing com
pany by its agent at Salt Lake City ,
Utah. Until recently a denizen of the
nether strata of the Pacific Ocean , this
crippled monster tarantula of the sea
has completed a land journey of about
4,000 miles , and after being stared at
a little longer by the curious people
who crowd all day long before it , it
will be a subject for dissection and
microscopical investigation by students
in the scientific department of some
educational institution. All that is left
of one of its seven snake-like tentacles
( { f/ S .
is a stump about eighteen inches long.
That stump probably stands as the
record of some fierce subterranean , bat
A Timely Rebuke.
A lady , riding in a car on the New
York Central railway , was disturbed
in her reading by the conversation of
two gentlemen , occupying the seat just
before her. One of them seemed to be
a student of some college , on his way
home for a vactation. He used much
profane language , greatly to the lady's
She thought she would rebuke him ,
and , on begging pardon for interrupt
ing , asked the young student if he had
studied the languages.
"Yes , madam , I have mastered the
languages quite well. "
"Do you read and speak Hebrew ? "
"Quite fluently. "
"Will v < " - ' - < -o kind as to do me a
small favor ? "
"With great pleasure. I am afynur
service. "
"Will you be so kind as to do your :
swearing in Hebrew ? "
The lady was not annoyed any more j
bv the ungentlemanly language of this
would-be gentleman. '
Glvinsr Fair VTarjilajr.
A. negro passing under a scaiToldinfj
where Borne repairs were going on , a
brick fell from above on his head , and
was broken by the fall. Sambo very
coolly raised his head and exclaimed :
"Halloa , you white raau up dar ; if
you don't want your bricks broke , just
keep 'cm off my head. " Mercury.
Try < Jruln-0.
Ark your grocer today to show you
a parifajre of GRAIN-O , the new food
dnnk that takes the place of coffee.
Thf children may drink it without
injury as well as the adult. All who
try it like it GRAIN-O has that rich
seal brown of Mocha or Java , but It is
made from pure grains , and the most
delicate stomach receives it without
distress. % the price of coffee.
15 cents and 25 cents per package.
Sold by all grocers. Tastes like cof
fee. Looks like coffee.
How to Kerome Wrinkled.
If more women realized that strain
ing the eyes produces wrinkles , moro
would exercise a proper care of thest ?
valuable members. Heading by a dim
or failing light , coming suddenly from
a dark room to a light one , or vice
versa , overworking the eyes in any
' way , and last , but by no means least ,
wearing dotted and cross-barred veils
these and more taxing of the eyesight
are of valuable assistance in the
wrinkle-making process.
Next to an Approin ; Confidence ,
A vigorous stnrnsich is tk ( > gieatcst of mundane -
dane blessings. Hound < liKtioii is a guar
anty of quiet ner\cs. muscular elasticity , a
hearty appetite and a regular habit of body.
Tlioush not always a natural
may auqulrt'il tluousjh the u .e of Hotet -
ter's Stomach Bitters , one of tins most effect-
he liivigoranLs and blood fertilizers in exist
ence. This fine tonic ulso fortifies those who
use it against malaria , and lemedies bilious
ness , constipation and rheumatism.
Help f ° r Kveryoue.
In the jrrarul duchy of Luxemburg
persons desiring work or help have
now only to send a postal card to the
director of the postal administration
in order to have their wants
advertised in every postoffice in the
grand duchy.
Less Than Half Fare
To Buffalo and return via the Wa
bash R. R. For the G. A. It. reunion
the Wabash will sell tickets on Aug. 21
and 22 , at less than Half Fare , with
choice of routes via all rail from
Omaha or Chicago to Buffalo or by
steamer from Detroit , either going or
returning. The only line running re
clining chair cars ( Seats free ) from
Omaha or Chicago to Buffalo. All
trains run via Niagara Falls. For
tickets and further information call
on Agent connecting line or at Wabash
Ticket office , 1415 Farnam Street ( Paxton -
ton Hotel block ) , or write
Geo. N. Ci-aytox , N. W. Pass. Agt. ,
Omaha , Neb.
He'd Better Be Careful.
A writer in a magazine says the earth
would beheated more than a hundred
and ninety thousand degrees by being
suddenly stopped that is , it would at
once become more than sixty times as
hot as melted iron. Any man who ,
knowing these facts , attempts to stop
the earth ought to be severely dealt
G. A. R. , Buffalo , 3f. Y. , Aug. 23 to 28.
The Union Pacific in connection with
the following railroads : Chicago &
Northwestern , N. Y. C. & St. L. , ( Nickel
Plate , ) has been declared the "official
Grand Army route " ' for the G. A. R.
encampment at Buffalo , N. Y. , Aug. 23
to 28.
lie sure your tickets read via this
For rates and full information call
at city ticket office , 1302 Farnam
Freiicn Army Ollicers.
There are now 12,600 officers in the
French infantry. The military
schools graduate about G50 officers
annually , and about the same num
ber are lost by death , dismission and
Visitors to Lincoln 1'ark in Chicago
Will be delighted with the souvenir book
of this beautiful spot now being distributed
by the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway Company. It is a magnificent
publication of 96 pages full to overflowing
with delicious half tone pictures of one of
Crtation's most charming places of resort
for citizens of the Great Republic.
2so stranger visiting Chicago should be
without a copy of the "Souvenir of Lincoln
Park. " It can onlv be procured by enclos
ing twenty-five i25) ) cents , in coin or post
age stamps , to Geo. H. Heafford. general
passenger agent , 410 Old Colony Building ,
Chicago , 111.
It's "What's in It.
A bottle 115 feet high will be shown
at the coming Bordeaux exhibition.
The size of the bottle isn't so interest
ing to most people , though , as the con
tents of it.
All you guess about difficulty in sell
ing Stark Trees may be wrong. If you
wish to know the truth , drop a postal
to Stark Nursery , Louisiana , Mo. , or
Rockport , 111. Name references. Cash
pay to salesmen each week the year
round. Outfit free takes no money
to try the work. Also want club
makers set their trees free.
An Easy Way.
"How does Editor Scrabbleton
manage to get such a reputation for
originality ? " "He waits till all the
other people have expressed their
views , then disagrees with them. " •
Washington Star.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever , be mag
netic , full of life , nerve and vigor , take No-To-
Bac , the wonder-worker , that makes weak
mm strong. All druggists. 50c or SI. Cure
guaranteed. Bookletand sample free. Address
fctcrling Remedy Co. . Chicago or New York.
No woman who believes in her hus-
oand believes in spiritualism.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Ts a constitutional cure. Price , 75c
Love 3'our enemies , but don 't forget
your friends.
You feel cro = s and out of tune. Why ?
Because your liver is sluggish. Dr. Kay's
Renovator will renovate and restore it.
See advt. Price , 25c. and $1.00.
Volunteer economy is wealth ;
Forced economy is poverty.
Coe'i Cough Snlacta
I * the oldest and best. It will breakup a. cold quicker
than any thine cl e. It is alnajs reliable. Try it.
Give your friends a square deal , even
if you lose the pot by it.
Nebrn lca a Great Wheat Stnte. I
This year Nebraska hau come to the very
front rank as a wheat-producing Btuto ,
with her nploudld crop of 11.1,000.1-1X1 basbelfl
of spring wheat , averaging over IS ) butibuN
to the aero , und ri.OOO.OWi iashu.s of whiter
wheat , which will nverngo1 buwhols to
the acre. The table given below , which
has boon carefully compiled , shows what
will surprise many , time ebrasko stands
third among the states oh a wheat produc
er , and it must bo bourne in mind that
the states thnt outrank her nro ahno- ex
clusively wheat state < , whereas Nebraska
is a country of diversified crops , corn
being her principal product.
Actunl figures for 1820 und conservative
estimates for 1897 :
1887. 1890.
Minnesota 65OJO.000 < 0.t99.lfll )
Kansas , 4UUJ01XX , > SUrH.l52
J. . Dakota 42030,0 0 a > W8 0l
NcbiasUaio.uiOOjO iy.3 ow
b. DAkota SJ.O0.0JO WfiKMiW
Indian 'territory fl.O-OuM 2 5 .0i < 0
Ok ahoma. 7.0U0.0t0 2,601.755
Texas 7UK > , X > iVit 0
Missouri 10.0JO00O 10,53t.473
Iowa 10,000.00 1I.473.J5'
Oregon 18.00A000 10,217 Ul
Arkansas 2.00,0j0 1,200.720
Callfo nlA S5.a0.00O 45.0U7.10'
Colorado 4,000,000 2.7B7lc3
Washington. 10,000,000 8,358,10 !
Nevada 200,000 1B0.CXW
Idaho 1.70O.0JO 2.401.112
Montana F00.O00 1.2O1.2J0
Wyoming ICO.OOO 221,120
New Mexico. . * 6oOOOU 818000
Utah 1,6 kj 000 2,803 7S3
Arizona 260,000 333.500
The ItruvpMt of the III live.
'Papa , was Farragut very brave ? "
"Indeed he was , my son. Ho once
refused to tip a sleeping car porter. "
"Oh , I see. And that is why they
made a statue of him. * ' Life.
Read the Advertisements.
You will enjoy this publication much
better if you will get into the habit of
reading the advertisements ; they will
afford a most interesting study and
will put you in the way of getting
some excellent bargains. Our adver
tisers are reliable , they send what
they advertise.
rhotograph of the JleavciiR.
The new photograph of the heavens
which is being prepared by London ,
Berlin and Parisian astronomers shows
68.000,000 stars.
FITS FermanentlyCured.Noflts or nervousness altet
first day's use of Dr. Kline's > ervo Restorer.
Send ior FREE S .OU trial bottle and ireotise.
Da. R. H. KLINE. Ltd.,331 Arch St. . Philadelphia , Pa.
To Cnro Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candv Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
If C. C. C. fail to cure , druggists refund money.
The east says it is no longer proper
to use napkins at the table.
1 believe that Piso's Cure is the only med
icine that will cure consumption. Anna W.
Ross , iVilliarusport , Pa. , Nor . l'J , 1) ) . " .
There is no perfume in the world
equal to the perfume from a barrel of
Mra. "Window's Soothing Sjrnp
For children teethlnp.sof tens the gums , reduce * Inflam
mation , allays pain , cures wind colic "SctntsabotUo-
We never knew a loafer who did not
have a lot of rights coming to him.
Educate Tour Rowels Witb Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic , cure constipation forever.
10c. ir C. CC. . fail , druggists refund money.
All people w ho play the fiddle look
something alike.
UOQ To Any Man.
Of Wrakneii In SI en Tlicy Treat and
Fall to Cure.
An Omaha Company places for the first
time before the public a Magical Tkeat- |
ment for the euro of Lost Vitality , Nervom I
and Sexual Weakness , and Itestorutiou of |
Life Force in old and young men No |
worn-out French remedy , i'onfj us no |
Phosphorous or other harmful dr. . It is i
a WoNUEHrct. Tueatment magical In its a
ofTects positive in it euro. All reailorn , |
who nro bufTering from a weakness that
blights their life , causing that mental and 8
physical sultering peculiar to Lout Manhood - c
hood , should write to the STATE MEDICAL |
COMPANY , Omaha , Nob. , nud they will i
soud you absolutely FREE , a valuable
paper on thcbe diseases , and positive proof * $
of their truly Maoicai. Tuuatment Thous- g
antls of meu , who have lost all hopeof a
cure , nro being restored by thorn to a per
fect condition.
This Magical Treatment may bo taken
ut home under their directions , or they will
pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who
prefer to go there for treatment , if they
fail to cure. They nro perfectly reliable ;
have no Free Proscriptions , Free Cure ,
Free Sample , or C. 0.1 > . fake. They huvo
$2. > 0,000 capital , nnd guarantee to euro
every case they treut or refund every dollur ;
or their charges may bo deposited in a j-
bank to be paid to them when a euro ia
effected. Write them todnv \
Vegetable Sicilian
Beautifies and restores Gray
Hair to its original color and
vitality ; prevents baldness ;
cures itching and dandruff.
A fine hair dressing.
It. P. Hall & Co. . Props. , N-jlma , N. H. 9
Sold by all Druggists.
Notre Dame , Indiana.
ClasMcn , Letter * . Science , Law. Civil , Me-
rlianloul and Engineering.
Thorough Preparatory mnl Commercial
CourxeH. Kccleil&fctlcal students at spoi-Ui intc .
Itooiuh free Junior or tenlorear ( uilrztate ,
CourM.x. M. KtlivurdV Hull , tor buy * unJr-r 13.
The KIT til Term will oiien September 7th ,
18i 7. Catalogue i-ent l"rn on anpli ntion lo 1
Itev. A. .MnrrfsMcy , C. S. C , I'l'ealUeut.
CIO rTCOCCan be made working for us.
• PLC 1\J • POO 1'nrtlen prt-furred who cim sivj tlinr
_ , _ , _ , . , wuole time to the liumit-n * . Sjuru
Kfir WrrK hoursthoughmayb > jirofltuhlyein-
1 wi t t i _ < i iv ployed. Good oiieulngs tor town and
city work a * well as country district * .
J.K.G1FF01JU , 11th < L Main BU. , Klihooou , Vm.
CD'SifiUT BASR on orders of 2000 q. ft. of
< rri lUni rftlli Hoofing or Wall anil Cellini :
Manilla. Write for sample * and price" . The Fay
Manilla Rooflnc Company , Camiieu , > . J.
OE3d"&D IIS 1 q'llekrtlkrandccreiwornt
eaes. Send for book ot testimonial1 * and XI ) days'
treatment Free. Br. H.ii.ouEKS'bsOMi. AUaBtau .
BKr'BaBDra houi : t'CitE. nook 1111.1inc. . 1. c
WI wnu hiihju.nii bfiiaC ! < ig.aiifii.oiLi
wT N. UOMAHA. . No. 33.-1397.
When writing to advertisers , kindly men
tion this paper.
I DR. SAMUEL PITCHER , of Byannis , Massachusetts ,
was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " the same
that has borne and does now r " "
y/ / ? every
bear the facsimile signature of 6 Z > fe W wrapper. .
This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA/ ' which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the zvrapper and see that it is
the Iciivd yon have always bought / $ //gTF' " " " " ' OTl inc
and has the ' ( zJ/J&
signature of' * * % < CC&64 wrap
per Jfo one has authority fj-om me to lose my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is
President. *
March 8 QdL uJL&&cjLatj
, 1897Z * * -atj .
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which some druggist may offer you ( because he makes a few more pennie3
on it ) , the ingredients of which even , lie does not know.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought"
Insist , on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You ?
J WRITE FOR - = . = •
A Catalogue of Dry Goods , Cloaks , Clothing , Mfflinerv , Boots and Shoes 5 :
Furniture , Carpets , Curtains , Crockery , Glassware , Tovk , ' 5 ;
5 Dolls and General House-furnishing Goods. " :
$ ETTENSON , WOOLFE & CO. , Leavenworth , Kansas.
Ute Pass. HaKM-xnan I * . * . , . .
IIHI Gatp T > ii ' ' t > „ *
Mount . "
Aionot of tlic Holy Cre t "
Grand Junction end DeBeque.
Cripple Creek. Victor. Leadville , Aspen.
W. F. BAILEY , General Passenger Agent , - . Den . -
Send for list of 4.103 vacancies we haveNv , eral timps as manv vacancies as t'rmbers.
fSU ? ave more members , several plan > : tu o plans sie free registration : one plan 1.VA UA.V-
1 EkS positions. 10 cents pays for noel : . conla nine plans and a0.iO lovratory of College
Jars Blanks and circulars free. No cbarcc 10 employers for recommendinsr icac-fre
h.W.lor.X in&Sdbt . , Loui TllleKy.f 1'Msidei.t aad Xfctusrr 1 fTt IVarboru t > t „ Clnrujo , III
Northern vacancies Chicago oflcc , bouUura xuuiucUr Injuria * OJice. Cm Jtt rtguten in LvlU ojiux.