The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 23, 1897, Image 8

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I when the Creator said to woman ,
"In sorrow shalt thou bring forth
children , " that a curse was pro
nounced against the human race ,
9 but the joy felt by every Mother
I when she first presses to her heart
[ her babe , proves the contrary.
Danger and suffering lurk in
the pathway of the Expectant
Mother , and should be avoided ,
that she may reach the hour when
the hope of her heart is to be real
ized , in full vigor and strength.
so relaxes the
! ger , andthe
| [ trying hour is robbed of its pain
! and suffering , as so many happy
mothers have experienced.
Nothing but "Mother's Friend" does
this. .Don't be deceived or
persuaded to use anything else.
"Mother's rricnd" is the greatest remedy orer
put on the market , and all our customers praise it
I | highly. " W. II. Kiug & Co. , Whitewright , Tex.
Of druggists tit SI.00 , or bent by express on re
ceipt of price. Write lor book containing valua
ble information for all Mothers , mailed free.
The Bradfleld Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
McCook. Nebraska.
, Cagr-Apent of Lincoln Land Co. Office
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
I & Bellamy , assistants.
< _ MRS. E. E. UTTER , _ * _
1 Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo
I ® " "Studio Opposite Postoffice.
Dr. W. V. CAGE.
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
Office hours at residence , 701 Marshall Ave. ,
before 9 a. m. and after 6 p. m.
Z. L. KAY ,
! - - ,
McCook , Nebraska.
JS Oflke Rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's
jewelry store. Residence In the Strasser
1 house on Marshall street.
. . * & & A4dA 50 YEARS'
rrT * COPYRIGHTS & .o.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
nuicbly ascertain , free , whether an Invention is
probably patentable. Communications strictly
confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents
in America. Wo have a Washington office.
Patents taken through. Munn & Co. receive
special notice in the
beautifully illustrated , largest circulation of
nny scientific Journal , weekly , terms ? 3.00ayear ;
$1.50 six months , fcpeclmen copies and Hand
Book on Patents sent free. Address
I 3fi1 Rronrlwnv KV rU.
This well known and
esteemed citizen buys
his Stationery at first
v door south of the court
\ - house , where nice line
.4 of Plain and Fancy
Writing Papers , both
! * in boxes and bulk , can
i <
be bought very cheap.
- DO YOU ?
I. \
. . _ _ _ , _ „ ,
} ueen Elizabeth Might Have Lived I/onffei
Had She Taken Medicine.
Of the efficacy of physic Queen Eliza-
Doth had always been skeptical. Now ,
10 or 12 physicians came to the palace ,
sanh promising , "with all manner of
asseveration , " "her perfect and easy
recovery" if she would follow a simple
course of treatment. But they spoke in
vain. Nor could the protests of council
ors , divines and waiting women induce
her to accept medical assistance. Her
melancholy was "settled and irremov
able , " and she had no wish to prolong
it by lengthening out her life. She only
broke silence to murmur , "I am not
sick , I feel no pain and yet I pine
away. " She was asked whether she had
any secret cause of grief. She replied
that she knew of nothing in the world
worthy of troubling her. At length by
force ( it is said ) she was lifted from the
cushions * and put to bed. Her condition-
underwent no change. Gradually those
about her realized that' 'she might live
if she would use means , " but that she
would not be persuaded , and princes , as
they tearfully acknowledged , cannot be
coerced. Nevertheless , until the third
week they looked forward to a renewal
of her old vivacity and the dispersal of
her lethargy. But during the week it
was perceived that the ground she had
lost- could only bo recovered by miracle.
On Wednesday , March 23 , her coun
cilors entered her bedchamber to receive
her last instructions. She had none to
give. The archbishop and bishops offered
up prayer at herbedsido and she derived
seine comfort from their ministrations.
In the evening she sank into a quiet
Eleop , such irr she had sought without
avail for nearly a month. She never
woke again * "About 3 o'clock in the
morning of March 24 she departed this
life , mildly like a lamb , easily like a
ripe apple from the tree. " .When she
was examined after death , her phy
sicians reported that "she had a body
of firm and perfect constitution , likely
to have lived many years. " Death was ,
in fact , prepared to the last to bargain
with her for a few more years of life ,
but his terms implied an enfeeblement
of those faculties on whose unrestricted
exercise her queenly fame seemed to her
to depend. By refusing to be party to
the truce she invited her overthrow ,
but she never acknowledged herself
vanquished. She made no will , she be
stowed no gift on any of the faithful at
tendants who wept beside her deathbed ,
and she declined to guide her council in
the choice of a successor. Cornhill
A Statesman Who Found a Use For the
Earnings of His Fen.
"I recall a pleasant incident in the
life of the late Representative Harter of
Ohio , " said an Ohio man the other day.
"I was at his apartments one evening
at the hotel where he lived during his
first term in congress and was in the re
ception room with several friends while
ho was working in his office at the far
end of the suit of rooms. Presently he
came out among us laughing and hold
ing in his hand a check.
" 'Oh , ' he said to us , 'I am literary ,
as well as you are , and here's a check
for § 50 I have just got from a maga
zine for an article that I wasn't expect
ing to get anything for. '
' 'I told him I was not that literary ,
for I couldn't sell ono article for $50 ,
and we laughed and chatted awhile
about it , Mr. Harter insisting that he
wasn't a writer for money1 , but for the
sake of presenting his views to the
" 'I don't know what to do with the
check , ' he said and turned to his ' wife.
'Do you need it ? ' he asked her.
"She told him she did not , though
most women would have had use for it
quick enough , and he stood irresolute
for a moment with the check in his
hand , then he smiled radiantly.
" * I know somebody who does want
it , ' he said , nodding at his wife as if
she never would see it again. ' .I received
a letter from the pastor of a little Lu
theran church Mr. H. was a zealous
Lutheran away out in Missouri , who
is having a very hard time to get along
and keep- body and soul together , ask
ing me if I couldn't do something. I
can send him this check. ' And he danced >
away with it as joyously as a schoolboy
with a plaything , and in a minute or
two the check , duly indorsed and ac
companied by a letter , was waiting for
the postman to start it on its mission of
charity , and I have often wondered
what the business manager of that mag
azine thought when he found that check
to the order of M. D. Harter coming
back to New York from a little country
bank in Missouri. " Washington Star.
Gay Wall Papers.
The shops of the decorators show a
3ecided return to gay effects in wall
papers and seem to indicate that the
reign of negative backgrounds for rooms
is seriously interfered with if not fin
ished. A yellow figured paper , that is
almost an orange tint , hangs next to one
of deep red , which , in its turn , gives
place to a rich and vivifying green.
These are , any of them , to bo used fashionably - ;
ionably with white woodwork.
Worked Both Ways.
"It must have cost you a great deal
to provide all these comforts for your
employees , " said the friend who had
been looking through the reading rooms
and gymnasium attached to the factory.
"It does cost a little , " admitted the
manager , "but , you see , we pay 'em
such low wages that the factory is real
ly abetter place than home. That makes
'em contented to stay. " Exchange.
A miner in Staffordshire recently dis
covered a petrified arm imbedded in the
solid stone or ore. The peculiarity of
the arm lies in the fact that the elbow
joint can be made to move to and fro as
though it consisted of flesh and blood.
The national flower of England is the
rose , of France the lily , of Scotland the
thistle and of Ireland the shamrock. '
\ .
i Curious JLegend Some Relics of Kmprror
. Queretaro was a town before the
Ipanisii conquest and was made a city
In 1055. A legend of Queretaro is that
an Otomite chief , Fernando do Tapia
by name , undertook to convert the city
to Christianity in a way that seems
novel to us , but was common enough to
his day. He came from Tula with a
challenge to the people of Queretaro tea
a fair stand up fight. If he won , the
people surviving were to be baptized.
The challenge was accepted , but while
the fight was in progress a daik cloud |
came up and the blessed Santiago was
seen in the heavens with a fiery cross ,
whereupon the people of Queretaro gave
up and were baptized. They set up a
stone cross to commemorate the event
on the site of the present church of'
Santa Cruz. There is scarcely a church
in Mexico which has not a legend of
this kind attached to it. The town is
identified with the history of Mexico.
Here the treaty of peace between the
United States and Mexico was ratified
in 1848 , and here Maximilian made his
last stand in 1807 , was obliged to sur
render and was shot. Everybody is in
terested in Maximilian mainly on ac
count of poor Carlotta. Maximilian was
executed on the Cerro de las Gampauas.
and with him Generals Miramiu and
Media. The place is marked by three
little crosses of stone. The two gen
erals were killed at the first volW , but ,
Maximilian , who had requested that he
bo shot through the body that his
mother might look upon his face , was
only wounded , and a second firing was
required to kill him. |
The emperor had been led to believe
that Carlotta was dead. She became in
sane from grief and was kept in an asy
lum for many years , but she still lives
and still mourns for her dead husband
and the loss of her throne. The United !
States government protested against the '
execution of Maximilian , but in vain.
Juarez refusing to spare him.
There are all kinds of relics of Maxi
milian in Mexico the Yturbide thea
ter , where he was tried and condemned , J
the table on which the death warrant t
was signed , the wooden stools on which j
the prisoners sat during the trial and
the coffin of Maximilian , whoho remains
were subsequently sent to Austria and
buried at Miramar. I confess I do not
share in any sentiment of pity for Max
imilian , who was an adventurer without - I
out a shadow of right in Mexico and '
took the chances of war. He was , it is' '
true , a victim of Napoleon and of his
own ambition and was very scurvily
treated by those who had induced him ,
to set up his throne in Mexico , but to
have released him would have been to
establish a claimant for the Mexican
throne. It was better that this man' '
should die than that thousands Ehould
be sacrificed in the wars he would sure-1
ly have fomented if he had been allowed
to live. Philadelphia Ledger
In Spite of Their Xiowness the Celestials I
Wax Fat. i
How a Chinese workman manages to
support his family and remain sleek and f
fat on the wages lie receives is an everlasting - I
lasting mystery to the European and
American. The Chinese are a people of
marvelous economy. They will support
a family , furnishing food , clothes , shel
ter , from a small garden which they
call a farm , but which in America
would not more than furnish an Amer
ican family with early vegetables.
In cities the laboring men receive the
merest pittance. In Canton , where la
borers are better paid than in other parts
of China , skilled workmen live on these
wages : Shoemaker , § 4 per month ;
blacksmith , § 5 per month ; fine ivory
carver , § 12 per mouth ; tailor , § 5 per
month ; fine embroiderer , § 4 per month ;
designer , § 6 per month ; silversmith. § 8
per mouth.
The Chinese are superstitious , and
the workmen support , in addition to
their temples and pagodas and priests ,
which receive more in proportion than
the churches of Europe and America ,
idol makers , geomancers , fortune tell
ers , physiognomists , soothsayers , astrol
ogers and interpreters of dreams , who
exist by thousands and coin all the mon
ey they want. Another thing which
makes money for a certain class is the
Chinese custom of burning great quan
tities of "spirit money , " imitation
coins , which are supposed to be legal
tender for dead relatives. One city
alone employs 100,000 people in making
this cash for ghosts.
Peculiar superstitions embarrass the
workman. For instance , carpenters and
builders have to exercise great care in
selecting a ridgepole for a house. It
must have neither cracks nor knots , and
in it a small hole must be made and
filled with gold leaf and the whole
beam painted red. This insures good
luck for the owner of the house.
The tea trade employs thousands of ' .
persons. The laborers receive from § 2
to $10 per month , according to their ,
grade of work. Chicago News. j
A man who resides on the east side
relates an incident which may be true , ,
but it sounds fishy. (
His boy caught a large sucker a con- j
pie of years ago , and since that time he ,
has been experimenting with his finny ,
pet somewhat. The fish has been kept \
out of the water so much that it graduj j
ally became accustomed to it , and frequently - -
quently flopped out of the water itself ]
and followed the boy around. Finally }
the boy placed it in a pen and gradual
ly reduced its bathing periods until it
became acclimatized , abandoning en
tirely its native element. It would fol- j
low the boy around like a dog , and ono j
day he started over to town across the ,
swinging bridge with the pet fish flopping - ,
ping along after him. But alas for boy- j
ish hopes ! The fish made a slight miscue - (
cue and flopped overboard into the creek j
und drowned before the boy could res- (
zue him. Punxsutawney Spirit. j
. .
. - - i i
' ' - '
iijjuniwi IH..I 'inmiii'rT'i r iy
Xliey Depended Wholly Upon Charity For
Their Sustenance and Remained Always
In Their Aerial Caves The Monastery
of St. Stephens.
One of the most curious scenes on the
Thessalian frontier is to bo found at
Kalibaki , some 50 miles by rail above
Trikhala. The town lies ou a plain
which is backed by the extraordinary
rocks of Meteora , rising precipitously
to a great height and commanding the
marked attention of travelers. In places
the cliffs ascend like a wall to a height
of 2,000 feet. They are rough , free
from verdure aud disfigured by innu
merable holes and caves all over their
It is these caves and remains of monk
ish dwellings in Ihein that give the
rocks .of Meteora the strange , almost
prehistoric appearance that has made
them famous.
There are several monasteries at
Kalibaki. The largest is St. Stephen's.
Unlike the other monasteries , this is
reached by a drawbridge thrown across
a yawning chasm. This is ono of the
largest of the monasteries of Meteora
and has a guest chamber especially fit
ted up for visitors that is to say , there !
are three iron beds in it , and it is only
courteous to surmise that the wadded
coverlet and single sheet that go to
make up a Greek bed once were new.
The hegoumenos is most hospitable.
He gives his visitors excellent monastic
wine , a dinner of many weird cources
and is himself very good company. As
usual , there are two churches in this
monastery , the smaller of the two pos
sessing some very fair ikons t-et in
beautifully carved frames , and one very
old picture , dated 387.
The large church consists of a nave ,
antechapol , with the body of the church
auder the dome , which is decorated
with the usual half length figure of
Christ. Here are seen some of the in
laid ivory and mother of pearl stools
and lectnms which at one time were the
staple work of the Meteora monks.
All the manuscripts of any value have
been lemoved to Athens. A long build-
frig at the right of the bridge contains
the cells of the nionks , which open into
a dark covered corridor. In time of war
these monasteries are used as places of
Not the least curious feature of these
uniqno rocks of Meteora are the holes
and caves which literally pepper the
face of the clilTs in places.
In many cases these retreats of the
hermits of St. Anthony are merely
cages. At a distance they look , some of
them , like big birdcages hung up
against the face of the cliff. As dwell
ings they aie all exceedingly primitive.
The Thessalian hermit did not ask
much of life. A rocky floor to lie on ,
bars or railings to keep him from fall
ing out of his hole , a shaky ladder
down which he might now and then
descend to earth and a basket and string
to let down for supplies were all ho
needed in addition to his crucifix and
other religious necessities.
These aerial caves were occupied in
the fourteenth century. Thousands of
hermits , judging from the remains of
habitations , must at one time or another
have sought refuge in these cliffs. Few
of them can now bo entered , for the
ladders have for the most part fallen
Seemingly the way a hermit proceed
ed was to choose a hole that took his
fancy. Up ro this ho ran a ladder. Then ,
driving poles into the rock before the
cave , ho built out a little platform.
This ho loofed in and surrounded with
a wall made of sticks or dried gra s.
From one platform to another these
anchorites ran up their ladders until the
whole face of the rock was alive with
these hermits of St. Anthony.
After the time honored fashion of re
ligious recluses , the cliff dwelling her
mits of St. Anthony depended wholly
on charity for their sustenance. Far up
in their airy caves they spent their days
and nights in prayer and contemplation.
When hungry or thirsty , they let down
their baskets to the ground , and when
these were filled they pulled them up
The devout people of Kalibaki be
lieved that these hermits were a special
charge upon them and kept them well
supplied with bread and water. Every
morning men , women and children
could be seen tramping to the cliff3 to
fill the baskets that were let down by the
strings from above. And so the hermits
were able to live their quiet , lazy lives
without a single worldly care. New
York World.
An Opinion of Conkling.
The Rev. H. S. Haweis expresses this
uncomplimentary opinion of the late
Roscoe Coukling in his book of travels ,
lately published : "At Bigelow House
in New York I dined with Conkling ,
the crack lawyer , talker and , I should
say , characteristic windbag of the peri-
3d. * • * • * Conkling seemed to mo an
insufferably vulgar , loud , clever person
utterly conceited and self centered.
* * * Conkling talked through yon
md ever you and all around you and
juoted poetry whether you wanted to
aear it or not and answered his own
riddles and asked questions which he
aever meant you to answer , being of
She nature of Cicero's rhetorical inquir
es in the Verrine and Cataline orations.
[ can recollect nothing that Conkling
; aid only the abiding flavor of his ar
rogance and conceit. "
A drink called drithel is popular
in the north of England. The cotton
lands of Manchester and the factory
ivorkers get through nearly 10,000,000
pints of this stuff every year. It is made
: rom hops , hemlock rott , parsley and 1
dove and is one of the most dangerous j
iquors ever brewed. The northern .
sounties pay about $75,000 a year for
; he outpat of drithel.
The Slate of Nebraska , Red Willow Coun
ty , ss. To all persons interested in the Estate
of Lnvima Dillon , deceased :
Whereas Charles W. Heck of said county
has filed in my office an instrument purporting
to be the last Will and Testament of Lavinia
Dillon , deceased , late of said county , tand a
praying to have the same admitted to
'rotiate and for letters testamentary , which
Will relates to personal estate. Whereupon I
have appointed Wednesday , the nth day of
August , 1897 , atone o'clock in the afternoon ,
at my office in said county , as the time and
place of proving said Will , at which time and
place you and all concerned may appear and
contest the Probate of the same.
It is further ordered that said Petitioner
give notice to all persons interested in said
Estate of the pendency of the petition , and
the time and place set for hearing the same ,
by causing a copy of this order to be published
in TllK McCook Tkuiune , a newspaper pub
lished in McCook , in said State , for three
weeks successively previous to the day set for
In testimony whereof , I have hereunto set
my hand and official seal this 21st day of July ,
ib'07. Isaac M. Smith , County Judge.
[ Ska 1. . ] [ Coi'Y.J
Land'Office at McCook.Nebraska , July 20th ,
1807. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing-named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim , and that said proof will be made before
Register or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska ,
on Saturday , August 28th , 1897 , viz : Hiberd
K. Waugh , who made II. E. 10,243 for the
S.W.K N.E. } , and W' . 'A S.E.J , '
section 25 , township I , north of range 27. W.
6th 1 * . M. lie names the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of , said land , vu : Francis M. Pen
nington , Leroy F. Nichols , Daniel F. Ilunp
and Frederick S. Soverns , all of Lebanon , Ne
braska. A. S. Camimiim.i. , Register.
KOAI ) NO. 315.
To Elma Johnson , II. G. Rogers , Edgar
Floyd Jones , M. C. Stephens , Sophia 15. 15ro-
maii and George Rudkiu aud to all whom it
1n.1v concern :
The Commissioner appointed to locate a
rood commencing at a point (80) ( ) rods east of
the northeast Loruer of the southeast quarter
of section (10) ( ) , town ( I ) , range (26) ( ) , in Leb
anon precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
running thence 1101th on said quarter section
line to town , line between towns , one ( l ) and
two (2) ( ) , thence east on town. line and termi
nating at northeast coiner of section two (2) ( ) ,
town , one ( I ) , range twenty-six (26) ( ) , west of
6th P. M. , has reported in favor of the location
thereof , and all objections thereto or claims
for damages must be hied in the county clerk's
office on or before noon of the nth day of Oc
tober , A. D. 1897 , or said road will be estab
lished without reference thereto.
23-4. R. A. , County Clerk.
Don't nauseate your stomach with teas arid
bitter herbs , but regulate your liver and sick
headache by using those famous little pills
known as DeWitt's Little Early Riser * . A.
One Minute Cough Cure , cures.
That is w hat It was maue for.
Legal BlanKs
Note BOOKS ,
Receipt. . Books ,
Scale Books.
Office Supplies
DeWitt's Little Early Risers , " I
Tht famous little pills.
. _ _ .
M2 2g * H"re-7 Iff Twit irBW t * - * < * j
j See Those.J \
\ Buggies , \ '
4 Surreys , > 1
| Carriages , | ; l
4 Road Wagons , I 1
j Refrigerators , j 1
\ Gasoline Stoves , I I
i Washing Machines , > 1
* > * I
Cochran & Go's ' ; : J
< j
Comrades , and all J
interested in Pensions , 1
come and see me. I've I
had over ten years of A
experience. Work di- |
reet with Pension off- J
ice and guarantee sat- M
isfaction. J
C. W. BECK , J
IndianoJa , Neb. ' 'J
of I'roiirii tlie . tor . . . M M
We respectfully solicit your business ,
and guarantee pure milk , full measure , H
and prompt , courteous service. V
McCook Transfer Line j
iSIT'Only furniture vnu in the fl
city. Also have a first class house M
moving outfit. Leave orders for JH
bus calls at Commercial hotel or ' B
at office opposite the depot. { fl
Chase Go. Land and Live Stock Gs. m
Horses brauded on left hip or left shoulder H
' 'JGEH ? P-O. add res8 Imperial H
Ij MkCbase county , and Beat H
li H | HPWrice. Nebraska. Itanfte. H
] p myjVIStinking Water and the M
H | BH d Frenchman creeks , in H
BB W Chase county. Nebraska. 4 H
jWfc _ # 11 Branda8cutonsldeof : % H
juBQI K S1 some animals , on hip and H
STKSi.sWes ! of aome-or aayW
The modern standfl
EJ ard Family Medifl
w cine : Cures the
common every-day M
5 ills of humanity. jH
I' |
Junius Kths-ert , B
Carpet Laying , , jl
Carpet Cleaning 1
: LrSsare very Lo WorklY H