111 BY R. ° B T L0UI5 STEVENSONi / J INTERNATIONAL PflCtS ASSOCIATION. I \X CHAPTER XVIII ( Continued. ) I M ' "Well , well , I will Bay no more , " he I m ' replied. "Though , to be sure , if you B If aad consented to indue A propos , " he I JmL 3roke off' "and my trousers ! Tne > ' are I * favorite trou1 t3 lyng ! in the snow my liX sera ? " And he dashed in quest of BW % lean-Marie. , Hj \ \ Two hours afterward the boy re1 H.g | turned to the inn with a spade under B 'tfi 3ne arm and a curious sop of clothing B Sf under the other. B mm The Doctor ruefully took it in his Bit hands. "They have been ! " he said , B W "Their tense is past. Excellent panta- if C loons , you are no more ! Stay ! somee iCf thing in the P ° cket. " and he produced Bit a piece of paper. "A letter ! ay , now I B ? | * bind me ; it was received on the morne K If ing of the gale , when I was absorbed in B jK delicate investigations. It is still legiI iw\ be , * From P ° or , dear Casimir ! It is as ( \ well , " he chuckled , "that I have edur ill acted him t0 "atience- Poor Casimi r i . I y . anfl his correspondence his infinitesi- I Y mal timorous , idiotic correspondence. I & He had by this time cautionsly tin- I ( I folded the wet letter ; but , as he bent I § himself to decipher the writing , a cloud . < j\ ! descended on his brow. m % { ' "Bigre ! " he cried , with a galvanic l\t ' start I S And then the letter was whipped in- I / to the fire , and the Doctor's cap was on I I' his head in the turn of a hand. R 11 "Ten minutes ! I can catch it , if I . . \ -run , " he cried. "It is always late. I Iw' ' go to Paris. I shall telegrapn. " W "Henri ! what is wrong ? " cried his I % wife. I \ "Ottoman Bonds ? " came from the W { lb disappearing Doctor ; and Anastasie and H \ Jean-Marie were left face to face with R. \ the wet trousers. Desprez had gone Ilk A to Paris , for the second time in seven I W S years ; he had gone to Paris with a 1 | | | pair of wooden shoes , a knitted spen- wg cer , a black blouse , a countrj * nightcap W and twenty francs in his pocket. The \ fall of the house was but a secondary * A marvel ; the whole world might have 1 } fallen and scarce left his family more , gff ipetrified. I S CHAPTER XIX. I \r Pet ? N the morning of I I ( l sJI tne DeXt tla5 , the I 15 < $ vli ? V dvli specter of himself , I uffe iM vas ur ° 1JSht back * c I ' , elP Sljgj - in tne custody of I 'f WM Cassimir. They II % M fi V f found Anastasie I I V M v- and the boy sitting m \ < f " " ' together by the fire , L \ and Desprez , who Wl p\ * * ad exchanged his W \ toilette for a ready-made rig out of Bft I : poor materials , waved his hand as he BP P entered , and sank speechless on the M ' 'nearest chair. Madame turned direct B to Casimir. ML "What is wrong ? " she cried. HV "Well , " replied Casimir , "what have if ? l told you a11 alonS ? It : lias comell Ul as a clean shave , this time ; so you may K Pv as well bear ip and make the best of it. Bf\ ! House down , too , eh ? Bad luck , upon Bfrr 'my soul. " B'\ "Are we are wn ruined ? " she Hl | S gasped. Hf ' The Doctor stretched out his arms WM to her. "Ruined , " he replied , "you are I | V Tuined by your sinister husband. " I Casimir observed the consequent embrace - brace through his eyeglass ; then he &t\ turned to Jean-Marie. "You hear ? " he Mm ' said. "They are ruined ; no more pickl I w ings , no more house , no more fat cut- I w lets. It strikes me , my friend , that you ] | "had best be packing ; the present spec- I S ulation is about worked out. " 1 "Never ! " cried Dssprez , springing Bk up. "Jean-Marie , if you prefer to leave B me , now that I am poor , you can go ; L \ - * ou sna receive your hundred francs , 1 i if so much remains to me. But if you I f -will consent to stay" the Doctor wept B\ a little "Casimir offers me a place B V as clerk > " ne resumed. "The emolu- BfU ments are slender , but they will be E enough for three. It is too much al- Br * ' v ready to have lost my fortune ; must faf r I lose my son ? " Miff Jean-Marie sobbed bitterly , but with- M out a word. \ "I don't like boys who cry , " observed M I Casimir. "This one is always ' crying. Jl Here ! you clear out of this for a little ; M I have business with j-our master and B % mistress , and these domestic feelings B aiay be settled after I am gone. March ! " B \ and he held the door open. B Jk Jean-Marie slunk out , like a detect- B5 ? ed thieL B | By twelve they were all at table , but B Jean-Marie. % B\ "Hey ! " said Casimir. "Gone , you HUs see. Took the hint at once. " B | \ "i do not , I confess , " said Desprez , Hi i do not seek to " excuse his absence. M It speaks a want of heart that disap- M | points me sorely. " Wei "Want of manners. " corrected Casi- . Bs mir. "Heart , he never had. Why , Des- WR prez , for a clever fellow , you are the Bfe most gullible mortal in creation. Your Bf i Jgnorance of human nature and human Bx "business is beyond belief. You are I swindled by heathen Turks , swindled I t I ° y vagabond children , swindled right j\ and left , upstairs and downstairs. I Wp / think it must be .your imagination. I K thank my stars I have none. " Ri "Pardon me , " replied Desprez still I \ humblj- , but with a return of spirit at I J ) -sight of a distinction to be drawn ; urn -"pardon me. Casimir. You possess , wgtj even to an eminent degree , the com- pi mercial imagination. It was the lack j : of that in me it appears It Is my weak point that has led to these repeated shocks. By the commercial imagination - tion the financier forecasts the destiny of his investments , marks the falling house " "Egad , " interrupted Casimir ; "our friend the stable-boy appears to have his share of it. " The Doctor was silenced ; and the meal was continued and finished principally - cipally to the tune of the brother-in- law's 1 not very consolatory conversa tion. He entirely ignored the two young English painters , turning a blind eyeglass to their salutations , and continuing - tinuing his remarks as if he were alone in the bosom of his family ; and with every second word he ripped another stitch out of the air balloon of Des- prez's vanity. By the time coffee was over the poor Doctor was as limp as a napkin. "Let us go and see the ruins , " said Casimir. They strolled forth into the street , The fall of the house , like the loss of a front tooth , had quite transformed the village. Through the gap the eye commanded a great stretch of open snowy country , and the place shrank in comparison. It was like a room with - an open door. The sentinel stood by the green gate , looking very red and cold , but he had a pleasant word for the Doctor and his wealthy kinsman. Casimir looked at the mound of ruins , he tried the quality of the tar- paulin. "H'm , " he said , "I hope the cellar arch has stood. If it has , my good brother , I will give you a good price for the wines. " "We shall start digging to-morrow , " said the sentry. "There is no more fear of snow. " "My friend , " returned Casimir sententiously - tentiously , "you had better wait till you get paid. " The Doctor winced , and began drag ging his offensive brother-in-law I - - toward - ward Tentaillon's. In the house there would * be fewer auditors , and these already - ready in the secret ot his fall. "Hullo , " cried Casimir , "there goes the stable-boy with his luggage ; no , egad , he is' taking it into the inn. " And sure enough , Jean-Marie was seen to cross the snowy street and enter - ter Tentaillon's , staggering under a large hamper. The Doctor stopped with a sudden , wild hope. "What can he have ? " he said. "Let us go and see. " And he hurried on. "His luggage , to be sure , " answered Casimir. "He is on the move thanks to the commercial imagination. " "I have not seen that hamper for for ever so long , " remarked the Doctor. "Nor will you see it much longer , " chuckled Casimir , "unless , indeed we . interfere. And by the way , I insist on an examination. " "You will not require , " said Desprez , positively with a sob ; and , casting a moist , triumphant glance at Casimir , j he began to run. "What the devil is up with him , I wonder ? " Casimir reflected ; and then , curiosity taking the upper hand , he followed - lowed ] the Doctor's example and took to his heels. The hamper was so heavy and large , and Jean-Marie hiruself so little and so weary , that it had taken him a great while to bundle it upstairs to the Desj prez's private room ; and he had just set l it down on the floor in front of An- astasie. : when the Doctor arrived , and was closely followed by the man of : business. ] Boy and hamper were both in 5 a most sorry plight ; for the one had passed ] four months underground in a certain ' cave on the way to Acheres , and the * other had run about five miles , as hard ] as his legs would carry him. half that ( distance under a staggering weight. "Jean-Marie , " cried the Doctor , in a voice that was only too seraphic to be called hysterical , "is it ? It is ! " he cried. ( "Oh , my son. my son ! " And he sat down upon the hamper and sobbed like ] a little child. "You will not gp to Paris , now , " said Jean-Marie sheepishly. "Casimir , " said Desprez , raising his wet face , "do you see that boy , that angel boy ? He is the thief ; he took the treasure from a man unfit to be entrusted - . trusted with its use ; he brings it oack , to me when I am sobered and humbled. , These , Casimir , are the Fruits of my Teachit" and this moment is the Reward - ward of Jy Life. " " 'Tis well , " said Casimir. ( The End. ) I \ \ My Fellow Laborer. I J % / j Ej H. RIDER HAGGARD. % CHAPTER I. = \ INCE my name has become so widely ' K * r&Mk I known in the 2 * : ( fBJ iPl'lr ) ) 'vrorld' and m3" dis- J m / covery the subject P w of conversation -r ? t&t S KtZZ. wherever civilized ' ? , .f" Z % - men do congregate , Jf - / g I have , through the • S l&lglll agency of one of r- % & $ $ & ' • the establishments that have recently sjrung up , and which for a moderate r fee distribute to individuals such cuttings - tings from newspapers as may concern - cern -them , been made acquainted with a considerable amount of gossip more or less truthfully connected with my private affairs. This nuisance began to come upon me shortly after the publication some years since of my work , "The Secret of Life. " The reader will remember , if this short history of facts is ever made public In years to come , that the appearance of this book created a great sensation , even in what is called English society. Everybody appeared to have read "The Secret of Life , " or pretended to have ' read it , and it was no uncommon thing < to meet ladies who evidently knew ] far more about the whole mat ter * than I did after many years' study. But 1 it society I mean seems soon to 1 have tired of the scientific aspect of the question , not eren the interest attaching s to the origin and cause of existence could keep its attention fixed on that for long. Unfortunately , however , curiosity passed ] from my book to myself. It seemed to strike people as wonderful that 1 they should never have heard anything - thing 1 of the Dr. Gosden ( for this was before ] Her Majesty was graciously pleased ] , somewhat against my. own inclinations - clinations , to make me a baronet ) , who happened ] to be able to discover the Secret of Life , and accordingly they , or < rather some of the society papers , set themselves to supply the want. Thus it was that a good deal of rather ill-natured j talk got about as to what had ] been the exact relationship bel tween j myself and my fellow-laborer , Miss j Denelly. I say ill-natured advisedly - visedly , for there was nothing more than j that ; but still , at the best , it was , and indeed is calculated to give pain to j myself and to the lady concerned. whose conduct throughout has been morally j blameless , and such as I can conscientiously ( say on the whole com mends : itself to my reason however much it may jar upon my prejudices. And now with this short apology to myself for setting down on paper a passage in my private history , I will tell the story , such as it is. I say "to myself , " for probably it will never be made public , and if it is , it will be in accordance with the judgment of my executors ' after my death , so I shall have J nothing to do with it. I am now a middle-aged man , and have ' been a doctor for many years. While I was still walking the hospitals - als ; , my mother died and left me all her ] property , which amounted to four hundred ] a year , and on this slight encouragement - couragement ' , having quiet and domestic - mestic ] tastes , I went the way that young : men generally do go when circumstances - cumstances < permit of it , and instantly i srot married. My wife , who possessed some small means , was a lady of my own < age ; and , owing to circumstances w hich I need not enter into here , had a cousin i dependent upon her , a girl of about ; thirteen. That girl was Fanny Denelly ] , and my wife made it a condition - tion 1 of our marriage , to which I read ily j consented , that she should live with us. i 1 shall never forget the impression that 1 the young lady made upon me when she came to join us in our little house ] at Fulham , after we went there to i settle at the end of our honey-moon. As it happened , I had only seen her once , or twice before , and then in the most casual way , or in the dusk , so this i was the first opportunity I had of studying i her. She was only a young fourteen and fifteen I ° -irl between , think : , but still there was something striking about her. Ker hair , which was black and lustrous , was braided back from a most ample forehead. The eyes , were large and dark , not sleepy like ; most dark eyes , but intelligent and almost j stern in their expression. The ' rest of the face was well cut but mas sive ; , and rather masculine in appearance - ; ance , and even at that age the girl gave promise of great beauty of form to which she afterward attained. ( TO B3 COXTINOJBD. Paymaster and President. A railway paymasterwhose conversa. tion : is reported by the St , Louis Globe' Democrat , is inclined to magnify im- office ' ; and no doubt he is a pretty im portant : man in the eye of the employes , who look to him for their wages. This view of the case is emphasized by a story : which he tells of President In- galls ; , of the "Big Four. " President In- galls ; was out in his special car one day on i his road , and stopped near St. Paul , Ind. , for the purpose of inspecting a gravel pit that he anticipated pur chasing. i He had several minor officials of i the road with him. A section gang was at work near by , and a switch ran up into the gravel pit , half a mile dis ' tant. The day was very hot , and an almost ; tropical sun threatened to warp the rails out of position. Naturally Mr. Ingalls did not choose to walk half a mile under such circumstances , so he called to the section boss and ordered him to bring his handcar and crew , and carry the party up to the pit. "Not on your life , " was the surpris ing reply. "Sure , I have me orders from the superintendent to do the work be yond and not leave till it's finished. " Mr. Ingalls smiled , colored , and was about to reply , when one of the party tried to help him out by saying : "Oh/that's all right , Mike. This is Mr. Ingalls. Get your car and come along. ; " But Mike was not moved in the least by : this anneal , and promptly replied : "Mr. Ingalls , is it ? Niver a bit do I care who he is. I wouldn't lave this job for the paymaster himself , and that's all there is about it. Yez can walk to the gravel pit. " Zdaine canoes are being extensively used in Florida waters this winter. [ sat . „ < * $ . > . rtrir'v f > rV S fA MMiHtfiiHHHBHaaMI Hi „ , t * - y i " " * ; - 'wt' ' 1 T i i---i- "rTiri rrr rTfiii TALMAGE'S SEBMON. " "SALESMEN AND SALESWO MEN" SUNDAY'S SUBJECT. Prom tlio Test , Act 10:14 n Follows : And u Certain Woinitit Nam oil L.tdlu. a Seller or Purple of the City of Thyatlra Which Worahlnml Uud. % i GT 1UE firs Passage \ /I ife lnt''od.uces tc you Wy ) ( if.cb Lydia , a Christian ' * * nz " ( 4 Me c. .anteS5. Her E $ fffi-ffiLh business i to deal P 2i . * > ? * - ' in purple ciothB P$2&Si : or EilksShe ls J& ffi&i not a giggling Hf'w nonentity but a / \V p r a c tical woman , > \ not ashamed to work for her liv ing. $ All the other women of Philippi - pi and Thyatira have been forgotten ; but \ God has made immortal in oir text Lydia , the Christian saleswoman. The other text shows you a m.in with head j , and hand , and heart , add foot all busy ] toiling on up until he gains a princely j success. "Seest thou a man diligent m his business ? He shall stand before kings. " Great encouragement in these two passages for men and women who will be 1 busy , but no solace for those who are waiting for good luck to show them 1 , at the foot of the rainbow , a casket cf buried gold. It is folly for anybody in this world to wait for something to turn up. It will turn down. The law of thrift is as inexorable - able J as the law of the tides. Fortune , j the magician , may wave her wand in tbat direction until castles and palaces C3me ; but she will , after a while , in- \er \ "t the same wand , and all the splendors - dors will vanish into thin air. There are certain styles of behavior which lead to usefulness , honor and permanent success , and there are cer tain styles of behavior which lead to dust , dishonor and moral default. I would like to fire the ambition of yeuns people. I have no sympathy with those who would prepare young folks for life by whittling down their expectations. That man or woman will be worth nothing to church or state who begins life cowed down. The business } of Christianity is net to quench but to direct human ambiti6n. Therefore it is that I utter words of encouragement to those who are cc- cupied < as clerks in the stores and shops and banking houses of the coun try. < They are not an exceptional clas ' = , . They belong to a great com pany 1 of tens of thousands who are in J thi3 courtry amid circumstances which will either make or break them for J time and eternity. Man ; of these people ple 3 have already achieved a Christian manliness and a Chritsian womanliness ] ness which will be their passport to \ any position. I have seen their trials. I have watched their perplexities. , There are evils abroad which need to be ] hunted down and dragged out into the ( noonday light. In the first place , I counsel clerks to remember 3 that for the most part their clerkship , is only a school from which they ; are to be graduated. It takes about eight years to get into one of the learned professions. It takes about eight years to get to be a mer chant. ( Some of you will be clerks ail your lives , but the vast majority of ycu are only in a transient position. After a while , some December daj % the head ] men of the firm will call you into the back office and will say to you : "Now ' , ycu have done well by us ; we are : going to do well by you. We invite - • vite you to have an interest in our con cern < " You will bow to that edict \ery gracefully. Getting into a street car ' .o go home , n old comrade will meet you and say : "What makes you Icok so happy to tonight ? " "Oh , " you will say. "nothing , nothing. " But in a few days your name will blossom on the sign. Either in the store or bank where you are now , or in some other store or bank , you will take a higher nosition than that which you now cc- cupj * . So I feel I am now addressing people who will yet have their hand on the helm of the world's commerce , and you will turn it this way or that ; new clerks , but to be bankers , importers , ii.surarce company directors , ship pers , contractors , superintendents of railroads your voice mighty "on 'Change" standing foremost in the great firancial and religious enter prises of the dajFor , though we who are in the professions may. on the platform , plead for the philanthropies , after all , the merchants must come forward with their millions to sustain the movement. Be , therefore , patient and diligent in this transient position. You are now where you can learn things you can never learn in any other place. What you consider your disadvantages are your grand opportunity. You see an af fluent father some day come down . a prominent street with his son who has just graduated from the university , and establishing him in business , putting $50,000 capital in the store. Well , you are envious. You say : "Oh , if I only had a chance like that young man if I only had a father to put $50,000 in a business for me , then I would have some chance in the world. " Be not envious. You have advantages over that young man which he has not over you. As well might I come down to the docks when a vessel is about to sail for Valparaiso , and say , "Let me pilot this ship out to sea. " Why , I would sink crew and cargo before I got out of the harbor , simply because I know nothing about pilotage. Wealthy sea captains put their sons before the mast for the reason that they know it is the only place where , they can learn to be successful sailors. It is only under drill that people get to understand pilotage and navigation , and I want you to understand that it takes no more skill to conduct a ves- _ , . . • 'J - ' . . - , ' . _ .m - - ; Vii > - „ .j.v'l . . . , - yvi ; . ' . . ' - * , Hi' i j in.i.in i -i i in i - i rn-i r ' sel out of the harbor and across the ; sea than to steer a commercial estab lishment clear of the recks. You see every day the folly of people going into a business they know nothing about. A maa makes a fortune in one business ; thinks there is another oc cupation , more comfortable : gees into It and sinks all. Many of the com mercial establishments of our cities are giving their cierks a mercantile educa tion as thorough as Yale , or Harvard , or Princeton are giving scientific at tainment to the students matriculated. The reason there are so many men foundering in business from year to year , is because their early mercantile education was neglected. Ask the men In : high commercial circles , and they will tell you they thank God for this severe ' discipline of their early clerk ship. ' You can afford to endure the wilderness march , if it is going to end in the vineyards and orchards of the promised land. But you will say : "Will the woman ly clerks in our stores have promo tion ? " Yes. Time is coming when women will be as well paid for their toil in mercantile circles as men are now paid for their toil. Time is com ing when a woman will be allowed to do anything she can do well. It is only a little while ago when women knew nothing of telegraphy , and they were kept out of a great many commer cial circles where they are now wel come : and the time will go on until the woman who at one counter in a store : sells $5,000 worth of goods in a year , will get as high a salary as the man who at the other counter of the same ' store sells $5,000 worth of goods. All honor to Lydia , the Christian sales- woman. The second counsel I have to give to clerks is that you seek out what are ; the lawful regulations of your es tablishment , and then submit to them. Every well-ordered house has its usages. In military life , on ship's deck , in commercial life , there must be order and discipline. Those people ple who do not learn how to obey will never know how to command. I will tell you what young man will make ruin , financial and moral ; it is the young man who thrusts his thumb into his vest and says : "Nobody shall dic tate to me , I am my own master : I will not submit to the regulations of this house. " Between an establishment in i\hich all the employes are under thor ough discipline and the establishment in which the employes do about as they choose , is the difference between success and failure between rapid ac cumulation and utter bankruptcy. Do not come to the store ten minutes after the time. Be there within two seconds , and let it be two seconds be fore instead of two seconds after. Do not think anything too insignificant to > do well. Do not say , "It's only just once. " From the most important transaction in commerce down to the particular style in which you tie a string around a bundle obey orders. Do not get easily disgusted. While i others in the store may lounge , or fret , or complain , you go with ready hands , and cheerful face , and contented spirit to your work When the bugle sounds , the good soldier asks no questions , but ; shoulders his knapsack , fills his can teen and listens for the command of : "March ! " Do not get the idea that your in terests and those of your employer are i antagonistic. His success will be your honor. His embarrassment will be ; your dismay. Expose none of the frail ties of the firm. Tell no store secrets. Do not blab. Rebuff those persons who come to find out from clerks what ought never t > be known outside the store. Do not be among those young men who take on a mysterious air when something is said against the firm that employs them , as much as to pay : "I could tell you something if I would , but I won't. " Do not be among those who imagine they can build themselves up by pulling some body else down. Be not ashamed to be a subaltern. * * • * Then there are all the trials which come to clerks from the treatment of [ inconsiderate employers. There are s professed Christian men who have no i more regard for their clerks than they have for the scales on which the sugars ; are weighed. A clerk is no more than t so much store furniture. No consideration - eration for their rights or interests. Not one word of encouragement from i sunrise to sunset , nor from January to December. But when anything goes wrong a streak of fust on the : counter , or a box with the cover off • thunder-showers of scolding. Men imperious - perious , capricious , cranky toward their clerks their whole manner as much as to say : "All the interest I have in you is to see what I can get out of f you. " Then there are all the trials of incompetent wages , not in such [ times as these , when if a man gets half f a salary for his servies he ought to be thankful ; but I mean in prosperous times. Some of ycu remember when 1 the war broke out and all merchandie went up , and merchants were made millionaires in six months by the sim ple rise in the values of goods. Did the clerks get advantage of that rise ? Sometimes , not always. I saw estates gathered in those times over which the curse of God has hung ever since. The cry of unpaid men and women in those stores reached the Lord of Sabaoth , and the indignation of God has been around those establishments ever since. Then , there are boys ruined by lack of compensation. In how many pros " perous stores it has been for the last twenty years that boys were given just enough money to teach them how to steal ! Some were seized upon by the l police. The vast majority of instances were not known. The head of the firm asked : "Where is George now ? " "Oh , he isn't here any more. " A lad might better starve to death on a blasted heath than take one farthing from his employer. Woe be to that employer who unnecessarily puts a temptation ia " _ * s - - - , - j * &k * - . irrm. . - * * * * * " , * * * * ' ' -I • • • * * ' m i him * iiiw < iiiMiiiig'Tr-ninilTlif ' ( - BBB , - 1 [ IT * - I-1 T-V I I I II I I I I . i lfcil B I a boy's way. There have been great j establishments in these cities , building \ marble palaces , their owners dying \ worth millions , and millions , and millions - | lions , who made a vast amount of their ] estate out of the blood , and muscle , and i nerve of half-paid clcrlca. Such men as 1 well , I will not mention any name. ] But I mean men who have gathered up ] vast estates at the expense of the peo- | pe ! who were ground under their heel. f "Oh. " say such merchants. "If you f don't like it here , then go and get a better place. " As much as to say : "I've got you in my grip , and I mean to hold you ; you can't get any other place. " Oh , what a contrast between these men and Christian merchants who to day are sympathetic with their clerks when they pay the salary , acting in \ his way : "This salary that I give you is not all my interest in you. You are an immortal man ; you are an Immor tal woman ; I am Interested In your present and your everlasting welfare ; f I want you to understand that. If I am | a little higher up in this store , I am ! beside you in Christian sympathy. " Go | back forty or fifty years to Arthur Tap- I pen's store in New York a man whose * worst enemies never questioned his j honesty. Every morning , he brought 'I ' all the clerks , and the accountants , and I the weighers Into a room for devotion. ; l They sang. They prayed. They ex- I horted. On Monday morning the clerks 'I ' were asked where they had attended M church on the previous day , and what M the sermons were about. It must have ! l sounded strangely , that voice of praise M along the streets where the devotees ) of mammon were counting their gold- > l .en beads. You say , Arthur Tappen II failed. Yes , he was unfortunate , like 'I a great many good men : but I under- .1 stand he met all his obligations be- • II fore he left this world , and I know jfl that he died in the peace of the Gospel - m pel , and that he is before the throne ' of God today forever blessed. If that M be failing , I wish you might all fail , M * * * fl After the last store has been closed. I after the last bank has gone down , I after the shuffle of the quick feet on I the Custom House steps has stopped , m after the long line of merchantmen I on the sea have taken sail of flame , after - ter Washington , and New York , and I London , and Vienna have gone down into the grave where Thebes , and Baby- I Ion. and Tyre lie buried , after the great I fire-bells of the judgment day have I tolled at the burning of a world on I that day , all the affairs of banking I houses and stores will come up for in- I spection. Oh , what an opening of account - I count books ! Side by side , the clerks I and the men who employed them. Every invoice made out all the labels I of goods all certificates of stock all I lists of prices all private marks of the I firm , now explained so everybody can I understand them. All the maps of I cities that were never built , but In. I which lots were sold. All bargains. B All gougings. All snap judgments. All false entries. All adulteration of li- I quors with coppers and strychnine. Air I mixing of teas , and sugars , and coffees , I and syrups , with cheaper material. All I embezzlements of trust funds. AH I swindles in coal , and iron , and oil , and I silver , and stocks. On that day when I the cities of this world are smoking- I in the last conflagration , the trial will go on ; and down in an avalanche of I destruction will go those who wronged H man or woman , insulted God and defied - fied the judgment. Oh , that will be a I great day for you , honest Christian. I clerk. No getting up early ; no retiring - ing late ; no walking around with weary limbs ; but a mansion in which to live , and a realm of light , and love , I and joy over which to hold everlasting 9 dominion. Hoist him up from glory H to glory , and from song to song , and I from throne to throne ; for while others I go down into the sea with their gold like a millstone hanging to their neck. I this one shall come up the heights of H amethyst and alabaster , holding in his I right hand the pearl of great price in fl a sparkling , glittering , flaming casket. 9 Hail I.air ant ! Had Sense in T ii . H Dealing editorially with the re"nt decision < of a Philadelphia judge , which I practically ; declared that under any and al ; ! circumstances the bicycle , as the I lighter ] vehicle , should give way to all I others * , the Baltimore News has this to say : "The general principle laid down I was that the lighter vehicle shouM H make ; way for the heavier. This is m I itself ; quite a righteous principle , hut I its ; application is questionable. The I cert , was within the strec : car trzas , I going in a direction opposite to the I cars. \ That is , it was on the wrong side of ( the street , where it had no right tc \ I be. The bicycle was also on the street car track going in the direction in which the cars were going. That is it I . the side if the - I was on right st-'et. where it had a perfect right to be. It is a principle in law ethics as old as civilised ( courts that one must h > m = elf be blameless before he ran accuse another - other of doins him wrong. The prin- ciple that the lighter vehicle should give way to the heavier ccd give "he- heavier vehicle no right to break the law by going en the wrong side of the street ( , and then cl im right cf way cr r a \ vehicle which was exercising its ccur . legal rights. The rule could only ap- ply where the rights of the vehicle to the positions which they held wore otherwise equal. It mar be earnestly hoped by wheelmen that this decision of Judge Wilson will promptly be declared - clared by a higher court to be what it is. bad law.bad justice and bad common 1sense. . " The Political Editor. "Say , " remarked the war editor , "I don't see how Turkey ever got her forces transported into Greece , do you ? " "Certainly , " replied the politi- cal editor ; "she got hold of all the passes. Ask me something hard. " Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. irrm.Inn Y T I . . B