The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 23, 1897, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
I iP
The fact that the anti-trust pre
I ositiou was not incorporated in t
n taiiff bill does not mean that t
M Republicans are going to omit
J active support. On the contrai
J * it will be pushed as an independe
measure at once , the only reas' '
for the failure to place it in t
tariff bill being because of the d
lay in that measure which
discussion of this proposition wou
be sure to cause.
When you see a man who is
all times full of partisan enthusiar
wlio never loses an opportunity
I glorify the organization and e :
plain bow essential its success
the general welfare of the cotlnntr
you need not to be surprised whe
the time comes , as it surely wi ]
that he will waut a fat office as
reward for his fidelity to impe
ishable principles. Lincon Jou
The recent statement of Colon
Mitchell that all opponents <
fusion are either Republicans <
Anarchists rests hardly upon tL
mid-roadites. Some time sine
the Populists were bewailing tin
I their organ "said nothing. " An
now they are wishing in the name
of all the gods large and lilliputia
that their organ would in the f utui
confine itself to saying nit exck
It is melancholy to observe th
attacks of little minds upon a castl
of intellect. Because Hon. Wiliar
Jennings Bryan was found latel ;
by a wandering reporter befor
breakfast , the supremacy and evei
the plutophobic sincerity of Mi
Bryan are questioned by men wh <
ought to know better. According
to this reporter , as often as Mi-
Bryan "would rise ( sic ) up in bed
the light would fall on his elegani
silk nightshirt , all covered
in front" with embroideries , 16 to 1
in raised letters , and so on. The
populists don't like the description.
Many popocrats are shaking
head and ear over it. A friend of the
people is in an elegant embroidered
silk nightshirt ! A plain , simple
young manvowed to the hatred ol
everybody who makes more than
$5,000 a year , detected in a sofi
light and an elegant silk nightshirt 5
Did Jack Cade wear an elegant
embroidered silk nightshirt ? Did
Jack Cade wear any sort of night
shirt ? Are not nightshirts , al
though very cheap as the result of
combinations and monopolies , dis-
1 . tinctly plutocratic ? N.Y.Sun.
There is nothing to be gained
by Republican editors by going
into deliriums of impotent rage
and disappointment , or by exhibi
tions of partisan hate on the part
of Republican politicians , over the
temporary eclipse of the party in
the state of Nebraska. Neither will
it avail much to call the opposi
tion nincompoops , anarchists etc.
Our condition is at least measur
ably self-imposed , and the remedy
is simple : Punish those who have
brought disgrace on 'the party , loss
to the state ; hurl from power the
leaders that have admittedly drag
ged the party down to disaster and
disrepute in the furtherance of
their own selfish ends ; let the rank
and file of the party take an ef
fective hand in the nominating of
clean , able and untrammeled can
didates , which abound in the Re
publican party ; and soon the star
of Republican success will be in
the ascendant. No party or com
bination in this state is superior to
the Republican party in personnel ,
if its equal. Wise and honest lead
ership will make it invincible.
* , ; 4 • > •
No doubt Church Howe will pr
that the ' 'old ship wont leak" wh
he is en route to Samoa.
It is expected that the fii
vote on the Dingley tariff bill w
be taken in the senate today.
With a new 12,000 bushel <
pacity elevator to go up at om
prosperity is measurably corai
our way.
The Hastings Democrat adm
that Judge Post is the strong * ,
man for supreme judge that t
Republicans can nominate. "Hi
all right.
Alma is to have a now new
paper. It will be called the He
Ian County Journal , and W.
Wetherell of the Republican Ci
Democrat will be the publisher.
The hero of the hour seems to 1
Speaker Reed , who is now wearii
the scalps of the sugar senators
his belt. He is the only pow
Found able to break into the ne
} f trust conspirators and scatti
: hem since the trust took possesic
) f the upper branch of congres
ind he undoubtedly relishes tl
performance. He has no love f <
; he senate. Springfield ( Mass.
Colonel Mitchell says th )
he person who "misinformed" hi ]
ibout the Populist county convei
ion "should have known" . Bi
he Colonel's "misinformant" saj
hat he told the Colonel that th
: entral committee would meet o
hat date , but that it would not b
lecessary to publish the fact , o
lersonal notification had been give
ach of the committeemen. Bu
he Colonel was bound to have th
tem , so he stupidly announced
onvention when a committee meet
ig only was called. But it is dif
cult to take the Colonel seriously
[ is facetious vein is something
Charlie Boatman aud Clint Kel
y swapped teams , Saturday.
J. H. Wade and wife visited ai
. L. Thompson'6 , Monday after-
501) .
The rain , Monday morning , was
1 right and we all feel very
Prank Pitch and Earl Ludwick
McCook attended Sunday-school
this place , Sunday.
Andrew Anderson had a little
maway , Friday ; a broken wagon
ngue was the damage.
Jacob Crocker lost a horse , last
delay. It came near falling in
e well in its death struggle.
Mrs. E. E. Hayes and daughters
Danbury visited her parents ,
r. and Mrs. R. M. Wade , a few
ys last week.
Prank Holbrook , who has been
dting his parents for the past
ek or two , returned to Kansas
fcy , first of the week.
O. L. Thompson was looking
3i' the eastern part of the county ,
s week. We understand that
will be a candidate for the nom-
.tion for county treasurer on the
publican ticket , this fall , for
ich he is well qualified. Mr.
ompson has been a resident of
braska for eighteen or twenty
irs , and of Red Willow county
the last five years , and has
> wn himself to be a thorough
publican aud an honest , upright
heals everything but a broken heart may
aid of DeWitt's-Witch Hazel Salve. Piles
rectal diseases , cuts , burns , bruises , tetter ,
ma and all skin troubles may be cured by
iickly and permanently. A. McMillen.
eWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles. Scalds , Burns.
irning , itching skin diseases instantly re *
: d by DeWittTs Witch Hazel Salve UStf-
led for cuts , bruises , burns.It heals
out leaving a scar. A. McMillen.
. . . .
I.IIM.HH. .i hiiwiwiiuiii iiwi i ii imm mil imimn
" " " " - - - - - - ' * - - •
Jesse Sewell of Rook county , Kansas , is
iting relatives here.
J. E. Dolph received an elegant upri
piano , last Wednesday.
K. B. Lister and father were McCook b
ness visitors on Monday.
A. Barnett of McCook is in town to
looking after his extensive lumber interest
W. A. Minniear had two valuable hoi
and one cow bitten by a rattlesnake , last 1
day morning.
It has been reported that the grasshopp
that have been bothering the farmers ah
the Beaver valley , are leaving.
It was claimed that 1,000 people alteiu
Dr. Cann's show , Saturday evening. Spec
attraction was the rock breaking.
J. P. Schoolfield has purchased the Top
plant from Mrs. Alice McNeil of Sparla
Illinois , for a consideration of $250.
We were visited by copious showers , Mi
day , followed by cool weather , which grea
improves the prospect for a corn crop.
Fred Greenway , son of Mr. and Mrs. \ \
Greemvay , living north of town , died , Sat
: lay afternoon , July 17 , of typhoid fever. 'I
remains were interred in the Hamburg cen
' .ery , Sunday.
Quite an enjoyable time was had in c
ittle city , last Saturday afternoon , the spec
ittraction being high rope walking and t
jand concert given by Dr. Cann's show.
\ o'clock the people went to the ball ground
vitness a game between Danbury and Lt
inon. The score stood 12 to 22 in favor of t
lome team.
The Bicycle Bills are still alive and havii
1 high-old time.
On Tuesday , the 6th , we left Danbury eai
n the morning for Pueblo , Colorado , with
trong south wind to ride against all day. Vet
; ot into Oberlih about 10 a. m. , and after di
ler we struck out for Colby , but getting abe
miles out we had to commence climbing tl
lills out of the Sappa valley which made 1
ralk considerable as our motor power w ;
imited. From about 3 p. m. on we we :
iretty slow. Every now and then we wou ,
top at a farm house for a good drink of mil
r water. Abou 7:30 we reached old Ilawl
ye , the half-way place between Oberlin an
* olby , and got permission to stay there a
ight , making about 46 miles for the first da
Next morning we struck out for Kexfon
bout 10 miles straight south , the wind blov
ig hard as ever , and we began to think th :
ur luck was not of the best kind. So arrh
ig there about S a. m. we concluded to tak
le train as far as Brewster and cut acres
om there to Wallace , then to Tribune on th
[ issouri Pacific , then on to Pueblo , but aite
itting 5 or 6 miles out southwest from Breu
er we got into a country that we named * 'N
[ an's Land" , for there was not a soul to ben
en anywhere. Then Russian thistles hai
ken the land and the natives had gone t
ek refuge among their wives' folks. W
: gan to get thirsty , and fearing that 011
lances would be slim for water if we kep
1 , we changed our course and made for tin
ock Island , thinking it would be better fete
to travel in civilization than where man
asts , birds , squirrels , etc. had ceased to stay
About 2:30 p. m. we came to a station 01
e Rock Island , called Edison , with nothing
t a postoffice and a small general store
lere we were lucky enough to get a gooc
nner of the proprietor. After taking aboui
ree hours rest and scraping the thistle thorn :
' . of the tires , that had accumulated there as
ick as the needles on a music box. v e startec
to Goodland with a good level road , bul
1 hot winds blowing this time. Before u c
t there we were caught in a shower , some
ng I guess that hardly ever happens in this
rt of the country , and soaked us through tc
: hide. This indeed was more refreshing tc
than any thing we had-struck so far , pack-
I the dust in the road and making wheel-
r good.
We got to Goodland about sun-down that
: ning , being the end of the second day. We
ted until about 10 o'clock the next morning ,
ving previously decided that life was to
> rt to "potter" along at this rate , so we took
: flyer for Colorado Springs. About day-
ht we commenced riding through the land
the prickly-pear cactus and sand-hills all
: way to the Springs. Occasionally we saw
eld of grain and a farm house to match it ;
0 a few skin-poor Texas cattle feeding on
sand-grass that grows in between the
tus of the prairie.
Lt Limon , Colorado , we changed cars a
le after sun up , and after riding about an
ir we came in sight of the Rockies , they
king something like great rain clouds fixing
for a storm. 8:30 a. m. we were in the
ings and after walking around and gawk-
at the signs we found a 15c. meal house ,
er breakfast we rode out toManitou , about
iles distance into the mountains. This is
: autiful city situated at the foot of Pike's
k. The buildings aie mostly of stone and
he type of those we read about in the old
'e secured a room soon after arriving , pay-
for it alone one day what it costs for board
week at home , and that afternoon started
limb Pike's Peak up the cog road. About
o'clock we came to the half-way house
inquiring the distance on up we were told
it was 6 miles before we could reach the
mit of our ambition , having only come 2'A
: s in three hours. So this rate discouraged
gain and we took the back track , thinking
be that some day in the future we would
ble to make the top in amoie easy way.
ig the evening of the third day we rested ,
ext morning ( Friday ) we started for
bio , about similes overland. We got along
g all right until about 14 miles from our
ination when we were again caught in
her rain , making the roads so muddy that
lad to ride the center ot the Rio Grande
from there in. We were mud from head
> ot , arriving at 8 o'clock ,
le next morning we gave a boot-black his
lar fee to clean us up , then we hunted up
: of our relatives , who took us in , fed us
showed us around the city of Pueblo.
is quite a manufacturing town , having
: large smelters , two iron foundries and
Bessemer steel plant , employing in all 1
13,500 men , ( since McK. 's election. )
i tttrswsMWM'WiLWi.i.'M't. ' ' ' . > il.Jilw iiMreWE g ? , w * " * ? FteteSfW *
. * c
On Wednesday , the 14th , with an uncle ,
made a trip to Canon City , about 45 miles
tant. In going we left the road about 7 m
and rode part of the time on a desert of sa
seeing a few of those long-horned cattle.wli
would stare at us at first , then strike out 0
the hills bellowing as if they had never see
human being before. Traveling along h
and climbing over some of the foot-hills m
us somewhat thirsty , and finding a pool
water we all partook of a large quantity , tl
went on our way rejoicing. About noon
came to Florence , another mining town s
ated atthefoot of the hills , and then took
main traveled road to Canon City , pass
through some of the finest fruit country in
west , all irrigated from the Arkansas river.
At 2 p. m. we rode into the city , got din
and started back on the good road to Puel
on which we were able to coast for two s
three miles at a time without touching a pec
arriving home at S that evening , making
99-mile trip in one day , up hill half way.
That night one of the outfit became alkal
on the water that we drank out of the pool
the morning and spent most of the night in
weakly condition.
( To be continued. )
Potatoes good.
Tomatoes nromising.
The grass crop is abundant.
Alfala ready for second cutting.
Roasting cars plenty with some * .
II. B.Wales purchased a threshing niachii
One-half inch of rain fell on Monday , whi
, vill help the unmatured crops.
Mr. Townsley returned home to Iowa fro
1 visit with his daughters , Mrs. Epperly ai
Mrs. Parsons.
Much is said about grasshoppers , but in tl ;
mmediate vicinity the damage done by the
s very slight.
The fall wheat and rye is mostly shockt
nd some is stacked. Spring wheat at beir
ut and some is in the shock.
News is so scarce that there is none at all.
Grasshoppers are not so numerous as the
• ere.
The rain , Monday , made the farmers fe <
We hope the calamity howlers will all g
Be careful , North Coleman , it is dangerou
> be poetical.
Mrs. Minnie Lunkwitz has been very sicl
ut is getting better.
Our Nasby was on the sick list two days.
J. C. Moore made a trip to Cambridge\Ved
Mrs. J. C. Moore had a visit from her par
its , last Thursday.
Sigrid Pearson and Francis Kimpton expec
attend the Epworth League convention ai
Dr. Isaac Bennett's house is nearing com
etion , and makes a fine appearance. Othei
[ ildings are to go up here in the fall.
Father Sproll was a McCook visitor , Wed-
[ . M. Beardslee was in McCook , Thursday ,
f. W. Dolan spent Wednesday in Benkel-
m on business.
F. H. Strout is cutting meat for Wilcox &
itcraft in McCook.
E. S. Hill and Andy Barber were county
it visitors on business , Monday.
i.V. . R. Starr and wife are finally established
their new home in McCook , moving up last
tfrs. F. M. Kimmell and Miss Edna Mes-
e were guests of Mrs. William McCallum ,
: dnesday , driving from McCook.
\ - pert Miss of this place a few days since
ntup to McCook to visit in order to escape
"busy whirl of socidl life at home" .
Jolonel Mitchell of the Courier was here ,
jsday , looking after his east-end constitu-
y. Notwithstanding the Colonel is becom-
bowed down with a weight of subscribers
is list is easily the greatest "from Green-
i's icy mountains to India's coral strand"
e seeks more worlds to conquer , at 35c. per
quer till January 1st. Then , again , the
onel enjoys the distinction ot having the
r paper in this satrapy that prints its ad-
ising rates and number of subscribers ,
spy man.
im , vigor and victor- : these are the char-
ristics of Deitt's Little Early Risers , the
ous little pills for constipation , biliousness
all stomach troubles. A. McMillen.
ghesv Honors World's Fair ,
re Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
T * * - w 1 1 T B MC SZ .hi 11 .w i . 1
Soldiers * and Sailors' Reunlor
Indintioln. Nebraska , June 23,1 !
Comradus : Yourselves and families
hereby invited to attend the 7th Ant
Reunion of the Soldiers and Sailors t <
held at Indianola.Septembcr 7,8,9,10
1897 , at which time we hope to meet
in Fraternity , Charity and Loyalty.
Comrades , we have already euga ;
teuts for your and your fauiilies'uccomi
dation yet it would be well for all C <
rndes having tents aud covered wagon
bring them along. We hope this cir
lar will be read at all meetings of the
A. R. Posts in this District from now
September , also that you request y <
local paper to publish the same.
Comrades don't forget the place 1
date. The citizens of our city will g
you a welcome that you will always
Hay , Corn , Straw , Wood and Wa
free to all Soldiers and their families.
W. P. Elmijr , Wuxis Gossard
Adjutant. Command
Free Bicycles.
The State Journal is offering a fii
class bicycle free to auy person who v
tjet up a club of 100 yearly subscrib
for the Semi-Weekly Journal at $1
such. The bicycles are covered by
strong a guarantee as any $100.00 wh
ind are first-class in every respect. A
noting man or woman can now earn
bicycle. If you find you cannot get t
required number , a liberal cash coniiii
; ion will be allowed you ( or each o
/cm do get. You are sure to be pr
veil for what you do. You can get :
four friends and neighbors to take t
knii-Weekly State Journal at Jt.oo
rear. Address State Journal , Lincol
• Nebraska.
The New Tariff Law
Which has just been signed by tl
'resident , may be appropriately consi
red an Industrial Declaration of Ind
endeuce. An official text of the la
las just been published by theAmeric
'rotective Tariff League , and should 1
arefully examined by every citize ;
rotectionists ought to have a fewcopii
f this law for distribution. Five coph
• ill be sent to any address for ten cent
sk for Document No. 30 and addre :
/ . F. Wakeman , Gen'l Sec'y , 135 We :
3d Street , New York.
Try those hams a
Znipple's. Only 10 c
tr Pound. Good.
To Subscribers ot The Tribune.
Readers of The Tribune will pleas
member that cash is an essential i
ie publication of a paper. The pul
dier has been very lenient during th
ist few j-ears , on account of crop fai :
es and hard times , and as a cons *
lence many hundreds of dollars ar
ie on subscriDtions. We are now com
: lled to request all who can to call an *
ake settler-ient in full or in part. Ii
sw of the facts , our subscribers mus
il the justice and urgency of this re
est- The Publisher.
Ice Cream Freezers
he best and cheapest
t Knipple's.
? S.oo will buy a good hand-made liar
ss of Selby at the "Bee Hive" .
Tinware of all kinds
t Knipple's.
To California , Comfortably.
ivery Thursday at 11:40 p.m. , II. T. , a
irist sleeping car for Salt Lake City.San
mcisco aud Los Angeles leaves Oma-
and Lincoln via the Burlington Route ,
t is carpeted , upholstered in rattan ,
> spring seats and backs and is pro-
ed with curtains , bedding , towels ,
p , etc. An experienced excursion
iductor and a uniformed Pullman por-
accompany it through to the Pacific
st. While neither as expensively fin
ed nor as fine to look at as a palace
: per , it is just as goods to ride in.
: end class tickets are honored and the
: eofa berth , wide enough aud big
mgh for two , is only $5.00.
ror a 'folder giving full particulars ,
at the nearest B. & M. R. R. ticket
ce , or write to J. Francis , Gen'l Pass'r
: nt , Burlington Route , Omaha , Nebr.
ember 26-351
11 a bottle or common glass with urine and
t stand twenty-four honrs ; a sediment or
mg indicates an unhealthy condition of the
leys. When urine stains linen it is posi-
evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent
re to urinate or pain in the back is also
• incing proof that the kidneys and bladder
Dut of order.
lere is comfort in the knowledge so often
essed , that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root , the
t kidney remedy , fulfils every wish in re-
ng pain in the back , kindeys , liver , blad-
md every part of the urinary passages. It
; cts inability to hold urine and scalding
in passing it , or bad effects following use
mor , wine or beer , and overcomes that
easant necessity of being compelled to
ip many times during the night to urinate.
mild and the extraordinary effect of
mp-Root is soon realized. It stands the
est for its wonderful cures of the most
essing cases. If you need a medicine you
Id have the best. Sold by druggists.pnce
cents and one dollar. You may have a
) le bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
Mention The Tribune and send your
ess to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton. N.
I he proprietor of this paper guarantees
enuineness of this offer. April 2-1 yr.
eacl the best conn-
newspaper that's
Le McCook Tribune
ery time. j
rOYAi ,
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening
strength and health fulness. Assures the
food against alum and all forms of adul
teration common to the cheap brnnds.
Rovai. Baking Powder Co. , New
Reasons Why Chamberlain's Colic , '
Cholera and Dlarrrjooa Rem
edy Is the Best.
1. Heause it afford * almost instant relief in
case of pain in the stomach , colic and cholera
2. Because it i.s the only remedy that never X
fails in the most severe cases of djsenteryand /
diarrhoea. /
3. Because it is the only remedy that wilf '
cure chronic diarrhoea.
4. Because it is the only remedy that will * *
prevent bilious colic.
5. Because it is the only remedy that will
cure epidemical dysentery.
0. Because it is the only remedy that can
always be depended upon 111 cases of cholera
7. Because it is the most prompt and most '
relJAble medicine 111 use for bowel complaints. I
8. Because it produces no had results.
o. Because it is pleasant and safe to take. *
10. Because it has sa\ed the lives of more
people than any other medicine 111 the world.
The 25 and 50c. sues for sale by L. W. Mc
" onnell & Co. , Druggists.
Go where Fruits are
to be found. That is
% t Knipple's , the leading
ing- grocer , sure.
"Last summer oneof our grand children was /
ick with severe bowel trouble , "says Mrs.E.G. /
Gregory , of Kredenckstown , Mo. "Our doc
or's remedy had failed , then ue tried Cham
erlam's Coiic.Choleraand Diarrhoea Rcinedv
/Inch gave very speedy relief" . For sale by
. . W. McConnell tV Co.Druggists.
Trythat 15 centbox
) aperat TiosTuibuxe
) ffice. Worth 25 els.
Use cheaper grades.
Mr. C. L. Hasbrouck , a druggist at Mendon ,
Iich.saysai ! of the good testimonials thnt
avebeen published by the manufacturer of
hamberlam's Colic , Cholera and Di.urhta
lemedy could be duplicated m that town ,
or sale by L. \ \ . McConnell iV < o. , Druggist.
A § 7.50 Churn for f
> 55 the celebrated Cy- - J
lone , at Knipple's.
You may hunt the world o\er and vou will
) t fnicl another medicine equal to Chamber '
in s Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
r bowel complaints. It is pleasantsafe and
liable , her sale by L. W. McConnell & Co.
Full line Crockery
t Knipple's. /
John Griffin of Zanesville , O. , says : "I never
ed a day for thirty years without sufferinc
ony , until a box of Deitt's Witch Hazel 1
lve cured my piles. " For Dies ! and rectal J
mbles , cuts , bruises , sprains , eczema and all M
in troubles Dett itt's Witch Hazel Sahe is M
equalled. A. McMillen.
Inavale cheese , very J
ne , at Knipple's. ]
lI crave but One Minute , " said the public J
jaker in a hnsky voice ; and then he took a
e of One Minute Cough Cureand proceed- 1
with his oratory. One Minute Cough Cure M
! Sn at and 1Unfr trou ! esA - I
Western Star Wash- I
e , $4 , at Knipple's. 1
* " ? ? and lhe time
mend to , COld 1S when ] t starts. Don't 1
it till have
you consumption but prevent it
using One Minute Cough Cure , the ereat / I
jedy for cough , colds , croup , bronchftifS < I
throat and lung troubles. A. McMillen. 1
If yon want Fruits 1
3 where they are 1
ept. At Knipple's , * * v 1
" " *
: course. j
They don't make much fuss about it"V I
speaking of DeWitt s Little Early Riser , I
famous little pills for constipation bilious ' 1
i-llSJSSStroubles The Ss I
Plumber and 1 j
Steam Fitter | J '
, ! ' ° . Lead , and Sewer Pipe. Brass 1 A J
ioods Pumps , and BolerTrimming , , . 7 1
Sent for Hahrday.Waupun , Eciipse \ 1
" m ' 8aSement0f the Me * er9 ' - ' 1
'hiliips building. 1