The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 23, 1897, Image 3

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    * ; , * a'aB > " * J' ' > J
g-jfoi. - < - " ' • • * "
- nnTTTrir-r T rjri r T"r a :
IK Wales' Tear-Old Grandson.
| 1B The baby which may some day become -
\ \ . come King of England Beems to have
bBorne positlvo merits. There could bo
\ % no nicer baby nor one more bright and
j & forward , considering that he has just
If completed his first year. Of course
S4 | 4 he has already seen a good deal , and . te '
fl | always taken down to the drawing-
\jk room twice a day. In the evening he
f wears silk slips of different colors
IS * covered with lace , and shoes to match.
V * It is quite a sourse of amusement to
& m the dwellers in York House , where its
\ y parents live , that the baby is far more
a * affable to its father than mother. InS -
S | \ deed , the little fellow already shows
11 t likes and dislikes. When Mrs. Glad-
n \ stone recently called he assaulted her
jfjr with infantile violence , and notwith-
JM standing all the coaxing entreaties of
# H his nurse , dealt out blows with his tiny
\ 5 fists. Mrs. Gladstone laughed heartily ,
> \ and tells the story as a capital one to
J 1 her friends. Baby , by the way , is still
rtjp accompanied on his walks by a police-
JfrR \ man.
Visitor * to Lincoln I'urk In Cltleaco
1 1 Will be dolijjhtod with the souvenir book
&lr of this beautiful spot now being distributed
gjj by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
lW % I Railway Company. Jt is a magnificent
f > publicat'on of 1KJ pages full to overflowing
* \ with delicious half tone pictures of one of
I | Creation's most charming places of resort
'JL for citizens of the Great Republic.
TR No stranger visiting Chicago should be
iff\ without a copy of tlio "Souvenir of Lincoln
If R \ Park. " It can onlv bo procured by enclos-
Mlr \ ing twenty-five < 2o ) cents , in coin or post-
KL / ago stamps , to Goo. H. Heafford. general
* § # ? passenger agent , 410 Old Colony Building ,
\V/ Chicago. 111.
Ho Wanted to Know.
"Aro you the proprietor of this
J restaurant ? " said the rn-n who had
waited for his order until ho became
i i "Yes , sir. What can 1 do for you ? "
? H. "You can give me some inforraa-
| lion. I want to kiuw whether you
I have told the waiter to stay away so
II that you can bring1 in a bill for lodg-
| vv ing against ma"
wET To Colorado Springs and Pueblo.
I * Burlington ltontn via Denver.
mh A through Sleeping car to Colorado
I Jk , Springs and Pueblo via Denver is attached
IJ to Burlincton Route dailv train leaving
R * 5 3hi-ingol0C0p. m. Office , 211 Clark St.
* " * Breezy Bits of Thought.
' China Is the biggest crop Japan has
1 ever harvested ,
j Turkey must he up and Bedouin to
stop the looting of her Arabs.
All the same , duck trousers are not
the things to go into water with.
! The diplomat who knows something
i should not open his mouth , for fear
what he knows may escape.
Indianapolis people want the horse-
hitching posts removed from their
streets. They have a country village
Hall's Catarrh Cure
I JL. Is taken internally. Price , 75c.
I Jf Tite Yeixow Kid Magazoje is a new
I W publication in New York , by Howard ,
T\ Anslee & Co. , 23S William street. It is
M V published fortnightly at SI a year , or
H * L sold at five cents a copy , the only mag-
f azine in this country of its scope and
d c
K yp * originality at such a low price. The
m $ * \ Yellow Kid is profusely illustrated and
HH is original and entertaining through
Hb out. It promises to become a highly
H popular publication and to rapidly ac-
K quire an immense circulation. A sam-
HB' pie copy will start the laugh all along
KK the line and bid defiance to the blues.
jjEi Coe'n Couch Bnlmtra
| y Is the oldest and best. It. wilt break np a cold quicker
Hl % than anything else It Is always reliable. Try it.
B A Yolnmlnoas and Intricate.
m 7 "Ah , ha ! " said the old college man , as
HH \ he picked up a sheet of paper and ex-
Iw * amined it closely , "it's been a year since
H I saw a table of logarithms. "
Hb "That isn't a table of logarithms , "
HjL said his friend , snatching the paper
H 1 * away. "That's the score of this morn-
fcing's cricket match. "
S / Thil ) . I all crorrrs will refund you. money If
H m f j-ou are . it Batisued with It.
H W Talked Religion to . a Sleepy Ilnsband.
I I A South Dakota doctor got a divorce
H S a few days ago at Yankton , because
UlW when his wife became a member of the
Hl church she proceeded to make life a
PPt " burden to the doctor by trying to con-
W \ vert him. It was related by him that
L \ she would wake him up in the middle
HI of the night to deliver sermons to him.
B z' To Cnro Constipation Forever.
| X Take Cascarcts Cannv Cathartic. 10c or 25a
K \ IICCC. fail to cure. drucii&t& refund money.
A Bnffalo Horror.
V By the upsetting of a steam yacht in
Afe * ' the .harbor at Buffalo , X. Y. , nine peo-
KL' pie were drowned , all but two .of whom
H\ . were business men of the city. The
H * craft keeled over while turning around.
b m
tiWiiiiiiiLiSnTniiiiif ( iloiii i mi I mi iwmiiwwra WMM amu I mi iii i iini w n
A Fair Invretment.
"Hero , " complained the aggrieved
father , "I have spent nearly $15,000 oz
that girl's education , and now she goes
and marries a J2,500-a-year clerk. "
"Well , " said the friend of the family ,
"isn't that all of 15 per cent on your
Investment ? What more do you want ? "
Dancer Ahead.
At this time of yenr the stomach and entire -
tire digestive system is deranged causiug
indigestion , weakness , drowiness and gen-
orallndisposition. Don't go to sleep while
there is danger ahead. Your system needs
renovating to prevent fevers and other
dangerous diseases. Take Dr. Kay's Ren
ovator in time and we will guarantee
you will not hove fever. It strikes to the
root of the matter and removes the cause.
It regulates the stomach , bowels and liver
so gently and pleasantly and yet cures a
larger per cent of cases than any remedy
ever discovered. It cures the worst case *
of indigestion , constipation and chronic
diseases. It is pleasant and easy to take.
Price , by mail , postage prepaid , 25cts. and
81. If your druggist docs not have it don't
take some inferior article which he says
is "just as good , " but send to us for the
medicine or "Dr. Kay's Home Treatment. "
a valuable OS-page free book with 50
recipes. Address Dr. B. J. Kay Medical
Co. , Omaha , Neb.
Marrying "n 8JS0 a Month.
Yesterday a young man asked mo if
it would be safe for him to marron
$500 and a salary of $50 per month. I
told him I could tell better when I saw
the girl. There are girls who have
grown up in ease and who have kicked
great black and blue welts in the lap
of luxury , yet who are more ready and
willing to accept a little rough weather
than the poor girl who has stood for
eighteen years looking out through the
soiled window of life waiting for the
rain to rinse it off and let the sunlight
through that she might see her approaching
preaching lord. Bill Kye.
Aliont French Journalism.
The following , says the New York
Sun , is the explanation given by the
Paris correspondent of the Independ
ence Beige for not sending to that pa
per an account of a garden party at the
residence of President Faure : "I must
say a word , even if a day late , about the
charming fete given yesterday at the
Elysee by Mme. Felix Faure. I was
there and I stayed there ; that is the rea
son why I could not send any account
of the function. That is my only ex
cuse , and it is the strongest proof of
the charm of the evening which we all
passed there. "
Enterprises of Great Pith and Moment
Have , ere now. had their currents "turned
awry , " as Hamlet says , by an attack ot dys
pepsia. Napoleon failed to improve his ad
vantage at Austerlitz in consequence , it is
said , of Indigestion brought on by some in-
dlscretion"in eating. In order to avoid dys
pepsia abstain from over-indulgence , and
precede the'meal with a wineglas ful of Hos-
tetter's Stomach Bitters , more effective than
any dietetic in Improving the tone of tha
stomach. Liver complaint , chills and fever ,
and rheumatism are annihilated by the Bit
Try Graln-O.
Ask your grocer today to show you
a package of GRAIN-O , the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without
injury as well as the adult. All who
try it like it GRAIN-0 has that rich
seal brown of Mocha or Java , but it is
made from pure grains , and the most
delicate stomach receives it without
distress. % the price of coffee.
15 cents and 25 cents per package.
Sold by all grocers. Tastes like cof
fee. Looks like coffee.
This Town Protects Cyclists.
At last a place has been found where
the poor bicyclist is protected. It is in
the town of Chicopee , Mass. , and any
person found throwing into the street
ashes , glass , crockery , scrap-iron , tacks ,
nails or anything that might injure the
tires of bicycles will be prosecuted.
Shako Into Your Shoe * .
Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder for the
feet. It cures painful , swollen , smart
ing feet and instantly takes the sting
out of corns and bunions. It is the
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting
or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating , callous and hot ,
tired , aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold
by all druggists and slioe stores. By
mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package
FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted , L *
Key , N. Y.
After Bloomers In Georgia.
The advent of bloomers has caused an
old law to be dug up in Georgia , which
prohibits men from wearing women's
dresses and women from wearing men's
Ko-To-Bac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure.jiakea weak
men strong , blood pure. 50c. CI. All druceista.
"Without life , death wouldn 't be
worth dying.
3Ir . Wlitilow'i Sothlne Sjrnp
For rhildron teethinR.sof tens the sruos.rednces inflanv
matiou , allays pain , cures wind colic 2a cents a bottle.
Some men have corns on their souls
and their bodies hurt them.
m\ j | How Old are You ? ip
| & "STou need not answer the question , madam , C
/P \
B tL lllil for * n yQur case age is not counted by years. It fp | |
JHLS&f0k " alvra3TS be true that "a woman is as oldp v
- fc \ fp | as she looks. " Nothing sets the seal of age fP | |
deeply upon woman's beauty as gray hair. / \
It is natural , therefore , that every woman is | /
anxious to preserve her hair in all its original S \
abundance and beauty ; or , that being denied
the crowning gift of beautiful hair , she longs | |
_ . to possess it. Nothing is easier than to attain g
Btf' ( flU ° "s " or * ° Preserve it , if already mM '
H possessed. Ayer's Hair Vigor restores gray %
/ \
ll • " WM " or faded hair to its original color. It does this wgw
H % * % by simply aiding nature , by supplying thepsv
- - - Hp | nutrition necessary to health and growth. | | P
V ' /f / % There is no better preparation for the hairp | \
f | ' j | AYER'S HAIR VIGOR. •
H" - J - > , ; 1 . , jrkiif&ii8jfl | | ' - ' • - ' -
M M Mi 1
General Understanding that Ther TVlll
Be No KfTort to Secure Consideration
of the Treaty llurlne ; the Present
Session Expression of
Hawaiian Annexation.
Washington , July 15. The Senate
committee on foreign relations agreed
to-day to report a resolution for the
ratification of the Hawaiian annexa
tion treaty without amendment.
O' the eleven members of the comm -
m * • onl3' beven were present. These
w _ .Messrs. Davis , Cullom , Foraker ,
Clark , Morgan , Turpie and Daniel ,
and all of these but Messrs. Turpie
and Danil cast their votes for the
resolution of ratification. Mr. Frye ' s
vote was also cast in that interest by
Mr. Davis , Mr. Fryc having left in
structions to that effect
Messrs. Daniel and Turpie did not
take a positive stand in opposition to
the treat- , but both expressed the
opinion that it was not expedient nor
consistent with the vast importance of
the subject that the treaty should be
pressed to immediate consideration ,
and that if the Senate was not to take
the subject up at the present session
the better course would be to leave it
in committee until the Senate should
be prepared to proceed with its consid
Mr. Turpie expressed himself as in
clined to favor the treaty , but thought
it should be amended. He , however ,
withheld his amendments upon the
suggestion that the majority would
consider it preferable to have the
amendments offered in the Senate.
There was a general understanding
that the committee should make no
effort to secure the consideration of
the treaty durinjr the present session.
Minnesota Pardon Hoard Declines to Re-
leave the Missouri Outlaivs.
St. Paul , Minn. , July 15. After an
extended hearing on the petition for
the pardon of Cole and Jim Younger ,
the surviving members of the Missouri
outlaw ban 1 who attempted to raid a
bank at Xorthfield , Minn. , in 1STG , the
state board of pardons , consisting of
the governor , attorney general and
chief justice , yesterday afternoon re
fused , by unanimous vote , to grant
the requested relief , declaring their
belief that the Youngdrs should com
plete their term of life imprisonment.
Contrary to expectations , the board
gave out a statement of its reasons in
denying pardon. It is as follows.
A sensational feature of the proceed
ings before the board yesterday after
noon was an intimation that the Min
nesota authorities still hoped to bring
Frank James to trial. Several who
protested against the pardon urged
that the Younger boys might testify
against their former comrades. If
such evidence could be secured Un
declared they would try to get a re
quisition for Frank James and bring
him to Minnesota to answer for his
share of the Northfield raid.
The President Sends a Long : List of
State Nominations to the Senate.
"Washington , July 15. The Presi
dent to-day sent the following nomi
nations to the Senate :
To be ministers William L. Merry
of California , to Nicaragua , Costa Eica
and San Salvador : H. N. Allen of Ohio ,
to Corea ; Perry M. DeLeon of Georgia ,
to Ecuador.
To be consuls William L. Sewell of
Ohio at Toronto , Ontario ; Edward H.
Ozum of Minnesota at Stuttgart , Ger
many ; Henry W. Diedrich of the Dis
trict of Columbia at Madgeburg ,
Germany ; Charles W. Erdman of Ken
tucky at Furth. Germany ; Samuel E
Magill of Illinois at Tampico , Mexico ;
George J. Corey of Illinois at Amster
dam , Netherlands ; Genviile James of
New York at Prescott. Ontario. Rad-
eliffe H. Ford of Maine at Yarmouth.
Nova Scotia ; Frederick W. Hossfeld of
Iowa at Trieste , Austria ; John C. Co
vert of Ohio at Lyons , France ; William
K. Anderson of Michigan at Hanover ,
Mail Carriers Erozen to Death.
Port Townsend , Wash. , July 15. A
letter just received here from Alaska
brings particulars of a terrible death
of the three men , Blackstone ,
Bottcher and Mollique , who were
frozen to death while endeavoring to
carry mail from Sunrise City across
the glacier to Prince William sound.
Of forty-six horses taken to Cook's in
let country last season for use in pack
trains only four survived the winter.
Mrs. Hay's Narrow Escape.
London , July 15. Mrs. Hay , the
wife of the United States ambassador ,
had a narrow escape from serious ac
cident yesterday. While driving with
Colonel Hay , the pole of an omnibus
penetrated the panel of the carriage
at a point where Mrs -Hay's head had
rested only a moment before. Had
she not shifted her position when she
did a fatal iujury would have been
almost unavoidable. The driver oi
the omnibus has been arrested.
The Champion of Silver to See the
Workings of Free Coinage.
Sat.t Lake , * Utah. July 1 = 5. It is
stated on excellent authority that W.
J. Bryan , shortly after the adjourn
ment of the Transmississippi congress ,
will make a tour of Mexico in com
pany with some Texas friends. This
tour will not be solely for pleasure ,
but will be for the purpose cf gather
ing some data for use in the campaign
for the free coinage of silver.
i iin in. i i. < in n nniimiin TiMWHTWiTMewpata1
The National Itepubllcan League Will
Go to Nebraska.
Detboit , Mich. , July 15. The Re
publican league convention has se
lected Omaha as the place for the next
meeting. For president Leonard J.
Crawford of Kentucky was chosen.
The resolutions declare unfaltering
allegiance "to the principles and pol
icies of the party of protection ,
sound money , reciprocity and pa
triotism , as expresssd in the
St Louis platform , " and con
tinue : "The faith which prompted the
nomination and election of William
McKinlej'and a Republican Congress
has been justified , and we congratu
late the country upon the evidences of
returning prosperity. We pledgeanew
the organized effort of league men
throughout the Union of the party of
Abraham Lincoln. "
The platform commends the Presi
dent and Congress in sending a mone
tary commission to European nations ;
for inaugurating measures for the an
nexation of Hawaii and for an attitude
upon the Cuban matter that has tend
ed to lessen Spanish atrocities in that
island President Cleveland's civil ser
vice chances are vigorouslj * condemned
and a modification of the rules and
provisions of that law are favored in
the "interest of good service and to
correct the injustice' " alleged to have
been thus psrpetrated. Restriction of
immigration is favored and sympathy
expressed with the miners and other
Inhering men in their struggles for
living wajjes.
Discusses the Yonncer Pardon Refusal
The Result Not Unexpected.
St. Louis , Mo. , July 15. Asked
whether the alleged silence of the
Youngers in the face of repeated ques
tions about the killing of Cashier Hey-
wood did not indicate that they were
prejudicing their own case and prac
tically sacrificing their liberty to pro
tect some of their former associates ,
Frank James said that such an infer
ence in his case would be unjust ; that
he had been a law-abidintr citizen ever
since his surrender and that any testi-
mon3 * connecting his name with the
robbery or murder was false.
Mr. James idded : "Between Cole
and Jim Younger and liberty was
placed a barrier which to have crosse-d
would have been dishonor in their own
eyps. To them , imprisonment , with
all of its sacrifices , was preferable tea
a life in the open air , knowing that
the price of that freedom was either
the imprisonment of a friend or the
desecration of the memory of a friend
long dead. "
The former bandit concluded that he
had at no time thought that the broth
ers would be pardoned and had so told
Captain Uronausrh.
Indians Try to Assassinate a Montana
Deputy Sheriff
Miles Citt , Mont. , July 15. A num
ber of Cheyenne Indians attacked the
home of Matt Winter , near the reser
vation , firing several shots into the
house. Mrs. Winter and her children
and a hired man. who were in the
house , fled by the rear way and es
caped without injury.
Winter was one of the deputy shsr-
ifts who accompanied Sheriff Gibbs to
help arrest Little Whirlwind not long
ago , and it was the general opinion at
that time that he would be killed by
the Cheyennes.
Edhein Pasha and TnrkUh Officers Pre
pare for Active Service.
London , July lO. Advices from Con
stantinople indicate that the sultan is
obdurate regarding the acceptance of
the peace proposals. Edhem Pasha is
hastening back to Domokos and the
furloughs of all Turkish officers have
been canceled in readiness for a re
newal of hostilities.
The foreign ambassadors to Turkey
are recognizing that further verbal re
monstrance is useless and are not in
clined to continue diplomatic proceed
ings until they know in what way
coercion is to be annliod
The Western Railroad Builder Passes
Away Suddenly.
Chicago , July 15. Thomas D. Hast
ings of this city , who was summering
at the Hotel Colorado , Glenwood
Springs , Colo. , with his wife and two
daughters , died suddenly there last
night. He was a retired capitalist.
Mr. Hastings was interested in rail
road building all his life and con
structed many of the roads west of the
Missouri river. The town of Hastings.
Neb. , was named after him. Previous
to coming to this city he lived for
many years in St. Joseph , Mo. . St.
Louis and Kansas City , in which city
he wa well known.
Wool Importations Heavy.
Washington , July 15. Reports re
ceived at the treasury department
show that the importations of raw
wool at Boston , New York and Phila
delphia , which ports enter about 0C
per cent of all the wool brought into
the United States , amounted during
June to 33,2S 1,775 pounds , or 10,965.910
pounds less than in May , but 27,905 , -
590 pounds more than in June , 1896.
Expelled Councils Organize a New Order
at St. LjuIs Conspiracy Talk.
St. Louis , Mo. , July 15. The A. P.
A. councils expelled by the state judi
ciary board decided not to appeal , and
organized the True American league.
The constitution affirms allegiance to
the principles of the A. P. A. as enun
ciated by its founder , H. F. Bowers ,
and by ex-President Traynor. The
ioliowing officers were elected : Presi
dent , Edward Upton ; vice president ,
F. W. Gifford of Kansas City ; secre
tary , J. Leshman.
Ttvo Men Sworn to Kill the Young Man
Pursuing Him Unrelentingly Steel
Armor Constantly Worn and
Trusted Cnurds Always on
Assassins Seeking u Prince.
New York , July IP. The Journal
and Advertiser says : "Prince Euie
Wha , heir apparent to the throne of
Corea , is said to be in danger of losing
his life. This young Corean arrived
in America several months ago , osten
sibly to complete his education in an
American college ; in reality he came
to avoid hired assassins , who have fol
lowed him. Despite the fact that the
United States offers to the prince a
refuge far more secure than his native
country , he is continually dodging
men who are hired-by the Corean Pro
gressive part } ' , which is against the
present dynasty , to kill him.
"The prince is believed to be in
Washington at present. The mem
bers of his suite go armed to the teeth.
The secret service officers and the po
lice of San Francisco and Washington
and , possibly , New York , though this
has been denied , have been instructed
to look out for his safety.
"The prince is the son of the king
by a former union. The queen has
been assassinated , the mother of the
young man has been killed , and others
interested in the royal family of Corea
have gone to their last home on ac
count of this youth.
"A Japanese secret service officer , at
present in New York , who is perfectly
familiar with the affairs of Prince
Euie Wha , tells the following story of
the troubles of the young man : 'The
young prince is a general favorite
wherever he goes , and while in this
city at the Waldorf he made many
friends. But he has a marked pe
culiarity ; he wears the look of a
hunted man. Since his birth , in 1885 ,
assassins have tried to take his life.
The king , believing he would be safer
in the United btates than in Corea ,
sent him here , and he has been fol
lowed by two men who have sworn to
take his life , and if he gets
back to Corea alive it will be be
cause Corean assassins have lost their
cunning. These would-be assassins
are believed to be in San Francisco at
present. Both are Coreans , although
they pass themselves off for Japanese.
One of them is a round-faced , heavil--
built man , with a very kindly expres
sion of countenance. He is such a flu
ent Japanese scholar as to deceive
even the native Japanese , and his mis
sion here is not suspected save by the
detectives who have been informed of
it. He was a fellow conspirator of the
unfortunate Kim O Klum , who was
lured to Shanghai shortly before the
outbreak of the war between China
and Japan and there murdered by an
emissary from the Corean court named
Hong , who is now colonel in the im
perial body guard and vice minister of
home affairs. He has a double object
revenge the death of his friend as well
as to put the prince out of the uav.
The would-be assassin was at one
time a cabinet minister of the Corean
court The prince is in mortal dread
of the minister ; he knows he is fol
lowed , but he does not know who is
following him. ne never leaves off
his coat of mail , which is made of the
very finest Corean steel wire , except
when in bathing. It will not with
stand the force of a bullet , but there
is no knife that can pierce it , and it is
only a knife that the prince is afraid
of. The cause of this desire to end
the career of the prince lies in the
idea of the Progressive partv in Corea
that the king and his son are too far
behind the times. Undoubtedly , the
king will be assassinated before long
and the design is to have the young
man out of the way when this comes
to pass. '
An Old Member of Congress and So !
dier , from Illinois. Passes Away.
Washington. July 16. General John
F. Farnsworth died here yesterday
afternoon , aged 77 years. He was a
Canadian by birth , but in early life re
moved to Michigan , where he wa
educated and admitted to the bar.
Subsequently he went to Chicago and
was elected to and ser. 'ed in Congress
as a Republican from 1S. > 7 to 1SGJ.
when he became colonel of the Eighth
Hlinois cavalry. Later , by order of
the war department , he raised the
Seventeenth Illinois regiment and was
commissioned brigadier general in No
vember , 1S62 , but owing to injuries re
ceived in the field was compelled U-
resign from the army in March , 1eGs :
He then went to St. Charles , 111. , and
from 1863 to 1S73 was again a member
of Congress. Since the latter date he
bad been engaged in the practice of
law in this city.
A Cleveland Tin Plate .Mill Closed.
Cleveland , O. , July 16. The Cres
cent Tin Plate mill closed in every de
partment this morning. The heaters
refused to go to work and without
them it was impossible to operate the
mill All the heaters were taken into
the Amalgamated Iron and Steel asso
ciation last night. The mill may be
closed until the settlement of the
Will Exhibit at 1'arls.
Minneapolis , Minn. , July 16. The
Association of American Colleges of
Agricultural and Experimental Sta
tions decided to make an exhibit at
' the. Paris exposition in 1900 and a com
mittee was named to make the neces
sary arrangements.
Forger Commits Suicide.
Ashland. Wis. , July 16. R. C. Heyd-
lauff , arrested for forgery cf county
orders , committed suicide by shootinj.
himself yesterday morning. j
' " " " " * ' " " " ' " • - " - ' s B
Coffin on a Trolley Car. |
An unusual sight was wltntBed on |
a Brooklyn trolley car heading toward |
a cemetery. An employe of a well- |
known undertaker was seen carrying |
the body of a baby in a coffin , which I
was wrapped In a blanket , on the car. |
There was considerable excitement |
among the pasencers for a while , but
no attempt on the part ot the conductor
was made to collect an additional fare.
This is the cheapest funeral on record. j ;
Dr. Kay's renovator is certain to cleanse
and invigorate the whole hyhteiu. Trial
sire , 125c. See advt.
Idleness is only the refuge of weak
minds and the holiday of fools.
For Luns and chest diseases PifO's Cure
is the Lest inediciuo wo have iikh ! Mrs. J.
L. Northcott , Windsor , OnC , Canada.
Some of the feasts of Lucullus cost as
much as 56,000.
Kdocato Vour ISovrelc With Cascaret * .
Candy Cathartic , cure constipation forever.
I0c If C C. C. fail , druzcists refund money.
Thomas Cosgate introduced the fork
into England about 1010.
\ The Bicycle
( 1897 GOLUKBIAS AT $75. ?
S "Standard of the World. c
< 1896 Golumbias . . . at $60. I
I 1897 Hartfords. . . . at 50. i
I Hartford Pattern2 . . .at 45. )
< Hartford Pattern I. . . at 40. )
5 Hartford Patterns 5 and 6. at 30. ( j
) These are the new prices. S
5 They have set the whole S '
\ bicycle world talking S
; and buying. I
I POPE MFG. CO. , Hartford , Conn. <
y Catalog free from anjr 1'ulnmMi. tlaler , J '
JJ bjmall for a 2- < rut utmnp. V
S100 Tojny Ian.
Of Vfeakneta in Men Tliey Treat and
Fall to Care.
Ac Omaha Company places for the first
time before the public a Mauicm. Tkeat-
mext for the cure of Lost Vitality Nervous
and Sexual Weakness , and Melioration of
Life Force in old and vomit' men No
worn-out French remedy : contain no
Phosphorous or other harmful drugs It is
it WoxnERrci. Tiseatmkxtmagical in its
effects positive in its cure. All readers ,
who are suffering from a weakness that
blights their life , causing that mental and
physical suffering peculiar to Lo- ; Man
hood , should write to the STATE M EDICAL
COMPANY , Omaha , Neb . and the } will
send you absolutely FKEE , a valuable
paper on these diseases , and positive proofs
of their truly Maoical Treatment Thous
ands of men , who have lost all hope of a
cure , are being restored by them to a per
fect condition.
This Magical Treatment may be taken
at home under their directions , or they will
pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who
prefer to go there for treatment , if they
fail to cure. They are perfectly reliable ;
have no Free Prescriptions , Free Cure ,
Free Sample , or C O. D. fake They have
$2r 0,000 capital , and guarantee to cure
every case they treat or refund every dollar ;
or their charges may bo deposited in a
bank to be paid to thern when a cure is
effected. Write thcui today
Thro' Yellowstone
Park on a Bicycle.
Among the geysers , water
falls , lakes and terraces of
Yellowstone Park is where
every true wheelman should
spend his ' 97 holiday. Most
delightful outiag Imagin-
y i i. able. Less expensive than
| fnJVj3MHBj a week at a fashionable
yril summer resort. Good roads
fcyiffffffSI built by the government.
jKnaapw ] Elegant hotels. Tine fish
ing. Splendid air.
Write for booklet contain
ing a map of the Park as
well as full information
about the cost of the trip ,
what to take , what the roads
are hke etc.
J. Francis. Gen'l Pass'r Agent , Burlington
Koute. Omaha. Neb.
Notre Dame , Indiana.
Classics , Letter * . Science , I iw , CiviL Jle-
rhanical and KIec-trica.1 Knjjineeriug.
Thorough Preparatory and Commercial
Courses. Eccle iai-tifal student- fcpti-ial rat * * .
Kooins Fri'C Jiimor or S-im/r } V r. Collegiate
Courses. St. KfiuardV Hall , for t < ojnd r 12.
TnelOTth Term li < > txa September 7th ,
1897. Catalogue Free on api > iiration to
Kev. A. .Morris-.ey. C. is. C , I'rcsident. {
f y CDBEaN. | Vm I5i G for"unnatural
/ Xi l S < J ji.\ I diBcLarcef , in3imniations ,
lrr 1 Guarantied } J irritation ? or uloratiotll
f ) l et " , UKls- of laucotiH raernlran * * .
1 1 " " * ceBt lmI'aiale . and Lot aatrin-
l. 'gtuTHEtYAtsCHEaiau.CS. ? 't or t-olPonoiiH.
T VciNClNKlTI.O.L i Sold by rtisrci t ,
\ \ U. E. A. / | or Fnt in plain wrapper ,
% > w _ Sj\ I , lV xpr ? . prepaid , for
"O * " " "S JO li f , 1 . ' " . < " ' 2lrfttl , | 2.7S.
* * * % • * * Circular etat oz. request.
Pi ! fP I * 1H U 6 Get your Pension
Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension A ent ,
1425 New York Avenue , WASHINGTON , D.C.
D n fCI H f * The best Ked R ° Pe Rooejijtfor
nLlllrlPSil lc-tr cap : and salla ln-
l * * * " * * * ' nrt 'i Snb.t tu e * for Il ter
Sample * free. Tk * txx'xxmujl uoofeh. cc.cac < itos i.
LPsfWa * B quickreliefan < icur > worst
cnsi-s. Send tor book of te-timonUJs and IO days *
treatment free. Br. U.U.DREl3SfcOS3.AUi3ta.a .
CUBED AT HOMEnrf rtunip
# % 14ur9BCB HVe Bcllcilns , ' . Clucinunti , Ohio.
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 30. 1897.
Whin writing to advertiser * kindly mea-
ton this paper.