* IT IS A COLD BLUFF. - TALK ABOUT FOREIGN RETALI ATION ON OUR TARIFF. It Ifa IJcoa Tried llefore Without Success Some of the Kemon Why It Won't Work Voire of Kopublicun I'ross. , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Washington Letter. ) The last feeble cry of the free tra ders regarding the tariff bill is that it will disturb our relations with foreign countries. It Is a last resort and an unsuccessful one. They have been beaten at every point ; have failed in all their arguments and assertions against the bill , so much so that many members of their own party have re fused to vote with them. And now , beeing that this bill is bound to pass , they raise the feeble cry that its pass- uge will affect our relations with other countries. But all this talk does not worry the experienced statesman or diplomat. Similar protests have come to them and to the government time after time in former consideration of tariff measures , and they have been politically received as these are , care fully "filed * ' in a convenient pigeon holes and never heard from afterwards , either in the framing of the bill or in their bearing upon future commercial relations of those countries with the United States. This custom of filing protests against pending tariff measures is altogether a one-sided one , as relates to the United States and the nations which ibave made these protests. Tariff laws come and go with other nations , and the United States pays not the slightest attention. A prospactive system grows apace in Europe and elsewhere , and such nations as France , Germany , Aus tria-Hungary , Spain and others which are now scolding about our proposed new tariff , increase year by year or from period to period their protective 1 tariff rates , but in all these cases the § world over.the United States has never 1 entered a protest of general character I against anybody's tariff laws or pro- 1 posed tariff legislation. There have I been occasions , in which attention of I i'creign governments has been called to certain of their laws or regulations which seemed to bear unjustly upon a single industry in the United States or to discriminate against productions of this country as compared with , those of other countries , but there is ' ro case on record in which the govern ment of the United States has offered any protest to a general tariff measure proposed by other countries which would bear with equal weight upon all nations sending their produce to the irarkets of these countries. That any nation should assume to offer a protest against a proposed law by another nation , which law is to bear • with equal weight upon the produc tions of all nations , article by article , seems rather absurd , .but that these - ' protests should come from nations which themselves have a high and steadily growing protective tariff adds very much to the interest , not to say the importance , of such a proposition. It seems a little Curious , for instance , to observe that Italy , which collects about five million dollars a year tariff on American petroleum , and equally high rates on many other articles , should be offering a protest , either officially or otherwise , against tariff legislation by the United States. Some ' people might suppose it a trifle inap propriate for Germany , fwkich collects a tariff of $285.60 per hundred kilos on certain grades of clothing and 1,200 marks per hundred kilos on other ar- i- tides of a similar character , should be assuming to offer a protest against I K , Trouble for < Tohu Bull. * _ - I tariff measures of any other country. There might seem a slight impropriety in a protest from France , which places j a duty of $289 50 per hundred kilos , on smoking tobacco and 3,600 francs per hundred kilos on cigars or cigarettes. So , also , there might appear reason for criticism upon a protest from Spain , which , in. her tariff , places a trifling duty of 1,300 pesetas on every four- seated coach or calash imported , and 975 pesetas on each omnibus and dili gence. But there is a practical business side to this question of protests against our tariff , and especially as to the proba bility of any action following those protests. It is one thing to make a- Muff while a measure of this character is under consideration , and quite an other to "call" the tariff and commer cial hand of such a nation as the United States , especially under the cir cumstances existing in our commercial relations with those countries which r are reported as hinting at retaliation v In case their protests are not regarded. t--1 ' Among the countries which are report ed as offering objection' ! , either offi- v cially , unofficially or in public prints In reference to our new tariff are Ja pan , China , Austria-Hungary , Ger many , Fiance , Italy , Turkey , Greece , Spain , Netherlands , Switzerland , Ar gentine , Mexico and Canada , and pos sibly Brazil. Less than half this num ber have filed formal protests at the state department , but there has been sundry grumblings and mutterings among the others , either in their leg islative bodies , in the individual utter ances of their representatives here and elsewhere , or in the public press. The practical business question with regard to these people and govern ments is whether they can afford to take any retaliatory steps against a tariff which makes no discrimination as between countries or which does not discriminate against any one of them Individually. If they were to attempt retaliation by adverse legislation which should exclude American prod ucts from their markets or discrimi nate against our productions in any way it would be expected , and very properly , that the United States would return the compliment by excluding or discriminating against the products of the country wnich had taken such ac tion. The practical business results of an occurrence of this kind would be that nearly every one of the countries in question would suffer a greater loss in the sale of her products than would the United States. Of the fifteen coun tries included in the above list thirteen sell more goods to the United States than they buy from us , and the total sales of the fifteen countries in ques tion to the United States are hundreds of millions of dollars greater than are our sales to them. The result would be that if they should undertake to ex clude our goods from their ports simi lar action on our part would cut off a much larger market for their pro ducers than would their action affect the markets of our own producers. An attempt at retaliation by the countries in question , with possibly , two excep tions would therefore be much more disadvantageous to them than to the United States. Hence the improbabil ity that the nations which are offer ing these protests have the slightest expectation that their action will be anything more than a mere bluff or be followed by any attempt at retaliation by them in case their protests are un heeded. A few examples of the commercial ltlations existing between some of the nations in question and the United States will be sufficient to show that there is no probability that they are going to endanger their own business and the markets for their own pro ducers by any steps which might pos sibly close the ports of the United States against their productions. In the statements which follow a ten years' period has been covered in showing the commercial relations be tween the United States and the coun tries in question , in order to give a fair average showing of the sales of those cauntries to people of the United States and the return sales of our products to those countries. It will be observed in the statements which fol low that in practically every case the countries now suggesting retaliation which would affect commercial rela tions have sold us very much more of their productions than we have sold to them , and therefore any action on their part disturbing or closing these relations would cut off a larger mar ket for themselves than they would de stroy for us. Japan has sold to us in the past de cade $212,790,200 worth of goods and bought from us $45,007,117 worth of our productions. China's sales to us in the past ten years are $189,246,849 and her pur chases from us $54,219,710. Austria-Hungary's sales to us in the past ten years are $83,301,4S1 and her purchases from us $10,993,224. The total sales to us of the fifteen countries which are reported as com plaining , formally or otherwise , of our tariff , have been in the past ten years $4,843,943,523 , while the purchases from us in the same length of time have been only $3,059,220,782. Thus they have sold us in the past decade $1 , - 784,722,841 worth of goods in excess * of what they have bought from us , or an average of $178,472,284 per annum. The following table shows our pur chases from and sales to each of the countries in question during the past decade : Imports into U. Exports from S. ( lS8696) U. S. (188696) ( from protestto protest ing countries , ing countries. Gieece $ 10,184,600 $ 1,512,584 Turkey . . . 46,978,714 1,762,357 Argentine . 57,903,788 57,235,505 Austria-H . 83,301,481 10,993,224 Switzer'd . 138,919,678 262,482 China 189,246,849 54,219,710 Italy 207,502,145 143,397,604 Neth'lds * . . 212,743,794 313,708,200 Japan 212,790,200 45,007,117 Mexico 230,772,832 138,162,178 Canada . . . 386,006,478 463,071,742 France . . . . 693,428,892 586,509,386 Brazil 733,723,990 120,677,691 Spain * . . . . 753,660,426 290,355,338 Germany . 868,766,566 832,455,664 Total . . . $4S43,943,523 $3,059,220,7S2 Including colonies. G. H. WILLIAMS. Should Make Our Own. The United States are , of course , the best customer we have for our linens. Out of the 1895 export America took 126,672,400 yards , or considerably more than one-half of the total.and 41,950,700 yards more than she took in 1894 , when her proportion was still more than one- half of the whole. The bulk of the ship ments goes from Belfast , as the prin cipal center of the industry , but Barns- ley , Dundee , and a few other centers contribute to the total. John S. Brown & Sons , Belfast , Ireland. isr- . . . . . . f * * ' r , ' . ; TOM a6SHi _ ww > iHHiiaiaMM | | MM i BBHHHMHHBHMSCI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Facts un to Our Iiicrcaneil Export * * The cold facts as to the cause of the increase in exportatlons of manufac tured goods from the United State3 dur ing the existence of the Wilson law are beginning to come to the surface. Even Democratic papers are now admitting that this abnormal increase in exportu- tions Is due to the fact that manufac turers were either compelled to sell their goods abroad at any price they could get or close their establishments because of the business depression at home and the fact that the home mar ket was filled with foreign manufac tures. The Memphis Scimitar ( Demo cratic ) , discussing this subject , says : "There is every reason to attribute this rapid expansion of this part of our ex port trade during the last few years to the fact that the depression of the home market forced American manu facturers to seek other and foreign fields. The Boston "Journal" also pub lishes a letter from a prominent busi ness man of that city.who says : "There is not a shadow of doubt that the large increase of exports has resulted from the ruinously low prices which have prevailed , caused by stagnation of busi ness and resuhant poverty of the pee ple. - This was brought about by the practical wording of a tariff designed to favor frea trade ideas. " Unc - Sam's Heavy to d. Tariff for Kcvemie Only. Tha Democratic party in 1892 de clared in national convention for a "tariff for revenue only. " In 1894 the Wilson-Gorman tariff became a law , founded on this Democratic precept. How this has operated can best be told by comparing the customs receipts of the Wilson law and the McKinley law for the first thirty-three months of both : Customs Receipts Customs Receipts first 33 months Mclirst 33 months VVil- Kinley Law. son Law. 1S90 1SM. ! October . . . . $21,934,114 Sept'ber . . . . $ 15.5C4.990 Nov'ber . . . 15.227.641 Dctober . . . . 11.962.118 December . 16.1W.533 November . 10,260,692 1S91 181,251,394 December . 11,203.049 1892 191,737,936 IS93 164,432.027 1893. IS96 145,424,963 January . . 21,102.476 1S97. February . 16,936,293 Januarv . . . 11,276,874 March . . . . 19,661,875 February . . 11.5S7.260 April 13,418.638 March 22.833.856 May 15.424.S34 April 24,431.312 June 14,964,391 May 16.SS5.012 Total . . . . $533.767,447 Total . . . . $445.905.19S The decrease under the Wilson bill was only $87,862,249. Kalamazoo Tel egraph. ISuslncsR Improvement. Information from manufacturers of agricultural implements shows a very marked improvement in business con ditions. The outlook for the farmers is better , and the manufacturing indus tries , which furnish improved machin ery for the farmer , are feeling the im petus. This is one very gratifying evi dence of growing good times. Others are appearing on every hand. Good times are coming , and coming as quick ly as they can come safely. Of course the political calamity howl ers will continue to talk , but the force of their complaint is certain to be broken ere long. The Republican par ty in power could not accomplish ev erything in three or four months , but the evidence accumulates that confi dence is returning , that times are be coming better , and that business is beginning to move steadily upward to the broad plane of prosperity occupied by this country prior to the election of Grover Cleveland in November , 1892. Ohio State Journal. Hard for the Clevelandites. Democrats who have borne the bur den and heat of political battles since long before Mr. Bryan was born will find the following catechism , which was posted in a conspicuous place on the walls of Mr. Bryan's New York ho tel , during his recent visit there , pleas ing reading : Q. What is the standard of Democ racy ? A. The Chicago platform. Q. Do all Democrats profess alle giance to that platform ? A. Necessa rily. rily.Q. Q. Are there any other Democrats ? A. No. . Q. Are persons who repudiated thai platform and voted against the candi date of the part } ' entitled to member ship in , or recognition by , Democratic organizations ? A. No. • Q. What are such persons ? A. Bolt ers and traitors. Q. Should they be tolerated in the party organization ? A. No. Interesting Comparisons. It will afford interesting reading tc compare the recent tariff talk of Sena tor Vest , Senator Jones of Arkansas and other Democratic statesmen , with their remarks in 1894 when they votnc against free trade schedules. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b'OE BUYS AND GIKLS. SOME GOOD STORIES FOR OUR ' JUNIOR READERS. How Grandpa Moiled the Kggn The l'lnt or Ale a Day and What Cutiiii of It I Can : I Will Some Interest ing Little SlmtchcM. I.lttlo Miss 1'Igeon. i STw.jjj , AT > i tap , tap ! I heard ! r TTJp at the door , ' ' I lust like a little | fairy knock. II I'd heard it once or = b twice , before p I went to lift the i heavy lock. f wj ] ' "hen there came the yJ funniest thing ! y I looked right out ' into the open air- It really gave me quite a start I thought at nrst there was nothing there. But I found Miss Pigeon had come to call. So I said. "Miss Pigeon , how do you do ? I wasn't expecting you at all. And 'tis really very kind of you ! " But little Miss Pigeon said nothing to me ; She wheeled around "and teetered out ; And I often wonder what It could be That little Miss Pigeon came about ! Tudor Jenlcs. How Grandpa Ho led the Eggs. "It is half-past eleven. " said grandpa , "and the mason will not have the chim ney fixed before three o'clock. " "Then I suppose we must get along with a cold lunch , " said grandma. "Well , " said grandpa , , after a mo ment , "perhaps I can boil some egs. I will try it. " "But isn't it too windy to make a fire out-of-dors ? " asked grandma. "I shall not need a fire , " said grand pa. "That sounds like a joke , " said Edith. "No joke at all , " 3aid grandpa. "Come out and see. And bring the eggs , " he added , "and a can with a tight cover. " "When , a few moments after , grad- ma and Edith went out in the back yard , grandpa was putting some fresh lime into an old pail. He took the 'can of eggs they brought and filled it nearly full of cold water. Then fitting the lid on carefully , he set it in a hollow place he made in the lime. Edith watched him cur iously. "Will the lime burn ? " she asked. "Shall I bring the matches ? " "You forget , " said grandpa , "I was not to use any fire. We'll start it with cold water. " "Now I know you're joking ! " said Edith. "Wait a moment , " said grandpa , "and you'll see. " He poured in the water and put a board over the pail. "Oh ! " cried Edith , when a very short time it began to bubble and steam as if a hot fire were burning under the pail and "Oh ! " she cried a great deal louder , when a white , creamy mass ramc pouring over the top and down the sides of the pail. It did not last long. In six minutes the bubbling had almost stopped , so grandpa took a long iron dipper and gently lifted out the can , all coated with the lime. He rinsed it off , then opened it and took out the nice white eggs ; and when they broke them at lunch they found them cooked just exactly right. Short Lesson In Natural History. Our lesson this morning is about one of the most gorgeously dressed , and handsomest of all parrots , the Blue Mountain Lory , which inhabits the great plains in New South Wales. It lives principally upon the pollen and nectar of the gum trees of that coun try among the branches of which it lives , rarely descending to the ground. When there is a scarcity of the pollen and nectar , it w. ill eat grass seeds and insects , and it is for the lack of these natural foods that it frequently dies in captivity. The first pair of these birds import ed to this country was in 1870 , but al though they are so beautiful , they are not a very desirable bird to keep , as they require so much care , you need never be surprised to find them dead , A bird fancier says on this subject that any one whose susceptible nature would be shocked by the sudden death of their favorite bird should not be come the owner of a Blue Mountain Lory. Aunt Patience saw one at an exhibi tion in Pittsburg some years ago. Its mate had died suddenly a few days before , and it seemed so sad and mel ancholy , and ate so little , that it was thought it would die of grief. Besides being pretty they are a very graceful and active bird , and have amusing ways , which make them very interest ing. " 1 Can. I Will. " A professor of mathematics in one cf our largest colleger- , whose reputa tion as a mathematician is very high , began his career under the inspiration .1 of "I can and I will. " A writer In an exchange tolls the story : "I knew a boy who wna preparing to enter the junior class of the Now York university. Ho was studying trigonometry , and I gave him thrcp examples for his next lesson. The fol lowing day he came Into my room to demonstrate Ms problems. Two of them ho understood , but the third n very difficult one he had not perform ed. I said to him. "Shall I help you ? " "No , sir ; I can and will do It If you give me time. " "I said , 'I will give you all tie time you wish. ' " The next day he came Into my room to recite another lesson in the same study. "Well , Simon , have you worked that example ? " "No , sir , " he answered ; "but I will do it if you will give me a little more time. " "Certainly ; you shall have all the time you desire. " I always like those boys who are de termined to do their own work , for they make our best scholars and men. too. The third morning you should have seen Simon enter my room. I knew he had it. for his whole face told the story of his success. Yes , he had it , notwithstanding It Vad cost him many hours of hard work. Not only had he solved the problem , but what was of much greater import ance , he had begun to develop mathe matical power. About a Cowardly ISeur. No doubt some of our boys would like to go hunting the sloth bear. If om seeing it the young hunter concludes that he doesn't like hunting much af ter all. why , he can run away , and there is little danger of the bear hug ging him to death , as grizzly would do. The sloth bear is found in the mountains of India , where it burrows into the earth like a rablt and lives on ants , honey , rice and other light food. It is called ursus labiatus , from its long lips , and it earns its name , "sloth" bear , because it has jaws and teeth like the sloth. Ordinarily it is very timid , but when wounded or when its young are interfered with it will fight as savagely as a grizzly. When alarmed the young bears mount their mother's back and she scrambles away with them. The Pint of Ale John. It is a difficult matter to one accus tomed to small daily indulgences to realize the expense thus incurred. A Manchester ( England ) calico printer was asked on his wedding day by his shrewd wife to allow her two half pints of ale a day as her share of home comforts. John made the bar gain cheerfully , feeling it hardly be came him to do otherwise , inasmuch as he drank two or three quarts a day. The wife kept the home tidy , and all went well with them , but as she took the small allowance each week for household expenses , she never forgot the "pint of ale , John. " When the first anniversary of their wedding came , and John looked around on his neat home and comely wife , a longing to do something to celebrate the day took possession of him. "Mary , we've had no holiday since we were wed , and only that I haven't a penny in the world , we'd take a jaunt to the village and see the moth er. " "Would thee like to go , John ? " she asked. There was a tear with her smile , for it touched her heart to hear him speak tenderly , as in the olden times. "If thee'd like to go , John , I'll stand treat. " "Thou stand treat , Mary ! Hast got a fortin left thee ? " "Nay , but I've got the pint of ale , " said she. "Got what ! wife ? " "The pint of ale. " she replied. Whereupon she went to the hearth , and from beneath one of the stone flags , drew out a stocking , from which she poured upon the tajale the sum of three hundred and sixty-five three pences ( $22.81) , exclaiming : "See , John , thee can have the holi day. " "What is this ? " he asked in amaze. "It is my daily pint of ale , John. " He was conscience stricken as well as amazed and charmed. "Mary , hasn't thee had thy share ? Then I'll have no more from this day. ' And he was as good as his word. ! ' They had the holiday with the old mother , and Mary's little capital , saved , from "the pint of ale , " was the seeo from which , as the years rolled on grew shop , factory , warehouse , coun try seat and carriage with health , hap piness , peace and honor. Selected. For His Own Good. A Massachusetts man recently trien to get a divorce from his wife because she called him "a fool , " "an idiot. ' and "a brute , " and told him he "hadn't ' sense enough to know when he was in sulted. " The court held , however , that , though the husband was affected in juriously in his health to some extent , the wife was moved in part "by what seemed to her good motive and by a desire for his success in life. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Education * . 4 > i Attention of the reader Is called to J m the announcement of Notre Dame unl- Mm vorslty in another column of this paper. ErJm\ \ This noted institution of learning en- /s _ I ters upon its fifty-fourth year with the ALVlf next sesjlon , commencing Sept. 7,1897. * Sr | Parents and guardians contemplating KP sending their boys and young men I jf away from home to school would do ' f ) well to write for particulars to the Unl- n vorslty of Notre Dame , Indiana , before ffl , making arrangements for their education - \ A tion elsewhere. Nowhere in this broad / . land are there to be found better facilities - I ities for cultivating the mind and heart \ than are offered at Notre Darao Uni versity. - • Ufo Iniiurnnco In Knn B . Not one life Insurance company 13 now doing business In Kansas. The statutory conditions are so onerous that all have withdrawn. The State Bank ing Life association , of Des Moinc3 , Iowa , was the last and only one in the ? field , and it has just permitted Its li cense to lapse rather than fllo a $50,000 bond and make a deposit with the Htato treasurer of 10 per cent of all assess ments. Iteal Warm Weatlior. Kost and Comfort. There is a powder to bo Hlmkon into the sliooa cnllcd. Allen's Foot-Kaho , invented by . j Allen S. Olmsted , Lo Hey , N. Y. . which ' druggists and shoe dunlora say in the bosC thing they Imvo over sold to euro hwoIIoii , ' burning , sere ami toudor or aching foot. * Some dealers claim that it makes tight or * L new hIiook feel oa.sy. It certainly will euro 5 corns and bunions and relieve instantly fa sweating , hot or turnrting feet. It costs q only a qimrtor , nnd the inventor will send 4 a t-amplo free to any nddroM" . 1 Stuck Up but Not Proud. k „ * "Although I'm stuck up , I'm not proud , " as the lly said when he crawled out of the molasses pitcher. Don't Tobacco Spu uau omjku Vour Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever , bo mag netic , full of llfcm-rviand \ Igor , take No-To- Hrc. the wonder-worker , that makrs weak men strong. All druggists. 50c or SI. Guru , guaranteed. Itonklotand satnplo free. Address Sterling Kemcdv < % > . . Ghli'ico or New York. Women dehire sympathy , men prefer help. COULD NOT EAT The Affliction Which Dcfcll a Fort Scott Lady. FORT SCOTT , KAN. "I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla for dyspcp3ia and . ' ' to purify my blood , with excellent results. . ' I was so that I could not eat anything / without distress , but since taking a few bottles of Hood's Saranparilla my food does not distress me , and I have felt better in every way. I believe it to be the best of blood medicinesand gladly recommend it to others. " Eva Ckaicj. Hao 'o T > i\\c are tasteless , mild.effec- IIOUU b Killtive. . All druggists , :5c. Our Agents J either this Suit or ifc 'JS Overcoat for SC/fi $4,00 S flVe want a bright hustling J B m In > our locality to repre- / H it us. Complete outfit tree H Ue to measure : t Write for terms to agents. H WHITE CITY TAILORS. 222-226 Adams Sl.Chicago M f ' ° * rcs Rootbeer H ; ijM on a sweltering hot H jjifji day is highly csscn- H jjJW tial to comfort and H WQhealth. . It cools the H : lJB blood , reduces your | | rj L temperature , tones H | ftU thcstom&dl * H i L3sEp | suouhl be in every H Own home , in every M I -SB on ce i ° every work- H rSjBKlshop. A temperance jLj-yj&sj ] drink , more health- % , § 33wKu * lan * cc 'water ,3pKnjorc ! § delightful and " ° I i" ife&l ' satisfying than any K15 iijfr 'jotncr bcvciage pro- _ . riSstiH M _ > obIt > t Oie Chirlei K. * H ) k SWJ , Hir" C. . Phla1.Pht | _ A pv\ H 3 ? h'&W a " " * " & g loci. So' I tr M 573-OfQ' crj h c. H fl _ S75 s SO 1 ( I Jc I • 'Western 'Wheel 'Works V it afflicted • wlthT | _ ' f u . * r _ _ i • - - - ' - sore eyes. us3 j Thompson's Eye tfaisiv fl jet rich Bsaas3ta 4 1 _ CaCStS ) t taefTo * TMteGoc ' 03eg8 f * M _ _ _ _ ! i M