Jm Spoiled HU Calculations. | w • 'Don't you like the room I gave ! | i ou1 * said the hotel clerk to the \ | Bkdrummer from CIucinnatL lyf "Yos. the room'rt all rijjkt. What mp imtdo you ask ? Do I look worried ? ' * | C O • • To bo frank , you do. " § W ' "Well I , am feeling rather uncom ; ftlL' fortabte. You see 1 came over on the WJk S. 1 * O. and W. road/ ' \13 "Got In late , I suppose. " \mi "No , wo got in on time , and now I I'll have about two and • one-half hours V3fe on my hands that I don't know v/hat jmT to do with. " \ \ ashin rlon btar. tS $ \ Ho TTantort In Know. 9g ? 1 A little boy who < ie experience with mm \ elevators has been a very limited pj ono was brought into tbe city a few gp. dayn ago by hia mamma , and in the ) B course of two or three hours' shopping - | & ping the little follow was taken up \W and dov/u in different stores a good jfij many times. \ak Finally the two went in an office ? p building , took chairs u a rather * small room and waited. \w "Whore arc wo now , mamma ? " IS' asked the 1 > o\\ Vm "In Uncle Hob's office" jfM $ He glanced around the rather conic IK " traded quartern and then asked : ic f\ | "When docs it go up ? " Texas Bf\ e / ° \ 'fas f * • Shake Into Your Shoes. jh - * Allen's Foot-liase , a powder for the * eetcures painful , swollen , smart- V jj \ ing feet and instantly takes the sting 11 r out of corns and bunions. It is the wjl v greatest comfort discovery of the age. V& ' Allen's Foot-Ease makes tlght-flttlns or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain r cure for sweating , callous and hot , tired , aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By , mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package K .FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted , Le > Roy , N. Y. The Dinner-Hour. In the fourteenth century the kirer of France dined at 8 a.m. , and re tired to rest at 8 p. m. In the time of Philip the Good an old verse said , "Rise at 5. dine at 9 , sup at 5 , go to { & bed at 9 , and thou shalt live to be iE ninety-and-nine. " In the reigns of % . Henry IV. and Louis XIV. the din- fb ner-hour was 11 a. m. Louis XV. % jjf changed the dinner-hour to 2o'clock. 9 Two o'clock remained the usual din- . \ ner-hour in France up to the time of e rev ° lution , after which 6 o'clock vkA Vi aJO 't became the fashionable time. In ® tf } England the upper class breakfasted w& ' at 7 in the reign of Henry VIII. , and ? ' dined at 10 a. m. In Elizabeth's | r reign the dinner-hour was 11 a. m. , $ • and supper was served about 5 } t o'clock. In Germany the fashionable Wg hour for dinner up to the time of the It Mx French revolution was 12 o'clock ; I \p afterwards it was fixed at 1 o'clock. I \M' There Is a Clas or People I % < Wno are injured by the use of coffee. I w Recently there has been placed in all I K > the grocery stores a new preparation I If called GRAIN-O , made of pure grains , I ? ! > tliat takes the Pace ot coffee. The I for " * most delicate stomach receives it with- I M out distress , and but few can tell it I W from * coffee. It does not cost over * i I < W as much. Children may drink it with H I * great benefit 15 cents and 25 cent ? m \ * per package. Try it Ask for A > GRAJN-O. HiJ ; t A Qnextlon of Ink. HBI I Massachusetts is struggling with a M \ I novel question relating to the durabil- Hi * ity of the ink recently furnished the Hk i various state departments. The best B5 ' ink was contracted for , but the arti- Hf cle furnished is found to ferment in KQj the inkstand and to evaporate rapidly , BJk leaving a sediment. One report is Hfflft that the ink has been tampered with k by a disappointed firm of contractors. | vF The state chemist has been called on K to make an analysis , and the manu- Hk facturers also have employed an an- HL alyst. so a battle of the experts is the HP next thing in order. K nail's Catarrh Core MK\\ Is taken internally. Price , 75c. mWtl ( \ 2 ° Interruptions Likely. Hk Tired Housekeeper There ! The Ik house is as neat as a new pin at last Ik I am going to'take a nap. Try not II to disturb me with your play , my If. , pets. mml Little Brother What shall I do if Eft any one calls ? VK Little Sister No need to bother Hr | about that 2 'o one ever calls when f Jk thincs are clean ! H | j . I know that my life was saved by Piso's | * \ Care for ConsumDtion. John A. ililler , 5 ? . An Sable , Mich. , Ajjrii 21 , 1S95. " " Ar WmWf When a man asks a hundred dollars K ? m * or a orse' e expects to get about HA " sixty. t t \ , To Cnro Constipation Forever. IBtrB Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic 10c or 25a. mWmb Zf C C. C. lail to cure , druccists refund money. HM Ice water knocks out more people Hf than pugilists. - - " , „ L.l _ _ _ _ _ . * - VU roBdek Xatires. Natives of ihe Adirondack rcglou name all visitors "sports. " The term has come pwr from a time when few city folk save the pin tscarch of gumo braved the hardships ol lifo in the wood ? . Now that sill sorts of people visit tho. Adirondacks foMtcaith and pleasure , the name sticks , and the conventional young woman who lives Jr. a luxurious camp and dresses thrco times a day is a * much a sport as the inveterate hunter , who goes about in corduroys nnd leather leggings gings and sleeps in rough camps. lee Snvill for C'ctx. The young man from the city had been fishing. He hadn't had much luck , but it was more than ho was used'to , and he looked very jubilant as. ho strode into the farmhouse kitchen with his catch. "What'je git ? " asked his host • • Oh , nothing much. Just a few catfish. " "Mean them ? " the farmer inquired , pointing with his pipestem. "Certainly. They're not very large. But there's no doubt about their being catfish. " "Wal , mebbe they passes fur cat fish out whur you come from. But here we calls tnem kitten fish. Den ver Tribune. BEAUTY IS BLOOD DEEP. t'URE. HEALTHY BLOOD MEANS BEAU TIFUL COMPLEXION. Intentional Microbes Toison the Blond Uliea th Bowels Are Constipated. Drive Them Out by Mating the Liver Lively. "Beauty is skin deep. " That is wrong. * Beauty is blood deep. A person constigated , with a laey liver , bilious blood , dyspeptic stomach , has pim ples and liver spots and a sole leather com plexion. No one with a furred tongue , a bad breath , a jaundiced eye , can be beautif ulno , matter how perfect are form and features. To be beautiful , to become beautiful , or remain beautiful , the blood must be kept pure and free from bile , microbes , disoaso- genns and other impurities. Cascaret Candy Cathartic will do it for yon quickly , surely , naturally. They never grip nor gripe , but make the liver lively , prevent sour stomach , kill disease-germs , tone up the bowels , purify the blood , and make all things right , as they should be. Then beauty comes of itself , and to stay. Buy and try Cascarets today. It's what they do , not what we say they do , that will please you. All druggists , 10c , 25c or 50c , or mailed for price. Send for booklet and free sample. Address Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago , Montreal , Can. , or New York. A Doubtful Compliment. "Benson is almost crazy , they say , mv dear. " " "What's the matter ? " "Morbid conscientiousness. He broods over imaginary faults and groans about all his trifling faults as if they were mountainous. " "Terrible isn't it ? How glad I am , John , that you are perfectly sane in that respect. " FAHKEHS BED STAR EXTRACT IS The best ; all Kroccrs will refund you * money If yon are not satisfied with It. Largo ieadn "With Small ISralns. Dr. Crochley Clapham , who has made measurements on 4.000 inmates of asylums , says that insane heads are larger on the average than sane heads , though insane brains are smaller. According to Dr. Clapham the form of the insane head is usu ally cuneiform or arrow-shaped , with the greatest diameter posterior to the central point of the head. Mrs. TVlniilow'B SooUUnc Syrup For children tee thin tr.sof tens thegums.rf duces inflam mation , allays pain , cures wind colic. 25centsabotUe- One Tool Enough. Gus De Smith went to a masquerade ball as a harlequin. A few days afterward an intimate friend asked him for the loan of his harlequin cos tume , as he , too , wished to attend a masquerade ball. "No , " replied Gus , "I allow nobody to make a fool of himself in my cos tume except myself. " Texas Sittings. Educate Your Bowels With Cascaret * . Candy Cathartic , cure constipation forever. lOo. IX C CC. . fail , druggists refund money. Opposed to Blunder Duplication. Mr. Slimpurse But why do you insist that our daughter should marry a man whom she does netlike like ? You married for love , didn't you ? Mrs. Slimpurse Yes ; but that is no reason why I should let our daughter make the same blunder- New York Weekly. If sick , nothing renovates and invigor stes like Dr. Kay's Renovator. In telling a story , don't label it aa funny before you begin to spin it. 1 J. H Sweetness and Light | § B HP Put a pill in the pulpit if you "want practical IMm a preaching for the physical man ; then put - then pill in the pillory if it , does not practise "what itt preaches. There's a.1 "whole gospel in Ayer's & § w t Sugar Coated Pills ; a " gospel of sweetness JS\ and light. " People used to value their physic , H Bl HH as * key diet their religion , by its bitterness , { ffimb k /p | The more bitter the dose the better the doctor , /jps H v lP' "We've got over that. "Wo take "sugar in ours"P | v • $ Sl gospel or physic now-a-days. It'e possible to ( tp | | mWvft \ please and to purge at the same time. There / H t. • ' \IP may be power in a pleasant pill. That is the v r " ( gospel of llll K * B # Ayer's Cathartic Pills. S nL ' \llP More pill particnlars in Ayer's Cureboefc , too page * . P A HOBO EEUNION. x ; = j 111 , this Is Van B Raymond. He's pF5EL x I Deen playing in Rsiflfe hlgh luck * but hes ? I /tfj Bt-flST I struck a snag , and IpySj i I've asked him to go with us. " / $ J&M "Well , you need- C fiW T nt ; we dent Tvant VL J a any greenhorns ( bggXJ along. You arc ' ' had enough. We'd look well traveling with a dude , we would. " "Oh. he has some cash and can get a different outfit. Can't you , Raymond mend ? " "Certainly. How do you wish me to dress ? " "Oh , " Interposed Jim , "if you have the stuff , you're welcome. We'll fix you out in no time. What do you want ? " "I'll have to leave that to you. I have never been a tramp before. " "See here , my Christian friend , for the good of your health let me tell you not to say 'tramp' to one of our fra ' ternity. A tramp is a man who never works and who walks from town to town. We are hoboes. We beat our way on trains passengers when we can , freight when we can't do better. A hobo works when he can , but when out of work uses his wits to get him elsewhere. See ? " "Yes , but I never heard the distinc tion made before. Are we going to beat the railroad , and how are we go ing to do it ? " "You are green ! There's a hundred schemes for working them. If every thing fails steal the ride. " Van went to the place of appoint ment , where he found his two strange companions waiting for him. "Everything lovely , " was Jim's greeting. "A train leaves about an hour after dark. Say , let's eat. I'll hit the cottage. You idiots can buy sup pers , but I'll save my cash. " Five minutes later he returned with a tirade of abuse against inhospitable people and frequent allusions to the tomahawk. Van at last said : "What do you mean ? Did the wom an hit you with a hatchet ? " "No , you gump ! That's short for stating that her royal highness desired the extreme pleasure of my society at the woodpile while I got up an appe tite for my supper. " Scon a freight train slowly passed. "Here's an empty ! " shouted Origi nal Jim , as he started on the run , the others closely following. Van was so excited that he could not vault in after the others , but they dragged him in and closed the door. "Now you boys be quiet until she gets under headway , " Jim ordered , as he lighted a match and proceeded to sweep the floor with a bunch of weeds be had previously gathered. "Never travel without matches. Raymond mend , and never forget to gather a broom , so you can brush up a place to sleep , " quietly remarked Wilkins , whom Jim dubbed "The Silent" Soon Wilkins and Jim were sound asleep , while Van sat , Indian fashion , against the car , wondering whether it was not about to jolt off the track , and fell ill lii0r TELLING THEIR EXPERIENCES , how they could sleep amid such a racket. Slowly the hours , which seemed in terminable to Van , passed. At the third stop the door was suddenly jerked open , a lantern flashed , and a brakeman jumped in. Holding the lantern aloft he looked down , count ing : "One , two , three. Say , where are you fellows going ? " Wilkins was now awake , but neith er he nor Van responded. "A car of mutes , I guess , " muttered the brakeman , as he proceeded to kick Original Jim into wakefulness. "Here , you fellow , get up out of this ! "Where in thunder did you get in ? The 'con' just came over the train and heard you snoring. This train is moving agaiu. Get a hustle on you , for the con told me to see that you got off , " he added , as mounting the ladder and swinging his lantern , he started on a run toward the engine. Jim caught up a plank , and hurried ly calling to his comrades to follow , again jumped into the car. They did so , but Wilkins remarked : "The brakeman told us to get off. " "Yes , but he meant to get in again when he said 'Rememher , I saw you get off. ' Now I'll wedge this door shut , and we'll have peace till morning , you bet ! " Morning found them side-tracked in tSie Quaker City. Jim took his party to the outskirts of the town , where stood a deserted house in which a num ber of men were evidently having a Jollification. Drawing near , they saw a gentlemanly six-footer advancing to ward them. He had on one red shoe and one black one , both lefts. The m a .AMgaags * wa * ailiii'i.1iUiH. ' ' Hiiipi iiiniiiTreq lBclUil'/J.jMasapg. sleeves of his coat did not come much below his elbows , and the tails only reached his waist-band. "The Flying Sword , " exclaimed Jim , as the man unbuttoned his coat , put one hand into the upper part of the left sleeve and drew out a tin trowel , over three feet long , remarking : "I still carry the tomahawk. " "Where did he have that trowel ? " Van managed to whisper to Jim. "Oh , the handle was up his sleeve , and the tip in his pecket It is not a trowel , you know , only a guy. Come in and meet the boys. This well- dressed chap is 'Diamond Kit/ that short one is Billy the Bat ; yonder come Duty and Missouri Kid. Oh , we're all here for reunion but it's the first we've had north of Lexington. That's our pet place. After a general handshaking the party broke up into groups , Wilkins and Kit reclining on the floor smoking cigarettes. As he could not then talk' with Wil kins Van proceeded to satisfy his curi osity by questioning the one known as "Missouri Kid. " "The Flying Sword ? Oh , he got the name by carrying that tin trowek He will go and ask for work , telling the boss that he lays brick , not by the hun dred a day but by the acre. 'If you doubt me look at my trowel. ' The ridiculousness of his ways usually gets him a job , too. He is a very fair brick layer , but of course not so good as Diamond Kit , who is considered the best in the United States. " "How about our hobo stew ? " now chimed in Wilkins' voice. "How much can we raise ? " was Kit's practical supplementary remark. The sum of two dollars was collect ed , with which Kit and Wilkins de parted to do the marketing. Soon after they returned with vari ous bundles , a five-gallon tin sausage can and an empty tobacco can for each person present. Van was interested , and pressed for ward to see what was going on. While Kit made the stew he sent some of the boys out for empty cans. He ordered the solder removed from them , and that they be flattened out and washed. Each man had a tomato can , and a small portion of ground coffee with which he made his own drink , army style , and this was drunk with con densed milk. Slices of steak were fried on the pieces of tin which they had flat tened , and soon the first course was eaten , amid much jesting and laugh ter , for all hoboes are apt to be jovial when certain of one full meal in a day. After the coffee was drunk the cans were filled up with the rich , savory stew. As dusk came on the men reclined about the floor , telling their experi ences. Van determined to try to in fluence Wilkins into telling the truth , as he was interested in the man , who seemed above his W.ows , so sat by his side and watched him stealthily while Jim told of his life , how he had start ed cut from necessity , and so fallen in love with the wild freedom that he could cot bear to give it up. Scarcely had he ceased when all were surprised to hear "Wilkins the Silent" saying : "I was born and raised in New York city. While yet a young man I learned locomotive engineering , and for years had a freight. That paid me about one hundred and forty dollars a month , and I saved my money. When I was twenty-eight I married. My wife ha.l been one of a large family and I meant her never to be lonesome nor unhappy. I bought a nice house and furnished it cosily , deeding it to her. That used up all I had saved ; but I had a good run , was considered one of the best men on the road , and everything went smoothly for a year. I was home every second night and my wife was content ed. "One day I had a sudden order to trade engines when I met a certain train , as that engineer's wife was sick and he wished tc return home. I never tired of my wife and loved to be with her , so was glad to go to her sooner than I had expected. " Here he paused , and here all looked at him in surprise , particularly Jim , who muttered : "By God , he is telling the truth about his past , and I have not board him mention it for years ! Thought he had forgotten it. " To this Kit responded : "If there is anything you don't want him to tell , go over to him. That man Raymond has him sort of mesmerized. I believe. " Jim half started from his seat , but Missouri Kid drew him back as Wilkins continued : "It was nearly ten o'clock when I reached home. What a sound of drunken revelry met my ears ! Could it be there was no mistake ? Was that house mine ? "I asked a passer-by who lived there. " 'The blindest fool in the world/ was his reply. 'He runs an engine on the New York Central , and his wife raises the roof when he is away. ' "One minute later I entered. The crowd , composed of my wife's brothers , sisters and cousins , quickly dispersed. I was too much hurt to remonstrate with her ; but she , being guilty , could not keep quiet. " 'You had no business marrying me when you could not support me the way I want to live/ she began. 'I have mortgaged the house and the furniture , and I've not paid a bill in two months. You may as well know it all now , and not have to find it out later. I've spent the money for suppers and good times. I'm tired of this life ! I'm go ing on the stage. ' "That is why I'm a hobo. " Teacher Spell kitten. Bobby Pooh , I'm too big to spell kitten. Try me on cat Truth. NEEDED NO LAWYER. Because Ho Sid Kot Want to Take Ad vantage of the State. Judge Jim Griggs was reminded of a story by the passing of an electric car , says the Atlanta Constitution , and began : "One of the funniest things that ever happened during my connection with the Georgia judiciary was when I was first elected solicitor. The demands of my position frequently put me in the attitude of prosecuting a friend. It was hard , but I did it An ex-sheriff of a county in my circuit a fellow that I had known and liked for a long while was prosecuted for making away with some money. It was an ugly charge. The evidence was conclusive against him. When I went down to court he came staggering into my room about two-thirds drunk. 'Jimhe said , 'these Infernal scoundrels are trying to pro secute me perfect outrage. I told 'em just wait till I saw Jim Griggs , an' we'd fix it I told 'em we'd let 'em know who to prosecute. And we will. Won't we , Jim ? ' "I looked at him very gravely , and said : 'Tom , I've got a dead case against you. I'm going to prosecute you , con vict you and send you to the peniten tiary. You are guilty. You got the money , and I've got the evidence to prove it. ' "He looked at me in perfect amaze ment. He was dumbfounded. He said I didn't mean it. I told him I did. He straightened himself up and march ed out without a word. His case was the first one called after dinner. The judge asked him if he had any counsel. He said no and didn't want any. He spoke in a half-drunken fashion. 'But/ said the judge , 'you are charged here with a serious offense , and if you have no money to employ a lawyer I'll ap point one for you. ' The defendant didn't like it He arose with difficulty. He steadied himself against a table and , speaking in a maudlin fashion , said : " 'Yer honor.I said I don't want no counsel , and I don't want none. I meant what I said. I don't want hie take no 'vantage of ze state. State ain't got no counsel what der I want with ' " any ? MOST REGRETTED ACT. T-ieutenant Commander in the Navj Makes an Anonymous Confession. From the Detroit Free Press : "The most-to-be-regretted act of my life , " says a lieutenant commander of the navy , "was a letter I wrote to my mother when about 17 yeasr of age. She always addressed her letters to me as 'my dear boy. ' I felt at that time I was a man , or very near it , and wrote saying that her constant .addressing me as a 'boy' made me feel dis pleased. "I received in reply a letter full of reproaches and tears. Among other things she said : 'You might grow to be as big as Goliath , as strong as Sam son , and as wise as Solomon ; you might become ruler of a nation or em peror of many nations , and the world might revere you and fear you ; but to your devoted mother you would always appear , In memory , in your innocent , i unpretentious , un-self-eonceited , un- pampered babyhood. In those days when I washed and dressed and kissed and worshiped j'ou , you were my idol. Nowadays you are becoming part of a gross world by contact with it , and I can not bow down to you and worship you ; but if there is manhood and ma ternal love transmitted to you , you will understand that the highest compli ment that mother-love can pay you is to call you 'my dear boy. ' " Curious French Legend. It is asserted by the Industriellei Echo that thousands of 57-franc pieces are split into two halves by their French owners every year , in the hope of "discovering" an immense hidden treasure. This treasure , ac cording to the legend firmly believed in France , is an order to pay the hold- ei 100,000 francs in silver 5-franc coins. When Napoleon Bonaparte first set the 5-franc piece in circulation the con servative mind of the French revolted against the numismatic revolution , notwithstanding its zeal for political revolution , and it was very difficult to induce a Frenchman to receive or proffer the new coin. Hence , accord ing to the story , Napoleon gave it to be understood that he had ordered a check for 100,000 francs , written upon asbestos paper , to be concealed in one of the new silver pieces. From that day to this nobody has objected to the 5-franc piece. The Canning Industry. A few years since there was not a canning factory west of the Alleghaftr mountains , but now they dot the prai ries and plantations of the Mississip pi basin and are increasing year by year at a rapid rate. There has been a steady increase in the demand for canned goods. Their consumption was enormously increased by their low cost so low , indeed , at present that there is no profit in the industry , which shares the depression common to business in general in recent years. In prosperous times the trade is a vast and profitable one and is only in the first steps of its development. Nsr York Tribune. Kind of Her. It was the first night of the new domestic's sojourn in the house and as she had not appeared at 7:30 in the morning her mistress went up to her room , and , rapping on the door , said : "Mary ! "Oh , Mary ! " "Huh ? " sleepily. "We are all up , and it's breakfast time. " "All right , mom ; go right ahead an 'eat , an' don't wait for me. I'll be down in time to do the dishes , mom. " Harper's Bazar. The Mxo of It. The court had assessed a fine of * lfl i * n the attorney for contempt , anha | ' iihount was very nearly the slzo oi uia pile. He put up the money in such a j hesitating way that the court waa j moved to compassion. I • • If you have any regret , " said the | judge , "for what you have done , I j might possibly remit the fine. " | "Your honor is very kind , replied I the attorney with mock humility , [ handing the money to the clerk , "and i I have some regret that I haven't a j thousand moro ten dollar billd. ' * Oon't Tobacco Spit and Srrnke Your Llls Awsj. To quit tobacco oxslly and foroTor. bo mag netic , full of life , ucrvoanu vij-or. take No-To- Bac. the wonder-worker , that makes weak men tronR. All drusclsts. 50c or $1. Cure guaranteed. Booklclaiid sample free. Address Bterllnc Remedy Co. . riilrnco or Now York. Ju t. The weeping relatives gathered around the governor's chair , but that official remained firm. "No. " ho said to the mother. "I may consider your boy's pardon , but it is hotter for him that he remain for [ four or five months moro. If I were ; to let him out now he would bo just } in time to contract a late case of • Sweet Marie. ' " They saw the justice of the con tention and withdrew. To Colorado SprluRli and I'orhlo. liurlington ICoutn via Inm > r. A through Sleeping car to Colornda Springs and Pueblo via Denver is uttnehfld to Burlington Route daily train leaving Ch'-ago 10:30 p. m. Ofllce. 211 Clark St. No man is so worthless that he can not get a good man to recommend him. You can't afford to let anyone make you a present of a drink of whisky ( H M Every ingredient in JjkJHB KMjjj Hires Rootbccr is health' ' | H | HBM giving. The blood is l H BJan' improved , the nerves l 3 | hEsoothed , the stomachuKH Ku | benefited by this dcliciouS'ltfjB ' Wail Quenches the thirst , tickles Vaj H the palate ; full of snap , sparkle \9 \ Mr nnd effervescence. A temperH Bf ance drink for everybody. fjZitie onlr bj Tin Chuln E. Hires Co. . rhlUdilpMa. / package makea five ( mllont. yj SiflO Tojtay Men. WILL PAY SlOO FOR ANY CASE Of Weakness In Men They Treat and Fall to Care. An Omaha Company places for the first time before the public a Magical Treat ment for the cure of Lost Vitality , Nervous and Sexual Weakness , aDd Restoration of Life Force in old and young men No worn-out French remedy ; contains no Phosphorous or other harmful drugs. It it a Wonderful TnEATsiEXT magical in it * effects positive in its cure. AH readers , who are suffering from a weakness that blights their life , causing that mental nnd Ehysical suffering peculiar to Lost Man- oed , should write to the STATEMED1CAL COMPANY , Omaha , Neb , and thev will send you absolutely FREE , a valuable paper on these diseases , and positive proofs of their truly Magical Treatment. Thous ands of men , who have lost all hope of a cure , are being restored by them to a per fect condition. This Magical Treatment may be taken at home under their directions , or thev will pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who prefer to go there for treatment , if they fail to cure. They are perfectly reliable ; have no Free Prescriptions , Free Cure , Free Sample , or C. O. D. fake. They have ? 2o0,000 capital , and guarantee to cure everv case they treat or refund every dollar ; or their charges may be deposited in a bank to be paid to them when a cure is effected. Write them today Thro' Yellowstone Park on a Bicycle. Among theseysers , water falls , lakes and terrarcs of Yellowstone Park Is where every true wheelmanshould s-pend his ' 27 holiday Most delightful outiuc ima in- i i m , able. Less expensive than JJ i 'SSife | a week at a fashionable lij'j.yUyW'HJ ' summer resort. Good roads SSijffl ffiBn built by thesovernment. . jjggyUijJ ggj | Elegant hotels. Fine fish ing. Splendid air. Write for booklet contain- In ? a tnp of the Park aa well afull information atxitit tlip cost of the trip , what : ota' < ' . what the roads art ; hi.i ! ft- . J. Frakcis. GcnM I'aWr Acent. Burlington Route. Omaha. ? .elx y gn CURE Y0URSEIF ! f SgUKEBUik * Big G tor annatnral g fin l to 5 < s jdischarges. . Inflammation ! , /L _ / Geanatttd u irritations or ulcerations tKSI cat to nriztmrt. of m u c o u s membranes. l | PrtTtnu cosucics. Painle ? * . and not istria- ygc\\TH \ Er S CaEMHaiCo. E it or poisonous. 1pCHD3 lllTI,0.f 3 Sold by Draetiata , \ V r. 8. a. 7 I or 8rDt 'n ' P''n ' wrapper , X. Sf < ! by express , prepaid , for * 2 V . * ? * 1.00. or 3 bottles. 12.73. 11 * . Circular seat oa request. rOTSTTlADEMAR ! Examination and drlce as t > ! ' : < . tahl Itj of In vention. Send for "Inventors" Gnfdr. , r lie * loCcta . " ' . V , * . . . . Patent. O'VARRELL < SON. .hlnstr.a. D. ( i niTrUTC SOyears'experience.S * nil : .et < % l 'i rxiJ. rAIt.I1 IOi vice. ( L.Lieane.late prn : . < -a-ninir-i U.j . Pat.Offlce ) * Weaver. ItcGHI h JS.Vaj.ti.UO. . ' clei elThompson sEye Water. W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 2S.-5S97. When writing to advertisers kindly ncn- tfoD this paper. J - - mr- _ ,