Hi HI mmmmmmmmmmmmsKS mmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmtmammmmmmmmmmmmmmm HI INTERNATIONAL PRESS ASSOCIATION. HI - CHAPTER XIV , ( Coirrih'CED. ) HA " 'What a streak of luck for you , my Hi' * oed brother , " ho observed , when the HI -table was over. "If you had gone to Hi Paris , you would have played dick- Hi luck-drake with the whole consign- Hfe .ment in three months. Your own Hf would have followed ; and you would ? * > have come to me in a procession like H $ the last time. But I give you warning H\ Stasie may weep and Henri ratioci- H \ nate it will not serve yod twice. Your H J -next collapse will be fatal. I thought H | " I had told you so , Stasie ? Hey ? No l | .sense ? " H-T The Doctor winced and looked fur- H § , lively at Jean-Marie ; but the boy mM seemed apathetic. HI "And then again , " broke out Casi- Hj I mir , "what children you are vicious Wi ( children , my faith ! How could you tell Hi | the value of this trash ? It might have H . f been worth nothing , or next door. " Hf \ "Pardon me , " said the Doctor. "You HI ) have your usual flow of spirits , I per- HJ ceive , but even less than your usual A / -deliberation. I am not entirely igno - H rant of these matters. " ' a ? "Not entirely ignorant of anything C -ever I heard of , " interrupted Casimir , m\ \ bowing , and raising his glass with a h ' sort of pert politeness. * . " " Doctor "I "At least , resumed the , I r' .gave my mind to the subject that you I .may be willing to believe and I esti- B .mated that our capital would be dou- 1\ "bled. " And he described the nature of rJ Tthe find. I | , "My word of honor ! " said Casimir , I "I half believe you ! But much would r > depen < i on the quality of the gold. " M\ "The quality , my dear Casimir , B was " And the Doctor , in default / ' .of language , kissed his finger tips. m I "I would not take your word for it , M J jny good friend , " retorted the man of n i business. "You are a man of very rosy | j. \ views. But this robbery , " he contin- I ! 1 ued "this robbery is an odd thing. If ± Of course I pass over your nonsense | [ # • .about gangs and landscape-painters. I % For me , that is a dream. Who was in I .the house last night ? " \ "None but ourselves , " replied the jbt .Doctor. M "And this young gentleman ? " asked lL Casimir , jerking a nod in the direction M .of Jean-Marie. § "He too ? " the Doctor bowed. f "Well ; and , if it is a fair question , \ who is he ? " pursued the brother-in- \ .law. j& "Jean-Marie , " answered the Doctor , Mf " "combines the functions of a son and % .stable-boy. He began as the latter , but 1 he rose rapidly to the more honorable .rank in our affections. He is , I may v -say , the greatest comfort in our lives. " ' "Ha ! " said Casimir. "And previous \ -to becoming one of you ? " \ "Jean-Marie has lived a remarkable ( .existence ; bis experience has been em inently formative , " replied Desprez. "If I bad to choose an education for my .son , I should have chosen such another. Beginning life with mountebanks and thieves , passing onward to the society .and friendship of philosophers , he may be said to have skimmed the volume • of human life. " "Thieves ? " repeated the brother-in- Jaw , with a meditative air. The Doctor could have bitten his tongue out. He foresaw what was coming - , ing , and prepared his mind for a vig orous defense. "Did you ever steal yourself ? " asked IX Casimir , turning suddenly on Jean- Marie , and for the first time employing -a single eyeglass hich hung round his "Yes , sir , " replied the boy , with a -deep blusb. CHAPTER XV. jf * ASIMIR turned to / ? & the others with | 7"7 / / ly pursed lips , and ' $ them J [ /JfS / nodded to faSblVS * / meaningly. "Hey ? " \ 3 4 i "Jean-Marie is a * * 8sP # teller of the truth , " } § / II returned the Doc- * } l rS * J tor , throwing out , - his bust. U 1 "He has never told a lie , " added ma- I dame. "He is the best of boys. " I * \ "Never told a lie , has he not ? " re- I mfleeted Casimir. "Strange , very I J | -strange. Give me your attention , my \ young friend , " he continued. "You I knew about this treasure ? " 3 "He helped to bring it home , " inter- \ ' , jposed the Doctor. * "Desprez , I ask you nothing- but to hold your tongue , " returned Casimir. * -"T-fnean to question this stable-boy of 1 yours ; and if you are so certain of his innocence , you can afford to let him + t answer for himself. Now , sir , " he re- . . 4 ' sumed , pointing his eyeglass straitJP'c .at Jean-Marie , "you knew it could be \ -stolen with impunity ? You knew you ' could not be prosecuted ? Come ! Did you or did you -not ? " i * , " 1 did , " answered Jean-Marie , in a / -miserable wbisper. He sat there I -changing color like a revolving pharos , twisting his fingers hysterically , swal / lowing air , the picture of guilt. "You knew where it was put ? " resumed - % sumed the inquisitor. * \ " " Jean-Marie. g\ "Yes , from - * * | . "You say you have been a thief be ll m fore , " continued Casimir. "Now , how m em I to know that you are not one LJP still ? I suppose you could climb the mmf green gate ? " Wm "Yes. " still lower , from the culprit. II -"Well , then , it was you who stole PB * _ ' j mm • ivLiuumjkUiYmr'iTis&tiBSfSgl these things. You know it , and you dare not deny it. Look me in the face ! Raise your sneak's eyes , and answer ! " But in place of anything of that sort Jean-Marie broke into a dismal howl and fled from the arbor. Anastasie , as she pursued to capture and reassure the victim , found time to send one Par thian arrow "Casimir , you are a brute ! " "My brother , " said Desprez , with the greatest dignity , "you take upon your self a license " "Desprez , " interrupted Casimir , "for Heaven's sake be a man-of the world. You telegraph me to leave my business and come down here on yours. I come , I ask the business , you say 'Find me this thiefr Well , I find him ; I say 'There be Is ! ' You need not like it , but you have no manner of right to take offense. " "Well , " returned the Doctor , "I grant that ; I will even thank you for your mistaken zeal. But your hypothesis was so extravagantly monstrous " "Look here , " interrupted Casimir ; "was it you or Stasie ? " "Certainly not , " answered the Doc tor. "Very well ; then it was the boy. Say no more about it , " said the brother-in- law , and he produced his cigar-case. "I will say this much more , " returned Desprez ; "if that boy came and told me so himself , I should not believe him ; and if I did believe him , so implicit is my trust , I should conclude that he had acted for the best. " "Well , well , " said Casimir , indul gently. "Have you a light ? I must be going. And by the way , I wish 3'ou would let me sell your Turks for you. I always told you , it meant smash. I tell you so again. Indeed , it was partly that that brought me down. You never acknowledge my letters an unpardon able habit. " " " the Doctor "My good brother , replied tor blandly , "I have never denied your ability in business ; but-I can perceive your limitations. " "Egad , my friend , I can return the compliment , " observed the man of business. "Your limitation is to be downright irrational. " "Observe the relative position , " re turned the Doctor with a smile. "It is your attitude to believe through thick and thin in one man's judgment your own. I follow the same opinion , but critically and with open eyes. Which is the more irrational ? I leave it to yourself. " "Oh , my dear fellow ! " cried Casimir , "stick to your Turks , stick to your stable-boy , go to the devil in general in your own way and be done with it. But don't ratiocinate with me I can not bear it. And so , ta-ta. I might as well have stayed away for any good I've done. Say good-bye from me to Stasie , and to the sullen hang-dog of a stable-boy , if you insist on it ; I'm off. " And Casimir departed. The Doctor , that night , dissected his character be fore Anastasie. "One thing , my beau tiful , " he said , "he has learned one thing from his lifelong acquaintance with your husband : the word ratioci nate. It shines in his vocabulary , like a jewel in a muck-heap. And , even so , he continually misapplies it. For you must have observed he uses it as a sort of taunt , in the case of to ergotize , im plying , as it were the poor , dear fel low ! a vein of sophistry. As for his cruelty to Jean-Marie , it must be for given him it is not his nature , it is the nature of his life. A man who deals with money , my dear , is a man lost. " With Jean-Marie the process of re conciliation had been somewhat slow. At first he was inconsolable , insisted on leaving the family , went from par oxysm to paroxysm of tears ; and it was only after Anastasie had been closeted for an hour with him , alone , that she came forth , sought out the Doctor , and with tears in her eyes , acquainted that gentleman with what had passed. "At first , my husband , he would hear of nothing , " she said. "Imagine ! if he hid left us ! what would the treasure be to that ? Horrible treasure , it has brought all this about ! At last , after he has sobbed his very heart out , he agrees to stay on a condition we are r * . to mention this matter , this in famous suspicion , not even to mention the robbery. On that agreement only , the poor , cruel boy will consent to re main among his friends. " "But this inhibition , " said the Doc tor , "this embargo it cannot possibly a jply to me ? " "To all of us , " Anastasie assured him. "My cherished one , " Desprez protest ed , "you must have misunderstood it. It cannot apply to me. He would nat urally come to me. " "Henri , " she said , "it does ; I swear to you it does. " "This is a painful , a very painful cir- cumstasce , " the Doctor said , looking a little back. "I cannot affect , Anastasie , to be anything but justly wounded. I feel this , I feel it , my wife , acutely. " "I knew you would , " she said. "But if you had seen his distress ! We must make allowances , we must sacrifice our feelings. " "I trust , my dear , you have never found me averse to sacrifices , " returned the Doctor very stiffly. "And you will let me go and tell him that you have agreed ? It will be like your noble -nature , " she cried. So it would , he perceived it would be like his noble nature ! Up jumped wmmmmmmmmmmvmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm his spirits , triumphant at the thought' "Go , darling , " he said nobly , "reassure him. The subject is burled ; more I make an effort , I have accustomed my will to these exertions and It is for gotten. " A little after , but still with swollen ! eyes and looking mortally sheepish , ' Jean-Marie reappeared and went os tentatiously about his business. He was the only unhappy member of the party that sat down that night to sup per. As for the Doctor , he was ra diant. He thus sang the- requiem of the treasure : "This has been , on the whole , a most amusing episode , " he said. "We arc not a penny the worse nay , we are immensely gainers. Our philosophy5 , has been exercised ; some of the turtle is still left the most wholesome of del icacies ; I have my staff , Anastasie has her new dress , Lean-Marie is the proud possessor of a fashionable kepi. Be-j sides , we had a glass of Hermitage last ? night ; the glow still suffuses my mem ory. I was growing positively niggard ly. Let me take the hint ; we had one bottle to celebrate the appearance of- our visionary fortune ; let us have a second end to console us for its occupation. The third I'hereby dedicate to Jean- 'Marie's wedding breakfast. " CHAPTER XVI. i pi n HE Doctor's house \ t/ 1 7 has not yet received A \ \ tne compliment of X\ \ //wj , / - a description , and \ \ \ ' | * ] it is now high time l\ W that the omission L j rs = _ were supplied , fori 0P ; mx ; r tne house is itself fe SllLx an actor in the sto- -TJ" _ . ry , and one whose part is nearly at an end. Two stories in height , walls of a warm yellow , tiles of an ancient ruddy brown diversified with moss and lichen , it stood with one wall to the street in the angle of the Doctor's property. It was roomy , draughty , and inconvenient. The large rafters were here and there engraven with rude marks and patterns ; the handrail of the stairs was carved in countrified arabesque ; a stout timber pillar , which did duty to support the dining-room roof , bore mysterious characters on its darker side , runes , according to the Doctor ; nor did he fail , when he ran over the legendary histo ry of the house and its possessors , to dwell upon the Scandinavian scholar who had left them. Floors , doors , and rafters made a great variety of angles ; every room had a particular inclina tion ; the gable had tilted toward the garden , after the manner of a leaning tower , and one of the former proprie tors had buttressed the building from that side with a great strut of wood , like the derrick of a crane. Altogether , it had many marks of ruin ; it was a house for the rats to desert ; and noth ing but its excellent brightness the window-glass polished and shining , the paint well scoured , the brasses radiant , the very prop all wreathed about with , climbing flowers nothing but its air of a well-tended , smiling veteran , sit ting , crutch and all , in the sunny cor ner of a garden , marked it as a house for comfortable people to inhabit. In. poor or idle management it would soon have hurried into the blackguard stages of decay. As it was , the whoie family loved it , and the Doctor was never better inspired than when he narrated its imaginary story and drew- the character of its successive masters , * from the Hebrew merchant who had re-edified its walls after the sack of , the town , and past the mysterious en graver of the runes , down to the long headed , dirty-handed boor from whom he had himself acquired it at a ruinous - ! ous expense. As for any alarm about its security , the idea had never present ed itself. What had stood four centuries - ' ries might well endure a little longer. ( TO BS COXTINOED. ) AMERICA A WHISTLING NATION The Yankee's Gay Method of Working Off His Nervousness. The right of a person to whistle , to the paralysis of other persons' nerves , is becoming almost as burning a ques tion as the right of persons to smoke to the mental and bodily detriment of others , says the Boston Transcrip. We Americans are probably , next to our own colored people in the southern towns , whom we have educated in the art. the most addicted to whistling. - There are apparently two reasons for this. One is that we are the most nervous of people we ; have got to be doing something , we can't go down 1 stolidly at our work like Europeans or sit silent and contemplative , so we work off our fidgets with whistling. 1 The other reason is that we are really a cheerful and expressive people , in spite of all that has ever been said to the contrary. The national whistling habit has resulted in the production of a great number of really skillful and musical whistlers. With one consideration ' ation and another there is a tremendous - ous amount of whistling. It seems cheerful and sometimes , to the whistler , it is really cheerful. Now , undoubted ly this would be very nice if every one's whistling was heard only by him self. It would be a blessed way of working off one's nervousness , too. 1 What about that ? An ordinary whistler's performance gives absolutely no pleasure to any one but himself. Very Small. "Now , George , " said Mr. Minor , pouring - ; ing out a finger ot whiskey and hand ing it to the aged darky , "this is the finest stuff in the world. You have never tasted anything like it It is 18 , years old. What do you think of it ? * ' , After George had rolled it over his tongue and sucked it between his few ! ' remaining teeth , then swallowed it slowly and reflectively , lifting his eyes to heaven , he replied : "Mars John , hit pow-ful little fur e' age. " New } \ York Press. TALMAGE'S SESSION. SAVE THE CITIES , THE SUB JECT OF LAST SUNDAY. From the Test : : zekcJ , Cliuptrr XXVII , Verse 3 , a Follow * : "O Thou That Art Situate at the Kntry of the Sea" Metal I.epro y the Drj troyer. < § 5jss > HIS 13 a part of an WJ impassioned apos- trophe 'to the city of ? • ! > Tyre. It was a beau- 9tiful ' city a majestic - tic city. At the fK east end of the Mediterranean it sat with one hand beckoning the in land trade , and with the other the commerce of foreign nations. It swung a monstrous boom across its harbor to shut out foreign enemies , and then swung back that boom to let in its friends. The air of the desert was fragrant with the spices brought by caravans to ber fairs , and all seas were cleft into foam by the keel of her laden merchantmen. Her markets were rich'with ' horses and mules and camels from Togarmah ; with upholstery , and ebony , and ivory from Dedan ; with emeralds , and agate , and coral from Sj'ria ! with wine from Helbon ; with finest needlework from Ashur and Chilmad. Talk about the splendid state rooms of your Cunard and Inman and White Star lines of international steamers why , the benches of the state rooms in those Tyrian ships were all ivory , and instead of our coarse canvas on the masts of the shipping , they had the finest linen , quilted together and inwrought with embroideries almost miraculous for beauty. Its columns overshadowed all nations. Distant em pires felt its heartbeat. Majestic city , "situate at the entry of the sea. " But where now is the gleam of her towers , the roar of her chariots , the masts of her shipping ? Let the fisher men who dry their nets on the place where she once stood ; let the sea that rushes upon the barrenness where she once challenged the admiration of all nations ; let the barbarians who built their huts on the place where her pal aces glittered , answer the question. Blotted out forever ! She forgot God , and God forgot her. And while our modern cities admire her glory , let them take warning of her awful doom. Cain was the founder of the first city , and I suppose it took after him in mor als. It is a long while before a city can ever get over the character of those who founded it. Were they criminal exiles , the filth , and the prisons , and the debauchery are the shadows of such founders. New York will not for two or three hundred years escape from the good influences of its founders the pious settlers whose prayers went up from the very streets where now banks discount and brokers shave , and com panies declare dividends , and smugglers swear custom house lies ; and above the roar of the drays and the crack of the auctioneers' mallets is heard the ascrip tion , "We worship thee , 0 thou al mighty dollar ! " The church that once stood on Wall st. still throws Its blessing over all the scene of traffic , and upon the sips that fold their white wi gs in the harbor. Originally men gathered in cities from necessity. Jt was to escape the incendiary's torch or the assassin's dagger. Only the very poor lived in the country , those who had nothing that could be stolen , or vagabonds who wanted to be near their place of business ; but since civili zation and religion have made it safe for men to live almost anywhere , men congregate in cities because of the opportunity for rapid gain. Cities are not necessarily evils , as has sometimes been argued. They have been the birthplace of civilization. In them pop ular liberty has lifted up its voice. Wit ness Genoa , and Pisa , and Venice. The entrance of the representatives of the cities in the legislatures of Europe was the death blow to feudal kingdoms. Cities are the patronizers of art and lit erature architecture pointing to its British museum in London , its Royal library in Paris , its Vatican in Rome. " Cities hold the world's scepter. Afri ca was Carthage , Greece was Athens , England is London , France is Paris , Italy is Rome , and the cities in which God has cast our lot will yet decide the destiny of the American people. At this season of the year I have thought it might be useful to talk a lit tle while about the moral responsibility resting upon the office bearers of all our cities a theme as appropriate to those who are governed as the governors. The moral character of those who rule a city has much to do with the charac ter of the city itself. Men , women and children are all interested in national politics. When the great presidential election comes , every patriot wants to be found at ballot box. We are all in terested in th3 discussion of national finance , national debt , and we read the laws of congress , and we are wonder ing who will sit next in the presiden tial chair. Now , that may be all very well is ver3' well ; but it is high time that we took some of the attention which we have been devoting to na tional affairs and brougbt it to the stu dy of municipal government. This it seems to me now is the chief point to be taken. Make the cities right , and the nation will be right. I have noticed that according to their opportunities there has really been more corruption in municipal governments in this coun try than in the state and national leg islatures. Now , is there no hope ? With the mightiest agent in our land , the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ , shall not all our cities be reformed , and purified , and redeemed ? I believe the day will come. I am in full sympathy with those who are opposed to carrying politics into religion ; but our cities will never be reformed and purified until we carry religion into politics. I look over our cities and I see that all great interests are to be affected in the fu- ! ! ture , as they have been affected In the past , by the character of those who In the different departments rule over us , and I propose to classify some of those interests : In the first place 2 rpmarfc : Commer cial ethics are nlwr.ys affected by the moral or Immoral character of those who have municipal supremacy. Offi cials that wink at fraud , and that have neither censure nor arraignment for glittering dishonesties , always weaken the pulse cf commercial honor. Every shop , every store , every bazaar , every factory in the cities feels the moral character of the city ball. If In any city there be a dishonest mayoralty , or an unprincipled common council , or a court susceptible to bribes , in that city there will be unlimited license for all kinds of trickery and sin ; while , on the other hand. If officials are faithful to their oath of office , if the laws are promptly executed , if there is vigilance in regard to the outbranchlngs of crime , there is the highest protection for all bargain making. A merchant may stand in his store and say : "Now , I'll have nothing to do with city politics ; I will not soil my hands with the slush ; " nevertheless the most Insig nificant trial in the police court will affect that merchant directly or indi rectly. What style of clerk Issues the writ ; what style of constable makes the arrest ; what style of attorney issues the plea ; what style of judge charge the jury ; what Etyle of sheriff executes the sentence these are questions that strike your counting rooms to the cen ter. You may not throw it off. In the city of New York , Christian merchants for a great while said : "We'll have nothing to do with the man agement cf public affairs , " and they allowed everything to go at loose ends until there rolled up in the city a debt of nearly $120,000,000. The municipal government became a hissing and a by word in the whole earth , and then the Christian merchants saw their folly , and they went and took possession of the ballot boxes. I wish all commer cial men to understand that they are not independent of the moral character of the men who rule over them , but must be thoroughly , mightily affected by them. So , also , of the educational interests of a city. Do you know that there are in this country about seventy thou sand common schools , and that there are over eight millions of pupils , and that the majority of these schools and the majority of those pupils are in our cities ? Now , this great multitude of children will be affected by the intelli gence or ignorance , the virtue or the vice , of boards of education and boards of control. There are cities where edu cational affairs are settled in the low caucus in the abandoned parts of the cities , by men full of ignorance and rum. It ought not to be so ; but in many cities it is so. I hear the tramp ot coming generations. What that great multitude of youth shall be for this world and the next will be affected very much by the character of your public schools. You had better inultiply the moral and religious influences about the common schools rather than abstract from them. Instead of driving the Bible out , you had better drive the Bible further in. May God defend our glorious common school system , and send into rout and confusion all its sworn enemies. I have also to say that the character of officials in a city affects the domestic circle. In a city where grogshops have their own way , and gambling hells are not interfered with , and for fear of los ing political influence officials close their eyes to festering abominations in all those cities the home interests need to make imploration. The family circles of the city must inevitably be affected by the moral character or the immoral character of those who rule over them. I will go further and say that the re ligious interests of a city are thus af fected. The church today has to con tend with evils that the civil law ought to smite ; and while I would not have the civil government in any wise relax its energy in the arrest and punishment of crime , I would have a thousand-fold more energy put forth in the drying up of the fountains of iniquity. The church of God asks no pecuniary aid from political power ; but does ask that in addition to all the evils we must necessarily contend against we shall not have to fight also municipal negli gence. Oh , that in all our cities Chris tian people would rise up , and that they would put their hand on the helm before piratical demagogues have swamped the ship. Instead of giving so much time to national politics , give some of your attention to municipal government. I demand that the Christian people who have been standing aloof from public affairs come back , and in the might of God try to save our cities. If things are or have been bad , it is be cause good people have let them be bad. That Christian man who merely goes to the polls and casts his vote does not do his duty. It is not the ballot box that decides the election , it is the po litical caucus ; and if at the primary meetings of the two political parties unfit and bad men are nominated , then the ballot box has nothing to do save to take its choice between two thieves ! In our churches , by reformatory or ganization , in every way let us try to tone up the moral sentiment in these cities. The rulers are those whom the people choose , and depend upon it that in all the cities , as long as pure hearted men stand aloof from politics because they despise hot partisanship , just so long in many of our cities will rum make the nominations , and rum con trol the ballot box , and rum inaugurate the officials. I take a step further in this subject , and ask all those who believe in the omnipotence of prayer , day by day , and every day , present your city officials be fore God for blessing. If you live in a city presided over by a mayor , pray for him. The chief magistrate of a city is in a position of great responsibility. Many of the kings and queens and em perors of other days hav # no such do m minion. With the scratch of a pen h m may advance a beneficent lnntltutlon ffl or balk a railway confiscation. By ap- .1 polntraenta he may bless or curse every | j hearthstone In the city. If In tbyEpls- J ] copal churchcK. by the authority of the | j Litany , and In our non-Episcopate tj chtirche3. wo every Snbbath pray for | j the president of the United States , why ij not , then , be just as hearty In our supplications - ! | plications for the chief magistrates of | | cities , for their guidance , for their | | health , for their present and everlaat- JJ ing morality ? jl My word now Is to all who may como | | to hold any public position of trust in jl any city. You are God's represent- | l tlves. God , the king and ruler and jl Judge , sets you In his place. Oh , bo fl faithful in the discharge of all your § 1 • iiitics , bo that when all our cities are jl in. ashes , and the worlfl Itself Is a red Jl scroll of flame , you may be , In the jl mercy and grace of Chrlst.rewarded for II your faithfulness. It was that feeling II which gave such eminent qualifications | l for office to Neal Dow , mayor ot Port- jl land , and to Judge McLean , of Ohio , fl and' to Benjamin F. Butler , attorney- | fl general of New York , and to George 11 Briggs , governor of Massachusetts , and jl to Theodore Frelinghuysen , senator of 11 the United States , and William Wll- • ' berforce , member of the British parlla- | ment. You may make the rewards of -M eternity the emoluments of your office. I What care you for adverse political I criticism If you have God on your side ? The one , or the two , or the three years . of your public trust will pass away , and all the years ot your earthly service , I and then the tribunal will be lifted , > before which you and I must appear. I May God make you so faithful now that the last scene shall be to your exhll- H aration and rapture. I wish now to , fl exhort all good people , whether they are the governors or the governed , to < l make one grand effort for the salvation , I the purification , the redemption of our I American cities. Do you not know that there are multitudes going down I to ruin , temporal and eternal , dropping I quicker than words from my lips ? jH Grogshops swallow them up. Gambling - H bling hells devour them. Houses of A shame are damning them. Oh , let us H toil , and pray , and preach , and vote H until all these wrongs are righted. H What we do we must do quickly. With. H our rulers , and on the same platform , H we must at last come before the throne H of God to answer for what we have H done for the bettering of our great | towns. Alas ! if on that day it will be H found that your hand has been idle and M my pulpit has been silent. Oh , ye who M are pure and honest , and Christian , go J to work and help to make the cities M pure , and honest , and Christian. M Lest it may have been thought that M I am addressing only what are called M the better classes , my final word is to M some dissolute soul to whom these M words may come. Though you may be M covered with all crimes , though you M may be smitten with all leprosies , M though you may have gone through the M whole catalogue of iniquity , and may M not have been in church for twenty M years , you may have your nature entirely - M tirely reconstructed , and upon your M brow , hot with infamous practices and M besweated with exhausting indulgen- M cies , God will place the flashing coronet - | H et of a Savior's forgiveness. "Oh , no ! " | you say , "if you knew who I am and M where I came from , you wouldn't say M that to me. I don't believe the Gospel - | pel you are preaching speaks of my M case. " Yes , it does , my brother. And | then when you tell me that , I think of | what St. Teresa said when reduced to | utter destitution , having only two > | pieces of money left , she jingled the | two pieces of money in her hand and LH said : "St. Teresa and two pieces of | money are nothing ; but St. Teresa and | two pieces of money and God are all M things. " And I tell you now that | while a sin and a sinner are nothing , a | sin and a sinner and an all forgiving M and all compassionate God are every- M Who is that that I see coming ? T | know his step. I know his rags. Who M is it ? A prodigal. Come , people of M God ; let us go out and meet him. Get | H the best robe you can find in all the M wardrobe. Let the angels of God iilL M their chalices and drink to. his eternal M rescue. Come , people of God , let us go M out to meet him. The prodigal is coming - M ing home. The dead is alive again , M and the lost is found. | H Pleased with the news , the saint below M la songs their tongues employ ; M Beyond the skies the tidings go , | H And heaven is filled with jov. M Nor angels can their joy contain , H But kindle with new fire : H "The sinner lost is found , " they sins , H And strike the sounding lyre. H Joy Versus Sorrow. . H No human being can come into the H world without increasing or diminishing - H ing the sum total of human happiness , H not only of the present , but of every H subsequent age of humanity. No one H can detach himself from this connec- H tion. There is no sequestered spot in H the universe , no dark niche along the H disk of non-existence to which he can H retreat from his relations to others , H where he can withdraw his infmence of H his existence upon the moral destiny of H the world ; everywhere he will have H companions who will be better or worse H for his influence. H .Not to Ulame. H "You know you think more of a rich. H man than a poor one , " said the outspoken - H spoken friend. "I can't deny it , " said H the stateman sadly. "But how can I H help it ? Ever- poor man I meet H wants me to help him get a governfl ment job. " Indianapolis Journal. H Corset Saves Her Life. H A steel of a corset saved the life of H Mrs. David R. Evans , at Wilkes-Barre , H recently. Her husband discharged a H pistol at her , and the bullet struck her H corset steel , lacerated the flesh and fell H to the floor _ H Kzm4immsmmmmi mmmm * - ' * mm i . . 4 H