A Kluln ; ; Town. "What's a.l that racket ? " • • O , othin , ! , , "Yea ; mayor and the eJItor. Ftruck a dynumlto voln an' went a whiz-zon' ! • * _ _ Tlioro Ig ( i Clan * or 1'coplo j Wno are Injured by the use of coffee. 2lecently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a new preparation called GRAIN-O , made of pure grains , that takes the place of coffee. The moat delicate stomach receives it with out distress , and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over Vi as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cenu per package. Try it. Ask for GRAW-O. Si UnlcliiU of Her. Mr. Grey locks Will you marry me , Miss L'lypp ? Miss Flypp I am sorry , Mr. Grey- locks : but I can only bo a grand daughter to you Judo. No-To-Uao for Firty Cent * . Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , sialics weal : Jneu btrone , blood pure. 60c. 11. All drucclatB. Close observation is formed by the united action of the brain and the oye. FROM LOWELL , MASS ] The Homo of Hood's Sarsapariila A Wonderful Cure. "A swelling ns big as a largo marble \ came under my tongue. Physicians said it was a semi-transparent tumor and must bo operated upon. I felt I could not stand it , nnd as spring came began to take my favorite spring tonic , Hood's Sarsapariila. The bunch gradually decreased and finally disappeared. I have had no sign of its re turn. I am glad to praise Hood's Sarsapa riila. " Mrs. H. M. Cobuen , 8 Union St. , . Lowell , - Mass. Get HOOD'S. • Hood's Pills cure Sick Headache. 25c. S that opened s ifc 13-1 Cttm ) I Roatbeerfl l 5 The popping of a / * * ' < jJw\ \ * cork from a bottle of l " * 5r I O Hires is a signal of \ _ / 'I 2 good health and plea-fj y m sure. A sound the E xPiy E old folks like to hear > meflL va the children can't ! i "y M 8 U1RE6 a r ' | llliifei m ' jB Is composed of the s. V 7S I f\ very ingredients the * % fw { Sj system requires. Aiding I" J" a the digestion , soothing * " * * < | the nerves , purifying MH g the blood. A temperrasHHa x nnce drink for temper3 * SjSjft y The Charles E.Htfc Co. . PhUa. JeK 6 Ai > aokas3 main 5 gallons.flW . " - SUMMER TOURS 1 , VIA TO THE MOUNTAINS , LAKES and SEASHORE. Special Low Rates -will bo in effect to Put-in-Bay , Islands of Lake Erie , Lake Chautauqua , Niagara Falls , Thousand Islands , St. Lawrence River , Adirondacks , " Lake George , Now England Resorts , New "York and Boston. To the Great Lakes , Cleveland , Sandusky , Toledo , Detroit , Benton - ton Harbor , Mt. Clemens , Mackinac and Michigan Resorts. To the Northwest and "West via St. Louis and Chicago. For rates , routes , time of trains and full par ticulars apply to any agent "Big Foun Route , " or address E. 0. IKcCORMICK , Passenger Traffic Manager "Rin Four. " Cincinnali. 0. HALL'S I Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER Beautifies and restores Gray Hair to its original color and vitality ; prevents baldness ; cures itching and dandruff. A fine hair dressing. It. T. Hall & Co. , Props. . Nashua , N.H. { Sold by all Druggists. S7S S 50 I 'Western "Wheel "Works < - MAKERSm o CtttCACO ft /A/c/S CATAL9G VE FREE | § & * n CURE YOURSELF ! jE * T / CDKES\ I Use Big O for unnatural m g /In lto5daja.\ discharges , inflammations , ' w Jrrf f O rmatetd VJ irritations or ulcerations m ft ( ± > T/cot to luieiur * . of mucous membranes. \ | 3JPr Ttnu > al * 1 ° > - Painless , and not astrin- * J * * IJSSuTHeEmhs CheUICALCO. cent cr poisonous , ttf " \ tf kCINClHWLO.r " " " ! Sold byDroRVilts , K \ \ \ r.B.1. 7. p or sent in plain • wrapper , m I \ ISA * I by express , prepaid , for ft V V > M"nM fl. < n. or3 bottles , J2.75. i i > "L. Circular sent on request. S % Wtk III ! JTABDS can bo saved with * V O 11 M MM out tIeir knowledge by / 11 K 11 HI K ANTI JAG , the marvelous t \ WM 1 mM IM M\ cure for the drink habit. „ * ' m * * * m Ji' All druggists , or write I f ULL INFORMATION GLADLY 'MAILED FREE. J V nDHDCV NEW DISCOVERY : etr * . . K U JT L JIr WP I qutckreliefanJcures worst > cases. Send for book of testimonials and lO { lays' t M treatment Free Dr. n.u.GKEKX'ssoss.AUtau.u * . Jb , ri rf\r"lrt The best Red Ropoltooflntrxot t & s Kill I rill I * Ic-rer sq.ft. , caps and nails in- M , llwwl • • * * cluded. Snbittutea for Plaster I K Vw 6aapiei2ree.xiwrArBA5UUBOon5acacamdeasJl g I M | HnlBn | > rAH.B.WILLSON&Cq..Wash I ft PHTFilTX'nSton-D-C- : fee till patent t | < W ( HI bll I Vsecured. 48-paco hooU. Tree. l L tH CURLS WHEKE ALL LLS FAILS. Q v # KM B < t Cough Syrup. Tastes Good , uee Q - V y E in time. Bold by druggists. JSl t I t pBWS * i i = tiJ ai zm [ • i Eii o I THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER. BY FRANCIS SCOTT KEY. 0 say , can you see , by the dawn's early light , What so proudly we hail'd at the twi light's last gleaming Whose broad stripes and bright stars , through the clouds of the fight , O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming ! And the rocket's red glare , the bombs bursting in air , Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there ; 0 say , does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave ? On that shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep , Where the foe's haughty hoBt in dread silence reposes , What is that which the breeze , o'er the towering steep , As it fitfully blows , now conceals , now discloses ? Now it catches the gleam of the morn ing's first beam , In full glory reflected now shines on the stream ; * Tis the star-spangled banner ; O long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave ! And where is that band who so vaunt- ingly swore That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion A home and a country should leave us no more ? Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution. No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave ; And the star-spangled banner in tri umph doth wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. 0 ! thus be it ever , when freemen shall stand Between their loved homes and the war's desolatiot ! Blest with victory and peace , may the heav'n-rescued land Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation. Then conquer we must , when our cause it is just , And this be our motto "In God is our trust ! " And the star-spangled banner in tri umph shall wave 3'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. dm ; | mglaMc > l&bRIAH G.ARB > y UL3V. ' * , Ur * * * " * " ER memorable . - W and glorious K fl r Fourth ! The sun jjS l ( $ wPl ] ] ] ry-went down last Sj : night beyond the Sgsr , hills , like an Olym- f pif piaf n , chriot'with > fl unfurled streamers , " tinging up golden clouds behind Its wheels. Along the cr * west floated the lazy drapery of retiring day , and the torizon glowed with the prophetic ; lory of the coining morn. Nature traced her sides for ten thousand suc- : essive concussions of gunpowder , and he atmosphere cleared itself in omi- ious preparation for considerable ; moke. Yesterday , "Birnam Wood ame to Dunsinane , " or to town , and tegan to stand upprim , before booths , nd beer shops. Pine , cedar , spruce , ,11 lock spruce , and straight , and na- ural , as though trying to make peo- ile believe they sprung up and grew here in a single night , like the gourd 1 Jona * " - f iujoifrer Majbeth may jii""r ' ir-LLB-1 "yw . • 7T.wrr _ ' | , , , , , , , ; , , , : take no alarm , Delavan and his army may , in prospect of bacchanalian"com- memorations. At nine o'clock last night were heard the first preludes of the great day , in the sound of fire crackers , squibs and flying serpents not unlike the fly ing serpents sent to punish the ancient people , but without a brazen serpent to cure the bitten. All the poles bear flags , instead , whose stripes and stars inflame , in many a youthful bosom , that sort of patriotism which finds es capement in torpedoes and fiery-wing ed reptiles. The booming cannon at midnight ushers in the eventful anniversary , and now , " • No sleep till morn , " or thereafter ! You begin to dream of the olden time that "tried souls , " when men started from their couches at the roar of a foreign lion ; and there ! crack ! near your window goes off a gun , or something worse. You console yourself , however , with the thought this may be the first and the last salu- GAY TROOPS MARCH. tation so near at hand ; and with this reflection you are falling into a deli cious lapse , when , there ! another is heard , nearer still. And such another ! You listen , and wonder whether the in strument burst or not , almost hoping it did , in order to terminate this seren ade of thunder. Well , you about con clude an actual explosion took place , and you begin to fear the juvenile Ju piter has been kicked over and wound ed in the cause of his country. In your sympathy for the fallen patriot , you listen anew , and are tempted to turn out to his relief , when by the shadow of Pluto and all his subterran ean armory ! right under your win dow , bellows such another gunpowder fulmination as you never expect to hear again. No matter , however , for the occasion gives moment to the most trifling circumstances , and you feel reconciled with thoughts on the bless edness of liberty. Yet , with a remnant of desperation , you wish all the sul phur and saltpetre of the under king dom thrust into some piece of artillery , like that which Milton ascribes to the inventive genius of Satan , and touched off at once and forever. * * * * * * But the sun is up , and the "rock- ribbed hills" tremble at dawn with the boom of a hundred cannonading echoes. From yonder tall staff streams the banner high and gay in the morn ing light and breeze a ribbon sail strung out from the fleecy cloud on which the angel of freedom rides in the heavens over the nations of earth. Angel of Columbia , weep not ! for though millions beneath thee groan , yet a little while longer , and the shout that rings from Maine to Oregon shall be the shout of a race redeemed from the last bond. Now mellowly mingles the sound of martial music with the morning air. Gay troops march , with gay plumes and glistening arms- , along the thoroughfare , as proud of them selves as the boys are who march by their side , in anarchial file , keeping time with fife and drum. Room , room , now , for the land-sons of Neptnne , with coats of many hues and Joseph * shirts , dragging their tridents behind , trimmed and trusty for the raging con flagration. And then comes Flora , with her fairy band , decked in green and blossom array , moving onward in gen tle and smiling procession , like a flow- ; * ery island floating down the meadow- stream , to the music of nymphs and the rippling of Eden waters. The bells ring in joyous peal , and each stroke of the metal thrills the tramping multi tude with a shock of Indefinable enthu siasm. Great thoughts of the glory and greatness of the country swell in many a bosom , wholly unused to any extraordinary emotions. With what profound awe and admiration doe3 that youth stand yonder in the street , now wildly gazing , with eyes and mouth wide open , first at the crowd , and then at the banners strung from chimney to chimney , and steeple to steeple ! The town folks take him to be an unripe vegetable , just because he wears what he pleases boots for service , more than for squeaking coat , bob-skirted and gray , rather than rudely flaunting , and a bell-crowned hat capricious enough to hold all the gingerbread he can afford to purchase. Well , if he has no right to look as he pleases , nor to thrust his hands deep into his pockets , in support of the in dependent indifference of his posi tion , and on such a day , of what avail are all the boasted privileges of the country ? It is now towards burning noon. All the shops and factories have turned out their flaunting troops of fashion and beauty. Long processions , stream ing with perspiration and begrimed with clouds of the mother element , are completing their everlasting cir cuits through the populous streets. Squads of juvenile followers have fal len off , and musical instruments begin to sound as though their owners , in stead of desiring to give out much more liquid martial melody , were in need of some sort of liquid them selves. The van members of the pro cession , having ended their journey , stand quite at ease , converting their hats into fans ; and , considering the circumstances , look with very cool complacency upon the unfortunate ones who are left to bring up the rear. Soda fountains and small beer estab lishments are now in the height of operation. Phiz ! crack ! popple ! popple ! and expelled stopples go whiz zing and booming from the foaming muzzles of angry bottles , now glad to break loose and take revenge for past confinement. A thousand throats are gurgling the delicious liquids , and twice that number of lips are smack ing , expressive of grateful satisfaction , much to the aggravation of innumer able youngsters who stand looking on , mournful from the want of a few cop pers , to enjoy similar indulgences. Beneath becking pavilions , in crowd ed halls , or happily in the green grove , at last gather the eager host. Fans flit like swarms of cooling phantoms before glowing faces , and the orator of the day opens with the ominous "Fellowcitizens ! " For an hour he sinks and soars , generalizes from Rome to Plymouth , and becomes lost in the immensity of themes. But now the grand festival is at hand. Toasts , mu sic , cheers and , then , there is no cal culating how easily the responsibilities of the country weigh upon the minds of the well-feasted multitude. The day declines and the sun hovers in the west like a Roman candle , fling ing its hazy light over the hills. Or , ' there it glares , with a great red eye , towards the east , as though winking in defiance of the monarchical powers beyond the Atlantic. The streets be gin to echo the tread of flagging feet. Day pales into twilight , and , as the western star conies out , a rocket as cends to greet it , and mock its distance. As darkness creeps over the land scape , lawns and parks darken with human throngs ; while windows , bal conies and housetops tremble under the weight of pyrotechnical gazers. Shout after shout rises through the smoky air like the munnurings of the sea , as the heavens glow with eccen- hric fires , in mimicry of the fireworks of the firmament. But the hour has gone by , and in the gloom of night the weary wanderers hie to their homes. Silence and darkness draw their cur tains over a sleeping nation , while dreams of the departed day still ling er around. Morning will soon come again , and call forth the toiling mill ions to the heat and burden of a weary day. But sleep now in peace , ye suffering sons and daughters of Mam- mondom ! and dream ye of a liberty not your own , though a name dear , and * < \J * 'i Lifn ifi j I'll'I vtn * 2y , * & V. 'ifH ' NOW WILDLY GAZING. adored by hearts of Columbian soil ! Sad and solemn the scene of enchat- teled multitudes , yet ever glorious with prophecy is the jubilee of an Ameri can Fourth. A JoKe on the Dentist. Mrs. McLuberty "How did ye git along wid th' dintist , Murty ? " Mc Luberty "Sure , he moighty near kilt me , so he did ; but , bedad , oi hov th' ' laugh on him , all th' same. " Mrs. Mc- Luberty "Is thot so ? " McLuberty "Yis. Begorrah ! he pulled th' wrong tootV Judge. Burlington Kontn Only 822.50 to San France * June 20 to July 3 , account national convention Christian Kntleavorers. Special trains. Througl- tourist and palace sleepers. Stop-overs allowed itt and west of Denver. Hctum via I'ort- lend , Yellowstone Park and Black Hills if desired. Endcavorcrs and their friends who take the Burlington Route are guar anteed a quick , cool and comfortable journey , line scenery ( by daylight ) and first classequipment. . Berths are reserved and descriptive literature furnished oil request. See nearest B. & M. U. II. ticket agent or write to J. Francis , G. P. A. , Burling ton Route , Omaha , Neb. A JCovcrrtlblti Shot. City Man , to hunter Lijo. you'vo heard a great many tough hunting storios. Which do you think is the toughest yarn you over heard-1 Lijo I don't remember of heat-in' no such tough yarn as you speak of. Tell you really what did happen down here , though 'bout a year ago. A man shot a bear in the head , and just the minute the boar folttho ball ho turned right around. Ho turned so quick that the ball hit the man and killed him after passing through the bear. Philadelphia Post Slinko Into Tour .Shoes. Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder for the feet. It cures painful , swollen , smart ing feet and Instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It Is the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating , callous and hot , tired , aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists ami shoe stores. By mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted , Le Roy , N. Y. • • Adlroiul ck. " The word "Adirondack" is derived from the Indian Ha-de-ron-dack ( meaning wood eaters' ) , and applied in derision to the remnant of a once- powerful tribe of Algonquins , who were defeated in war by the Iroquois and forced to seek refuge in the New York wilderness , living for weeks upon the bark and roots of trees , and finally ending their existence here. The name was first given to the toveral ranges and mountains and finally adopted for the wilderness as well. Mrs. D. A. McCoy,711 So.27th-st. , Omaha , Neb. , writes : "I am old lady 07 years old r.nd I have been trouble ! for the past 20 years with constipation , indigestion and sleepless nights , but since taking Dr. Kay's Renovator I can sleep like a child and am not troubled in the least with the above named diseases. Your Dr. Kay's Renova tor is worth its weight in gold. " If you ere sick , from any cause , there is no rem edy more likely to cure you than Dr. Kay's Renovator. Send stamp for a valu able CS-pngo book , * 'Dr Kay's Home Treatment , " the best family reference book published. Address Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co. , Omaha , Nob. A Karef.ieeil I.ic. "What is your business , sir ? " pro ceeded the 'squire in the course of the examination. "I am an actor ! " proudly replied the member of a mammoth double "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Company , thrusting his good right hand into the bosom of his Prince Albert coat. "Perjury ! perjury ! " shouted every man in the room who had witnessed the performance upon the previous night. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smuke Your Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever , be mag netic , full of life , nerve and vigor , take No-To- Bac , -wonder-worker , that makes weak men strong. All druggists , . -0c or SI- Cure guaranteed. Uookletand sample free. Addrc- Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York. itather 'i oplie.ivy. Boy That toy boat you sold mo is no good. Dealer What's wrong with it ? Boy It won't stand up. Flops right over as quick as I put it in the water. Guess you think I wanted it man-of-war. for a - - The editor of this paper advi es his readers that a free package of Peruviana , the best kidney and liver cure on earth , will be delivered FREE to any sufferer , if writ ten for promptlv. Peruviana Remedy Co. , 2SC 5th St. . Cinc innati. Ohio. The Hemp Mue. Kentucky is the foremost state in the production of hemp , and has been known to produce 35,0JO tons in a year. It produces two-thirds of the American tobacco crop , growing in 1889 SO.OOO.OJO pounds. FITS PernianentljCured. > ofits oraervonsncssaftci hrst day s use of Dr. Kline s Ure.it > ervo Restorer. Send tor FREE S2.00 trial bottle and treatise Dis. R. H. Kum. Ltd.,931 Arch St. . Philadelphia , Pa. A Uible JUoustri.sitj- . The only monstrosity mentioned in the bible was the giant who had • • six fingers on every hand and on every foot six toes , four and twenty in all. " See Samuel 2 , xxi. , 2l Hall's Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure. Price , 7oc. boniethin ? Wrtmsj. Johnny Mamma , my toes are not as hard as leather , are they ? Mara ma IVo , Johnny. Johnny Then , mamma , how do they wear them selves through my shoes3 Puclc FAKUEII/S EAKIAO POKDKK IS The best , at half the price ; all grocers will re fund your moner If you are not satisfied. Wise and patient effort will make home the most attractive place on earth. Pico's Cure for Consumption has been a ' God-send to me. Win. B. McClellan , Ches ter , Fla. , Sept. 17 , 1S93. Duty and right go hand in hand. They must stand or fall together. Coe'a Concti Baliam Is the oldest and best It ill break up a cold quicker thau anything : else. It Is always reliable. Try it. , j Never allow risicule to interfere with your idea of what is right. . ! "To Core Constipation Forever. j Take Cascarcts Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. It C C. C. fail to cure , druggists refund moner. Economy is a virtue that consists more in selection than in saving. fi f i Dr. Kay's Renovator cures people. Trial' . size 2oc. Head advertisement. { ' , Parents should always have tender but firm control of their children. I - * J ItuVlnr.U.v U'oiiiJii. . | The l'renohwoujuu. unitko her % English siotei * . Inn u > a rule , ti very Ijl good business • 'ducation. In the S common school- she is taught Iioiiho- * | hold bookktfooing uud Is given lessons - | sons in purehuHing and useful ox- | jieiidituro. As a wife t ho Is cxpoctod I generally to help her ini.sbaml in his business , and sometime bho mun- ages it entirely for him. In the | small stores slio nets us dark for him and in the larger ones she is at ] equal partner. Bra tlut Furcucll I * Spoken On the deck of tlio steamer , or on thn train that Into bear you away from Uioho dear to you. you will , If you are wlsi > . Itavo safely btowctl away in your hiK asca sitlllclonL sup ply of that bafc uard a aluit UlmttviKnslot - tfr's Stomach ltlilrr-f. I'ntiimuirlal travel er * , tourists ami pioneer cmlM' .tntH concur hi tcttlfylnt ; to tfit * furttfyitu ; and savlmc properties of tln great tonic. IJso for coustl- * : pation. 1)UIousih'-.s , malarial and kidney complaints and tii'i-wmsuv-is. Tlnu Wutiti'il. Young Man Tommy , you are such J a nice little boy ! j i Tommy No use talking that way | to me , Mr. Deadgonc. Sis already \ has a fellow. Truth. \ Sirs. AVIiikloiv'H Nootlilnsr Njrnp | ForrhlldrfntjetliliiK.soflenntliPBiiniji.rvdtuTiilnllAm. } matlon , allays pain , curia wind colic. CO cent * u bottle | Atisti'Iit'H I.uhor lVntilnu. , In Austria laborers who have passed the ago of b'J may claim from il the government a pension equal to fl ono-third of the daily wages received I during their working years. iH Kdurate Yonr Boivcln With Cascnrcti. H Candy Cathartic , cure constipation forever. M 10c. If a C. C. fall , druggists refund money. , H Laughter is an enemy to malice , a M foe to scandal , and a friend to virtue. M TryGrain = 0 ! I Try Qrain = 0 ! Im Ask your Grocer to-day to 1 1 show ycu a package of ' H GltAIN-O , the new food H | drink that takes the place H of coffee H The children may drink I. j H without injury as well as the H adult. All who try it , like H it. GRAIN-O has that rich M seal brown of Mocha or Java , | | but it is made from pure M grains , and the most delicate H stomach receives it without M distress. } { the price of M coffee. M 1. ) cents and 25 cents per M package. Sold by all grocers. M Tastes like Coffee H Looks like Coffee H WILL PAY SlOO FOR ANY CASE H Of Weakness in 3ien They Treat and j H Fail to Cure. H An Omaha Company places for the first j H time before the public a Maoicai. Tkkat- H mext for the cure of Lost Vitality , Nervous H and Sexual Weakness , and Restoration of | Life Force in old nnd youn men. No | worn-out French remedy ; contains no | Phosphorous or other harmful drugs. It is H a Wonderful Tkeatment magical m its H eil'eets positive in its cure. All readers , | who are suffering from a weakness that | blights their life , causing that mental and | physical suffering peculiar to Lost Manhood - | hood , should write to the STATE MEDICAL M COMPANY , Omaha. Neb. , and they will H send you absolutely FREE , a valuable 1 paper on thc-e diseases , and positive proofs | | of their truly Magical Thuatjicnt Thousands - H ands of men , who have lost all hope of a J cure , are being restored by them to a per- J feet condition. | This Magical Tkeatment may lie taken | at home under their directions , or they will j H pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who | prefer to go there for treatment , if they j H fail to cure. They are perfectly reliable ; | have no Free Prescriptions , Free Cure , j H Free Sample , or C. O. D. fake. They have | r > 0,000 capital , and guarantee to cure j J everj" case they treat or refund every dollar ; | or their charges may be deposited m a H bank to be paid to them when a cure is | effected. Write them today. J Shortest line j H Omaha to Denver. H Hot Springs , H South Dakota. H A health re3ort that is a H health resort. A place H where you can pass the H summer with , more satisfaction - H faction than you would H think possible. A pretty H spot , where every one feels H at home. Plenty to do and. H see. Easy to reach if you H take the Burlington. No j H dust , no hot wmas. no sud H rsv-rzcr35l en chances in ten- H pr > i'nTlif fnH perature Elegant hotels. H lil'j. 'iill-ti'iil Largestplunse bath m the H sSffws Sgj West. Thermal waters of H S iuMifjfcjj inestimable value to suiTer- H § 5423ZjaSa ers trom rheumatism , kid- H 1 ' ney troubles , etc. Altitado H just right for cossump- H tives. .endorsed by the H leading physicians and H medical journals of Iowa H Nebraska as the healthiest H health resort on the con- H tment. Write for pretty H booklet cirinc full mfor- H mation. | | J. FRANCIS , General Passenger Agent , | Omaha , Neb. H IT'S DANGEROUS H To bur SCALES , guaranteed -AN r.OOUAN" | FAIKKAXItN * . tor less money ; they can't be H midc. Uon't bur. unlcs you set the bot. A | cheap Scale let the mo t expecte investment 1 you can make ; it I * unreliable , and mean * that a | sooner or later you iniut buv a .iln. Ktiy only B a seuuinr. latest Improved FAIKBASKH H which will last you a lifetime , and prove the | cheapest In t lie end. Ko one can then dispute H your weights. JtKWAKK OK IMITATIONS , ! B FAIRBANKS , MORSE & CO. , H 1102 Farnam St. , Omaha , % 'eb. j f ENS10NS , PATENTS , CLAIMS. H JOHN W. MORRIS , WASHINGTON.D.C. g H Lata Friadpat Ewalner V. S. Peniloa Boreas. H 3 jrrs. la. lut tr , 15 adjudicating claisu , til. . siac * . H W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 27.-1897. H When writing to advertisers , kludly nan- H tion this paper. H