The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 25, 1897, Image 4

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    , R By F. M. KIMMELL.
m : : , fiBWLl5
! | | Tub Dingley tariff measure is
§ getting along swimmingly.
II' The high school law is definitely
P defunct. The state supreme court
| fc. has denied a re-hearing of the
W - case upon which its constitutional-
$ L ity was questioned and defeated.
w * ' Senator Hanna won the race
Wf with Senator Foraker and Gov-
Wi ernor Bushnell in a canter , and
M - Major Charles F. Dick , secretary
* 'sn national committee , will be chairman -
\ man of the Ohio committee vice
Hf- Charles L. Kurtz , who has managed -
$ aged the last two campaigns.
fa , ' Hanna is a marker.
* : r
jj\ The Washington News Letter
f' ? of recent date contains a sketch
! and half-tone of Senator John
I [ * Mellon Thurston. The sketch re-
j ' fers to the junior senator as a brill-
K iant example of the self-made man ,
f- a lawyer of signal ability , and an
i orator whose utterances are models
i of eloquence , terseness and com-
f prehensiveness. Nebraskans have
: little cause to be ashamed of their
* brainy and energetic junior sena-
i tor.
0s "If my life is prolonged , " said
f- f John Sherman in the closing lines
of his "Recollections of forty
? years , " "I will do all I can to add
to the strength and prosperity of
the United States , but nothing to
extend its limits or to add new dan
gers by an acquisition of foreign
territory. " The same John Sher-
J man put his signature "Wednesday
„ ' . to the treaty for the annexation of
Hawaii. Time occasionally brings
* striking changes in men's moods
and opinions , and the period
| ; covered by this change is short.
s.v Globe-Democrat.
Setting over the hearing of the
' , ' stock yards injunction till next
month improves the chances for the
new stock yards law being-hung up
in the federal courts over the time
when it should go into effect accor
ding to the usual rule. There
ought to be some way by which
prompt adjudication might be had
on matters affecting the en
forcement of a law in which so
many and great interests are invol
ved , especially when a great cor
poration appeals to the federal
courts to set aside and nullify leg
islation enacted by the legislative
authorities of one of the states in
the union. Omaha Bee.
The people of this common
wealth may congratulate themselves
• on the result of the trial of Ex-
State Treasurer Joseph S. Bartley
for embezzling state funds. The
verdict of guilty is not only a
righteous one , but this vindication
of the law will have a reassuring
effect on the people , who have , not
without cause , been fearful that an
acquittal might be secured through
some trivial technicality. There
were absolutely no grounds for a
legitimate defense , and that put up
was trifling. The prosecution was
vigorous and able , and the firm
rulings of Judge Baker were most
helpful in keeping out bewildering
and irrelevant testimony and ex
pediting the case. The jury is
entitled to the gratitude of the
people for the verdict rendered.
The result in this case will encour
age the people to believe that em
bezzlement in high places can be
punished ; and it will serve as a
v * -warning for the future. If this
> ' - lesson be not lost there will be
f some compensation to the state for
* - * * the money stolen and the expenses
• > * * ' of the prosecution.
, . . . , , . , , , ,
iitwrtrt iJ.j. ii > i iiHiii en. mi l - - 7T Wy I fr „ ' " : • ; *
Danbury will not celebrate , this
Bye will be ready to cut by the
Leon Pew has purchased a new
alfalfa hay loader.
Thermometer has been standing
about 100 in the shade , this week.
Rev. A. G. Foreman of Beaver
City is here , this week , trying to
organize a Fraternal Aid associa
tion lodge.
S. R. Messner was in McCook
Friday * evening last , on his way
home from the Masonic meeting
in Lincoln.
Childrens' Day was observed by
the Union Sunday school , last Sun
day , with a good program and a
large attendance.
R. P. High and J. B. Cumming
were before the commissioners ,
Monday , on business connected
with a proposed public road.
Ed Underwood , buyer for Har
ris & Co. , at Rule , Neb. , is here
for a short visit. " Ed says crops
here are far ahead of the eastern
part of this state.
The pilgrims of Illinois drove
over from McCook , last Saturday
day morning , escorted by U. S.
Leisure and S. R. Messner , who
led them a roundabout way in
order to show them the good feat
ures of what can be done in the
southwest part of Nebraska. Leav
ing McCook about five o'clock in
the morning they were taken across
the plains , striking the , Beaver
creek about half way between here
and the Bluffs , then bringing them
down through the valley of Eden ,
showed them the fruits of labor
produced by man in the way of
improvements , alfalfa fields , corn
fields , wheat fields , rye fields , live
stock and etc. , tolling them that
these were not done bv man alone
but by the richness of the soil
which nature has produced. Ar
riving here about 11 o'clock they
were greeted at the hotel with an
address of welcome by Phillip
Gliem , to which they responded ,
thanking the citizens of Danbury
and vicinity for their kind and
courteous treatment already re
ceived ; also expressing themselves
that they were well pleased with
the countrv which had been shown
them. After dinner they were
accompanied to the train , taking
with them a few samples of grain
and clover that they might show
their relatives the progress of suc
cess in the west.
The defense which the attorneys
for the defaulting state treasurer of
Nebraska will set up is discrepan
cies in bookkeeping. As there is
a shortage of $500,000and a spe
cific charge of defalcation to the
amount of $200,000 , this defense
is , of course , puerile , but no more
so than many another set up by
the defaulters of today. Chicago
The Ohio state convention has
resulted harmoniously in the nom
ination of the following ticket :
Governor , Asa S. Bushnell ; Lieu
tenant Governor , A. W. Jones ;
Supreme Judge , Jacob F. Burkett ;
Attorney General , Frank Monett ;
State TreaBurerSamuel Campbell ;
School Commissioner , L. D. Bone-
brake ; Member Board of Public
Works , C. A. Goddard. The can
didacy of Marcus A. Hanna for
return to the United States senate
was warmly endorsed and a speech
by the senator was one of the sur
prises of the convention , which ad
journed with everybody in fine
Have you been in to look at Selby's
harness at the "Bee Hive" ?
Selby can repair your old buggy tops.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cares Piles. Scalds. Boras.
O. L. Thompson had business at
Cedar Bluffs , Saturday.
James Boatman and wife of Mc
Cook were out over Sunday.
The thermometer registered 110
in the shade , Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Estella Cratty visited Miss
Mae ThompsonMonday and Tues
Charlie Miner and Nellie Al-
brechtwere over from Cedar Bluffs ,
One of Jacob Crocker's little
ones has been quite sick , but is
better now.
Died Miss Arvilda Miller was
born May 5th , 18J:8and died June
19th , 1897 , of cancer , from which
she had been a sufferer for several
years. Deceased was a sister of
Mrs. Eugene Dunham , with whom
she had made her home for the
last five or six years. Funeral ser
vices were held at the Prospect
Park school house at JL0 a. m. ,
Sunday , conducted by Rev. J. E.
Tirrill , after which the remains
were tenderly laid to rest in Longview -
view cemetery.
Buy your fireworks
at The Bee Hive.
Selby is now selling his own make of
leather suspenders at 40 cents ; same kind
the old hundred per center is selling at
60 cents.
S. D. McClain's father has been
quite sick but is better.
The farmers are very much en
gaged tending their corn these
FredBrown's school will close to
day. A successful term we under
Rev. Vivian is to preach at
Spring Creek , Saturday next at 3
John and Roy Stryker visited
their parents Saturday night and
part of Sunday.
The crops as a general thing are
looking fine thus far , although
needing some moisture.
Tour correspondent was so busy
last week the items from this part
of the county come out'minus.
William Sharp and wife are the
happy parents of a bouncing baby
boy ; mother and child doing well.
M. L. Brown of the Willow has
harvested his .first crop of alfalfa
without any rain , went about three
tons per acre.
I. B. Stryker was to the chil
dren's day entertainment at the
M. E. church of McCook last Sun
day evening , found it very inter
The children's day exercises at
Coleman were very interesting , all
acting their parts to their credit.
The singing under the leadership
of Prof. Nussbum was very fine.
At the home of I. B. Stryker on
Monday , a solemn and impressive
ceremony took place , according to
the rites of the Dunkard or Breth
ren church. James 5 : 14-15 : Is
any sick among you let him call
for the elders of the church and
let them pray over him annointing
him with oil in the name of the
Lord. And the prayer of faith
shall save the sick and the Lord
shall raise him up and if he have
committed sins thay shall be for
given him. Mrs. L. Woodard ,
mother of Mrs. Stryker , was an-
nointed at the above mentioned
time and place , Rev. Jacob Norf-
ziger of Mascot and Rev. John
Garber of Norton county , Kansas ,
performing the ceremony. It is
regretted by the Stryker family
and Mrs. Woodard that the time
of the ceremony could not have
been known so others could have
been present to witness the Bolemn
Hon. John Gammill was in town
this week.
Dr. Walsworth was up from
Cambridge , Monday.
Dr. Hobsou is still very low ; he
will hardly recover.
Our people expect to have a big
time the 4th if it doesn't rain.
James Kinghorn was examined
for increase of pension , Wednes
Robert Welborn of Denver is
visiting his father's family , this
A. S. Campbell and Clarence
Whittaker were on our streets ,
Attorney Sherwood of Cam
bridge was in our city on legal
business , Saturday.
Mrs. John F. Miller and her
mother , Mrs. Ira Harrison of Box
Elderdid shopping in town.Thurs-
Two Misses Worley , daughters
of Rev.Wm.Worley of Greenwood ,
are visiting their aunt , Mrs. T. F.
Lyman Bayard of Orleans , who
is in the employ of David C. Cook ,
is visiting his old school friends ,
Will Crago and John Beck , today
The school board has elected
Prof. P. C. Cullen of Lincoln as
principal , and Miss Stella Peake of
our city for the grammar room , in
place of Prof. Dobson and wife
who refused to contract.
Great excitement for the boys
and girls as well as for lots of big
folks , is the free showevery night
this week , of the Dr. Canus Elec
tric Belt company. We would ad
vise our McCook friends to get
ready for them , for like measles ,
they are catching.
Buy your fireworks
at The Bee Hive.
Mrs.W. S. Cornutt was down from Cul-
bertson , Wednesday , the guest of Mrs. T.
M. Munday.
The Populists , Democrats and
Silver Repulicans of Iowa have
"fused" on the following state
ticket : Governor , F. E. White ,
democrat , Keokuk county ; liuten-
ant-governor , B. A. Plummer , sil
ver republican , Winnebago county ;
judge supme court , L. G. Kinne ,
democrat , Bryan , Polk county ;
railroad oommissioner , S. B. Grain ,
populist , Dallas county ; super
intendent of instruction , G. F.
Rhinehartsilver republican , Jasper
county. The middle-of-the-road
delegates to the number of about
one hundred bolted and walked out
of the Convention.
Some for ten , some for twenty and some for
thirty years have suffered from piles and then
have been quickly and permanently cured by
using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , the great
remedy for piles and all forms of skin diseases.
A. McMillen.
If you want Fruits
go where they are
kept. At Knipple's ,
of course.
Terrible Accident. It is a terrible acci
dent to be burned or scalded ; but the pain and
agony aud the frightful disfigurements can be
quickly overcome without leaving a scar by
using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. A. Mc
HighesV Honors World's Fair ,
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
Our formers would like to boo n
good rain.
Mrs. E. 0. Goehring will soon
have ripe tomntoes.
E. 0. Goehring nnd family at-
D mt
tended church in McCookSunday.
Archibald Spoer says the grass
hoppers are eating his wheat.
A. D. Lord has bought Ed.
Green's crop that he put in on the
John "Wharton place.
Several of the Ridgitos attended
the South Side Christian Endeav
or anniversary services at Fitch's
grove , last Sunday. There was a
good program and with a few ex
ceptions it was carried out. The
address of Mrs. A. P. Welleswas
especially good.
We were sorry to hear of the
death of Miss Miller. She had
many friends in this vicinity and
we all loved her for her kind and
gentle ways. We hope that be
yond the river she has entered in
to the rest that is prepared for
those who do the Master's will on
earth , and we tender our sympathy
to her sister , Mrs. Eugene Dun
Buy your iireworks
at The Bee Hive.
$8.00 will buy a good hand-made har
ness of Selby at the "Bee Hive" .
You Can Consult a Renowned
In view of the great multitude of
women suffering from some form of
female diseases , and yet unable to
find any cure , Dr.Hartman has an
nounced his willingness to direct
the treatment of as many cases as
make application to him during the
summer months , without charge.
The treatment will be conducted by
correspondence. The doctor will
prescribe all medicines , applica
tions , hygienic and dietary regu
lations necessary to complete a
cure. The medicines prescribed
can be obtained at all drug-stores.
This offer will hold good only dur
ing the summer months. Any wo
man can become a regular patient
by sending a written statement of
her age , condition of life , history
and symptoms of derangements.
All correspondence will be held
strictly confidential. No testimon
ials of cures will be given to the
public except by the express wish
of the patient. The principal rem
edy he relies upon in such cases is
Pe-ru-na , which every woman
should have who has any affection
of this kind. Those wishing to be
come patients should address Dr.
HartmanColumbus , Ohio.
The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufactur
ing Company of Columbus , Ohio ,
are sending free to any person writ-
ingfor it , a neat little pamphlet de
voted exclusively to the treatment
of female diseases , written by Dr.
Not only piles of the very worst kind can he
cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , but ec
zema , scalds , burns bruises , boils , ulcers and
all other skin troubles can be instantly relieved
by the same remedy. A. McMillen.
Prince of Wales at Short Range
George W. Smalley will contribute - |
ute an article on "The Personal
Side of the Prince of Wales" to the
July Ladies' Home Journal. It is
said that Mr. Smalley gives a un
iquely interesting , close view of
the Prince , touching in detail up
on his great personal popularity in
England , and the reasons therefor ,
his love of sports , his pastimes , his
social duties and diversions , and
showing him as an affectionate son ,
a devoted husband , a loving father
and brother.
Don 't thin your blood w ith sassafras or poi
son it with blue-mass ; but aid Nature by using
DeWitt's LittlcEarly Risers , the famous little
pills for constipation , biliousness and stomach
ind liver troubles. They are purely vegetable.
\ . McMillen. .
Western Star Wash
er , $4 , at Knipple's.
wr mwiiwuaui wwwrrrr irm t - v - - - nniiiinnpM Mi jiujj.
test. !
&AKlK < 3 J
Absolutely. Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening
strength and hcnlthfulness. Assures the /
food against alum and nil forms of ndul-
teration common to the cheap brands. fl
Rovai , Baking Powdkr Co. , Nkw H
York. H
Mr. Isaac Homer , proprietor of the Burton /
House , Burton , \V. V.t nnd one of the most
widelv known men in the state was cured of
rheumatism after three years of suffering. He V
says : "I have not sufficient command of Ian- m
nuane to convey any idea of what I suffered , U
my physicians told me that nothing could be H
done for me and my friends were fully convinced - M
vinced that nothing but death would relieve H
me of my suffering. In June , 1S04 , Mr. livens , H
then salesman for the \ \ heeling Drug Co. , H
recommended Chamberlain' * Pain Balm. At H
this time my foot and limb were swollen to H
more than double their normal M/e and it Jl
seemed to me niy leg would burst , but soon fl
after I began using the I'ain Halm the swell M
ing betj.ui to decrease , the pain to leave , anil M
now I consider that I am entirely cured' . For JH
sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists. H
Go where Fruits are 1
to be found. That is 1
at Knipple's , the lead- J
ing- grocer , sure. 1
A. II. Batter , with K.C. Atkins & Co. , Indianapolis - V
dianapolis , Ind. . writes : "I have never before J
given a testimonial in my life. But I will say fl
that for three years we have never been with fl
out Chamberlain's. Colic , Cholera and Diar- J
rhoea Remedy m the house , and my wife I
would as soon think of being without flour as fl
a bottle of this Kennedy in the summer season. M
We have used it with all three of our children M
and it has never failed to cure not simply V
stop pain , but cure absolutely. It is all right , m
and anyone who tries it will find it so" . Kor B
sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists. jfl
Try that 15 cent box V
paper at The Tkibuite
oflice. Worth 25 els. m
Also cheaper grades. 1
"There's no use in talking" , says W. II. M
Broadwell , druggist. La Cygne , Kan. , "Cham- J M
berlain's Colic , Cholera anil Diarrhoea Kem- H
edy does the work. After taking medicines B
of my own preparation and those of others , I H
took a dose of Chamberlain's and it helped H
me ; a second dose cured me. Candidly and M
conscientiously I can recommend it as the i H
best thing on the market" . The 25 and 50 H
cent sizes for sale by L. W. McConnell & . Co. , H
Duggists. S
A § 7.50 Churn for 1
$ 5 , tli e eel eb rated CyjM
clone , at Knipple's.
Hundreds of thousands have been induced H
to try Chamberlain's Cough Kcmedy by reading - V
ing what it has done for others , and having fl
tested its merits for themselves are today its 9
warmest friends. For sale by L. W. McConnell -
nell & Co. , Druggists. I
Full line Crockery M
at Knipple's. B
"They are dandies" said Thos. Bowers , of fl
the Crocket , Texas , Enterprise , while writing S
about DeWitt's Little Early Kisers , the fam
ous little pills for sick headache and disorders S
of the stomach and liver. A. McMillen. iH
Inavalc cheese , very M
fine , at Knipple's. 1
W.B. Johnson , Newark.O.says , "One Minute M
Cough Cure saved my only child from dying , H
by croup" . It has saved thousands of others ]
suffering from croup , pneumonia , bronchitis < H
and other serious throat and lung troubles. A. fl
McMillen. ]
Plumber and I 1
Steam Fitter | I
? McCOOK , NEBR. ?
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass m jfl
L Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Z M
X Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse \ M
7 Windmills. Basementof the Meeker7
jjf Phillips building. P
f Palace Meat Market # I
gt Two doors south of wv H
Vk Commercial Hotel. < 5i ? |
| | A. CARSON , Proprietor. 1 |
gw Everything usually in W
jf a First Class Market will * ? V
v be found here. < § & v
$ leave Orders for Milk Here # J V
ft /
DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure ,
Pleasant , Quick Results , Sale to ' ]
_ J