The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 11, 1897, Image 8

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    & ,
They Are Expensive , and the lawyers De-
k , J tnand Bis Fees and Retainers.
JL In England there are many fees to bo
I- , . , paid by the unhappy client of a lawyer
m _ f that are unknown hero in America.
| | V There is a retaining fee , which is a
| F _ guinea , and a half crown to the clerk ,
K" * besides the brief fee , which is more im-
| a portant. Then there is the "refresher"
Ip. ' of the leader and the "refreshers" of
IK. the subordiaato lawyers. In England
| | / ( the leader's refreshment , which is due
ip after five hours , the brief fee being sup-
fev posed to cover only the getting up of the
W' . case , is 10 guineas , or a little over $50 ,
11 while $25 must bo paid to the lesser
Wf\ \ lawyers.
wk According to English etiquette , no
R counsel can lcavo his circuit to plead in
mf another without a special retainer ,
We ' which , in most cases , cannot bo less
Rjp than 800 guineas. This is probably to
W discourage ' 'poaching. "
f A would be client ouco wrote to a
| & * famous American lawyer , stating a case
! r * for his opinion and inclosing a $20
, w note. The lawyer did not reply , where-
feg upon the client wrote a second letter
It , aud received word from the lawyer that
B&- he had read the case and formed an opin-
Ejs . ion , but somehow it stuck in his throat.
Kv. The client took the hint and sent a $100
fpu' note , rcceiviug the lawyer's opinion by
| | ' the next mail.
R. * Nobodj * does anything for nothing ,
E ; especially a lawyer. Lord Mansfield
IF , was so sensible of this that on one occa-
E sion , when he had attended to some legal
* business for himself he took
p , some guin-
W i eas out of his pmso and put them in
p „ his waistcoat pocket to give him the
sh necessary stimulus. Sir Anthony Map -
p : ' ' lone , , an Irish attorney general , was so
jks- imprudent as to forget this fact and was
| f' grievously punished for it , for he was
p so inattentive to some property of his
L1 that ho lost $15,000 a year by it , and
Z in the future ho required his clerk to
! • - make abstract deeds of any property _ he
% , ' might buy and lay them before him ,
. with a fee of 5 guineas , properly indors-
f t ed , which the clerk was to scrupulously
* account for , after which Sir Anthony
- ( , made no more mistakes in regard to his
! own property. Chicago News. '
5" How Jim risk Checked Out the tittle
Mau' Iiank Account.
Gould kept a balance of some $30,000
in the Tenth National bank for his personal -
; sonal account , household expenses , etc.
Being called west on a mission that
lasted several weeks , he left his check
book locked in the safe drawer , to which
Fisk had a key. In the office was a
clever young clerk whomFisk had
caught in the act of imitating his and
Gould's signatures , the imitation of
Gould's being a facsimile. Within an
hour after the wizard's departure check
book and clerk were together under
Fisk's supervision , and at his instiga
tion more than a dozen blank checks
weie signed with the name of Jay
Gould , and in the course of a .month
the $30,000 had disappeared , Fisk be
ing at that time in the clutches of Josie
I On the very day of Gould's return
[ " * the bank sent a notice of overdraft. The
little man nearly fainted. He had several -
| eral fits. His excitement was intense.
Ho declared that there was a conspiracy
to ruin him. He hastened to the bank ,
k and they showed him the checks , signed
| by himself they did not doubt , and he
raved and tore his hair. Nor could he
doubt the signature. It was genuine ,
even in his own eyes. A rigid investiga
tion was started , which Fisk put an
end to by informing Gould , with many
a poke in the ribs , that he had drawn
and used the money.
"Did Fisk make good ? " an innocent
asked when the story was told.
"Return the $30,000 ? " was the reply.
"If Fisk had returned it , Wall street
would have cried. " New York Press.
Channel Island Despotism.
It is not generally known that some
thing approaching a military despotism
.prevails in the Channel islands. Every
-male adult born in Guernsey or Jersey
1 has to serve for a long term of years in
'the militia , 15 years being the period
in Guernsey.
In addition to this , all males of 32
.years of age and under , of whatever na
tionality , who reside in that island for
• a year and a day continuously have to
'enter the militia and serve for 15 years ,
or suffer fine , imprisonment or expul
sion ,
During the last two or three years a
great number of young Englishmen
have settled in Guernsey to go into the
tomato raising industry.
In order to avoid the military service
imposed by the "states" as the gov-
eminent of Guernsey is called they
make frequent trips outside their juris
diction either to England or to Jersey
the last named having a government
independent of the rest of the Channel
islands. London Letter.
I She Got Left.
Some time ago the queen of Italy
asked a little girl to knit her a pair of
silk mittens for her birthday , giving
her the money for the material. A pair
of beautifully worked mittens arrived
on the queen's birthday. The little girl
received in return another pair. One
mitten contained lire , the other bon
bons. Queen Marguerite inclosed a lit
tle note saying , "Tell me , my dear
child , which you like best" The reply
ran as follows :
DjiiitEST Qiteex Your lovely presents have
nindo zuo shed many tears. Papa took the
mitten with the money. My brother had the
His Conversational Effort.
Ho did not know much about pictures ,
and when she spoke of a girl friend's
achievements with a brush he was a
little at sea. He said "Yes" and "No" ]
with reasonable accuracy until she ;
happened to say :
* ' ' I to
'What am especially disposed
praise is her coloring. "
"Her coloring ! " ho echoed with alac
rity. "It's superb ! You know I always !
did admire blonds. " Washington Star.
The Use to Which the Fisherman Pnts HU
Discarded Nets.
Ill the majority of households an old
newspaper is the material most com
monly used to start a fire , and the ad
justment of this material is a matter of
considerable art There should bo enough
of it to make a flame sufficient to ignite
the wood laid upon it , and it should be
put in with just the right degree of i
looseness so that the air will circulate i
through it and make it burn freely and
to the best advantage. But there are
houses in which paper is never used for
this purpose the homes of fishermen.
Here , year in and year out , day after
day , the fire is started with a chunk of
discarded tarred netting , and there is
nothing like it.
When a not gets tender , so that it is
likely to burst when a body of kelp or
seaweed floats against it in a tide way ,
or to break with a big catch of fish , it
is condemned. It may be whole and
look all right , but it doesn't pay to take
any risks with it. Some fishermen using
a considerable number of nets may have
half a ton of such netting in. a year.
They use it to start fires , and give away
some of it. Formerly they sold it for
junk , and they do so now occasionally ,
though -not so much as they did. It
brings a cent a pound.
This netting has been tarred again
and again with fine , thin tar and it is ; i
thoroughly saturated. The not may be
6 feet deep. A length of it is rolled up ,
and the roll is then flattened down. The
flattened roll may be G inches wide , and
it is cut off with an ax into chunks of
perhaps a foot in length , just enough to
lie nicely on the grate of a kitchen
range. It is thoroughly dried before it
is used. It all ignites quickly , and
burns fiercely and uniformly , with a
bluish flame and rather a pleasant odor.
A properly laid fire with a section of
old tarred netting to start it never goes
out. Whoever attends to the kitchen
fire in the fisherman's house prepares it ,
if possible , the night before and pulls a
strand from the tarred netting out
through the bars of the grate in front.
To start the fire in the morning all that
is necessary is to touch a lighted match
to the end of that tarred rope yarn.
Some of this tarred netting has been
sold to start the fire in locomotives.
Such a.thing is not unheard of as the
use of cotton waste and oil for this pur
pose , but a sheet of old tarred netting
laid over the grate bars beats the cotton
waste out of sight. Still , locomotives
have multiplied and tarred netting cuts
no figure as a means of starting the fire
in them. It is perhaps now used for
that purpose , if at all , only on roads
running through or near fishing dis-
tricts. And , as said , it is now rarely
sold. The fisherman uses it to start his
own fire , and the man who has more
than he wants gives to his neighbor.
New York Sun.
A Costly Joke.
A Berlin correspondent tells as true
a story about a joke that resulted some
what seriously for the man who invent
ed it. This person was incredulous
about the discriminating appreciation
of wines which a distinguished friend
of his claimed to possess , and to test
the matter invited him to dine at a ho
tel whose landlord had previously been
instructed to set before the connoisseur
a bottle of excellent moselle. It was to
bear no label or other marks to distinguish -
guish it from "vin ordinaire , " and if
questioned the landlord was to say that
it cost only a small price. The invita
tion was accepted , and the plot was
carried out. The guest had hardly taken
a single sip from his glass , however , be
fore he proved the injustice of his host's
suspicion by exclaiming over the merit
of the wine. He summoned the landlord -
lord , and on hearing that its price was
3 marks instantly ordered 1,000 bottles
of the same vintage. The order was
filled , and the host , rather than reveal
the failure of his trick , paid the differ
ence between the alleged and real price ,
which amounted to something over
4,000 marks.
English lawyers.
In the United States the names ap
plied to lawyers are usually attorney
and counselor at law. In Great Britain
there are barristers at law , who are
counselors , learned in the laws , quali
fied and admitted to practice at the bar ;
solicitors ; , who are attorneys , advocates ;
or counselors at law , who are authorized
to practice in the English court of chan
eery i ; sergeants at law , who are lawyers
of the highest rank and answer to the
doctor i of the civil law. Only after 16 ,
years ; of practice at the bar can one become - i
como i a sergeant. Queen's counsel are t
eminent lawyers , who are given by the (
government , that title , and from their
number ; all the judges are chosen.
Delicious English Muffins. '
To make English muffins scald a pint 1
of milk , and while hot add 2 ounces of <
butter. When lukewarm , add half a teaspoonful - l
spoonful ; of salt , half an ounce of compressed - j
pressed yeast dissolved in 2 tablespoonfuls - i
fuls : of warm water , and 2 cups of flour. |
Beat : thoroughly and set aside for 2 t
hours. Bake in greased muffin rings on }
a hot griddle. Mrs. S. T. Roger in Lac
dies' Home Journal. *
Basely Deceived.
"Yes , " she said bitterly , "I must
confess that he deceived me as to his
habits. " :
"Does he drink or gamble or any
thing of that kind ? " inquired the other.
"No. Before we were wed he led mete
to believe that he had a habit of talking
in his sleep about all his doings. And
he does not. " Indianapolis Journal.
Friendships are not uncommon be
tween the cat and dog , and have been
known between a dog and a wolf , but
the mutual attitude of the weasel and
rat is invariably war war that is
waged to the death. ,
The telegraph lines of the world ag- ]
pregate 1,069,128 miles. America has - ,
tuore than half 548,832 miles. I
VT . , * 'f.V Shortens labor , lessens pain ,
- • - • • • diminishes danger to life of
both mother and child and leaves her in condition -
. tion nioro favorable to speedy recovery.
| "Stronger after than before confinement"
says a prominent midwife. Is the best remedy
Known and worth the price for that alone.
Endorsed and recommended by mldvvivcs and
all ladies who have used It.
Beware of substitutes and imitations.
Makes Ghild-Birtii Easy.
Sent by Express or mail on receipt of price ,
tl.00 per bottle. Book "TO IOTHERS"
mailed/ree , containing voluntary testimonials.
For Sale on Easy Terms.
$800.00 buys the two-story house and
two lots south of brick school house.
$ rooo.oo boys the two houses south of
Al. Noreu's.
$2,500.00 buys the Spearman house and
and three lots.
$1,000 00 buys the D. J. Smith livery
$400.00 buys the northeast quarter of
section 21 , range 1 , township 30.
$5,000.00 buys the F. and M. Bank
$300.00 buys the Quan property.
Other lots and lands to be given away
to those having a little sand and a few
dollars. Here is a chance to make money.
S. Cordeai , , Agent.
To Subscribers of The Tribune.
Readers of The Tribune will please
remember that cash is an . essential in
the publication of a paper. The pub
lisher has been very lenient during the
past few years , on account of crop fail
ures and hard times , and as a consequence -
quence many hundreds of dollars are
due on subscriDticns. We are now com
pelled to request all who can to call and
make settlement in full or in part. In
view of the facts , our subscribers must
feel the justice and urgency of this re
quest. ' The Publisher.
Francis Schlatter Is No More.
Denver , June 6 A special to the News
from El Paso , Tex. , says that Francis
Schlatter ' , who claimed to perform
miraculous cures by divine power , was
recently : found dead in the foot hills of
Sierra ) Madre , fortv-five miles southwest
of . Casa Grande , in the state of Chihua
hua , Mexico. He had been fasting and
apparentlj' starved to death. While in
Denver , from August 22 to November 13 ,
1S95 , about 200,000 people visited Schlat
ter to receive treatment.
- -
Low Rates to Milwaukee ,
Jub' 3. 4 and 5 , via the Burlington
Route , on account of the annual meeting
of the National Education Association.
One | fare plus $2 for the round trip. Special -
ial ! train of sleeping and reclining chair
cars i leaves Omaha for Milwaukee at 5:00 :
p. ; m. , Monday , July 5. For tickets and
sleeping car reservations , see nearest
Burlington Route agent. J. Francis ,
Gen'l Pass'r Agent , Omaha , Neb. 4-4ts.
In New Quarters.
I am now located in the Layccck store
room , where I shall be pleased to see all
my i old customers and many new ones.
My : stock of cigars , tobaccos and smokers'
articles is unequaled in the city. In connection -
nection with my retail establishment , I
run a cigar factory ; besides one of the
best ] appointed billiard and pool rooms
in j the Republican valley. Everything
first J class. J H. BENNETT.y
A car load of Extra
Smooth ' Potatoes at
50c. < bushel in five bushel - j
shel lots. Knipple. s
Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and
let it stand twenty-four hours ; a sediment or E
settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the t
kidneys. When urine stains linen it is posi- t
tive evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent
desire to urinate or pain in the back is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder
are out of order. t
There is comfort in the knowledge so often r
expressed , that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root , the t
great kidney remedy , fulfils every wish in re
lieving pain in the back , kindeys , liver , blad
der and every part of the urinary passages. It 1
corrects inability to hold urine and scalding
Dain in passing it , or bad effects following use
of liquor , wine or beer , and overcomes that
unpleasant necessity of being compelled to *
get up many times during the night to urinate. r
The mild and the extraordinary effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the I
highest for its wonderful cures of the most t :
distressing cases. If you need a medicine you .
should have the best. Sold by druggists.price ;
fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a
sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
mail. Mention The Tribune and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton , N.
Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantees
the genuineness of this offer. April 2-1 yr. t :
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
When Baby was sick , wegave her Castorla.
When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria. s ;
When she became Jliss , she clung to Castoria. c
When she had Children , she gave them Castoria , * :
cs ci
The ring" is busted. \
Good eating' & plantc
c :
ing * potatoes 50 cts. a c
bushel. Knipple. i
h. H. Roonev is home on a visit.
Mrs. Pace Francis is entertaining
her sister.
J. S. LeHew went into Omaha , Mon
day night , on business.
Harry Stern was'up from Holdrege ,
midweek , on business.
W. P. McCreary of Hastings is in the
city today on business.
P. Walsh returned , Sunday night ,
from his business trip east.
Larry McEntee was up from In-
dianola , Monday , on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris left on
Saturday morning for Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Spencer are the
parents of a daughter , this week.
Miss Mabel Jordan went to Hast
ings , Sunday , on the O. R. C. special.
John Stevens was up from Arapa
hoe , Wednesday evening , on business.
C. T. Brewer is quite ill and confined
to bed. Disease is of a dropsical nature.
Representative- Holland was up
from Indianola , Wednesday , on business.
O. W. DeWald of the Trenton Regis
ter viewed us by electric light , Monday.
Mrs. L. Day depatted , Wednesday
morning , for Connecticut , on an extended
Miss Ida Smith of Bartley was up to
the commencement exercises , last Friday
evening. 1
Miss Stella Finch was up from
Arapahoe over Sunday , guest of Miss
Nellie Gunn.
Miss Mow ATT of Glenwood , Iowa , has
been elected a primary teacher in our
public schools.
Miss Dot Davenport was down from
Culbertson ( to hear the Arion quartette ,
Tuesday evening.
E. E. Magee left on Sunday morning
for I Lincoln , where he expects to finish a
course in the university.
Miss Clara Phelan on Saturday ,
morning 1 left for St. Joseph , Mo , -here
she ! is attending school.
Mrs. C. B. Gray went down to In
dianola , Monday night , on a visit to her
mother , Mrs. Charles Hoag.
Miss Edna Dixon will leave for Chicago
cage , , Monday morning , to pursue her I
musical 1 studies during the summer. :
Mrs. L. Cann and Miss Cann were
over from Danbury , first of the week ,
and enjo3red the Arion quartette with us.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bullard came (
down from Palisade , Monday evening ,
on their way to Omaha on a visit to their
Mrs. C. P. Rinker arrived from '
Council Bluffs , Iowa , early in the week ,
and is the guest of her parents , Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Menard. \
Albert McMillen went down to
Plattsmouth , Monday night , to attend
the sessions of the State Pharmaceutical
society , first of the week.
C. B. Hare of Pawnee City is now -
with L. W. McConuell & Co. , vice Mr.
Thompson who recently left to take
charge of a drug business.
Miss Edna Meserve left , Monday
evening , to join her parents in Lincoln , ji
where she will make her home and do n
some work in the university.
Mr. Rider , father of Will , who has
been visiting here a few days , on his
way east from spending the winter in
California , left on 2 , Monday , for Penn
Miss Selma Noren returned from
the state university at Lincoln , last Fri
day night , on No. 5. Miss Selma is now
assistant librarian at the university and
this will take her back to Lincoln earlier
than usual.
George Hocknell spent Tuesday in
the city on his way from inspecting the
ranch near Brush , Colorado , to Omaha ,
to see the family , and finally to business
it Norton , Kansas , where he has large
mercantile and stock interests.
Frank Harris arrived home on 5 ,
Monday evening , from the great Wood-
nan meeting in Dubuque , Iowa. He re
ports a grand meeting , with immense at-
endance of delegates , and the trarrsac-
ion of much important business.
To California , Comfortably.
Every Thursday at 11:40 p.m.M. T. , a
ourist sleeping car for Salt Lake Ci ty.San
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Oraa-
aa and Lincoln via the Burlington Route.
It is carpeted , upholstered in rattan ,
has spring seats and backs and is pro
vided with curtains , bedding , towels ,
oap , etc. An experienced excursion
: onductor and a uniformed Pullman por-
er accompany it through to the Pacific
: oast. While neither as expensively fin-
shed nor as fine to look at as a palace
deeper , it is just as goods to ride in.
Second class tickets are honored and the
price of a berth , wide enough and big
inough for two , is only $5.00.
For a folder giving full particulars ,
all at the nearest B. & M. R. R. ticket
jfEce , or write to J. Francis , Gen'l Pass'r
\gent , Burlington Route , Omaha , Nebr.
December 26-35t CZZZlBHlJifiCZZZlJEISN
pwWIgj JIWtgtJH * a * iBliUJJIIHf } -
hw , , , _ , m t i > 1 * * * * * - J.-W AbP4B&i. . ? wjfcr ;
has demonstrated ten thousand
timM that It is nlmost infalllbla
irregularities and derangements.
It has become the leading remedy
for this class of troubles. It exerts
a wonderfully healing , strengthen
ing and soothing influence upon
the menstrual organs. It enres
• • whites" and falling of the womb.
It stops flooding and relieves sup-
pressed and painful menstruation.
For Change of Llfo it is the best
medicine mado. It is beneficial
during pregnancy , and helps to
bring children into homes barren
for years. It invigorates , stimu
lates , strengthens the whole sys
tem. This great remedy is offered
to all afflicted women. "Why will
any woman suffer another minute
with certain relief within reach ?
"Wine of Cardul only costs $1.00 per
bottle at your drug store.
For advice , in cases requiring special direc
tions , address , giving symptoms , the "Ladles'
Advisory Dejmrtinciit , " The Chattanooga Med
icine Co. , Cluittanooga , Tenn.
Rev. J. W. SMITH. Camden , S. C , says :
"My wile used Wine ol Cardul at home
for falling of the womb and It entirely
cured her. "
1/ITAI CTTCQ Are tablets which Restore
IIIHLCIICO j.ost Vigor , Develop
all Parts , bring back Lost Powers and
return the patient to genuine Manhood and
Health. Case No. CU. > 01 says through the
use of "Vitalettes , " I was speedily restored
to Health and perfect Manhood in every
sense of the word.
a severe case of Piles of 12 years' standing
and 1 know will cure all in need who will try it
D D p Cures Rheumatism , Salt-
lli 111 Ui Rheum. Catarrh , Constipation
and all HI001I Disorders , by purifying the
blood ; thereby causing a clearer and more
beautiful complexion. It is the Greatest
Blood Purifier on earth. A Restorer of Per
fect Health.
Price by mail , Vitai.kttps. $1.00 or C boxes
$5.00. Johns Pile Cuke. 50cts..nd R. R. C.
SO cts.
Johns & Dixon , Rochester , N. Y
McCook , Nebraska.
J5 ? Ajent of Lincoln Land Co. Office
Rear of First National bank.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith
& Bellamy , assistants.
- l.mrs. E. E. UTTER.j.
Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo.
J Studio Opposite Postoftice.
Drs. GAGE & BEACH , 1
McCook , - Nebraska. '
Dffice and Hospital over First National Bank.
Z. L. KAY ,
McCook , Nebraska.
; 5 ? 0fllce Rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's
iewelry store. Residence In the Strasser
louse pn Marshall street.
This well known and
esteemed citizen buys
his Stationery at first
door south of the court
house , where nice line
of Plain and Fancy
Writing Papers , both
in boxes and bulk , can
be bought very cheap.
Mofc > riv.ilrv.vv > n > 1noflc ot > ac.fl j < t H
See Those. M
I . . . \
] Buggies , \ M
i . Surreys , . > M
I Carriages , j ; m
; Road Wagons , < > I
< Refrigerators , > M
Gasoline Stoves , \
• * Washing Machines , ?
Gociiran & Go's \ ' 1
Comrades , and all 1
interested in Pensions , 1
come and see me. I've m
had over ten years of M
experience. "Work di- 1
reet with Pension offM
ice and guarantee sat- ( j
isfaction. M
c. w. beck , m
IndianoJa , Neb.
of Proprietor the . . . . Jt t
We respectfully solicit your business , , H
and guarantee pure milk , full measure , H
and prompt , courteous service. H
McCook Transfer Line. ? j
j gPOnly furniture van in the I
city. Also have a first class Louse t m
moving outfit. Leave orders for W
bus calls at Commercial hotel or I
at office opposite the depot. 1
Chase Go. Land and Live Stock Gt. 1
1 1 P H5 > V H
Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder M
< $ MKHG P.O.address Imperial
Tjrj Chase county , and Heat
• j VArice. Nebraska. Itanjre. m
OfStinkinfr Water and the M
BvALI Frenchman creeks , in H
HH VivI Chase county. Nebraska. > 1H
( Brand as cut on sldeof 3H
j 3H Bto J Bomeanimals.on hip and M
* 9WKEflRBb Bide3 of some , or any 1
whereon thp animal. M
vi M
The modern stand"H
BJ ard. Family JMedi- j
cne : Cures tne
[ ? common every-day f 1
" ills of humanity. J
Julius Kuin ert , |
Carpet Laying , J
Carpet Cleaning. '
vXfam still doing carpet laying , carpet
cleaning lawn cutting and similar work. See
or write me before giving such work. My
charges are very reasonable. Leave orders at
Tribune office. TULIUS KUNERT.