The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 11, 1897, Image 6

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V. At. KIttMKIX , FablUher.
j McCOOK , - : - - > NEBRASKA
Caw. Konth , the defaulting trcas-
brer of Pierce county , is out on parole
Tiik corner stone for the soldiers1 ant
Bailors' monument at Sutton was lait
last week.
Two and one-half tons of milk wcrt
treated at the Valparaiso creamery
one day last weelc.
. Thkre is an unusually large numbei
| of cattle being brought into Garfielc
county this season by local stockmen ,
Tiik old settlers of Otoe county will
liold their annual meeting at the Mor
ton Parle , nearNcbraska City , on the
lath inst.
Tiik state printing board has reject
ed all bids for the t printing of the ses
ion laws and other supplies and wil
Tiik Gordon Journal 'says manj
• wheat fields are filled with Russiar
thistles and it looks as if the pesl
-would ruin the crop. They are worse
y : , in fields on which corn was raised lasl
& Tear.
W\\ \ Mr. R.vsir , the rasli Wayne murderer
& is convinced that whatever may be hi *
u. ' - , . * 16om in the lower court , he will stanc
. , ' I'clear on the books in the great here
| " -after. "
! ; „ . Tiik barn of Wm. Lowe , a farmer o\ \
? Cuming county , was burned , and witli
V' fit ten horses , ten cows and twelve
1 ' Qiogs. The fire is said to be the worli
- : , of an incendiarj * .
- , / * The Kearnev Hub asks state papers
- ' 'to publish the information that there
'c is a small fortune in the Buffalo county -
* - . ' ty court for Elizabeth Adolph , left bv
Vj . • < - • 3ier deceased brother George.
" - • An Auburn man lost a pocketbook
\ -containing § G0 and some papers of nc
' -value to anyone but himself. He re-
C ceived the money back' ' through , the
-snail , but the papers are still missing.
At the memorial services in North
I Bend on the 31st , Rev. C. E. Manches
ter , pastor of the First Methodist
church ( President McKinleys. church )
V of Canton , Ohio , was orator. He is an
1 , eloquent speaker and is very command-
I g-
I Jonx Jones of Scribner. was bound
| over to the district court of Dodge
I -county by County. Judge Plambeck on
1 the charge of being the father of Anna
| ' Tuma's unborn baby. Both live in
I "Scribner. Jones is a married man and
| conducts a hotel.
I The real estate and insurance office
I of George C. Maxfield of Fremont was
I entered by some person. Papers were
1 scattered on the floor and some books
taken. • Nothing is missing that can be
Rj of any value to any one except Mr.
H JVIaxwell himself. .
The receiver of the Bank of Com-
BJ merce , Grand Island , H. A. Edwards ,
announces that a dividend of 10 per
cent will be paid to creditors July 1.
H This will make 25 per cent paid by the
a receiver , a 15 per cent , dividend having
been declared last winter.
W. E. Siibock , of McCool Junction ,
York county's largest cattle feeder ,
shipped last week to Chicago by the B.
& M. nearly a train load of cattle. The
stock was shipped in last fall from
"Washington , and have made an extra
ordinary growth , and weight.
Wllhelm Fisher was arraigned in
the district court of Otoe county for
.stealing a team of horses from a farmer
near Nebraska City. He pleaded
guilty and was sentenced to six years
in the penitentiary. He is 75 years
old , decrepit and bent with. age. He
is said to have serv6d several terms in
the Kansas penitentiary for similar
The mortgage record in the county
clerk's office for Polk county for the
month of May shows that there were
fifteen farm mortgages filed , amount
ing to 511,922.31 ; twenty released ,
amounting to S1G,473.15 ; city mortgages
filed , two , amounting to § 2,150 ; releas
ed , nine , amounting to § 2,033.95 ; 110
chattel mortgages filed , amounting to
$28 , 373.12 ; thirty-two released.amount-
ing to § 22,614.97.
Master Greli. Bess , aged 17 , and
Miss Manda Klipping , aged 14 , disap
peared from their home at Decatur
last week. Word subsequently came
from Onawa that they were there and
J married. The parents of both the
young people are highly indignant over
the affair. The youthful couple , how
ever , have sent word that they are hap
py and taking life just as they find it ,
"which , of course , is perfectly delight
ful during the honeymoon days.
Geo. W. Burtojt , president of the de
funct First National bank of Orleans ,
was at the state house last week. He
is making an effort to reorganize the
bank under the state banking law , re
ducing the amount of capital stock and
getting in some strong stockholders.
He Avill make a proposition to the
state officials that the bank be reorgan
ized if the state funds can be left on de
posit in the new institution for a time
until they ean be drawn with safety.
liall county ' s mortgage record for
Aprft was generally considered phe
nomenal. It was shown by that record
that people were not only able to liqui
date their indebtedness , but that they
were doing it to a most satisfactory ex
tent. The record for the month of
, May , however , eclipses thatof the pre
vious month. During the month of
May there wus filed ten farm mort
gages amounting to § 7,700 ; released
twenty-two , amounting to § 21,941.20 ;
town lot mortgages filed thirteen ,
amounting to § 8,910 ; released fifteen ,
amounting to § 35,370 ; chattel mort
gages filed , 150 , amounting to § 32,034 , -
61 ; chattel mortgages released , 944 ,
amounting to § 250,30S.0S. This shows
a total reduction of indebtedness for
the month of § 25S,873.G7.
The Republican valley poultry breed
ers met recently at McCook and organ
ized an association. It ts intended to
liold monthly meetings.
"Era Perkiss lectures twelve nights
• to Chautauquans andChatauqua circles
under the management of Prof. Me-
Brien , Dean of Orleans college.
A combination of boys and matches
is responsible for the burning of the
stable of , D. E. Schueler of Scribner.
his team , harness and wagon were also
"burned , and as these were the means
of earning his living and he was in
poor circumstances , the people of the
town and surrounding country sub-
cribed _ $180 to replace Lis loss
Senator Jones of Arkanaa * Argaei
Against the Rates In the Senate Bill
Mr. Vest Slakes Some Sharp He-
marks Alone the Same Line-
Other Speakers.
, The Lumber Duty Discussed.
Washington , June 7. On the open
ing of the Senate to-day the consider
ation of the tariff bill was resumed.
The first paragraph of the wood schedule -
; ule , relating to hewn timber , etc.was
agreed to at 1J cents per cubic foot
When the paragraph relating to
sawed boards , planks , deals , etc. , was
reached , Mr. Jones of Arkansas
spoke of an additional tax on lum
ber , referring to the heavy burden it
imposed on the people of the West
He said the rates of the bill were the
result of a systematic effort by the
lumbermen , and in this connec
tion read a letter from the National
Lumber convention , urging that peti
tions to Senators and members be pre
pared , bearing the names of working-
men. This , Mr. Jones declared , was
the means by which the high rates
were being urged.
Mr. Vest said tliero was not a single
item in the bill so utterly indefensible
as that increasing the rate on white
pine , taking it from the free list and
placing it at § 2 per 1,000 feet , and mak
ing the duty absolutely prohibitory on
this wood.
Mr. Bacon , Democrat of Georgia ,
made a vigorous response to the at
tack by Mr. Vest on the lumber sched
ule , especially the white pine rates.
Mr. Bacon said the average rate of the
schedule was only 20 per cent , and
that he would support it.
The Administration Modifies Its Policy
Allowing Officials Pull Terms.
Washington , June 7. The jrule an
nounced shortly after the administra
tion assumed charge that postmasters
would be allowed to serve out their
full terms unless removed for cause
has been .modified and it is expected
that wholesale appointments to post-
offices will be made soon.
It was officially announced to-day
that the President and the postmaster
general will "consider as having ex
pired all postoffices which are due to
expire between now and July 15. It
is understood that the matter was dis
cussed and the decision reached at to
day's cabinet meeting.
The reason assigned for the change
is that it is the desire of the postoffice
department to fill as many offices as
possible before the expiration of the
fiscal year , July 1 , in order that ac
counts may be begun with a new
Both Parties In Spain Weary of the
Madrid , June 7. Everyone is con
vinced that the main question at issue
in the present crisis is the selection of
a new governor of Cuba capable of
convincing the people that Spain is
earnest in the matter of colonial re
forms. The crisis is likely to be pro
longed , but there is a significant
change of tone visible in the Conserva
tive papers , which are beginning to
hint that the future fate of the Con
servative party is not altogether de
pendent upou Captain General Weyler.
The impression gains ground that
rather than see the Liberals in office ,
the Conservatives would consent to
recall Weyler , and it is believed that
Marshal Martinez Campos is willing ta
replace him.
A Large Number of Consuls and an As
sistant Attorney General Nominated.
Washington , June 7. The Presi
dent to-day sent the following
nominations to the Senate : Har
old S. VanBuren of New Jersey ,
to be consul at Nice , France ; Carl
Bailey Hurst of the District of Colum
bia , now consul at Prague , to be con
sul general at Vienna , Austria ; Henry
H. Morgan of Louisiana , to be consul
at Horgen , Switzerland ; William W.
Canada of Indiana , to be consul at
Vera Cruz , Mexico.
Justice Louis A. Pradt of Wiscon
sin , to be Assistant Attorney General.
Interior Stephen J. Weeks of Neb
raska to be register of the land office
at O'Neill , Neb.
8raditrocts Kcporrs That Businev
Shows Pronounced Inactivity.
Nkw York. June 7. Bradstreet'i
says : The only favorable features of
trade are encouragement at the out
look for fall business and improve
ment in demand and prices of iron and
steel. Crops at the Southwest , partic
ularly Texas , have improved with
seasonable rains , and the prospect fa
vors larger exports of wheat for the
Pacific coast A fairly satisfactory
jobbing trade continues at leading
cities in Northwestern spring whaat '
states. Business , as a whole , shows a
pronounced inactivity , and the ten
dency of funds is to accumulate.
Marines Oes < ; rt ttie Oregon.
Seattle , Wash. , June 7. There
haye been fifty desertions from the
ranks of the marines and seamen from
the battleship Oregon since it arrived
an Pugct Sound about two months
ago. As a rule the deserters were ;
icn-men , such as chafed under the re
straint and discipline exacted aboard j
a man-of-war. i
Juno Snow In. 3Hchigan.
Maiio , uitte. Mich. , June 7. Snow
teU here for a half hour last evening ,
k.cbld rain fell nearly all day precedj j
ng it j
_ , .
Too Much Ice In Spots Interferes With
Its Growth.
What killed the alfalfa last winter ?
This is the question that is being vari
ously answered , but by no means in a
satisfactory manner , says the Ord
Quiz. But even a more difficult ques
tion is why it should be killed in spots.
Fields and portions of fields apparently
subject to the same conditions are in
one instance bare and in another grow
ing .to luxuriant alfalfa. While the
answer to the latter question must be
made after an examination of each in
dividual case , it must be remembered
that there is an'answer , for there is no
effect without a cause. The Quiz
clings to the belief that the large
amount of moisture last winter , freez
ing in some cases a heavy coating of
ice over the ground , is fruitful cause
for much of the dead alfalfa. It is a
fact well proven that a heavy coating
of ice will kill well-rooted grasses.
Even the hardy bluegrass cannot stand
sucli an ordeal. Many proofs of this
can be found in this vicinity. Mr. E.
J. Clements killed a patch of his bluegrass -
grass lawn by allowing the water to
flow onto it from his water tank last
winter , forming a heavy coat of ice.
And there are other instances that may
be cited. That such a condition is
fatal to alfalfa is shown in the case of
the writer ' s alfalfa. He has two
patches on slightly sloping ground , so
that the water cannot stand any where
except in the dead-furrow. The
strongest grass last year was in this
furrow , but this spring the alfalfa is
dead there , while elsewhere the stand
is better than last year. It may be that
the appearance of bare spots in your
field may be explained by the forma
tion of drifts last winter which had
later partially thawed , thus forming
ice spots.
Pasturing the field is undoubtedly
injurious or dangerous at the least.
Cutting at improper times may also
prove injurious. One or all of these
conditions may have conspired to kill
your alfalfa. And the varying combi
nation of them may explain the un
sightly spots in your field.
It must be remembered that last
winter was a severe one on other crops
that have to withstand the rigors of
winter. Winter wheat looked well till
March , then it was found to be dead.
Our farmers should not , therefore , be
too hastyMn condemning the growing
alfalfa. It is too valuable a crop to be
experimented with indifferently or
meagerljWe believe it is the hay
crop for Nebraska , and that when we
understand it better we will have no
special difficulty in raising it success
Happily the first reports of failures
seem to have been exaggerated. Fields
that looked at first to have been badly
damaged have come out all right after
Iuviting Immigration.
The passenger department of the
Burlington has been moving to secure
immigration into Nebraska , and will
have an exhibit of Nebraska products
under the care of an experienced Nebraskan -
braskan at the county fairs next fall
in Illinois. In speaking of the matter ,
Assistant General Passenger Agent
Smith said :
"We believe that , the wave of immigrwtion .
is beginning and that Nebraska was never in
better siiapc to attract settlers than at pres
ent. AVhat is wanted is all interested to push
on the wheel at once. We think , that by ex
hibiting our products at the state and county
fairs in Illinois we shall be able to interest
thousands of renters who are anxious tocomo
west , and that we can prove that Nebraska is
tlie best agricultural state in the Trans-Mis-
sissjppi country. They want to come west
where they can own their own homes and be
independent of the landlords , and no state
offers better inducements than Nebraska. "
No Traffic Agreement Made.
General Passenger Agent Lomax of
the U. P. .contradicts the dispatch from
San Francisco that the Union Pacific
and Southern Pacific have made a new
traffic agreement whereby the two will
do the Portland business independent
of the Short Line and Oregon railway
and navigation. Mr. Lomax says
that the Portland sleepers will con
tinue to run as heretofore and the old
agreements in effect for San Francisco
will remain in effect.
A Nebraska Woman Ends Her Troubles.
Word was received at Litchfield that ,
Mrs. Esther Heisner , widow of the late
Henry J. Heisner , had committed sui-
jide at her home , eight miles southeast
> f Bloody Run , by cutting her throat
ivith a razor. She had been sick for
several days. The deed was done when
: he family was away , and she was
found dying , with her 6 months' old
jabe at her side. All evidence pointed
: oward suicide , and a verdict was so
rendered by the jury.
Loses His Trousers and Money.
Ttushville dispatch : W. H. Disney
vas robbed of S35 early one morning
ast week. He had come in from Terry
it midnight , and says that when he
vent to bed he placed his clothing on a
shair near a window , and that the
hief reached in the window from the
mtsidu and grabbed his trousers , con-
aining the money. Disney made a
; rab for the thief , but his grip not be-
ng very good , failed to get him.
Fred A. Archard , state examiner , has
ust completed checking up the books
if the county treasurer of Stanton
ounty and his report shows every-
hing to be in excellent eondi-
ion. Mr. Archrrd found not the
lightest proof upon whieh to found
uch a report as seems to have gone
.broad that the treasurer is short in
lis accounts , and is at a loss to know
vhere it originated.
Bancroft dispatch : A family of tin-
tame of Frost was forcibly ejected
rom Indian land that lies within the
i'arley lease a few days ago by Indian
lolice. Quite a few people censure
lapt. Beck for his actions in this mat
er , as Mrs. P'rost came of Indian pnr-
ntage and claimed the land as one of
he tribe.
Off on a Lecture Tour.
Lincoln dispatch : Mr. Bryan left
or the east on the 31st , to be absent
ntil the last of June. During his ab-
ence he will run over into Canada and
rill leeture at a number of cities. He
legins at Indianapolis. Among other
ities to be visited are Cleveland , Buf-
ale , Toronto , Montreal and Ottawa ,
lanada ; Burlington and Rutland , Vt ;
: roy. N. Y. ; Charlottsville , Va. ; Carta
ge , Mo. ; Ottawa , Kan. , and Beatrice ,
Teb. He will arrive home June 29 ,
nd wiU leave at once for Hastings ,
rhere he will participate in the Mc-
leighan memorial services. j' '
nis Members ! Ip to the Congregation *
Church Satisfactorily Kxplalncil to
Turkish Government by the State
Department What the Sul
tan Feared.
Objections Are Withdrawn.
Washington , June 3. The sultan oi
Turkey is said to have withdrawn his
objection to the appointment of Jame :
B. Angell as minister of the United
States at Constantinople. Official
word to this effect was received bv
cable by Secretary Sherman from Min
ister Terrell.
Since the receipt of the first news
that the sultan did not look favorably
upon Dr. Angcll's selection by the
state department , he has been in coin'
munication with Mustapha Bey , the
Turkish minister at Washington , and
with Minister Terrell. As President
McKinley appointed Dr. Angell only
after much deliberation and on ac
count of his signal fitness for the post
at Constantinople , he was particularly
desirous that the cancellation of the
nomination should not be made neces
While every country has the un
questioned right to refuse to receive a
minister accredited by another coun
try , and while it is unusual for the
country appointing the minister to
protest against any objection which is
raised. Dr. Angell's case is an excep
tional one. It is one in which objec
tion was offered not upon facts , but
upon erroneous information , and Sec
retary Sherman felt warranted , under
the circumstances , in opening a cor
respondence with the Turkish govern
As stated , he communicated with
Mustapha Bey and Minister Terrell.
The corrcspondenca between Secre
tary Sherman and Mustapha Bey and
Minister Terrill has developed the
fact that the sultan objected to Dr.
Angell's coming to Constantinople ,
chiefly on the ground that he was a
member of the Congregational church.
Minister Terrell has informed Secre
tary Sherman that the sultan had
been advised that this denomination
was Jesuitical in character and that
Dr. Angell would be over-zealous in
spreading the 'doctrine of his church
among Mahommedans.
Secretary Sherman did not delay in
having the truth presented to the
Turkish government The fact that
Dr. Angell was a member of the Con
gregational church was not important.
It was important , however , that the
sultan should learn that the church
was not a secret order ; one whose ob
jects differed essentially from those oi
other Christian denominations in this
Minister Terrell was instructed by
Secretary Sherman to put the facts
before the sultan and to assure him in
a polite way that the United States
would not accredit Turkey with a dip
lomatic representative who would be
objectionable for any such reasons.
Mr. Terrell carefully carried out his
instructions and conveyed the intelli
gence that the Congregational church
was merely one of many worthy relig
ious denominations of this country ,
and that while Dr. Angell had been
prominent in educational matters for
a number of years , there was no good
reason why he should not be accepted
as minister to Turkey.
From this and other information im
parted by Mr. Terrell it became ap
parent to the sultan that he had been
misinformed. He accordingly with-
Irew his objections and cabled the fact
to Secretary Sherman. Dr. Angell had
arranged to start for Constantinople
last Saturday , but the correspondence
ivith the Turkish government made a
mange in his plans necessary. There
s no further reason for delay and the
lector will probably sail next Satur-
Kitremo War .Measures Applied Novr to
s the Provinces In Eastern Cuba.
Havana , June 3. A decree issued
Jy Captain General Weyler , dated
Sanoti Spiritus , May 27. was published
lerc to-day. nc announces the ap-
> reaching commencement of military
> perations in the eastern part of the
sland of Cuba , and orders the en-
brccment of the provisions of his
lecree of January in the provinces of
'uerto Principe and Santa Clara , the
• rganization of cultivation zones , the
losing of stores in unfortified towns ,
he concentration of the country
icople , and the destruction of all re-
onrces which are undefended , as was
ione in the other provinces. The
aptain general gives the people of
hose two provinces one month in
rhich to comply with the terms of
he decree , to begin on the date of the
mblieation of the decree in the vari-
Ti districts of those provinces.
Good Surpl u * for May.
Washington. June 3. The compar-
tlTe statement of the government re-
ripts and expenditures during May
bows that the total receipts were
23,707,301 * , and the expenditures 829-
09,259 , leaving the surplus for the
> onth. SGSS,1S1. The statement for
lay , 1S90 , showed a deficit of 53.782 , -
emoeratic Candidate Elected to Con-
cress in the First Missouri District.
St. Louis , June 3. A special con-
ressional election was held in the
rst Missouri district yesterday to
lect a congressman to succeed" Rich-
wl Giles , who died last winter. Es-
tnates based upon returns received
p to midnight indicate Lloyd ( Dem. ) [
ected over Clark ( Rep. ) by a plural-
y of 5,000. The total vote cast is
bout 80 per cent of that cast last .
ovember. Lloyd carried Hannibal , (
lark's home , by 241 plurality , a Dem- <
iratic gain of 20 < 5 over the November '
ection | ]
Ji ' l' ' \ X J ' / " . ' L • * . ' " I
Doctor Accused of Murder.
Denvkr , Col. , June 7. Dr. Lowla F.
Preston wns arrested to day on. a war
rant charging him with the murder ol
David Prank , a clgarmaker from
Brooklyn , N. Y. Dr. Preston is a con
sumptive specialist It is said that
his method of treatment is to run a
trochar. or hollow needle , through
the walls of the chest and introduce
an electric wire into the lungs. Prank
died under the treatment The docto
sent a certificate to the health depart
ment giving consumption and weak
ness of the heart as the cause of death
I'ress "Warns Against Visitors Many
Americans Kohued.
London , June 7. It is impossible to
escape the jubilee. Already every
thing is turning upon the celebration
dress , decorations and entertainments ,
while there is a chorus from the press
warning everybody against all imag
inary disasters which , it is claimed ,
are likely to ensue. It is even pointed
out that the proposed bonfires are
iikely to set the whole country in a
blaze , while other correspondents are
so impressed with the importance
of the jubilee that they are not
satisfied with the name of England or
Britain , and want England to be re-
christened Wiseland , the first four let
ters being the initials of Wales , Ire
land , Scotland aud England. This is
capped by another correspondent , who
wants the empire to bo called Enwis-
celia , so as to bring in the colonies of
England , and that all subjects of the
queen bo called Enwiscolians.
Jubilee seats swindling is rampant.
Sharpers are meeting the incoming
steamers at Port Said , Brindsia and
Queenstown and are selling uncxist-
ing scats to unsuspicious passengers.
Many Americans have been victimized
in this manner at Queenstown.
Paris , June 7. The Figaro to-day
announces that a vote for a credit to
defray the expenses of President
Faure's approaching visit to St Peters
burg will be asked during the last day
of the session of parliament in order
to avoid disagreeable discussion. The
Figaro adds : "The government is ex
ercised owing to Emperor William de
siring to send Prince Henry of Prussia
with a German fleet to meet the French
squadron and salute PresideutFaure. "
M. L'Basilc , a radical deputy , rep
resenting the First district of Poit-
eres , who has just returned from St
Petersburg , says he was told by M.
DeWitte , the Russian minister for
finance , that the visit of President
Faure to the capital of Russia is re
garded at St. Petersburg as being of
considerable importance. The deputy
adds that naval aud military reviews
will be held in his honor , while Em
peror William of Germany , whose visit
was timed prior to President Faure's ,
will not witness a review.
Mr. Bryan Lectures in Toronto.
Tokonto , Can. , June7. W. .T.Bryan
lectured to an immense audience in
the Masscy music hall last night
Iowa Patent Ollicc Iteport.
Patents have been allowed but not
yet issued as follows :
To I. T. Evans of Clive for an im
provement to his tripple v-shaped drag
harrow covered bir his prior patents.
The improvements facilitate th = self-
adjustment of the parts as required to
Dperate advantageously in passing over
uneven surfaces.
To Bessie Larson of Ituthven for an
attachment to pole yokes to prevent
the dangars incident to accidental sep
aration of the yoke from the pole when
the vehicle to which they are hitched
is advancing. An undivided half has
been assigned to Dr. G. Baldwin of
the same place.
To the Rhoads and Carmean Buggy
L'o. of Marshalltown , assignee of A. 15.
\rnold , for an improvement in four
ivhceled vehicles to keep the eliptic
jprings perpendicular and to prevent
: he lurching motions incident to the
jody or box and persons seated there-
m when the carriage is advancing on
i rough road or over obstructions in
; he way of the wheels.
Valuable information about obtain-
ng , valuing and selling patents sent
ree to any address.
Printed copies of the drawings and
ipecifications of any United States
latent sent upon receipt of 25 cents.
Our practice is not confined to Iowa ,
' nventors in other states can have our
ervice upon the same terms as Hawk-
: yes.
Tuos. G. axd J. Ralph Okwig ,
Solicitors of Patents.
Des Moines , la. , May 20 , 1897.
juotations J'rom > e - York , Chicago. St.
Louis , Omaha and Elsewhere.
tutter Creamery separator. . . 15 © is
Sutter Choice fancy country. . 10 < fo i !
! gr > Fresh 7'A& 8
urinj ; Chickens Per Ih 18 < o > l
lens Perlb S dr 5j $
onions Choice M ' < > iiias 3 25 ( % 3 50
loney Choice , peril ) 13 ® 15
inions.perhu 125 < & 1 50
: eans llaiidpicked Navy 1 00 © 1 10
otatoos New , per bbl 3 50 f'/i s 75
ranges , per box 3 21 % 3 50
[ ay Upland , per ton 4 50 © 5 00
' og.s Light mixed 3 25 ( & : ; 50
logs Heavy weights 3 15 Gj : j 25
eef Steers. 3 50 % \ n'
ulls. 2 50 < S ; : 35
'yorulng Feeders 4 25 6n 4 50
flkersand springers 30 00 © 10 00
* nrZr • * • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • * • • • • • + * k > t > * ? "i mJ
' csturns 3 75 © 4 20
ows 2 00 © 3 1)0 )
eifers 2 GO © 4 00
lookers and Feeders 3 40 © l 75
ieep Westerns 3 00 © 3 20
icop , Western Larnbs.simrn. . 3 SO © 4 00 i
'heat No. 2 Spring. liSVi © 09
srn.perhu 21 © 2iff
atsperbu 17Jt © lit
3rk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Ki u $ 1 jq
ird Per 100 lbs 3 5254 © 4 00
ittln Prime Ueeves 5 10 © 5 0
t > --Heavy Packing. 3 50 © 3 55
HMjp-Lambs 3 50 © 5 25
icep Natives 3 40 © 175
heat No. 2 , red. winter 75 , © tft
ini No. 2 2i © :50 :
its No. 2 22 © 224 !
) rl . . . . . • - . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • • ! ) 50 © It ) 75
ird 3 S ) © 4 00
licaiNo. . 2. hard (17 © 07 ;
irn No. 2 20 < a 20Ji
itNo. . 2 l ! > -r © 20 l
ittlu blockers and feeders 3 ( > 0 © 1 50 |
) gs Mixed 3 35 © " 3 45
eep Muttous 2 73 © 5 15
Attend Boston $ fjjSt I
Half-Rate Excursion iB
TO OMAHA , * -bsshS - H
JUNE 8 , 9 , 10 and IL. H
A syndicate of eastern clothing tunmifac - H
turers , organized to raise cash on their . H
combined stocks of mens' boya' ami child'H / M
clothing H
Have Hhinped to Omaha ever a hundred > M
thousand dollum' ( $ 100.000) ) worth of the • M
best clothing , all of which has boon con- fl M
signed to H
Sixteenth anil Douglas street * , M
To turn into iimnodiuto cash. M
The very fact of Renton Store managing M
the sale gives it an importance which cm- H
not be too highly estimated. H
This immense quantity of high grade , nr- H
Untie clothing , mode from the best uf M
American ami imi > orto < l woolens , will lav M
literally sacriilced at ouo-half of its real 1
value. TM
his sale is the opportunity of u lifetime fl
and wo urgently advise you to take ndvnn fl
tago of what is really ami truly the great H
est loss over incurred by any number of' jH
firms over engaged in the clothing business. M
Nothing init the immodiuto nnd pressing H
need of spot cash to avoid a total rum V
would have induced those inunufuctiirera r M
to take this step. _ k
To give you a better idea of the way this 4 M
clothing will bo sacrificed , wo will assure- f | |
you that you can take your choice of it , H
most of it for one-half of what it sold for in M
Now York , nnd in a great many cases it | H
will cost j'ou only one-third of the New B
York price.
AVe do not know how to sulllcieutly imfl
press you with the importance of this sale * jH
of clothing. All wo can say is that it wdl \ l M
pay you over aud ever again to rome to i H
Omaha to llostou Store and invest all you jH
can in clothing. Clothing is something S
that you must need at some time or ether , H
and when you can buy it at from ouo-half. H
to onothird of the regular price , and now , fl
stylish goods at that , it is your duty to V
yourselves to do so. M
In uddition to this clothing sale , wo are J
now having two greut sales which it is also J
to your interest to attend , one is a very S
largo stock of Dry Goods and the other is a. a
well known shoo stock , both of which we B
are selling at very much reduced prices. B
Remember the half rate excursion U. . 9
Omaha Juno 8 , U , 10 and II , so that you .H
can save money in railroad faro as well a . M
in buying goods. Komembor that this sale flj
takes place only at Boston store , northwest 4 B
corner of Sixteenth and Douglas streets , 1 <
Omaha. ? M
If it is so that you cannot come yourself - § M
self , write to us for our catalogue ami sam B
pies. A
Once more let us remind you the sale isflfl
at Boston Store , and nowhere else fl
Sixteenth and Douglas Sts. jm
Arctic overshoes will be cheaper next ? Bj
winter. Our readers have all hearC m
something' about the Rubber Trust , M
and have known that since the forma- BB
tion of the United States Rubber Co. , ai
rubber boots and shoes have been. H
much higher than they used to be.
Several new companies , however , have 9J
commenced the manufacture of rubber H
goods within the past year or two , and BBJ
the usual result of competition hasflJ
followed. Prices are down , and the |
pubiic will get the benefit. Thefl
( irst new concern to enter the field M
was the Providence Rubber Company , . _ m §
3f Providence , R. I. The head of the "H
concern was the lion. A. O. Rourn , B
who had been in Europe as Consul- m
General to Rome. The first western. 8
house to put these goods on the mar-
Icet was Bentley jfe Olmsted , of Defi i
Moines , who last year hail tins exclusive - m
ive agency for the northwest , for J
Lhe above Rubber Company. These J
joods were sold at considerably lower I
iriccs than the Trust goods , and V
Sentley & Olmsted were warned by M
he Trust that if they continued to
mndle outside brands they would di.s- 4 |
iriminate against them. They , how-
rvcr , were not to be intimidated , and. a
iavc this year secured the exclusive M
igency for Iowa , Minnesota , Nebraska , I
he Dakotas. and all west of these- vj
tates. of another new concern , Geo. jj
Vatkinson & Co. There has been- m.
; reat reason for complaint because-
ubber goods have not worn well. Mr. BJ
Vatkinson , who is one of the oldest. W
aanufacturers of robber goods , when M
tarting his new factory at Philadel- M
hia , realized that a , big business M
ould be built up on a better grade of m\ \
oods. He is therforo making his m
oods of pure Para rubber instead of W
sing part African , which is much
heaper , and has also added several 1
ew improvements , such as heavier
ales and heels , and tips on heavy M
oeds , with th < * intention of making jL\
be best wearing goods ever produced. , WM
nether new line of rubber goods. T
i de outside of the Trust , is made by 1
: ie Hood Rubber Company , of Boston , J
• ho make a second quality line under fl
ie brand of the Old Colony. It re- I
lams to be seen whether the trust M
ill be able to crush out these new- 9
Where AVllI You Oct the Money ? 1 i
A pleasant "guess" is to name how j
tany dollar bills would be required te- J
eigh as much as a ? 20 gold piece. 1
nswers fluctuate between 300 as the-
iwest and 1,000 : the correct number
eing thirty-four.
i His I > ark Desljjn.
"Wonder why that man next door
kes his wife's poll parrot out on his- J
heel every day ? " J
"He probably hopes that he will fall i i
f on it. " Chicago Record.
Cruelty Wherercr Found. B
The Society for the Prevention of" 1
ruelty to Animals docs not hesitate 4
i stop , through its agents , in the
reets of Philadelphia United States X
ail wagons when they are being J
• awn by sick or maimed horses , and
> take the animals away , whether-
ie United States mail suffcrb doten-
on or not. At least this is the story
• Id by the local press. Th .agenta-
• otcst that the law against inhu
anity shall not bo ignored through '
ie greed of contr'antors ; orerf'if thov
agons are conveying the mails.