B * mw 11 Fl * jflitftnk FrihtiJif. H I By F. M. KIMMELL. m 8 $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. . . . . B B * ! i .i I i m - - m The many admirers and friends M of Ex-Congressman W.E.Andrews M -will be delighted to learn of his rem - m cent appointment as auditor for the M treasury department , a very corn el fortable , four-year berth , with a M salary of $3,600 per annum atm - m taclied. M The republican senators have M happily agreed on the sugar sched- M ule in caucus , the amendment of M the finance committee to the Ding- B ley bill being amended and agreed M upon. The amendment is calcu li lated to remove the objections m urged in some quarters that the M Aldrich schedule was too favorable m to the sugar refiners. State Jour- M nal. B Judge Baker's refusal to con- m tinue the Bartley case over until the m next term of court is highly comm - m mended in business circles. There m is no reason , in a simple issue of m this sort , an issue of fact , that can fl be decided in short order , for dragr- ging the trial through six months or a year. Since the ex-treasurer 1 has not shown up the money of the state with which he is charged , he m n should be given the earliest chance 1 possible to locate the cash or take j the consequences. Journal. M " The Omaha World-Herald stops m its press to iuquire "what grounds fl a protection party has for levying 1 a tax on tea ? " It is a pleasure to B answer that it is on grounds of a H bonded indebtedness of $262,000- h 000 contracted by Grover Cleveland M ' with the assistance of the Wilson- M ' Gorman-Bryan deficiency for-rev- H enue-only act. It is no more nor H less than a war tax , to pay the H -war debt incurred by the crowd H that surrendered the industries of H the country to "Yurrup" and made H a wreck of the finances of Uncle H Sam. The World-Herald is at lib- H erty to start its press again. Lin- H coin Journal. H The suit of the South Omaha < H stock yards people to prevent by injunction of the federal court the : I enforcement of the new state law j I regulating stock yards and fixing ' H maximum rates of charges for them H is stimulated by the- success of H the railroads in holding up the H Nebraska maximum freight rate law. The two cases , however , seem H to be altogether different. If the H federal court can undertake indis- H criminately to stop state laws from B going into effect on mere allega- I tion that they reduce the inflated H profits of some corporation , the legislative power of our states I will be to all intents and purposes B abrogated unless its exercise meets B the approval of the federal judges. B Omaha Bee. I Canada is to issue a new series B I of postage stamps in commemoration - tion of the queen's jubilee which are I * described as being almost the size I and shape of our old Columbian I postage stamp and embellished I- with two portraits of Victoria , one I representing her in 1837 and the other in 1897. Canada will be t . welcome to the exclusive use of these stamps , as after our experi ence with the Columbian posters L patrons of the American postoffice f find their present adhesives quite | large enough. The double por- jfrf. traits , too , is likely to be confusing - ! ing to Canadians of convivial l'ft habits as conducive to duplex l . vision. As ornaments to the postage - | age stamp fiend's album the new ! * Canadian issue may be a distinct f , contribution but for practical pur- f ' poses its career does not seem ' " hopeful. Omaha Bee. 4 L- . , , „ . . , - v , , , COLEMAN. A good , soaking rain , Sunday. Robt. Nussbaum captured six young coyotes , last week. . J. B. Smith has 65 acres sown to millet , and not done yet. Bobt. Traphagen is breaking out more of Easterday's land. Quarterly conference was held at the Coleman school house , Mon day morning. Uncle Billy says that looking at his loaded cherry trees induces a longing for piety ( pie-eat-ee. ) H. K. Bixler and boy , Charles , are breaking and planting to corn 40 acres of Chas. Leach's farm. H. B. Wales went to McCook , Sunday , and brought out Elder Hale , and after preaching took him back again. Prof. Nussbaum took home his organ , which has been used at the school house for several months. He will return it in a few days. Quarterly meeting at the Cole man school house , last Sunday night. It was not at all like the ones we remember of fifty years ago. Had it not been for the name we would not have had the least suspicion that a quarterly meeting was on hand , Sunday night. June 5th , 18 years ago to day , we first drove over this town. There was but one family in the town ship , that of Wm. Proctor. After locating : a claim we took the bows irom the wagon , set the ends in ; he ground , stretched the cover on ; hem and moved in. During that summer we saw but five men on his prairie. We hauled water 8 niles. Nearest neighbor was five niles away. The first two and a mlf years we had but three lady isitors , all in one dajr . The near- st school was down in the valley , Lve miles off. A preacher living if teen miles northeast of Arapahoe ' [ rove up once a month and preach- ' d to us. The trip made a drive f 140 miles. He drove up in a arm wagon and camped out at ] lights. When he arrived , he uni larnessed and lariated out his lorses on the prairie to eat , while ie preached. Such were the good Id days of long ago. Don't neglect a cough because the weather ; pleasant ; before the next storm rolls around may develop into a serious difficulty beyond : pair. One minute Cough Cure is easy to ike and will do what its name implies. A. i IcMillen. ' PROSPECT PARK. It. M. Wade has been quite sick for the last few days. Monday's showers helped the growing crops very much. Every thing is growing fine. James Cain was out from Mc Cook , Sunday , looking after his farm in this precinct. Jake Crocker was down to his brother's near Indianola , a few days ago. He brought home a load of wood. Samuel J. Ellis , Jr. , of Gerver precinct passed from this world , Sunday afternoon. Funeral ser vices were held at the Dodge school house , Monday afternoon , conduct ed by Bev. White , who preached a very impressive sermon. Samuel was a young man of excellent qualities , loved and respected by all who knew him. We will miss him from among us but hope to meet him in a better world. Some for ten , some for twenty and some for thirty years have suffered from piles and then have been quickly and permanently cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , the great remedy for piles and all forms of skin diseases. A. McMillen. If you want Fruits go where they are kept. At Knipple's , of course. Sick headache can be quickly and com pletely overcome by using those famous little pills known as "DeWitt's Little Early Risers" . A. McMillen. j DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve I Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns. * DANBURY. Roy Israel's recital , last Monday night , was good. We have been favored with n few showerathis week. Ithamer Pew went to Hebrou Wednesday , on business. Children's Day at the Union Sunday school , next Sunday. W. T. Henton has a new Rock Island hay loader for his alfalfa. J. W. Leisure received a pretty hard kick just below the knee by a horse , Saturday evening. Thirteen cars of hogs , two cars of cattle and one car o horses shipped out from here during the month of May. O. L. Everist has traded his livery barn and dray business here to S. H. Coon for a farm near He bron , this state. Dr. DeMay moved his little house from the east end of town tea a lot on Main street , which will be occupied by the Danbury Topics. There will be an excursion party on the 19th inst. , consisting of about 20 farmers from near Peoria , Illinois , who will take a look over the Beaver Valley farms and other parts in this county. Don't thin your blood with sassafras or poi son it with blue-mass ; but aid Nature by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers , the famous little ) ills for constipation , biliousness and stomach ind liver troubles. They are purely vegetable. V. McMillen. NORTH COLEMAN. Mrs. Pate , who has been sicker or some time , we learn is conval escing. Mrs. J. W. Corner is sick and ras unable to attend church on Junday. The small grain is looking fine rhere there has been plenty of ain ; the corn as well. M. L. Brown of the Willow is eon going to cut his first crop of . lfalfa , if the weather will permit. Frank Cain has Robert Moore's rell down 220 feet and will go a ! ttle deeper to insure a good sup- ( ly of water. 1 On account of the rain , Sunday , ; lere was a not much of au atten- ; ance at the Quarterly meeting in ] ie evening. ] Children's clay will be observed ith appropriate exercises at the ' Coleman school-house , next Sun day morning. Bev. Jacob Long filled his ap pointment at Coleman , last Sunday morning. His wife's being ill some times prevents him from be ing present at the regular time. We are having a good supply of moisture in this part of the prec inct wish it were so all over Ifche county , as I understand rain is needed urgently in some portions of the county. The farmers hereabout are put back somewhat in tending corn on account of wet weather. It has rained a little every day for six days , and are having a big one to night , Tuesday , the 8 th. Terrible Accident. It is a terrible acci dent to be burned or scalded ; but the pain and agony aud the frightful disfigurements can be quickly overcome without leaving a scar by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. A. Mc Millen. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , DR F CREAM BAKING P0WDIR MOST PERFECT MADE. \ pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free iom Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. RED WILLOW. Wednesday morning , Charlie Parson ended his visit to his par ents , much to the regret of his parents and friends. He went tc Beatrice. Mrs. Ernest Strayer nee Myrtk Crockford is visiting her parents and relatives on the Willow. Mrs. Strayer has long been absent , and the many old friends who have known her from babyhood are pleased to welcome her home. Children's day was celebrated at the Christian church by an en tertainment that has not been sur passed in this locality for some time. The music was good and the little ones , especially the wee little ones , did their parts in a creditable manner. The church was crowded to the utmost. The Y. P. S. C. E. elected the following officers at its business meeting , Sunday : Eflie Loomis , President j Ida Canaga , Vice Pres ident ; Ida Hauxwell , Secretary ; Lewis LongneckerTreasurer. The election was a satisfactory one and goes to show that the Indies of this community are properly valued. Quite certaiu it is that our live Endeavor Society will prosper with this corps of officers. A BEAUTIFUL GIRL Barely Escapes a Life-Long Calamity. It happened in this way : The poung daughter of Mrs. E. S. Gib son , Greelyville , South Carolina , vas slowly but surely becoming a lopeless invalid. Her mother be- : ame anxious aud haggard in her rantic efforts to save her dausrh- er. None of her attempts to find i cure seemed of any avail. As tated in her own words : "My daughter was taken sick ome time ago and 1 tried many aediciues in vain. She was very reak , appetite poor , bowels costive , nd night sweats. She appeared d be cold all the time , being taken rith violent chills at times. Her erves were in a very bad condi- ion. At last I happened to see ne of your little books and wrote ou. You recommended Pe-ru-na. gave it to her and she has now ompletely recovery. I owe all iiat I am worth in this world to ou for saving m } ' daughter's life. shall always keep a supply of our medicines on hand. May , ou live long to help those suffer- \ ag as my daughter was" . • Pe-ru-na always cures such cases. ; end for free book , written for 'omen oniy. Address The Pe-ru- na Drug Manufacturing Company , Columbus , Ohio. Not only piles of the very worst kind can he cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , but ec zema , scalds , burns bruises , boils , ulcers and all other skin troubles can be instantly relieved by the same remedy. A. McMillen. • Free Bicycles. The State Journal is offering a first- class bicycle free to any person who will get up a club .of ioo yearly subscribers for the Semi-Weekly Journal at $ i.oo each. The bicycles are covered by as strong a guarantee as any $100.00 wheel and are first-class in every respect. Any young man or woman can now earn a bicycle. If you find you cannot get the required number , a liberal cash commis sion will be allowed you for each one you do get. You are sure to be paid well for -what you do. You can get all your friends and neighbors to take the Semi-Weekly State Journal at $ r.oo a year. Address State Journal , Lincoln , Nebraska. Wall Paper 4 cents a roll at McMiixen'S. Only $22.50 to San Francisco , June 29 to July 3 , account National Convention Christian Endeavorers. Spe cial trains. Through tourist and palace sleepers. Stop-overs allowed at and west of Denver. Return via Portland , Yellowstone Park and Black Hills if de sired. Endeavorers and their friends who take the Burlington Route are guaranteed a quick , cool , comfortable journey , fine scenery ( by daylight ) and first-class equipment. Berths reserved and descriptive literature on request. See nearest B. & M. R. R. ticket agent or write to J. Francis , G. P. A. , Burling ton Route , Omaha , Neb. House Paints , Floor Paints , Buggy Paints , Wagon Paints , Family Paints , Enamel Paints , And all kinds Varnish Stains at McConkell'S. Clothing made to order our great spec ialty. Famous Clothing Co. A Heavy Storm. For the space of over two hours , lnsl night , n severe rain , thunder and % ht ning storm prevailed in this section. The rain fell in torrents and was accompanied by terrific lightning and thituder , innk ing strong hearts qunke aud the timid tc seek seclusion. The steeple of the Congregational church was struck and considerably shat tered ; the damage will amount to about a hundred dollars. Lightning went into the Episcopal church on the electric light wires , and a number of persons were somewhat stunned , Rev. Russell and Miss Burgess being among the number. The precipitation as recorded at the Burlington station was 1 80 inches. It was one of the heaviest storms of the year. The stroke that damaged the Congre gational church went out of the church on the electric light wires , which became heavily overcharged played havoc with the electric lights on that entire circuit ; and there were similar eperiences with electric lights all over the city. The rains extended from the moun tains on east , being lighter east of Cam bridge. At Barr , Colorado , the Burling ton has a big washout , which will delay trains badly. No. 2 is coming o'er the U. P. to Cheyenne and then east over Cheyenne branch. COURT HOUSE NEWS. COUNTY COURT. License to marry was on Wednesday granted to Arthur E. Crockford and Eliz abeth P. Baker , both of Red Willow pre cinct. Armina C. Triplett has filed a petition ' for life estate and dower in the real es tate of her deceased hnsband. Last Friday Aaron Grinnell was bound over to the next term of district court charged with stealing a gun from David Carpenter. Bond $100.00. The case of George Rowland charged with assaulting Fernando Kennedy was continued over till June 15th. DISTRICT COURT. The following transcripts have been iled from the county court : State vs. Aaron Grinnell. Petit lar- : eny. State vs. Samuel Hornback. Com- > laint to keep the peace. J. A. Gunn vs. W. O. Russell. Suit on iccount. CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. German Methodist Regular ser- ices at 9 o'clock , every Sunday morn- tig , in the South McCook Methodist hurch ; services in German. Rev. M. Herrmann. Episcopal Morning service at 11:00. Jvening service at 8:00. : Sunday school t 10:00 a. 111. Evensong 011 Wednesdays tS p. in. R. A. Russell , Missionary in Charge. Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. 111. ligh mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. , nth choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. in. ' .11 are cordially welcome. REV. J. W. Hickev , Pastor. Christian Services every alternate , unday , commencing with the first Sun1 ay in May at 11 and 7:30 o'clock in ' IcConnell hall. Sunday school every 1 unday at IO o'clock. Elder C P. Evans , Pastor. CoNGREGATiONAL-Special Children's Day exercises in the morning at 11 o' clock ; an attractive programme. Even ing theme , Towers Upon the Walls. Endeavor society at 7 , topic , The best way to Study the Bible , Minnie Rowell , leader. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8. All cordially invited. Hart L. Preston , Pastor. Baptist Bible school at 10. Preach ing at 11. Young Peoples' meeting at 7. Evening service at S , the second of a series of sermons on the comingof Christ , end of the world and other prophetic studies. Bible study Tuesday evening at 8 , continuing our study on the Holy Spirit which has proven helpful to many. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8. We extend a cordial welcome to all. Geo. W. Sheafor , Pastor. Methodist Sunday school at 10. Preaching at 11 ; subject , Sacrament ; af ter which the Lord's Supper will be ad ministered. We desire every member of the church present. Pythian Memorial service in the afternoon at 2:30. No Jun ior League. Epworth League at 7 ; M.D. Frost , leader. Children's Day service at 8. Young peoples' public prayer meeting Wednesday evening at S. Bible study Thursday at 8. All are welcome. J. A. Badcon , Pastor. National Appeal. It is estimated that the Government is losing three million dollars a week'in revenue by the delay in the passage of Lhe Tariff bill. The people are losing : en times as much in work on account of : he delay. We earnestly ask every one jf our readers to immediately write a postal card to , at least , one member of he United States Senate at Washington , irging and demanding the immediate jassageofa Protective Tariff law and iuch a law as will give adequate protec- ion to American labor and American in- lustries. Address your postal card to Ion. John M. Thurston , U. S. S , Wash- ngton , D. C. To Hunters and Fishers. You are hereby warned not to hunt or ish on the Goheen pond or adjoining and. Dr. A. P. WELLES. ffOYAi ' POWDER Absolutely. Pure. Celebrated for its great leavening A strength and henlthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adul teration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powder Co. , New York. Mr. Isaac Horner , proprietor of the Burton House , Burton , W. V. , an < l one of the most j widely known men in the state was cured of rheumatism after three years of suffering. He says : "I have not sufficient command of lan- Hiiace to convey any idea of what 1 suffered , my physicians told me that nothing could be m done for me and my friends were fully con- U vincctl that nothing but deatli would relieve W me of my suffering. In June , iSg j , Mr. Evens , M then salesman for the Wheeling Drug Co. , | recommended Chamberlain's I' .un Ialm. ! At this time my foot and limb uere swollen to more than double their normal si/e and it seemed to me my leg would burst , but soon > J after I began using the Pain Balm the swell- t | ing heg.wi to decrease , the pain to leave , and M now I consider that I am entirely cured ' . For ' I sale by L. W. McConnell it Co. , Druggist * . I The ringis busied. j Good eatingfc planting ing- potatoes 50 ets. a , bushel. Knipple. , A. II. Patter , with K. C. Atkins & Co. , In j tlianapolis , Ind. , writes : "I have never before J Ijiven a testimonial in my life. But I will say 1 that for three years we have never been with Diit Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diar- J rhoea Remedy in the house , and my wife M ivouid as soon think of being without flour as 1 bottle of this Remedy in the summer season. V We have used it with all three of our children J ind it has never failed to cure not simply A .ton . pain , but cure absolutely. It is all right , I ind anyone who tries it will find it so" . For M ; ale by L. W. McConnell Ac Co. , Druggist * . JH - * A Try that 15 cent box , 1 paper at The Tribune ' J cilice. Worth 25 cts. j Mso cheaper grades. i "There's no use in talking" , says W. II. 9 Jroadwell , druggist. La Cygr.e ? Kan. , "Cham t H erlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- H dy docs the uork. After taking medicine. fl f my own preparation and those of others , I H jok a dose of Chamberlain's and it helped H ie ; a second dose cured me. Candidly and T B onscientiously I can recommend it as the / ' est thing on the market" . 'I he 25 and Ko / M ent sizes for sale by 1. . \ \ MrConii' II iV Co. , S ) uggists. W Go ivherc Fruits are k 0 he found. That is H it Knipple's , the icadH ng- grocer , sure. H Hundreds of thousands hate been inductd W > try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy by read J I ig what it has done for others , and having dm : sted its merits for themselves are today ito jH armest friends. I-or sale by L. W. McCon H ; 1I A : Co. , Druggists. M A car load of Extra m Smooth Potatoes at m 50c. a bushel in five fl bushel lots. Knipple. fl "They are dandies" said Thos. Dowers , of U the Crocket , Texas , Enterprise , while writing jmm about DeWitt's Little Early Risers , the fam M ous little pills for sick headache and disorders lmm of the stomach and liver. A. McMillen. H W.IJ. Johnson , Newark,0.says , "One Minute MM Cough Cure saved my only child from dying Wm by croup" . It has saved thousands of others Mm suffering irom croup , pneumonia , bronchitis MW and other serious throat and lung troubles. A. Jmm\ \ McMillen. f M 2 F. D. Burgess , ? 1 I Plumber and \ m \ Steam Fitter \ J J McCOOK , NEBR. 7 * LW m Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass | L Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings Z / H \ Agent for Halliday , V/aupun , Ec.pss : \ M 9 Wmdm > ls ! Basementof the MeeVe < - 7 * AU J Phillips building P H J ? Palace Meat Market f M * ? # | 2 , Two doors south of ji mWM\ \ TW Commercial Hotel. T ? MwU JJ A. CARSON , Proprietor. | jj | M ' " * " * Sir 41 * fl aw Everything usually in v5 / H * * ? / WW f a First Class Market-will S ? be found here. % fr fl 8 iW 1 Sfr LeaveZOrders for Milk Here ffi , 1 & # 1 DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , M Pleasant , Quick Results , Safe to take. H