The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 11, 1897, Image 1

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The Class of ' 97 Goes From School Life
to Life's School.
Exercises Were Held in the Congre-
t grational Church and Attend
ance as Usual Exceeded
all Provisions Made.
/ Last Friday evening , the McCook high
j school graduated a class of thirteen ,
i seven girls and six boys. The com-
, \ meticenient'exercises were held in the
k f Congregational church , and as usual the
wj attendance largely exceeded all provi
de sions that could be made for the accom-
JJ modation of the people for nothing
m seems to warm their hearts' cockles and
M \ draw them out en masse like the com-
J V mencement exercises of the city's pride ,
r our city schools.
JL At the appointed hour , the members
[ $ > of the class , the orator of the evening ,
; { V and the awarder of diplomas took their
m' seats on the rostrum to the music of a
$ \ march from the new school piano. The
A\ \ scene was an inspiring one : Pretty girls
in simple 'but attractive summer raiment ,
manly boys in conventional black , drap
ery , evergreens , rugs , flowers in great
The school sang , "God Save Our Pres
ident" with hearty will and voices strong ,
after which Rev. G. W. Sheafor delivered
an impressive invocation. The brass
quartette , Messrs. H. P. Sutton , J. F.
Kenyon , F. A. Pennell and S. C : Beach ,
! played one of their popular selections.
The salutatory was delivered by Miss
Edna Dixon in a strong , clear voice as
follows. It was brief , but to the point :
Dear Friends : This evening we meet
to celebrate the ninth anniversary of the
commencement exercises of the McCook
public schools. To you we extend a
fj hearty welcome. I see before me many
Mzfj of the members of other classes , who in
Fr\ former years stood where we now stand :
HJ ' we are glad to see them return once more
Mr to the exercises of their school. To you
m JbL whom we leave in the school-room , we
Ha3H acknowledge the pleasure we have had
lap Ain working with you ; and we welcome
P ( you tonight.
HK , It is a fitting time for us , as a-class , to
_ PTexpress our indebtedness to the McCook
K ' public schools. The lessons in literature ,
Wh the lectures in chemistry , the theorems
B * in geometry , and the translations in Vir-
B gil , have , developed our minds and
| L strengthened our characters. These will
H9 v enable us to fight life's battles better ;
V i and it is with regret that we leave our
Wm You come with fragrant flowers and
Wm * best-wishes t6 cheer us , and for all these 1
k we thank you ; and when in the future ,
H. v we look back on our school-days spent in
fi , McCook , your memory will haunt us like
Hpleasant dreams. By our good works we
Ki trust to merit your approval.
Kj Then followed a vocal solo "Song of
Kthe \ Brook" by Nunu by Mrs. A. P.
K. Bonnet , which was artistically rendered
B\ \ and received warm marks of approbation.
Ht1 The orator of the evening was then in-
B troduced , and after somewhat profuse
K announcement ; Hon. N. K. Griggs of
HLincoln | / launched upon one of the most
Hft fantastic , though original and forceful ,
mWf\/ \ addresses ever heard in this city on a
HQu similar occasion. We shall not attempt
W to follow the eminent gentleman's some-
b what torturous ways. His remarks were
mi L not intended to be orthodox nor his style '
UWFf" oratorical. He urged the study of nature
I Bto supplement that of books and in-
HP veighed strongly against the disposition
fl _ , of graduates to leave the farm and go into
MH v. the already over-crowded professions ;
I % mingling his suggestions and advice with
I ) some warm roasting of woman suffrage
I JR J advocates , cigarette smoking etc. , in the
MJFp' which he was more pertinaciously blunt
Hf ] * and upsettingly frank than artistic. The
V8k address was unique. After its conclusion ,
I B ) Mr. Griggs favored thev audience with a
B kI number of songs and recitations of his
JHT xv own manufacture , which were evidently \
B " appreciated.
VH [ * The school children sang "Perri Merri :
IjSL Dictum" with spirit and enthusiasm , and i
_ _ _ T the following bright and "hitty" class :
H flr history was read by William McManigal :
I KK Ladies and Gentlemen : To me is given i
H K > ) the task of presenting the Class History , 1
H Wi and in spite of Napoleon's statement i
HMl ) that history is a series of lies agreed up-
H j on , I assure you that this has not been i
Q f \ . agreed upon.
Dl ) ( * The superintendent has frequently told :
mm us that in some respects we are superior 1
llf to any other class he has graduated. :
V With the exception of the qualifying ]
R- clause we are inclined to agree with him . . 1
H' ' We have been together many years in J
Bk school and out. We have frequently \
B/ quarreled , of coarse , but onlythat , we
Hmight ? / kiss and make up. And we are ]
_ _ _ _ ! , - ' / -m-jS . & 5saw . • * arf jgv g
rather proud of our gentle dispositions ,
and our almost uniformly good temper.
We think we have fairly earned our title
of "The Faithful Grade" by our labors
in the special work department of the
There are thirteen of us in the grade
as at present constituted. We are de
scended from Irish , Scotch , French ,
German , Scandinavian and 'English an
cestors and we inherit the noble qualities
of all these races.
Our average age is 18 years , 5 months.
Our average weight is 128 pounds , 7
ounces , and our average height is 65.7
inches. We are reasonably sound phys
ically and remarkably so intellectually.
Our oldest , tallest , heaviest , slowest
member is Ira Joseph Clark , who was
born at Albia , Iowa , February i6thi876 ,
and entered this school in 1894. He is
a living illustration of the fable of the
Hare and the Tortoise , and though a
little late he never fails to arrive , and
what is more important , he stays.
Daisy Catherine Jackson is a good girl ;
is a Hoosier. Was born in Columbia
City , Indiana , August 8th , 1877 , coming
to us in 1892. Serious , honest , earnest
is Daisy ; no nonsense about her , what
ever. In fact there is no room for any ,
she is so full of good , sound common-
Laura Anne McMillen first saw the
light in Centerville , Pa. , August 23d ,
1S77 , arriving here in 1892 , and working
faithfully away at anything given her
to do.
Mabel Elizabeth Jordan is a native of
Nebraska ; was born at Grand Island ,
April 9th , 1877 , and has wandered about
in this state and Colorado seeking a nice
class with which to graduate , and natur
ally settling down in McCook.
Kerstin Stangeland was bom in Chicago
cage , 111. , September 4th , 1877 , and en
tered this school 1886 , thus being with
the grade for a period of eleven years.
Kittie is a very agreeable girl , has al
ways held a high position in her grade ,
is a great favorite with us and also with
her teachers.
James Earl Ludwick comes very near
being a Mexican , but fortunately he is
not. He was born in Dallas , Texas , June
nth , 1878 , but escaped while very young
and ; having had the quiet ways of Ne
braska thrown about him for twelve
years ; be shows but few traces of his wild
and i woolen origin. Once , however , he
escaped and fled to Oregon but was re
captured and restored to his classmates.
Like ] Artemus 'Ward he is quite an artist ;
he : can draw his little sister on her sled
very nicely.
Lulu Bertha Norval is a native of Illi
nois : ; was born at Peoria , July 18th , 1879.
She 1 has been with us from the first , and
has in her quiet way made a splendid
record. :
Edna Dixon , another native of Ne
braska , was born at Plattsmouth , Janu
ary i 25th , i879. She has one very severe
fault , that is of playing on the piano ,
and : we understand she is going to Chicago
cage i for treatment , this summer. Edna
is : a very bright girl , and knows it , and
so do all her many friends.
Maggie Cullen , as man3' of you have
probably ; suspected , is of Irish descent ,
but was born seventeen years ago in
Iowa , entering this school in 188S. Mag
gie knows more latin than anybody , and
indeed much of the latin that some of
us received credit for can be indirectly
traced to her assistance , as she is of a
helpful disposition.
John Raymond McCarl astonished the
world by coming into it at Des Moines ,
Iowa , November 27th , 1879 , and has kept
it : awake ever since by playing a French
Horn. His enthusiasm is tremendous ,
and i were a gold medal to be awarded for
humility he would certainly take second
place in this grade.
Charles Chavileer Northrup was born
at : Decatur , Michigan , July 23d , 187S.
He : arrived in McCook in 1886 , and was
placed ; in the third grade and from that
time to this he has been one of the pow
erful i factors in the class. Charles is
witty , and not unconscious of it ; is hand
some < , and dresses to it ; is a good worker
and i has done good service to his school.
Ernest Cordeal is without a doubt a
genius and cannot be classified. He was
born in Pontiac , 111. , Nov 6th , 1880 , and
like all that rare but peculiar race he is
somewhat one-sided in his development.
He can work correctly more and harder
problems in geometry than any body ,
and we may mention aside that he can
also mis-spell more words in a given time
than any one in the school , his only :
competitor having retired two years ago. .
As for the historian himself he does ' .
not count he means well and that is <
all there is to say. He is also a native of 1
Nebraska ; was born at Friend , Decern- :
ber 26th , 1878 , and has been kindly permitted - :
mitted to associate with these great and ]
good people for 12 years. He feels that
he owes much to their companionship ,
and no one more than himself regrets
the parting.
The valedictory fell from the lips of
Miss Kerstin Stangland. Like the sain-
tatory , it was short , but effective :
"As the'fond mother , when the day is
o'er , leads by the hand her little child to
bed , half willing , halfreluctanttobeled ,
and leaves his broken playthings on the
floor , not wholly reassured by promises
of others in their stead , which , though
more splendid ) may not please him
more" , we are tonight , just as the little
child , half willing and half reluctant to
go. But the time has now come when
we must not only say good night , but
good-bye. But ? before we go , we wish
to express our gratitude to our friends
and teachers. We are thankful to * the
members of the school board for the int
erest they have taken in the school , and
also for their care in providing for our
many wants. To the science teacher we
are indebted : his zeal and enthusiasm
have often inspired us to work harder
and more earnestly. To the principal ,
who has been so kind and borne so pa
tiently with our short-comings , we owe
very much ; we will ever cherish her mem
ory in our hearts. And to the superin
tendent , we extend our most sincere
thanks for the untiring interest he has
taken in our class. We have learned
much of truth and beauty in his class
room. He lias taught us that which his
years of toil have gathered from careful
study. To the school-mates , we extend
our farewell greeting , trusting that some
time we may meet again. And , class
mates , we must also now say good-bye.
Let us place ourselves in God's hands ,
that he may care for us during life , and
that we may meet again on heaven's
Miss Maud Cordeal played Wagner's
"Hymn of the Pilgrims" for the most
part effectively.
It then became A. Barnett's pleasant
task to award the diplomas , which he
did in the most clever and earnest speech
of the nature that we have heard in many
a day , fully meeting the dignity and importance
portance of the even
"What the Birds Say" by Henneman
was sweetly sung by Miss Hannah Stang
Supt. Valentine briefly expressed in
characteristic , happy phraseology , his
esteem and high hopes for the graduat
ing class , the audience sang "Old Hun
dred" , Rev. J. A. Badcon pronounced
the benediction , and the graduating ex
ercises of the class of ' 97 were at an end ,
with all their pomp and circumstance
and pleasing particulars.
The members of the class of ' 97 had
a group picture taken , Saturday , in their
graduating raiment.
The floral remembrances were very
profuse , fragrant and beautiful , fairly .
covering the rostrum.
McCook is at her best on commence
ment exercises. She is nevermore gaily
attired or in better humor.
The president of the class , Charles
Northrup , introduced the speaker of the
evening , in very good form.
The various members of the class re
ceived gifts of utility and beauty , and
some of them in quite unusual generosity.
Ray McCarl's announcement of the
class entertainment to be given June
25th , was clever and characteristic. We
won't be surprised to see Ray bloom out
radiantly in a managerial capacity yet.
The members of the class of ' 97 , Miss
Berry , Mr. Valentine and Mr. Magee
were entertained at the residence of Mr.
W. O. Norval , Saturday afternoon , by
Kittle Stangland and Lulu Norval. Re
freshments were served. This informal
reception was one of the happy incidents
of the week , which will be a memorable
one in many respects for all concerned.
It was decided to not have a class day ,
but it was required that each member of
the graduating class prepare an essay
and the following were duly submitted :
Charles Northrup , Memory ; Ira Clark ,
Qualities of Great Men ; Ernest Cordeal ,
The Evolution of Labor ; .Mabel Jordan ,
Criticism ; Daisy Jackson , Simplicity ;
Laura McMillen , Utterance ; William '
McManigal , Our Hero ; Lulu Norval , Curiosities - P
iosities ; Edna Dixon , Indolence ; Ray J
McCarl , Recreation ; Earl Ludwick , Animal - '
imal and Plant Life ; Kittie Stangland , 1
The Eye ; Maggie Cullen , Little Things. ]
Crockford-Baker. 1
Thursday afternoon at one o'clock
Rev. Hart. L. Preston united in marriage
Arthur E. Crockford and Elizabeth P.
Baker , both of Red Willow precinct.
Ceremony was performed at home of 1
bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Benj.
Baker , in the presence of relatives and
near friends. We wish to add our congratulations -
gratulations and best-wishes. I
Wall Paper 5 cents a roll at f
' McMlLLEN'S. 8
Belts for men and boys at the
Famous Clothing Co. 1
, - . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Miss Edith Harman Takes Poison With
Suicidal Intent.
Definite Reason and Cause Lacking
for the Commission of the Sad
and Terrible Act-Large
Funeral , Tuesday.
Tuesday night about midnight , Edith
the sixteen-year-old daughter of Charles
H. Harman , died from the effects of
poison presumably strychnine admin
istered by her own hand. She acknowl
edged the commission of the deed , but
gave no reason for its performance. She
had been in McCook , Tuesday afternoon
and played at a neighboring farm during
the early evening. It was observed that
she went to bed in better spirits than
usual , notwithstanding she has been in
a rather despondent mood of late. Along
toward midnight , Mr. Harman was
awakened by the agonizing screams of
his daughter , whom he found in spasms.
The farm hand was dispatched to Mc-
Cook for a physician , but she died before
Dr. Gage arrived at the farm , which is
located a few miles west of this city on
the road to Culbertsou.
There is much speculation and rumors
without end , but we have learned noth
ing of an authoritative nature as to the
cause for the deplorable deed.
Funeral services were conducted at the
home , Thursday afternoon , by Rev. J. A.
Badcon , interment following in Longview -
view cemetery. A large number from
this city and that neighborhood attended
the funeral. The floral offerings were
numerous and beautiful.
Mr. and Mrs. Harman have the profoundest -
foundest sympathy of all in this terrible
affliction that his come upon them.
Death of Samuel Ellis , Jr.
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock , Samuel
J. Ellis , aged 18 years , 1 month and 8
days. nd son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Ellis dkGerver precinct , passed away to
his long and peaceful home. Samuel J.
was bbrn a few miles from Blue Hill in
Adams Co. , Neb. , on April 29th , 1879.
The deceased leaves father , mother , two
brothers and two sisters , one Mrs. J. W.
Houchin who resides near Yorktown ,
Iowa. The young man frequently expressed - .
pressed his desire as being ready and
willing to meet his God , in whose care
he had lately placed his trust.
The funeral services were conducted
by Rev. White and delivered in the most
tender and touching words. The Pleasant - <
ant Prairie school house from which j
place the funeral took place , was crowded 1
to its utmost capacity regardless of the
inclemency of the weather. His grave
was most beautifully decorated by the <
remaining members of his class in school.
* * (
= = = = =
Class of ' 97 Entertainment.
June 25th is the date selected for the i
long promised entertainment to be given t
by the class of ' 97 , at the Menard opera c
hause , for the benefit of the school ,
music , lantern and library funds. They
will Frances ' x
present Hodgson Burnett's
play "Esmeralda" , with new scenery , *
costumes ] and properties , and the per-
formane is intended l
: to eclipse anything
previously given in McCook. 1
. c
Provincial Fidelity. *
Every time any considerable number
of * eastern women go through McCook
we are reminded by repeated expressions .
of ' the fidelity of western men to the superior -
perior beauty of western women. And
by the same token there is a prevailing
impression , a tradition even , among
easterns that beauty of figure and face
does not exist in any meritorious degree 1
west of the Alleghanies.
A Surprise Serenade.
The Brigade band tendered Dr. W. V.
Gage and bride a serenade at their home , \
last Saturday evening , which was enjoyed - c
joyed keenly by the objects and neighbors - e
bors as well. It was a genuine surprise j
to the doctor and bride , as was also the j
handsome and elegant cut glass water
set , sugar and creamer presented by the s
band and friends.
Meet To Equalize.
The board of county commissioners in session at least three days of
next week , commencing on Tuesday , h
and will sit as a a board of equalization , q
Register your kick about your assessed si
valuation Ihen or afterwards hold your ri
peace. tl ;
Doubtless there are other bf ids of
flow as good , but the Victor int is a
alwuys to be relied upon. Sola oy the
McCook Commission Co.
Wall Paper at McConnell's.
• t . . . . . . .
Wall Paper at McConnell's.
More tramps than usual just now.
For hail insurance see C. J. Ryan.
A nice shower.Saturday afternoon last.
Woodpeckers are becoming somewhat
of a nuisance in the city.
Are you right with the editor on your
subscription ? If not , why not ?
Staple stationery , best quality at low
est prices , at The Tribune office.
New line in boys' knee pants just re
ceived at the Famous Clothing Co.
Be in the swim. Buy one of those
wonderful Vive Cameras from H. P.
Sutton. .
That rain flag must be respected , even
though we have to soak the community
to command it.
Twenty mills have been levied for
school ! purposes in our city. It is the
full limit allowed by law.
A new dry goods store has been opened
up in the Ganschow building , next door
to the Cash Bargain Store.
Sewing done by the day at the homes.
Terms reasonable. . Satisfaction guaran
teed. 1 L. Grace Townsend.
Mrs. M. E. Barger has a buyer in view
and ' will sell her millinery stock at great
ly reduced prices until July Fourth.
We understand that the city council
has ; selected the southeast quarter of
block ] 4 , original town , as the site for the
court , house.
S. M. Cochran & Co. beat 'em all in
hog fencing. Get their prices and in
spect ; their stock. Quality and cost will
both stand the test.
You can see the finest display of sam
ples of secret society cards in America at
this office , and can get reasonable prices
for printing them artistically.
An error and one omission occurred in
our Memorial write up , last week : C. L.
Miller should have been C. L. Nettleton ,
and ; the omission was the name of Peter
Just received a car load of Crete flour
of , the following well known and popular
brands : Victor Patent , Coronet Patent
( , winter wheat , ) Champion Patent and
Sterling. j McCook Commission Co
We would rather , and it is more pleas
ant t , commend than criticise but we are
not unmindful of our duty to criticise ,
even chastise , when public weal requires
it. We are not forgetful , either , that
molasses catches more flies than vinegar.
The rain of Tuesday evening amounted
to .60 of an inch , and this was slightly
augmented on Wednesday night. Tuesday -
day evening's rain was quite general
over this section of the state. Wednesday -
day evening the hail was very heavy and
destructive at Haigler , doing some damage -
age to the Burlington roadbed in that
= = = = =
An interesting feature of this month's
magazines is the announcement that the
Century Co. of New York have organized
a prize competition of a new kind. They
offer $1,500 for the best answers to 150
printed questions which are gratuitously
distributed to competitors. The questions -
tions , it seems , can all be answered from
works of reference found in most homes , j
and deal with popular subjects , such as '
the origin of common sayings , the meaning - !
ing of proper names , the nature of pre
cious stones , metals and the various :
standards of time and of weight. '
The Great Robertson-Ransom \
Entertainers of New York City will be <
here , Monday and Tuesday nights , June 1
14th and 15th , at the Methodist church , -
under the auspices of the Epworth
League. Mr. Robertson's Tumbleronicon
and Sleigh Bells solos are exquisitely
beautiful , while Mr. Ransom's exposure
of spiritualistic mediums carries an audi-
snee by storm : his "Eggstraordinary
Eggsperiment Eggspertly Eggsplained"
is , without doubt one of the greatest sci- .
ntific wonders of the age. The admis
sion has been putata low figure , namely ,
25 cents for adults and 15 cents for chil-
Iren under 12 years of age.
A Success , Notwithstanding. °
The benefit social in A. O. U. W. hall ,
ast evening , for Calvary cemetery , was
mite a success , notwithstanding the
ievere storm. The attendance and pat- -
onage were very fair , and the portion of
he program rendered was excellent. .
Reliable black and tan hosiery for men
it the Famous Clothing Co.
Paints and oils at McMillen's.
Wall Paper at McConnell's.
The Members of Willow Grove Lodge No.
42 Entertain
Sir Knight Degree Is Given to Esquires - A
quires Stephen Belles and f
Robert Byers and a Banquet - * J
quet Follows. <
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / *
The district meeting held by Grand
Chancellor Commander Gus Norberg of ,
Holdrege and Vice Grand Chancellor
Commander II. M. Boydston of Nebras
ka City for the members of Willow Grove ' ,
Lodge No. 42 , Knights of Pythias , Wednesday - \
nesday night , was one of the Pythian
occasions of the year , and called out a
large local membership , besides attract
ing quite a number of visiting Knights
from neighboring lodges.
There was held the usual regular session - !
sion of the lodge in which Esquire Ste
phen D. Belles , Jr. , of Willow Grove
Lodge No. 42 and Esquire Robert Byers
of Magic City Lodge No. 38 were elevated
to the rank of Sir Knights. In this impressive - '
pressive work the visiting brethren as
sisted , t
After the regular lodge work wusabout I
completed , the session was turned over I
to the grand officers and a school of instruction - ? ,
struction was opened and conducted by
them , much helpful instruction being
given and work exemplified.
This was followed by a banquet at the
Burlington dining room , where Mine , * • * * *
Host Byers spread refreshments in varie
ty and quantity to meet the demands of
A selection or two by the popular brass
quartette , Messrs. Sutton , Ely , Pennell
and Beach , and a recitation by J. P.
Forbes brought to a close at a late hour ,
an instructive and delightful district
Among the visiting brethren were :
From Oberlin Lodge No. 42 , C. N. Page.
N. D. Beaver , J. 11. Farrington , George
Robinson , J. A. Hughes , G. B. Vawter ,
E. B. Boggess , R. B. Stickley , J. J. Jack
son , D. L. McCoy and W. T. Stevenson.
Magic City Lodge No. 3S , Harry Stern
and I. L. Strong. Max Lodge No. 101 ,
F. C. Phillips and Max Monvoison.
Arapahoe Lodge No. 147 , John Stevens.
Rare Entertainments.
The concerts given in the Congrega
tional church , Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings , by the Arion Lady Quartette
of Chicago , together with the recitations
of Mr. Cooke , made up entertainments
of rare excellence and uncommon satis-
factoriness. The ladies are charming ,
cultured singers and delighted all , responding
spending ' to frequent and enthusiastic
encores ' with a pleasing promptness and
spirit ! that quite captivated their audi
ences. " Mr. Cooke came in for and de
served ' a goodly mead of approbation.
The entertainments were given under
Endeavor auspices. A full and friendly
house awaits the combination should
they ever return to our city. To put it
tersely 1 , "they are all right" .
Pythian Memorial Day.
McCook , Neb. , June 9 , 1897.
To the Members of the Knights of
Pythias : Sunday , June the 13th , having
been 1 duly appointed Pythian Memorial
day , all brother Knights are requested to
participate with Willow Grove Lodge No.
42 , of this city , in commemorating the
same. Members will meet at the Castle
Hall , McConnell building , at 2 p.m. and
march from there to the Methodist
church where services will be held and
will march from the church to the ceme
tery. Brother Knights are requested to
extend a cordial invitation to all mem
bers of the order to help us celebrate
Pythian Memorial day.
J. F. Forbes ,
F. A. Pennell ,
Ray Hall ,
A Limit to Forbearance.
A list of the names of those who signed
the petition asking for the enforcement
of the Slocum law as to screens , was
exhibited in the front window of Clyde's
saloon over Sunday. Mr. Clyde may
yet trifle too far and presume too much
Dn the forbearance of the people of this
ommunity. ,
Quality in flour means more than you j
iver thought of , probably. It is more j
important than anything you buy. Al
ways get the Victor Patent and you have
the best. For sale by the j
McCook Commission Co. j
Colored and white shirts at the
Famous Clothing Co.
Wall Paper at McConnell's.
_ _ _ _ _ !