t . By P. M. KIMMELL. S1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. . * * f - - ' • * Hemomal day has an iner < iiig interest to olL'ChoughtEiil , ] riotlc AinoricaiiB. May its e m&moration uevor grow less ei est , enthusiastic and significant " It is libelous per se for Cole J4ttchell ! to insinuate even that i o its local contemporaries guilty of cribbing from sucl dull and dreary waste as the Co ier. It were easier to gather i of thistles , or to ' draw rich , blood from a turnip. Sknatou Thujiston' s recent p for Cuba and humanity touchec tender and responsive chord ovary American heart. The sei tor is not only a Eepublican whom there is no guile , but he a r.talwart , warm.hearted Ame cu < < , whose geneums impulses out spontaneously to the oppress aid to those seeking liberty a fr-edom from tyranny. Hence 1 lapae from partisanship to patrii ism is the more superb. The Republican party has givpt opportunity now , If it w p s a wise , conservative tariff bi oue that will afford ample revem and sufficient protection withoi being oppressive in any respect , wi'l be accepted by the country a settlement of the tariff questic for at .least eight or ten year This would give our industries chance to recuperate and that r < suit would inure to the credit c the party that passed the bill. E3 = = = = = = 1 We have it on the authority c the Kansas City Star that th "helpful hen" is attracting mor : attention in Kansas , just now , tha ; the initiative and referendum. I has been discovered down there apparently , that the hen and th cow have enough potential wealtl in them to save the entire stat from foreclosure. They literall ; saved thousands of people fror want in Nebraska during th e droutl I period , and now they are doinj their share nobly in paying o\ \ ] mortgages. Of the § 200,000 appropriate. . by Congress for the relief of th flood sufferers on the lower MiB sissippi , but one-half has beej used. The laborers are returning to their fields , and farther aid wil I 1 cease. This is a remarkable rec ord , and , taken in connection witl j the fight made for the levees , es- 1 pecially in Louisiana , is a most creditable one. Never before hat l the country witnessed such prool ! of the valne and enterprise of the New South. Kansas City Star. Colonel Timothy Sedgwick ; of the York Times undertakes to mildly lecture The Tribune be cause its publisher does not , like ! him , go through the poignant 1 pangs of parturition at every men tion of the word Pop , whom he persistently pulverizes. The Col onel is distinctly out of order and jurisdiction a trifle presumptious and a mite over-bumptious , but we congratulate him on his superb power of the imagination , if we cannot commend his judgment. The Tribune's Republicanism needs no sponsor at home or abroad. It has plainly and frank ly spoken for itself , these fifteen years , and will continue so to do. ! ' Sick 'headache can be quickly and com pletely overcome by using those famous little pills known as "DeWitt's Little Early Risers" . A. McMillen. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve . ' Cares Plies. Scalds. Boras. BARTLEY. The Burlington's extra gang been stationed here during past week. W.E.Rollings moved his fai and household effects here f Indianola on Tuesday. Miss Frankie Stump and 1 Nellie Hodgkin of Cambri spent Sunday with friends her * Quite a number of our yo people attended the commencen exercises at Indianola , last Fri evening. • A youthful nephew of Mr. 1 Mrs. E.E.Smith arrived here h Denver , Monday evening , to m them a visit of several weeks' d ation. Section Foreman Kern will' to Holdrege , this Friday eveni to move his family here. Tl will occupy Dr. J.E.Hathorn's h jtory house in the eastern part ; own. About fifty of the friends a leighbors of Mrs.S.W.Clark rot ler a surprise visit on Friday e- ling of last week , it being the < lasion of her thirty-eighth an ersary birthday. It is probable that no town in t tate shows its soldier populati aore respect than does Bartle 'he size and decorum of t rowds , Sunday and Monday , gi vidence of the truth of this asse on. Miss Ida Smith closed a nin ionths school , Friday of last wee 1 the district just northeast wn. She will spend several da siting in this vicinity and at Ii anola before going to Ked Oa wa , her home. O. Frost returned from the eas n part of the state , latter part < jtweek , and spent a few daj re , leaving again , Monday ever , on a business visit to Omah d Lincoln and points in Howar d Sarpy counties. Station Agent Tomblin spen iday with relatives in Arapaho d Saturday and Sunday with hi Dther-in-law and sister , Mr. an rs. J. F. Forbes in McCook. Ex 1 Agent Hall had charge of th irliugton's affairs here durinj r. Tomblin ' s absence. Miss Grace Curlee lef tThursda , ; > rning of lastweek , for Univer y Place , to attend the commence mt exercises of the Wesleyai iversity. She will return , latte rt of next week , accompanied tr r brothers , Guy and Edward 0 have been attending Bchoo jre. Miss Kate Smith of the Inter- diate department of the schools i for her home at Wilsonville , b Saturday , and I. E. Wymore , ncipal , for his home at Freedom Monday. Miss Nellie Stephene -he Primary department left on isday , with the rest of the fam- for the farm in Frontier county , th of Box Elder. The depart- of these young people is gen- ily regretted , and they will be atly missed in social and reli < r- 1 circles. 'hose who have labored so as- tously in our schools during the t nine months laid down their is , last Friday , and the vacation eng anticipated with mingled ings of satisfaction and regret t hand. The graduating class ridted of Sadie Hamilton , Carrie tt , Maud Yickrey , Olive Ogg Maud Miller. Owing to finan- considerations it was decided not to have public graduating rises , and the class , , with the iption of MiBs Ogg , who did wish to graduate , were presen- with diplomas without formal- ay Prof.Wymore. The school's ons seem to be very well pleas- ith the work accomplished by teachers. Mrs. J. H. Stephens and Eth < spent Sunday and Monday her with the girls , and Bert arrived o Monday evening , with teams t move their household effects to th farm , leaving with them on TueE day afternoon. While the loss c this estimable family is regretted all hope for them contentment am prosperity in their new home am vocation , and trust that they ma ; in the future become residents 0 Bartley. Sunday and Monday , the 30tl and 31st , were observed here ai Memorial days , and the attendant on both occasions was very large Rev. M. T. Maze , presiding eldei af the Evangelical church for this iistrict , discoursed to a very attentive - tive audience at 11 a. m. on Sun- lay , and at 10 a. m. on Monday a arge procession went to the ceme- ; ery to decorate the resting places ) f the honored dead. „ A larga aud- ence assembled in the hall to wit less the afternoon programme con- isting of music and recitations ; nd a brief address by Kev. Asa Jleeth of Cambridge. Don't thin your blood with sassafras or poi- an it with blue-mass ; but aid Nature by using > eWitt's Little Early Risers , the famous little ills for constipation , biliousness and stomach rid liver troubles. They are purely vegetable. . . McMillen. * COLEMAN. There was a fine rain , Tuesday. M. H.Cole is feeding some hogs a shares. Quarterly meeting on Sunday ight next. An Iowa man has bought a farm 1 Gerver precinct. Five young men went fishing , iturday , and caught two fishes. Several went to Box Elder , Sat- day , to the Decoration services. Several went to McCook , Mon- y , to participate in the Decora- > n day ceremonies. Bert Wales and Frank Coleman iended Memorial services atMc- ok , last Sunday. A.W.Kellogg of Humbolt coun- . , Iowa , looked over the country up here , Wednesday of last wee William Prentice is working f 1 Samuel Hornback , south of tl river on Uncle Joseph Menard farm. Bobert Moore has had two tul ular wells sunk , this spring , ar both "stuck" before water wi reached , and so he has no wate The only defense found in tt Bible for the abominable , filth habit of tobacco chewing is in ti last chapter of Kevelation , " an reads , "He that is filthy , let hii be filthy still" . "Ugh ! Miss Anna Irvin taught schoc n district 58 , last winter , and gav tuch excellent satisfaction that 'recommend" was tendered hei ast weeksigned by the most prom nent and influential residents o he district. . Miss Irwin is a thor > ugh teacher , and has the bes uterests of her pupils always ii iow. Those three girls that were weighed at Uncle Joseph Menard' * tore , the other day , were a littlf bove the average in size , Theii ombined weight was 682 pounds , n average of over 227 pounde piece the little midgets ! One eighed 205 , one 222 , and one 55 , and none of them looked at 11 peeked. A man went to McCook , and his ife sent a basket of eggs to get > me household necessaries. He aded the eggs for three papers of noking tobacco and a plug of lowing about a foot long , and a tke of soap worth five cents. He m't live in this township. If his ife or daughter should get afive- mt ribbon to wear around her > ck to make her look pretty , he'd old off and on for a week. Bev. J. A. Badcon of the Meil odist church of McCook preache in the Coleman school house , la * Sunday at three o'clock. It was clean , pure , unadulterated gospt talk , just the kind the people her want , and they would -highly at : preciate the privilege of listeniuj to such sermons often. It was hi first sermon here , but he promisei to come and preach again. H will meet a warm welcome. Bev. Jacob Long failed to fil ais appointment at the Colemai 3chool house , Sunday aweek. Hi ivas to have been there , last Sun lay , but failed again , although h ( jot within a mile of school house .t ' is very trying to be disappoint id so often , and now we suggesi hat the appointment be filled reg- ilarly and on time , or else jusi Irop it at once and quit , as that it ireferable to disappointments sc requent. We want an appoint- aent , and we want it filled , regu- irly too. Terrible Accident. It is a terrible acci- ent to be burned or scalded ; but the pain and jony aud the frightful disfigurements can be inckly overcome without leaving a scar by > ing DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. A. Mc- tillen. INDIANOLA. We enjoyed a rain , Tuesday. W. R. Starr is sojourning with s. John Beck is working for Marion owell. Alfred Crago is busying him- > lf on a farm. Marion Powell shipped stock to maha , Wednesday. John Puckett is moving into arnard Hillers' house. The nicest thing of the season home-grown strawberries. W. E. Rollings is moving to irtley today Wednesday. Rev. W. J. Crago delivered the ition at Danbnry , Monday. The G. A. R. have secured a rse for John Peake , who is very k , without much chance for re- rery. The alumni of Indianola hie school had a reception for the ne graduates at the school buildinj Monday evening. Miss Ida Smith of Bartley lit been visiting Len a Beck for a fe days. She will start for Iowa i a few days , her future home. Quarterly meeting at the Met ! odist church on Saturday evenin and Sunday morning. Rev. G. I Mayfield of Bartley will fill the El der's place. All invited. I presume I shall be obliged t procure a typewriter , for I see y typos could not read my writing last week. I wrote Cosgro an ( Rollings , and it was set up Cragc and Phillips , but mistakes wil happen , you know , even in print ing offices. Decoration day was observed here , Saturday , the seventeen sol diers' graves in our cemetery being properly decorated in the forenoon , md in the afternoon the oration ivas delivered by. Rev. B. S. Hay- vood , which was one of the best jver delivered here. As an orator VIr. Haywood has few equals , and lis superiors are scarce. On Friday evening last , as pre | [ dously announced , the commence- nent exercises were held at the pera house. Thera were six grad- lates , as follows : Bessie Holland , " jou Beardslee , Claude Hatcher , day Rider , Alfred Crago and Fred irass. Each did credit to them- elves and the school from which hey graduate. The speaking was me , the singing excellent , and the rchestra extra good. We were leased to note several visitors : om McCook and Bartley , aud we re certain all were well entertained. Pe should be proud of our public ; hools. B. B. Mosder lias traded a Co orado farm for town property i Indianola. On Sunday last the lMethodh pulpit was filled by ReE. . P.Qui vey of Omaha , representing th Nebraska Children's Home soeioh This society looks up homes fo orphan children , and children fo homes whore children are wanted General Charles F. Manderson i state president and Rev. L. P Ludden is secretary. A loca board was organized here , consist ing of : Mrs. I. M. Beardslee , D.W Schoeuthal , Mrs. M. J.Huppersett Marion , . . PowelIMis.D.Stonf-cyriher ETattie McCIung , Lucy J. Cramer Thomas Duncan and C. W. Beck Che first four in order named arc ts ollicetK. A subscription was aken in the Methodist church and t Hiuountod to over $ - < 50 , payable u five annual payments of § 52. Subscriptions in the other church rill be taktMi later. This is a wor- hy object and we are glud our ieople responded so nobly. Don't neglect a cough because the weather pleasant ; befoje the next storm rolls around may develop into a serious.difficulty beyond : pair. One minute Cough Cure is easy to ike and will do what its , name implies. A. tcMillen. CEDAR BLUFFS. The revival of last week is clos- 3 , with three converts. Mr. and Mrs. Ayer made a Sun- ay call at W. H. Coopers. A strawberry aud ice cream fes- valThursday night , at the school ause. There will be quarterly meeting Cedar Bluffs , next Saturday and inday. Miss Edna Dimmick may be en behind the counter in S. W. cKee's. Don Thompson and the Kenne- ' boys went to Oberlin , Thurs- y , to play base ball with the team that place , with which they are sjnlarly playing this season. Death came to sadden the home Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peck , and took away their infant son aged oi week. The bereaved parents ha1 the sympathy of the entire cor munity in their hour of sadness. Some for ten , some for twenty and some f thirty years have suffered from piles and th ( have been quickly and permanently cured 1 using , DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , the Kre A. r em McMillen. e d3fr piles and a11 forms oi skin disease RED WILLOW. Mrs. Elias Canaga is visiting i Kansas. Born May 30th , to Mr. an Mrs. A. C. Black , a fine big boy. The Longnecker boys and man- others attended the commencemen exercises in Indianola , last Frida night , and reported a pleasing eve ning. Do not fail to attend the Child ren's Day exercises at the Christ ian church , next Sunday evening , I very pleasing program has beer prepared , and visitors from a dist- vnce will receive a welcome. If you want Fruits ? o where they are Slept. At Knipple's , > f course. Not only piles of the very worst kind can he ured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , but ec- ema , scalds , burns bruises , boils , ulcers and II other skin troubles can be instantly relieved y the same remedy. A. McMillen. Awarded lighesV Honors World's Fair , DR * CREAM BAKING P0WWR MOST PERFECT MADE. pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free m Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. &AKlN < 5 POWDER Absolutely Pur * . Celebrated for its great leavening jtrength and health fulness. Assures the bed against alum and all fortn3 of adul- eration common to the cheap brands. * ovai. Baking Powder Co. , New Tork. Mr. Isaac Horner , proprietor of the Burton louse , Burton , \V. V. , and one of the most widely known men in the state was cured of heumatism after three years of suffering. He ays : ' "I have not sufficient command or lan- uage to convey any idea of what I suffered , ly physicians told me that nothing could be one for me and my friends were fully con- * inced that nothing but death would relieve le of my suffering. In June , 1894 , Mr. Evens. / iien salesman for the Wheeling Drug Co. , zcommended Chamberlain's Pain Balm. At * lis time my foot and limb were swollen to lore than double their normal size and it : emed to me my leg would burst , but soon v fter I began using the Pain Balm the swell- ! ' ig began to decrease , the pain to leave , and 1 ow I consider that I am entirely cured' ' . For ? lie by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists. Jp The ring * is busted , xood eating" & plant- ng potatoes 50 cts. a mshel. Knipple. / A. II. Patter , with E. C. Atkins & Co. , In- annpolis , Ind. , writes : "I have never before ven a testimonial in my life. But I will say at for three years we have never been with- it Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diar- oea Remedy in the house , and my wife 3uld as soon think ot being without flour as ' bottle of this Remedy in the summer season , ' e have used it with all three of our children id it has never failed to cure not simply jp pain , but cure absolutely. It is all right , t id anyone who tries it will find it so" . For le by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists. Try that 15 cent box aper at The Tribune ffice. Worth 25 cts. Jso cheaper grades. 'There's no use in talking" , says W. H. oadwell , druggist. La Cygr.e , Kan. , "Cham- rlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- * r y does the work. After taking medicines my own preparation and those of others , I / ' k a dose of Chamberlain's and it helped f : ; a second dose cured me. Candidly and 4 iscienuously I can recommend it as the , ' it thing on the market" . The 25 and so it sizes for sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , egists. Go where Fruits are j to be found. That is at Knipple's , the leading - ( i ing- grocer , sure. / I v = = = = = Hundreds of thousands have been induced to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy by read ing what it has done for others , and having ] tested its merits for themselves are today its wHT dsF . ° r sale by L. W. McCon nell & Co. , Druggists. A car load of Extra Smooth Potatoes at i 50c. a bushel in five j bushel lots. Knipple. nIT'heyT ar eiandieCsaid Thos- Bowers , of J about DeWitt's Little Early Risers , the famous - \ ous little pills for sick headache and disorders j of the stomach and liver. A. McMillen. I W-P-J ° hnson' ewark-0- says , "One Minute ' 1 -ough Cure saved my only child from dyES 1 3y croup" . It has saved thousands of otnerf 1 uffenng Irom croup , pneumonia , bronchitis ilc1vmkn.Sen0US thr ° at and IunS Rubles a ! | j F. B. BUKGESS , ? ' 1 I Plumber and \ ] j Steam Fitter ! J I McCOOK , HEBR. 2 /1 | Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass \ [ I Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimminps. 2 > W I Agent for Halliday , Waupun. Eclipse f ] Windrnms. Basementof the Meeker9 1 Phillips building. 4 M I Palace Meat Market 4 k Two doors south of W I Commercial Hotel. J& j , A. CARSON , Proprietor. # ' 4 * ' * Everything usually in W ' r be found * here. & I leave:0rders for Milk Here X * lft , eWitt's Coic & ruZ I - - , - - - c . > „ , . .