The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 04, 1897, Image 3

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    \ " ' '
15 ? K ! fA Naval Knracemsnc
9 The new , American jiavyjias not jet
I . prdSuccS anycuch incidents as one
wh h is reported "froKf TToulon concerning -
| cerning 'some French naval manocu-
A vrea. The new cruiser Vantour began
i to carry dn. target-practice in the pres-
I em-o ot the fleet. Instead of bitting tie
floating target 8he sent three shots In-
T to the Admiral's ship , the Brennus.
\ The flrai two only struck the bridge
J en which , the Admiral was standing ;
/ but tbe practice Improved , and the
| * i llilrd * Bifot brought- down the eteers-
f man * 2 Admiral Gervals thought this
I -was getting close enough , and gave
Ihct signal 'Ceaee firing. "
I " % J ' : - :
f S , 5fesXll honor rt-pr ft8.
y wfiipif Mlio sfonliichdishonors the drafts
f mitfleupon ltbyilirrcstof the system , it Is
V , iifcU surlly becfiuhO Its fund of strength Is
jr very low. Toned with Hp > tcttor'h Stomach
_ Jp Hitlers , It fOon begins to pay out. vigor in the
ST \ hhapn of pure , rich hlood , containing the ele-
• fl incuts of muscle ' 1)0110 and hraln. As a
B t-cnuence of the new vigor offered the stom-
% ieh , the bowels perform their functions
§ rcculaily. and the liver works lllco clock
I -wotk. Miliaria has no effect uj > oii a system
B thus reinforced.
\ Origin of a Game.
af A letter ha3 just been discovered
a" among the archives of the British Museum -
% seum duloil lis far back as the year
\ . 1750 and which pives the origin of
ua , the gnmo of billiards as now played.
arf The game , it appears , was invented in
A 5 j LOGO by a pawnbroker by the name of
% . / William Kew , in London , who was in
W the habit of taking down every night
the three balls which hung before his
\ hhop , and to push them about with
v v his wooden yard measure on his
i V I counter. Heme the name billiards ,
l.jgg | which is a corruption of Bill's yard.
ygb \ Summer Kxcurslons via tbe Wabash Rail *
H road.
I -
jsT | Vacation tours for the summer will
• fg soon'be placed on sale. Half Eates to
jb Toronto in July. Half Kates to Buf
fi ialo in. August , lteduccd Rates to
S : Uashvillc Exposition now on sale.
\ Special rates for tours of the Great
W Lakes. General western agency for
all Trans-Atlantic steamship lines.
\ Send 4 cents in stamps for handsome
jM book , "To the Lake Resorts and Be-
V yond. " ' For rates , time-tables , sailing
\ lists and cabin plans for steamers or
g& other information , call at Wabash
% , Ticket office , 1415 Farnam street ( Pax
il ton Hotel Block ) or write Geo. N.
\ Clayton , N. "W. Pass. Agt. , OmahaNeb.
„ Educational institutions are of value In proportion
jK 1 to the completeness of their equipment and the faror-
JJff nble aspects of their environment. No institution la
* W the world lias c&thered to itself snch complete advan-
W tajres in the way of equipment and educational ability
m as the New Exoland Coxmbtjltoht or Music in Bos.
Tk tok. Its pupils are instructed as thoroughly and with
i H much care in the beginning of their courses , as in
f the highest ( Trades that are offered , while the reputa-
i lion of t institution and the record made by its frrad-
X uate both at home and abroad , arc at all times a guar.
• autee tif the ability of those * ho pas * through it *
7 curriculum.
I * A itound-Xrlp Ticket.
I Undo Ezra had been watching the
* f engine on the turntable , and after its
circuit had been made said to an em-
A-y ploye :
J \ "Say. young man. would you mind
Jl i telling me one thing ? "
• V < "Not if it is anything that I know. "
J • • Wul. does ticket
a round-trip enl -
l title you to one of them rides ? Seems
v like it orter. and if it does I hain't had
* - mine yet" Washington Star.
/ \ Burlington Route Only SS2.50 to San
Br M x Francesco.
j $ June 29 to July 3 , account national
• M i convention Christian "Endeavorers.
Special trains. Through tourist and
& f palace sleepers. Stop-overs allowed at
- and west of Denver. " Return via Port-
X lend , Yellowstone Park and Black
W Hills if desired.
Endeavorcrs and their friends who
J take the Burlington Route are guar-
\ iinteed a quick , cool and comfortable
\ journey , fine scenery ( by daylight ) and
* S first class equipment.
ur Berths are reserved and descriptive
| literature furnished on request. See
"il nearest B. & il" . R. R. ticket agent or
\ write to J. Francis , G. P. A. , Burling-
f ton Route , Omaha , Neb.
\ Onn in a Thousand.
\ " tiss Smitherson is the girl for
> me- "
/ • 'Why ? She's homely enough ! "
< j "Maybe. But she wears a small
bonnet to the theatre , and a largo
{ Gainsborough to church. That shows
f she is thoughtful. " New York Life.
-f Dent Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away.
* To quit tobacco easily and forever , be mag-
\ netlc , full of life , nerveand vigor , take No-To-
" i Bac -wonder-worker , that makes weak
men strong. All druggists , Wc or SI. Cure
guaranteed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Keiacdy Co. , Chicago or Kew York.
R y All the Difference.
{ Featherstone I wonder where those
I * trousers are that I ordered ?
I \ Itingway Why. I thought you said
I * you couldn't afford any more clothes ?
I \ Featherstone I couldn 't ; but I got
B r * " a nevv lailor Clothier and Furnisher.
I K JTITSPennanentlyCured.ICofitsornorvousncsBaftei
H dp lirst day ' s use of Dr. Kline ' s lireat Aervo Restorer.
M L Send for FREE 52.00 trial bottle nnd.treatno.
tj lc K. 11. Kline. Ltd. . 931 Arch St. . Philadelphia , Pa.
W\ Kolds a Hlortsace on Them.
I I "Jones seems to take a great inter-
[ gr est in you r family affairs. ' '
IE "He thinks he has a right to. 11
K -Why ? "
Ik I ewe him $7. " New York Fresa.
'V Hall's Catarrh Cure
II Is a constitutional cure. Price , 75c
r Indian In Dentist's Chair.
M\ An Indian who had a tooth filled and
I / another pulled at Waterville , Ma , fur-
I V. nished the first instance of-a red man
I / patronizing a dentist which had come
I ' to the knowledge of a practitioner of
1 thirty years in that place.
L Seceman'i Camphor Ice with Glycertae.
H Cures Chapped Hands and Face. TenderorSoreKt-ct ,
m Chilblains , 1'UfeJ , ate. " C. G. Clark Co. , New Haven , Ct.
F Expensive Geese.
V In a suit over six geese in Stamp
Hl Creek. Ga , . when the costs had
v amounted to about $70 the matter was
| compromised and settled by dividing
W' J * * the gcesa
? To Cure Constipation Forever.
TaUo Cascarets Candv Cathartic. 10c orSSo.
I If acC. fall to cure , drucclsts refond monev.
The more a man talks about his
PL shrewdness , the less he liasl-
W Some would - rather .face a cannon !
Ik than their own evils. j
( By Anna Sheilds. )
Mil ?
l seems bo very
11 strange , dear. Not
; exactly proper ! "
' Miss Seymour ex-
l'i pected to see pre-
"m clsely the expres-
< i sion upon the face
[ 1 of her niece as did
V follow this opinion.
Lena Seymour's
great brown eyes
flashed , her pretty
lips curled with scorn and a rich color
mantled in her cheeks.
"Proper ! Society does not rule down
here , Aunt Margaret ! Besides it is a
mere matter of business ! "
A twinkle danced in Miss Margaret's
eyes , but vanished , presently.
"Oh , " she said , "you mean to make
a profession of your art. "
"Oh , dear ! " sighed Lena , "how many
times I have told you , Aunt Margaret ,
that art will not accept divided hem
age. I hope some day to call myself
an artist ! Now , " and the large brown
eyes grew luminous , the lips smiled as
if some vision of beauty woke a glad
response in Lena's heart , and her little
white hands moved unconsciously to
clasp each other ; "now I can only hope
and dream , work and pray ! "
Then she came suddenly out"of this
little ectasy and said :
"I sent an advertisement to the
'Grantville Gazette' yesterday , and it is
published to-day. "
She took a folded newspaper from
her pocket , opened it and read :
" 'WANTED A fisherman to stand
as model for an artist. Terms liberal.
Apply at No. 3 Seaview Terrace , Ocean
Place , Wilton. '
"By the way , Aunt Margaret , the ut
ter absurdity of that address never
struck me so forcibly as it does at this
moment. 'Ocean Place' a strip of sea
beach half a mile in extent ! 'Seaview
Terrace , ' four empty and one occupied
cottage. I suppose all the population
of Wilton will apply for the position. "
But nearly a week passed , every day
bringing a repetition of the advertise
ment , and not an answer reached Sea
view Terrace. Lena worked busily at
her picture , a sea-scape , with a group
of children in the foreground , a wo
man watching the waves upon a rock
to the right , and a great blank space for
the fisherman , who was to come to
greet her. The subject was not very
new or very original , but Lena was
treating it with wonderful power for a
young artist. She had worked faith
fully under good masters in London ,
Paris and Rome for six years , and was
an artist born. Her father had been
proud of her genius , giving it full scope ,
while she was yet a mere child , and
when he died he charged his sister to
let Lena have her will , if she wished
to continue her studies. So the girl ,
then only seventeen , when her routine
of studies with her masters was over ,
took her easel and brushes for rest , for
salve to the bitter heart-pain her fath
er's absence caused , and , with her aunt
for a companion , went abroad to study.
She had been at home only two months
when she took board at Seaview Ter
race , and began her sea picture her
first large one on canvas. It was too
early in the season for seaside visitors ,
still April weather , and Wilton was but
a small place , so she worked outdoors ,
her easel facing the wide blue sea she
copied with sometimes fainting , often
exultant , heart.
* * * * * *
Mortimer Gilroy called himself weary
of the world. At thirty-two he had ex
hausted all the pleasures a liberal for
tune , strong health , a cultivated mind
an 'd plentiful leisure afforded. When I
sav "exhausted" I merely quote Morti-
! fder [ Gilrpy. He had "done" Europe ,
Egypt and his native country ; had been
petted 'by society , escaped numerous
cunningly spread matrimonial webs ,
and , while he counted his flirtations by
dozens , he was heart whole , as he lay
upon the deck of the Firefly , his own
yacht , reading the "Grantville Gazette. "
He had come from a winter cruise on
the coast of Florida , through the Gulf
of Mexico , winding about the West In
dies , till , weary of sea as well as land ,
he was sailing for New York when he
put in at Wilton for a supply of fresh
"Hulloo ! " he muttered , "I do believe
this is the beautiful artist I saw
through my glass this morning , painting
ing on the beach. "Wanted : A fish
erman to stand as model for an artist
Terms liberal. Apply at No. 3 Sea
view Terrace , Ocean Place , Wilton. '
She was very beautiful. I was sorry
when the sun became too glaring on
the water and drove her indoors. A
fishermarf ! "
He mused a moment , then called :
"Bob ! "
A rugged sailor answered at once.
"Bob , I am going to stay at Grant
ville for a few weeks. You will take
tbe yacht home ! "
Bob was too much accustomed to hi3
master ' s sudden freaks to make any
comment , and Mr. Gilroy , hastily cv
lecled a few articles in his cabin , pack
ed a valise and went ashore.
June had come. Lena had snent the
* t • - r 'W 1
ii . i _ ji. hiti ,7m limn -T-irr p-iiimn-ii iiiii rrnrn innin'ii i.i
merry month of May In a dream of per
fect happiness. She meant no decep
tion when shetold Jier Aunt Margaret
it wa3 the rapture of artistic success
that painted her cheeks , and made her
eyes brilliant , her voice thrill with mu
sical cadences.
Every day , when the weather permit
ted , she was upon the beach , working
with rapid fingers and swelling heart
over her canvas. Every day , at the
hour agreed upon , James Smith , fisher
man , presented himself as her model
upon the liberal terms offered in the
"Grantville Gazette. " Had Lena been
brought up In society I know it would
have been impossible for her to accept
James Smith at his own word , as a
Wilton fisherman. But the young ar
tist was a child yet in many ways. She
had been educated with the seclusion
of a nun , in spite of her foreign ex
perience , and her devotion to her art
had kept her still secluded from choice
after she-returned to her home.
It was , therefore , no amazement , but
simply a delight , to her , when the hand
some fisherman , who looked one of Na
ture's noblemen in his rough , pictures
que dress , conversed with her intelli
gently , and paid her the courteous re
spect of a gentleman. Little by little ,
as they drew more closely together in
their daily intercourse , James Smith let
the brilliant intellect , the traveled
knowledge he possessed creep out into
sight. He gave her to understand ,
without actually lying , that he had been
a sailor , and so accounted for his fa
miliarity with the scenes she had vis
ited and carried graven on her heart
and brain. He looked over many of
her sketch-books , wondering at the
power in the slender hands , the genius
of the youthful brain , the fidelity of
touch and eye , and , as the restraint of
strangeness wore away his true man
hood asserted itself , and his heart rose
his master. How could he but love
her ! With all her wondrous gift , she
was the purest , simplest maiden he had
ever met. Ladies he had known by
scores , finished in every graceful ac
complishment , but never one more ex
quisite in refinement than Lena. Peas
ant girls he had seen with "beauty un
adorned , " yet not one more unaffected
than this artist maid in her dress of
cheap print , her hair simply bound in
heavy braids of golden lustre.
There was the unaffected grace of
girlhood , with the well-stored mind , of
one who made books , music , and art
daily companions.
His conscience rebelled often at the
deceit he was practicing , but he hug
ged the thought of the luxury he could
offer his love , the toil he could spare
June was yet young when the picture
was completed , and in the early morn
ing James Smith , Aunt Margaret and
Lena stood upon the beach looking up
on its beauty. It was to be packed and
sent to New York in the afternoon , and
Lena , her heart full , said softly :
"How can I live if it is a failure ? "
Believing she spoke of actual poverty ,
should her art fail to win money ,
James Smith , with a sudden , over
whelming love controlling him , spoke
out. It would make my story too long
to tell the words that made Lena's
heart tremble and her eyes grow misty ,
while Aunt Margaret's wrath was kind
ling at the fisherman's presumption.
But when Lena's hand wras fast pris
oned in his own , when her eyes , love-
lighted , were drooping and her cheeks
blushing under his gaze , James Smith
said :
"But , though I have once deceived
you , Lena , you may trust me now , for
all time. "
"Deceived me ? " she cried , shrinking
a little.
"I am not James Smith , but Mortimer
Gilroy ; not an honest , - hard-working
fisherman , only an idle , useless gentle
man. You will not need to work when
you are my wife , Lena , but can paint
for pleasure only. "
Then Lena's eyes flashed merrily , and
she would have spoken , even if Aunt
Margaret had not said , dryly :
"Perhaps it would be a good time to
tell Mr. Mortimer Gilroy who you are. "
"Do not look so bewildered , " Lena
said. "I am not masquerading. I am
simply what you know me Madeleine
Seymour , artist. But Aunt Margaret
wishes me to tell you that' I paint now ,
have painted for years , solely for pleas
ure ! I love my art ! I have loved it
better than any earthly pleasure since
first my hand could grasp a pencil. But
I am not working for money , because
I have more than enough. I am rich ,
too , though I do not paint in * satin
dresses or wear jewels at the seaside.
Still. I did not mean any deception ! "
"And you would have bestowed your
wealth upon a poor fisherman ? " asked
Mortimer Gilroy , with glad heart and
loving eyes.
She smiled , answering :
"I think I found the pearl in its
rough case. I did not know your social
position , but I did know you were a
gentleman in heart and education. I
could not have loved , you had your
speech or manner been as rough as
your dress. "
So Aunt Margaret' was satisfied , and
society welcomed Mortimer Gilroy's ar
tist wife , guessing nothing of the little
romance that was founded iipon adver
tising for a model. New York Ledger.
Took IIIui at His Word.
Auctioneer " x\nd , now , ladies and
gentlemen , what bid do I hear for the
massive , gold-mounted , Carrara mar
ble. Eiffel tower movement mantel
piece , worth at the lowest , paltriest
figure § 10 ? Did I hear $10 ? " Voice in
the Crowd "I said 10 cents. " "Goinfe
going gone. " New York Tribune.
A Social toper.
Yabsley "There comes Mudge. Let's
run. " Wickwire "What's the matter
with Mudge that wo should flee ? "
Yabsley "Haven't you heard ? He has
got so that every time he has eight or
ten drinks he wants to give recitations
in the Scotch dialect. " Indianapolis
From the Duke of Wellington , It Fluallr
Itmchf * I w FhmnhIio .
A gentleman well known in business
circles as n bold speculator is one or
the regular customers of u weU-kaowu
money-lendor In this city , relates the
Boston Herald , and his usual picdge
is a ring , a , story of which is thu3 told :
• • This ring has a history , and : i ro
mantic one. It has been pledged
numberless times and the owner
would not sell it .o • any price on ac >
count of its history , which he has re
lated to me minutely several times and
which 1 know to be authentic in every
particular. I can give names except
in later generations. ] ust as he told
' *
ma •
Charles Corroll of Carrollton. one of
the signers of the declaration of inde
pendence , had two beautiful daughters ,
who went to England in 17iM. Ono
married the duke of Leeds and the
other Richard Wellesloy. brother
of Sir Arthur Wellosley. afterward the
duke ot Wellington. At the marriage
of the latter , which took place in the
castle ot Dublin , the bride received
this ring from Sir Arthur Wellesloy.
• You will see two figures , painted *
by Nomar. a celebrated miniature
painter of that date , are beautiful in
design and execution , and the manner
of the setting of the pearls ami rubies ,
to the eye of the connoisseur , prove it
to be genuine without doubt. This
ring was worn at Brussels the night
before the battle of Waterloo at the
ball described in Byron ' -Childe Har
old. '
'To make along story short , the
ring descended , generally by will ,
through different members of the
Carroll family , until it came iuto the
present owner's hands by gift from
Letitia , the last of the Carrolls now
mother superior of a convent in Balti
more. From the duke of Wellington
to a pawnshop does not this furnish
food for thought ? ' '
Shake Into Your Shoo ? .
Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder for the
feet. It cures painful , swollen , smart
ing feet and instantly takes the sting
out of corns and bunions. It is the
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fltting
or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating , callous and hot ,
tired , aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold
by all druggists and shoe stores. By
mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package
FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy
Roy , N. Y.
Jiutaiie HcDreivn.
Insanity among Hebrews is increas
ing. In the lunatic asylums of Prussia
the number of Hebrews is said to have
nearly quadrupled in sixteen years.
According to the statistics of the Ger
man Empire there are 389 insane He
brews in every 100.000 of their number
against 241 insane protestants and 237
insane Roman catholics in every 100 , -
The best , at half the price ; all grocers will re
fund your money 1 * you are not satisfied.
The war is not over because we have
lost a battle.
Jin. "Wlnnlow's Soothintr Sjrnp
For children tcethitifcsonenstliecums. reduces inflam
mation , allajs pain , cures wtad colic. 25centsabottle-
If you have anything left to shed ,
shed it now.
Mo-To-Bac for Fllty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , makes • weak
men strong , blooU pure. 50c , 81. All druggists.
We often think it is a waste of time
to live.
Miniature Foe-Simile.
tihoki > l Hue
Omiha to Denver.
The spat where
Custer fell
-within plain view of the
Burlington Route's tracks.
The monument that marks
his last resting nlace is
little if any more than a
mile distant. You get a
good vie" * of it as the train
whirls -westward over the
solidest , the smoothest , the
. . , * t best track ever built west
'ffaKqWOMj ' of Chicago.
SlllliilllUllllll A little booklet , Riving a
fWypMHtfj brief account of the battle
§ jRifjHI | | ] ] ] in. which Custer lost his
KSdOmIbhI hfe , will be mailed to any
1 ' ' one who -will ask for it.
"Write for a copy. "Write
also for information about
rates and trains via the
Burlington Route to Hel
ena , Butte. Spokane , Seat
tle , Tacoina , Portland , or
any other Montaua or Pa
cific coaat city.
' . FRANCIS , General Passenger Agtat ,
Omaha , Neb.
- * * ' - * " M
< . }
Prof. R. S. Bowman , Instructor of Natural Science in ITartsville College , Cored I
cl a Severe Illness by Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills for Pale I
People After Physicians Failed. I
. . .
From lue Krpublli-an. Columbia. I ml. I
Prof. It. S. Bowmau , the able instructor
of uuturnl s > cienco iu the famous HartsvUle ,
( Iiid. , ) College , ia well und favorably
known , not only oh au educator , but ulso
an a mlnintcr of the gospel , as for a num
ber of yearhe wa pastor of the United
Brethren church nt Charlotte , Mich. , be
fore coming to Hartsville.
Some time ago be had a severe illness
which was cured almost miraculously. A
reporter hearing of this , interviewed him
regarding his experience. Prof. Bowman
was in the midst of his work when the re
porter called , but ho cheerfully gave him
n hearing.
"A year ago last fall. ' * paid the professor ,
"I broke down with nervous exhnustion ,
inl was unable to properly attend to my
' Carrier l'l
C'yrllntn ami ecn .
Experimcnts with cycl sis and car
rier pigeons for transmitting messages
are being made by the Gymnastic So
ciety of Rome , in the interest of the
Italian army. The rider carries a small
cage attached to his machine , In which
are several well-trained pigeons. When
important observations have been
taken and jotted down they are placed
in envelopes and affixed to the birds ,
which are liberated.
The editor of this paper advises his
readers that a free package of Peruviana ,
the best kidney and liver cure on earth , will
be delivered FREE to any sufferer , if writ
ten for promptly. Pekiiviasa Remedy Co. ,
286 oth St. , Cincinnati. Ohio.
Killed by Snake * .
It is stated that in 1S90 the number
of persons killed in India by snakes
was 21.412. while the number of
snakes slaughtered was 510.059.
Vim Cycle Company , Chicago , 111. , are
offering rare bargains in bicycles It will
pay you to send for their large catalogue.
A woman who has a nice house wor
ships it like a miser worships his gold.
Fiso's Cure for Consumption is the only
ooush medicine used in my house. D. C.
Albright , Mifllinburg , Ki. , Dec. 11 , 'Q > .
The greatest luxury in the world i.s a
friend you ' ve never quarreled with.
For worn-out business meu nothing
equals Dr. KayVItenovntor. See advt.
The older a man gets the more of a
fool he thinks a boj * is.
Educate Your Bowels With Cascaret * .
Candy Cathartic , cure constipation forever.
10c. If C. C. C. fall. drucKists refund money.
It is a bad sign if a man goes fishing
a good deal.
duties. I tried different physicians but with
no relief , und also us yd many di ( Tor out proprietary - I
prietary medicines , peudiug almost tifty
dollarH for theu medicine * alone. 1 then I
succumbed to a siege of the grip in the
middle of winter , and wiw left in a. much
worse condition. My kidney * * were fearfully - I
fully disordered , and my digestion urn-nutv I
very poor. I was indeed in a bad condition.
"A minister iu conference learning of my
condition advised me to try Dr. VHliumn'
Pink Pills for Pule People. I hud heard
much about the wonderful curativepowern
of this medicine , but it watt with reluctance
that I was dually persuaded to try it , in it
seemed that nothing could do mo any good
However , 1 procured three boxes of pillM
uud took them strictly according to diret- I
tious. By the time the last dose was taken
I was almost cured , uud in better health
than 1 had been for years. 1 continued I
using the pills awhile longer and wiu en- I
tirelv cured. 1 can cheerfully recommend I
Dr. William * ' Pink Pills for Polo People ' I
Such was Professor Bowman's wonderful I
story which was further endorsed bv the
following allidavit. I
Hautsviux. Iud. , March 10,1S0T.
I nfiinn that the above accords with the M
facts in my caso. K. S. Bowman I
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this I
10th day of March. 181)7. ) I
Lyman J. ScrniJEit , Notary Public. I
State or Inoiana , ss. I
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People I
contain all the clomcuts necessary to give I
new life and richness to the blood und restore - I
store shattered nerves.They are sold in Ibexes
boxes ( never in loose form , by the dozen
or hundred ) nt f)0 cents a box , or six hjxes I
for $2.50 , and may bo had of nil dru-gi tM * M
or directly by mnil from Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co. , Schenectady , N. Y. I
Vegetable Sicilian I I
Beautifies and restores Gray S I
Hair to its original color and 9 I
vitality ; prevents baldness ; 1 I
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IuLSTf not to iu-eiore. of mucous micibraues.
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When writing to advertisers , kindly men-
tlon this paper. '
C The Man who is Raising a Big Crop J I
} } ) realizes that tne harvest time is ahead , ffl \
Q ? Ideal farming : cornprehenas not only tbe growing of the tallest grain the % a I
most tons-to-the-acre of ih& best the that S I
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m ! Hevrites on May 11 , U97 : "I have been troubled for years with a. socgh la the r
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55 CONSTIPATION FOR IO OR 12 YEARS and at times has t-oue as locgas *
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