1 HE DOES ? 1 This well known an I esteemed citizen buy I his Stationery at firs I door south of the eour I house , where nice lin 1 of Plain and Fane 1 Writing Papers , botl 1 in boxes and bulk , eaj i be bought very eheaj I DO YOU ? I Free Bicycles. I The State Journal is offering a firs I class bicycle free to any person who wi H get up a club of ioo yearly subscribe ! I for the Semi-Weekly Journal at $ l c 1 each. The bicycles are covered bj' i I , strong a guarantee as any $ roo.oo whet I J and are first-class in every respect. An I young man or woman can now earn I bicycle. If you find you cannot get th 1 required nntnber , a liberal cash cominh R sion will be allowed you' for each on H ' " you do get. You are sure to be pai J well for what you do. You can get al I * ' your friends and neighbors to take th j Semi-Weekly State Journal at $ r.oo I year. Address State Journal , Lincoln \ Nebraska. ' . For Sale. i - ; | Lots i and 2 , in block 23 , original Me Cook. Write to G. W. Jacobson , Free dom , Illinois. _ . _ _ _ 1 Estimate of Expenses. j Estimate of the necessary expenses of Rei Willow County , State of Nebraska , for th year 1897 : County bond $ 3,000.0 North Valley bond 1,000.0 "Willow Grove bond 2,000.0 • Indianola bo.nd 200.01 hartley Village bond 500.0 School District bond 7,000.0 County General 12,000.0 County Bridge 6,000.0 County Road 3,000.0 1 Soldiers'Relief 500.0 j High School * 1,500.0 By order of the Board of County Commis sioners of Red Willow County , Nebraska January r 3th , 1897. R. A. Green , May i4-4ts. County Clerk 1 Hog I Millet . . .FOR"SALE BY. . . BULLARD&Co. i ; . . . BUSHEL. . . Ofllf 75 U. L..PER GOLD AND SILVER PLATIN A. Process That la. Described an Simple a Professional. . The following is a very simple met ! for gold and silver plating : Take ounce of nitrate of silver , which made as follows : One ounce of fine 1 ver , one ounce nitric acid , ono-h ounce water. Put the silver iqto a M ence flask , then pour in the acid a water. Place the flask on the sand bi for a few moments , taking care not apply too much heat , and as soon chemical action becomes violent remc the flask to a cooler place and .allow t action to go on until it nearly slacl when , if there is any silver still remai ing , the flask may be placed ou the on again until the silver disappears. If t acid employed is weak , it may bo nea Bary to add a little more. * The red fun formed when chemical action is goi on disappear when the acid has done work. The nitrate of silver formed duri : the above operation should be pour into a porcelain capsule and heated u til a pellicle appears on the surfa ( when it may be set aside to crystallis The uncrystallized liquor should poured from the crystals into anoth vessel and heat applied until it h evaporated sufficiently to crystallis Then you have nitrate of silver. Ta an ounce of nitrate of silver , dissolve a quart of distilled rainwater. Win thoroughly dissolved , throw in a fe crystals of hyposulphite of soda , whii will at first form a brown precipitat but which becomes redissolved if enouj hyposulphite has been added. The must be present a slight excess of th salt. The solution is now complet Take a sponge , dip it in the solntic and rub it over the work to bo plated. A solution of gold may be made ; the same way and applied as describei A concentrated solution of either go ! or silver may be used for work that hi been worn off by applying it with camel's hair brush and touching it wii a strip of zinc. The writer has used th method with the most satisfactory sm cess. The gold or silver used in makir must be perfectly fine. Jewelers' Ci : cular. WHAT THE YOUTH NEEDEC The Order Was Given by the Han Whoi Ho Made Tired. Now and then Chicago draws a chaj pie in the great shuffle of life. Theothc lay one arrived here from an inlan town who had a few points to spare i bis trunk. He took up his residence in an aristc iratic family hotel , where he appeare religiously each night at a 7 o'cloc linner in the evening dress of a secon ; lass swell. This was all very commend ible and cleanly , and not at all estraoi linary where 80 per cent of the me ; lid the same thing. But the good impression awakened b ; ; he chastity of the newcomer's appear ince in the ineffable bosom and tie wa ibscured by his attempt to order hi linner in as much French as he deem sd would be intelligible. The sonoritr ) f his final order for a demitassi vas good for all the surrounding tables f not for the butler's pantry. As the first week rolled on the younj nan grew more Frenchy , more mellow nore metropolitan in spirit , and on tin iccasion of his first evening at honn nade his way to the smoking room vhere he arranged himself languorousl ] ind picturesquely in an easy chair. Near him was the station of a smal olored buttons. "Garcon ! Garcon ! " called out th < iriental one , but little William stood , rith his heavy , sealliko eyes rolled up rard and his great paws crossed sol- mnly over his brass buttoned jacket , egardless and heedless of the over whelming honor being done him. "I say , there , garcon , won't yoi ring me ah" "Some brains , William , for this hap , " growled an apoplectic manor he other side of the room. Chicagc tribune. They Do Not Mind the Pennies. Experience has made the men of the ruit stands overcautious in handling oin above the size of a 10 cent piece , 'he larger pieces tbey will testupon the avement or sink their teeth into in a mtative fashion. It is to be noted , owever , that whenever a customer lakes a penny purchase they pocket his bange without scanning it almost astily indeed. There is deep reason in lis procedure. For one thing , nobody counterfeits le cent piece ; it is too cheap. For an ther thing , the fruit dealer knows that 0 coin of smaller denomination is pass- ig into his hands. For a third thing , ad this is the most important , there is Iways a chance that the customer is sceived himself and is handing over a ickel , a dime or one of the minor gold- ieces , under the impression that he is lying but a penny. If he looks satisfied id starts to go away , he is not likely 1 be called back to get the change. Oc- isionally some such involuntary wind- ill comes the way of the fruit man. ew York Mail and Express. Got More Thau Ho Gave. The London cab and omnibus men • e noted for their smart and ofttimes imorous retorts and repartee , of which ie following is a good example : One afternoon a westward going oni ons picked up a lady and gentleman ght out of the hands of a cabman at iccadilly. On pulling up , the omnibus iry nearly collided with a heavy van. his was the Jehu's opportunity. "You are a nice sort of a party to ive the charge of the heads of fami- ; s , you are ! " he shouted at the omni- is driver. "Why didn't you bring your other out to help you 'old the horses 1 their feet ? " Like a flash came the retort : ' 'Bring y mother out indeed while there's cli faces as yours knocking about the : eetsl Not me ! I don't want to have e old woman scared to death. She's en a good mother to mo , she 'aa. " indon Fun. riffj g. gta3tatT. . , . > t - ' ' 'j' ; ' ; ! " * " j i • \ EXPECTANT $ § # & ! ( MOTHERS , SSS188 "MOTHERS' FRIEND" ? Robs Confinement of its Pain , Horror and Risk I My wife used "MOTHKBS'FRIEND" be j lore birth of her Hrst child , she did nol C suffer from MIAMI'S or PAINS was quicklv f relieved at the critical hour suffering but S little she had no pains afterward and her / recovery was rapid. 3 E. E. Johnston , Eufaula , Ala. S Sent by Mall or Express , on receipt ol i price , 81.00 per bottle. Book "To Moth- n ers " mailed Free. / BBADFIELD REGULATOR CO. , Atlanta , Oa. 1 SOLD BY ALL DRUGQIST8. I. O. O. F. Memorial Day. The Oddfellows of Nebraska will c serve Sunday , June 6th , as their Mem rial day. Grand Master Norris has sued the following proclamation : To the Officers and Members of all S bordinate and Rebekah Lodges in N braska , Greeting : In furtherance of the proclamation the Grand Sire , I , G. W. Norris , Grai Master of Nebraska , do enjoin and ur ; the Subordinate and Rebekah Lodges this state to convene upon the day nann or at such other time as may be agrei upon and pay suitable and approprta respect to our honored dead. The sacred links of our beloved ord are not severed at the grave , but in fr ternal memory's fond embrace the d parted ones still live. Upon the ojreen graves let us cast the fragrai flowers of a fond reniembrance.and whi in sweet communion with the spirits those who have passed beyond the ete tial mist , let us pledge anew our fidelii to the Order they so much loved. Fro : he lesson of their lives may we learn 1 io live that when in peaceful slumbe ve have passed away , and our silei " onus , by loving hands are laid to re vithin the narrow couch , our brethre gathered around our open grave , ma • aise their hands to Heaven and trutl ully say : 'His life was gentle , and the elements 5o mixed in him that Nature might stan i.nd say to all the Avorld , [ a This was a csau" . Dispensation is hereby granted to wer egalia. Done at Beaver City , Nebraski his sixteenth day of April , A. D. 189 ; G. W. Norris , Grand Master. To the Omaha Races. All railroads will sell , within 150 mile rom Omaha , round trip tickets to Oms 1a on June 8 to n , inclusive , for on are. The trotting races occur on Jun , 9 , 10 and 11. The field of horses , a : nusually large one , includes man nown trotters , as well as several ne\ nes , which give promise of many sui rises and a lively interesting meeting i ssured. The great pacing horse Johnny ecord 2:12 , will each day attempt t < nver his own record , j > oiu withou river or harness. The horseless car iage is auother novelty. It will rae ach day with the fastest horse ou tin rounds , carrying four occupants , am 'ill afford visitors the opportunity o ; eing the first horseless carriage in tin est. The events include free-for-al otting and free-for-all pacing races. For Modern Woodmen. Nebraska Woodmen who propose at : uding the Dubuque meeting will b < leased to learn that the Eurlingtor oute will run a through sleeping cai om Omaha to Dubuque , leaving Oma- a at 5:05 p. m. , Sunday , May 30th , anc -riving at Dubuque at 11:45 a. m. , May ist. Stop-over at Fulton to visit Wood- an headquarters. Berths and tickets 3 application to any Burlington Route ; ent. Wall Paper 4 cents a roll at McMlLLEN's. DeWitt's Little Early Risers , The famous little pills. See Those. . . j Buggies , | Surreys , } Carriages , ? w -Road Wagons , I Refrigerators , | Gasoline Stoves , | Washing Machines , | BEFORE BUYING , AT | Cochran & Go's ' | Funeral of Mrs. McEntee. Wednesdny morning at 10:30 o'clt in St. Patrick's church of our city \ held the funeral service over the mains of Mrs. Lawrence McEntee , 1 Anna Collins , of Indianola , who died Indianola , last Saturday evening , afle very brief illness , leaving a devoted h band and three small children , one 1 fourmouthsold , to mourn her untimi and sudden death. ' The service was conducted by Ri Father Sproll of Indianola , a Hi Requiem Mass being sung. The serv : was very impressive , and the choir wo fine. fine.After After the service in the church a lar coucourse of friends of this city and frc Iudianolu followed the remains to C vary cemetery , where with loving han they were laid to rest. The pall-bearers were : J W. Dolan.J seph Harrison and Ferd. Vering of Iu < anola , and James McAdams , J. H. Be nettand Charles O'Brien of McCook. The parents of the deceased , Mr. ai Mrs. John F. Collins , arrived from Sf Lake City , Utah , in time to attend tl funeral , leaving for home ou the nig traiu , Wednesday. The deceased has been well and favc ably known to the writer and the ear settlers of McCook since her early gii hood , and all will join in our expressio : of profound and heartfelt sympathy f the husband , parents and family in the great , sudden and unexpected bereav ment. Humor in Literature. Humor is one of those pervasive qua ities tint take possession of your sens' ' like the smell of the woods in sumin after a rain. You are trudging alor through a book , interested , perhaps , ; the course of the story , and impatiei for the end of it all. It is an ordinal book , you think , like a hundred other but a turn of the page and } ou are in ai other atmosphere. There is a growir warmth about your heart and a lift 1 the corners of your mouth. You do in break into a laugh , but you chuckle 1 yourself and forget about the end of tl tale. You want to linger over the pag < ind turn back and go over the tra again. In a twinkling the "characters af the story have become human beinj like yourself. "Droch" in June Ladie : Home Journal. When John Wesley was in Americ ; Few people know that John Wesle vas ever in America. Few know tin t was he , and not Robert Raikes. wh : stablished the first Sunday-school in th vorld. It was John Wesley who preache he first Methodist sermon deliveied i he United States. In the Ladies Horn ourual for June , Rev. W. J. Scott wi ! ell in the "Great Personal Events" serie he story of "When John Wesley Preach d in Georgia" , which is said to be on if the most interesting narratives in thi uost successful series. American Merchant Marine. The American Protective Tariff Leagm tas just issued , in document form , tin peech of Senator Elkins of West Vir inia on the subject of the Americai Ierchant Marine and DUcriminatin | ) uties. This complete presentation o lie benefits of discriminating duties a ; ledged by the Republican platforn hould be read by every voter. Any o ur readers can obtain a copy for twe ents. Ask for Document No. 44 anc ddress W. F. Wakeman , General Sec , 55 West 23d St. , New York. WANTED AT ONCE : Active agents > r each county. Exclusive control and 0 risk. Will clear 12 to 25 hundred dol- irs a year. Enclose stamp for full par- culars , or 25c for $1 sample. Big Rapids [ ineral WATER Co. , Big Rapids , Mich , pril 2-2mo. [ MBEIl CULTURE , FINAL PUOOF.-NO- TICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office , McCook , Nebraska , pril 19th , 1S97. Notice is hereby given th.it l.irles F. Elliott has filed notice 61 intention to , ike final proof before Register or Receiver .it his Pice in McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , the 5th y of June , lSo7 , on timber culture application No. 56 , for the north half southwest quarter and south : lf northwest quarter of section No. 35 , in Tow nip - ip No. 1 north , Range No.30 , west 6th P. M. e names as witnesses : 'lhomas C. Kelly , William . Benjamin , David Bobinmjer and Da'id II. Mc- urrin , all of ISanksville , Nebraska. A. S. CAMPltfcLL , Register. IOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and : it stand twenty-four honrs ; a sediment or ttling indicates an unhealthy condition of the dneys. When urine stains linen it is posi- e evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent sire to urinate or pain in the back is also nvincing proof that the kidneys and bladder 2 out of order. order.WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often pressed , that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root , the eat kidney remedy , fulfils every wish in re- ving pain in the back , kindeys , liver , blad- r and every part of the urinary passages. It rrects inability to hold urine and scalding in in passing it , or bad effects following use liquor , wine or beer , and overcomes that pleasant necessity of being compelled teL L up many times during the night to urinate , ie mild and the extraordinary effect of ramp-Root is soon realized. It stands the diestforits wonderful cures of the most tressing cases. If you need a medicine you juld have the best. Sold by druggists.price y cents and one dollar. You may have a nple bottle and pamphlet both sent free by : il. Mention The Tribunk and send your Jress to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton , N. The proprietor of this paper guarantees : genuineness of this offer. April 2-1 yr. A car load of Extra mooth Potatoes at 60. bushel in five bu- hel lots. Knipple. H TEST with a big B. Bluokwell' . * Genuine Bu1 ! 93K5k fl [ Sj H | ) Durham is in u class by itself. You will llutl ono ( flM § & - | H H * ' coupon Inside each two ounce bug , aud two couMKfei | n l D * B Hbei IB ( h G jHf IK IC nB C 5t3 & tfi Efl IB BI & b tfJH 4f tu ! S I B B B Bl Biiy.ibagortliiscolcbrfitoiilotjftci'oandroad tliccotipon ' 9 jpjpHj . m j Hfl whichgivusuUbtofvuluablepreauutsundhuv/touetthem. HB B B F t HJ For Sale'on Easy Terms. JS00.00 buys the two-story house ai two lols south of brick school house. $ rooo.oo , bt'ys the two houses south Al Noren's. $2,500.00 buys the Spearman house ai and three lots. Sr.ooo 00 buys the D. J. Smith livei barn. $400.00 buys the northeast quarter 1 section 21 , range 1 , township 30. $5,000.00 buys the F. and M. Ban building. $300.00 buys the Quan property. Other lots and lands to be given aws to those having a little sand and a fe dollars. Here is a chance to make mone ; S. CORDEAL , Agent. In New Quarters. I am now located in the Laycock stoi room , where I shall be pleased to see a my old customers and many new eneMy My stock of cigars , tobaccos and smoker articles is unequaled in the city. In coi nection with my retail establishment , run a cigar factory : besides one of tl best appointed billiard and pool roon in the Republican valley. Everythii : first class. J H. BENNETT. Wall Paper at McConnelFs. House Paints , Floor Paints , ! * uggy Paints , Wagon Paints , Family Paints , Enamel Paints , And all kinds Varnish Stains at McConn ELL'S. Quality in flour means more than yo ever thought of , probably. It is nior important than anything you buy. Al ways get the Victor Patent and you hav the best. For sale by the McCook Commission Co. The ringis busted Good eating & planting ing- potatoes 40 cts. a bushel' In 10 bushel lots 30c. Knipple. WITS ! FTTr Are tablets which Restore UIIRS-CMW Lo t Vigor = , Develop all Parts , bring back Lost Powers and return the patient to genuine Manhood and Health. Case No. C0501 says through the use of "Vitalettcs , " I was speedily restored to Health and perfect Manhood in every sense of the word. JOHNS PILE CURE-ifB sapp ? a levere case of Piles of 12 years' standing and I know will cure all in need who will try it R R fi Cures Rheumatism , Salt- • ii in ui Rheum. Catarrh , Constipation and all Blood Disorders , by purifying the blood ; thereby causing a clearer and more beautiful complexion. It is the Greatest Blood Purifier on earth. A Restorer of Per fect Health. Price by mail , Vitalettes , $1.00 or 6 boxes J5.00. Johns Pile Cuke. 50 cts..nd R. R. C. 50 cts. Johns & Dixon , Rochester , N. Y JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. : Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office .ear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD , © DENTIST , m AH dental work done at our office is guar- iteed ? o be first-class. We do all kinds of rown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith Bellamy , assistants. -J-MRS. E. E. UTTER.jJZ MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. iano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo. VOICE TRAINING A SPECIALTY. :3 ? Studio Opposite Postofficc. " . V. GAGE. S. C. REACH. HcCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , Drs. GAGE & BEACH , JcCook. - Nebraska. ffice and Hospital over First National Bank. J. A. CUNN , HYSICIAN AtfD SURGEON McCook , Nebraska. -Office-Ov rC.A.Leach'siewelr . : sidence j. W. McKenna house. I'romnt lention given to all calls. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND - - SURGEON , McCook , Nebraska. 28r-Ofllcc Rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's velry store. Residence In the Strasser use on Marshall street Wanted-An Idea SSS A Protect your Ideas : th r may bring you wealth. . Write JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO. . Patent Attor. fl neys , Washington. D. C. for their 81.600 prize . offer M and mt of two hundred Inventions wanted. J = = = = = = = = = = > tensions , ir Comrades , and all J interested in Pensions , 1 come and see me. I've 1 had over ten years of l experience. Work di- - 1 reet with Pension office - J ice and guarantee sat- ' 1 isfaction. 1 C. W. BECK , J Indianola , Neb. m 1 ANDREW CARSON , 9 ol Proprietor the . . . . M I SUNNY SIDE DAIRY ; We respectfully solicit your business , M and guarantee pure milk , full measure , ( M and prompt , courteous service. H J. S. McBRAYEJR , 1 A PROPRIETOR OF TilU McCook Transfer Linoj BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESs\ J S3P 0iily furniture van in the 2ity. Also have a first class house 1 moving outfit. Leave orders for J 3us calls at Commercial hotel or m it office opposite the depot. k ftase Co. Land and Live Stock Gs. 1 Horeea branded on left hip or left shoulder ' W ' P-O. address Imperial 4 Cbaaecountyt * > * , M VJ ta HaH and Beat H53f. , e > , Nebraska. Range. M K ilfbtinkin ? Water and the V f Frenchman creeks , in S Wi W Chase county. Nebraska. 9 ta. WI Brandaacuton8ideof „ _ fl M IJ some animals , on hip and S gga.Blde5 of some-or any- ' M R-I-P-A-N-S oj \ V The modern stand- 1 g ard Family Medi- 1 w cine : Cures the M common every-day 1 3 ills of humanitv. * m JUIilUS I KUKERT , ( ' ; arpet Laying , * Carpet Cleaning * 5 1 ® 7I am still doinr ? cirr , t • 1 aninff lawn cuS and fi'aying' , c"pet write me before | iv neSrwor See wges are reasorahlf rCh WOrkMy very 0 r - " aBOHEofic ? TULIUSLeae N ° fea v *