The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 28, 1897, Image 7

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    V fVir A * * EHal to tbe Emergency.
Jf A patent has been asked for a tie vice
g to take passengers on the cable cars
I while the train Is in full motion. So
* far as the device can bo understood
f from tlio description it is a sort of
fc platform on wheels. The passenger
I r stands on it , the cable car comes
I \ along and automatic hooks catch hold
I _ | of the platform and whirl it along to
I $ the next corner. By that tirao the
I Jf passenger has taken his seat , and the
I < 3T platform is released and dropped for
[ % the use of the next man. It may be a
I great scheme , but most men would
I .1 about as soon bo fired out of a cannon
Y as to be jerked up bodilyby a car going -
% ing at a twelvo-mile gait But it
& shows that inventors are equal to any
\ emergency that may arise. St Louis
[ > -
JL The Following Letter.
Jp My Diaii : Sin : Your letter , .asking my Im-
j _ jf nresslons as a physician , of the Illack Ilills
S \ country as a licalth resort is before inc.
\ ' 1 made a personal investigation of the Hot
% . Springs in South Dakota , and believe they
| i arc of great value to Invalids. Water , free
\ \ from organic compounds or chemical im-
mf jiiulllcs. and a dclightfullv pure , dry r.tnios-
9L jilifire with plenty of sunshine , arc essential
W for the repair of diseased tissues , and such
• tv conditions obtain at Hot Springs , S. I ) . But I
J -5 am specially interested In the study and
if' treatment of nervous diseases , audit was for
% * iltc purpose of Informing myself of the bone-
Si flcial effects to l > o derived to that class of
\ "suffering humanity" that f directed mv in-
" . vcstlgations. For such ailments I find the
"X atmosphericconditions especially comincnd-
are able , being light and whollv free from that
humidity so prevalent lu this and lower
"fc altitudes. The clear , pure springs are constantly -
& < * stantly Issuing out of the rocks at a tompcr-
\ aturo about equal to the normal body heat
P and potent In therapeutic properties thai , are
sB , very superior in bencuttlng nervous alTec-
\ . The high altitude provides a pure , dry air
V not possible in otlter health resorts , however
\ * nrtiticlally beautified. Tothepleasui-eseekcr ,
Tjj. 4 who is desirous of rest and recuperation from
W * the dally duties of routine business or pro-
gjf % fessional life , there Is no better locality.
% oa Hotels are inviting and moderate in rates ,
9 while a tramp over the hill * , or ride in the
SB istago couch , or on horse-back to tlie.numer-
aj ous resorts is inexpensive , and ho who visits
W Niagara Falls to view Its majesty may see a
Jr grander work of nature In tuo great "Wind
\ _ _ Cave of Hot Springs , S. V ,
f | If you wish to know the name of the
V prominent Omaha physician that wrote
JT * tlie letter , I will tell you. and at same
\ time mail you a map and time card
\ that the "North-Western '
showing - Line/
jr is the most dirict to these springs.
gt J. R. Buciiaxax ,
G. P. A. , P. E. & M. V. It. R. ,
Omaha , Neb.
J Indications of Short Lire.
The loss of the masticating teeth
before the thirtieth year means a
ljL \ shortening of the life of the individ-
J | * • ual of from two to five years. Ted
d know the extent to which many of
'M these teeth are lost , even before tbe
m v fifteenth year , one has only to turn to
* the recently published reports of the
I jf examination of the teeth of children
_ in the schools and orphan homes of
; $ London and elsewhere. If some
I V effeetive measures are not adopted for
I Jl > combating the ravages of dental decay
I " v t looks very much as though another
I { half century would find the poorer
\ , classes of English people practically
B l edentulous before the twentieth year.
> J "Wo will forfeit $ ! , COO if any of our pub-
f lished testimonia.s are rroven to bo not
I I Cenuine. 'Ihe Piso Co. , Warren , Pa.
H \ Jilio Corcans.
t The Corean wears his hair braided
I clown his back , it being considered un-
I y .holy vo cut it or even wear it loosely
B \ jw'ound the neck and shoulders. After
P" Ji lielis mairied , and not before , the law
I permits him to wear it curled up on
H K. Take laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
V Druggisis refund the money if it falls to cure. 25c 1
I V Tbe teachen > in the iiublic sohools of '
I * . France number 13G,600. I
Hew to AHinaa Reysltlex.
Much amused comment was caused
during the cross-examination of the
prince of Wales in the baccarat case
by the number of timo3 that Solicitor-
General Sir Edward Clarke made use
of the words " "
"your royal highness ,
thereby demonstrating his ignorance
of the usages of court life. The prefix
of "your majesty1' and of "your royal
highness1' are rarely if ever used by
the people in the swim , except in offi
cial verbal and written communica
tions. Both the prince of Wales and
al the other male members of his fam
ily are addressed merely as "sir1' and
"you ; " while not only the princesses ,
both young and old , but also the queen
herself are addressed as "ma'am. "
Nothing is more amusing to those un
accustomed to this peculiarity than to
listen to some old and stately ambassa
dress or duchess deferentially address
ing a little 3-year-old princess as
"ma'am , " and I confess that 1 myself ,
on the first occasion after my arrival in
England on which 1 was honored with
a few words by her majesty , found it
very difficult to habituate myself , when
replying to the somewhat common
place word ' 'ma'am. " New York Re
Hall's Catarrh Core
Is taken internally. Price , 73c.
About Quill Pens.
A quill pen maker says that no pen
will do as fine writing as the crow
quill. It requires the assistance of a
microscope to make a proper pen out
of such a quill , but when made it is
of wonderful delicacy. The microscopic
writing told of in hooks of literary
curiosities was all d e with a crow
quill. The steel pens of the present
have very fine points , but somehow a
finer point can be given to a quill
than has ever been put on a steel pen ,
and for delicacy nothing can equal it
IOWA TAEMS For Sale on crop payment ,
81 per acre cash , balance yt crop yearly until
paid for. J. A' "DL.HAL.L , "Waukegan , 111.
Men Are Not Rational.
Herbert Spencer , writing to Dr.
Janes , of the Brooklyn Ethical societj' ,
observes : "In my earlier days I con
stantly mad © the foolish supposition
that conclusive proofs would change
belief. But experience has long since
dissipated my faith in men's ration
ality. "
Shake Into Tonr Shoes.
Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder for the
feet It cures painful , swollen , ' smart
ing feet and instantly takes the sting
out of corns and bunions. It is the
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting
or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating , callous and hot ,
tired , aching feet Try it to-day. Sold
by all druggists and shoe stores. By
mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package
FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted , Lo
Roy , N. Y.
Tlic Longest Way Round.
A woman in Hancock county , Maine ,
who was afraid to drive her horse
across a railroad track , was bitterly
disappointed in attempting to go
around it
Hcnmao'i Camphor Ice \riUt Glycerine.
The original and only genuine. CureTChapjwd Hands
and Face , Cold Sores , &c C.G.Clark&Co.S.HaTenCt.
There is some valuable experience
for the man in the hole.
Sirs. WImlow'8 Sootlilnc Syrup
For children tcethiiip.sof tens tlsegcms. reduces inflam
mation , alia } s pain , ceres wind colic 05 cents a hottlo-
The only people who Irnow much
they don 't tell are editors and milkmen.
B \ / from writing to let } on \ JI § tl3P
Rt. V. / know what your sn i sallllliBililllif \ \
I ) / pariili has done for my \ Hlla sJiMBr \
H f I wife and others. 31yvile\ \ ppW liBgg\ X > \
H f / was so had with liver com- \ . P i li ti \ \
H % § /pitint / neuralgiaa nca-\ Jll f = = = l = ia i\
I v 6 /doctor. UecchinglittlpK * ' ° d\ \ iiP sii sla' ' VbZ'
H I 11 inJuced her to try Ajer'sv ilPlBSlS gij 1
H * a / Sirsaparilla and Tills. After \ A | | | | § | | | § | | |
H ' I / taking ni i botlle-shc could do \ / P SsS
K r I / kerowuwor : : . My wife's mother \ / JT i\j \
m l I / then tried Ayer' .sSarsaparilla , for \ / i/ \ w ' / '
K | I " stomach trouhle. Shes-ajsit did \ I , u V /
Jl / j / her mura gf od ilinn any medicine \ \1 * \ t \ | , -iT
H * x * I / she ever u ed. * * TA3ir.s Y. Houes , \ 1 \ Via ' " -
f I / Gatewood , AT. Ya.feb. 14,163C \ I / V \ . -
I FOR < & & . B
I c ! * Ayer's Sarsaparilla. m j
I I " " &
kj f jS You can szve fifty or sixty g
H dollars a year by using a g
H V Columbia bicycle perhaps § >
B8) ) more have fun doing it and
B S giow strong and lusty at the c
Hf' . , same time. g'
H \ I Columbia Bicycles |
WW 3 Standard cf the World. S
H § HARTFORDS , g * % % • HI : |
ifc. 3 POPE MFG. COMPANY , g
H W W CataJosne free from any Qolambu dealer ; t-
IA l by mail fcrcse2 < e t stamp. /
JI dds tut wjr-dLs jeeurdjor
long-distance fast running.
Here's your
Denver train
the Burlington's "Denver
limited" leaves Omaha ,
j&t 4:35 p. m. daily , reach
ing Denver at 7:15 next
MBH Fastest and most com-
JillllniiUllIlM fortaWe train between the
nEMH | | ilissoori Hirer and the
liuOH R Eocky Mountains.
Sleepers , chair cars ,
diners. •
Tickets and full infonna- '
tion on application to the <
local acent or by address-
J. FRANCIS , General Passenger Asent ,
Omaha , Neb. i
IS Best Cough 8jrnp. TatUBGooti. ITeoQ
E3 la time. Sojd by druggists. cl <
Why He Oult The Sick Bootblack It
Vay to Be Good Story or the Split
Wafer * Antu That Wcro UcTul
Other Sketches.
rroin a 1'oem Entitled "A Day In
Autumn. "
t , - > - - > yrjBk NE ramble
ffiffijM ] throughthe
tt-s&T sm ll/l -woods with me.
' J aSm i' Thou dear com *
ViWwiHw panion of my
< \7 wSffii These ' m 1 s h tyr
/imWi' woods ! hewS
S M T They sleep in Au-
7 a\ " - tumn's golden
) $ i\l \ \ ' ? Tnc Sa5 * leaves ,
fnte&u " 5 - - twinkling 1 d
the breeze.
Still to the forest branches cling ;
They He like blossoms on the trees
The brightest blossoms of the spring.
Flowers linger in each sheltered nook ,
And still the cheerful song of bird.
And murmur of the bee and brook.
Through all the quiet groves are
And bell of kine , that , sauntering ,
browse ,
And squirrel chirping as he hides
Where gorgeously , with crimson
boughs ,
The creeper clothes the oak's gray
How mild the light In all the skies !
How balmily the south wind blows !
The smile of God around us lies ,
His rest is in his deep repose.
These whispers of the flowing air ,
These waters that In music fall ,
These sounds of peaceful life declare
The Love that keeps and hushes all.
Why He Quit.
A professional gentleman , who was
accustomed to take his morning glass ,
stepped into a saloon , and going up lethe
the bar called for whisky. A seedy
individual stepped up to him and said :
"I say , 'squire , can't you ask an un
fortunate fellow to join you ? "
He was annoyed by the man's famil
iarity , and roughly told him :
"I am not in the habit of drinking
with tramps. "
The tramp replied :
"You need not he so cranky and high
minded , my friend. I venture to say
that I am of just as good a family as
you are , iave just as good an educa
tion , and before I took to drink was
just as respectable as you are. What
is more , I always knew how to act the
gentleman. Take my word for it , you
stick to John Barleycorn and he will
bring you to just the same place I
am. "
Struck with his words , the gentle
man set down his glass and turned to
look at him. His eyes were bloodshot ,
his face bloated , his boots mismated ,
his clothing filthy. "Then was it
drinking that made you like this ? "
"Yes , it was , and it will bring you to
the same if you stick to it"
Picking up his untouched glass , he
poured the contents upon the floor and
said :
"Then it's time I quit , " and left the
saloon never to enter it again. Class
The Sick Bootblack.
The rich men who build hospitals
are not the only benevolent ones. The
New York shoeblack of whom Dr. Tal-
mage tells this story , showed a spirit
of sweet unselfishness :
"A reporter sat down on one of the
city hall benches and whistled to one
of the rhiners. The boy came up to his
work provokingly slow , and had just
begun , when a larger boy shoved him
aside and began the work , and the re
porter reproved him as being a bully ,
and the boy replied : "Oh , that's all
right. I am going to do it for 'im.
You see he's been sick in the hospital
more'n a month ; so us boys turn ifi
and give 'im a lift. *
" 'Do all the boys help him ? ' asked
the reporter.
" 'Yes , sir ; when they ain't got no
job themselves and Jim gets one , they
turn in and help 'im ; for he ain't
strong yet , you see. '
" 'How much percentage does he give
you ? ' asked the reporter.
"The boy replied : 'I don't keep none
of it. I ain't no such sneak as that.
All the boys give up what they get on
his job. I'd like to catch any feller
sneaking on a sick boy , I would. '
"The reporter gave him a twenty-
five cent piece , and said , 'You keep
ten cents for yourself , and give the
rest to Jim. '
" 'Can't do it , sir ; it's his customer.
Here , Jim. ' "
The Split Wafers.
A man who-now stands high in the
mercantile community related to me
the following little incident of his ear
ly life : "At the age of sixteen I entered
store of Silas Sturdevant
ed the as a
clerk. One day shortly after my in
stallment into the office , I was employ
ed in sealing and superscribing a lot
of business circulars several hundred
of them. That was long before the
day of gluten , and I used small red
wafers for securing the missives.
While I was thus busy Mr. Sturdevant
came into the counting room ; and
when I observed that he was watch
ing mc I worked the best I could , hop-
lug to get a word of approbation. By
ana by he spoke to me.
"Young man , don't j-ou think half
a wafer would secure one of those cir
culars just as well as a whole one ? "
I looked up , probably exhibiting as
much disgust as surprise.
"If you split your wafers , " he add
ed , "you will accomplish all you desire
iind at the same time make a saving
of just one-hslf. "
He turned away , and while I wa3
tninkine what a mean old wafersplitI I
ter be was , a lady entered "who had
been appointed one of a committee to
obtain subscriptions towards building
an orphan asylum. Ono public-spirited
mav had given the land , and now they
viehed to raise two hundred thousand
dollars , if possible , for the buildings
and necessary endowments. Mr. Stur
devant said he had already been con
sulted on the subject.
"Yes , " thought I , "and I guess that's j
all it will amount to ! " j
But he took the paper and wrote
his name ; and then he said :
"I will give five thousand dollars. "
I could scarcely believe my ears.
At that moment the merchant arose
to a stature of grandeur before me ,
and in my heart I blessed him ; for even
then I knew that the lesson of the split
wafers , with its sequel , was to be the
initial of my future success. Ledger.
Ants That Were Useful.
In old countries ants make Yery lit
tle trouble , further than getting into
the cale-box or the sugar barrel. But j
in the tropics they are often an absolute - I
lute pest. They march in great armies - 1
ies and destroy everything in their |
way. And yet even these ants have
their uses. An Australian explorer says
in regard to them :
"In justice to the ants , I am bound ,
however , to admit that I have found
them useful in more ways than one.
For instance , I bought an opossum-
skin rug from a native. I soon be
came painfully aware of the fact that
it literally swarmed with fleas and oth
er vermin. In vain did I exhaust my
stock of pepper. Even turpentine
seemed to have no effect beyond in
creasing the reckless activity of these
irritating settlers.
"At last , in despair , I threw my rug
down on an ant hill. In less than half
an hour every flea and objectionable
parasite was eaten , but the rug was full
of ants. I therefore hung it on a mimosa
mesa bush , and as soon as the ants
found they were suspended they has
tened to leave the rug and descended
by the bush as best they could.
"Again , I had killed a snake in Tas
mania and wished to clean and bleach
the skeleton , which I intended to have '
mounted as a necklace. I left the body i
near an ants' nest. In a few hours j
there was not a vestige of flesh on the
bones. The sun soon did the rest. "
"It Pays. "
The following instructive story is
from the Gatling Gun. Several years
ago a young man in the interior of
Iowa wanted to go into business. He
had money to pay for part of the goods
needed and wanted to buy as many
more on short time. The wholesale
man he wished to buy of had the reputation
utation of being a difficult man to deal
with. He visited him and laid the
matter before .him. "Well , " said he ,
"I shall have to consider that before
giving you an answer , but let me of
fer jou a drink , " pointing to a side
board filled with the choicest selection
of wines and other liquors kept in his
private office. "No , thank you , " said
the ycung man , "I never drink liquors
of any kind. " The gentleman frowned
and urged him to taste some especially
nice wine. The young man replied :
"I dislike very much to offend you , sir ,
but I have promised my mother never
under any circumstances to touch wine ,
have never broken my word to her , and
cannot now. " "Young man , " said the
merchant , turning and embracing him
to his great astonishment , "you can
have all the goods you wish , and need
pay no money down if it is not con
venient. " It pays.
A Merry Evening Game.
One of the merriest of merry evening
games goes by the name of "Mum
mies. " All the boys and girls , except
ing four or five , leave the room. Two
of those remaining act as dressers.
They place the others in chairs and
put over the head of each a tall news
paper cap. with holes cut in it through
which the eyes may be seen. Cover
the dresses of the three mummies with
sheets , so that they will not reveal the
owner. Now call in the other boys
and girls and set them to trying to find
out who each of the mummies is by
peeping through the eyeholes. This
causes great laughter and fun. After
the party is all agreed as to who is who
remove the papers and see how many
mistakes have been made. This game
is almost as much fun for grown people
as it is for children. „ .
That Altered the Case.
Of the late French Senator Renaud ,
the Kolnische Zeitung- tells the follow
ing anecdote : j
When Renaud first came as senator
to Paris from his home in the Pyre
nees , he engaged a room at a hotel
and paid a month's rent one hundred
and fifty francs in advance. The pro
prietor asked him if he would have a
"It is not necessary , " replied Re
naud , "God has witnessed the pay
ment. "
"Do you believe in God ? " sneered
the host
"Most assuredly/ ' replied Renaud ;
" ' ? "
"don't you
"Not I , monsieur. "
"Ah , " said the senator , "in that case
please make me out a receipt. " Sel.
Ail Anti-Fcinalo Land.
From one spot in the Grecian Archipelago - ;
pelage woman is absolutely excluded.
It is said that as far back as history :
reaches it has been forbidden ground
to all females. This bachelors' Area- •
dia is situated on a bold plateau between - :
tween the old peninsula of Acte and J
the mainland. Here , in the midst of <
cultivated fields and extensive wood1 1
lands , dwells a monastic confederation s
of Greek Christians , with twenty-three
convents , and numbering more than 7 , - ,
000 souls. A few soldiers guard the ]
liorder of this anti-female land , and no ' j"
woman is allowed to cross the frontier.
The VnUy.
People suffering' from palsy ara now
said to derive benefit from railway
journeys , and , on the principle of like
curing1 like , the greater the shaking
the more complete the cure. For the
use of patients a certain doctor has in
vented an oseillatfny chair in which
those afflicted with the terrible disease
may be rocked a nil racked in a most
I alarming1 manmsr. Another health-
giving' apparatus is a vibrating helmet ,
applied to the head by a number of
metallic strips , to which a trembling
motion i ' b imparted 4 > y an electric
motor In the crown of the helmet , and
we arc assured that it gives relief to
sufferers from nervous headaches by
inducing lassitude and sleepiness.
Summer Excursions via tbe Wabash Rail
Vacation tours for the summer will
soon be placed on sale. Half Rates to
Toronto in July. Half Rates to Buf
falo in August. Reduced Rates to
Nashville Exposition now on sale.
Special rates for tours of the Great
Lakes. General western agency for
all Trans-Atlantic steamship lines.
Send 4 cents in stamps for handsome
book , "To the Lake Resorts and Be
yond. " For rates , time-tables , sailing
lists and cabin plans for steamers or
other information , call at Wabash
Ticket oflice , 1415 Farnam street ( Paxton -
ton Hotel Block ) or write Geo. N.
Clayton , NW. . Pass. AeL. Ornaha.Neb.
There Was a > ouul at ilevelrj.
To justly describe the most brilliant
of all brilliant events , the Columbian
ball in Viclcsburg- , one ' s pen . should be
dipned in liquid gold and rainbow
tints. The gayly desked btllroom , the
soft strains of music , the kaleidoscopic
blending of color in velvet , silk , satin
and gauze , the gleam of jewels , the
fairy flitting form ? , the courtly cav
aliers , all combined to make a scene
like unto the night when "Belgium ' s
capital had gathered then her beauty
and her chivalry. "
A writes ' 'I-was
correspondent : drunken
on and off for over twenty years , drunk
when I had money , sober when I bad none.
Many dear friends I lost , and numbers
gave mo good advice to no purpose ; but ,
tbank God. an angel band came at last in
the form of my poor wife , who administer
ed your marvelous remedy , "Anti-Jag , "
to me without my knowledge or consent
I am now saved and completely trans
formed from -worthless fellow to a sober
and respected citizen. "
If "Anti-Jag" cannot be had at your
drugget , it will be mailed in plain wrapper
with full directions how to give secretly ,
on receipt of One Dollar , by the Renova
Chemical Co. , CO Broadway , New York , or
they will gladly mail full particulars tree.
About all some people Avant reputa
tion for is to make their rivals envioas.
Ko-To-Bac for Firty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco babit cure , makes weak
men strong , blood pure. 50c. 1. All drucK&ts.
Holland is small in geographical
area , but has 1SS70 teachers.
Y Whoever chooses to use St. Jacobs Oil for gv v / ui I I
IHurtsor BruisesJmwkl I
1 Will feel a CURB so SURE , Why sometimes it amuses.\
| Walter Baker & Co. 's j I
! 1 Breakfast Cocoa. j I
* Epyfc rP © 1ecauss ft's absolutely pure. *
Xffi&s&j ; Because it is not made by the so-caiied Dutch Process in % I
* f Wfli which chemicals are used. %
* Iff 5-lfK : 3. Because beans of the finest quality are used. *
1 ga f nEii 4. Because it is made by a method which preserves , unimpaired J
* Iff ' m "K e ex 3u'Slte natural flavor and odor of the beans. | I
1 Ml i If ol 5 * Because it is the most economical , costing less than on ; cent * I
t m i ! % 3r\ \ a cup- i I
2 K36L } WA bti Be sure that > 'ou et the eenuine article made by WALTF.H *
* 4 g 9 BAKER & CO. Ltd. , Dorchester , .Mass. Established J7S0. '
People Who Are Known in Every State
of the Union Strongly Endorse
Dr. Kay's Renovator and Dr.
Kay's Lung Balm.
To whom this come- , greeting : "We take
pleasure in commending ; the virtues of the
remedies prepared by the Dr. B. J. Kay
Medical Co. Having known of some re
markable cures of Omaha people effected
bv 'the use of Br. Kay' Renovator and Dr. |
iJay's Lung Balm , we believe that thej-e
great reraeaies are • worthy of the confidence
of the public.
Hox. AV * . A. Paxton. ex-State Senator.
and capiralibt. Omaha. Neb.
Hon. A. U. WiMy. e.x-Treasurer of the
United States , Omaha. Neb.
Hox. Geo. P. Bemjs. ex-ilayor of the city
of Omaha. Omaha. Nt-b.
Euastcs A. Bexso > \ President of Omaha
Real Estate Exchange. Omaha , Neb.
Ho : ; . A. S. Cnuncnn.1. , ex-Attorney Gen
eral of Neb. , Omaha , Neb ,
Hon" . W. J. Conxell. ex-Congressman ,
and present Citv Attornev , Omaha. '
" "
Neb. |
Jonx McDonald , Sheriff , Omaha , Neb.
Ho : . * . Geokge HEiMnon. County Treas
urer , Omaha. Neb. |
John' AVestbekg , City Comptroller ,
Omaha , Neb. .
BEEcaER HiGBr , City Clerk , Omaha , Neb. i
A. G. Edwards , Citv Treasurer , Omaha , !
Neb. i
Hox. C. J. Smtth , Attorney General of
Nebraska. Omaha. Neb.
The above statement was personally
signed by each of the men 'whose names
are thereto affixed.
For lO days -we will send Dr. Hay's
Home Treatment , a valuable 6S-page treat
ise on all diseases , with 56 very valuable
recipes. Sent for 2 stamps for postage.
Ilcgalnr price 25 cts. Special pamphlet on
female diseases free. Address JDr. B. J.
Kay Medical Co. , Omaha , Neb.
PT T""TVEVp lioll 7 < ? Sc for common up to 12a
ut JL-L-EjIt 13c when sweet and wrapped ; dairy
15 < s 5c : cj s. fresh. Sc ; heas , Tc ; young roosters ,
" e : turkeys. 9c ; sprini-chIcKens.l ( lKC > .23 < s4i > cper
& rveal. choice Sc ; bides. No. liijXo.2.G& . "Write
for tags anil rrls. . TlonTFtrRvi , Commission Mer
chant. Kstabllshcd 1S70. 11th and Howard Su. .
Llmaha. Xcb.
Exarsioatlon and drlce aa to Patentability of lo1 1
rentioiu Send for "Inventors * Gnide , or How to Get * 1
fatent. " O'FAKKELI. &SOJT. Wahlacton. D. C. . j
' elet Thompson's Ey Wafer. |
Pr ? ' " * * * ? - ' '
> 7 , - " fp . T -
Liquid Oxyseit. *
A Polish chemist has discovered that B
liquid oxygen is not colorless. In a H
layer of it thirty millimeters thick h * I
finds that it ha. ? a bright sky-bluo color. I
Trial box of IMlk-Ualm. Ccncs Itchlnr , blind
and lilecdlmrPiles. Wrlto today , "with stamp.
Dr. II. Whlttlcr , 10 W. 0th St. , Kansas City , Ma
The child is the brightest ray in the
sunshine of the parent' * heart. H
Educate Tonr Bowels "With Caicaret * . H
Candy Cathartic , cure constipation forever.
10c. ItC. C. C.fall , druggists rctund money.
It is more important to bear good
fruit than much fruit. H
iLHB knr9Wfa LRa K. L I iH I
i h Bfi2Jw3f5K WS B | K B I
' 1 Persons you meet every day , 9
m or some trouble of the kidneys , urinary
I or female organs. I
I In such a serious condition you must
jj secure the best remedy you can find in I
1 the market _
D There is only one absolutely sure 1 I
fi cure for these troubles , and that is a I
I M It has stood the test of time" i ; |
I S75 S50 I I
'Western "Wheel'Works I
, * K-B.WILLSON < Si.CO.Wa ! > b- H
PBafPVBftlqP 3 * ecurcd.tHpacC bm > V Tree.
rjlTrilTC 20jcars'exrKTlencc.E > nrtrtctcirpra t. H
lAlLlllOi . ( L.I > eaiie , ! t ! i > nn. - xiiminrlJ.S. .
KiUOIIlce ) Deaae. Weaier.ilcQililllds\V aoh.O.C
W. N. U. OMAHA. No- 22.IS97. .
When writing to advertisers kindly mention -
tion this paper. H
$100 To Any Mm , I
Of Weakness In Men Tbry Treat and I
Fail to Care. I
An Omaha Company places for the first I
time before the public a Magical Tuet- I
mext for the core of Lost Vitality , Nervoa * I
and Sexual "Weakness , and Keitoration of I
Life Force in old and youngmen. I < I
worn-out French remedy : contains n <
Phosphorous or other harmful dru a. It i- 9
a AVoxonp.FCi. Tkeatmcnt nis i-a ! in its I
effects positive in its cure. VI reader * I
who are hutferlng from a iv eak eihn :
blights their life , causing that mental ; in j
phvbical safTering peculiar to L i-t ilan-
hobd , should -write to the ST.4TJ : " ? KDICAI.
COMPANY , Omaha. Neb. , nut : hey will
send you absolutely FREE , -v vaiaabl *
paper on these diseases , and prit vt > proof-
of their truly Magical Tkea taie" * i . The > -
ands of men , -who have lost all hope of J
cure , are being restored by them to a per
fect condition.
This Magical Treatment may be taken
at home under their directions or they will
pay railroad fare and hotel bilis to all -who
prefer to go there for treatment , if tbev
fail to cure. They are perfectly reliable
have no Free Prescriptions , Free Cure ,
Free Sample , or C. 0.1) . fake. They have
? 2oO,000 capital , and guarantee to core
every case they treat or refund every dollar ;
or their charges may be deposited in *
bank to be paid to them when a cure is
effected. Write tL . • today.
J ScUBZBS. I Ue Big G far c = natur
9in 1 to 5 dyi.discharges. . In Cremations.
Iirtrf Ooir otttd U Irritation * or ulceration *
fw/ ( oat t Krieisre. of ciacoci Jnembranem.
I Sr " 111 * coosiMPainless , and net. artria-
\gc\\TH ETAH3 CHEHimCO. Cent or pouonou * .
SP" VciNc : > nAn.o.l I Sold bj-Drnsrfets , - .
V V C S. a. y P or eent In plain wrapp = r Pi
IV XvA I " * Pre § . prepaid , for -t
* i V < JoJ fl.or3bortie , t2.T5. 2
* tv Circular cct oa request , ,23
Z HIHATAli pacehandsozaeirUlas9
Z " " * trated brochnre , with d - 2
Z UUf TP n scriptscn of the Tcmenrc J *
Z W " " J Centerlalaad International § P
2 W lO Eipo : tion. to be h ! J at O
5 WW 19 1 > aihrnie.Tecn.Ka-Iti o *
6 Oct. ZQth. tbe hixiozal 9
M Erect of JUT. Can be obtained by Q
m recdtaz eicht cents roitac * to C L S.oxs. GenM
m eral Pajseajer and TIctet Ajent , C & E. t E. Tt , S
US Dearborn St. , Chicaco , lit S