K SIXTEENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 28 , 1897. NUMBER 2 I w _ _ I if A Charming Affair. B < p- The reception tendered the members I \E of the Congregational church , Monday I M evening , by the ladies of the Dorcas 'W society , was one of the most charming } ? p affairs of the kind ever held in the city , fo The occasion had its origin in the inter- * \l \ est of the new members of the congre ss gation , but was participated in by all members and many invited friends , fill- Wl ing the church. V The interior of the church was very * * tastefully and attractively decorated for ! [ the affair , flowers both in pots and m banked being used in profusion ; besides -J # . articles of furniture , bric-a-brac and M ) the like assisted in making the rooms \ / comfortable and attractive at the same C time. The electric lights were draped ffl in . subdued colored crepe , throwing a " \ mellow light on a bright and happy % r scene , i Y $ A splendid musical-literary programme I , Mfo was rendered to the evident pleasure of j © all. Recitations were given by Ethel ffi Barnett and Renie Harris , and both Jfi ? numbers were well received. Prof. Valentine - < # entine and Mr. Forbes read interesting g selections most entertainingly. Messrs. C H. P. Sutton , S. C. Beach , J. F. Kenyon $ r\ . and F.A.Pennell played two cornet quar- L ' tette numbers in a manner that elicited \ warm approval , and the vocal solos by Jty Mrs. A. P. Bonnet and Miss Ellington \ A * Wilson delighted everyDody. t After the completion of the programme jjp * * refreshments were served by the ladies \ in the church parlor with the most appe al tizing and tasteful particulars , the ladies # " - serving ices , cream , cake , tea and wafers , W and bringing into requisition their iu- Jw dividual fancy ' work , napery , silver and 2T glass ware with enhancing effect. The W refreshments were uniformly excellent , jk All who had the pleasure of being _ P present join The Tribune in voting it L an exquisite affair upon the success of * L which t"t Dorcas ladies are to be cou- I > gratulated. \ Chicken Men Organize. V Pursuaut to adjournment the poultry \ breeders met in the city hall , last Satur- 1 f day afternoon , and completed theorgan- - . O/C / ization of the Republican Valley District \ Poultry association. A constitution was ' \ adopted and signed by the twenty mem- 1 bens present at the meeting. The fol- "k lowing officers were elected : President , y\ , A. S. Campbell ; Vice-Presidents , C. A. KtT V Dixon and Benj. Baker ; Secretary , J. S. fPi ) lieLeHew ; Treasurer , R. B. Simmons. w 11Y The association will hold regular meet- _ v3p 7 ings on the first Saturda3' afternoon of 5JJT N ( * each month. MPv The purpose of the association is the | _ R promotion of the breeding of pure blood W fowls , and the holding of an annual < & chicken show in December or January. w # . . While but 20 signed the constitution jjSy . * at the organization it is expected that fr the association will soon grow far beyond ' 1m that number into influence and strength. W Board Meeting. - - The board of education held an ad- T journed meeting , last Saturday evening , B jfe at which , among other things , the failure B fv of a member of the 12th grade to pass to \ graduation was investigated. The action Jl of the teachers was not disturbed. Ac- jf tion was taken , "however , looking to the &r possible avoidance of such unpleasant H and unfortunate incidences by authorizing - % ing the notification of parents or guardians - \ dians of the standing of pupils of the 12th \ grade by the first of April ; and in this V manner it is hoped to early acquaint j | > parents and guardians whether their chil- Jr dren or wards in the 12th grade are up 4 § with the work required for graduation. " nV V The June Apportionment. j&f * The June apportionmen t of state school jI money has been announced. The ' amount Vmj * apportioned is $362,226.03 , among 348 , - lk 538 schollars , which gives $1.03 per wA pupil. This is the largest amount di- w Will * * % \ vided among the school districts of the 2 slate at any semi-annual apportionment dtr\ since 1892. Red Willow county , having * % 31269 pupils to its credit , will receive I ? $3i39738T1"s wil1 Sive McCook with. fjk her 75r pupils $783-53 ° ut of tn& state. Jft The June 'apportionment , last year , only t&f gave 55 cents to each , scholar. 1 , v Great Heads. I\ \ We are informed that the madame and b $ pimp of the bagnio on west 4 Railroad p street , in which the disgraceful brawl occurred - \ curred , last Saturday night , left the city Hj \ on No. 2 , Tuesday morning , for Lincoln , / \ from whence they came here. What HL clever diplomacy to be sure. K. Mildly Amusing. - HA Colonel Mitchell's commercial and ftNv professional ethics are so nicely adS - / S justed that any cut more considerable E/ than one-half , such as he makes , is dis- WP tinctly discreditable. The Colonel is L sometimes amusing , but must never be L taken seriously. Mm Wall Paper at McConnell's. & i- MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. Mrs. Vina Wood was quite ill , first of the week. Mrs. F. G. WESTLAnd visited Lincoln relatives Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Wiix Brown came home on 3 , last Saturday night , from a trip to Hast ings. Dr. E. H. Waters' father has re turned to his home in Bethany , West Virginia. / > Miss Nellie BROWWiarrived home , Saturday night , from a prolonged visit in Iowa. Michael Houlihan came up from Missouri recently on some matters ol business. Miss Josephine Fay is here from eastern Nebraska visiting her sister Mrs. George Conner. Mrs. J. W. Holltday was down from Lyons , Colorado , Saturday , on a briel social-business trip. Mrs. George Leming of Gillette , Wyoming , has been visiting relatives in 'Red ' Cloud , the past week. Rev. J. A. Badcon will deliver the address at the I. O. O. F. Memorial day observance in Beaver City , June 6th. MRS.T. G. REES returned to Farnam , last Friday evening , after a short stay here , the guest of Mrs. T. B. Campbell , t Mrs. Henry Smith went down to Plattsmouth , Wednesday evening , to spend a short time visiting relatives and friends. Treasurer and Mrs. Meserve were up from Lincoln , first of the week , guests of their daughter , Mrs. F. M. Kimmell. J. C. Harlan , the stalwart editor of the diminutive Cambridge Kaleido scope , spent a few hours , Saturday last , in the valley's finest. MiSS NELL Fisher came down from Denver , Wednesday morning on 2 and accompanied her father home to Wau- neta on the Imperial branch. Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Warren left on Tuesday morning for Davenport , Nebras ka , to witness the marriage of his sister and visit at bis home briefly. W. W. Fisher was down from Wau- neta , Tuesday , seeking medical assist ance. He has not been well for some time , a sufferer from gall stones. LOUIS Suiss returned , Monday night , from visiting his wife in Omaha. He re ports her general health better and that she will return home in the near futute. G. C. Boatman , clerk of district court , returned home , Saturday evening last , from his trip to Denver and the moun tains. Also JA. . Hammond , deputy county clerk. B. M. Frees was here from Chicago , early part of the week , on business con nected with his large interests , and was the guest of Cashier Lawson of the First National bank. J. V. Carnahan and J. F. Carnahan , father and brother of County Supt. L. A. Carnahan , were in the city , Wednesday , to attend the wedding of the county su perintendent and Miss Lula M. Cook. A. A. WELLER came up from Syracuse , Nebraska , Friday evening last , remain ing here until Wednesday evening , look , ing after his mercantile interests in the city , during the brief illness of Manager Suess in Omaha. An Attractive Drill. The social given by the Christian En- deavorers in the Congregational church , last evening , was a tremendous success. The "scarf fantastics" by Misses Ona Simons , Mabel Perry , Maud McMillen. Maud Doan , Vica Ballew , Edith Oyster , Myrtle Meyer , Nellie Gunn , Minnie Row- ell , was unanimously voted lovelj' . Miss Maud Wood was organist. After the drill , ice cream and cake were served. The drill was repeated later in the even ing. Between three and four hundred persons were present. O. E. S. Election. Eureka Chapter , Order of Eastern Star , held their annual election of officers on Wednesday evening : Mrs. Emma Eas- terday , W. M. ; H. G. Borneman. , W. P. ; Mrs. Maud B. Moench , Associate Matron ; Miss Ella Dora Snyder , Secretary : Mrs. Anna Borneman , Treasurer ; Mrs. Callie Wilcox , Conductress ; Mrs. Josephine Ballew , Associate Conductress. An enjoyable feast in their banquet room concluded the occasion. Clothing made to order our great spec ialty. Famous Clothing Co. Paints and oils at McMilleu's. 'r w * 'imw ' i < jj" ir-iMgv g'Vv/ ' - " * ' ' - The Work Completed. The work of piping city water tc Longview and Calvary cemeteries was completed on Wednesday , which truly marks the consummation of a large and important enterprise. The water is taken from the main in the neighbor hood of S. M. Cochran's residence and is carried to the center of both ceme- taries. In Longview suitable laterals have been laid with numerous and con venient bibs so that with fifty feet ol hose any lot in the west half of the cem etery , now platted , can be reached. Lat erals and bibs will be provided in the east half as the necessity arises. At present the water has been piped tc the center of Calvary and in due time laterals etc. will be provided. The importance aud scope of this en terprise will be better appreciated when it is known that the work has cost in the neighborhood of a thousand dollars and that so far all bills have been met with the cash. And in future years as the results of this action become evident in trees , shrubbery , grass and flowers , and a generally attractive city of the dead , the efforts of the cemetery com mittee and city council aud the liberal ity of our people will be more highly appreciated than can be the case now , although all will bear willing testimony to the unabating , persistent efforts of the ladies in seeking to raise the means with which to bring about this most gratifying result. As the pipes have not been laid deep enough to escape the frost , necessary ar rangements have been made to shut off the water in bad weather and drain the pipes a syphon being provided in the draw this side of the cemetery for that purpose. Drew a Big Crowd. The open-air concert , Saturday even ing , by the Brigade band , drew a large audience , and for the nonce the streets of the city reminded us of old times. While some of the numbers were more or less familiar to the auditors , they were received with as warm approbation as the newer selections ; in fact the boys are such prime favorites and their music in such highrepute with the people of McCook that the simple appearance of the organization is a source of enthusi asm. In trie Right Direction. Indications are that Red Willow coun ty will soon contain more cattle than have been within her borders at any time since the free-range days. This is preeminently a stock country , aud the sooner our farmers realize the fact and trim their sails to that breeze the better it will be for them and all others inter ested. We note with satisfaction this beginning of a welcome return to a more prosperous state of affairs Operated for Appendicitis. Tuesday night of this week , Drs. Kay and Gunn operated for appendicitis on Samuel Ellis , Jr. , of Gerver precinct. The patient was in an advanced septic condition and the life of the young man is despaired of , although the operation was successf nlly performed. The young man has only been sick a short time , and professional services were not called un til first of the week. Almost Lost an Ear. Saturday night last the house of ill fame on West Railroad street was the scene of an ugly scrap between Lovell Clyde and an attache known by the name George Reynolds , in which the latter was badly used up , almost losing an ear in the fight. No arrests were made strange as it may seem. Old Soldiers , Attention. Members of the Grand Army , all old soldiers and Sons of Veterans are re quested to meet at my office , Sunday morning at 10 o'clock , and march from there to the Baptist church where Mem orial services will be held. H. H. Berry , Chairman Com. Grand ChapterOrder of Eastern Stars , meets in Omaha , on Tuesday and Wed nesday-next. It is expected that quite a number of representatives from this place will be present. We are headquarters for all kinds of fencing , fence posts , wire netting and anything you want in the line of fencing. Examine our stock. Barnett Lumber Co. The ladies of the cemetery committee have already turned over to the cemetery fund of the city $400 , and have a small amount still in hand to meet incidentals. Colored and white shirts at the Famous Clothing Co. Wall Paper 4 cents a roll at McMlLLEN'S. Summer underwear at the Famous Clothing Co. CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. German Methodist Regular ser vices at 9 o'clock , every Sunday mom ing , in the South McCook Methodisl church ; services in German. Rev. M. Herrmann. Episcopal Morning service at 11:00 , Evening service at 8:00. : Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Evensong on Wednesdays at 8 p. m. R. A. RUSSELL , Missionary in Charge. Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. m , High mass and sermon at 10:30 : , a. m. , with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. in. All are cordially welcome. Rev. J. W. Hickey , Pastor. Christian Services every alternate Sunday , commencing with the first Sun day in May at 11 and 7:30 o'clock in McConnell hall. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 o'clock. Elder C. P. Evans , Pastor. Methodist Sunday school at 10. Union services at Baptist church at 11. Junior League at 2:30. Epworth League at 7 Song service led by Roy Smith. Preaching at S ; subject The Sins of McCook. Prayer meeting next Wednes day evening at 8. Thursday evening at 8 , Normal Bible study. Jas. A. Badcon , Pastor. Congregational Morning service dismissed for the Union Memorial ser vice at the Baptist church. Evening ser vice at 8 ; topic Manlinees. Sunday school at ic Endeavor society at 7 ; leader , Miss Addie Doan. Prayer meet ing Wednesday evening atS. All are cordially invited. Hart L. Preston , Pastor. Baptist Bible school at 10. Memo rial service of the G. A. R. at 11 , in which all thej churches unite , and the Rev. J. M. Bell preaching the sermon. Young People's meeting at 7. Evening service at 8 ; subject Coming of the Lord. This will be the first of a series oi sermons upon prophesy or future events. A cordial welcome to all. Geo. W. Sheafor , Pastor. & COURT HOUSE NEWS. v COUNTY COURT. Lovell and Mitchell Clyde.Wednesday morning , pleaded guilty to a charge of assault and battery on the person of Mrs. California O'Connor and were each fined the limit of $ io. The costs were $47.05. Acting County Attorney Starr dismissed the complain of assault with intent to kill , and atfe rptflo kidnap. License was issued to J. Walter Row land of Cedar Bluffs , Kansas , and Mary E. Canaga of Red Willow. Also to Lewis A. Camahpn Jftf Bartley and Lula M. Cook of McCodk. Suit for labor performed was filed by Michael Coyle vs. Thomas F. Ryan. Will be heard on the 29th. Suit on account of J. A. Gunn vs. W. O. Russell was argued Tuesday evening. Case was taken under consideration until Thursday , when the judge found for the ' Card of Thanks. We feel deeply grateful for all the kindnesses and willing , helpful assist ance rendered during the brief illness and after the death of our dearly be loved wife and daughter , and take this means of expressing our deep and earn est thanks for the same and every tribute of respect offered. Mr. Lawrence McEntee. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Collins. To Box Elder. An invitation has been extended and will be accepted by many old soldiers and others of our city to celebrate Me morial day at Box Elder , Saturday. The Box Elder people are making arrange ments to befittingly celebrate the day. A pic-nic will be among the attractions , and the day will be a notable one for the people of that section. Flowers for Decoration. Parties having flowers they can donate for Decoration day will please bring them to Menard's hall , not later than 10 o' clock , Monday morning , May 31st. All Daughters of Veterans are reguested to meet at the hall at 9:30 a. m. , Monday. Mrs. A. P. Welles. • • It's an 111 Wind" , Etc. „ It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good : While many homes have been lost in Red Willow county through foreclosures , Colonel Mitchell recently became the owner of a West McCook residence by trading a batch of publish er's foreclosure fees for the same. Notice to Debtors. All bills due Mrs. L. J. Beck must be paid by the first and fifteenth , of June , otherwise they will be put in the hands of a collector. No deviation from this whatsoever. 2ts. Mrs. L. J. BECK. School Land Delinquencies. The following is a synopsis of receni rules and regulations issued by the com missioner of public lands and building ; relating to delinquent payment and for feitures of school lands in Red Willow county : "The board of educational lands and funds will order the delinquent contracts in Red Willow county cancelec : on August nth , 1S97 , but the owner 01 any contract of sale or lease so forfeited may redeem the same by paying all de ; linquencies and costs at any time before such land has been sold or leased. A list of this aud all other school lands in the county then vacant will be published in one or two of the county papers , and such notice will show the time aud place of this offering of cancelled and vacant lands. At the time and place so set the lands listed , as above , except such as may have been redeemed , will be pub licly offered for lease to the highest bid der , at which time the commissioner ol public lands and buildings will be present and officiate. The person offer ing the greatest amount of premium in addition to the required amount of rental will be awarded the lease accord ing to law and except as hereinafter provided : An application to lease made by or in the interest of a party whose contract has been forfeited on account of delinquencies cannot be accepted for the laud so forfeited , and no person may hold in all more than 640 acres of this land. Any land which upon notice of forfeiture has been served will be taken from such forfeiture list upon payment of all rental or interest to and including all of 1S95. Delinquents may redeem at any time before land rs released , if they make full payment including costs" . * Council Cooings. The municipal fathers were in regular session , Monday evening , all present but Councilman McKaj\ Minutes of previ ous meeting were read and approved. Bills as follows were approved and warrants ordered issued : H. H. Troth $18.75 E.J.Wilcox 1S.75 E. E. Lowman 25.0c W. S. Perry 12.5c J. J. Garrard 12.5c R. M. Osborn 12 5c E. C. McKay 12.5c Barnett Lumber Co 36.64 C. G. Coglizer 50 00 Ed. Jordan 60.0c F. D. Burgess 760 ic Thomas Bates 6.00 A petition was read asking the city- council for an enforcement of the Sloc- umb law as to screens and window ob structions , wine rooms and other unlaw ful rooms in rear of saloons. No action was taken further than to decide that the saloon men of the city should be no- ified that such petitionwhich was signed by 83 citizens , had been filed. On motion the mayor and members of the city council were constituted a com mittee to locate a site for a court house. The Electric Light Co. was requested to raise electric light wires at Manches ter and Dudley streets. Carnahan-Cook. Wednesday noon at the home of the bride's mother Mrs. C. W. Gordon of our city , Mr. Lewis A. Carnahan of Bartley and Miss Lula M. Cook of Mc Cook were joined in wedlock , Rev. Hart L. Preston performing the ceremony , in the presence of relatives and near friends of the high contracting parties. The groom is well known as our worthy county superintendent , and the bride is one of our estimable young ladies. Both are highly esteemed. After the ceremony an excellent dinner was enjoyed by all the guests. The young people were the recipients of a number of useful and oramental gifts. They took the evening train for his home near Bartley , carrying with them the well wishes and congratulations of many friends. A Natural Question. The question naturally arises , Why were not the principals in the bagnio brawl , last Saturday night , arrested and duly tried for offenses committed ? And again , why was one of the combatants allowed to leave the city without inter ference or protest of any kind ? For Sale. One good driving horse , gentle , suit able for lady. Address Box 393 , or H. LKennedy. . Belts for men and boys at the Famous Clothing Co. Wall Paper 5 cents a roll at McMlLLEN'S. Reliable black and tan hosiery for men at the Famous Clothing Co. Wall Paper at McConnell's. ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PETITE PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. j Wall Paper at McConnell's. Wanted A second-hand refrigerator. Inquire at this office. Are you right with the editor on your subscription ? If not , why not ? 1 Staple stationery , best quality at lowest - } est prices , at The TRinuNE office. J New line in boys' knee pants just received - i ceived at the Famous Clothing Co. M - \ j The Barnett Lumber Co. sells screen ; J doors , blacksmith coal , coal tar and ' ! ' wood. 1 The Danbury Topics has made his ) initial bow to the public and bid for patronage. ' 1 Over in Furnas county the treasurer : prints a report of the receipts and disbursements - ] bursements monthly. Armstrong has rearranged some shelv ing , this week , for the better and more convenient display of goods. = = = = - = _ _ f There is enough diplomacy among the 'i McCook tenderloin to fill a foreign mis sion with ability and credit. ! What is more amusing or pathetic than to see a dime dude ape the style , dress and manners of a millionaire lord ? The small boy may now be seen going to the river to fish with a pitchfork. ) Water is very low in the river just now. j _ = _ = _ _ _ _ = . I S. M. Cochran & Co. beat 'em all in J hog fencing. Get their prices and in spect their stock. Quality and cost will > both stand the test. You can see the finest display of sam ples of secret society cards in America ut this office , and can get reasonable prices for printing them artistically. Evil-doers need to be taught a salutary lesson in this city. We seem to be drift ing away from Major Cole's admonition to "Get Right With God" . We are requested to announce that the A. P. A. and W. A. P. A. wdl serve ice cream and strawberries on Memorial day , Monday , May 31st , from 12 noon till 12 p. m. Just received a car load of Crete flour of the following well known and popular brands : Victor Patent , Coronet Patent ( winter wheat , ) Champion Patent and Sterling. McCook Commission Co Dr. J. A. Gunn has moved to the J.W. McKenna house , one block east of his former residence and on the south side of the street. Office over Leach's jewelry store. A district meeting , K. of P. , will be held here , June 9th , by G. C. C. Gus G. Norbergof Holdrege , and it is contem plated making the event one of some note. If you persistently refuse or neglect to pay your subscription to The Tribune the publisher will feel at liberty to discontinue sending the paper. So come to the Captain's office and cash up. If there is any credit due the authori ties from recent brawls we are willing they shall have it. But the better senti ment of McCook people demands a bet ter enforcement of the laws of the city and state. It begins to look as though Colonel Mitchell never would forgive the county commissioners for giving The Tribune the county printing. But perhaps the commissioners don't want to be absolved by Colonel 'Alf and 'Alf anyway. The local lodge is arranging to cele brate Pythian Memorial day , June 13th. The Knights and band will march in un iform , there will be a Memorial sermon and the occasion will be appropriately observed with considerable circumstance. The Christian Endeavor society has arranged for the appearance in our city in the near future of the Chicago Arion Quartette , the well kuown musical or ganization of Chicago. Concert will be given in the Congregational church. Ad mission 25c. The McCook U. R. X. P. band has again been engaged to furnish music at the state fair , this year. McCook has the best band in the state , of which the people of that town , as well as entire southwestern Nebraska , may justly feel proud , and they should in every way possible lend a helping hand to maintain its existence. Benkelman News. N. J. Allen and Dr. A. J. Thomas , this week , drove from McCook . to their > t ranches in Blaine precinct , this county , j 350 head of yearling steers , which they j purchased of Frank Everist. These gen- j- tlemen are getting well stocked with ] cattle and wilL at some future date-un- \ doubtedly reap a rich financial harvest ' as a result of their veutures into the cattle business. Benkelman News. id