' ' v % J - BY ROBERT LOUIS 5TEVEN50N. B | INTERNATIONA : . PRESS ASSOCIATION. CHAPTER II. ( Coxtinvkii ) ] The sound of his feet upon the cause , way began the business of the day ; for the villairc was still sound asleep. The rlu'rch tower looked very airy in the sunlight : a few birds that turned about it seemed to swim in an atmosphere of more than usual rarity ; and the Doc tor , walking in long transparent shadows , filled his lungs amply , and .proclaimed nimself well contented with the morning. I On one of the posts before Tentail- Ion's carriage entry he espied a little dark figure perched in a meditative attitude and immediately recognized Jean-Marie. "Aha ! " he said , stopping before him humorously , with a hand on either knee. "So we rise early in the morn ing do we ? It appears to me that we .have all the vices of a philosopher. " The boy got to his feet and made a grave salutation. "And how is our patient ? " asked fK Desprez. > M It appeared the patient was about the R sa me. f "And why do you rise early in the r morning ? " he pursued. L Jean-Mari ? , after a long silence , pro- I fessed that he hardly knew. jL "You hardly know ? " repeated Des- | jr prez. "We hardly know anything , my a man , until we try to learn. Interro- I gate your conscience. Come , push me & this inquiry home. Do you like it ? " "Yes , " said the boy , slowly ; "yes , I V like it. " \ "And why do you like it ? " continued S the Doctor. " ( We are now pursuing the | jk Socratic method. ) Why do you like it ? " K "It is quiet , " answered Jean-Marie ; § 'and 1 have nothing to do ; and then I El feel as if 1 were good. " W Doctor Desprez took a seat on the p. post at the opposite side. He was be- W ginning to take an interest in the talk , W for the boy plainly thought before he f spoke , and tried to answer truly. "It T appears you have a taste for feeling \ good , " said the Doctor. "Now , there f yen puzzle me extremely ; for 1 thought V , you said you were a thief ; and the two t are incompatible. " "V , "Is it very bad to steal ? " asked Jean- * Marie. | "Such is the general opinion , little 1 "boy , " replied the Doctor. ' \ "No ; but I mean as I stole , " ex- _ rj | claimed the other. "For I had no 'jX ? - choice. I think it is surely right to * have bread ; it must be right to have * bread , there comes so plain a want of ' it. And then they beat me cruelly if I $ returned with nothing , " he added. "I % was not ignorant of right and wrong ; * 4f ' for before that I had been well taught by a priest , who was very kind to me. " K ( The Doctor made a horrible grimace * at the word "priest. " ) "But it seemed Bt to me , when one had nothing to eat Sf and was beaten , it was a different af- f fair. I would not have stolen for tart- I lets , I believe ; but any one would steal | for baker's bread. " I "And so I suppose , " said the Doctor , j with a rising sneer , "you prajed God to ! ? forgive you , and explained the case to Him at length. " "Why , sir ? " asked Jean-Marie. "I < io not see. " "Your priest would see , however , " retorted Desprez. "Would he ? " asked the boy , troubled | for the first time , "I should have thought God would have known. " , I . "Eh ? " snarled the Doctor. ; "I should have thought God would j \ lisve understood me , " replied the ' \ other. "You do not , I see : but then it -was God that made me think so , was P it not ? " "Little boy , little boy , " said Doctor Desprez. "I told you already you had t the vices of philosophy ; if you display the virtues also , I must go. I am a j ! student of the blessed laws of health , Jj | an observer of plain and temperate nature - [ ture in her common walks ; and I can- Ejjf not preserve my equanimity in pres- | P ence of a monster. Do you under- ft .stand ? " L "No , sir , " said the boy. jjsp "I will make my meaning clear to ffjf you , " replied the Doctor. "Look here HI at the sky behind the belfry first , llj where it is so light , and then up and K | up ; turning your chin back , right to Ik- the top of the dome , where it is al- 451 ready as blue as at noon. Is not that a beautiful color ? Does it not please Ma IF the heart ? We have seen it all our mk lives , until it has grown in with our HI familiar thoughts. Now , " changing his Bj > tone , "suppose that sky to become sud- ' 1 i dtnly of a live and fiery amber , like the ! \ of clear coals , and color growing scarf - f let toward the top I do not say it would be any the less beautiful ; but would you like it as well ? " ; , "I suppose not , " answered Jean- h "Neither do I like you. " returned the ! I j Doctor , roughly. "I hate all odd pen | ile , arid you are the most curious little i fc boy in all the world. " I I \ jean-Marie seemed to ponder for f a while , and then he raised his head again and looked over at the Doctor ! with an air of candid inquiry. "But - . 3 not you a very curious gentler - r Mi ? " he asked. v * he Doctor threw away bis stick , f rjour.ded on the boy. clasped him to ' Ms bosom , and kissed him on both cneeks. "Admirable , admirable imp ! " he cried. "What a morning , what an hour for a theorist of forty-two ! No. " he continued , apostrophizing heaven. "I ' < \ld not know that such boys existed ; I ! " " " " i i niii i ininiiiiiiin row 'A ' ' ! was ignorant they made them so ; I j I had doubted of my race ; and now ! if is like , " lie added , picking up his stick , "like a lovers' meeting. I have bruised my favorite staff in that mo ment of enthusiasm. The injury , how ever , is not grave. " He caught the boy looking at him in obvious wonder , embarrassment , and alarm. "Hello ! " said he. "why do you look at me like that ? Egad , I believe the boy de spises me. Do you despise me , boy ? " " 0 , no , " replied Jean-Marie , serious ly : "only I do not understand. " "You must excuse me , sir. " returned the Doctor , with gravity ; "I am still so ioung. 0 , hang him ! " he added to himself. And he took his seat again and observed the boy sardonically. "He has spoiled the quiet of my morn ing , " thought he. " 1 shall be nervous all day , and have a febricule when I digest. Let me compose myself. " And so he dismissed his preoccupations by an effort of the will which he had long practiced , and let his soul roam abroad in the contemplation of the morning. He inhaled the air , tasting it critically as a connoisseur tastes a vintage , and prolonging the expiration with hy gienic gusto. He counted the little flecks of cloud along the sky. He fol lowed the movements of the birds round the church tower making long sweeps , hanging poised , or turning airy somersaults in fancy , and beating the wind with imaginary pinions. And in this way he regained peace of mind and animal composure , conscious of his limbs , conscious of the s " ght of his eyes , conscious that the air had a cool taste , like a fruit , at the top of his throat , and at last , in complete ab straction , he began to sing. The Doc tor had but one air "Malbrouck s'en va-t-en guerre ; " even with that he was on terms of mere politeness ; and hi ? musical exploits were always reserved for moments when he was alone and entirely happy. He was recalled to earth rudely by a pained expression on the boy's face. "What do you think of my singing ? " he inquired , stopping in the middle of a note ; and then , after he had waited some little while and received no an swer , "What do you think of my sing ing ? " he repeated , inperiously. "I do not like it , " faltered Jean- Marie. "Oil. come ! " cried the Doctor. "Pos sibly you are a performer yourself ? " "I sing better than that , " replied the boy. boy.The The Doctor eyed him for some seconds in stupefaction. He was aware that he was angry , and blushed for himself in consequence , which made him angrier. "If this is how you ad dress your master ! " he said at last , with a shrug and a flourish of his arms. "I do not speak to him at all , " re turned the boy. "I do not like him. " "Then you like me ? " snapped Doctor Desprez. with unusual eagerness. "I do not know , " answered Jean- Marie. The Doctor . "I rose. shall wish you a good-morning , " he said. "You are too much for me. Perhaps you have blood in year veins , perhaps celestial ichor , or , perhaps you circulate noth ing more gross than respirable air ; but of one thing I am inexpugnably assured : that you are no human being. No , boy" shaking his stick at him "you a.e not a human being. Write , write it in your memory 'I am not a human being I have no pre tension to be a human being I am a dive , a dream , an angel , an acrostic , an illusion what you please , but not a human being. ' And so accept my humble salutations and farewell ! " And with that the Doctor made off along the street in some emotion ; and the. boy stood , mentally gaping , where he left him. CHAPTER III. fjZ ? s&t ADAME DESPREZ / / rWfMw'ho answered to ( CnI/aw//\\\ / \ \ \ the Christian name j ! i of Anastasie. pre- Jt sented an agreeable /K * ? ? # - S5VSx ! ) tvPe of her sex ; ex- f'S T ceedingly whole- p [ TvYJ some to look upon , & $ \ ' 'Srf a stout brune. with rf Ni fi * dr cool.smooth cheeks , gP * steady , dark eyes , anc : hands that neither art nor nature could improve. She was the sort of person over whom adversity passes like a summer cloud ; she might , in the worst of conjunc tures , knit her brows into one vertical furrow for a moment , but the next it would be gone. She had much of the placidity of a contented nun : with lit tle of her piety , however : for Anas- tasie was of a very mundane nature , fond of oysters and old wine , and somewhat buld pleasantries , and de voted to her husband for her own sake rather than for his. She was imperturbably - turbably good-natured , but had no idea of self-sacrifice. To live in that pleas ant old house , with a green garden be hind and bright flowers about the win dow , to eat and drink of the best , to gossip with a neighbor for a quarter of an hour , never to wear stays or a dress except when she went to Fon- tainebleau shopping , to be kept in a continual supply of racy novels. ? nd to be married to Doctor Desprez and have no ground of jealousy , filled the cup of her nature to the brim. Those who had known the Doctor in bachelor days , when he had aired quite as many theories , but of a different order , at tributed his present philosophy to the study of Anastasie. It was her brute enjoyment that he rationalized and per haps vainly imitated. Madame Desprez was an artist in the kitchen , and made coffee to a nicety. She had a knack of tidiness , with which he had infected the Doctor ; every- ming was s .n its place ; everything capable of polish shone gloriously ; and dust wus a thing banished from her empire. Aline , their single servant , had no other business in the world butte to scour and burnish. So Dacor Des prez lived in his house like a fatted calf , warmed and cosseted to his heart's of tent. The midday meal was excellent. There was a ripe melon , a fish from the river in a memorable Bearnaise sauce , a fat fowl in a fricassee , and a dish of asparagus , followed by some fruit. The Doctor drank half a bottle plus one glass , the wife half a bottle minus the same quantity , which was a marital privilege , of an excellent Cote-Rotie , seven years old. Then the coffee was brought , and a flask of Chartreuse for madame , for the Doctor despised and distrusted such decoctions ; and then Aline left the wedded pair to the pleas- uies of memory and digestion. "It is a very fortunate circumstance , my cherisheJ one , " observed the Doc tor "this coffee is adorable a very fortunate circumstance upon the whole Anastasie , I beseech you , go without that poison for to-day ; only one day , and you will feel the benefit , I pledge my reputation. " "What is this fortunate circumstance , my friend ? " inquired Anastasie , not heeding his protest , which was of daily recurrence. "That we have no children , my beautiful , " replied the Dorter. "I think of it more and more as the years go on , and with more and more grati tude toward the Power that dispenses such afflictions. Your health , my dar ling , my studious quiet , our little kitch en delicacies , how they would all hae suffered , how they would all have been sacrificed ! And for what ? Children are the last word of human imperfec tion. Health flees before the.r face. They cry , my dear ; they put vexatious questions ; the § demand to be fed , to be washed , to be educated , lo have their noses blown ; and then , when the time comes , they break our hearts , as I break this piece of sugar. A pair of professed egoists , like you and me , should avoid offspring , like an infidel ity. " "Indeed ! " said she ; and she laughed. "Now , that is like you to take credit for the thing yon could not help. " "My dear , " returned the Doctor , solemnly , "we might have adopted. " "Never ! " cried madame. "Never , Doctor , with my consent. If the child were my own flesh and blosd , I would not say no. But to take another per son ' s indiscretion on my shoulders , my dear friend , I have too much sense. " "Precisely , " replied the Doctor. "We both had. And I am all the better pleased with our wisdom , because be cause " He looked at her sharply. "Because what ? " she asked , with s faint premonition of danger. "Because I have found the right per son , " said the Doctor firmly , "and shall adopt him this afternoon. " Anastasie looked at him out of a mist. "You have lost your reason , " she said ; and there was a clang in her voice that seemed to threaten trouble. "Not so , my dear , " he replied ; "I re tain its complete-exercise. - To the proof ; instead of attempting to cloak my inconsistency , I have , by way o preparing you , thrown it into strong relief. Ycu will there , I think , recog nize the philosopher who has the ec- stacy to call you wife. The fact is , I have been reckoning all this while without an accident. I never thought to find a son of my own. Now , last night , I found one. Do not unneces sarily alarm -ourself , my dear ; he is not a drop of blood to me that I know. It is his mini , darling , his mind that calls me fathe" . " "His mind ! " she repeated , with a twitter between scorn and hysterics. "His mind , indeed ! Henri is this an idiotic pleasantry , or are you mad ? His mind ! And what of my mind ? " • to -nvrrvi-E'i i t A Good System. The young postmaster of a village was hard at work in his office when a gentle tap was heard upon the door and in stepped a blushing maiden of 1G , with a money order which she wished cashed. She handed it , with a bash ful smile , to the official , who , after closely examining it , gave her the money it called for. At the same time he asked her if she had read what was written on the margin of the order. "No. I have not , " she replied , "for I cannot make it out. Will you please read it for me ? " The young postmaster read as fol lows : "I send you 10s. and a dozen kisses. " Glancing at the bashful girl he said : "Now , I have paid you the money and I suppose you want the kisses ? " "Yes. " she said , "if he has sent me any kisses I want them , too. " It is hardly necessary to say that the balance of the order was promptly paid and in a scientific manner. On reaching home the delighted maiden remarked to her mother : "Mother , this postoffice system of ours is a great thing , developing more and more every year , and each new feature seems to be the best. Jimmy sent me a dozen kisses along with the money order , and the postmaster gave me twenty. > t beats the special de livery system f.ll hollow. " Tid-Bits. Mrs. Gadabout. What was the news at the sewing circle today , my dear ? " Mrs. Onthego : "Mrs. Buddins has a new cook , and Mrs. Remnant has the same one she got two days ago. " Philadelphia North American. TALMAGE'S SERMON. "HEALTH OF THE BODY" LAST SUNDAY'S SUBJECT. from the T-i.1 : "Till n IJart Strlkv Tliroiisli Ills I.lwr" Vt < > \ rr ! > - VII-SS Tli Gokprl or 1'iirlty in i : < ijami ! In Soul. J ( yVt \ \ rfc- " * OLOMOir'3 anato mical and physio logical discoveries were so very great that he was nearly three thousand years ahead of the scientists of his day. He , more than one thousand years before Christ , seemed to know about the circulation of the blood , which Harvey discovered sixteen hun dred and nineteen years after Christ , for when Solomon , in Ecclesiastes , describing the human body , speaks of the pitcher at the fountain , he evi dently means the three canals leading from the heart that receive the blood like pitchers. When he speaks in Ec clesiastes of the silver cord of life , he evidently means the spinal marrow , about which , in our day. Doctors Mayo and Carpenter and Dalton and Flint and Brown-Sequard have experiment ed. And Solomon recorded in the Bible , thousands of years before sci entists discovered it , that in his time the spinal cord relaxed in old age , producing the tremors of hand and head : "Or the silver cord be loosed. " In the text he reveals the Tact that he had studied that largest gland of the human system , the liver , not by the elrctric light of the modern dissecting room , but by the dim light of a com paratively dark age , and yet had seen its important functions in the God- built castle of the human body , its se lecting and secreting power , its curi ous cells , its elongated branching tubes , a Divine workmanship in cen tral and right and left lobe , and the hepatic artery through which flow the crimson tides. Oh , this vital organ is like the eye of God in that it never sleeps. Solomon knew of it , and had noticed either in vivisection or post-mortem what awful attacks sin and dissipation make upon it , until the fiat of Al mighty God bids the body and soul separate , one it commends to the grave , and the other it sends to judgment. A javelin of retribution , not glancing off or making a slight wound , but piercing it from side to side "till a dart strike through his liver. " Galen and Hippocrates ascribe to the liver the most of the world's moral depression , and the word mel ancholy means black bile. I preach to you the Gospel of Health. In taking a diagnosis of diseases of the soul you must also take a diagnosis of diseases of the body. As if to recog nize this , one whole book of the New Testament was written by a physician. Luke was a medical doctor , and he discourses much of the physical con ditions , and he tells of the good Sa maritan's medication of the wounds by pouring in oil and wine , and recog nizes hunger as a hindrance to hear ing the Gospel , so that the five thou sand were fed ; he also records the sparse diet of the prodigal away from home , and th * extinguished eyesight of the beggar by the wayside , and lets us know of the hemorrhage of the wounds of the dying Christ and the miraculous post-mortem resuscitation. Any estimate of the spiritual condi tion that does not include also the physical condition is incomplete. When the doorkeeper of congress fell dead from excessive joy because Burgoyne had surrendered at Saratoga , and Philip the Fifth of Spain dropped dead at the news of his country's de feat in battle , and Cardinal Wolsey faded away as the result of Henry the Eighth's anathema , it was demonstrat ed that the body and soul are Siamese twins , and when you thrill the one with joy or sorrow you thrill the othi er. We may as well recognize the tremendous - mendous fact that there are two mighty fortresses in the human body. the heart and the 4iver ; the heart the fortress of the graces , the liver the fortress of the furies. You may have the head filled with all intellectuali- ties , and the ear. with all musical appreciation - preciation , and the mouth with all elo- < quer.ee , and the hand with all industries - tries , and the heart with all generosities - ] ties , and yet "a dart strike through the liver. " ] My friend. Rev. Dr. Joseph F. Jones , of Philadelphia , a translated spirit ' now , wrote a book entitled , "Man , Moral - 1 al and Physical , " in which he shows 1 how different the same things may ] appear to different people. He says : "After the great battle on the Mincio ' in 1S59 , between the French and the ' Sardinians on tea one side and the ( Austrians on the Didier , so disastrous to ' the latter , the defeated army retreated. ( followed by the victors. A description ' of the march of each army is given * by two correspondents of the London J Times , one of whom traveled with the ' successful host , the other with the de- 1 feated. The difference in views and i statements of the same place , scenes < and events , is remarkable. The forJ mer are said to be marching through J a beautiful and luxuriant country during - ing the day. and at night encamping t where they are supplied with an abundance - ? dance of the best provisions , and all t sorts of rural dainties. There is nothI ing of war about the proceeding except its stimulus and excitement. On the side o. the poor Austrians it is just ] the reverse. In his letter of the same date , describing the same places and i a march over the. same road , the writer - ( er can scarcely find words to set forth i the suffering , impatience and disgust < | existing around him. What was pleasant - , ant to the former was intolerable to the latter. What made all this differ ence ? asks the author. 'One condi tion only : the French are victorious , the Austrians have been defeated. ' " So , my dear brother , the road you are traveling is the same you have been traveling a long while , but the difference in your physical conditions makes it look different , and therefore the two leportr. you have given of yourself are as widely different as the reports in the London Times from the two correspondents. Edward Payson , sometimes so far up on the Mount that it seemed as if the centripetal fon-c of earth could no longer hold him. sometimes through a physical disorder was so far down that it seemed as if the nether world would clutch him. Poor William Cowper was a most ex cellent Christian , and will be loved in the Christian church as long as it sings his hymns beginning "There is a fountain filled with blood. " "Oh , for a closer walk with God , " "What various hindrances we meet. " and "God moves in a mysterious way. " Yet was he so overcome of melan choly , or black bile , that it was only through the mistake of the cab driver who took him to a wrong place , in stead of the river bank , that he did not commit suicide. Spiritual condition so mightily af fected by the physical state , what a great opportunity this gives to the Christian physician , for he can feel at the same time both the pulse of the body and the pulse of the soul , and he can administer to both at once , and if medicine is needed he can gh 3 that , and if spiritual counsel is needed he can give that an earthly and a Di vine prescription at the same time and call on not only the apothecary of earth , but the pharmacy of heaven ! Ah , that is the kind of doctor I want at my bedside , one that cannot only count out the right number of drops , but who can also pray. That is the kind of doctor I have had in my house when sickness or death came. I do not want any of your profligate or athe istic doctors around my loved ones when the balances of life are trem bling. A doctor who has gone through the medical college , and in dissecting room has traversed the wonders of the j , | human mechanism , and found no God j i in any of the labyrinths , is a fool , and j | cannot doctor me or mine. But , oh , | the Christian doctors ! What a comfort - , fort they have been in many of our i households ! And they ought to have • j a warm place in our prayers as well as praise on our tongues. My object at this point is not only to emoliate the criticisms of those in good , I health against those in poor health , but to show Christian people who aie j atrabilious what is the matter with 1 them. Do not charge against the heart i the crimes of another portion of your j | organism. Do not conclude that because - j cause the path to heaven is not arbored j ! with as fine a foliage , or the banks beautifully snowed with exquisite chrysanthemums as once , that therefore - j fore you are on the wrong road. The i road will bring you out at th same j i gate whether you walk with the stride j of an athlete or come up on crutches , ! j Thousands of Christians , morbid j about their experiences , and morbid j I about their business , and morbid about I I the present , and morbid about the fu ture , need the sermon I am now J ! * * * preaching. Some years ago a scientific lecturer went through the country exhibiting on great canvas different parts of the ( human body when healthy , and the same parts when diseased. And what ; the world wants now is some eloquent scientist to go through the country showing to our young people on blazing - ' ing canvas the drunkard's liver , the ' idler's liver , the libertine's liver , the I gambler's liver. Perhaps the spec tacle might stop some young man be fore he comes to the catastrophe , and the dart strike through his liver. My hearer , this is the first sermon ' you have heard on the Gospel of Health , and it may be the last you will , ever < hear on that subject , and 1 charge ( you , in the name of God , and , Christ i , and usefulness , and eternal des tiny , take better care of your health. When some of you die , if your friends put ] on your tombstone a truthful epi taph i , it will read : "Here lies the vic tim of late suppers ; " or it will be : , " what lobster salad ' "Behold at midnight - night i will do for a man ; " or it will be : "Ten cigars a day closed my earthly existence ; " or it will be : "Thought I could ( do at seventy what I did at twenty , and I am here : " or it will be : I "Here is the consequence of sitting a • half day with wet feet ; " or it will be : "This is where I have stacked my har vest of wild oats ; " or , instead of words , ' the stone-cutter will chisel for an epi taph on the tombstone two figures , namely , a dart and a liver. There is a kind of sickness that is beautiful when it comes from over work for God , or one's country , or one ' s own family. I have seen wounds ' that were glorious. I have seen an ' empty sleeve that was more beautiful i than the most muscular forearm. I , have seen a green shade over the eye. ' ! shot out in battle , that was more beautiful - ' tiful than any two eyes that had passed i without injury. I have seen an old missionary worn out with the malaria of African jungles , who looked to me more radiant than a rubicund gym nast. I have seen a mother after six : weeks' watching over a family of children - ' dren down with scarlet fever , with a : glory around her pale and wan face ' that surpassed the angelic. It all depends - ' pends on how you got your sickness ' ! and in what battle your wounds. • ' If we must get sick and worn out. let it be in God's service and in the i effort to make the world good. Not i in the service of sin. No ! No ! One • of the most pathetic scenes that I ever ! witness , and I often see it. is that } of men or women converted in the fif- ' ties or sixties or M-venties wanting to be useful , but they so Honed the world and Satan in the earlier part of their life that they have no phvslcal energy left for the s ervire of God. They sac rificed nerves , muscles. Inns * , bear * and lhor on the wren altar. Th-- I fought en the wrong side , and now. | when their sword i all hack .l up i > 'l | the.r ammunition all gone. the > enli.st I j for Emmanuel. When the high-met- I lied cavalry horse , which that mail f spurred into many a cavalry charge | with champing bit and flaming eye and | neck clothed with thunder , is worn i out and spavined and ring-boned ami } spring-halt , he rides up to the great | Captain of our Salvation on the white j horse and offers his services. With | such persons might have been , through | the good habits or a lifetime , erash- * f ing their battle-ax through the helmet- f ? d iniquities , they are spending their | days and nights In discussing the best \ way of curing their indigestion , and | quieting their jangled nerves , and rousing their laggard appetite , and tr > - Ing to extract the dart from their out raged liver. Better converted late than j never ! Oh , yes ; for they will get to j heaven. But they will go afoot when , j they might have wheeled up the steed j , hills of the sky in Elijah's chariot. ji There is an old hymn that we used to | i sing in the country meeting lmus ) { when I was a boy , and I remember u how the old folks' voices trembled _ ' with emotion while they sang it. I } ! have forgotten all but two lines , out , ] ' those lines are the peroration of my , sermon : 'Twill save us from aousand snare3 To mind religion young. Ilun't I'at I'll I- , , Vim Are ilmicry. ' There is a good old maxim whuh 'J runs as follows : "In time or peace pre pare for war , " and this is as trm in connection with the question of diet in health as in other things. Too m.tny people assume that because they enjoy lairly good health , no improvement need be effected in their di"t , but that this position is eminently untenable none who carefully consider the subject - ) ject will deny. Those whose praitiee brings them into contact with the wealthier classes have frequently .in opportunity of estimating the bad "f- ects of improper diet. As regards : he i poor , they are unable lo procure meat on account of their poverty , and. as a result , their diet is composed largely of carbohydrates. In the case or genei.il sickness , or even without unfavorable climatic conditions , botli classes h . ( m to be unable to resist attacks oi dis ease. It is for the most part the ap parently healthy people who aieo quickly stricken down by disease , while the chronic invalid may pass through unscathed , and yet no one seem to un- derstand that conditions were present which predisposed the healthy man < t woman to disease , and that these pr - existing conditions were largely due to want of attention to diet. It would be well for those who feel so sure that they are in perfect health to consult a doctor for instructions how to avoul disease. One very common mistake is to eat when not hungry , simply ue- cause it is "meal time. " and ad not one whit less stupid than that of re- plenishing one's fire because one bears one ' s neighbors coal-scuttle rattling. ' regardless of the fact that there is plenty of coal already on. and that any addition thereto would be mischievous. One < jiiisif Tn-ak IJIIN. Senator Forney , of the Kansas state senate , has a young daughter who tells why her father introduced so many freak bills in the senate. "Whenever he ran up against anything he didn't like , ' she says , "he would come home and write a bill again it. There is una of his railroad bills , for instance \ \ - e drove to town to church one nighr. ind there was a freight train on the cross ing , and it kept us there for twenry minutes. It annoyed pa dreadfully and he went home and wrote that bill to prohibit trains from obstruetinz < ro-s- ingc more than five minutes. Thf n one night somebody stole all our rhi' kens. The next day pa wrote his chicken bill. But you will notice that the bill lUi i-n't protect ducks. Pa don't like dirks. And he said if anybody wanted toreal them it was all right the duck.vai punishment enough. Whenever pa sjt down to write a bill we always ! : nw that something had happened to him. " Oricin of the Vt'oril TjjrilT. Every day when we open me news papers and read the political cii.fus - sions in its columns , we are sur.to come < across something about the tanir , says "Harper ' s Round Table. " Ev'ry one knows the meaning of the v.onl tariff ; but it is not generally known , where it originated. It is of Moorsii origin , and descended to us Irom * he time when the Moors oceupir-a a gjo.l.y part of Spain. In those days tney i > , jjt a : fort to guard the strait of Gibraltar , and they called it Tanfa. It was - .v custom of these people to levy rir.-s according to a fixed bcale. which • . < • , - adopted and changed from time to ? : rne. even ! as much as we do our own 'antr laws , on thp merchandise cf all • . - . , - sels passing in and out of tee MeiV' - - ranean. . They claimed the right &v vi-- tue of strength , and for yeard net. - . ' : a rich income. .Jtm-uile llor ctlmv Iarri < - < I. Ervm Shaw and Gertie Fisher. ? a' ] . sentenced to one year m the pent-n- tiary for joint horse theft , were we > l ! -.i in the jail parlors at Wilmington , Ohio. Gertie ' s mother , of Dayton , gave iier * < l consent. Gertie is a beautiful little gri : i and her husband a handsome beardE3 ! * boy. I Very Strange. I Mrs. Gray Isn't it lovely ! How | much did you pay for it ? Mrs. Gr en ! Two and a half a yard. Mrs. Gray What an odd price ! You are sure it wasn't ? 2.4S or 52.51 ? Boston T Jta- f script.