The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 14, 1897, Image 5

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    B l iWi < M > < iX8 > < Ki > < i > < . i > < iXWj
B U ftil lwV" * * ' " MI WIMfll < W > MI W WMt < Lllll > > t llllMlWll li aillll li W a l W .UlWMI lOt rW rtWW IT ' ' * ; * .T\
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R S3 Repairing : I nfiflo' | ' . All ' j
T' Done IB II IKS il [ O
' , = = | ? Short Ii : ? Attended b ? = 2
I gj o ce _ Misses * K
% I fi I Children's ' jV | 1
| j f I Shoes " * - j 1.
| I I Oxfords 1 i1 | |
III odllUdlo H
is Tlllil Rplmlilp Sllinp Sltnrpl 1
i i uiu nojitiiiit ) oiiutj oiuio ; i
j \ McCOOK , NEBRASKA. \ pNy
• " "ITCli ? * - * r"l2 * " * C 12 * Ct * t ? * ? "tM C - M ! * 2t S12I ? "TC * C"t1 CTC ? 9
& * EVERY member of S&fS
* § 1 toBE every iy
* *
$ ! ? /IllififiSSL EVERY village , in gfeg
rc1 lliililig 5b = V EVERY State and Ter. & *
& F fffifejpj EOR Noble Manhood , C f
5SS3 > TgKllS FOR True Womanhood g3 p
Sj , &t gives all important news of the g * !
Ssfic Nation and World , the most reliable $ pS
EU 3 mai\l et reportsbrilliant and instruegij j
© S § tix p litqrials , fascinating short sto- § f jj
SSfS ries OT unexcelled agricultural e- % $ &
wk * partn Slit ; scientific and mechanical Bjhi
5sc information , illustrated fashion artijf& j
s rSw eleshumorous illustrations , etc. , etc. kS * ?
I kS sS $
I 'ffifc FOR S1.50 , CASH IN ADVANCE. gjgj
\ EU 3 Address all Orders to THE McCOOK TRIBUNE. gjp
Jft fK * r SltliS 5 Write your name and address on a " postal " card , send it to Geo. IV. Best , fffifl fcivaJ ?
( & \ w5s 3 Tribune office , New York City , and a sampie copy of the New-York Weekly Tribune SBii
W d l& Wi"be maied i0 JfDU' Sft5
I HOW TO GET IT FOR § 3.50. pj
p"lf % | r | To be educated oue must read | < 7j
- S l t A AT the best literature. l $
OP * fe { The best literature is expenjgg \ - \
ft S Unparalleled she . to
X. I Cf Leslie's Illustrated Weekly , ] jQ
1 OFJFER. published at no Fifth Avenue , | =
* I Cl New York , is full of the best j s j
Rs - things. Its illustrations are \ 2fi
- j i superb ; its stories charming ; and its literary departments are |
Bk Iv l edited with consummate skill. 5fl
r feyxaJ Such a paper is a great popular educator. It should be in ; g"
P ! % if ! eveT > bome. O
p i& l The subscription price of Leslie's is $4 per annum. M P
C js l We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of Leslie's IllUS3 !
\ & = | trated Weekly and a copy of our own weekly for one year , at N = = *
5l\ I Q only $3.50 for both. - | §
II' f E Xo such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever V l
B M De nia e again. . i ra
1 1 1 Remit by postal order or check to | W1
: \ THE TRIBUNE , MeCook , Neb. kg
, 1 11 . -mii. i ai'i tni-iiri iujull mil , MIMIIIM lll " Milium i ' . .1 . - - . i. . . i.-t.i . . . . . . . , . . > - .
UcSOSZ , ITEBEADLi. Hiiirfjl
No. 2. Vestibuled Express , daily ,
Lincoln , Omaha , St. Joe ,
Kansas City , St. Louis.Chi-
capo , and all points south
ana east 5:55A.M.
No. 4. Local Express , daily , Lin
coln , Omaha , Chicago , and
all points east 9:00 : r. m.
N0.148. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday ,
Hastings and intermediate
stations 5:00 A. M.
No. 76. Freight , daily , Oxford , llol-
drege , H as.tngs 6:45 A. M.
No. So. Freightdaily , Hastings and
intermediate stations 7:00 A. M
No. 5. Local Express , daily , Den
ver and intermediate sta
tions 8:15 r. m.
No. 3. Vestibuled Express , daily ,
Denver and all points in
Colo.Utah and California , 11:40 p.m.
N0.149. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday ,
Akron and intermediate sta
tions 6:00 : A. M.
No. 77. Freight , daily.Stratton.IJen
kelman , Haigler , Wrayand
Akron 3:20 I' . M.
No. 63. Freight , daily.Stratton.Uen-
kelman , Haigler , Wrayand
Akron 5:00 IM. .
N0.175. Accommodation , Mondays ,
Wednesdays and Fridays ,
Imperial and intermediate
stations 7:00 A. M.
Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars
( seats free ) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baggage checked J ° any point in the
United States or Canada.
For information , time tables , maps and
tickets , call on or write C. E. Magner , Agent ,
MeCook , Nebraska , or J. Francis , General
Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nebraska.
Pay checks , Tuesday evening on N0.5.
Carl Berry and wife arrived home.Sat-
urday night , from visiting relatives in
Conductor H. H. Miller went down to
Lincoln , Saturday , returning Sunda } '
L.V. . Sta3ner returned home on Sun
day night from a brief visit to relatives
in Edgar.
Conductor W. D. Beyrer and wife re
turned , Saturday night , from their visit
in Michigan.
Brakenian E. Benjamin and mother
left on No. 2 , Wednesday morning , for
Toronto , Canada , on a visit.
Hosierj' for men , a complete line ia
black and tan shades at the
Famous Clothing Co.
Supt. Campbell went down to Kansas
City , Monday morning on 2 , to attend a
meeting of railwa\r officials in the city on
the Kaw.
Train-masters Kenyon and Josselyn
accompanied Paymaster D. T. Beans
through to Denver on the pay car , Tues
day night.
Brakeman Steve Dwyer returned to
work , Wednesday morning , after an ab
sence at the death-bed of his brother
John at Beatrice.
Conductors Foley , Knowland and
Wolff are on passenger during the ab
sence of Conductors Pope , Bronson and
Kendlen in California.
President Ripley of the Santa Fe has
issued a circular forbidding employes of
the company from engaging in business
without his written consent.
Emil Farmen of the car repairer's
force , received word , thismorning , of his
promotion to a position as freight brakeman -
man and will report for duty at MeCook
at once. His position here will be filled
by C P. Hamilton. Oxford 'Standard.
The initial train of the Burlington's
"Southwestern Limited"
left Chicago ,
Sunday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock. The
train consists of baggage car and smoker
through to Kansas City , one chair car to
Kansas City and another via St. Joseph
to Leavenworth , one sleeper for Kansas for St. Joseph and Leavenworth
and one via Hannibal and the Missouri ,
Kansas & Texas railroad for Texas , and
a dining car. The train is new through
out and presents several new features in
equipment and in construction. The
platform on the baggage cars has been
entirely dispensed with and the extra
length so gained will be used for the
storage of baggage. The vestibules of
the cars , both sleepers and coaches , are
of a new pattern and more space is given
to them than has been the custom here
tofore. All the cars were made especially
for this train and will .not be used in
any other service. The running time of
the new limited train will not be faster
than the trains which the Burlington has
run between Chicago and Kansas City ,
but the train is finer than any the road
has sent out of Chicago before. The par
ty which accompanied this train was
brought back from Mendota on a special
train which broke all existing records
for fast time. The distance from Men- 1
dota to Western avenue , seventy-nine *
miles , was made in 7gminutes , including
one dead stop , a slow up through Aurora
and again over a mile and a half of new
grading. At one place 4 3 miles were
made in three minutes.
1 | - n mm 1 11 m m m mmm - -
It is reported that the Burlington railway - '
way will soon commence work on its long
projectel extention to the Pacific coast
The road , it is said , is not to extend from
the Billings terminus of the Burlington ,
but to be built westward from a point
south of Sheridan , passing near the head
waters of the Little Powder river , skirt
ing the southern line of Yellowstone
park , thence in a tolerably direct line to
Boise. Idaho , and across the Snake into
Oregon , whence two branches will be
run to the coast , one south of the line of
the Oregon Railway and Navigation
company to Portland , and the other
north through Washington to Puget
sound. Lincoln Journal.
Last Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock the
marriage of Mr. Michael Vaughn and
Miss Anna Wilcox was selemnized in
the Catholic church , Rev. T. P. Haley
officiating. Mr. Vaughn is a very popu
lar young railroad man , a brother-in-law
of Supt. Campbell of the MeCook divi
sion , and possesses a highly moral and
energetic character Miss Wilcox re
sided at Crawford , where she was quite
a popular ana accomplished young lady.
They were attended by Miss Maggie
Vaughn and Mr. Peter Loughman. The
Grip 'joins their many friends in wishing
them all possible happiness and prosper
ity. Alliance Grip.
Last Friday morning at Beatrice , John
Dwyer , the Burlington's well known
commercial agent , passed away peace
fully and painlessly , after a sickness of
about a year's duration. Most of his
life was spent in the Burlington employ ,
in various capacities , all of which he
filled with ability. He was but forty
years of age. He leaves a wife but no
children. His brother , Steve Dwyer of
our city , was at his bedside at deathand
has the sympathy of all.
Supt. J. R. Phelan has leased Elmore's
ranch at the head of Snake creek , and is
having his large herd of cattle moved
from the ranch south of town , out there ,
under the direction of J. C. McCorkle.
His son Bernard is also helping , and as a
result is acquiring a lot of good experi
ence , and already wears a cowboy look.
Bernard is going to take after his father
as a good manager. Alliance Grip.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Robison left on j
Thursday morning for Missouri , where
they will visit with relatives a month or J
so , hoping to " benefit his health.
Master-mechanic Archibald hied himself - ( :
self away to Kansas Cit3 * , Monday morn-1
ing on business.
Adolph Mangless and bride visited rel
atives and friends in Holdrege over Sunj j
. .
day. 1
Operator McManigal is at headquarters - |
ters again , after a short stay at Yuma. 1
Roadmaster Sam Rogers and family '
spent Wednesday in Cambridge. j
James Lee indulged in a tender mission |
to Hastings over Sunday. )
For Sale on Easy Terms.
JSoo.oo buys the two-story house and
two lots south of brick school house.
$ buys the two houses south of
Al. Noren's.
$2,500.00 buys the Spearman house and
and three lots.
$1,000 00 buys the D. J. Smith livery
$400.00 buys the northeast quarter of
section 21 , range 1 , township 30.
$5,000.00 buys the F. and M. Bank
$300.00 buys the Quan property.
Other lots and lands to be given away
to those having a little sand and a few I
dollars. Here is a chance to make money. |
§ - Cordeal , Agent. 1
In New Quarters. \
I am now located in the Laycock store •
room , where I shall be pleased to see all J
my old customers and many new ones.
My stock of cigars , tobaccos and smokers' .
articles is uuequaled in the city. In connection - j
nection with my retail establishment , I \
run a cigar factory ; besides one of the |
best appointed billiard and pool rooms j
in the Republican valley. Everything
first class. J H. BENNETT.
Wall Paper at McConnell's.
House Paints , Floor Paints ,
Buggy Paints , Wagon Paints ,
Family Paints , Enamel Paints ,
And all kinds Varnish Stains at
Quality in flour means more than 3-011
ever thought of , probably. It is more
important than anything \-ou buAl -
wa3-s get the Victor Patent and 3-ou have
the best. For sale 03 * the
McCook Commission Co.
ftAA44rf. 50 YEARS'
rfmjKq * DESICNS ,
r ? " COPYRICHT3 < tc.
Anyone sendinp a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain , free , whether an invention i9
probably patentable. Communications strictly
confidential Oldest acency foreecurinR patents
in America. We have a Washington office.
Patents token through Munn & Co. receire
special notice in the
beautifully illustrated , larpest circulation of
any scientific journal , weekly , terms $3.00 a year ;
fUiOstx months. Specimen copies and Haxq
Book ox Patents sent free. Address I
MUNN & CO. .
361 liroadnny. New Y rk. - r
W H i
. . DRESSES. . . H
§ H Now is the time to buy them. H ? |
§ H Our line of Dress Goods is large. | | § j
jH Prices are very reasonable. Come
g a and see the line of wash fabrics for | & j
P | 'Summer Dresses , the assortment is p j j
g3 good. Buy now before the best Ifs ji
dp things are gone. You can save ass I :
§ H money by buying Ladies ' Shirt | § § !
jjg | Waists , Ladies ' Spring Capes , and j
rags Ladies ' Dress Skirts of us. ss i
S IB *
ggjg We still sell the G-D Corsets. } 8p
gggg No better Corset sold at § 1.00. &r $
m VM
p $ Grocery Stock is always comjp $
sQjg plete. Get our prices. pjjQs .
pi | § I
ffifi& AT THE . . . § ? S J
ill . m. I
B . itore . M I
Kjfe a. L. DeGROFF & GO. S& I
. . . . . . . . . . .
mnmm * * m mm mmmiwii. i. .i. i i i.i ii .mh.1 i m mm II IIIWI ! ! IMIWl HMIH | | 1B1 mi Mim I I. M
y rKATIONAI j | § I
M Authorized Capital , $1003000. | 3 1
| p Capital and Surplus , $60,000 S I
&Cl GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. fXj I
ggl W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. l j
gpj A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director.
. . . . . .
gg. J r -Jr ? lr < JV > ? V - V - * V V - - iffjt | Wft - iSV V j > - < V - < T- rjfj..y. Tl V. fP S B
tfi > &
# V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT. Cashier. & I
# I
# OF MeCOOK , NEB. #
% r ?
# iff
# & I
# Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Sul'plus , Si0,000 # I
# f M
| | = DIRECTORS l = L- S !
# # I