The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 30, 1897, Image 4

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    B By F. M. KIMMELL.
_ _ H $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE.
_ _ H Holman , the great objector , is
_ _ H | no more.
_ H When Turk meets Greek then
9 comes the foot race.
H ' The prophets forecast a bounti-
_ _
_ _ H | fur harvest from the great spring
_ _ H floods. May they not be false
D prophets.
Hb So far in the Graeco-TurkiBh
HS squabble the Lord seems to be on
Hl the side of the stronger battalion ,
B if He has anything at all to do
HH with such work.
HB The condition of the farmers in
H the Missouri and Mississippi val-
Hl leys is anything but reassuring.
J The prospects are that many valu-
1 able acres will not be seeded , this
H year ; and if at all very late in the
H season. The cry comes up from
1 all that section about the lateness
H and wetness of the season.
H • • The dedication of the splendid
H mausoleum in Eiverside park , New
H York , wherein lie the remains of
H America's greatest soldier. Ulysses
H S- Grant , this week , was one of the
_ _ H | most imposing pageants ever witH -
_ _ H nessed in this country. The tomb
_ Hj and the impressive manner of its
formal dedication are worthy the
memory of the great general.
The board of fire and police
commissioners of Lincoln have un
dertaken a largebut righteous job ;
they are insisting upon the Sloc-
nmb law being observed , and have
notified all saloonmen to remove
all chairscard tables or beer tables ,
wine rooms or partitions and to
. and to keep their curtains up four
H feet from the bottom.
| _ | The new factory of the Wiscon- (
i _ _ H sin Beet Sugar company at Me-
| | | nomonee Palls was considerably
J _ _ H delayed in construction by various
_ _ H causes , but it has finally begun
_ _ _ | turning out the finished product.
_ _ H It was found that the beets which !
_ _ | were stored in pits all winter
_ _ _ | against the completion of the fac-
_ _ H tory came out in the spring in al-
_ _ H most perfect condition. Next fall
_ _ H the factory will begin a campaign
_ _ _ _ as soon as the beets are ready.
_ _ H Then by storing all the crop that
_ _ H cannot be handled at once it will
_ _ H be possible to continue in opera-
_ _ H tion until the beets are all worked
_ _ H up. The farmers in the vicinity ,
_ _ H of Menomonee Falls will find a
_ _ H ready market for all the beets they
_ _ H can raise for many years. Journal. '
_ _ H Secretary Furnas has issued a <
_ _ H circular correcting or intending to '
_ _ H remove erroneous impressions 1
H about the "State Fair Bulletin" , 1
_ _ H held by some of the Nebraska i
_ _ H press. He states that the Bulletin !
_ _ H is not a source of expense to the
_ _ B state board of agriculture , but is
_ _ B simply an individual enterprise , i
_ _ _ L obtaining its revenue from adver- <
_ _ Hj tisements , and transported free by' ' ]
_ _ H [ the railroads. Also , that the BuiJ J
_ _ B letin has been found most advan- J
_ _ H tageous to the Nebraska as well as
_ _ Hi similar publications have been to
_ _ K other state fairs , and concludes '
_ Hj with the statement that he believes . '
_ _ K the management is entirely excus-
_ _ H able in using so valuable a gratui- i
_ _ H tous medium , and hopes to have .
_ _ H the hearty cooperation of the Nd- .
_ _ H braska press in the future as in
_ _ H the past. And we see no good and
_ _ H sufficient reason why the Governor i
_ _ H shall not have it.
= = = = = = = = = = = =
H Onion sets , all vari- ]
H eties , at Kuipple's.
_ _ _ _ H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
H DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvr
H | Cures Piles. Scalds , Burns.
_ _ _ _ H
_ _ _ _ H
_ _
' , > > TJ&TftSiKti > . . . ' , . . . I..II , v , ' , I , . .
Dr. Hobson of the Leland is
quite ill.
Messrs. Joe Dolph and Chas.H.
Oman with their ladies drove over
on Sunday.
Mesdames Crago and Neel drove
to the county seat , Thursday last ,
to visit friends.
Ex-Co. Attorney Sidney Dodge
and J. E. Lawthers were over on
legal business , Monday.
Uncle John Peake is still quite
sick. He has not been able to
leave the home for some time.
Mrs. Marinda Wyckoff is having
the house she recently purchased ,
repaired , painted and papered.
The League social held on last
Friday night netted over § 11 , not
withstanding it was a bad night.
County Attorney Keyes' new
addition to his dwelling is enclosed ,
and they will soon have a nice
Mrs. E. J.Vivian and Mrs. Unas. *
Masters drove over from Box Eld
er , Tuesday , to visit friends and do
some shopping.
The B. & M. is grading a small
piece of land west of the depot , in
tending to beautify the same with
flowers and trees.
A'letter from Bev. J. M. Mann
from California states that they
are nearly ready to cut their sec
ond.crop of alfalfa. .
The League accepted an invita
tion to attend a social given by the
Bartley League , and quite a num
ber drove down , this Wednesday
Mrs. Marion Powell and two
little girls have gone to Illinois to
visit Mrs. Powell's sister Bessie ,
who , since her marriage , lives in
that muddy country.
On Friday evening , May 7th ,
Boy Israel , the boy elocutionist of
Orleanswill , give one of his unique
entertainments in the Methodist
church for the benefit of League.
On Tuesday night , May 11th ,
the Oddfellows expect work in the
initiatory and first and second de
grees. All members of the order
are requested to be present , as a
good time is expected.
Last Thursday , Eddie Mack and
Bay Dutcher in playing set fire tea
a rick of hay at John Dutcher's ;
then fearing punishment , the Mack
boy who is about ten years of age ,
coaxed Bay who is only six , to run
away. They were found the same
night at Bartley , having walked '
about fifteen miles. '
The Easter service held on last
Sunday at School Creek was enjoyed - ,
joyed by all , though at its close ]
quite a serious accident happened.
The Chinn sisters in coming down ,
the long hill had a break occur in '
the harness. Miss Virgie attempting - ]
ing to jump out fell on her head
and was hurt quite badly.
It is stated that ex-Congress-
man Andrews will be appointed to
an auditorship in the treasury de
partment , with a salary of § 3,600 , (
His many Fifth district admirers J
hope the announcement is correct.J J
The agony in Kentucky is ended ,
with the selection of William J. j
Deboe , who is known as a staunch ;
Republican , ns United States sen
to all remitting during the next three months.
Regular price. $2.00. Bright , newsy entertainI
ing. An illustrated journal of highest literary
merit. Send for sample copy. j
For the above period we will make the follow
ing prize offers to parties sending in cash subscriptions - .
scriptions : Value
30 subscribers , pair guaranteed road tires. $12.00
15 " Camera takes pictures 4Kx4J * 5.00 J
10 / ' Cycle Lamp 3.00
5 " Guaranteed Foot Pump 1.50
2 " Lightning Repair Tool 50
1 " Aluminum Nameplate personal - \ :
sonal name engraved .35 '
For further particulars , address t :
The Cycling West Pun. Co. , Denver. Cole , j
W. V. Vickrey made a business
visit to Omaha , first of the week.
Rev. R. H. Chrysler of Wilson-
ville spent a couple of days here ,
middle of last week.
The Christian Endeavor society
gave an ice cream social in M. E.
hall , Wednesday evening.
S. W. Clark returned , Tuesday
evening , from a visit of a few days
in Omaha and Council Bluffs.
A. M. Brittell's family arrived
here from Imperial , Friday even
ing of last week , and are temporarily
arily quartered in the old dormi
tory building.
Perce Catlett concluded an eight
months' term of school at Palisade ,
last Friday , and came home , Mon
day evening. Pa Catlett will use
him as a weed exterminator on the
farm , this summer.
It is hoped that the recently
elected village board will give im
mediate attention to the waterworks
plant and either fill the tank with
water or pull it down and present
the material to Sam Bryan for use
as fuel.
Harry Payne and Miss Lola
Nicholson were married by Bev.
G. B. Mayfield at the residence of
E. E. Smith , Sunday evening. Mr.
and Mrs. Payne will leave within
a few days to locate permanently
in Oregon.
Wm. Bentley of Edgar , extra
brakeman for the B. & M. , is spend
ing a few days here with his par
ents while nursing a couple of fin
gers which were badly pinched be
tween drawbars while making a
coupling one day last week.
It is announced that the county
teachers' association will meet here ,
Saturday , May 8 th. The town
will be surrendered to the school-
ma'ams and if they see anything
they want and will ask for it they
can have it , even the choice of our
numerous old bachelors , A. B.
Miss Grace Curlee gave a charm
ing little party , Thursday of last
week , in honor of E. L. Dennis ,
who left on the following evening
for McCook. A palatable collation
was served and , excepting the fare
wells to Mr. Dennis , there was
nothing to detract from the en joy-
ment of a merry evening.
Bev. Mayfield of
of this place and Elder J. H. Rob
erts of the Christian churchHend-
ley , conducted a union meeting in
the hall , last Sunday evening. El
der Roberts delivered a very able
sermon to a large congregation. A
meeting of like nature will be held
in the Christian church , Sunday
evening , May 9th , when Rev. Mayfield -
field will preach.
When a cold is contracted , cure it at once.
One Minute Cough Cure yill set you on the
road to recovery in a minute. It will cure
pneumonia , bronchitis , croup and all forms of
lung and throat troubles. A. McMillen.
J. F. Black has fifty acres sown
to hog millet. Several others are
sowing some.
Alfalfa has depleted the cattle
Df the vicinity by a few head. J.
F. Helm lost a few but have not
learned how many.
Preparations are in progress for
a nice entertainment at the Chris
tian church on children's day , the
1st Sunday in June.
Mrs. Baker is expected home
from her daughter's in 'Frontier
county , where she has been visit
ing for some time past.
Bud Rinck and wife expect to
stop here , this summer , unless
alarming prospects of a drought
appear , of which there is now no
Unconditional surrender , is the only terms
hose famous little pills known as DeWitt's
Little Early Risers will make with constipa-
ion , sick headache and stomach troubles. A.
McMillen. I
Joe Saunders traded a horse for
10 bushels of eorn.
The chicken crop is anything
but encouraging so far.
The farmers are hard at it ogain
plowing , sowing , listing corn , etc.
Radishes , cabbage , turnips and
lettuce are up to greet the morn
ing sun.
Elsie Ward is now a resident of
this precinct. Box Elder's loss is
our gain.
R. Traphagen is breaking some
of H. H. Easterday's farm in this
The assessor of this township is
around finding how much taxable
property we have.
I. B. Stryker tested his seed corn
of his own raising and found 100
per cent of it will grow.
John Smith has hired Robert
Johnson to lighten his burdens
for the coming season.
Fred Brown of the the Willow ,
of coyote destroying fame , is teach
ing the olive branches how to
shoot in the Parson dist. , Frontier
What is the matter with the
Coleman correspondent ? Don't see
his weekly writings anymore. Am
sure he is at home because his
familiar face is seen occasionally
at meeting.
Sunday school was reorganized
the 18th , with Willie Peterson as
superintendent. It will doubtless
be a success as there is talent and
ambition enough at Spring creek
to make it interesting.
The people of Spring creek and
vicinity were pleased to listen to a
sermon , last Sunday , by Rev. E. J. '
Vivian. His absence in Kansas ,
sickness and unfavorable weather
combined , have kept him away for
some time. He expects to preach
to them every two weeks in the
Will Higby was in these parts ,
Dr. Guun of McCook was on
our streets , Monday.
J. E.Tirrill had business in this
town , Friday- last week. i
Jacob Crocker hauled a load of
corn out from McCook , Saturday. ;
Jacob Pickrell made a business '
trip to Hoxie , Kansas , fore part of 1
the week. i
D. H. Babbitt and wife from ,
near McCook visited at W. N. . ,
Cratty's , Sunday.
E. G. Dunham and wife and (
Miss Miller called at R. M. Wade's ,
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. R. M. Wade has been suffering - i
fering from a severe attack of the i
grip , for the past two weeks , but i
is able to be about again. 1
James Resch is very busy re
pairing the fence of the pasture on
the Stewart ranch. He has also
built considerable new fence en
larging the pasture , which is now
one of the best in the countv. c :
Croup and whooping cough are childhood's -
terrors ; but like pneumonia , bronchitis and
other throat and lung troubles , can be quckly
cured by using One Minute Cough Cure. A. ,
McMillen. I
King George's subjects seem to
be more intent upon his abdication
than thev are after Turkish blood.
The free high school law has
been declared invalid by the su
preme court. Under this decision
non-resident pupils will have to
pay tuition when attending high
schools in the future , and the col
lection of tax will have to be sus
pended. The decision is not un
expected to many who have given < ?
the matter some attention.
The season of the year is at hand
when garden sass and the like will
be very acceptable.
J. S. Modrell is making prepar
ations to plant a good sized field to
broom corn and that means work.
Mahlon Campbell remembered
the natives in this corner and with
his big book made a call , first of
the week.
James Brady is enclosing the
yard about his house with chicken
fencing which will be a source of
much comfort during the spring
and summer.
Dan and Thurst Doyle , two of
the Willow's best boys , are busy
putting in an immense crop besides
having in charge the upper ranch
formerly occupied by the elder
Mike Steltzer viewed the sights
of Denver from a stock car , one
day last week , and says he could
have found work there but has
hired out to Irve Spaulding for
the coming summer.
A. J. Hanlein has secured em
ployment at Emporia , Kansaswith
the Santa Fe railroad , with which
company his brother Henry has
been connected for several years.
"Dick" will be missed from the
community where he has lived so
long and many well wishes go .with
him to his new home and vocation.
Now that the assessor has been
around again one is reminded of
the fact that the farmer bears more
than his share of taxation , all his
property being in sight. In the
majority of cases he has no desire
to hide any of ic , but a squint at the
assessor's book reveals a state of
ubsent mindedness that's more than
As a great deal of corn , last
year , was planted late and failed
to ripen , there is a tendency every
where to plant very early , this
spring. This may not prove to
be the best , for last year's condi
tions may not be repeated. But
few people have any faith in the
moon but prefer to wait until the
soil has attained a certain degree
of temperature before any planting
is done.
No one has a patent on farming
either good or bad. All that he
does is out in plain view , for eery
passerby to see and talk abont.The
farmer cannot take his fields into
the house or conceal them back of
the barn , and odd as it may seem
the writer derives much pleasure
from the comments of the many
who go back and forth and in loud
voices exchange ideas as to how
this or that should be done. A
certain patch of rye which looks
well for so early in the seuson has ]
been a thorn in the side as it were :
Df more than a few , and one day {
not long ago as a train of hog .
wagons from Frontier county hurried - <
ried by a fat man in the lead was j
heard to call to some one how well '
i certain batch of shoats at home '
tvould do on that rve and he'd bei i
lurned if he wouldn't drive 'em
lown if it wasn 't quite so far.
Not only acute lung troubles , ivhich may'
) ro\e fatal in a few dajs , but old chronic {
oughs and throat troubles may receive imme-
liate relief and be permanently cured by <
Dne Minute Cough Cure. A. McMillen. .
Awarded :
HighesV Honors World's Fair , *
dr ;
pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free :
rom Ammonia , Alum or anv other adulterant
Absolutely Pure. W M
Celebrated for its great leavening _ _ l
strength and healthfulness. Assures the _ _ |
food against alum and all forms of adul m M
teration common to the cheap brands ! _ H
Royal Baking Powder Co. , NuWv y M
York. s Mmm
\ i H
When the spring time comcs/'Gentle Annie" , _ _ _ _
like all other sensible persons , will cleanse L H
the liver and renovate the system with De- , r > ? CSH
Witt's Little Early Risers , famous little pills < /j _ |
tor the liver and stomach all the year round. T _ _ _ _ _
A. McMillen. < M M
= = = = = = = = r mW
Bulk Seeds of all - hH
kinds at Kuipple's. H
I desire to attest to the merits of Chamberk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iain's Cough Remedy as one of the most valu- y , J _ _ _ _ _
able and efficient preparations on the market. J e y |
It broke an exceedingly dangerous cough for f * m _ _ _
me in 24 hours , and in gratitude , therefor , I JT _ |
desire to inform you that I will never lie withJ Jf _ _ |
out it , and you should feel proud of the high/ ' _ _ H
esteem in which your Remedies are held by _ _ _ H
people in general. It is the one remedy ' | _ _ H
among ten thousand. Success to it. O. R. J _ _ H
Downey , Editor Democrat , Albion , Ind. For _ _ _ |
sale by L. W. McConnell be Co. , Druggists. j _ _ _ |
Onion Seeds , guaranteed - H
anteed of 1S96 , lied j IH
Weatliersfield , at 50c Jfl
a pound. Knipple. . H
= = = = = = = =
A man stands no chance of being elected to _ _ _ _ B
the mayorship of a city unless he enjoys the * _ _ H
confidence and esteem of his neighbors. Geo. , - _ _ H
W. Humphrey is the popular mayor of Swan- _ _ H
ton , Ohio , and under date of Jan. 17 , 1896 , he _ _ _ H
writes as follows : "This is to certify toourap- ( . _ H
preciation of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. , - _ _ _ H
My family and neighbors have tested it , and J _ H
we know it is an excellent remedy for coughs _ _ _ H
and colds. George W. Humphrey" . Sold by H
L. W. McConnell & Co. . Druggists. _ _ H
Early Ohio seed po- \ % \
tafcoes 55 cents per H
bushel at Kuipple's. _ _ H
It is , or should be , the highest aim of every _ / _ _ H
merchant to please his customers ; and that / - |
the wide-awake drug firm of Meyers & Eshle- , _ _ H
man. Sterling , 111. , is doing so , is proven by V H
the following from Mr. Eshelman : "In my J _ H
sixteen years' experience in the drug business ' |
I have never seen or sold or tried a medicine H
that gave a. , good satisfaction as Chamber- H
Iain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy" . , | |
Sold by L. XV. McConnell k. Co. , Druggists. / / , H
100 bushels of SeedV B
Sweet Potatoes 3 cts. H
a lb. at Kiiipple's. _ |
_ _
On the morning of Feb. 20,1S95,1 was sick H
with rheumatism , and lay in bed until May J H
21 st , when I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain * H
Balm. The first application of it relieved me _ H
almost entirely from the pain and the second H
afforded complete relief. In a short time I . - > . H
was able to be up and about again. A. T. H
Moreaux , Luverne , Minn. Sold by L. W. Mc- / / l
Connell & Co. , Druggists. j _ _ _ H
Bulk Seeds of all 'jH '
kinds at Knipple's. H
Thirty years is a long time to fight so pain- j |
ful a trouble as piles , but Jacob Mitchell , of j H
Unionville , Pa. , struggled that long before he W M
tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve , which H
quickly and permanently cured him. It is H
equally effective in ec/ema and all skin af- H
fections. A. McMillen. _ _ H
Personal The gentleman who annoyed j H
the congregation last Sunday by continually f H
coughing will find instant relief by using One H
Minute Cough Cure , a speedy and harmless H
remedy for throat and lung troubles. A. Mc- H
Millen. , -J , H
f Palace Meat Market # _ H
gg. Tu o doors outh of w , . J H
7 * Commercial Hotel. if > - |
| | A. CARSON , Proprietor. | | H
it Everything usually in ? H
j a First Class Market will w H
% r be found here. M
# H
W Leave Orders for Milk Here & lmm\ \
% % , % / % * ' ' * / % % - | H
EDWARD E. L0W3rAyS / ) S
I Fire , Life & Accidents \ Jj W
t Houses "ated , collections and t J J - 1
{ conveyancing. Taxes paid for S Al , M
I residents , m East iW-ST T > *
P son street , McCOOK , NEB. * $ T _ H