The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 23, 1897, Image 3

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    PBBMBK Uif < " ai. iBHy i < wiiiwi | J'j.y iijhi < hiii i iiiiibwi > iih'ii mna' ' i u mimuiwuiuiwwwmiui m' ' ww
. . . .
T7 Jiil.H.liili.i * , h *
g ! 1 -gfinun | ii t * v. *
k Ta\ Uoxed the Coiupais.
B | The captain ol a bark recently ar-
H 7 ; i rived in the Boston harbor told me
Bf' j/ ' tt pretty good story iho other
Hbvt day. Ho aaia at our port be
E\i J shipped a green • hand , being
'Jl short of seamen. As a sort ol
Eh&A % preliminary ho asked th3 raw recruit
HkA \ if he thought ho could "box. thoeom-
HP\r | \ "Oh. vis. ser , " Baid the newly-
Hil fledged seaman.
K5r \ "Well , 11 said the captain pointing
Vjf * to the binnacle , "let's see how well
B/ff A you can do if
RAiI / Whereupon the raw recruit stepped
Hkoiy up to the binnacle , and /etched the
B unoffending compass a mighty whack
V t. with his big hard hand , and then
fti \ went on culling the binnacle in a not
Jk \ unscientific manner , until the cap-
B ( fa tain pulled him away and told him
VrV , Ji that was not the kind of boxing that
BBK u vls required en board 6hip , and if
ErftY there was any of it to do ho would
j C do it himself.
H H ,
H f l III U ! ldO HltlTT.
HvL A side show attached to a circus
A\ which showed in a country town in
KK s West Virginia last summer had a
HujC big sign : "Only ten cents to sco
V wf the most wonderful tiling in the
HkfK world. " Persons curious enough to
T < ip \ pay the dime , found a man sitting on
I \ { a chair inside whittling a piece of
j\ wood. As ho cut away , with an out-
V ward sweep of his "knife , he re-
i 1 > marked : "Gentlemen , always whit-
Hfc\i ilo like this , and you will be in non
n/ danger of cutting yoursolvc ? . " This
Vt \ was the whole show. People who
K f V had boon duped were so anxious to
BpV / have company that they went out
m f and advised their friends to go in ,
K p f and it is claimed that the side show
K.ii did more business than the circus.
H'o ( JroHter J'root 1'osxihle.
Hl i Miss Pastelle It's too bad ! I love
K' L' you and I've promised to marry you ,
HA | } and yet there isn't a bit of romanea
HmTX about it. You hare never once saved
B\x \ ' \ Adorer 1 haven 't eh ? Don't you
T\f | remember the first time you saw me ?
Kk "Yes ; I was walking down the ave-
BjA nue and you passed me on your
Hjlff bicycle. "
H - [ N "Yes , and I rang the bell for you
Hlv * ° ei out ° * t ie wa3 * i Qt I' "
l Puck.
V A New Botanical Discovery.
F V' The Wonderful Kava-Kava Shrub.
MkN Nature's Cure for Diseases of
Eyf ) tne Kidneys , Rheumatism and
K\V f other maladies caused by Uric
KV Acid In the Blood. A Blessing-to
f 1 Sufferers.
fekTv. A few weeks ago we told our readers
bo. of the new botonical discovery , the
HR Kava-Kava Shrub , or as botanists call
Hri it , PirisK Metiitsticcm , found on the
EJm ? Ganges Itiver , East India. This won-
K | \ derfu ! shrub has proved to be a true
Bfjt specific cure for all diseases caused by
Kf ( Uric Acid in the Blood , such as Kidney
KM and Uladder disorders , Kheumatism ,
Lv etc It was no doubt used for centuries
KL by the natives as a specific remedy for
p \ jungle fevers , miasma , and other inala-
Mtj 7a dies , when it was required to clean out
Hy - " the poisons from the Blood through the
B'4. . _ . -r action of the Kid-
Kv tS mllS uS fiW nc3sEuropean
X Sr & l P physicians pro-
v-V * HlKirl § ivi& nonnceitthejrreat-
Hfp jXQ AiiUffiGsnP est medical boon
m/ F Siii SHS&i since the discovery
n i " ° Quinine , which ,
B K 4wfi IP iF like the Kava-Kava
.tSt&i&ltMrL S1U'Ub' WaS fil"St
BftV '
_ . &
Eft & * &l&&iw ° found in use among
K' TnEKava-Kava SmtUE Christian mission-
Kji { Piper MeLhyttizuvi. ) aries. It is a most
B 4' wonderful discovery , with a record of
V h nearly 2w00 hospital cures in less than
f- two months.
H'K 1 he s' .ronpest tectimor.y is given b.r ministers of
V ttie goni > el ilcclors , btiEiness men and Libers who
Bft liare been iv toicd to health by the use or Alkalis.
S the new ji-mi-tly jueparei irom the Kara-Kara
f ; Shrub. The Xt\r York tliriuian Witness of Feb.
C * 10th , tells tlie story of Iter. John H. Watson , of
Ftr Sniuet , Texai , stricken down by Kidney disease
H. t after tliirty years' jcrrice as minister of the gospel.
| f > , sivennptodi by tnro errellent doctors , and ilnally
H , > / \ re tox-J to health and t > his reii iout. duties by
A # r ARavis. ltev A. C Darling , of North Conktantia.
Eff ] , / JT. Y. . wbnne cafe it described in the Christian
mft ) Advocateot.Ian. 30 , had lost confidence , as he says ,
mlp In man and medicine , and n-an preiiarinc for death ,
j * irhen he learned of this wonderlul renitdy , took it ,
H | and was heiled. In his offerings he was often
/2i compelled to rikf ten times duting the nUht from
D -weakness of the Bladder , but Alkaris quickly cured
, ,7 him. Haiiy cases of Brights' Disease liave been
. ' -ll cured by this wonderful shrub , as testified
gr to in the New Yi rk World , of March ! > . by Hon. F. D.
HT Jackson , Governor of Iowa , and others. Man } *
B . ladies als.i. inclndinz Mrs. Alice Evac , of Baltimore.
BE " Wd. ; ilrs. Nary A. Layman , of Keel.Vest Va. , twenty
HFL -fears a hUlferer ; and Mr ? . L. K Co [ > tlind. Kit River.
P % ilinii. . Join .u tettllyiiiir to it , Koi.deKul euratire
Bp1 power In vaiiis lorms of Kidney and allied diseases ,
m 'itft • tnd ot other troublesome afflictions peculiar to
miil'g -womanhood. It is tmly a wondertul discovery and
jr ) J Iraughtwltli b'essinss to afflicied htimanity.
KcE Up to the present the Church Kidney Cute Compa-
K3U ( ny , lis Kouit. ) Avenue Xe\7 York , are the only lra-
Hg lW porters of Alkaris andtbeyale o aniious to prove
E i/ Its value tha for the sake i > f intiodnttinn they will
K > ; - > ndt fr.-e tteatment or AIkavipiepaid by mail to
3 > l every reader t.f thisHiai > er who is a ruffercr from any
KJ form of Kh' .ney or Bladder dihorder , Bruht'K Disease ,
KSVS lUieumatisn ) , Dropsy , Gravel , l-aln in Back , Fem&'e
H /r % Complaints , or other afiliition due to improper action
mfSfil of tb < ; Kidneys or Urinary Organs.
H > % ) 7e advise all Sufferers to send their
H C names and address to the company ,
Hj2 . and receive the Alkavis free. It is
Kfig sent to yon entirely free , to prove its
HeW wonderful curative powers.
Kfi7 Increase In Divorces.
H * ) | Thei-e has been an increase of 157
HHkT per cent in the number of divorces
fTB | granted in this country from 1S57 tel
l - l 1886. fn tne same time there has
HBfv been an increase in population of GO
ffiper cenk
H A package of PERDVIAXA , the best
Hj OT kidney euro on earth , sent FREE to any
Hyy suffererif-written for promptly. Peruviana
W/ Remedy Co. , 2SG Fifth St. , Cincinnati , Ohio.
mp There are very few pearls picked np in
K the road.
K Do not disjiutewith every person -who
JL crants to. .
- - -
-h/ ;
K * -As von cbcw tobacco for pleasure use Star.
V It is not only the best but the moat lasting , and ,
ft tberelore , tbc cheapest.
PK Do not waste all j-our time giving good
Aj \ advice.
E jf . Things sometimes fail to go even by
* s.
HfnT ( comparison.
r > A * Henmnn'R Camphor lce > with Glycerine.
UVi Cures Chapped Hands and Face. Tender or Sore Feet ,
H [ I Chilblains , Piles , Ac. C G. Clark Co. , Sew Karen , CL
| b \ Anybody can ride in a hack at an
B N > 'leetion or a funeral.
H , To .Cure Coastlration Forever.
Hl Talio Cascarcts Canay Cathartic. 10c or 25a
m IS C.C. C fall to cure , drureists refund money. ,
M M * * _ WZVT' * * * * * ? * : ' M m HM HMMMM
Tariff and International Bimetallism
the Chief Topic The Former IIccolv-
injj Especial Attention In Congress
Hot Shot for the Democratic Minority.
( Washington Correspondence. )
If there Is any doubt on the part of
any man , woman or child as to the
determination of President McKinley
and the Republicans generally to carry
out the pledges of the party , they
should take a look at the white house
and capltol these busy days. There is no
lagging at either place. The tariff , the
International Bimetallic conference ,
the protection of American citizens are
all getting close attention and with
prospect of good results.
The Farmers Untler Discussion in Con
A long distance telephone , connect
ing every farmer in the United States
with the capitol of the United States
would have given to the farmers of the
country this week some interesting
information as to the attitudes of the
two great parties. The tariff bill has
been under discussion and no farmer
could have listened to the discussion
without being able to clearly determine
who were his friends and who were
not his friends. The strong , vigorous
arguments of the Republican members
of the ways and means committee in
behalf of those features of the bill
which * are especially beneficial to the
farmers on the one hand , and the cov
ert sneers of the democratic and popu
list orators relative to the very fea
tures of the bill on the other , show
that the farmers of the country made
no mistake when in last November
they voted the Republican party in
power and the protective system in
operation. The Republican members of
the committee have shown that the
bill was framed with the interests of
the farmers constantly in mind , while
the attacks upon that measure by the
democrats have been specially leveled
at those features which were beneficial
to the farmers. Chairman Dingley in
his opening address called especial at
tention to those features and Gen.
Wheeler , of Confederate fame , who led
off the debate for the free trade wing
of the democracy , attacked fiercely
those features of the bill which are
intended to be especially valuable to
the agricultural community. Congress
man Hopkins of Illinois devoted a
large share of his speech to an ex
planation of the reciprocity features ,
showing that under the reciprocity
treaties made in pursuance of the McKinley -
Kinley law , great advantages were
gained in foreign markets for our ag
ricultural products and that even
greater opportunities are offered by
the new bill ; while Populist Bell of
Colorado , who followed him in oppo
sition to the bill , especially attacked
the wool schedule and denounced the
effort to give the home market t < j the
American workmen and thus to the
American producers. Mr. Bell's speech
was freighted with sneers at the wool
tariff , the sugar tariff , the tariff on
flax and hemp , and indeed everything
in the bill which is Republican in .doc
trine and which is intended to bene
fit the farmer , and these attacks were
coupled with admissions on his part
that even his own state had good beet
growing soil , great opportunities for
wool production and other agricultural
possibilities of extreme value. Popu
lists and Democrats seemed to vie with
each other in their denunciation of the
tariff measure and all because it is
the production of the Republican party.
International Bimetallism.
While there has been no official an
nouncement as to the immediate pol
icy of the administration regarding in
ternational bimetallism the develop
ments have been such as to warrant
the conclusion that the negotiations
for an international conference are to
* be undertaken through authorized rep
resentatives of this government at a
very early date. Whether this will be
by the appointment of special repre
sentatives selected for this specific pur
pose or through the ministers to the
foreign governments is not yet clear
but it is known that negotiations are
being set on foot already and that the
administration hopes to be able to bring
about a conference in the coming au
tumn which will be participated in by
the great nations of the world. Mean
time the friends of free coinage in the
"United States without the co-oporation
of other nations are losing ground and
"many " of them recognizing the fact that
international action is the only practi
cable method of restoring the use of
silver. The old theory that silver and
farm products have kept pace in values
and that silver money was therefore
the true measure of value has lost
'its hold by reason of the fact that
.wheat continues high while silver has
jcontinued to depreciate , reaching al
most the lowest point in its history.
i Tariff Legislation Being ; Pushed.
The Republicans in the house are
showing their desire for prompt action
on the tariff , by the hours which they
are putting upon the Dingley bill. The
house which is accustomed to meet at
12 o'clock noon , and adjourn at 5 p. m. ,
now begins its session at 10 a. m. and
closes the day's work at 11 p. m. , de
voting all of its time to the one sub
ject of the discussion of the Dingley
lbill. It is expected that the discussion
will lie completed and the bill passed
; by the end of the month. Meantime ,
the republicans of the senate finance
committee , .recognizing the fact that
the bill will reach them in about its
present form , have begun their exam
ination of it , paragraph by paragraph.
Their work will occupy necessarily
considerable time as was the case with
the ways and means committee , which
itTrtll be remembered has been months
at work on the bill , but It is hoped that
the bill , which will , pass the house
about March 30 will get before the sen
ate by the end of April , and become a
law by the end of the fiscal year ,
June 20.
Business Itevlvlnp ; .
One evidence of the business activ
ity which has followed the success ol
the Republican party is shown in the
development of new industries all ovei
the country and especially in the south ,
dicate that a new million dollar cot
ton mill Is to be erected there with
eastern capital , while information
reaching the Wool and Cotton Re
porter of Boston , indicate that the cot
ton weaving and spinning mills of the
south are running on full and In manj
cases on extra time.
Kcclproclty Made Difilcult by Democratic
President McKinley , in his inaugu
ral address , advises the renewal of the
reciprocity provisions of the tariff o ]
1S90. The Democrats have made it dif
ficult to establish the old relations with
the American republics. They have
been so unceremoniously and unjustly
treated that they naturally regard with
suspicion a renewal of reciprocity over
tures. This should not influence Con
gress against the adoption of the pol
icy , but it should place the public on
guard against too sanguine expecta
tions of the immediate effect of such
a poliC3" . The Southern republics will
drop in one by one , because it is great
ly to their material advantage to do so ;
but they will not seize the opportunity
with so much enthusiasm as in 1801.
The resumption of trade will be grad
ual , but in a short while both sides
will gain confidence in the assurance
that no party will again be so utterly
reckless as to deliberately destroy a
flourishing commerce. Baltimore
Professor Wilson's Mistakes.
Ex-Postmaster General Wilson , the
author of the tariff act of 1894 , in at
tacking the Dingley bill , makes several
surprising statements. "With the ac
cumulated moneys in the treasury , "
he says , "we really need no new im
position of taxes on the people to con
duct us to sufficient revenue , or even a
comfortable surplus , if we will only in
vite back prosperity by giving stability
to business and reduce expenditures by
a few obvious reforms. At the recent
rate of revenue shortage the deficit in
the fiscal year which ends on June
30 next will be over $70,000,000. Un
questionably something could be done
to reduce the government's expendi
tures without seriously injuring any
legitimate interest or impeding any
necessary governmental activity , but
does any intelligent , unbiased person
seriously believe that the expenditures
could be cut down sufficiently to close
this broad gap between income and
outgo without detriment to the pub
lic service ? " St. Louis Globe-Demo'
Snjiar Trust Hit Between the Eyes.
The sugar trust was hit a blow be
tween the eyes by the republican mem
bers of the ways and means committee
when the sugar schedule of the new
tariff bill was agreed upon.
While there is a high protective du
ty upon all kinds of sugar , the differen
tial under which the trust makes its
profits is reduced from about one-
third of a cent a pound to one-eighth ,
and all duties are made specific in
stead of ad valorem.
It is the specific duty which will hurt
the trust more than the reduction of its
differentials. Undervaluations have
permitted the trust to get its raw su
gars very cheap , while the higher dif
ferential has contributed to its great
The committee have arranged a bill
which will build up the beet sugar in
terests of this country , and eventually
make sugar much cheaper than it is
now. The rise of the beet sugar in
dustry is counted upon to destroy the
sugar monopoly now possessed by the
trust. No bounty is provided for up
on home produced sugar. Chicago
Guards Xot Wanted.
There are two reasons for being
grateful to President McKinley for his
reported decision to abolish the police
guard at the white house. One is sen
timental and the other practical. It
is doubtful whether under ordinary
circumstances the white house really
needs a guard , and marry think that in
case of such need the service can be
most appropriately rendered by eoI-
diers of the United States. The police
man , as a rule , is considered as merely
a safeguard against such small offend
ers as pickpockets , pilferer * : , drunken
men and roisterers. There has always
b een a very general feeling that if the
president desired a force of men
around his official home to insure his
safetj * a military guard would not be
only more effective but more thorough
ly in keeping with the station of the
president , representative of the govern
ment and significant of greater power
than a mere policeman typefies. But
it nas been thought by some to be un-
American that the white house should
be surrounded by soldiers. The sight
of uniforms and guns would be of
fensive to the democratic principles of
the people. Washington Star.
At the head of Germany's landed
aristocracy stands Prince Wittgenstein.
He owns 3,000,000 acres. Fourteen
other titled landlords own between
them 6,000,000 acres.
tnaM < HMTMA 11 1 111 Mi hi nmirWii imn MiiM ii fa wii
- -
Out of the Gratitude of Ills llrsrt. "Ir
John McMillen Tells u Kejiorter
How He Was Cured of Most
Terrible Suffering.
From the Capital , St. John , Kansas
Your correspondent in an interview with
Mi. John Mcilillun , who resides at St. John ,
Kansas , elicited the following information
concerning the wonderful curative proper
ties contained in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Mr McMillan said :
'in the fall of 1894 I , with another man ,
decided upon a hunting expedition into thu
Indian Territory. Accordingly wo started
south late in the fall. The weather was
' damp and cold , and we were compelled to
sleep ou the ground with nothing but a tent
for protection. The exposure , coupled with
the bad water , which in that country con
tains a great quantity r'fikali and gypsum ,
caused me to contract a bad case of kidney
trouble arid rheumatism , something I had
never known before. After remaining in
the Territory for several months and con
tinuing to grow worse. I concluded the best
thing for me to do was to come home , which
1 proceeded to do. But after returning 1
seemed to pet no better if anything worse.
• i tried several remedies without avail.
My nights were spent in sleeplessness and
misery , and I became convinced that I must
have help immediately. Someone told me
the benefits they had derived from Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills , and I determined to
cjive them a trial , which I did. and I can
truthfully assert to you that their action
was magical. From the first dose 1 com
menced improvinz and 'twas but a short
time until all pain had left mo. and 1 felt
onlirely well. What is more , 1 have never
had a recurrence of my trouble from the
time of my recovery until the 'prcsent time.
1 can certainly recommend Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills as one of the best medicines on
the market , if not the best. "
In conclusion , Mr , McMillan asked us if
we intended making his statement public ,
and upon our affirmative reply ho remai'ked
that he was perfectly satisliedf as he had
often contemplated doing so himself , as he
considered it a duty he owed to suffering
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain , in a
condensed form , all the elements necessary
to give new life and richness to the blood and
restore shattered nerves. They are an un
failing specific for such diseases as locomotor
ataxia , partial paralysis. St. Vitus' dance ,
sciatica , neuralgia , rheumatism , nervous
headache , the alter effects of la grippe , pal
pitation of the heart , pale and sallow com
plexions , all forms of weakness either in
male or female. Pink Pills are sold by all
dealers , or will be sent post paid on receipt
of price , 50 cents a box. or six boxes for
I2.b0 , by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine
Company. Schenecsadv. N. Y.
Iler Chief l'leasuro Gone.
• • Mrs. Guggins is feelin' mighty
miserable. "
"You don't say so ! I thought
she was looking in illegant health. "
"Yes , that's jest it. She's feelin1
so well that she can't think of
nothin' to take patent medicines for ,
an' she jest sits an' reads the adver
tisements an' pines.
Don't ToDacco Spit and Ssn-oke lour life Auay.
To quit tobacco easily and forever , be mag
netic , full of life , nerve and vigor , take No To-
Bac , the wonder-worker , that makes weak men
strong All druggists , -D0c or 81. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Eemedy Co. , Chicago or New York.
A Good Word.
Jack If I happen to moat Miss
Terry 111 speak a good word for you.
Tom Do ; speak of me as beautiful
and brainy , but unutterably bad.
jtXrii. Window's Soothing Sjrnp
For children tect hinK.bortens the punis. reduces inflam
mation , allaje pain , cures nind colic. " 3centsttbottle.
She > Is Huppy.
She is one of those very matter-of-
fact girls.
' • How are you getting along with
your musie ? " asued the young man
who was calling on her.
• 'Well. " she answered , "of course
it wouldn't be proper for mo to com
pliment myself , but some of the
neighbors have told me that they
have staid awake at night for hour3
listening to my playing. "
And she smiled in a self-approving
way that was sweet to behold.
New Hopes ! New Opportunities ! Land
of Sunshine and Plenty ! Mild
Climate , Fertile Soil , and
Cheap Lands !
* * • * * J jj&ciX / ° /
Tlio buildhicr of the Kan > a vii.t , i.iuu. „ . . .
Ilailroad. an air line from Kansas City to 1'ort Ar
thur has opened op a country In Western Mls-onri
and Arkan-a- . and Louisiana. , tiiai cannot be excelled
a an agricultural and fruit crowiag- country ; g od
health , sparkling prinp3 and clear "trearuswhere
you can - xrk out of. does 12 mouth ? instead of 6.
the Southern and Seaport terminus , is the best place
in the United Staler to- lay to inxest or to co i-ito
lm Bess. This railroad vrlll be completed there by
June 1st.
Study the Map and you will aaTce a lar e city mest
be bulit at Port Arthur ; nearest seaport to Kanoai
City by 100 mile * .
Cut thin out aid mail to aJdress below and receive
< nc illustrated pamphlets.
F = " . M. Hornbeck ,
Land Commissioner KC , V. & U. P 1L and General
Manager , Port .Arthur To nsiteCo. .
fFLSsP * tS2 B quickrelief and cures or t
rases. Send for book of testlmpnials and lO clays *
treatment Free. Vr. H.i.GHekvsm > ss , AOu > u.u-
flML'A flSU ? Tor Sale on crop payment. $ lpeFt
niUnn fRitfflj acrecabh.balance'iCTopyearlj-
run ] > pai l for. J.MulhalLWautegan.lfl 0JSf
m imm
' ' _
- - - - "
ji Tiiimiin [ -r i i
DeufncdR Cannot lln CurncI
by local applications , ns they ftinnot reach
thu illsca-.ed portion of thu t-ur J'hero Is
only ouo wny to cure dunfnesu , mid that
is hy coubtltutioititl rctrit'il ? b headless K
cutihcd by an Inhumed condition of the
mucous linlnu' of tnu Ktisiaeidun Tnho.
When this itil'e Is lnflamon you huvu a
rismbllni ; sound , or Imperfect hearing , and
when It U entirely closed neatness U tne
result , nnil unless iho irillnimitloii can
ho taken out and this tul'o restored to Its
norintij condition , hearing will bo de-
stioycrt foie\er : nliiceu-u-i out of ten are
cau id \ > y catarrh , which Is nothing hut
an inllatr.ed condition of the mucous sur
Wu will jrlve Ono litindtrd Dollars for
any case of Deafness ( caused hy catarrh )
that cannot he cured hv Hull's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars , free.
, , K J. CHENr.y & Co. , Toledo , O.
Sold hy drusslst.s. 75c.
Hall's Family l'ills are the best.
Troe-CUuibhip Kanfiruroo.
It appears that Northern Queens
land has a trce-climbinpr kangaroo.
This remarkable marsupial has a
body about two feet in length , with
a tail somewhat exceeding two feet.
The disproportion between the fore
legs and the hind-legs is not nearly \
so great as that of the ordinary kan
garoo and waiiaby ; the toes are
strong and curved , to enable it to
climb tall aud straight trees , on the
leaves of which it exists.
Horrid Torturr.
Tills Is often felt In every Joint and musrlo
of the body by turns , by people who. experi
encing the earliest twinges of rheumatism ,
neglect to arrest the malady , as they may
easily do. with Ilostettcr's Stomach Hitters ,
a professionally authenticated remedy fet
the agonizing complaint. Kecollect that
rheumatism unchecked often lasts a lifetime ,
or abruptly terminates it when the malady
attacks the heart. The Hitters also rcn o ties
chills and fever , dyspepsia and liver com
A thick tongue and a thin purs.e are
likely to be the poverty of the same
Duopst treated free by Dr. H. H. Green's
Sons , of Atlautu , ( Ja. The greatest dropsy
specialists in the world. Kead their adver
tisement in another column of this paper.
Beware of the man who has in him no
family pride.
FITS 1'crmancntlyCured.i'iofitsorncrvousneiKatto. '
tirst day' u-.e of Dr. Kline's fircat rio Kcsturer
Send fur FREE S-.00 trial bottle and trratiHo.
Da. R. 11. Arch &t. . Philadelphia , l'a.
"With many vain mortals notoriety is the
spice of life.
Educate Tour Bowels lYUU Cascar ts.
Candy Cathartic , cure constipation forever.
10c. If C. C. C. fail , drusgists refund money.
No opportunity amounts to much until
it is improved.
Send forsamplesand prices to Hershey Ele
vator Co. , lier&hey. Nebraska.
One is sometimes badly sold by the people
ple whom he buys.
I shall recommend Piso's cure for Con
sumption far and wide. Mrs. 3Iullian ,
Piumstead , Kent , England , Nov. S , 1SU5.
A starving man ; 11 not find any fault
-with the table cloth.
Columbian Optical Co. male Spectacle ! ) of all
kinds aud fit them to your ej ec JUS. ICtliSt. Oina'-i
Bad legislation is the easiest mean's of
robbing a free people.
Wo-To-liac for 1'irty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , makes weak
men strong , blood pure. 50c. 81. All druggists.
One of the best ways of getting along is
to stay where you are
T. " . . 'I I' ' ' ' " ' "faj. I
la-MM < unu i ] ' 1 1 l i i ! '
_ Fji
; I
4 I
i > i I
11 Warner's Safe Sure I I
) j IN LARGE ) { I
„ rtTTI
) | OR SMALL \ t
| jj | K piS Owinj : to the 7 I
[ Vj SAFE many requests
sl § 4t"5ptf from its patrons 5 I
; Q | tfjfe'j ' S/r Warner's Safe / I
* G Kp * * iff ) ] Cure Co. have put 5 '
! [ mjL * [ 1l on the market a /
iH)1 ) ] y [ { smaller size S I
t PfSlfvES bottle of Safe t
> "ST LVr Cure which can 7
$ c S Ti7now | be obtained }
m : S3p ! at all druggists at $
MiZZn Z i , , alftlc , Price of 7
5 [ L " ' - 7il the large bottle , i
j * o4 CS e | I
7 : is not only a scientific vegetable /
S : preparation and docs all that is S )
: > j claimed for it , but it is the only I I
: Kidney and Liver medicine used 7
4 : by the best people of four conti-\ I
r : nents. A medicine that bears 7 I
i : the stamp of the world's apr - *
r : proval , and maintains its posij I
7 : tion for a fifth of a century , S H
5 : must necessarily possess peZ H
Z • culiar merit. ) |
bist m fii mm. I
- ' It yearn this H
rime I' } iiierltalotx- . M
lias ditam * t BU H
t'OIII | > * .tltOI > . 1
lu < l > in > f < I b } |
l.aoi0 u carers n * H
tlmbvi-t in i > tIt nt H
. iind iliirnliility of . H
. '
i any Mimer oder 1
el-'or J1. . ' B
It ib inndi in nit , B
tlie Inu-Kt fellU'RH H
ami tle mm or < H
, M
One < 1talcr in a H
town irivrn exe'-js- H
sale nli.l miver- H
, - . - . - . - • . tfiCJijMJiqj'Vl ! ed in keel i-iiiu-r > H
UK-- ? V % rJL " " re' ' ' • 'l "r rtu-on H
\ ' . : - : - - im kS : i& • ) uiiifi wite H
{ • ' % -r/V- : • : ' ; ; Jrv tor catalogue to M
ff Zlk Wi Sff Uiisbi. , 'in Vatv H
Sff ba P h Ba 5 Sin nr"-t Kr"w'i ; wl * " M
STePIhI wA r"r I"-1'1"- < > ciu- H
Worl4K. Omahn , r. > I > . | H
CnTRIPU Quicl.lx.S nlfiir"Wl01nT.iti'rih\Vttn * Hl • |
OLl niun tdiarTatoAUo.ZCH.od' . a : . > ew\orV. M
| W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 17.1S97. . H
I When writing to ad verU-ers , kindly men H
I tion this paper. H
r and you'll find out how quickly and surely it SOOTHES and CURES. 5 , H
I iSM fm ST WOJ 'T RUB OFF. < ?
A iuSft ] IT \ ' * > "Wall Paper in Unsauitary. KAI.SOjriKB IS / H
9 I Pi liiir AS fiBHfie"Bni2a * = a Puniwrraaneat and artistic Q H
\ WlOii ? > JlLAHMt fi § $ ! * wJl-coauap. ntj'y for the brash M
ri " -J Fop Sale by Paint Denlcra Evcry-whcr % > M
! r nw i ? ° S ° u ° Syou ht.To r CD EC A Tint Card she iccr 12 desirable tints , also Alabastinc f M
threehere. BaiiTinaTrecoTer t I1LL SouvenirRocks ntfreetoanyonrtirfationin tCisnaper A i H
" A3LiAi5A8TJJE CO. , Grand Itaiiidh , Mich , r H
I The Man wlio Is Raising a Big Crp j I
J ) realizes that the harvest time is ahead , iff M
09 Ideal farming comprehends not only the growing of the tallrst grain the % * M
mosttons-to-the-acrcof the best the that * M
- - - hay ; farming farming pays - must )
g5 > contemplate something more than this : for there is a harvest time , and just inS \ H
S& proportion as a crop is saved successfully , speedily and economically , in just $ ? B
Jm that proportion may fce measured the seascn's profit or loss. % H
fjj/ / Harvesting Machines are the profit-bringing kind ; they are built for long -wear. ffl |
v hard work , light draft , and in short , to satisfy. There are other kinds that , S\ M
| don't cost as much , but there's nothing cheaper than the best. dr H
& iWcCormick Harvesting Mschsnc Comoany , Chicago , \ ' H
/ The Light-Running JlcConr.ick Open Elector Harvester. C * , H
'I ' TheI.ight-RuncinrMcCorTnic' Xcw/r Steel MoTrer , C H
tSi The LiRht-Runninr ; McCcrmick Vertical Corn Binder and * ffl H
\g ) The Uht-RunniagMcCormicfcDaisvRe3 cr for sale creryK-here ( g/ H
f ScUUEBVsr hie G for unnatural '
'Jlolioid ji.ditcharges , iunammationg ,
f t f CciranwtdJ IrritationB or ulrerctinns '
IU i > f not to iuiewre. of mucont memlirsnrg.
l l1"1 * eont 1o = - Taiulcsg. and not astrin- '
| 'Sfc\\THEEaH3 \ CHlKlCttCa gent or poisonous.
V VciHCmmTI.D.I " J Sold bj-Drnjjsriata ,
V. V C.3.A. y yorient in plain trrarrer ,
H X , > A I hy expre 8. prepaid , for
* 5 l * " "ZS & \ \ ? 100or 3 Xmttles.l2.7S.
% > * * b\- Circular t > cnt on request.
Lat l"rlncipal Eroniaer V. C Peatioa Ecrtic
3 jts. in last irar , IS ruijuiliciting claicu. au.v. v. si ace.
ft f3STI3TC "R c waat one "K'111 > n this Countr to
4 2J fX 1 V > ell to families. Keftpajnn K article on
wmtmmm mmmm earth. We pay all expense. Address
GI/i'ZA CHE3I. CO. , Washington , D.C. ' .
iMiir l j f.ffit - 5A ' fLsAHD
fa. i
win hi w carpets , at Mann- H
facturen > * Prices , ivith slight additional 'i |
cost cut to tit rooms. Dea'ers ' in nearly l iiifl
every town in the west sell our j oods S iiH
from samples. If there is no apnt in i p ii
your town order dir. et front il ; . Sam- iiiiii
ple.s * ent if dasired to select from. ii
( .Agents wanted Dalers only. * ; i H
PET COlftPMVt. ' M
Pleas-e mention ; } : ! * paper when or- ' H
derin . H
1 1