The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 16, 1897, Image 7

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El XJ _ - - -i-i r mi . i ni l .mn .i . . i i ji , a. . , ! , . , j ii.n.ini- . ,
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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ > , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
V ' | A tCtaprea * Catherine's Klnilnoin.
B j/y J The Empress Catherine bad a warm
r * / heart for the ladies of her court.
M H f Waliszewski relates in the new vol-
* V ume of his history that Catherine ,
P I noticing that the beautiful Mile. .
BKf S\ Potockawho had lately come-to court ,
Hk\ \ no poarls. immediately comB -
B I manded a fancy dress ball , to which
Bf' J0 " " 1 was bidden to come as a railk-
_ _ _ _ \f'
f maid. Then , -ivbllo Mile. Potocka
) > \
Hl fti vros dancing , thd press slipped a
_ R\ \ | superb necklace * . : .pearls into the
X s e carr e at er exclama-
_ v/r Pa i . y1'
> ( / on ° f wonder said : "It is only the
_ _ _ _
WdY milk , which has curdled. "
B r | Jfuct vn. 'l Ueory1 .
B r | Certain tables of longevity just pub-
_ vL ( fished in Englar.a by Vrofessor Hum.
_ _ fc ISv phreys leave the whole mutter pretty
g | tj % much in the dark. Of the 824 cases
* which the subjects have reached
_ _ _ _ _ jr
_ _ _ R _ R the ages Tarying from eighty to over
_ ki 300 vears , one-third were small eaters
_ _ _ _ _ J W
_ _ _ H _ % A. and only one-tenth appear to have
H "j * . had robust appetites. Phj-sieians , as
B J } a class , were found to fall below the
[ \ . The usual directions
X > average age. ?
_ _ _ _ _ _
c ( | V for prolonged life by diet , sleep and
0 exercise not strikingly confirmed
) are
_ _ _ _ _
Bf\ bv these tables.
K. \ "star tobacco. "
\ , As you chow tobacco lor pleasure use Star.
It is not only the best but the mofetlasting , and ,
b y v therefore , tbc cneapeat.
v \l In leimoiSce.
f\ Tcnnesseo produces annually 80 , -
_ _ _ _ <
K' j' O00.00J bushels of coin. 9.000.000 of
jpf wheat , 8,000.000 of oats and 350,000
PM bales of cotton. The tobacco crop
_ _ _ _ _ \
_ Kfcr ) ! ias reacnefl 4000' 00 ° p ° unds a year
Um' " . bushels. The
' ' the peanut crop"G50.000
_ _ _ _ '
P 'J coal fields cover 5,000 square miles
_ _ _ _
'Jf and produce 2,000,030 tons a year.
V r Over fiity different kinds of marble
_ _ _ _ KH are found in the state.
_ HFt/I
_ _ ! f A U TORY ; salary 8100 i > cr month ; 10 vcr cent
_ ( M * rroBs sales and oiflcc expenses ; eoutract by tin ;
_ _ _ _ L k r rear ; reference and IG00 cash required for stock
H 1 turrled. S. B. Shearer. SchllU hotel , Omaha , A eb.
BBBBfl/ IMcClure's magazine.
with the April number
! l beginning
_ _ _ _ , x
) ' ivill hereafter be
_ _ _ Kf McClure's Magazine
_ _ _ _ > } / published on the first day of each
K\ ' inonth. April 1 the April number will
K\ be on sale on all news stands and de-
Hficf livered to all subscribers , from the
_ _ _ B4/-V\ Atlantic to the Pacific ; and thereafter
HilT \ exactly on the firstday of each
KvE * month a new number will be published.
K f\ Henceforth publication has been made
HHl If' * on the 28th of each month , but it is
Br\ believed that the change to the 1st will
_ _ )
K- % [ be to the general convenience.
_ _ _ Ijr Don't Tobacco Spit and fcn.oVc lour lire Airny.
_ _ _ _ r' 3'\ To Quit tobacco easily and lorever. be map-
B f'i actic. lull of life , nerve and visor , tahe Nb-To-
_ K\V/ Bac , the wonder-worker , that makes tvealc men
_ _ Hkf ! , strong. All druggists , 50c or SI. Curcguaran-
_ _ _ _ fT\ leed. Booklet and sample free. Address
_ _ _ H > J sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago c * * . Kew York.
_ _ _ _ BkV Without Wires.
BJ7 In his experiments in telegraphing
_ _ _ _
V without wires , carried on in a lake
_ _ _ _ _
Eni near Potsdam , Ehrich Batenau sucH -
H ' \ ceeded so well that he says no diffi-
Bi > culty was encountered in exchanging
_ _ )
B | f signals between the electric light staB -
B < | . laon and the village of Neu Cladow , a
i % distance of three miles.
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ ) Sim. Wimlow's Sootlilnc Sjrup
F T . tens the cums.reduces Inflam-
_ _ _ _ V -For children tecthlns.sof
_ _ _ _ [ Y'v- ' mation , allays pain , cures wind colic. 25centsabottle.
_ _ _ _ ' ! A worthless man usually has few posses-
_ _ _ _ W > lions , but you con usually depend that a
HC wife is one of them.
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ | 4\ .
_ _ _ _ B ; m , Piso's Cure for Consumption has saved
V Jr/ ' me large doctor bills. C. L. Baker , 422S Hem -
m J' ' gent Sq. . Philadelphia , Pa , , Dee. S , 1895.
vk The separator is a revolutionistit ; makes
_ _ _ _ _ |
_ _ _ _ Hi X work play.
w H mMWiii iitm , 11 ii. , , , ; „ , Iia ,
" * * * * * ? 1 * *
r , * * * * * * * *
, ; 1
A Strand of Hair Itolls Aroand It by
Slmplo 1'rencnre.
A pair of curling irons with many
strong points of excellence have just
been brought out by an English firm.
The jaws are opened by means of the
small lever projecting , which is worked
by a finger or thumb independently of
the grasp upon the main handles of
the appliance. Having gripped the
lock of hair to be curled in the jaws ,
the turning of the iron is accomplished
in the simplest manner possible.
The longer arm of the iron passes
through a collar on the lower part of
the main handle , and terminates in a
pin , which works in a strut projecting
from the same. On the upper part of
the handle , which hinges , is fixed a
ratchet which engages on a suitable
pinion on the spindle. By simply
squeezing the two arms together the
tongs are caused to make a revolution
on their own axis , and so curl the
hair. It will bo evident that with
very little practice the operation is
performed very rapidly , without the
tiring process of turning the wrist and
without the necessity of reheating the
iron. f >
Savins Space.
In cities , where space is valuable ,
stables are now built upward , as well
as buildings designed for human oc
cupancy. In such establishments
horses are never stabled on ihe
ground floor , which is reserved main-
fy for vehicles , but in the basement oren
on a second floor , which are reached
by runways Such modern stables are
provided with steam elevators , upon
which carriages may be taken to and
from the < rround floor.
Hesreman's Camphor Ice with Glycerine.
The original and only Benuine. Cures Chapped Handi
and Face , Cold Sores , &c. C.G.Clark &Co.N.HavenCt
The April Century will be a "Granl
Memorial Number. " It is to contain
an article on "The Tomb of General
Grant , " by General Horace Porter , who
did so much to insure the success of
movement toward raising the neces
sary funds for the monument , and who
will be the orator of the day on the
; occasion of its dedication April 27 , the
birthday of General Grant. "Sher
man ' s Opinion of Grant" will be shown
in a hitherto unpublished letter , and
Grant's account of the veto of the In
flation P ill will be related by Hon.
John A. Kasson , to whom Grant told
the story. "AlJlueand Gray Friend
ship , " by Hon. John It. Procter , des
cribes the long intimacy between Gen
eral Grant and General Buckner. who
surrendered to Grant at Donelson.
KtiHslan Subjects.
The law of Russia requires all Rus
sian subjects over the age of 12 years
to take the oath of allegiance on the
accession of a new czar. The Russian
government never surrenders its
claim to the allegiance of a native of
Russia , or admits that a Russian can ,
without'its permission , become a citi
zen of another country. Of course
there is no means of enforcing this
claim against Russians who have be
come American citizens.
FITS Btopprd free and permanently cured. No fits
nfter first day's use of Or. Kline's Great Nerve
Ilestorer. Free S2 trial hottle and treatise.
Send to Dr. Kuke , 931 Arch St. . Philadelphia , Pa.
Just u .Uattir of lu te.
"Does your mother give you coffee
at every meal ? "
Tommy I don't know.
"Why don't you ? "
Tommy Well , 'cause mother calls
it coffee , but the boarders call it
horrid. Inter Ocean.
A cheerful look makes a dish a feast.
| some years I tos \ t lBll N
r / quite out of health , and \ ll8l8 fcj | | > \ \ i
/took much medicine 1 | isl § Sgggj3f V. \
hsj j which did me no good. 11 rw | § 3lk § \ , \
W / was advised hy a friend to\ H \ \
O , J try Aycr's , Sarsaparillal jfit@lll § = illl l \
< p / which I did , taking a dozen * ll 5B8y § | / \
HgP for more bottles before stop-\ ( > ggpg < r | | | | | | ; fe
BbK /pins- The result was thatIV ii8llllHlBili ! §
Bf' /felt so well and strong\ \ / P Bl
HfB /tiat , * oi c ° arse , think there is \ / 4y * !
t l
Ijv I no medicine equal to Aycr's Sar-\ / fY \i Iff
' \Z / saparilla , and I take great pains \ {
\ \ i f
\T /to / tell any suffering friend of it and \ \f \ \ \ \
H W /what it did for me. ' Mrs. L. A.\ \ V M \ y\
BV | ] } ) I CKit.YKilbouniVis.Feh.lliSDC. . \ I J V \
K& . "Ayer's Sarsaparilla. m
Hr K' _ _ _ _ _ _
K HkT Every ingredient in | P
H\ Hl Hires Rootbccr is health ij p
B/ fl giving. The blood ispgg |
Hp 1'improved ' , the ncrTCSfi ?
B f soothed , the stomach | | g |
H | , f benefited by this delicious .l
m , . B/f / Quenches the thirst , tickles \w \
B' -ml the palate ; full cf snap , sparkle .gl
B .Brand efTcrvcsccncc. A tempef- \
K ml ance drink for everybody. at
H HB W acoeCBl7byTteCliarlME.nir Co PMl Ctj.l 6. W
HBVj { mj . Jl pactejc mikn Sre jullooi. M
Too Cheap.
Isaacson Jakey , hof you readt der
story of Joseph undt his bretheren ?
Jakey Tes , fad der.
Isaacson Tell , That wrong tid tey
do ?
Jakey Tey sold him * - " > chean. Up
to Date.
"Waht He Was Like. -
Dudely Gushington Tennyson
says : 43tlen are God's trees. "
Miss Sharpgirl Then dudes must
be ripe thistles soft on top and slim
in the body. Texas Sittings.
! ' " ' " ' l. 'lMtinii" iTff iVr.r V ffWSM6BWhir' . i " ' 'i ,
w i > i i , . . ; . " j . . < . iiir
. , . . ,
' " " ' II > .1 n I I I l W I | | hm m. | | l t | III
Wttle label's Myntcr.r , a Children's
Sketch by Margaret Dane A Youth' *
Knply 3Tlscr' Money Under a Itns
A Little Hasty lloy and Church.
Lodgers In the Ncet.N
j\ T O BIRDS , they say ,
//\V /u in last year's
/ \ %
iwll l "What , ho ! but there
I0J1J1l \ are otherguests !
de Zti hi\l ) | No songs they sing- ,
r&ffi ) 1)// ) / no " " " S3 have
i\ \ § h , "Nj v These quiet people
II ? W , / dressed in gray.
\ LnJjZs My Lady Bird her
Tjgj - ' nest did line
* With down of silkweed -
weed soft and fine ;
And here and there with dainty skill
She trimmed it with a lichen frill.
A rose-bush blossomed at her door.
And dropped pink petals on her floor ;
But months ago away she flew ,
And all her well-fledged nestlings , too.
And much surprised to7day she'd be ,
Could she the present lodgers see ;
I know she'd never bid them stay
These humble people dressed in gray.
Tet 'tis not strange that Mistress
Should choose this nest for her own
"The ground is cold , the grass is dead ;
Up there 'twould warmer be , " she said.
"Besides , a few dry leaves I'll get ,
And make them in a coverlet. "
So there she lives this very day.
"With all her children , dressed in gray.
And , when the winter sun peeks out ,
All wrapped in furs they run about ;
And up and down they gaily go ,
And leave their footprints in the snow.
"Who owns the nest , I have not heard.
I'd like to know what Lady Bird
To Mistress Mouse , next spring , will
say ,
If they should chance to meet some
day !
Edith M. Thomas , in St. Nicholas.
Mabel's Mystery.
"I've been thinking , " said Mabel ,
very slowly. "I've been thinking that'
maybe we've got a real live mystery at
our house. "
"Oh ! " exclaimed Alice. "O Mabel !
what is it ? "
"You know Simon , our new man , "
whispered Mabel. "Well , what do you
think his letters are ? They're S. T.
Patrick , Alice , that's just the very
letters ! "
Alice looked perplexed.
"Why , maybe he's a relation of to
morrow ! " explained Mabel , excitedly.
"Not tomorrow , Alice , but the man to
morrow's named for. He puts a period
between S and T when he writes his
name , but maybe he doesn't know any
better. There ought not to be any
period for ST , saint , had there , Alice ? "
"No , " said Alice , "there isn't any
period in my spelling-hook. "
"He's made a mistake , " declared Ma
bel. "Papa told mamma this morning
he was green , " she continued. "Wasn't
St. Patrick green ? He most likely was.
'Cause what do they wear green ribbons
bens for , if he wasn't ? Let's us go ask
him right away. Wouldn't it be splen
did if he was a relation , a son or a
cousin or an uncle ! " said Mabel.
"Simon , Simon ! " she called , as they
opened the big barn doors.
"Phat does yer want , miss ? " asked
Simon , as he came out of the harness-
"Do you like frogs ? " inquired Ma
"Me is it ! " laughed Simon. "Shure ,
it's not much use for me to like 'em or
dislike 'em these days. There's niver
a frog out of his winter hole yit. Why-
would ye he afther axin' ? " he asked.
' "Cause we thought you were a re
lation to to a man "
"A green man ! " interrupted Alice ,
"that had a name like tomorrow ! "
"And we thought Simon maybe
iie he was your relation , " stuttered
Mabel , getting red in the face. " 'Spe
cially if you didn't like frogs. "
"Ha ! ha ! Ho-o ! " laughed Simon.
"Me a relation to St. Patrick's day.
Ho ! ho ! ho ! " he laughed again.
"Wait till I be afther tellin' Bridget of
that ! "
"And aint you , Simon , " asked Mabel ,
"aint you a real live mystery after ,
all ? " /
"Ha ! ha ! Ho-o ! " laughed Simon
again. Margaret Dane in Youth's Com
A Youth's Reply.
The Union Debating society of Ox
ford university has disclosed to many
a man the possession of that gift which
enables him to think on his feet and to
express his thoughts so that those who
listen may be impressed. It has train
ed statesmen , preachers and teachers
so to lift up their voices that the world
heeded their message. When the union
began its life the university dons
pounced upon it , as "likely to lead
young men to form premature ideas. "
Having at first no habitation of its
own , it used the rooms of the students.
On one occasion , while Samuel Wil-
berforce , subsequently the eloquent
bishop , was speaking , one of the proc
tor's assistants "bulldog" is his col
lege name put in an appearance and
said :
"Gentlemen , the proctor desires that
you should disperse and retire each to
your own college. "
The chairman , named Patten , rose
with dignity and with the calmness of
a speaker of the house of commons ,
said :
"Sir , the house has received the proc
tor 's message , and will send an answer
to the summons by an officer of its
own. "
The chairman's quiet , dignified at
titude prevented the union from ever
being troubled by the proctor's "bull
dog. " Doubtless , to many of our read-
kF ! M'i "
i * ! B BHBfc *
* " ' " * ' * ' L ' ' " "
" * -r H . 1 1 ii "ii n ! - i i iiMim m i i .i h.iijTT' tf ii i .iiin [ _
ers it will recall the attitude o * that
speaker of the house of commons who ,
when commanded by Charle3 I. , seek
ing to arrest the five members , to point
them out , replied that "he had neither
eyes to see'nor tongue to tpcalc , nave
by command of the hcuse. "
English blood has the habit of re
asserting itself now and then , boiling
j up as do s the great geyser of the Yel
lowstone Park.
Miser's Money.Under Hup ; .
Under the carpet In the room where
Isaac H. Lewis , the Neponset hermit ,
who died a month ago , lived , there were
found a few days ago , says a Boston
special , bonds , deeds for property , cash
and various kindB of securities , the
total value of which is over $50,000.
The life of Lewis was that of a recluse.
No one was allowed to enter his home ,
and it was seldom that he bowed or
spoke to those whom he met on the
street. Mr. Lewis was alone when he
died. His neighbors even didn't know
that he was ill. He had been dead
several days wheh his body was discov
ered. The police searched the house
previous to the burial for money
enough to pay the expenses. All that
was found was § 18 , which was found
sewed in the lining of the old man's
Patrolman Foster was put in charge
of the case. After searching nearly a
week he went to the city hall and look
ed over the records in the assessor's
office. There he found that Mr. Lewis
owned land in Dorchester , which is
valued at something like $1S,000. Fos
ter then returned to the house and
commenced another search. In a cor
ner under an old piece of carpet which
had been nailed to the floor , he found
deeds for real estate , bonds and mone- .
A Little Hasty.
Numerous complaints had come be
fore a certain public official in regard
to the quality of food served to the in
mates of one of the public institutions
and he determined to investigate for
himself in order to see if the matter
really required attention , says the New
York Journal.
Making his way to the particular
building in question just about dinner
time , he walked straight over to where
the kitchen was located. At the very
door he encountered two muscular-
looking men carrying a huge , steam
ing boiler.
"Put that kettle down , " he ordered ,
brusquely , and the men at once obeyed.
"Get me a spoon , " he next com
The man that brought the spoon was
about to say something , but was or
dered to keep quiet.
"Take off the lid , " was the next com
mand ; "I'm going to taste it. "
The two men were utterly cowed by
the official's brusqueness and wonderingly -
ingly watched him gulp down a good
"Do you mean to say that you call
this soup ? " the official demanded.
"Why , it tastes to me more like dirty
water. "
"So it is , " replied one of the men ,
respectfully. "We were just scrubbing
the floors. "
Knocked Ont by a Quail.
Arthur L. Lezinsky met with a pe
culiar accident at Stockton , Cal. , a few
days ago. He and some friends were
making a trial trip on the new railroad
running from Stockton to Coral Hollow.
Their excursion train consisted of a
locomotive and a fiat car provided with
chairs. When a short distance out
from Stockton the engineer gave the
party a fast ride. As the train rushed
along a great number of quail flew
frightened back and forth across the
track from the grass and bushes. Doz
ens of the birds passed across the car
low enough to make several of the gen
tlemen who were standing up dodge
quickly in order to prevent being
struck. Lezinsky didn't dodge. In
stead he took off his hat and tried to
catch a quail. Before anybody realized
what had happened Lezinsky's com
panions saw the Stockton man fall
suddenly to the floor of the car. By
his side lay a dead quail. His friends
found him insensible. The cause of
the accident was readily seen. A bird
had struck him close to the left eye
and temple. The force of the collision
had been such as to kill the quail and
knock the lawyer unconscious.
False Teeth and Loekjaw.
Mrs. James H. Ward , of Mount Mor
ris , N. Y. „ who had purchased an up
per plate of artificial teeth , thought
she would use it. The plate sprung
into place with a snap and seemed to
fit very snugly. In the night her
gums began to swell , and she tried to
remove the plate to relieve the pain ,
but it would not come out. The more
her gums swelled the more intense be
came the pain. The plate was wedged
in solidly. She tried to pry it out with
a fork and to hook it out with a shoe-
buttoner , but failed to make any im
pression on it. Dr. F. D. Brown was
sent for , also Drs. L. and M. Gillen.
They worked over her several hours ,
and finally succeeded in wedging the
plate out. Mrs. Ward was thrown into
convulsion and came within an ace of
having lockjaw. She was plucky , how
ever , and in the morning wanted to
try to wear it again. She thought she
could get used to it in time. Her hus
band said "no , " and put the plate in
his pocket. He will not give it up , and
says his wife will have to eat bread
and milk for a long time before he will
allow her to risk lockjaw again.
With the assistance of the latest ma
chines , a piece of leather can be trans
formed into a pair of boots in thirty-
four minutes , in which time it passes
through the hands of sixty-three people
ple and through fifteen machines.
immm B K
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A Work of NMturi * .
One morning. Jcrrold and Compton -
ton proceeded together to view the
pictures in the gallery of illustra
tion. * On entorln the anteroom ,
they found themselves opposite to a
number of very long looking glasses.
Pausing before ono of these , Comp-
; tn remarked to Jerrold : "You'vo
come here to admire works of art !
Very well , first feast your eyes on
that work of nature. " pointing to his
own hguro reflected in the glass ;
• • look at it ! There's a picture for
you ! " "Yes , 1' faaid Jerrold , regard
ing it intently , "very fine very fine ,
indeed. " Then turning to his
friend : "Wants hanging , though. "
How'K Thin !
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars reward
for any case of t uturrli that cannot he
cured hy Hull's Catarrh Cure.
F. J ClfENEy & CO. . Props. , Toledo. Ohio ,
AVe , the undcrsipned. have known ! • * . .1.
Cheney for the last l. i years , and bellevo
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially ahlo to carry
out any obligations mnde by their lirm.
West & Truax , Wholesale Druggists , To
ledo. O.
Walding. Klnnan & Marvin , Wholesale
Druzgists , Toledo , Ohio.
Hall's Catarrli Cure Is taken Internally ,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the svstem. Price 7. * '
per hottle. Eold by all druggists. Testi-
Hall's Family Tills are the best.
A llcaounblo Uefjutnt.
Husband My dear , I want to ask
you one favor before you go off on
that long visit.
Yvife A thousand , my love. What
is it ?
Husband Don't try to put the
house in order before you leave.
Wife It isn't hard work.
Husband Perhaps not ; but I think
of the expense of telegraphing to j'ou
every time I want to find anvthincr.
Fortune Seeking Emigrants.
Many a poor family that seeks the western
wilds In the hope of winning a fortune , ia
preserved from that insidious foe of the
emigrant and frontiersman chills and fever
by Hostettcr's Stomacii Hitters. So effect
ually does that incomparable medicinal de
fense fortify the system against the combined
inlluence of a malarious atmosphere and
miasma-tainted water , that protected by it
th6 pioneer , the miner or the tourist provided
with it , may safely encounter the danger.
Seamanship Past and Trcsent.
In the past , seamanship was the
chief thing. In the present , seaman
ship , in the old and strict sense of the
word , holds a very subsidiary place.
When the winds and the waves and
the tides could not be forced and -had
to be humored , the mystery of dealing
with those elements was a worthy
study for a whole life. But to-day
we force the winds , the waves and the
tides , and humor them very little.
The seaman is in process of becoming
the engineer ; every year he becomes
more and more the engineer , and I
am certain that a much briefer exper
ience of the sea than was formerly
needed is now required toward the
formation of the good officer. The
National Be view.
The 500,000 telephones in the country
are used 2000,000 times dally
Columbian Optical Co. make Spectacles of nil
tlnds and fit tbcm to your ey es. 21 S. lCtli St. Omaha
A man is never too poor or too worthless
to get married.
So-To-Ilac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit euro , makes weak
men strong , blood pure. 50c , 51. All druggists.
The shiftless man is always away from
home when a good opportunity knocks.
. ' Ufcu IH
, ' i'
i iiiun
] .j i w ! > .1. . . . . hi
-i. i . - , I , , . I. . . . . . , 1 , . , , , . , , . • , ir.i . . . . . .j : B
* wj , > H
i.ilpm AnxHey. > • M
Johnny , out visiting Mamma is H
always worryin' about nothing. • H
Hostess In what way ? H
Johnny My mamma made the H
awfullct fiiBH a-tollin" me not to make H
a pig of myself when you gavt mo j H
cake. She might 'a1 knoweU I j H
wouldn 't , cause your cake isn't good a i H
bit. l M
To Cure Constipation Forever. H
Take Cascarcts Candy Catlmrtic 10c or 25c H
If C C. C fall to cure , drucc&ts refund uiuncv. M
Kino out of ten of your trouble. ) are duo ' H
to talking too much. _ _ |
jJ.y.- , - & m e r , ' _ - > r"tfa rfia -B B
I 3EL Sy\ _ _ ! its \ 1
I S'M ' For the
* LUG ! H
B * yiz < r _ ,
iSplES Urinary H
MEll Organs
" < 7f HERB So only one way by which r- H
3 % Jv any d'sca8C can bo cured , and th-t _ 1
"N Is by removing the cause , v/hct- _ * |
ever it may be. The great medical _ " 1
t authorities of the day declare that near * H
ly every disease Is caused by _ " |
! deranged Kidneys or Liver. . . > . \ _ " |
1 To restore these , therefore , is _ 55s |
i the only way by which health VC _ Sv\ _ _ l
i ccn bo secured. Here Is where - J _ H
Tj < _ _ _ _ _ y < ' > qsIl _ i
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
5 has achieved Its great repu- \5// _ _ l
2 tation. It Wl M
W" _ H
Z ; and by placing them In a Ji > H
-2 healthy condition , drivesL. . H
3 cisease end pain from the , - / H
-J system. j H
Larco bottle or noir style fa |
a nmaller one. at your drucKl ts. if H
i Its reputation " Twenty yearsI 1
< j of success , " In four continents. jVI . B
• -S Warnor's Safe Cure Co. . L.onf. \ > \ H
J | don. Rochester. Frankfort , llel7V _ H
3 bourne , Toronto. Sr t H
AjJ ) 1 Keens both rider and saddle ner-jk ' ' H
5S * _ f ( j fecty ! dry in the hardest storms. VWEgf _ _ |
_ 3K | Substitutes will disappoint. Ask far S , % * Hit
l87 Fish Branl1 Pommel Slicker B ! • ! ' ; * H
it lLp iH " 's cnt're'ynew. ' If not for sale in F > _ ? < ! _ _ |
Seb your town , write for catalogue to ; _ _ * ' _ _ _ H
P l" A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass. 8plB H
n , k _ Rcjr "C * We want one nrcnt in thu County to H
l2& 3 KclltofamilKrf. i > t-i-ti > ujlniarti < ; Ieo H
< w
W <
earth. Wi- pay all cziktii * . Ad-Jrtn H
GL1ZA CIIB.1I. CO.Vakliingt : i , t > . C. H H
; .n ? : * % H. B.WILLSONCO.Wiib- H
Psicsj i'3tRj * 0 > nKt' " > t > C > > o feotu ; jmHTit. H
U ff K r OaEB E Wfsecured.ZM. . | > aEi' lnx.U frre. H
' eySseTThorapscn's Eye Water. H
nr nipU quickly. SeDdfnr""JOOlnvention V. unted " H
Out nlun < tUo..24jllroiidway.h' . H
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 16.1S97. . H
When writing to advertisers , kindly men |
tlon this paper. |
% Mind this. It makes no difference , _ > jj _ _ H
S of the Muscles , Joints , and Bones is cured by lV * J U _ W |
_ _ l
j Walter Baker & Co. 's I
- Si Breakfast Cocoa. ! |
% w SoSi , 1 _ _ H
* sg gE3 1- Because it is absolutely pure. j H
t fflRM&JK ec2use 's n0 * mac e y e so-called Dutch Process in J H
* M % , which chemicals are used. J H
| cv ftfk 3. Because beans of the finest quality are used. H
* % T i li 4 * Because it is made by a method which preserves unimpaired { H
t t'iSi e ' ii'm the exauisite natural flavor and odor of the beans. ± _ _ ll
if f Ji - 'riii _ _ _ H
"i w i r"KV-ll 5. Because it is the most economical , costing less than one cent _ _ H
5 fey i I if % E Be sure that you pet the genuine article made by WALTER * H
- ctS S BAKER & CO. Ltd. , Dorchester , Mass. Established 1780. H
& 3SW& m li _ _ * V t
in cycle building P
has mads U
Unequalled |
Unapproached |
* i
Hartford BisycEes |
$75 , $60 , $50 , $45. 1
POPE MFG. CO. , Hartford , Conn , fi
Catalar ie free from dealers , or by mail for a
one 2-ceat stamp. U
Examination and,4dvice ns rateutabilitj" of In-
rention. Send tor "InTentoir * Guide , cr How to Gets
Patent. " O'FAHEELI. & SOS. vroahinstan. D. C
n93BXl ud WHISKY hahlu rarrdRtok <
y s IU KI rmx. Dr. s. a. noouxr , itlxsta , at.
f j BV AStrOlO y rc.nnmt't.air. ' H n w _ work |
J S on thit vrcniirrlcl clfnce. H
The reader can casilj trll hi ? or his friends * Jtallnp ; H
I I'lanet. Therein also murh otli r laiua'ule Inror- H
i matlonand thehoroKorx-sotl'resideiitrtlcKiuIey j H
I and "Win. J. llrran. 1'rire. tK iyaia , tJ5c , SOc H
I ' and Sl.OO , acrordiriK- binuin ? . H
J parties -whose ieiterharpen to be Itt , Zrd. Stb and H
] Sth opnrd In nili day's matl. AH appliean's must H
j comply with the following ' - ondltlcnsfcend bes , race H |
or nationality- , place , yrar month , date and time of | H
birth , a. m. or ji. in. , as near as poo-itIf. All winners H
! < { will receive tbeir rcadln ? m > d tiifir He returned 1 9 H
' t 2c lor rc-tope. All applications rcuht contain 24c In H f
stamps to pay for readings in care yon are not the H
I winner. Send at Once ; you are Just as apt to win ' _ _ _ H
a < anyone , and if yrn do not you will receive a tsJu- H
I able tf Ft by astrology tor tl e t > mail om of He. Thos * H
j _ not lenowinr ; time of birth should tend 4c for fcrthar H
I : instrnrtions. Address m
j Dcpt. 4 , I94S. Clinton-St. H
Chicasro , III. H
' < < S < ! § > l CURE YOURSELF ! _ H
[ jT / OCBESSl I Use litG for uncaturil |
j / / la 1 to 5 d ys.\ I ducharges , ic ammaUoss , fl H
J itr f GsanatndJ irritations or ulcerations M
i f > ) f not ta itrutare. of mucous membranes. _ _ _ _ l
1 = 31 rau eon"5CBPainless , and not astrin- f HI
l. . 'gsWTHtETAIiSCriiMiau.Ca ge ° t or poiEonom. _ _ _ _
I V VCHOKNUI.0.1 " j Sold byl > i-n = jrit . _ _ _ _
V \ T7.S.A. 7 Per cent in plain wrapper , _ _ _ _ i
X. \ > 7I I by eipre a. prepaid , for l _ _ _ _ i
* S * " * S < JO 11 51 m"r 3 f , ° Jtl' , . & " 3- : a _ _ l
v ° Circular scat on request. r H
( e > f T - 'GURE GOHSTIF TIOM ' M
IXOCwVwVW , Uecclate liv-r and bo eN.curo- _ _ _ l
W r ticC heartache , aevr slcten , M
off f weaken or cripe. > .atcin liie H l
candy. 10c.SSr.COr. All cJru Kl t5 > tnpifree. . Ad- i
Cre&s STKUL1NG JtEHKUY CO. , Ciafa u. . . • : -w Yor _ H H
PITCITTC 20yearsir - > rience. Send s-otchforad. ' HHI
rnlLnlOavice. . ( L.l > < > pnn.examinerU.S. : fl _ _ |
Pit-Otllce } Deace a Wcax er. HutiiUBideWaib > .U - H