. . . . , . . f- i ? _ _ rffa"y"w"1 ' " " " " " " " ra"M" * " ' ' " " ' " | i " • " " " • ' ' ' ' " - " - ' . ' I .i -in 1 1 ' i - - . . i .i I I . - - ii i - - in- i i i - - ft ft lm \ | . -g 1 i E. M - . . . .I . , . . I H _ _ _ fl FIFTEENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. A"FRIL 16. 1897. NUMBER 48 _ _ _ te lea a- : n s > is i- i1S 1S red 1- 1is is le leg g u g I- Iy e a b i- r a 1 a tl i. > 1 1e o e s i 1 ' - : - t 2 3t 1 7 ; . s - tl ti I I I . - ; ) ; j ; ; ; r i : ; i \ be expected to do. Hence come the complaints of crowd ing the children and not giving them enough individual attention. Yes , it is true , every word of it. Iu our schools i some children are crowded two in a seat , some sit on benches without any desks , some sit at tables in the halls , but some how their teachers manage to keep most of them reasonably busy. A grave problem confronts the com munity. How to provide ways and means for the maintainance of the sys tem which is to provide for a constantly increasing school population while the revenues have steadily decreased. In comparison with other towns in the state the board of education has made a favorable showing in the amount of the annual expenditure , but with a large per cent of the taxes remaining unpaid from year to year the income does not meet even a moderate demand upon it. With prosperous years in the agricultural coun try surrounding the town and a consequent quent revival of the railroad industry , necessitating the employment of more men , the population of the city would increase and more school room become even more of a pressing necessity than it is now. The West ward building re quires many repairs , and must in time give place to a commodious central school building. Who will offer the solution to this problem ? V. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Waters were in Denver , first of the week. W. O. NbRVAL returned home from Holdrege , Saturday evening. F. M. KiMMELl. arrived home , last night , from his trip to Pennsylvania. D. E. BOMGARDNER of Lincoln was in town a few days , fore part of the week. Miss La Vaughn Phelan of Alliance visited relatives in the city , first of the week. Mrs. G. JR. Snyder went down to Lincoln , Saturday morning on 2 , to visit her parents. Mrs. Frank McClung and daughter Jennie were up from the late county seat , Wednesday. A. G. Cook of Des Moines , Iowa , has been visiting the McCarl boys for the last week or so. Mrs. W. F. Lawson , Mrs. W.S. Perry and daughter Miss Mabel spent Satur day in Lincoln. W. H. Edwards and family left , Mon day night , for Hastings , where they will make their home. C. W. Barnes of the Republican had business in Lincoln , Thursday , arriving i home last night. Misses Bird Happersett and Lillian Welborn of Indianola were in town , Sat urday , attending the millineropening. . R. A. GREEN , county clerk , returned , Tuesday night , from his old home in Adams county , Illinois . , where he has been for the past month. Miss ViCA Bauew , a niece of E. C. Ballew , and a former resident of this city , will assist Misses Stover & Stan- field duting the summer. Mrs. Smith , mother of Mrs. F. A. Pennell , left for her new home in Lin coln , Saturday morning. Miss Maud remained until Sunday morning. Mrs. P. S. Harris and little daughter Aimee arrived in the city from Omaha , Saturday night , and are the guests of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Menard. Mrs. Kate Clark of Chicago and Mrs. John Peckham of Batavia , Illinois , arrived in the city , Wednesday evening , and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Burgess. State Treasurer and Mrs. J. B. MESERVE came up from Lincoln , Satur day night on 3 , Mr. Meserve returning Monday night. Mrs. Meserve is still the guest of her daughter , Mrs. F. M. Kim- | mell. A Good Entertainment. The magnoscope entertainments given in the Menard hall , Tuesday and Wed nesday evenings of this week , were rather poorly attended , owing to other attractions. The pictures shown were all very fine , some very pretty effects be ing produced. Millinery Opening : . The millinery opening of Misses Stover & Stanfield , last Saturday , was well at tended. The ladies had on exhibition all the latest styles in hats and bonnets , and the visitors seemed pleased with the showing made. Wall Paper 4 cents a roll. L. W. McConnbll & Co. Dr. Edmund McManlis Kimmell. On last Saturday morning Somerset lost by death one of her popular young professional men in the person of Dr. E. M. Kimmell. His death was only a sur prise in that it came sooner then expect ed , for it was believed for several weeks by all but himself that his affliction was incurable , yet the announcement of his death brought profound sorrow to every heart iu the community. Those who knew Dr. Kimmell best held him in high esteem for his many noble traits of char acter , and those whose acquaintance with him was limited admired him for his courteous manner and estimableChristian conduct. In him all must have failed to find what we call faults those things that lessen the amiability or excellence of character for his life was that of an exemplar. Having just entered upon what prom ised to be a bright , useful and successful professional career it was hard to give up life , and almost in the presence of Death he refused to recognize the Grim Reaper , believing that his affliction would pass away , and planning for his future. Not until but a few hours before dissolution would he admit to the distressed rela tives at his bedside that "I will not be with jou long" . Dr. Edmund M. Kimmell was born on December 4 , 1864. He died at 6 o'clock on the moruing of April 3 , and was , therefore , in his thirty-third year. In 1SS3 he went to McCook , Nebraska , where he was associated with his brother Frank in the publication of The Tribune tor about three years , when he went to Seattle , Washington , and accepted the position of foreman in the office of the Telegram of that city. Desiring to en ter the profession of his father and eldest brother he left Seattle in June , 1891 , and came home to take up the study of med icine. Just before he left Seattle he was presented with a beautiful gold-headed cane by the other employes of the Tele gram office , as a mark of the high esteem in which he was held by them. Shortly after coming home he entered the Medico-Chirurgical College in Phila delphia , from which he graduated in 1S94. He came home , associated himself with his brother , Dr. H. S. Kimmell , and at once took up the practice of his chosen profession. His pleasing manner , pro fessional deportment and continued suc cess won for him enviable popularity.and a career of brilliant promise was just opening before him when he was over taken by the affliction that caused his death. For ten months he suffered from a stomach trouble that baffled medical skill ; he went to the Sanatorium at Mar- kletown , but found no relief there ; he went to Philadelphia for treatment , but returned with no improvement in his condition. He seemed determined to live , and planned for his future , but his 'friends knew he must die and they were in deep distress. The writer talked with him in his office , ou Thursda } ' afternoon , when he was cheerful and evidently hopeful ; forty hours later Death claimed him. He was a faithful member of the Diciple church and took a deep interest in religious affairs. He was proDably without an enemy , but his friends were legion. Why it is that one so young and of such an exemplary character should be called from earth we cannot tell , unless it be that "Death loves a shining mark" . Dr. Kimmell was a member of the Maccabees. He was also a member of the local lodge , I. O , O. F. , in which he had passed through the chairs. The funeral took place at 5 o'clock on Sunday evening , the obsequies being con ducted by Elder William Mullendore , who paid a high tribute to the character of the departed. A quartet from the choir of the Diciple church sang hymns that were favorites with the deceased. On the casket rested a harp of white lilies and roses , a gift from Mr. P. L. Carpen ter and his sister Mrs. Riale of John ston ; also a wreath of white lilies , roses and hyacinths from Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Schell , and a large bouquet of white roses and pinks from the deceased's "Brothers and Sisters in Christ" . Although the weather was unfavorable a very large concourse of people attended the funeral , occupying-every part of the large house , and probably one hundred persons stood on the pavement under umbrellas during the service. A large number followed the remains to the Hus band cemetery in carriages , and a body of forty to fifty Oddfellows , with as many other citizens , made the trip a-foot. The deceased' is survived by three brothers and three sisters Dr. H. S. and William of Somerset , Frank M. of Mc Cook , Nebraska , Mrs. Jonas Keffer of Ligonier , Mrs. E. B. Coffroth of Somer set and Mrs. L. W. Fogg of Latrobe. Somerset Standard. Latest in men's and boys' spring caps now ready. "The Famous. Wall Paper 4 cents a roll at McMlLLEN's. CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Christian Services Sundays at 11 and 7:30 o'clock in McConnell hall. Sunday' jhool at 10 o'clock. j- * { * Elder C. P. Evans. German Methodist Regular ser vices at 9 o'clock , every Sunday morn ing , in the South McCook Methodist church ; services in German. % ' Rev. M.Herrmann. Episcopal Divine service second and fourth Sundays of every mouth at 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 : p. m. Sunday school every Sunday at 10:00 a. m. Lectures alternate Mondays at 7:30 p. m. S. A. Potter , General Missionary. R. A. RUSSELL , Assistant. Methodist Sunday school at 10. Preaching at 11 , Easter service. Ep- worth League at 7 ; subject , "Let the Easter Lilies Bloom in Your Heart" . Children's service at S ; speaking and songs , birds and flowers. Ordinance of baptism administered after the service. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. A reception to the new members in the church , Thursday even ing , April 22d , at S o'clock. A welcome tc all of these services. J. A. Badcon , Pastor. Congregational Morning theme , "Hope's Resurrection" . Sermon fol lowed by the Easter communion. Even ing service at S o'clock ; an attractive Easter program by the Sunday school. Special music appropriate to the day both morning and evening. Sunday school at 10. Endeavor society at 7 ; topic , "The Conquest of Death" , Charles Northrup , leader. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. A kindly welcome is extended to all these services. Hart L. Preston , Pastor. SCHOOL NOTES. There was only one session of school , Monday. Rev. Geo. W. Sheafor was a visitor at the schools , last Friday afternoon , in company with Rev. Culliss. Martin Thorgrimson of the nth grade withdrew from school , first of the week , and filtered into the employ of-the B. & M. at this place. The 12th grade decided to have Kittie Stangeland as their valedictorian , Edna Dixon as salutatorian and William Mc- Manigal as class historian. Judd Kay was appointed lantern man ager , Tuesday , and William Mej-er took the place vacated by him as secretary of the special work department. The following were assembly room vis itors , Friday afternoon of last week : Ona Simons , Tom McCarl , Maude Doan , A. G. Cook , Marie Gibbons , Edith Oyster and Grace Shepherd. The magnoscope entertainment , last night , under the auspices of the public schools , at the east ward building , was liberally patronized. The assembly room was packed , and everyone was pleased with the performance. At the exercises after recess , last Fri day , the Rev. W. B. Culliss made quite an interestiug talk to the pupils , on elo cution. He read some extracts from Shakespeare in different ways , showing how things should , and should not , be read. The pupils were highly pleased. The majority of the 10th grade were asleep , Monday. Let's keep awake only two months The 10th grade is evenly divided , this year , there being six boys and six girls. We are proud of the class. School Notes in Culbertson Era. We would like to know whether Editors Clinton and Loren are proud cf the 10th grade on account of its being evenly di vided or its ability to sleep during school hours. The Lectures. THe second lecture given by Rev. W. B. ( Culliss in the Baptist church , last Fri day , on the Yosemite Valley , was a very fine one. There was a full attendance , and all present seemed well satisfied with -performance. . By request , he pro duced the chariot race in Ben Hur , to the edification of all. Owing to the popularity of his first two lectures , he was requested to remain over Sunday , and delived in full his lecture ou Ben Hur , which he did , Monday night , to a good sized audience. Should the doctor ever again lecture in McCook , he will receive a hearty welcome by the people'of our city. They Served Meals. The dinner and supper given by the ladies of the Methodist church in the Laycock building , Tuesday , were well attended by the town people. The re freshments were all of the highest order , and in great abundance. A bazaar was also ran in connection. The ladies are grateful to all for the liberal patronage accorded them. J Just the Thlngr for Nebraska. Missoula , Montana , has developed something new in the way of hydraulics in the form of a screw pump that is , a pump which may be operated by the current of any flowing stream by the simple submergence of the wheel in the current. The object of this invention is to produce a simple , portable , pumping machine , which is adapted to be placed in a current of water and thereby be operated and which in itself comprises all the necessary machinery for utilizing the force of the current for pumping water to an elevation , when it may be used for irrigation or other purposes. It is claimed by Louis E. Miller , the in ventor , that these pumps , with a four- inch pipe , placed in the water , requiring no fuel , no attention and no piers or barges for anchorage , in fact depending on the current of the stream alone for power , will pump a thousand gallons of water an hour in a five-mile current , and as the current increases so will the vol ume of water , which can be pumped to an elevation of 75 to 100 feet , varying with the rapidity of the current. The mechanism of the machine works on the inside of a conical shaped galvan ized casing , the casing having screws somewhat similar to the propellers on a steamboat. This casing is free to turn upon a hollow axle , the axle having a closure between the inlets to the dia- phram chamber and serving the double purpose of an axle and inlets to the pumping mechanism. The action of the current on the screws or schrew-shaped wings attached to the casing causes the case to be revolved upon the hollow axle. On the inside of this case and attached to it is a cam , which , through suitable connections , changes the rotary to a re ciprocating motion and operates the pump. The pump proper is of novel construction and consists of two concave saucer-shaped discs attached to the hol low axle , and a cross-head , free to move or slide upon the hollow axle , with con vex discs that fit into the concave discs attached to the axle on or near the center of the movable discs and to the outside edge of the fixed discs are fastened heavy hydraulic canvas diaphrams. The ro tary motion of the case imparts to the cross-head and discs attached thereto through the medium of a cam , a rocker shaft and connecting links , a reciprocat ing motion that causes the movable discs to seat or close into the fixed discs , and so fills and discharges each chamber al- ternatel } ' , and so give a constant flow. The inlet and discharge valves are at tached to the hollow axle at each end. The pump is anchored in the stream by means of a cross-arm and guy lines running to each shore or to piles driven in the stream. San Francisco Call , Band Concert. The Brigade band will give their an nual concert , next Wednesday evening , April 21st , in the Menard hall , at S o'clock. The program will be a new and attractive one , in which the follow ing persons will appear as soloists : G. R. Snyder , Roy Smith , F. A. Pennell , Ed. Wilcox , A. P. Ely and S. C. Beach. The band will also be assisted by Mrs. A. P. Bonnet , soprano , the Valentine male quartette , and Mrs. W. B. Mills , accompanist. This concert will doubtless be the best one ever given by the boys , and all music loving people should avail themselves of this oppotunity and go and hear the best band in the state. The price of ad mission will only be 25 cents , reserved seats included , programme part 1. March Caroline Stahl Band Overture to William Tell Rossini Band Tuba Solo Polka Caprice Bach . . . . . . ir. C4 j itiicox • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • * i * * Soprano Solo Selected Mrs. A. P. Bonnet Baritone Solo Whirlwind Polka Levy. Mr. F. A. Pennell Male Quartette In Old Madrid . .Messrs. Magee , McCarlSmith , McCarl The Mill in the Forest Idyll Eilenberg The brook in the forest , singing of birds , starting of the old mill , mill stops , finale Band part II. Selection Offenbachiana No. 2 Selec tions from Offenbach's Operas Air by Bsettger Band Clarinet Solo Second Air Varie Mohr. Mr. G. R.Snyder Horn Quartette Selected Messrs.McCarlHeberLudwickStangland Soprano Solo Selected Mrs. A. P. Bonnet Cornet Duet Vernantee Seelen Eilen berg Messrs. Ely and Beach Piccolo Solo Polka Caprice Damm. . . . Mr. Roy Smith Descriptive Village Life in the Olden Time LeThiere. Synopsis : Night Sunrise Astir in the Village Chir- dren going to school The Blacksmith Shop The May Queen Maypole dance Curfew Bell Choral by the Village Choir MoonlightLoves Ser enade ) Grand Finale Band $2,500.00 will buy the Spearman resi dence and three lots by seeeing S. Cor- deal at once. PETITE PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. H Paints and oils at McMillen's. | We are glad to note that Mrs- Louis | Suess is improving. H Staple stationery , best quality at lowest - | est prices , at The Tribune office. | It must be admitted that The TribUNE - | UNE is a very good paper. Reporter. ' H Wall Paper 4 cents a roll at H McMiLLKN'S. J Wall Paper 4 cents a roll. H L. W. McCoKMtLL & Co. | Boys' and Men's colored shirts. H The Famous. H Wall Paper 5 cents a roll ut | McMiLLKN'S. H Wall Paper 4 cents a roll. M L. W. McConnell & Co. . H Evensong and address at 7:30 , Monday M evening , April 19th , in the Episcopal M chapel , by Rev. R. A. Russell. J New things in men's silk and linen H handkerchiefs , just received. H The Famous. M Maude Cordeal will give lessons in < H Piano Music to a limited number of pup- ' H .ils at her home , 406 Marshall street. ' H See our lines of samples for clothing to ' H order. Prices the lowest , work and fit H first class. The Famous. | Rev. W. B. Culliss held gospel services H in the Baptist church , Tuesday evening , j H using the lantern to illustrate his sermou. | We notice by the new sign boards on H Dodge street that the latest way to spell H the word "driving" is thus : "d-r-i-v-e- | | " * M i-n-g" - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mrs. Vina Wood entertained a few of H her lady friends , Saturday , in honor of H Mrs. H. P. Sutton's sister , Mrs. Boyd of J Omaha. H Frank , the little son of Alex. Johnston H of Brush creek , was kicked by a horse , H first of the week , breaking his leg below H the knee. H Another beautiful rain , last Sunday H night. The rain gauge showed a precipitation - H itation of one and one-fourth inches. | And still there is more to follow. | By an oversight , last week , we forgot H tp mention that Mr. and Mrs. Sam " _ _ _ _ ! Moore were the recipients of a beautiful H little daughter , born Tuesday of last H week. H Miss Edna Stuby entertained a number H of her young friends at the home of her H pareuts'on Coffeen aveune on Thursday H evening. The evening was pleasantly | passed by playing games. Sheridan H Journal. r9H Mr. Colson informs us that he has H placed an order for one of the best j H makes of peanut roasters , which is expected - H pected in a few days , when he will be iu H a position to furnish the public with the H fresh roasted peanut. | Last Friday afternoon , Dr. E. H. H Waters dislocated his right shoulder in H lifting Leach's 50-pound dumb bell. Circumstances - _ _ _ _ | cumstances over which he had no con- j H trol compelled him to drop the weight , | making a lage hole in the floor. | Dr. W. V. Gage was summoned to Cul- | bertson , Wednesday , to render fellow | physician surgical assistance. Dr. A. W. | Miller was thrown out of his buggy , j H breaking his leg in two places about the | knee , making painful and severe injuries. | Some of our city residents have already - | ready begun to burn the rubbish raked H from their lawns iu the streets and al- _ _ _ _ _ leys. This is extremely hazardous and j H should not be allowed , as we understand | it is against a city ordinance. Better | get the rubbish hauled off. | Mr. Campbell , a son of the maker of H sub-soiling machinery , was here on Wednesday - H nesday , - and assisted S. P. Hart of the H McCook experiment station in setting up | the special machinery for the farm. J From here Mr. Campbell went to Ben- H kelman to perform a similar duty for the H experiment farm at that place. | The Republican Valley association of _ _ _ _ _ _ the Congregational church met in. Cambridge - ' | bridge , Tuesday and Wednesday of this f f week. Mr. T. B. Campbell , Rufus Carl- i | ton and Edith Oyster were the delegates | chosen to go from McCook. Rev. Hart | L. Preston was also in attendance. They H report a largely attended and an inter- j f esting meeting. Rev. H. L. Preston was H was elected to the place of moderator. | _ 1 ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l