The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 09, 1897, Image 6

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HS v' M KIMMI5LL , Publisher.
Hj B I Bictcles in Cheyenne county will be
Hj H jassesscd.
Hj H ' -TnE Catliolic church at Ponca will
EX post Sl,750.
B-H , Good horses arc in brisker demand
H B than for many months.
H H A fabm near lirainard recently sold
H fl for S30 per acre , spot cash.
H H The residence of Mrs. Miller , Long *
K Pine , was destroyed by fire.
H H * Tiik deserted wife of .lim Corbett
H H was once a resident of Broken How.
H'S . .C. A. Cuktis of the Nebraska City
B H i ' Press died last week of appendicitis.
H Si , ' Whkat sowing in some localities is
II < ' delayed on account of excessive wet.
H S ' At Eagle Ettic Smoke , a boy , had
H B I his arm badly mangled in a corn shel-
Hb A kkw society called the settlers'
H i borne guards is being organized at
S I Thedford.
Bfl Tin- : Norfolk factory has had no
Hjl I trouble in contracting for all the beets
{ S it can handle.
HB Rev. C. G , . Eiiowx has resigned his
HH charge as rector of Grace Episcopal
H I > church of Columbus.
1 j Tim Madison county teachers' insti-
HS I tute will be held this year in Norfolk.
B ; < The date is June 14 to 2' ) inclusive.
IJ , • iIIkv. Mr. Buss , of the Congregational
Hl ' I church. Fremont , will probably accept
B j a call in Illinois and assume his duties
n ' there about the 1st of May.
I QI An old gentleman hy the name of
HH Donquist dropped dead at "Whitman
Hi last week. 3Ir. Donquist was a resi-
H9 dent of Hyannis and was at Whitman
H on a visit.
HM Samuki. Steel , a farmer living near
Hl "Yutan. Saunders county , was suddenly
Hl > stricken with apoplexy a day or two
H2 a ? ° while milking a cow. IIis death'
followed soon after.
; Two sisters , Mesdames Herman
H | Kloth , and Julius Ktiester , wives of
Hf | ' prominent Cuming county farmers ,
Hj died last week. One was 3G and the
H other 3S years of age.
B • ' G. G. of Garfield township ,
B Cuming countjhas. . after thirty-five
H years , received a check of SG.77 from
H the war department for commutation
B | rations from war times.
B I The old settlers' i > icnic , which for
B ( sevcral years has annually been held
B At Gibbon , occurs this spring on April
H 17. A good program. has been pre-
B I j .pared and a pleasant time is expected.
Hg " / Tiie St. Paul national bank , the old-
B . est institution of the kind in the Loup
B J < country , was. ' reorganized April 1 on
B * , % the basis of a state bank. No change
B ] * is made in the officers or stockholders.
Hj ; Fotihes was brought to
B Plattsmouth from Union and lodged in
Bj ithe county jail upon the charge of
B 'having robbed his employer. Ben Beck-
Bi 'man , a farmer , residing in Liberty
Bl precinct , of two watches valued at $45.
1 United States Maksiiat , Thummel
Hf has named tlirce denuties . The names
Bl - , of others will be announced later.
B .Those appointed are A. E. Coggeshall ,
B chief office deputy , and .lames Allen of
B Omaha and George L. Palmer of Broken
. B Bow field deputies.
B j The bank of Bartlcy has invited its
* . B j depositors to call and get their money ,
_ H as it will soon < ro out of business. O.
B .Frost , the cashier , will give his atten-
H ! tion to some other business , and F. G.
B iStilgebouer will attend to an alfalfa
B < farm near Banbury.
H Adams county farmers , members of
K Jthe G. A. It. , have loaded a car of seed
Bj Jcorn. which they have donated to their
BE i Grand Army comrades residing in
Bj 'Cheyenne county , who were less for-
H Itunate with their crop of last year.
Bj W. N. Buck , a farmer living ten
Bj jmiles east of Lyons , was shot in the
Bj ' .shoulder by his wife because he tried
Bj "to enter his house. For several weeks
Bf DIr. Buck has been forced to sleep and
Bj 'cat in the barn , his wife refusing to
H 'allow him to enter the house for any
B purpose whatever. He is now at a
B neighbor ' s nursing his wound , which
fl is not dangerous.
B "Wjiile Mary Dvoraek. the 14-year-old
B daughter of Joseph Dvoraek of Te-
B jkama , was examining the contents of
B an old trunk , she found an old revolver
B which she playfully " pointed at her
B little sister , Anna , ' . ' , years old. The
B revolver was loaded and exploded , the
B ball entering the body of the little girl
B just below the heart. The child lived
Bj but a short time.
1 t A i.ktteh from a citizen of Holt
Bj jcounty was received by the governor.
flj .containing a draft for $40 to be placed
Bj jto the credit of the "conscience fund. " '
Bj { Tlie writer explained that he had cut
Bj .some timber from school land , and
Bj- .desired to ease his conscience by donat-
B lin be amount named to the per-
B jmanent school fund. The man did not
B j desire his name to be made public.
B j George II. Tiiummet. , the newly-ap-
B pointed United States marshal , has
B entered into partnership with W. S.
B Pearne for the purpose of conducting a
B general law business ? Mr. Thummcl ,
B jwho has enjo\ed a considerable prac-
B I Itice. wilL have a portion of his time at
B least taken tip by his new duties and
B with the present arrangement will still
B be able to take care of all his former
B business.
B . As James Daggett , living eight miles
B sotithwest of Clearwater , was loading
B , an old shotgun at his home , it was ac-
1 'cidentally discharged , the contents
B [ hitting two of his children. One of
B jthem , a girl about 12 years of age , was
B | instantly killed , her head being nearly
H { blown off. The other child , a few
H iyears younger , will recover. The
B gather and mother are almost bereft of
R ' reason in their grief.
B • W. G. Boston , for some years a hard-
B .ware merchant at David City , and
B nore recently engaged in the same
b ( business in Oklahoma , was brought
H Jiome by relatives in a sadly disorgan-
H ? zcd mental condition. It is hoped
H jthat a period of rest will restore his
H mind.
H \ An old gentleman at Springview re-
H ported to the marshal that he had been
| S-obbcd by a pickpocket , but found the
B roll three days later in his vest.
H f G. W. Noiatis opened court at Stodc-
B ville with 320 cases on the docket. The
H | term will be longer than usual on ac-
H. count of the large number of cases to
Hl fce disposed of. - " „ -
, . . .
* .
iloth Homes of the Z.ecislatnra Will
Probably Adjourn on the 7th Dig- ,
casslon Iilmited and Bills Bar- >
rled Through Miscellaneous
Legislative Notes.
The Nebraska Assembly.
Senate. The senate on the IWth spent an
other day In routine work. "When the sen
ate was ready for work It started off by ad
vancing house roll No. 200 to third reading.
House rolls Nos. 304 , 313,311,301,320 and 220
were reported from standing committees to
which they had been referred and placed on
general file. The bills have already passed
the house and are for the purpose or amend
ing the code of civil procedure. Three bills
were read tse third time and passed , as fol
lows : House roll No. 209 , a pro forma bill
directing the state treasurer to pay over to
the board of regents of the university of Ne
braska the biennial accumulation of the
Merrill fund set apart by congress for the
benefit of colleges of agriculture and me
chanic arts. House roll No. 237 , by Mr. Gaflin ,
to prohibit corporations from contributing
money or means to influence or control elec
tions. This bill , which now goes to the gov
ernor for his approval , is designed to prevent
the influence of corporations in state , county
or municipal elections and is drastic in its
provisions. The governor's private secretary
was received. He announced that the chief
executive had received and approved house
rolls Wos. 470 , 402 and 435 , and senate file No.
287. House roll No. 140 was then taken up for
consideration ; but the hour of noon having
arrived recess was taken until 2 o'clock.
After recess the consideration of the bill was
resumed. It was recommended for passage.
The anti-pass bill was taken up. It is as fol
lows : That hereafter it shall be unlawful
for any railroad company to give a pass or
carry free any passenger In the state of Ne
braska , and it is hereby declared unlawful
for any person to accept a pass from any
railroad company in the state of Nebraska ;
provided , that nothing in this act shall bo
construed to prohibit any common carrier
from giving free transportation to its own
officers or employes , or to prevent the officers
of any railroad company or companies from
exchangiag passes or tickets with other rail
road companies for their officers and em
ployes. There was a long debate , at the
close of which it was recommended that the
bill pass. Mr. Graham then moved that sen
ate file No. 28 be made a special order for to
morrow at 4 o'clock. The bill provides for a
reduction of railroad passenger rates to 2
cents per mile. The motion was lost. Ad
Sexate. The senate on the 31st made an
earnest effort to clear away the large accu
mulation of business on the general file. The
day was commenced with the usual attempt
to advance favorite bills for immediate con
sideration. McGann moved that senate file
No. 290 be made a special order for tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock. The motion was tabled.
Senate lile No. 01. is a bill designed to place
the industrial home for fallen women at Milford -
ford under the control of the board of public
lands and buildings , with the appointment
of the officers and employesof the institution
vested in the governor of the state. There
was considerable ' discussion on the bill , at
the conclusion of which Mr. Ransom moved
that the committee rise and report the bill
back to the senate , with the recommendation
that it do pass. The motion was agreed to.
Mr. Kansora moved that senate files Nos. 209 ,
270 , 271 , be ordered engrossed for third read
ing. The three bills , taken together , place
the appointments of the superintendents of
the industrial schools at Geneva and
Kearney and the Institute for the feeble
minded at Kcatrice in the hands of the gov
ernor. The motion was agreed to and
the senate took the usual midday recess.
After recess Mr. Howell then moved that
senate file No. 3S1. introduced by Messrs.
Ransom , Howell and .TclFcoat at the request
of the governor , for "an act to validate re
newal bonds issued hy cities of the metro
politan class , " bo advanced to third reading.
The matter went over one dsiy. The senate
then went'into committee ot the whole to ;
finish consideration of the bills bunched to
gether by the action ot the body in the morn
ing session. Mr. Ritchie resumed the chair
and the first bill taken up was senate fi e No.
290. The bill is entitled "an act to extend
and regulate the liability or employes to
make compensation for personal injuries re
ceived by their employes in their service ,
and to prevent the making or enforcement of
contracts or agreements limiting or impair
ing such liability. " It strikes at the volun
teer relief departments organized by railroad
companies doing business in the state. The
bill was recommended for pasoaae. Senate
files Nos. 209 , 270 and 271 were placed on third
reading and passed. They provide that the
governor shall appoint the superintendents
of the institute for the feeble minded at
Beatrice , the industrial school for hoys at
Kearney and the industrial school for girls
at Geneva. At present these officers arc ap-
Sointed by the board of public lands and
Sexate. The forenoon session of the sen
ate on the 1st was put in passing bills , most
them senate files which have yet to run the
gauntlet of the house. Some quick work
will be necessary to secure action in the
lower legislative branch as adjournment is
near at hand. The anti-pass bill , which has
been reserved for final action until the clos
ing days of the session , was brought up for
third reading , but was sent back to the com
mittee for amendment. The senate refused
to concur in the house amendments to the
bill abolishing deficiency judgments
The house insisted upon a clause providing
that the new law shall not apply to existing
contracts. The senate rejects the provision.
The bill taxing the earnings of express , tele
phone and telegraph companies passed by a
vote of 17 to 2. Senate file No. 375 , providing
for the taxation of telephone companies
proposes a tax of one-half of 1 per cent engross
gross earnings of all such companies. The
hill was passed by a vote of 17 too. Senate
file No. 378. t-a.\ing the telegraph companies
1 per cent on gross earnings , was passed by a
vote of 17 to 3. The anti-corporation bills
having been disposed of , the next taken up
was senate file No. 'Si , introduced by Mr.
Mutz of Keya Paha , providing a systematic
method for making road overseers * re
turns to Hie county treasurer. It was
passed by the reouisite majority. House
roll No. 190. appropriating Si0,000 for - anew
new dormitory building at the state normal
school at Peru , was passed without the emer
gency clause. House amendments to the de
ficiency judgment bill were not concurred in.
No further proceedings with reference to the
bill were taken and unless a conference com
mittee is asked for the measure will \\n\ \ \ •
failed to become a law. Mr. Talbot moved
that the swiate go into committee of tiie
whole to take up the consideration of house
roll No. 128 , the bill appropriating $30,000 for
the erection of a wing of a building on the
University campus , said building to become
a part of the permanent improvements of
the college of agriculture and mechanic arts.
A number of amendments offered were re
jected , and the bill was finally recommended
to pass as it came from the house.
Sexate. As soon a&the senate was ready
for business on the 2d , special action was
taken on a number of bills. Senate files Nos.
200. 230 , 203 , 201 , 202. 2G1 and 292 were ad
vanced to third rcadinjr. House roll No. 117
was added to the bills already in the special
order. This is the proposed law known as
the Script Hill. Bills on third reading were
taken up. The first bill was senate file No.
290 , to extend and regulate the liabilities of
employers to make compensation for per
sonal injuries received by their emloyes
while in their service , and to prevent the
making or enforcement of contracts or
agreements limiting or impairing such
liability. The bill failed to pass.
Senate file No. 241 , amending the irrigation
bill , was read the third time and passed.
House roll No. 203. appropriating $30,000 for
the wing of a new building to be erected on
the campus of the university of Nebraska for
a school of mechanic arts , was passed and
sent to the covernor. House roll No. 234. a
pro forma bill appropriating the matricula
tion fees of the state normal school "to the
use of that Institution , was passed. Senate
flic No. 01 was read the third time and passed.
This is the bill introduced by Mr. Ritchie
placing the management of the industrial
home for fallen women at Milford under the
management of the hoard of public lands
and buildhisrs , the superintendent and other
officers to he appointed by the governor.
Senate file No. 318 was then placed on jts
final passage and it received the necessary
votes. It provides that contracts for sale of
lands between the owner and agentemploved
to sell such lands shall be made in writing.
Consideration of the appropriation hill con
sumed the balance of the afternoon and
when the committee rose it had not been
House. On the opening of Hie house ses
sion on the 31st Mr. Yciscr moved that the
rules be amended wherein a two-thirds vote
Is necessary to action and that iifty-oi.o
. . , . . .
1 ' ' " ! * nil " l.i. in niwiijMiiinii. ' ' ' "
• votes be declared sufficient. The motion did
' not prevail. Standing committees reported
I a large number ot bills to the general file ,
and other * for indefinite postponement , i'lie
with the recommendation that tlicy he en-
same committees reported a number of hills
grossed for third reading. Bills on third
reading were taken up and placed on pass
age. Senaio lile No. 108 , Heal'rf deficiency
judgment bill passed. House roll No. 207 , by
Gaflin , to prohibit corporations from contrib
uting money'to campaign funds , had been the senate , and the house con
curred in' the amendments. House roll No.
428. extending the powers of the state board
of transportation , received 85 votes , with S3
against it , and failed to pass with the emer
gency clause. Senate file 'No. 78 , allowing
pupils to attend school in a nearer district ,
and prevlding that they shall' thereafter be
enumerated in the district nearest tlicr resi
dence was passed by a vote of 79 to 1.
Senate file No. 143 , rcquiring-railroads to mow
their right-of-way twice a year , between the
15th day of July and the 13th of August of
each year , was passed. The deficiency judg
ment bill as passed by the house is as fol
lows : Sec. 1. That sections numbered 847
and S49 of the code of civil procedure of the
stajte of Nebraska be and the same are hereby
repealed. Sec. 2. That section numbered 648
of the code of civil procedure of the state of
Nebraska , which reads as follows : "After
such petition shall be filed , while the same is
pending , and after a decree rendered there
on , no proceedings whatever shall bo had at
law for the recovery of the debt secured by
the mortgage or any part thereof , unless
authorized by the court ; " shall be amended
to read as follows : "After such petition
shall bo filed , while the same is pending , and
after a decree rendered thereon , no proceed
ings whatever shall be had at law for the re
covery of the debt secured by the mortgage
or anv part. Providing that nothing in tills
act shall be construed as affecting existing
contracts. " Sec. 3. All acts and parts of
acts In conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
House. The first work of the house on the
1st was to advance senate lile No. 40 to third
reading. It is the bill to authorize the organ
ization of mutual Insurance companies. An
attempt made to advance house loll No.
333. the bill to enable colleges , universities
and normal schools to grant state certificates
did not provail. Tinder regular order of bus
iness bills on third reading were taken up.
Senate file No. 187 , to provide for a system of
uniform vouchers for the disbursement of
state funds was nassed by a vote of 78 to 0.
Senate file No. 313 , setting apart 210 acres of
land in Lancaster county for the use of the
hospital for the insane , was passed by a vote
of 77 toO. House roll No. 42 , a bill to enable
irrigation districts that have no outstanding
indebtedness to discontinue their organiza
tion , was passed by a vote of 77 to 1. House
roll No. 224 , appropriatingS23.000 to build an
addition to the Norfolk asylum , was passed
with the emergency clause , receiving 07 votes
to 13. House roll No. 353 , a claim or S170 for
four men in Red Willow county , who had
paid the above amount rent on school land ,
without having been granted lease for the
same , was passed. House roll No. 18. by
Uerling , to provide for building a standpipe
and an additional wing to the asylum of
Hastings , and appropriating $ " . 0,000 to defray
such expense , was passed with the emergency
clause. House roll No. 02-1 , by Sheldon at
Dawes , providing for drawing and empanel
ling juries in the trial of original actions in
the supreme court , and providing fees of the
jurors , was passed. House roll No. 053 , to
amend the Omaha charter in regard to issu
ing lionds , and validate such bonds as have
already been Issued , was passed with
the emergency clause stricken out. Sen
ate file No. 40 , to authorize the or
ganization of mutual hail insurance com-
ganies , was passed by a vote of 80 to 1. The
ill provides that any number of persous. not
less than 100 , residing in the state , who own
collectively , not less than 5.000 acres of grain ,
may form an incorporated company for mu
tual protection against haiL The bill also
provides for the character and manner of
conducting such companies. Standing com
mittees reported several bills to the general
file , and killed a few by indefinite postpone
ment. Senate file No. 351 , providing that
bodies of inmates who die in state institu
tions , and are unclaimed , shall be turned
over to medical colleges , was ordeied to
third reading. The house then adjourned.
House. Under the resolution adopted yes
terday , allowing each member to move the
advancement of one bill , a number asked to
have bills advanced , and " 'the request was
granted in regard to quite a number. House
roll No. irn , the claims appropriation bill ,
was passed with the emergency clause , after
a long call of the house. The only opposition
was on account of including the contest
claims in this bill. House roll No. 463. by
Loorais , providing for a blanket ballot in
stead of the present system , was passed , re
ceiving 09 votes. Senate file No. 331 , providing
that unclaimed bodies of those who die in
state institutions shall be turned over to
medical colleges , failed to pass , receiving
only 42 votes. Senate iile Mo. 157 , by Ransom , j I
to prohibit officers in cities and villages from
accepting free gas or electric lights , water or
transportation on street cars , and providing
punishment for violation of these provisions ,
was passed by a vote of 53 to 21. House toll
No. 331 , by Gaylord , to provide instruction
and transportation for pupils either within
or without the district of their residence ,
was passed with the emergency clause.
House roll No. 351. allowing Mrs. B. Melvell
of Thayer county SHH.S3 overpaid on school
land , was pa cd. House roll No. 175 , by
Wheeler , amends the present law in regard
to the deposit of state and county in hanks.
It provides that the deposit shall not in any
case exceed 30 per cent of the capital stock of
such bank. The bill passed with the emer
gency clause. Father Snyder of Sherman
asked to be excused for the balance of the
session , and expressed his thanks to the
members , and especially to the younger men ,
for the many acts of kindness and courtesy
shown him during the session. - He was ex
cused by a-rising vote.
Dead at 100 Years of Age.
Chicago , April 1. .lariusC. Mears ,
one of the oldest settlers in Chicago ,
died yesterday at his home in La
Grange , aged 100 years and eight daj-s.
He first came to Chicago in 1835. He
served as postmaster of Hillsboro , 111. ,
under President Lincoln.
Conn Not Guilty of Libel.
Washington , April 1. Ex-Con
gressman Charles Conn of Elkhart ,
Ind. , formerly at the head of the
Washington Times company of this
city , was acquitted of criminal libel by
Justice Bradley on an indictment
sworn out by District Commissioner
Judge Kemp's Ambition.
Washintox , April 1. Judge Kemp
of Chillicothe , Mo. , has indorsements
from Maine to California for one of
the Indian territory judgeships , and is
here to press his claims in person.
A Wealthy New Yorker a Suicide.
Geneva , N. Y. , March 31. Charles
A. Houghton , principal owner of the
Cornin " r Glass company and reputed
to be worth 3500,000 , shot and killed
himself to-day.
To Prevent Tatent Frauds.
Washington , April 1. Senator
Hansbrough of North Dakota has in
troduced a bill to prevent inventors
ana others from being deceived and
defrauded by alleged patent attorneys.
Bryan's Next Speech.
Washington , April 2. The politi
cians are discussing with much inter
est the significance of the appearance
which Mr. Bryan is to make here in a
couple of weeks as the principal
speaker at a banquet in celebration of
the memory of Thomas Jefferson. It
is understood that he is preparing
himself with much care and there is
some expectations that he will sound
the party's keynote for use in the
state campaigns on for this year.
St. Paul Lowlands Flooded.
St. Paui. , Minn. , Apail 2. The Mis
sissippi has passed the danger line and
is still rising slowly. All residents of
the West side east of State street have
been driven to higher grounds. The
water is entering houses on the west
side of that streetand several hundred
people will be forced to move if the '
water rises another six inches. There | \
are many stories of suffering. ] \
gii rani i ii.
The United States State Department
Bald to nave Made Oulot , bat Ef
fective , Representations to Min
ister DoLome 1Vas Correspondent
pendent Crosby Murdered - •
dered hy Spain ?
Chicago , April n. The Times-Her
ald's Washington special says : "Sec
retary Sherman has protested against
the execution of General-ltuis Rivera ,
the Cuban leader in Pinar del Itio ,
who was recently captured by the
Spanish forces. President McKinley
and Secretary Sherman discussed the
Rivera case , and the latter , at
the President's suggestion , com
municated with Senor DeLome ,
the Spanish minister. Secretary
Sherman did not make a formal
protest against the execution of Ri
vera. At the same time Secretary
Sherman wanted the Spanish minister
and his government to understand that
the execution of Rivera would not tend
to promote good feeling for Spain in
this country. Already public opinion
was much exercised over the threat
to shoot the prisoner , and if
that threat was carried into ex
ecution the indignation through
out the United States might be so
great as to embarrass the government.
It is not doubted that Senor De Lome
communicated the substance of this
informal protest to his government ,
and there are reasons for believing
that the Sjianish authorities will cable
orders to Havana that will save
Rivera's life.
Havana , April 5. Acting Captain
General Ahumada has received orders
from Minister of War Azcarraga at
Madrid not to try General Ruis Rivera
immediately by court martial. The
minister thinks tliat a summar3 * court
martial , followed by the shooting of
Rivera and Bacallao , would have a bad
effect in Europe.
Washington , April 5. It is report
ed , but denied at the state depart
ment , that Consul General Lee has
cabled from Havana that he had reas
ons to believe that Correspondent
Crosby of Chicago had been captured
by Spaniards and murdered , not shot
in battle.
Sanguily Off for Cnba.
Jacksonville , Fla. , April n. Gen
eral Julio Sanguilj' . who was smug
gled into this city secretly br the
Cuban Junta Wednesday night , and
escaped the espionage of five Spanish
spies , left last evening for east coast
in disguise , thence to take a sailing
boat for Cuba. It is understood that
he will go to the western end of the
island of Pinar del Rio province and
assume charge of General Rivera's
Thousands of Bicycle Inventions.
Washington , April 5. The records
kept at the patent olhce show to what
an enormotts extent the invention of
bicycle improvements has grown in
this country. Since 1S7G over 4,000
patents relating to bicycles have been
granted by the United States natent
office , and at least half of these have
been issued in the last six years. It
now takes the labor of eight expert
assistant examiners to handle the ap
plications of cycle inventors , and even
with this force there is always a bijr
batch of applications awaiting exami
nation. How fast ibis industry has
grown may be judged from the state
ment that up to lSTij only about 300
patents for cycles had been issued.
There is no country in the world that
shows a similar rate of growth in this
same line.
Minister Breckinridge Safe.
Washington. April O. Clifton R.
Breckinridge , minister to Russia , is
not likely to be disturbed until the ex
piration of his four j'ears , which will
be about a year from now. While po
litical enemies , President McKinley
and Mr. Breckinridge tire warm
friends. Mr. Breckinridge , while a
member of Congress from Arkansas ,
served on the ways and means com
mittee with President McKinley. and
they were frequently in each other ' s
Composer Brahms Dead.
Viknna , April 3. Johannes Brahms ,
the well known musical composer , is
dead , ne had been ill for a long time.
He suffered from jaundice last autumn
and went to Carlsbad , but the disease
developed into cancer of the liver. He
was able to read almost to the last ,
and was kept in ignorance of his seri
ous condition. He was 07 years old.
A Young Girl Burned to Death.
Rich Hill , Mo. , April 3. The home
of Fayette Bell at Sprague station was
burned last night and his 11-ycar-old
daughter Cora perished. She appeared
at an upstairs window twice in full
view of her parents , and then sank
back enveloped in flames.
Michigan Miners' Wages Rnl9cd.
Ironwood , Mich. , April 5. The Met
ropolitan Irou and Land company has
announced an immediate i ncrease of
10 per cent in the wage scale in its
mines here. The increase affects 1.000
men employed in the Xorris and Pabst
A Rich Osage Divorced.
Pnitp.v. Okla. , April ' , . W. H. Con
ner , ex-treasurer of the Osage Indians , \
was divorced from his wife , Addie R.
Connor , at Pawnee on the ground of i
abandonment. He gave 510,000 as ali- '
inony to her. '
Changes UkoIy in Many Schedules of
the Ulnyley Bill.
Washinoi'ON , April 5. The Repub
lican members of the Senate commit
tee on finance are continuing their
work day and night on the tariff bill ,
with the intention of reporting it to
the Senate at the earliest possible day.
There is a well defined impression
about the Senate that the bill will be
generally remodeled , and the rates
considerably reduced in many of the
To Reform the Currency.
Washington , April 5. Eleven of the
fifteen members of the executive com
mittee appointed by the Indianapolis
monetary convention last January have
been in the city for several days.
That convention , composed of business
men delegated by the boards of trade
of 100 cities , decided to urge a commis
sion to investigate banking and cur
rency laws with a view to their early
revision , anil the executive committee
has decided to establish headquarters
here in an endeavor to procure from
congress such legislation at this session
as will empower the president to ap
point a committee to consider the sub
ject before the regular session of con
gress convenes in December.
Philippine Rebellion.
Washington , April . ' . . The Spanish
legation has received official dispatches
from Madrid , under date of April 1 ,
announcing the most decisive engage
ments in the Philippine islands since
the insurrection there began. The
stronglj' intrenched towns of Novcl-
leta , Lecbau and Rosano were stormed
and taken by the Spanish troops. At
the same time the Spanish shelled the
seaport town of Cavite Vigo and other
strategic points leading to the insur
gent stronghold of Imus. The losses
were heavy , and 103 prisoners surren
dered as a result of the shelling of
Cavite Vigo.
He Performs a Xenr Feat.
Chicago , April 5. With a little ma
chine which looks like an egg-beater.
Dr. Fenton B. Turck has performs the
feat of laundering the inside of a man's
stomach at the Post Graduate Medical
school , and , by means of the Roentgen
ray , he at the same time viewed the
internal apartment where his little
device was at work. The operation
marks an area of progress in the med
ical world , as the experiment was the
first of its kind made in full view of
the operator.
Double Kentucky Tragedy.
Hayden , Ky. , April 5. Tom Ogle
thorpe , a prosperous farmer , accused
his wife of having been intimate with
Henry Schneider , a farm hand. They
quarreled and Oglethorpe's wife left
him. Oglethorpe then went to
Schneider and shot him through the
heart with a Winchester , after which
he turned the weapon to his own head
and killed himself. ne was about 33
years old and had no childron.
Beer Makers May Strike.
Milwaukee , Wis. , April 5. Ten
thousand union brewery employes in
Milwaukee have submitted a demand
for eight hours * work a day for ten
hours' pay. The employers , while not
formally refusing the demand , sub
mitted a counter proposition , the
terms of which have not been made
public. It is said the union men re
fused to consider this proposition.
Should no agreement be reached by
Monday , a strike probably will be or
Butler Attempts Suicide.
San Francisco. April 3. Frank But
ler , the alleged Australian murderer ,
made an unsuccessful attempt to com
mit suicide in the presence of two
guards. With his long thumb nail he
made a ragged incision an inch long
near the temporal artery. The wound
went through the ilesh almost to the
bone and would have been serious had
Butler been more successful in locat
ing the artery. He is all right now.
McKinley May Take a Rest.
Washington , April 3. President
McKinley has in contemplation a brief
vacation from his official duties.
Nothing has been determined , yet it is
probable that he will avail himself of
the presence here uf the dispatch boat
Dolphin and go down the Potomac for
a couple of days about the middle of
next week.
Bis Shipment of Silver.
Xkw Yokk , April 3. The steamship
Umbria. which sails for Europe to
morrow , will take out the largest ship
ment of silver ' . )33.000 ounces since
July 10 , ISUO. The shipment on that
date was 1,020,000 ounces , taken by
two steamers. The total exports of
the week amount to 1.373,000 ounces ,
and 73,000 Mexican dollars.
Big Strike at St. Louis. j
St. Louis , Mo. , April 3. Five bun- J
dred emploj-es of clothing manufact
urers are on a strike , and the latter
will have a light on their hands that
may prove serious. Last fall the price ;
paid for making a coat was reduced !
from 03 to 30 cents. It was promised I
that the old rate would be restored in '
the spring , but as this has not been •
done , the workers struck. ;
"Wants Five Million Acres. ;
LaGrange , Ind. , April 3. Simon :
Pokagon. chief of the Pottawatomie <
Indians , who at one time resided in j
this part of Indiana , is preparing to ;
prosecute a claim against the United <
States government on " . ,000,000 acres
of land in Iowa , which was reserved
by the government by treaty in " lS2(3. ( ]
Powder Mills Blow Up. ]
Shamokin. Pa. , April 3. All the '
buildings of the Shamokin Powder I
companj * were completely wrecked bv
an explosion which occurred in the "
mill of the company. Fortunately '
there were no lives lost , all of the j
workmen having gone to their homes ] 1
President Gives a Dinner. "
Washington. April 3. President <
McKinley gave a dinner of twenty- ]
seven covers at the White house last '
night , the guests including the present *
and past members of the ways and <
means committee of the House now in j j
congressional life , and a few others. ' j
" * * * * *
- .n i l i iiiinamvi jf"1 B
Murderer Dntlor's Return. H
Sa Francisco , April 0. A first class | |
itato room in the cabin of the steamer H
Mariposa has been reserved for Mur- H
dercr Butler of Australia , who will be H
'taken back to Australia to-morrow , H
* but the usual fittings have been removed - / M
moved , oud all that remains in the ( B
1 room is the lower of the three bunks , M
in which ho will sleep. Close to the- M
liloor a strong steel ring has been * H
riveted , to which ho will be fastened if H
he should show a surly disposition. H
Three Australian detectives will take- m
turns in sitting in the room with the m
prisoner. H
The Crevasses Still Fonrlnr Torrents 1
Into the Lowlands. H
Memphis , Tcnn. , April 2.A heavj fj M
rainfall and a strong wind from the H
west have prevented the closing of any H
of the four big crevasses which are H
pouring huge streams of water into J H
the Yazoo delta of Mississippi. On the j H
contrary , the breaks are growing H
bteadily larger , and more are expected H
at any moment. H
Yesterday a- big break occurred at m
Westover , Ark. , and the 1,000 men at ? J H
work were barely able to escape. A M
dozen fine plantations were soon 1 H
Hooded and Helena put in fresh peril. H
The Laconia Circle country , contain- > |
intr 30,000 acres of fine farm land , is H
entirely Hooded and 5,000 people arc M
homeless. |
In Mississippi. Gunnison , Rosedale H
and other small towns arc under 1
water and the ilood extends back thirty ' k
miles. Hundreds of cattle were H
drowned and farm work destroyed. " |
Scores of plantation houses were H
wrecked , but so far probably not hall H
a dozen lives have been lost. H
Prominent Men Speak Against Clcvc * |
land's Forestry Scheme. H
Washington , April 2. Secretary of k
the Interior Bliss gave a hearing to a H
large congressional delegation who desired - < / |
sired to protest against the forestry res- m H
ervation order issued by President jm M
Cleveland on Feb. i. 2 last , setting aside f l
large tracts in various states. Those H
present included Senators Wilson and H
Turner of Washington ; Clarke and I H
Warren of Wyoming , Carter and Mantic - H
tic of Montana , Cannon of Utah and r H
Pettigrew of South Dakota , ex-Repre- j H
scntative Mondell of Wyoming and ex- H
Senator Moody of South Dakota , and < H
Land Commissioner Hermann and Director - H
rector Walcott of the geological survey H
were also present. The general proposition - H
osition urged was that the proclamation - |
tion of February 22 be either revoked H
in tote or its operations suspended H
until an investigation could be made k k k\
as to the character of the lands embraced - H
braced in tli-j reserved tracts. h\\\\\\ \
United Press to Quit |
New Yokk , April 2 The following , , H
notice has been issued by the assignee /sssssssssl
of the United Press : "To whom it t/ |
may concern : The news service of the /sssssssssl
United Press will be discontinued after - H
ter the night of April 7 , or about 3' H
o ' clock in the morning of April S. No J H
news dispatches will he received from 4 H
correspondents , reporters or news f kmmmm
agencies , or paid for , and he service ? H
of ail emplo3'cs will be dispensed with , _ , |
after that time. H
"E. G. Mason , Assignee. " H
Des Moines , March 2.1. An act / H
amending the laws relating- patents j H
and approved March 3 , 1897 , changes H
section 4S94 so as to limit the time for J kWW
completing an application to one (1) ( ) Ji H
year in place of two (2 ( ; years as it has |
been heretofore. A Des Moines inventor - H
ventor has filer an application for a |
patent for a method and apparatus for j k k k\ \
the electric transmission of numbers , H
letters , words , diagrams , pictures , etc. , H
in rapid succession. A person at one J k\W
end of a wire may give a written dedkWW
scription of an object or person and H
also a picture of the subject at the H
other end of the line. J. T. B. , Macks- M M
burg , Iowa , asks : What , is the fine and |
result for infringing a patent ? Answer - M
wer : The result of violating law by |
infringing a patent may be a suit in , H
the U. S. court for an injunction and H
damages and costs of suit assessed M
against the .infringer. The measure H
of damages is generally the amount of H
profit the owner of the patent is de- H
priyed of on account of the infringer's |
action. An injunction bv -court to- |
restrain an infringer , if * disregarded , ' H
may result in imprisonment of the in- < ' H
fringer. Our practice is not confined 4 |
to Iowa. Inventors in other states can > |
have our services upon the same _ i H
terms as Hawkeyes. J ? HL H
Thoiias G. and J. RALrn Oktvig , 1 , H
Solicitors of Patent ? . / M
Quotations From Xow York , Chicago. SU H
Louis , Omaha and Elsewhere. 1
. . OMAHA. 1
nutter Creamery separator. . . §
18 < & 19 MW
Kutter-Cliolcc fancy country. , id © r > § M
t nokonv-Urewcd ' % § M
( luckcnb-Live. per lb c U d 'C § M
Lemons-Choice .Mcluas 3 2.T to 3 50 H
Itotiey-lancy white g H
Onions , per bbl i ff } a i " , H
• - : IandIiI < od y : : : : : : } ? o 81s . JM
bwectI'otatoesperbbl I" " i Hb & i " " - * MtM
Oranges per box 3 Wj"
ay-Lnlancl. . per ton 4 $ A A 4 H
Kev teersi l - - " - § J8 g 1
Miikpan pri ; : : : : : : : : : : : J 85 g W
( • stives ! 30 ° GtS.V ) ufl
cows 4co < &r : , o tmrn
Heifers 12S < " > 3 M 1
.heep , " - - • • • - . - | CO g 3 g * m
Wheat-Xa2SprffiICAGa . h !
cornperim. . . . . . . ? : : : ; : i „ $ a • *
6te ! M
Oats , per bu. * 3 < 2t
Cattle ' H3 * \W
Bu kof saVeV 9 -
' 1 4 K1fl
: ) -
eep-Lambs. . ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : | g gjg JT
WheatcLh KS „ . 2 ft * m
Pork. . . . @ 22s- < * B
Whcat-Xo.2reu L0LIS-
Corn , per bu7. . . * < & i -
Oats , per bu. . . 21 ( ft "jij 'H
oSS- : ? : : : : - - " " • • • • • • : : • • • . : • : : S t 3 * I