RL " 4J2f Kathlne Suit Lawi la Now Znalatt.1. B JH * By Wfty of showing how Mrs , Grim- V flyisra nourishes wherever the IJrit- - ijfjT Ifih flaff rtJcs , a reader at Naplor , KjftfT Nftw Zealand , sends J.abonclicrc's mSm Truth a copy of the new bathing by- pSft \ law which has been promulgated j ? * . I there. One provision is as- follows : HV "Every person bathing in the j > ca. or mm > > n un > river or other water within , WW or within one mile of , the boundaries ll w- ° ' tne borough of Napier , shall ba Kfe attired in a decent and proper bath- P/9r * n dress , oxtondingr from the shoul- WrmP tiers to the knees , no white or flesh | \C color or net garments to bo worn. " W JrtJ ) How They Do It In 1'arlt. < x\fr There is to bo a lawn tennis club Km * l established in Paris upon a grand 1 1 scale. Tt will have eight courts , two Hm | 1 of which will bo covered and avail- Wg % ) able for winter play ; there will also NK be dining-rooms , dressing and bath jgSt\ . rooms. It is the intention of the club K \ i to hold two tournaments each year , teA A which English players will be invited , B * ff and an English professional has been N engaged who will look after the lawn S and instruct players when necessary. B. ' The subscription is fixed at 150 francs HM ? / for the first 100 members , after which Kv l ) w ° ra'se00 francs. < V C Couldn't 1 ! Genuine. , > Guest That still life study is a v \ wonder. Nothing could be finer than m | | 9 | that table , the book , the pipe and the KjR ) purse. How perfect the bank bill is ! Lu/ By Jove ! 1 believe it is a real bill Ha * \ pasted on. > flv ; ] Host Impossible ! I bought it of Al | an artist. KL h I.lve llrolli-d i.ohttur * . Im . - "Broiled live lobsters" is a familiar f | B ' phrase that has been explained to the I'l * * satisfaction of the Society for the Prc- Ufff vention of Cruelty to Animals , but PJK "live broiled lobsters. " which appears sift ? on the sign of a Broadway restaurant fS3y in Now York remains unexplained. M Asiatic Cholera In Lisbon. wL The special sanita-y inspector K 1 sent to Lisbon by the Spanish gov- H eminent in order to inquire into the k ' epidemic which has prevailed there WBm for some time past , after a long in- B\ vestigation declares that the out- B break is one of true Asiatic cholera , Mk imported to Lisbon from the Cape de Kp\ Verde islands. m Ml "star tobacco. " Wmr As you chew tobacco for pleasure use Star. S fe It Is not onlv the best but the moatlasting , and , to therefore , the cheapest. Wi ; Ho Didn't Object. ftl "But , my dear sir , " said the man IK who procrastinates , "if I pay you Hk this money , I will have to borrow it iJK of some one else. " Jaw "Very well , " replied the cold- fttck blooded citizen , "so long as you pay Dpt .what you owe me , I don't object to S you owing what you pay me. " K American Industries. Hi ' TO CURE A COLD IN ONTE DATj- Ejr Talse Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. . 1 K Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure * , jc BEL Couldn't Stand Satire. Bkj * . "You don't seem to get along very BjtJi < vell with yer old friend ? " Wrjfir "Naw. He got ter thinkin' he Rp | ( knowed too much. When I told 'im IftiJ he orter put 1is mind in a gymnasium HKU an1 give 'is voice a vacation , he got 3W1 mad. " B | SAVE YOUR EYES. Hk Columbian Optical Co. make Spectacles of nil WmL fclndsand fit them to your < • } c. 211S. IfithSt. Omaha l | [ "When brains and beauty combine , they InS , are irresistible. " " * * * - > HkA M O i A COSTLY TIMEKEEPER. A Gorgcou * Present Sent to M10 Em peror of Chinu. One of the most wonderful time keepers known to the horologis.t was made in London about 100 years ago and sent by the president of the East India company as a gift to the em peror of Cfc YThe , case was made in the form or * z chariot , in which was beated the figure of a woman. This figure was of pure iv'ori' and gold , and sat with her right hand resting upon a tiny clock fastened , to the &ide of the vehicle. A part of the wheels which kept trackof the llight of time were hidden in the body of a tiny bird , which had seemingly just alighted upon the lady's linger. Above was a canopy so arranged as to conceal a silver bell , fitted with a miniature hammer of the same metal , and , although it appeared to have no connection with the clock , regularly struck the hours , and could be made to repeat by touch ing a diamond button on the lad3' * s bodice. In the chariot at the ivory lady ' s feet there was a golden figure of a dog , and above and in front were two birds , apparently flying before the chariot. . This beautiful ornament was made almost entirely of gold , and was elaborately decorated with pre cious stones. The Century is about to print a new short serial story by Mar3' Hartwell Catherwood. "The Days of Jeanne d'Arc , " the result of a very careful study of the history of the maiden warrier of France , and of a pilgrimage of the places she made famous. The story has been in the hands of the editors of The Century for some time , but its publication was delayed on account of the recent appearance of Mark Twain ' s novel on the same sub ject in Harper 's Magazine. Mrs. Catherwood is said to treat Joan of Arc in a fresh way and the story is thought to be her very best work. McClurc ' s Magazine for April will contain a series of unpublished , letters written by General Sherman to a young lady between whom and an army officer the general undertook to re establish a broken romantic relation. The letters embody a story as good as any piece of fiction , and exhibit Sher man in a very charming way. The April number will also contain a series of life portraits of Alexander Hamilton and his wife , and a study of Hamilton ' s life and public services by his chief biographei * . the Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge. All KxplaineU. Briggs Have you ever heavd any thing of that young relative of yours who went out West ten years ago ? Griggs Why , yes. He is a mem ber of congress. Briggs Excuse me , old man. I wondered why you never mentioned his name. Truth. Sirs. "Window's Soothing Sjrnp For childrrnteetliiiiff.softens the frums.rcdnces inflam mation , allays pain , cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. Couldn't Stand Time. "What made you get away from the house in such a hurry ? " asked one tramp of a fellow traveler. "Dog ? " "Worse 'n that. The woman wore a waterfall. " Judge. Educate Your Bowels With. Cascarats. Candy Cathartic , cure constipation forever. 10c. If C C. C. fail , druggists refund money. Managerial Forethought. She Why are theater entrances always made so Avide and high ? He To let in the hats , of course. Any man able to eat pie need not worry about his health. Br * ' / how pleaded I am with I Psgil33F ! \ \ HT / vonr sarsaparilla. I \ ElllisllSlltr \ \ B //eltverv weak ami tired I iH = l gl = = § f V \ i / fast month. . aiid\\ent.Jis 1 fiSlralSimfiiSB X \ w / usual.toget ssarsa- \ J IIKIeSSs X. \ I' / parilla. ami did not know I fig \ \ • y\ / but I had \s until I got 1 Jgggj | ggSa \ \ | / / home , when I found I had l jj ! 5Ji ) \ 3P / yours. Ami pleased 1 am l J § $ § = $ l \ Hre I t'at ' * sr ° t y ° ur' ' . f ° 1' it made 1 / \Vllr K / ineriiggeil and strong sooner \ , 8 * K / than s. and so slrons \ / s ( S / / that Tset to work , alonc.in turn 1 / a a I K > / a liouse round. I movetl this \ / 55 \ = = t I / house it * full length , and then \ 1 / \ . - I 1 K / 16 feet hick. Quite an under- \ j V \l 'I I . / taking for one man. But it was \ I , u I f I SlF" " / y ° "r * < arsai > trilia that gave me \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ fef I atreirth to do it. I shall always \ \ ' t \ \ } A. I M m / tke it in future. " THOS.VAB1 > , \ | 1 V • \ g H | J Hill St. , Oliphant. Va. . Dec. 28,1SS > - \ I 1 \ \ I Wg WEiGHTY WOROS MJ Ayer's Sarsaparilla. m M YOOR BULiNG PLANET If DBCOWBED J BY AStrOlOSfy OmnWham-s n7w work | | HK . --g- on this wonderful tclence. HBi\ The reader can easily tell hU or his friends' Ruling Hf f1 yianct. There is also much other laluable infor- | H k , mat ion and the horoscopes of 1'resident McKInley Bnd Win. J. Bryan , rrice , postpaid , 25c , 50c ; and SI.00 , according to binuinjr. FREE TEST READINGS KrKnFo 1 ; K parties whose letters happen to be 1st. 3rd. 9th and I H ISth opened in each day's mail. AH applicants must HV romplr with the followinc conditlon r tend sex , lace | Hr ornationality , place , year , month , date and time of IHV birth , a. in. orp. m. , as near av possible. All winners K J will reef Itc their reodinp and their ile retamed less t1 < . ior postage. All applications must contain 21c in HH X. xtamps to pay for jvadinps in ase you are not the K winner. Send at Once : } ou are jmt as apt to win I K wl anyone , nnd ir yon do not. 3 ou will receive a valu- | A fdile test by astrology tortIe "tnall sum of 24c. The e V rot knowine time of birth thould send 1c for further H tsstructions. Address IL W. CUNNINGHAM PROF. G. . , Kv | Dept. 4,194 S. CHnton-st. I Chicago. 111. v W ) \ y n CURE YCHIRSELF ! B flnlu > Sij\ i dischargee , iutiaiumatione , t f UewawedJ irritations or ulcerations H ft ( i T/net 10 ttritiurc of mucous membranes. I l 4PnTeau | caaucioa. 1'aitileES. nnd not astria- I fc5S\lTKEEY sCHEUIWlC0. e"t ° r poisonous. I - VcKCitKAn,0.f ! 3 oIdby rnsr8rI t * Ii \ \ ffai , / ror eent 'n Pla't Trapper. \ . > . V A I IT express , prepaid , for rn.fi 2W 11 V-r- ° r3 littles , t2.1S. WU Ti * > n. Circular scat on reqeest. ( III * BjL • - * ' . ffffiLj.ui . ' ' , , ' ' " , " " " " ' * " ' ' - " 1 - 1 [ . . " 'i -iLj.ui .i"t J" 'r ' ' " "Q'ti _ mi Sfl br Mi POMMEL PjTtCeeps both rider and saddle per- | S BkIfsctly dry in the hardest storms. JHJE ? 5P 1 Substitutes wlldisappoHt Askfor Sw tTI lSo7 Rsh Brand Pomrnel Slicker XSr * tt J it is entirely new. If not for sale in g % & ? jJ BSrS your town , write for catalogue to 3MC ? gfPSg A. J. TOWER. Boston , AUss. R jy-j pnART R QV CE > TORY OI.P. s 1fGWHTERPR00F , Kr r JS'o RDST nor RATTLE. Oulfajf * tin or iron. A Dnrahle.Substitute for Plaster on walls. Writer Proof SihenJhing of sime materialtha best * cheapest in the market. Write f orsatnples.etCL toeFAYJU5ILLAR00nxaC0.CA21DE > .5.J. ( T0 : CURE C0HSTIPAT13K VtWfiwl Wx Regulate lircr and boivels , cure - rice headache , never sicvn , • i weaken or crip ' e. Cat'emite candy. 10c.2rK-.G0c. AH drucgists. Samples free. Ad- Cre ST hXl.NO iUiJIEBY CO. , Chicago myXew Yort. CROSSING EUBICOlT # ' j " HEY , -were both \C Suests at the same Zh & \ s " / jf Ti | i country house that ( autumn. He was Y - si Vs J'i 'i ' * an artist , hand- Spj * MyL. some , gifted , well /Ml S lorn but veer as WaSsyj ' l h e proverbial e & 20zbT\ church mouse , and SpT as proud as Lucifer. H She was an heiress , who , on attaining her majority some three years ago , had come into about $5,000 a year ; added to this attraction , she'-as beautiful , clever and charming. * She was bright , high-spirited , and very independent , as suitors soon found to their cost. "You'll be an old maid , Isbel , " re monstrated the aunt with whom she lived. "You are nearly 24 , my dear. " "I don't care , auntie , " laughed the young lady ; "an old maid is as good as anything a thousand times better than having a husband one doesn't care for. I'm not in love , dear , and so mean to keep my freedom. " That was said and said truly then some weeks before she came on this visit to Halcombe Grange and there met the artist , Eric Errington ; but could she have said the same as truly now , when the visit was drawing to a close ? The lips might , perhaps ; the heart was another matter entirely , and she knew it. She was no tyro of a girl in her teens , but a woman who lived in the world and neither could nor would deceive herself ; she knew that she loved Errington , and he loved her , despite his proud reticence and silence. What woman could not read between the lines ? What man could possibly at all times completely guard every look and tone and touch when thrown so constantly each day with the loved one ? He is unconscious hewer or when his secret is betrayed to that one. one.But But no one save Isbel Brandon her self suspected Errington's secret. He neither held aloof nor markedly sought her. But there were one or two others among the party who did so , and one day Maj. Glyn , the host , said half jest ingly to Eric : "My dear fellow , why don't you try your chance with the beautiful heiress and win a fortune , and therewith a • speedy rise to fame ? " "Thank you , not I , " said the artist , with a laugh and shrug to cover the deeper feelings sthred. "I have no in tention of being- ticketed 'fortune hun ter' by the world or the fair lady her self. Even a poor devil of an artist may keep his pride and honor untar nished. " "But , Errington , nonsense ! " Glyn stared. "Suppose you really cared for a girl who happened to be rich ? " "So much the worse for me , Glyn. " "Yon really mean that you wouldn't woo her or ask her hand ? " "Never , " said the other. This had passed on the terrace. Some one half behind the lace cur tains of a window above /-ew back with quivering lips and he ; > breast. "Is this terrible gold of * . . . • to be ever , then , a hopeless barrier , 'tween two lives ? " Isbel muttered , locking her f ' I t = i J } | / / . / / & J & &J i | / j Fa "i' V < w'i . . y/\\h\ \ \ \ ft jws./ " s 'Amy lillvt' 4W Ilia li Hi ) 3 "MY LOVE FROM THE FIRST. " white hands. "He will never speak , never breathe a word , and I Heav en ! what can I the woman say or do without shame ? And yet yet is gold and a mistaken but noble pride and sense ' of honor to keep us apart for ever ? I know he loves me would tei ! me so at once were I poor. O , it is cruel , cruel. Something ought must be done ; but what ? " There it was ; she , the woman , was so helpless. And shortly after this the party broke up. A month later the artist one evening received a letter from Isbel , and , to his utter surprise and joy , oddly mixed with pain , she wished him to paint her portrait. Would he please call on her at 11 the next day ? Of course he would go ; but how go through the ordeal without self-be trayal ? Isbel had to strive with herself much harder for the ordeal she had at length with an infinite courage resolved to face. Therefore was it she had named an hour free from all visitors , and when her aunt , Mrs. Brandon , would still be in her own apartment. One of the two , she saw , must cross thn Rubi con and burn the boats behind if both * their lives were to be saved from wreck ; and since he would not , weli , she , the heiress , must , whatsoever the cost. cost.When When she was told he was in the drawing-room when almost the actual moment had arrived her heart sank , and at the vers" door she had to pause a minute to pull herself together ; then she went in. How the man's dark eyes lighted up ! How unconsciously close was the clasp of his hand on hers ! If she , had had one fleeting doubt of his lov- that second must have dispelled it. " \Vhat n pleasure to see you again , I Miss Brajylon ! " he said ; "and what if an honor you do me to let me paint your portrait ! " "Is it ? It Is good of you to call It so , " Isbel answered brightly , but in wardly every nerve was quivering and strained. "Aunt Mary began again yesterday about having my picture done , so I wrote to you. My aunt will be down presently , but' in the mean while .we can arrange the sittings , dress , and so forth. " Errington passed by the "so forth. " and only arranged for her dress and the sittings. "But now , " she said , "that that is settled , we come to you must please name your " "Pardon me , " Errington Interposed , with resolute quietude that in itself gave her fresh surety of her ground ; "but you must do me the great favor to let that part rest until the work is finished. You are not like a strang er " "Indeed , I hope not , " Isbel said gent ly. "Well , be it is you please , then. " "Thank you very much , Miss Bran don. " He rose. She , too , stood up ; the moment had come ; the woman's heart stood still for a moment that was agony ; two lives' happiness or misery hung on her courage or failure. "Well , I suppose your time is valua ble ? " she said , turning to him , but her eyes did not fully meet his. "By-the- bye , Mr. Errington , I believe if I am rightly informed that I have come to congratulate you ? " "Congratulate me ! " repeated the art ist , in genuine surprise. "For what ? on what account ? " His surprise , and , oddly enough , the very comedy of the position , gave her new courage. "Why , I heard that you arc engaged to an heiress , " she said. The Rubicon was crossed ; there was no going back now , come what would. Errington flushed to the brow , then paled again. "It is absolutely untrue , " he said , in a strained way , and drew back a step. "It never could be true of me ! " "But why not ? " persisted Isbel , now standing to her colors with true femin ine staunchness , her eyes aglow , her soft tones steady. "If , as I heard , you are attached to her , why should your engagement be an impossibility , as you imply ? " Had some one Glyn , perhaps dared to tell her this , meaning herself , but without naming her ? flashed across Eric , in haughty wrath and pain. "Why impossible ? " he repeated , stung to a sort of desperation. "Be cause I am a poor , struggling man who holds his honor dearer even than love if the story were true. Neither the world nor any woman born should have the right to believe me a dis honored fortune-hunter. " "The world's judgment ! " she said ; and now her breath came quickly , her eyes flashed like diamonds. "You are not such a coward , I know , as to fear that ; but is it much less cowardly to be afraid of even the risk of the woman's mistaking your motive the woman you love , remember ? " She was spesking with a strangely passionate , if suppressed , force that sent a sudden vague thrill through the man a dim sense of something that dazzled him of a personality beneath the overt meaning ; an assertion of his love for the heiress as a fact , not a mere figure of argument. "The woman you love , remember , and whose happiness , per haps , your pride may wreck as well as your own who doubtless knows your heart's secret , and curses the miserable gold and cruel pride that stands be tween your lives. " "Isbel ! " Errington sprang to her side caught her hands in his own. "My darling , my Icve from the first ! Forgive , if you can , worse than fool that I have been. Ah , my poor Isbel ! " For the girl burst into tears as he locked her to his heart ; the tension must needs give way at last , brave girl though she was. "O , why were you so cruel ? Why did you force me to to O , Eric ! " "My darling fergive me ! because I loved so much I feared your scornful refusal. Why should you think me dif ferent from other wooers ? And I nev er dreamed of this happiness , dearest , " he said , passionately. "One word tell me you forgive your lover. " "Eric , I love you , " she whispered , and lifted her face for a moment for his kiss. What matter if some of the world did say. when the marriage did take place , that it was the money the painter had sought ? He cared not , and those who knew him and his wife knew well it was a love match entirely. The pic ture not a mere portrait of beautiful Mrs. Errington , when seen the next May at the Academy , made a sensation and sent up the rising artist's name at once. "So , after all , you see , Eric , " his wife says , arch and tender in one , "you will win the best in the end , fortune # and fame. " "And the priceless treasure that neither gold nor fame could buy , " he answers , smiling down on the dear face "my wife. " The Folks at Home. The Xetv Woman. The new woman is representative of a renaissance , of a universal awaken ing among women. I am going to ad vance and try to support the theor7 that the new woman movement , repre sented by the new woman , is an indi cation that the modern world wom an is losing ground , and that this is a pathetic , vigorous , sometimes fran tic , effort on the part of woman for self-preservation. M.-M. Mangasarian. To Pay All 'Kotmcl. An Indiana editor wrote : "The re cent cold snap played the devil with a portion of our better half's houst1- plants. " The printer's devil left the " 1" out of "plants" and the editor's readers are wonderinp just what he meant. j . " / ; . . . * • - - . • - HMHMIilBllHillHHIBaBM , . _ _ _ _ _ Witter l > y the Co-O. "You Washington pcoplo quarrel about the water supply , " ' paid a wo- iuv.il who haK just com ? back from a two years ' visit in Dakota , -'but you ought to bo ashamed to say a wcd. . Why , J have learned to bo s > -avinjr of water that I really make calcula tions on every drop I use. Out there in Dakota wo had to buy water. In the summoi' we paid twenty cents a barrel for it. In tli2 winter wo bouurht by the ( ortl and had itstavked up in the back yard ico. vou know and then when we wanted it we chopped oil a piece and melted it down. And yet you object if the water is a bit murky. * ' She Wns Lo\t. As Monday's afternoon train drew into the Waldoboro depot a lady with an armful of bundles stopped into the car aisla. Just then the door at one end of the car opened and the brakeman - man said : ' 'Waldoboro ! Waldoboro ! " The lady immediately started down the aisle in that direction. When she was fairly agoing- , the door at the other end of the car opened and the conductor said : "Waldoboro ! Waldoboro ! " ; The lady stopped , bewildered , and j looking helplessly from ono end of the , car to the other , cried out : ' • Which end ? Which end ? " Rook- i ' land Courier-Gazette. The Faults nnd Vollles of the Afje Are numerous , but of the latter none is more ridiculous than the promiscuous and random use of laxative pills and other drastic cathartics. These wrench , convulse ami weaken both the stomach and the bowels. I f Hostetter's Stomach Bitters lie used instead of these no-remedies , the result is accom plished without pain and with tri'sit. benefit to the bowels , the stomach and liver. Use this remedy when constipation manifests itself , and theieby prevent it from becoming chionic. Philanthropic. Editor What are you going to do with these iron boxes. Enterprising Publisher Sh lhave a scheme. Into each of these boxes I am going to put a loaf of bread , and ten coupons cut from our paper will entitle a starving person to the use of a key. Truth. Don't Tobacco Spit and Sn.asc Yuar Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever , be mag nctie. full of life , nerve and'vigor , take No To- Bac , the wonder-worker , that mahes weak men strong All druggists , G0c or SI. Curcguaran- teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co , Chicago or New York. Xo Falsi ) Modesty There. An English editor recently an nounced that he would in the next issue of his paper begin the publi cation of a serial story entitled "The Prettiest Girl in Town. " Over a hundred girls wrote notes to the editor warning him to refrain from using their names or suffer the con sequences. Now York Ameri' IIccman' Camphor Ice with Glycerine. Cures Chapped Hands and face. Tei.derorSoreFtet , Chilblains , Piles , ic. C. G. Claik Co. , New Ila\en , CL Marbl 1 hat Was Z-laster. Jlost of the so-called marble houses of the Rome of Augustus were not such in reality. The plasterer ' s art had then reached a high state of per fection , and gave lo stucco the ap pearance of the finest marble. FITS stopped free nnd permanently cured. No fllb after flrst day"s use f Dr. fvline's Great .Verve Restorer. Kreu S2 trial ! > otlle and 1re.it.hi > . Send to Dr. Ku.ii , U31 Arch M. , l'hiladUphia , l'a- A * MUr > nlll- I ! ' • . A tree that smokes has been dis covered in the Japanese village of Ono. It is sixty feet hi h , and just after sunset every evening smoke issues from the top of the trunk. It is called the volcanic tree. PIso * s cure for Consumption has been a family medicine with us since lbGo. J. It. Madison , S409 4'Jd Ave. , Chicago. Ills. Where the l/nli > ; Shovretl. A little girl's father had a round , bald spot. Kissing him at , bedtime not long ago. she said : " "Stoop down , popsey : I want to kiss the place where : the lininjr shows. " ' > iii n > n > > n | > B > * > a > nn > E > * * * * > * ipn > * * * * * * ' * * * * * * > > > i > > iii > > > > > CT > ' > iH > > > i > > * > # > > * ! v > Li p.im. w „ | | h Bl Much AllltP. * p H Clara Isn 't this > trai o ? TM9 j f H book says that in Fran-T a woman ha # ' j H to marry in order to b * fn' .e. > i M Dora It's the same hero. Wq M must obey pana until we go to tha , M altar and solemnly premise to love , - fl honor and obey a husband and after | H that wo needn't obay am " no lj .r Puck. fl Ko-To-Uac for Fifty Cent * . i H Guaranteed tobacco habit cure , makes wenlc ' H censtrongblood pure. tOc.Sl. All dnnwtita. H Hard work is the easiest whj of killliiK , H time. H 1 B yS tGREAT 'ul cf S I 5 > ? y&sl2ia ydaj tlood purifiers. P j H | Wjpv | | TO WIut _ purines the i H Vj Lag- . . ' ' ' " " ' rarg'm j 9 H 1 AND THEY ALONE. g j H ! | If diseased , however , they cannot , • , H vj and the blood continually becomes W H tfj more impure. Every drop of blood ft H 2 in the body goes through the kidneys , S [ M the sewers of the system , every three W H $3 minutes , ni ht and day , while life B H A endures. } H ( | puts the kidneys in perfect health , and | ) H j nature does the rest. § > M vi The heavy , dragged out feeling , the g H bilious attacks , headaches , nervous g H rffl unrest , fickle appetite , all caused by jg H poisoned blood , will disappear when g H the kidneys properly perform their m > H if functions. a H * H There is no doubt about this , jg M (3 ( Thousands have so testified. The jg } j H 3 theory is right , the cure is right and | | M f health follows as a natural sequence. W M ( | Be self-convinced through per- $ H < j scnal prccf. fe H tyVf-F''WVgP ' • * • & • ' 4 - < af v wwi H t r ES \ ? * ri and health making H Cfey vV' . -i'K5y arc included in the H X < 3MW ating of HIRES H XsiWiw Kootbccr. Thcprepa- j H Vvl * ' ration of this great tcui- H p Md. pcrancc drink is an event H in million. H li 'M ' ofimportnticc a j % -njcr well regulated homes. H cfllm Rootbeer H ilii'lb full of g ° ° d health. H ? J' ' . • i' ' * > 'r ' > ? \ Invigorating , appctiz- 1 fejim : ing' satisl > , , n- piv H ' ' and H : - to-day < ( ) ' , ; 3fi some up ! ; $ ' ' , Irk have it ready to put H -il , hf down whenever you're H i li j , ! • - l thirsty. H I' ' ' 'W' ! , Made only by The H IftiiliWHi Charles fc. Hires Co. , M lillrPii Philadelphia. A pack- H - ISSHteSi aSc mr'kcs 5 gallons. M yP Sold everywhere- H FATlTSJBAOEilKS Examination and.Advlep.is -is I'ntriital.illty of In- H vention. bend for "Inventors * Guide. .r lo * to Geta j l Patent. " O'KAKKELL & SOX. -.s-hJiiston. . D. C. H 20jeais'experience. S nrtsVctchforail- ' H niTCMTC - rAlLlllua Mc < - . ( h.lK-une.lule prill , ixamint-r U.S. H Pal.OIIlce ) Deane&We.tver.UuGiiijd-Wuu.l ! : > .L' . 1 ftSSSIIiiUI a ° d WHISKY hMU " ' " ' • • mt • ' • H UBlUlci Htl-K. Dr. H. JH. MdOLI.tl. ITI.iiTl , Ul. H 'Si" ' ? } Thorapsonts ! Eye Waier. H W. N. U. OMAHA. No. l . 1897. | When writing to advertisers , kindly men | tion thl'paper. . H < r e t z r c t * * t i 9t9 tS P t fSaf H (4 For Headache. Backache , Toothache ; For pains Rheumatic , Neuralgic. 5ciatc. ! 2e H * Lumhagic ; For all = * B Y ACHES AND PAS S H Use "S5 THE GREAT CCRE , * & H © SS 5i&SB © ASIl " _ J5a d , ij lBg8 | % Il SI THE SURE CURE. Z H a > % ? E ISS WWtS f USbl ) THE CUfiE ALL ROLXD. I H [ Baker ' s Chocolate j I fi\A MADE BY 4 H : igLaWaiter Baker & Co. Ltd. , j H ' SvT Established in 1780 , at Dorchester , Mass. \ k ' M $ $ ? % Has tne well-known Yellow Labei on the front of every i | * M fW'lM PackaSe5 and the trademarkLa Beiie ( • hocoljtiere3 H C Slt ! | on the back. 4 | S ill SM NONE OTHER GENUINE. \ H & &S3 g& Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. , Dorchester , Mass. 1 H * vW COPYR1CHTS &e. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quietly ascertain , free , whether an invention Is probaoly patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency fort-ecurinf ; patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through ilunu i Co. recelvo special notice in the i SGIENTiFIO AMERICAN , beautifully illn-strated , largest circulation of any sciontiflc journal , weekly.tennatiCi ) a year ; TI-JOsix month ? . Specimen copies and ILixc Book ox Hatexts tent free. Address MUNN & CO. , ' atJl ISraaiinar. X " v Vork. &KT Qiia S WHEH ; Alt ELSE FAILS. fiST teg Best Cough Syrup , ' "istca Good. TJec isj tatlaie. Sold by drc-rcists. SS rw > c3i. nwiii > iiii"J iwm w * > pyjw.eyJi * 'i"n. ' .waw * , * * - * * * ? * . * jbw i. f Comfort to | California. | Every Timrsuay afternoon H a tourKt sleepin- ; car for 1 Denver , . - ' alt Lake City , San H Francico. . nnd Los Anc-eles H leave. Omaha and Lincoln H via the Burlington Kontc. H It is carpeted , upholstered H In rattan , ha > spring seats H and backs and is provided 1 gi with curtains , heddin ? . totv- j H - - -s-mtg n > MH els. oap.etc. An experienced H ' • I'lflll'UOJIl ' ' excursion conductor and a H Trir\Fur2M uniformed I'tillntan porter 1 ir lillMl \ W accompany it through to the H • " Ta l H While neither as expen- sivety linNlied nor a- tine to 1 look at aa pahi.-o bleepcr.it H is just ariiDtl to r : < lo in. Sec- H otd cIa > -sickt > tsarehonored | and the price of aherth.wide H enouth and hi- , - enough for H two. l , H For a folder giving full H particular * , write to j l J. FitAXCis , Gen'l Pass'r Agent , Omaha Neb , H