The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 02, 1897, Image 5

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    L'm S I HE DOES ? jp
BK > | | This well known and \ PC
P X \ IS I esteemed citizen buys $ jjv
I rJ BCj ? is Stationery at first \ ] C
LC | gd f door south of the court ! l C
Bjp * g [ | house , where nice line \ j v
W& " ( \ of Plain and Fancy I . . l C
K fey i | Writing Papers , both \ ff./pjCj
K feS I in "boxes and bulk , can I V'j j j
H K ! 1 e bought very cheap. | JJjCj
91 p I d ° Y ° u ? I iii
M v ru'ffll'ffft1 ? iv j ? % _ Uj { ? ? aujj U _ ? V ? &Vuj ftli'uf '
H 5 2 _ 2 § > FOR @ & _ i S
Hf &S EVERY member of | W
MfeX S S mZ EVERY family on | 2
Tv yufe BSSSoBK EVERY farm , in jgjgjj
Bpjfe ( ( ( V K EVERY State and Ter. p8)s )
Etf 5 53 \ p FOR True Womanhood § | p
Vm PvUg It ; 9ives a11 important news of the p *
Hff fitfo Nation and World , the most reliable * tfe $
Kl 5S 2 marketreportsbrilliant andinstruesjyp
Bf | s | ! § tive editorials , fascinating short stofg $
Rrs 5S § ries , an unexcelled agricultural de- 2
BP t&ffess partment , scientific and mechanical Su
HR 5S information , illustrated fashion artiIpS
WH § cleshumorous illustrations , etc. , etc. pjjSjj
mm $ % te § ? $
B / gfo FOR $1.50 , CASH IN ADVANCE. g
HE 5SJ3 Address all Orders to THE McCOOK TRIBUNE. ggfp
J BgP " > io Write your name and address on a postal card , send it to Geo. IV. Best , $ j J
SLv SS2 Tribu"e office , New York City , and a sample copy of the New-York Weekly Tribune 53JS
Hg m HOW TO GET IT FOR § 3.50. j | |
HRrv jw i " - To be educated one must read pS
U < Uy ? * A XT the best literature. ; S
m ' Unparalleled si\e • . , fe
Tf1 f 4 w „ ' ,
V OHO Leslie's Illustrated Weekl % |
lf - OFFER published at no Fifth Avenue , |
K l Cl * New York > * s ful1 ° tbe best jy >
1 . things. Its illustrations are
H\ L fy superb ; its stories charming ; and its literary departments are yg k
" r ; edited Avita consummate skill. |
m gJkSuch \ a paper is a great popular educator. It should be in J
i i every home. j
HU t l The subscription price of Leslie's is $4 per annum. b = = g
OrO ' } n We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of Leslie's IllUS- |
IKV g = | i trated Weekly and a copy of our own weekly for v one year , at p = p
Kk " * BQ oniy $3,5 ° for totb * 25
In l grt No such offer was ever made before. Xo such offer will ever f % 2
H | y | be made again.
R fS I Remit by postal order or check to r
II THE TRIBUNE , MeCook , Neb.
Engine 237 was sent to the Havelock
shops for repairs , Tuesday.
Conductor Cal. Kenady was up from
the Cheyenue line , Sunday.
Brakeman E. Benjamin made a busi
ness visit to Benkelnian , Tuesday.
Negligee , dress and working shirts.
Call and see them. The Famous.
Conductor A. E. Owens has been en
joying a visit from a brother , this week.
Conductor C E. Pope , wife and chil
dren visited in Omaha and Lincoln , this
Conductor C. E. Pope has been laid
up for vocal repairs. The grip about
walked off with his voice.
Emerson Hanson is having a neat
porch built along the east front of his
residence on north Manchester.
Call and leave your order for a stylish
spring suit. A good fit and lowest prices
guaranteed. The Famous.
Conductor and Mrs. Frank Kendlen
expect to take iirthe0. R. C. biennial
convention at Los Angeles , California ,
May nth.
Times are different now on the Western
division. In 1892 there were 106 engine
crews on the division , and they were all
busy , too. Now there are but 55 engine
crews on the division , and they have
more leisure than they care to enjoy.
C. H. Quereau , assistant supt. of motive
power , came up from Plattsmouth , Sun
day night , to enjoy a hunt on the west
end. He went to Fort Morgan , Colorado ,
Monday night , with a party of local
Operator Chambers , who left for a va
cation some two weeks ago , has engaged
in other business in Denver. Charlie
Pruitt , who was filling his place here ,
has accepted a station on the High Line
and will leave for there in a few days. A
young man by the name of Bash , from
Akron , has been assigned to this point.
Republican City Democrat.
Al. O'Neil was somewhat injured at
St. Francis , Monday , by a car jumping
the track on which he was riding. The
train crew were throwing a car down the
side track and Al. was riding it when the
accumulated ice along the rails forced it
from the track and it toppled over. Al. ,
of course , went with * it and sustained
some severe bruises. His face is some
what scarred , but he is on the run just
the same. Republican City Democrat.
That Fast Run.
S. Claj'ton , a brakeman in the emploj *
of the Burlington , has done up in rhyme
the recent record-breaking run on that
road from Chicago to Denver in about
eighteen hours , as follows :
A millionaire in New York
Who did not want for gold ,
Had a son who lived in Denver
Who was dying he was told.
A moment of meditation ,
And then a message flew
To one of the officials
At Chicago on the "O" .
He said a thousand dollars
He would pay to them with joy ,
If they'd land him in Denver
In time to see his boy.
Now Chicago is the center
For four competing lines
All of which run to Denver
And claim the fastest time.
This offer was made public
And the four competing lines
At once commenced to figure
On the distance and the time.
But then it was a question
If it was in their power
To make a trip to Denver
At sixty miles an hour.
The poor man was heart-broken ,
When he heard that three had said
That the time could not be made
For the living nor the dead.
The Burlington took the contract ,
And arrived two hours ahead
Of the time in the agreement ;
But , alas ! the boy was dead.
It was not the thousand dollars ,
But to prove beyond a doubt
That the safest and the quickest
Is over the Burlington Route.
The above is from the pen of a former
Allianceite , Sig Clayton , now residing at
Lincoln and braking between Lincoln
and Ravenna. Grip.
A Map of the United States.
The new wall map issued by the Bur
lington Route is three feet four inches
wide b\ ' four feet long ; is printed in six
colors ; is mounted on rollers ; shows every
state , county , important town and rail
road in the Union , and forms a very de
sirable and useful adjunct to any house
hold or business establishment.
Purchased in lots of 5,000 the maps
cost the Burlington Route nearly 20 cents
apiece , but on receipt of 15 cents in coiner
or stamps the undersigned will be pleased
to send you one. Write immediately , as
the supply is limited. J. Francis , G. P.
A. , Burlington Route , Omaha , Neb.
Hog and Cattle Fencing.
We have just received a car load of
Page Woven Wire Fencing for hogs and
all kinds of stock , which we will sell at
lowest prices. Barnett Lumber Co.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cures Piles. Scalds. Barns.
Highest Honors World's Fair ,
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
Onion sets , all vari
eties , at Knipple's.
Mrs. Nellie Hodgkin of Cambridge
Sundayed with friends here.
One of A. L. Cochran's little boys was
quite sijk ( , Sunday and Monday.
S. B. Rowe is again confiued to the
house , with ailments of an optical nature.
C. N. Whittaker of MeCook was the
guest of Prof. I. E. Wymore , Saturday
and Sunday.
E. Hopt of the MeCook corps of teach
ers is spending the vacation with his par
ents in East Valley.
Ed. McKillip returned , Sunday even
ing , from a six months' stay at Breckin
ridge , Colorado.
Miss Lota Nickels was quite sick with
infiamation of the lungs , latter part of
last week , but is recovering rapidly.
Mrs. J. F. Forbes and children of Me
Cook are spending a few days here with
her pareuts , Mr. and Mi s. H. F. Tom-
F. G. Stilgebouer took the books and
records of the Bank of Bartley , ( now
defunct ) , to Indianola on Monday to be
left with the State Bank at that place.
The revival meetings closed , Sunday'
evening , but no conversions were made ,
owing , probably , to the indifference evi
denced by a large portion of the mem
The village board has appointed the
following persons to officiate at the elec
tion , Tuesday : Judges , Wm. . Smith , E.
R. Moon and Wm. Cowles ; clerks , E. L.
Dennis and E. O. Scott.
Elder Roberts of Hendley , pastor of
the Christian church , conducted the
meeting in the hall , Sunday evening.
His daughter and a friend accompanied
him and were the guests of Miss Rena
Bentley over Sunday.
It is rumored that A. Dietsch , our
Dutch barber , has fallen heir to a con
siderable sum of money , owing to the
demise of a relative in the Fatherland.
Tony's relatives hope for the fullest
realization of his anticipations.
About thirty friends of Mr. and Mrs.
O. Frost assembled at their home , Mon
day evening , and whiled away a few
hours in a pleasing manner. Table
games and refreshments received a
share of attention and the evening
passed all too quickly. It is a matter of
regret that we are soon to lose this de
sirable family.
The bank of Bartley ceased to exist on
Saturday evening of last week , and that
it did is a matter of sincere regret with
all who had the best interests of the
town at heart. True , personal differ
ences with the management have per
mitted some to exult in the lamentable
State of affairs , but ere six months have
elapsed they will no doubt regret the
statements so thoughtlessly uttered dur
ing thepast ten days. The loss of this
institution cannot fail to injure the town
as a market and trading place , to say
nothing of the inconvenience suffered by
those who have banking business to
The members of the Woman's Relief
Corps and their families and the cornet
baud gathered at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. F. G. Stilgebouer , Saturday even
ing of last week , to make them a fare
well visit , preceeding their departure for
Danbury , where they expect to reside in
future. Acceptable music was provided
by the band , and refreshments brought
by the ladies were served. The evening
passed in social conversation and expres
sions of regret for the loss of this family
were heard on every hand. Mr. Stilge
bouer and family left for Danbury on
Thursday and they have the wishes of
a large circle of friends for their pros
The Masonic lodge gave a grand re
ception in M. E. church hall , Wednes
day evening , in honor of O. Frost and
F. G. Stilgebouer. two members who are
leaving here. Extensive preparations
were made for the occasion and members
of the lodge and their families were pre
sent from far and near. Refreshments
of a high order were served and no one
was permitted to leave the dining room
without having first fully satisfied the
desires of the inner man. The cornet
band was present by invitation and ren
dered several agreeable selections. With
al the affair was a gratifying success , the
leave taking of the two brother Masons
being the only incident to casta shadow
upon the cheerfnl enthusiasm of the par
" " "
I ' I
I-lew Goods ! i I
§ H Wash Fabrics are prettier than j | § I
H | ever this season. Our stock , too , is SfgS I
jm larger than usual. Drop in see the | & : I
&B3 line & $
m I
| P We have some bargains in H § I
§ fg Plain and in Novelties Wool Dress § | I
nGoods- _ _ _ m I
® Do not miss seeing our line of | f5 $
tm Ladies' Shirt Waists before buying mi
mil I
pH Embroideries , Laces , Summer | p
fife Underwear-all at hard times prices. H § < I
p § | Grocery stock , as usual , is up c |
d& to date. Prices strictly right. . $ m
UWS AT THE . . . # $ < M
I * i Bargain | I
m& " > StQ'r > @ gas |
§ gjj G. L. DeGROFF & CO. g&g M
tip v wj. M
M \ - first > 1 ! M H
gj f NATIONAL j g | H
S Authorized Capital , $100,000. j | | H
| 3 Capital and Surplus , $60,000 2S H
. , . . . , . . | | M
gy GEO. HOCKNELL President. B. M. FREES V. Pres. | j
. . . . . .
jv | W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEN NELL , Ass't Cash. JM H
gp A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director , jfl M
| f V. FRANKLIN , President. A. C. EBERT , Cashier , t if H H
# OF McCOOK , NEB. & H
# & M
# < ? H
# Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , Si0,000 # H
# * H
| | - DIRECTORS' > rjL f H
1 | / . FRANKLIN , N. S. HARW00D , A. C. EBERT , | | H |
. . . . .
& & M