W < Sk iBBiaaiBi' | | | | | | | ft Among ttio Giierokeeans. HCr INTERESTING ITEMS FROM THE Hggt WOMEN OF THIS WIDE- IW AWAKE TOWN. Hjjf \ Trom the Sentinel. CbcroUec , Kr.nsas. jj * \ Mrs. A. J. Ausincus has rrsldcrt in tlto B'Vicinity of Cherokee , Kan as. for : i number Hf of yearn and is murli esteemed by : i wide IHg' circle or friends who v ill rejoice to learn E that after man'years of suffering she has Ml linally been restored to health. Wishing to RK ; learn the particulars of Mrs. Ausineus' won- ml m dcrful cure , a reporter called at her resi- gja ' tlcnce and asked for an interview. Mrs. flB Ausmcus talked ireelyof hercaseand made jflK no objections to stating the facts for publi- BIk cation. She said : * H | # ) . " 'have been sorely afflicted with stomach HfKI trouble for upward of ilftecn yenrs. The HmbX suffering 1 endured during that time is bc- Kfr V , -V < * d description. I was taken with a dull Lv Q ] uia in the bjck which never left me. 1 If f Jiad to be very careful in my diet as my Kit ) stomach vroultf .und only certain kinds of EHLs. \ food. For iiftcCn years 1 could not eat fruit ran , } Jf any kind. I was" treated by a number of pMkthe best physicians in the county without M receiving any permanent benefit. Last fall H t - wJ le looking over an Jllinols newspaper K ft my attention was attracted to an account f of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was so im- Kl 1 pressed with the statement of a cure these fc x pills had effected that I made up my mind k I to give them a trial. I accordingly pur- Hfe \ chased a box and began their use , and they 1 Vhelped mo from the fir.it. When I had W , Spleen three boxes my health was fully re- HK Jfetorcd aud there has been no return of the uft , - puiseavo or any of its symptom * , m y "The pain in my back has loft me entirely r and now I can cat fruit or anything else I W \ desire. 1 feel better than I have for fifteen t fe ) years. 1 can cheerfully recommend Dr. ! J Williams' Pink PilLs , for thev accomplished MLMmwhat a number of physicians failed to do. " JE' Mi's. J. F. Morrison , wife of Mr. Fred ? \ Morrison , the ice dealer , of Cherokee. Kan- f j sas , when questioned by a rejorter as to F , J "the cause other restoration to health , said : W Vf > "For more tlian three years I was a sufi W -i Xiferer from stomach trouble. Ihadnoappc- r 2 Y V to for anything and become so weak and eraaeiated that I could not attend to my vA ZM household duties. I was treated by the % ablest physicians in Cherokee , but received HI little or no benefit. Aneighbor seeing that ? the doctors had failed to do me anv good W % advised me to try Pink Pills. You know Mi that when you ai-e sick all of your friends Ifs \ know of some sure cure remedy which they &J insist upon you taking. 1 had littlefaitu in any medicine , but 1 finally conseutcd to H give the pills a trial. So 1 sent to Boyer & L Graves' drug store and got a box of the V Pink Pills and began to take them. 1 took K two boxes without feeling much improve- V. ment and was about to discontinue their M , "use when Fred urged me to trv another " jr\ box. I did so and before half of the third K l box wa.i taken I felt so much better that I H 'becamo greatly encouraged and kept on S * taking the pills according to directions. fc "When I got the fourth box of Pink Pills my V'i liealth was completely restored , and I feel B "better today and weigh more than I have ft for a number of years. I keep a box of Pink HVi Pills in the house and would not be without fM\ them. The trouble with most people who MX' s6 Pink Pills without receiving any benefit Mr is because they do not give them a fair test , E Tjut abandon them because thev do not get > immediate relief. " p Mis. Mary Jones , wife of Wm. Jones , the L blacksmith , a resident of Cherokee , Kansas , Hi for twenty years was a sufferer from a se-t KfH Tere pain in the head aud nervous prostra- KUKtion. . She noticed an advertisement of Pink Tk Pil's ' in the Cherokee Sentinel and con- Bjf eluded to give them a trial. The result was * V that one box of Pink Pills restored her to ' complete health. Mrs. Jones is enthusiastic ft in her praise of Pink Pills. B Mrs. Meda Walker , of Cherokee , Kansas , K has probably suffered more with neuralgia Et than any other woman of her age in the Mb state. In an interview with a reporter she K said : saidEver ' -Ever since I can remember I have been great sufferer from neuralgia. About three years ago the disease seemed to grow worse. The pain in my head became almost ra . 1 had some decayed teeth ex tracted , thinking that perhaps they had ag gravated the inalday , but no relief resulted. 3 was treated by the best physicians , among bb , them a faith cure doctor but none of them | < -oild do anything for me except give tem- 8. porary relief. K * * About a year ago I saw an advertise- gt ment of Pink Pills iifthc Cherokee Sentinel , V and thinking thej- might help me I sent for Kt . a box. As soon as 1 began taking them I HjLs commenced to improve , and when 1 had MZ ? used two boxes all symptoms of neuralgia Bi had left me. That was about ten months | B ) ago and I havenotfelta touch of themaiady bV since. My care was certainly due to Pink Hb Pills alone , aud I regard theni as a blessing K to mankind. " I Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain , in a , HK condensed form , all the elements necessary | to give new life and richness to the blood H * and restore shattered nerves. Theyarealso " Hik a speeiiie for troubles peculiar to females , He such as suppressions , irregularities and all Hyv forms'of weakness. They build up the K blood and restore the glow of health to pale L , and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a H * .radical cure in all cases arising from men- B tal worry , overwork or excesses of what- f ever nature. Pink Pills are sold in boxes Hit ( never in loose bulk ) at 50 cents a box or six p boxes for f2.fr' , and may be had of all drng- fists. or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' ledicine Company. Schenectady , X. Y. S The 1'erverso Parent. HE "How did you < ret alomr when .you K1 told your father of our engagc- HK ment ? " asked the timid young : man. HP& * 'Oh , dear ! " she answered , * * it was " dreadful. I'm so ashamed of papa. " K * Stt "Was he unfavorable ? " H $ • • H'hat's no name for it When I tjf talked to him about our living on Bel ! love in a cottage on § 7 a week , I EfV couldn't make him listen to reason MaL at all. " Hk'n Timp. Hpf And very early ton. TliatS what any one H | > lioiilm ! iutreatint ; one's > elf for inaction K of tin' Kidney and bladder. The diuretic DL which experience indicates as snpplyiiiK the E re'iiiNiiCitimuhition to the onrans wUiiout A , exciting them. Hostetter's Stomach Kit- V K lcn > . l > ont delay ; kidney inaction and disH - H K iM. "saro not far apart. For feer and ague. nffl < lv-epsia. constipation. rhenmatiMn and r i er\e debility , also , use the Bitters. Bb A Serious Case. Ot Wife You must send me away for 9H my health at once. I am going into | B , a. decline. Hushand My ! My ! What BHPl jnakes you think so ? Wife All my B S dresses are beginning to feel com- Hk ' fortable. New York Weekly. V WO-TO-BAC FOR FIFTY CENTS. L Over4MKK ( ) cured. WbynotletNo-To-Bac T Tegn'ate or removoyour desire for tobacco. B Saves money , makes health aud manhood. H" Cure guaranteed , oOc and1.0a.alldruggists. m Kloctrlcal AVitcIicraft. ftv In 1745 Dr. Watson stretched a m wire across the Thame ? and sent an V electric shock through it from one , H observer to another. IIo was ac- Wk cused of witchcraft and liad much B 6j trouhle in proving his innocence. j fT I T Tl \ " FITS stonpftli'recnrl perinnnetiny enred. Xoflts H \ • * " ner first day's uio or 3 > r. KHiif' * Great. ere B. \ HMtorer. Vrcc S2 trial Ik > U1 < - and treatiw. HF Jamgerl.it J'oretliou ht. i m She Why are theater entrances J I always made so wide and high ? B He ' To let in the hat * , of course. j fittWA TtfiUQ For Sale on crop payment. V per \ M dIUHn f ra acre cash , balance < , cropycarivj K funyj < pad ! for. J. MulUalL Waakegan. JlJ V& j B SSS3S5SS5BiSSiG5p52 S2 k THOUSAND IFRANCS. ( jbsi CT HE oilence of death rrzzreigned in the / Ez < Tv gambling hall of J - < V ' ] I the Bank of Monte < i rt Carlo. The players ' • aml 6Pectators v/uo w V - were standing y around the roulette /fcf \ % & Vj/ ( watching the fas- % . tJ5 cinating game.were & in a frenzy of ex citement. The stakes hafl reached a high point. Even the keeper of the bant , who usually performed his disgusting duties in the most mechanical manner , had grown nervous ; he looked penetratingly at one of the players , who stood there with an apparently indifferent air. He must have " staked very high ; his indifference was artificial ; this fact did not escape the bankkeeper , shrewd observer that he was. "Paites votre jeu , mesdames et messieurs ' sieurs ! " came monotonously across the bankkeeper's thin , tightly pressed lips ; then , with a disdainful smile , he turned to his neighbor , an employe of the bank , and whispered to him : Sui cide candidate ! " The latter shrugged his shoulders. The player , who had been aroused from his wonted repose by the human gambling beast and whose intellectual head and proud , distinguished bearing betrayed the man of education and culture , rested his fine , aristocratic hand lightly on the fateful table and awaited the decision with an apparent calm that , under the circumstances , was well-nigh ominous and filled all with astonishment and horror. "Rien ne va plus ! " The ball was set rolling. The gen eral excitement reached its highest pitch. Spectators were actually crowd ing about the roulette. Only the pecu liar sound of the rolling ball could be heard. Its motion gradually be came fainter ; it seemed to be at a standstill. Red , no , black red once more it seemed as if a spirit from bell were playing its tricky game. Lost ! The- last is lost ! He turned around ; the questioning glance of a strikingly handsome woman met his gaze. "Lost , Henri ? " * "All is lost , Esther ! " was the dull reply - ply ; then they left. There are women of such singular predominating beauty that the first glance at them intoxicates , their near ness charms , their gaze infatuates women whose beauty cannot be justly described either by the pen of the poet nor reproduced by the brush of the painter or the chisel of the sculptor ; women whom one must see in order to understand how womanly beauty may be the noblest , the most inspiring , the most glorious and withal the most ter rible thing on earth. There is a deep significance in the custom of the orientals that compels women to go about veiled. Not envy , nor egotism , nor petty jealousy have made this custom a law but the wis dom of man , who recognizes and ap preciates the beautjof woman , who has found out by experience that the delicate breath from a beautiful woman's lips may come over people like a hurricane over the cedars of Lebanon. Such was the beauty of the woman who was now walking away at the side of the unfortunate gambler. * * * * * * * On the following Friday it was an nounced to the director of the bank that the right of admission was to be debarred to Henri de Laband. Henri de Laband , who had lost his whole fortune , had asked the directors for aid , and had received it. A thou sand francs ! Certainly , the bank would grant him that. On the morrow Esther appeared alone at the green table. "He has lost her , too ! ' the employes * whispered. v A SHOT ANSWERED HER. Shejchanged a check- for 1,000 france. in case she should lose the 1,000 francs , and he would come to call for her. "Dear Henri is so peculiar , " she murmured. She staked 100 francs and won. She let the gain stand and won again. "How happy Henri will be ! " And thus she won five times in succession. "She will break the bank , " the spec tators whispered to one another. She heard nothing. She thought of Henri. Again Esther .won. The bankkeeper tossed over 20,000 francs to her. She did not notice this. How strangely Henri had acted. Where could he have procured the money , after having lost everything on the previous day ? He told her he had found the check among his papers. Perhaps he had pawned his diamonds. Dear Henri ! Again she won. won.The The bankkeeper looked at her fur iously and shoved 60,000 francs in checks over to her place. Every one crowded about her. "Parbleu ! Madame ! Carry off your winnings ; you will lose everything if you don't ! " She saw and heard nothing what cojtld be the matter with Henri ? Once more the ball was set rolling. It was dusk ; the gas jets had been lighted. How pale the bankkeeper looked ; how pale was the strangely beautiful player , who was surrounded by admiring spectators ; even the most passionate gamblers forgot to stake , so excited were they. The ball rolled ; it was the question of a fortune ; the bankkeeper wiped the cold perspiration from his brow. Sud denly he jumped up with a curse ; the bank was broken. Every one congratulated the daring woman. When , in her excitement she counted up her money , she had won 240,000 francs. "A fortune , Henri , " she murmured , "now we will travel far away from this hell ! " Concealing the money in her pocket , she seized her late handkerchief and hurried to the door. She went out. Her handsome figure could be recog nized from afar in the reflection of the street lamps. She unfolded her hand kerchief and beckoned. A shot an swered her ; dear Henri had aimed well , for the bullet found its way to his heart. The devil of Monte Carlo had claimed cne more victim ! * _ . * * * * Henri de Leband rests in unhallowed ground ; no priest pronounced the bene diction of mankind over his grave. The coarse grave diggers only stood about , shoveling in the earth and talking about the tragic fate of the dead man. "The fool ! If I were j-oung and wealthy I would not gamble. It's a sin and a disgrace to throw precious coin into the jaws of those fellows up there , " and the speaker pointed in the direction of the gambling den. "There are enough of that sort bur ied here , " said the other with a coarse laugh ; "too bad about the fine coffins. The prince would do better to put his suicides in alcohol and charge admis sion. " "You'll lose your job by talking that way , " warned the first. "I'll say what I think ; we are stand ing on unhallowed ground. Whom should I be afraid of ? Of those fellows down there ? And isn't my advice good ? " sneered the second. "Nonsense ! What fault of the prince's is it if people who have lost their money blow out their brains ? " "The prince , " laughed the other in mockery , "cannot help it , to be sure. It would be bad for us , too ; we certain ly must have work ! " The grave had been closed. The grave diggers were on the point of leaving , when a closely veiled woman approached them , with youthful , elas tic step. "Whose grave is that ? " she asked softly. "The grave of a young Frenchman who shot himself yesterday , in front of the gambling hall , " replied one , as he wiped the perspiration from his face with his sleeve. The stranger quickly drew forth her purse and placed a few gold coins in the two grave-diggers' hands. They were quick of understanding and left the woman there in solitude. Esther folded her pretty hands in prayer. She did not weep , nor did a sigh pass her tightly closed lips , and yet she stood at the grave for a long time. Her steadfast gaze seemed to be able to pierce the crumbling earth. Finally with faltering steps , she left the grave. Why had he not told her that he would shoot himself , at her signal ? Poor fellow ! HER BICYCLE SURPRISE. It Diilu't ran Out Unite the Way the Younsr Woman Expected. "Our pretty gran'daughter , " ' said old Farmer Grout , dryly , according to the New York World , "donned her cute checkered bloomers yesterday , hopped a-straddle of her bicycle and rode away out here into the country to surprise her gran'ma and me. We were quite a good deal surprised , too , when she scooted up to the house , and I guess we showed it. If I hadn't been lookin' out of the barn door and hol lered just in time I reckon her gran'ma , whose eyesight ain't quite as good as mine , would have scalded her pretty badly with the dipper of b'illin * water that she grabbed up when she saw what she thought was a new kind of agent comin' to the door. And then , while the young lady's gran'ma was haulin' her into the other room to tear the bloomers off from her , I was lyist- lin' the bicycle out to the woodshed , and lookin' around for the axe. And while I was knockin' the blamed con traption into a tangle of twisted wires and wigglin' rubber I rather guess her gran'ma was spankin' her with a deft ness born of long practice. A little later the young lady , very red-eyed and weepy and clad in one of her gran'ma's old dresses , which didn't fit her within a mile and a quarter , was bein' hauled hack to town in her nice old gran'pa's market wagon. I don't know for certain , but I rather guess that the next time she attempts to sur prise her gran'parents she will stand off as far as possible and holler at 'em through one of them speakin' horns that Mister Edison has lately invent ed. " Itivals in the 2Iazy. There has been a rivalry between dancing clubs at Anderson , Ind. , in the matter of long waltzes. Probab ly all records in the state have been broken by Hugh Hays , and Miss Mil ler waltzing one hour and thirty-five minutes. Pearl Lee and others fell from exhaustion. , Bff n mi . . m.iwit .n * . w.f. . iHn.aii.M. . . < > i n nn.tl. , n i I SlOO Reward , 8100. The rcuders of thli paper will ho pleased tniearn that there 1 at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to euro In all its Mage * , and that i > > eatunh. HallV f'atarrh Cure is Hie only nosltite cure now Known to the medical traternity. Catanh. hulUK a constitutional dNe.tso. requires a con- htitutlniuil t-c'itniciit. Hall s Catarrh Cure. Is taken internally , art lux directly upon the blood and mucous .surfaces > r the system , thereby ihstioviiij ; the foundation of the disease , and j.Ivlnjf the patient -trenjjth l j building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have fco much lalth In its eur.itUu powers t hat they offer One Hundred Dollar for tiny ' • usethat It falls to cine , end for list of t'stimonlals. Address I' .J. CHENEY1 & CO. . Toledo , O. fold by druggists. 7.m : . Hall's Painiiy Pills are the best. They Opposed the Kule. Boston letter carriers are somewhat pleased at the outcome of their oppo sition to the rule of the postal authori ties requiring the men to purchase their uniforms and accessories from the tailoring firm to which a contract was awarded. The men all along felt that they could have outfits cheaper if permitted an option in the selection of a dealer. Accordingly the matter was brought to the attention of the authorities at Washington and it has been decided that the carriers may buy of any tailor they desire. WHAT A STUPENDOUS I.IK ! We hear a farmer say when he reads that John Breider , Mishicott , Wris. , grew 173 bushels of Salzer's Silver King Barley per acre in 1S96. Don't you believe it ? Just write him ! You see Salzer's s eds are bred up to big yields. And Oats 230 bushels , corn 2G0 , Wheat CO bushels , Potatoes 1.G0O bush els , Grasses G tons per acre , etc. , etc. SIO.00 roit lO CENTS. Just Send This Notice With lO Cents stamps to John A. Salzer Seed Co. , LaCrosse , Wis. , and get 12 farm seed samples , worth § 10 , to get a start , w.n. A < Jood Form of Punishment. In some of the German towns when a man is convicted of beating his wife he is allowed to go to work as 'usual , but his wife gets his wages and he is locked up only on Satur day nights and remains in prison until the following Monday. The punishment usually lasts for ten weeks. Efegeman'ii Camphor Ice tilth Glycerine. The original and only pennine. Cures Chapped Hands and Face , Cold Sores , &e. C G.Clark tCo.N.HavenCt. Knew How It Was tlimuif. Colonel Yergerdoes not think it is right to bestow promiscuous charity. A few days ago a beggar met him , and applied to him for pecuniary as sistance. After considerable reflec tion Colonel Yerger responded with a reluctant quarter and an expression of sympathy. "Thank you. colonel , " said the tramp , " 1 reckon you itnows how a fellow feels who has no education , and has to dead-beat his way through the world. " Texas Siftings. SAVK YOUR KTKS. Columbian Optical Co. make Spectacles of all kinds and litthciutoyoure3-es. 'Jllfe.lGthSt. Omaha A i roblem. .Jones A man ' s success is aeeordinn- to trie square of his honesty. lirown Do you mean that the less square the honesty , the greater the success ? I lno\v that my life was saved by Piso's Cure for Consumption. John A. Siiller , Au Sable , Tdirh. . Apri 21 , IS' .Cj. Kesonrces of Genius. The plantation melodist of the "Uncle Tom ' s Cabin " combination rushed into the little room where the manager was acting in the double character of property man and sheet- iron thunder purveyor. His voice trembled and his face looked almost pale through its burnt cork. "Mr. Oleman. " ' he said , "on of the Topsys is sick and can 't go on. " • • Tell Miss Pingle. " ' exclaimed the manager in a rinsing voice and with out a moment's hesitation , "to black up and take the part. We 'll get along with one Eva in the death scene ! " to-night TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Talc I axative Brome Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. i5c i : iiloil in Coal .Mines. One thousand and sixty persons were killed in coal mines in Great Britain during last year and sixty- five persons in metalliferous mines , both numbers being above the yearly average. Wiiev Lilhous or costive , eat a Cascaret. eand3 cathartic , cure guaranteed , 10c , 2. 5c. Vegetables never look as "well as the pic ture on the seed boxes. I is a disease which afflicts over 75 per | cent , of the American people. It is a | I dangerous disease because it not only | poisons the blood but causes heaviness , | oppression.and dulls the intellect. Then I follow chronic headache , loss of appe- j tite , slow digestion , nervousness , bad breath , dingy complexion and low spirits. It will eventually bring on hver and kidney disease in some incur able form. But sufferers from this dreaded malady are speedily Warner's SAFE Cure and Warner's SAFE Pills. Leading physicians the v/orld over , have acknowledged this fact , and thousands of people through out the land have testified to it. SAFE Cure puts a stop to backaches , headaches , constipation , loss of appe tite , dyspepsia , tired feelings and sleep lessness. It builds up the exhausted system. It is a sure cure for liver and 1 kidney complaint in any form , and the only remedy th = .t has ever been able to cure Bright's disease. 5 If you are feeling the need of such a remedy , you cannot do better than try this Uing of remedies , the crest * _ j- . -ui [ Co-opsrttlo.i. A certain Mr. Davies.who began life as a bawyer and carpenter , and whoso • honesty and industry carried him on to wealth as a railway contractor.sunk all his money in boring fo : * coal , no coal being found. Then ho called a large meeting of hia miners , and told them that ho had spent the earning * of his life in the speculation and would i have to abandon it Holding tip a , 1 half-crown , he declared that that was all ho had left of forty thousand pounds , which h" had sunk in the mine. A fellow cu .bd oat : "And we 'll ' huve that , too. " "And eo you shall ! " cried Davics , and threw the coin among them. This bit of desperation so delighted the men that they straightway determined to go to work again , wages or no wages. In a few days they found excellent coal , and plenty of it , and Davies was again a rich man. Argonaut. All Ahout Texas. A handsomely illustrated book of 200 pages descriptive of Texas and the re sources of that great state will be mailed to any address on receipt of eight cents to cover postage. T. .1. Price. A. C. I . A. , I. & . C. : > ' . 11. K. , Palestine , Texas. They Want Itiiinnitlcori. 1 Indio , on the Colorado desert , I. 'IO j miles south of Los An-jeles , had but .7. ! of an inch of rain in 1890. Usti- , ally about three inches fall in a year in one or two storms. The lowest . temperature in winter is 85 and the highest in summer 1 } . It has a mild j and delightful climate in winter for 1 invalids. The town is thirty feet be low sea level. i Ai.rAi.rA seii > rot : sai.k. Send for samples and price * to Hershey Ele vator Co. . Hershey , Xehia Ua. \thy Ko Oliln't. j Leading Citizen Mr. Mayor , the I rioters arc getting worse every min ute. You 'll have to go out and read the riot act to them. Mayor I can 't. . "Can 't ? And why not ? " "I can't read. " Harper ' s Bazar. Just try a 10c box of Cascnrets , candy cathartic , the finest liver and bowel regulator - . later made. 'Jilt ? DHluc Mir.iii. j Sarah Bernhardt has earned and 1 spent more money tban any other living actress. In the last twenty years she has earned fully ? i' ,0J0 , - 000 and circulated it with the ex travagance of a princess. Tun. Winnlow's Sootlilnc Sjrup For ohlldrt-n teethlnp.Fof ( en--tlieftuiii' ! . reduces mfiam- mation , allays pain , cures wind loIk. 25 tents a bottle. Rome of the kindly attention shown , young men for what they mnv be. should j be extended to the poor old men for what i they have been Cassahets stimu'ate liver. Kidneys and , bowels. Never sicken , weaken or gripe , 10c. j People always know it when a man is about to fail in busine-- . i About the first lie that a liar or a lover ' tells is that he isn 't h' < kle I TrTr < 7 ; ; T ; . , ' . . . " .i.i ' " . . .iji'm. 'i7. . i ' . ' . , " . " . n. ' ti. ' i I i nil unit nun mt3fo , I f HALL'S I I ! Vegetable Sicilian I II HAIR RENEWER f Beautifies end /e&torcs Gray | 11 Hair to its original color and j I vitality ; prevents baldness ; • ? I cures itching and dandruff. ; I A fine hair dressing. " ! 1 11. I * . ILill & ( ' \ . I'rojw. . Nhna , XII. . I hold Ly all Druggists. I 17340,066 , CONSTANT WEARERS. i I us ? m the mm. I tr * fc. F * " " " jrnr * Tills j S 1 W fli e I iiieiitn.Kiir , M /t&Z' lin * 'iM"iii ' i-ii ull . XJ.fcV' > fc > < oiiin : iii.ik " / ' & > Y\ > " • ' "it ! tiy ov t ' twj/X , "A J < | J0H4 ! > xruKii mi vUt Se f . • ' • l-ei-l "tl Ml t , tit C5&I ? " ' • ' • I uiuabitllj r R&rS ? , , " "y > > < " • " • • ! tltr- v - aST , , , * • . . , ' ii & . § ? • ' ' ' r a. > . * * - - • f' ' t > J Xthj , nixi > tjl < nmi ot VSJLV \ j ; \iry tnrlet * or Yr y HSlS I ' ' ' " * denier In > xJ [ V77MVV / * ow" 5T'vn ' rxelim- \i" • W7tWeiV\ J ' , r " " ' ' " ' " ' d er- S V" • v % ' 2'2S38U'I1' ' / ' I" liwnJ paper tv ' - VAK . . v 'Saprt nlile .ii.lt r Wilto i' " r\- 7 | , „ < .r.tal..t.ii tu } , . ' ' * • . a\ w. i „ inur : i.An. WLLrf.Jsi' 3i.- > ' KA ltr..fUlou. ilu . ' Comfort to | California. I Etcry Thursday afternoon H a tourist sleeping cur for Denvi r. Milt l.al e City , t-an rrani-i-.ro , and I.os Atmuli-s H leaves Oinnha and Lincoln \Ia the Iturliir tDii Itouto , . It is carpeted , upholstuit'd JH in 1 at tan , hu spiln -cit > * H and huclis and is provided SH 1 , wiili curtains , hcddlns. toiv- * M fc $7 fS& ] els M apetiAn experienced H SlilfimTUllTil excursion i-tAulurior and a. M hsMf&Scjklm uniformed 1 ullmati porter H " 'JlfnPjBI accompany it through to the { M * * * ' fl " " While ne.ilier as o\pon- s uely finished nor as tit t > to H look at as a i.alaresieupe.i- M is just : isnod ; loiidein. : * ec- H end class tickets an * hnnoiod H and the price of.ilicrth wide j H enoiiL'li and hi ? eunuch for H two. is oniv ? H I or a foidet ? ivin full M particulate write to H .1. 1'nA.NCis , Cen'l PzisVr A tr.t , Uniah.i 2 < < eh. H Wf SMOKE YOUR MEAT WITH + I tifcgjLClBCUlAB. E. KBAUSER & SP.O. JnlLTOH , Pfl. _ W N. UrOM AHA. No. 13. fS97 * H When writing to advertisers Kindly men M tion tills paper. H 5 Be quick , a mouse is at the cheese ! Just so r | \Iike a mouse , nibbles and QY. JACOBS OIL.f H /gnaws at the . .H nerves. ni < e a trap , \ . SEIZES , STAYS , AND FINISHES THE PAIN. $ M i iSM m * T WON'T RUB OFF. } M & lUi/fAtl / ' ' ' IVal J Paper Im "Unsanitary. HALSOJfirE IS \ H f rrlliTrT * TE3H ORAKy. ItOT , KUEM OFf AM > SCAf.Es. f H J R Hlf/S-4 / A I ADAQT1&SE fe ? Plre' I * Bsn t and nrustic 6 \ JilWSsO MLHOA I lUfc 7 = u' tinP. rt' = ' ! > f * r the brush f H Q -O KT- t ataifcfi \ 1/ i flusiis by mining in ccld water. A H A THE Doctor "One laser " of r , For . Sao . . r. hy , . P . nt < Dealers , . , , Kvoryivhcre. . . . . . a \ M M \paperlsia.ie > ) oiirh.voui PHph Tint . Card , " ' " "c : 32 desirable tints , ifo Alabastine f j H Athree here Jtahr may recover c ISLE. Souvenir Iine , T u > ntfrGetoanyoa Hicnt onmcthi.spr.per A H r but cannot thme" AI AIJASTJ E C M Grand llanidu. Jlichi f H /5STANfiy fATnADTir ] 2550 * fe MdsP DRUGGISTS \ • ABSOLUTELY GUARAHTEED t S fej | pleanfl hnntlftfree. Ad. STERLISO REWRY CO. . Chirs jo. Xnntreal. Can. , or .Vet ? Yori. "jj.ft H f Jft "Wh ii 1 Saw I I i& ) WM year advertisements I % \mr \ SM9ii IUssaghttiiatit'wasFrofcafcly Iiks tfcs tanotaicc- & \ | H S& WP Big Ho-w and Kttk snow ; bat Fm ready to surrenl H W Iff K\ & v \ * v /7J der'g ° ahead , gentlemen , you're all right ; I bought $ H VU t\\0 x y one of your binders last season and it is equal to any tfU ' H ' claim made for it. " H < 3t 7 Jk tZ * you ever @ \ 7o tT l"A This is the condensed essence of-what Mr. Thomas ) H fA ' iV \ > - Carney , of Washington Court House , Ohio , has to fif * H r * ' \ . s say about the McCormick Right Hand Open Elevator 1 _ H m Harvester and Binder. The claims made for McCormick Machines are \X H hi strong claims. That' because V | H Vic qJ ) H Kv Machines are so constructed that strong claims for them are justified. The mag ) | & dune you want.will cost you more than the other kind , for the simple reason that < M H B , it is worth more ; that's all there's no other reason and in the * end youll be ff % H glad you paid the difference , because there's nothing cheaper than the best.L H Jjl IVfcCcrmick Harvesting Machine Company , Chicago , M * % p The I.isht-KumiingMcCormicIi Open Elevator Harvester , J H Sf The LiRht-KuauingllcConaict New 4 Steel Mower. | H ; \a The LiKht-Rnnninjr McCoraiick Vertical Corn Birder and K H gj The Light-Running McCormick Daisy Reaper , for sale eerywhere. . Ifc. H