HE DOES ? I j § i | This well known and | DQ I esteemed citizen buys s pQ T § 3 I n s Stationery at first | ijNy L IS ' J door north of the post- - j Cl K Ifi i office , where nice line I yC | | i ; of Plain and Fancy | J § f iCj : Writing Papers , both | IJC : H Hi : • * n t > exes and bulk , can I jJjC K , Q : he bought very cheap. < | | C H 8 DO YOU ? 1 8 HTHE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE g § HK 51 2 .fesSSJ FOR ® 6 . § { J B H K | 2 EVERY member of | g H i fSZlawss EVERY family on 3\ \ * ( | e & lr PON TtwSBl K EVERY farm , in % Br fVTi ( i K EVERY State and Ter. § j& Bj $ c % , He lS EOR. True Womanhood § vp Hl p § It gives all important news of the p B m § Nation and World , the most reliable gsg K $ $ ? market reportsbrilliant andinstruegjyp m ) &i tive editorials , fasein&ting short sto- § & § Hj 5 § § ries , an unexcelled agricultural des & 3 V1 & 5s partment , scientific and mechanical & &J Kl jPt § information , -illustrated fashion arti- < & # Hr HS eles , humorous illustrations , etc. , etc. j Wf yj THE TRIBUNE AND N. Y. WEEKLY TRIBUNE 1 YEAR kjm Ki liS5 F0E S1,50 , CASH AIVANCE' aSa K ' S8 Address all Orders to THE McCOOK TRIBUNE. S * * Wfe - § 5 m & A'f tXC5 Write your name and address on a postal card , send it to Sec. Stf. Best , JCitV : MI S5 2 Tribune office , New York City , and a sampie copy of iU New-York Weekly Tribune JflJjjS K"f Sr v " " " "ce maiecl i0 y ° u' $ vtl Ml gEi P @HXM 0CMj K B A CAMPAIGN OF EDUCATION. § M T § | j HOW TO GET IT FOR $3.50. g " " " " " " " " R \ re To he educated one must read pC i Hf jF l f A AT the best literBtuie. ig i L i l The best literature is expen- j > j I ) § § Unparalleled * j * , weeHj , S k' gy offer. . suie ? I , ° * " ? .tTTe ; tei B J F | j New York , is full of the best yW K { RT things. Its illustrations are j ? Bh " * j CI superb ; its stories charming ; and its literary departments are j > k H l ea te "w consummate skill. Y } V j S3I Such a paper is a great popular educator. It should be in jg Sl Hf | " h l every home. l& & u m j y | The subscription price of Leslie's is $4 per annum. t SJ M& ISO We make l e unparalleled offer of a copy of Leslie's Illus- | | ' Bl ) * F trated Weekly and a copy of our own weekly for one year , at p m\ Ir&S only $3.50 for both. | K j j l Remit by postal order or check to ! 5CJ V S THE TRIBUNE' MeCook , Neb. g B I 11 ' li I . . ' ' _ , , , . . . . , . . , . , ' " ' 1 " * ' ' 1" " ' * " " ' - | 1" 1- .JyiJ ,77t r 1 ' ! ' „ 1..jj. - - - iiiBMMiSaia TABLE. MB HTIME Kcocr , KIBSAEEA. HflHH LINCOLN , DENVER , OMAHA , HELENA , CHICAGO. BUTIE , ST. JOSEPH , PORTLAND. KANSAS CITY , SALT LAKE CITY , ST. LOUIS and ALL SAN FRANCISCO , POINTS EAST AND AND ALL P'JINTS SOUTH. WEST. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : CENTRAL TIME. No. 2. Vestibuled Express , daily , Lincoln , Omaha , SL Joe , Kansas City , St. LouisChi- cnpo , and all points south and east 5:55 A.M. No. 4. Local Express , daily , Lin coln , Omaha , Chicago , and all points east. , 9:00 r. M. N0.148. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Hastings ana intermediate stations * 5:0 ° AM - No. 76. Freight , daily , Oxford , Ilol- drege , Hastings 6:45A.M. No. 80. Freightdaily , Hastings and intermediate stations 7:00 A. M. MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 5. Local Express , daily , Den ver and intermediate sta tions _ 8:15 P.M. No. 3. Vestibuled "Express , daily , Denver and all points in Colo.TJtah and California , 1110 P.M. N0.149. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Akron and intermediate sta tions 6:00 A. M. No. 77. Freight , daiyStrattonBen ! kelman , HaiglerVray and Akron 320 r. M. No. 63. Freight , daily.Stratton.Ben- kehnan , Haigler , Wray and Akron 5:00 P.M. N0.175. Accommodation , Mondays , "Wednesdays and Fridays , Imperial and intermediate stations 8:00 A. M. Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars ( seats free ) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write C. E. Magner , Agent , MeCook , .Nebraska , or J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Switchman F. S. Kerr is at work again. J. E. Robinson has taken his trick again. Fireman Frank Worden was down from Denver , Monday. Engineer J. E. Sanborn is looking over his farm near Haigler , rhis week. Brakeman Neal Beeler is on the Re publican City-St. Francis run. Conductor and Mrs. F. M. Washburn were Hastings visitors , this week. Will Brown was up from Orleans , Sun day , visiting relatives and friends. New styles stiff and soft hats now ready. See them at The Famous. Mrs. C. W. Bronson accompanied her husband up to Denver , -Thursday night. Mrs. Lewis Cann was over from Danbury - bury , Thursday , guest of ier son , L. E. Cann. Conductor and Mrs. Frank Kendlen made a flying visit to Lincoln on Wed nesday. Conductor V. H. Solliday is on the regular passenger run while Burns is with the special. Clerk and Mrs. M. Lawritson went in to Omaha , last Thursday on a flying vis it , returning home on 3 , Friday night. A brother of Switchman Fleming ar rived from Norton , Kansas , Thursday dight , to help care for the injured broth er. Mrs. Herrington and sister arrived from Superior , Wednesday , and are guests of their brother , Baggageman Lawrence. Our new line ol samples for spring ' 97 , for clothing to order , are now ready. See us before placing any order. A good fit and lowest prices guaranteed. The Famous. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden were down from Denver , Monday , arranging for the removal of the remains of their infant child to Farington , Illinois , whither they were shipped on No. 4 , the same day. A special of three cars passed over the Western division , Tuesday , from Hast ings to Denver. President C. E. Per kins , Vice President G. P. Harris , Gen eral Manager G. W. Holdrege and two prominent eastern stockholders were on the special. Superintendent Campbell met the party at Hastings and accom panied the special on to Denver. They returned on Friday morning attached to No. 2. J. H. Burns was the conductor in charge. C. E. Throne was the brake- man. Barney Lewis handled the throttle and lever and Fireman Newkirk kept the mill a popping. They were out on a tour of inspection of the Burlington sys tem. Switchman U. G. Fleming had a nar row escape for his life , about 4 o'clock , Thursday morning , and as it was sus tained severe and serious injuries. He was riding on the footboard in front of the engine , when for some reason the switch engine mounted the rails , throw ing the switchman under the engine. By rare presence of mind and with arms strengthened by desperation he seized and clung to the footboard until the en gine was stopped , thus escapiug instant and terrible death. The injuries sus tained are : Left ankle badly splintered and broken and right leg badly cutabout the thigh. The injured man was taken to the MeCook hospital , and is receiving every attention. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , DR vwc& w CREAM BAKING POWMR MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. PERSONALS. Mrs. Joseph Willi a vs arrived from Iowa , early in the week , being sum moned to the bedside of her husoand. Mr. and Mrs W. E. Babcock drove up from Cambridge , yesterday , and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs C F Babcock Mesdames A Campbell , Frank Har ris , E T. Waters and V. H. Solliday made a nying visit to Lincoln , Thursday. Assessment Values. At the Assessors' meeting , Tuesday , rates for assessing in this county were fixed as follows : Horses of all ages $1 oo to $10:00 Cattle of all ages r 00 to 500 Mules and asses of all ages 1.00 to 10.00 Sheep of all ages 25 to .50 Hogs , all ages ( except sucking pigs ) . . 50 per 100 lbs. Merchandise on mid } 4 value Manufacturers' tools , implem ents , machinery ( other than boilers and engines , which shall be listed as such ) % value Agricultural tools and implem ents and machinery J3 value Household or office furniture and property J3 value Investments in real estate and im provements thereon ] i value Bicycles $ 5 20 Land , per acre 50 to S3.00 Obituary Notices. Died , near Lebanon , March Sth , 1S97 , the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Paugh , aged S days. Funeral services were con ducted at the residence-by Rev. L. P. Hnntzinger. The little body was laved away in the"ehaiion cemetery. The bereaved parents have the heartfelt sym pathy of the neighborhood. Died , four miles southeast of Lebanon , on Mari'Ii 11 , Mrs. PJargarettaFike , aged 82 years , 6 mouths and 12 days. She was a member of the Duiikard church and a faithful Christian waiting patient ly for the angel of God to bear her spirit to the paradise above. The funeral ser mon was preached by Rev. L. P. Hunt- zinger 111 the Presbyterian church. She leaves a daughter , Mrs. Eifert , and quite a number of grand and great-grand chil dren and others to mourn their loss , which we believe is her eternal gain. She was laid to rest in the Hamburg cerneter } ' . A Map of the United States. The new wall map issued by the Bur lington Route is three feet four inches wide by four feet long ; is printed in six colors ; is mounted on rollers ; shows every state , county , important town and rail road in the Union , and forms a very de sirable and useful adjunct to any house hold or business establishment. Purchased in lots of 5,000 the maps cost the Burlington Route nearly 20 cents apiece , but on receipt of 15 cents in coiner or stamps the undersigned will bepleastd to send you one. Write immediately , as the supply is limited. J. Francis , G. P. A. , Burlington Route , Omaha , Neb. A Slight Fire. The fire department was called down to theB. & M. dining hall , about nine o'clock this morning , by an alarm. The fire originated under the floor under the kitchen. The flames were quickly ex tinguished with but slight damage. The origin of the fire is unknown. A Nice Rain. This vicinity was visited by a fine shower , Tuesday of this week , which placed the soil in good shape to com mence spring workflowing and seeding Hogr and Cattle Fencing. We have just received a car load of Page Woven Wire Fencing for hogs and all kinds of stock , which we will sell at lowest prices. Barnett Lumber Co. Mrs. M. E. Barger has received her new spring goods and you may look for her announcement of a grand opening in the near future. Her city trimmer will be here first of next week. Tom Rowell and Conductor Jno.Morris have each recently purchased a fine white Leghorn cockerel apiece from Mrs.Nellie Hawks of Friend. 1 = 1 Torturing , itching , scaly skin eruptions , , burns and scalds are soothed at once and promptly healed by DeWilt's Witch Hazel Salve , the best known cure for piles. A. Mc- Millen. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds , Burss. . I : ] m sis * W f 11 iNew Goods ! i i I W > cJ2 AAA JlvjSUJSm.jAiA AAAA A rffr A-rffa jOeA A A 52M3 * I ggg Wash Fabrics are prettier than | | § ; I H | ever this season. Our stock , too , is I 5 3 larger than usual. Drop in see the is ? ! I fH line. I fefe We have some bargains in f § § I JH Plain and in Novelties Wool Dress Jg I § x § Goods. * s&j I m m I jfej Do not miss seeing our line of p | | m& Ladies ' Shirt Waists before buying. § ? 2 I m m &j | Embroideries , laces , Summer g8 - Underwear-all at hard times prices. | e | | , Grocery stock , as usual , is up g3 H $ § & to date. Prices strictly right. § 5 $ H Ufttg AT THE . . . E&rS M M T7r p I Sal 5 • V * Ii ggS ' U Pi ' * > * W $ : H + Wargaiw m _ m Pj s TOfe § & ( M pfe ( G. L. DeGROFF & GO. ST O p l FIRST l M H g 1 NATIONAL j g H K Authorized Capital , $100,000 , | 1S HJH M Capital and Surplus , $60,000 0 H GEO. HOC KNELL , President. B. ti. FREES , V. Pres. jXi BbI gj W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEN NELL , Ass't Cash. l g I H : A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. j | = l j H | | V. FRANKLIN. President. A. C. EBERT. Cashier. % | I CITIZENS BANK I # OF MeCOOK. NEB. # H # - > M li Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , Si0.000 4 M it DIRECTORS l = § H # | If V. FRANKLIN , N. S. HARWOOD , A. C. EBERT , | | H | | H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALL/HAN , C. H. WILLARD. | | HH