f . . . • fS HASTINGS-OBERLIN. if'Wb Mail Clerk Kimball was a Chicago pas- B ' B sender , Tuesday morning. I H Ajient Davis of Ayr is still unable to I' B attend to the duties of his office. v | H Harry Ayers and wife of Franklin are ' " fl the proud parents of a new daughter that - . fl ' arrived on Saturday the 6th. : ' Conductor Cromwell has been "rast- I X tling" with the grip for several days and m fl Conductor LeHew had his crew. B H Section-foreman George Bauer of Riv- H erton went to Woodruff on Saturday to I9 spend Sunday with his brother Jake. H fl Braketuan Amick is now on the C , B. I fl & Q. ( Cromncll , Benjamen and Quigley ) B fl run , vice Kvt'rctt Dyer , who is transfer- B * fl red to McCook. B fl To Subscribers or The Tribune. B fl Readers of The Tkidune will please fl B remember that cash is an essential in fl II the publication of a paper. The pub- fl Kg Usher has been very lenient during the fl past few years , on account of crop fail H H nres and hard times , and as a const'- fl B queuce many hundreds of dollars are B fl due on subscriptions. We are now corn el fl * pclled to request all who can to call and 1 fl make settlement in full or in part. In M fl view of the facts , our subscribers must M fl feel the justice and urgency of this re H 9 quest. The Pubcishkr. B ] Notice to Handkerchief Owners. M B Found , Monday afternoon , on west H B side of Main street , a lady's handker- H B chief , size 13x14 inches , with a pink B fl borderette , and two life-like portraits B m stamped indelibly in the middle center. B B Same was slightly soiled on the outside , B fl and had a faint odor about it that re- B fl minded one thatspring is coming Owner B fl can have same by calling at this office fl fl and identifying it and paying for this 9 K notice. P. S. If not claimed in 10 days 9 B 'l w1 he sold by due process of law. Bfl Over Four Hundred Converts. flfl The four hundred mark has been pass- BI ed and the number of conversions in the fl 9 revival meetings will reach close to the HI half-thousand mark by the last of the Ha week. Meetings , this week , have been H B held in the Baptist church , with an over- Hfl : flowing attendance and unabated inter- B , est. Meetings may continue through the Kfl coming week or longer. Bli - HLB Jury Disagreed. K' ' Sylvester Cordeal as the agent for Guy B Lilly is trying to get possession of the BEj old Smith livery barn , occupied by Frank BS Allen for past four year. Case was tried Bfl before a jury in Justice Berr3r's courtyes- Bff ! terday. The jury was out until 6 o'clock Bfl ; this morning , disagreeing. Case contin- HKj ued to secure depositions. BSi ) - Wanted at McCook. 9K $ ' "Good man for district agent for Union HRf Central Life Insurance Company. Large HbK business now in force in McCook and H | Red Willow county. Address , Blf J. M. Edmistox , State Agent , HCf Postoffice Box 1,443 , Lincoln , Neb. The men's meeting at the Y. M. C. A. i yesterday afternoon , was largely atteud- _ _ _ _ _ ed. A commtttee of three was appointed H | to make arrangements if possible to char- flf ter a car to carry about S5 of Major Cole's H | converts from this city to McCook to Hi attend one of the Major's meetings at H | | that city. Hastings Daily Republican. I J YOUNG I I WIVES U | ' "We Offer You a Remedy Which Insures BM > SAFETY to LIFE of Both flljj Mother and Child. B MOTHERS FRIEND B | BOBS COXFLNEHEXT OF ITS ril > \ Bf IIORROK AND DANGER , Hf Makes CHILD-BIRTH Easy. B H Endorsed and recommended by physl- B cians , mldwives and these who have used HB it. Beware of substitutes and imitations. Hb Sent by express or mall , on receipt of price. I SI.OO per bottle. Book "TO MOTHERS" HB mailed free , containing voluntary testimonials. Q BRADCTELD REGULATOR CO. , Atlanta , Ga. H SOLD HV T.T. DRUGGISTS. H mi 4 BO YEARS' * * H dfl H EXPERIENCE. Hs B HFtra ° e BB rHHl DESICNS , B FTf" COPYRIGHTS Ac. j Anyone sending a sketch and description mar j quickly ascertain , free , whether an invention ia j probably patentable. Communications strictly H confidential. Oldest npency forsecuring patents j in America. Wo have a Washington office. j Patents taken through Uunn & Co. rocelvo H special notice in thom mSCIENTIFIC \ AMERICAN , H 1 bcanUfnlly Illustrated , larpoat circulation of H I anrsclentiflo Journal , weekly. tonns$3.C0 a year ; B I fLSO six months. Specimen copies and ILlsd fljw Cook ox I'atekts sent free Addrcsa 91U MUNN & CO.- H [ ! 3f l Itroadvvnv. K ° - Vork. H | | y ) Ancient I H / Jfcz Eg'yptian | B / A 'S/bfffiAmelhtxls of agriculture arc not artf H / / ///'Jul pUcable to the work of the Ameri- HH /A/ JyJ m can farmer of today. If you wish B J Bz t 48llto ccP fully informed , of the best i B W/KBz2f mvra-Ys and means of successfully i B 2f BR-JKrowinf : tioth fann and orchard , K Wk Wwm'&lf crops by the aid of irripntion you , BB B Vf.mD 'ifl lnust read a journal devoted to tin s t S - an XmK , li particular subject. Do you wish to 1 MM fiEj13& | & profit by what others liava learned flB in % rfaW | at the expense of an immense out- 1 | | l J Kw lay of timeand money ? lOcanum- 1 flfl ufjiS,17 { berorl a year is the cost of thcB" HI IW. J/jl / only ma nzne which willjjiveyou i plS fltSett.thedesircdinformation. . Uishand- • 1 EW j/jBjfcfv some , iiraclical and instructive. Hl Wt ZMXtttttE IRMGATION AGE. CHICAGO. • B SmlKv I'ubllsUcd by G. K. GIRLING , b B * mF 11 n ji j 11 1 u 1 nu 1 j fl' A Fight In the Transvaal. The Htorios of fighting between Boors and English in Sonth Africa have a etrong resemblance to these of Indian fighting in the old days in New Eng land. Ballots are exchanged between excellent marksmen concealed behind stones and bashes , and each bullet has , tinder snob circumstances , an immense value. The Capo Mercury says that Mr. Sampson , ono of the Johannesburg "re formers , " is the hero of a famous com bat with old Botha , a Boer fighter of re nown. In the Boer war of 1881 Samp- Bon and Botha found themselves behind stones on a level plain , shooting at each other. Sampson presently made sura that he had hit Botha and raised his head a little , when a bullet plowed his neck. "My man is dead , " exclaimed Botha , and exposed himself. At the same in stant a bullet from SampFon's rifle struck him. "This time I'vo got him ! " shouted Sampson , and raised himself up , but n bullet grazed his side and ho dropped. Botha now had no doubt that ho had ended his antagonist , and jumped up on his feet , only to be again laid low. Though the men were now past fight ing , with two bad wounds apiece , both recovered , and when Sampson settled in the Transvaal they became great friends and often chaffed each other about this encounter. Grant's Mother. Hannah Simpson , the gentle wife , had no discoverable enemies. She was almost universally beloved as a Chris tian woman and faithful wife and moth er. It took longer to know her , for she was the most reticent of persons. "Ulysses got his reticence , his patience , his equable temper from his mother , " is the verdict of those who knew both father and mother. Others go farther and say , "Ho got his sense from his mother. " Hannah Simpson seems to have gath ered up and carried forward to her son Ulysses the best qualities of her people. That she was a remarkable woman all her neighbors bear testimony. She never complained of any hardship or toil or disappointment. She Beldora laughed , and her son Ulysses once said , "I nnver saw her shed a tear in my life. " 'Sho was as proud of her family history as her husband was of his , but she said nothing about it. She never argued , never boasted and never gossiped of her neighbors. Her husband bore testimony to her high character in words well chosen , "Her steadiness and strength of character have been the stay of the family through "life. " Her old neigh bors call her "a noble woman. " Ham lin Garland in McClure's. Mnaio That Reaches Oat. There is some recompense even in pain that attends the living of colorless lives. There is a story of how a visitor to Amsterdam , wishing to hear the wonderful music of the chimes of St. Nicholas , went up in the tower of the fl'A hear it , and there he found a man with wooden gloves on his hands pounding the keyboard. It was all harsh and discordant when heard so close by , yet all the while floating over the city were strains of enchanting music. People ple in their homes were thrilled by wonderful bell notes that fell from the tower. So it i3 in life. There are many Bweet souls shut in to pain and sorrow and others whose days are filled with dull , monotonous labor , who little dream of the music that reaches out and touches with its sweetness other lives ; music that comes from their pa tient hammering away with wooden gloves on noisy keys that seem all out of tune. Surely sometime and some where will come to all such so much of sunshine , so smooth a path , that they will forget all the past in a present bliss. Philadelphia Times. A New Orleans Delilah. A Coliseum square belle is the pos sessor of a distinctly remarkable sofa pillow. It is stuffed with the whiskers , beards and mustaches of admirers whom the fair one , under the pretense of test ing their affection , enticed into shaving clean. The collection of hirsutes in cludes all colors , shades , lengths and degrees , from grave to gay , from gay to debonair the 6craggly snow covered whiskers of anoieut beaus , the lion tawny Vandykes of middle aged men , the curling mustaches of early manhood and the downy fuzz of devoted but cal low youth all jumbled together heart lessly and remorselessly into a strange , soft , multichromatic medley upon which madamoiscllo reclines her pretty head with a languorous faith in the effective ness of her patent method for dreaming dreams of her faithful and hairless band of ocrat gallants. New Orleans Times-Dem A Hunting Do ? ; . "I wanted to speak to you about that dog you sold me , " said the small man. "Well , he's all there , ain't he ? " "Yes. But you told me he was a hunting dog ? " "Do " von mean to contradict what I aaid ? " "Not for the world , sir not for the world ! But I will go so far as to say I didn't understand that his specialty was hunting a place to lie down and sleep in. " Washington Star. Discouraged. "At any rate , it pays to bopolito and iccommodating. " "Not always. In leaving a train the other morning I saw that a lady of my acquaintance had loft an umbrella in her seat In my haste to pick it up and tun after her to restore it I left my gold beaded cane behind , and I'm out $6.75 Dn the transaction. " Chicago Tribune. The Sins or the Father. She wrung her hands. "Alas ! " she moaned. "Here are the bitter fruits of my foolish marriage. I have lived to ; ee my son follow in the footsteps of his unhappy father and choose absolutely the wrong make of bicycle I" In all nature there is nothing like a mothor's grief. Detroit Tribune. .1 INDIANOLA. Nice windy spring weather. Some oE our fiirraera are sowing wheat. Rev. 0. A. Hale was in the city , Tuesday. A. G. Keys and wife came up , Monday. John Beck has laid aside his orutches. Ed Banks lost two valuable horses ses , recently. J. J. Lamboru was a Lincoln visitor , Monday. Who will you have for mayor and council men ? S. R. Smith had business in Lincoln , Tuesday. Frank Strout had business in the county seat , Tuesday. Been Arnold was down from Frontier county , Tuesday. Mrs. "W. R. Starr went up to the county seat , Wednesday. A. J. Rittenhouse was in town , Wednesday , on business of the law. Tom Duncan has put on a far mer's garb , and with A. EL Bell will put in 100 acres of wheat. Sickness in Dr. Ballard's family prevented him being here , Wednes day , and he wired he would be here next Wednesday. Our citizen , J. J. Wilson , has opened a notion , tin aud variety store atCulbertson. J. J. is a rust ler , and will get his share of the trade anywhere. Wr . G. McTaggart , Frank and J. C. Moore , C. G. Broman , Charles A. Johnson , Jr. , and others were the Johnson-Pear over attending - son trial on Wednesday. W.N.Rogers and wife dined with the Becks , and called on other friends , Tuesday. W. N. is the successful proprietor of Shadeland farm , and is proud of his Here- fords. Now let some of our good people who have teams turn out and give CharlieColling a lift with his spring work , it will help ease the pain in his ankle , and show him that a friend in need is a friend indeed. Commissioner Carmichael was a Lincoln visitor , early part of the week , on county business and per sonal pleasure combined. We un derstand the commissioners sought light as to the legality of paying jurors for night service. Quite an important case was tried in Justice Beck's court , Wednes day. Charles A. Johnson Sr. sued Pete Pearson ser forcible detention of a farm , which said Pearson claimed to own. Some ten wit nesses were examined. H. W. Keyes appeared for plaintiff aud A. J. Rittenhouse for defendant. Verdict for plaiutiff. We desire to further explain the item above in regard to Charles Collings. About noon on Thurs day , he started for his farm south of town , but had hardly left town when the front wheels of his light wagon came off , which started the horses. Mr. C. fearing to cross Coon creek in this condition , jump ed out and sprained his ankle badly. He was brought home , and Dr. A. W. Hoyt with the assistance of neighbors got the bones in place. It is a bad accident but he is glad it is no worse. In repairing the wagon the front axle had put on wrong side forward which accounts for the wheels coming off. When Baby was sick ; we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child , she cried for Castorio. When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria. When she had Children , she gave them Castoria , it Oregon Letter. In my last letter I gave an account of my trip from Trnckee to Sacramento. From here we will go on into Oregon , there not being much to interest one be tween here and Ashland. This a pretty place , somewhat larger than McCook , and is situated in a valley , being built in the shape of a half circle. The mount ains come down close to the town and in some places are quite lofty. The valley is quite broad at this point. Ashland Peak lies south of the city and Grizzly Peak to the north. We have a splendid view of the mountains from where I am stopping. The city has about all the modern conveniences that McCook can boast of : Electric lights , water-works etc. This city has the finest system of water-works in the state. The supply of water conies from a large crater up near Ashland Peak. This crater fills with snow in the winter , sometimes to the depth of thirty feet , and this snow with the rain fall gives an abundant supply for most of the time. It sometimes happens that the supply is limited , but the crater-reservoir never goes dry. In case of scarcity the city has the first claim on thesupplyand even the mills have to shut down in that emergency. C. VV. Roper. Hog Fencing. We have just received a shipment of extra quality hog fencing. And we are selling it at the remarkably low figure of 20 cents a rod Have also a large supply of chicken fencing in stock. S. M. Cochran & Co. Lots for Sale. Lots 9 , 10 , 11 and 12 in block 25 , Second end addition to McCook. Make me an offer 011 these lots. Address : W. R. Dauchv , Topeka , Kansas. For Sale or Trade. Two good farm horses for sale cheap , or will trade for slock of any kind. 4ts F. M. COLSON. Dr. Z. L. Kay. Office , rooms 4 aud 5 over Leach's jewelry store. Residence , front rooms over Ganschow's shoe store. For a Mere Song. A limited number of novels by best living authors for sale at this office at five cents a copy. Only a few left. For Sale. Lots 1 and 2 ; in block 23 , original Mc Cook. Write to G. W. Jacobson , Free dom , Illinois. Wall Paper 4 cents a roll. L. W. McCONNKLi. & Co. DeWitt's Witch Haze ! Sahv Cures Piles. Scalds. Burns. fNORVAL BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS. ] NOTICE OF SALE. In the matter of the estate of Cynthia Rog ers , deceased. .Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of Hon. Edward Bates , one of the Judges of the District Court of Sew ard county , Nebraska , on the 14th day of Sep tember , 1S95 , for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described , there will be sold at the front entrance of the Court House in the city of McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , ( that being the place where the last term of the District Court within and for said county was held , ) on the 30th day of March , A. D. , 1897 , at one o'clock , p. m. , at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash , subject to all liens and incumbrances thereon at the time of the death of said deceased , the following describ ed real estate , towit : The south half ( S. H ) of the northeast quarter ( N. E. M ) and the northwest quarter ( N. W. % ) of the northwest quarter ( N.V. . X ) and the north half ( N. 14) ) of the southwest quarter ( S. W. \ { ) and lot two (2) ( ) in the northeast quarter ( N. E. } ) of the northeast quarter ( N. E. K ) and lot four (4) ( ) in the north half ( N. J ) of the northwest quar ter ( N. W. li ) and the south half ( S. X ) of the northwest quarter ( N. W. U ) , all in section twenty-five (25) ( ) in township three (3) ( ) , north of range twenty-nine (29) ( ) , west of the 6th P. M. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated March 1st , 1S97. Walter N. Rogers , Administrator of the estate of Cynthia Rogers , deceased. [ First publication March i2-3ts.J NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. McCook , Neb. , March Jth. 1S97. Notice is hereby given that Lucretia C. Doll has filed notice of intention to make final proof before before Register or Receiver at his office in McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , the 17th day April , 1897 , on timber culture application No. 5b43 , for the northwest quarter of section No. 23 , in township No. 2 north , range No. 30 west. She names as witnesses : Clark G. Boatman , Charles G. HolmesW'illiam S. Fitch and Julia Harris , all of McCook , Nebraska. A. S. Cami'DELL , Register. [ First publication March i2-6ts.J NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , February 3rd , 1S97. Notice is hereby giver that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said propf will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Nebr. , on Satur day , March 20th , 1897 , viz : Anton Braun , who made II. E. No. 9549 for the northeast quarter of section 9 , township 5 north , range 30 west , Cth P. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land , vu : Frank II. Andri- jeski , Joseph Ilarr and Peter L. Zimmer of Zimmer , Nebraska , and Peter Rheinheimer of Osbom , Nebraska. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof , or who knows of any substantial reason , under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department , why such proof should not be allowed , will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned lime and place to cro s-cx- amine the witnesses of said claimant , and to olier evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. Feb. 5-6U. A. S. Campbell , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION" . Land Office at McCook , Nebraska. February 2 ; , 1S97. Notice is hereby given that the followinfr- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be in lue before Register or Kccei ver at McCook , Nebraska , on April 3rd , 1 77iz * John \V. Korbtian , II. E. No. 10,000 , for the southwest quarter of section ? , township 2 north , ranjfe 30 west , 6th I * . M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti > a- tion of , said land , vis : Milton C. Maxwell , William V. Everist , Andrew Carson and Ida Carson , all of McCook. ebrask 1. A. S. C.xMravLL , Register. 1 - . i MllMiafflrTfflrTTrTT H i BlackwefPs Genuine | . H ! BULL DURHAM , . , You will flnd ono coupon Inside each 2 onnce bag and two coupons iiuldo enchouncu . biig. gj ' J7 B fe Buy abac , read thecoupon andseo how to get youruharoof SSW.OOO In presents. K / JF H | CLOSING OUT SALE ! I I 'H ' PLOWS , CULTIVATORS , HARROWS , LISTERS \ I WAGONS , RIDING PLOWS , ETC. , i H b SS TttaAC SQST ? ' M I . D. BURGESS. I M Read the best coun ty newspaper that's The McCook Tribune ever.y time. Comfort to California. Every Thursday afternoon , a tourist sleeping car for Salt Lake City , San Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Oma ha and Lincoln via the Burlington Route. It is carpeted , upholstered in rattan , has spring seats and backs and is pro vided with curtains , bedding , towels , soap , etc. An experienced excursion conductor and a uniformed Pullman porter ter accompany il through to the Pacific coast. While neither as expensively fin ished nor as fine to look at as a palace sleeper , it is just as goods to ride in. Second class tickets are honored and the price of a berth , wide enough aud big enough for two , is only $5.00. For a folder giving full particulars , call at the nearest B. & M. R. R. ticket office , or write to J. Francis , Gen'l Pass'r Agent , Burlington Route. Omaha , Nebr. Try that 15 cent box paper at The Tribune office. Worth 25 cts. Also cheaper grades. V1TA1 CTTCC Are tablets which Restore VIIHLCIICO Lost Vigor , Develop all Parts , bring back Lost Powers and return the patient to genuine Manhood and Health. Case No. G&01 says through the use of "Vitalettes , " I was speedily restored to Health and perfect Manhood in every sense of the word. JOHNS PILE CURE-I- d p/f a levere case of Piles of 12 years' standing and I know will cure all in need who will try it D D | J Cures Rheumatism , Salt- lli in Ui Rheum , Catarrh , Constipation and all Blood Disorders , by purifying the blood ; thereby causing a clearer and more beautiful complexion. It is the Greatest Blood Purifier on earth. A Restorer of Per fect Health. Price by mail , Vitalettes , $1.00 or C boxes J5.00. Johns Pile Cure , 50 cts. vid R. R. C. 60 cts. Johns & Dixon , Rochester , N. Y- FARINGTON POWER , LAWYER. 5"Practice in all the courts. Collections. Notary Public. Upstairs in the Spearman building , McCook , Nebraska. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. J3 > Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office Rear of First National bank. J. B. BALLARD. $ DENTIST. © AH dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Drs. Smith 6 Bellamy , assistants. _ MRS. E. E. UTTER , _ Z MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR. Piano , Organ , Guitar and Banjo. VOICE TRAINING A SPECIAI/IV. IS Studio Opposite Postoffice. W. V. GAGE. PHYSICIAN AN ! ) SURGEON McCook , Nebraska. ZSrOfiice hours 9 to 11 a. in. , 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. Rooms Over the First National bank. Night calls answered at the office. J. A. GUNN , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCook , Nebraska. SrOffice Over C A. Leach's je v-relry store. Residence 701 Main street. Prompt atten tion given to all calls. Wanled-An Idea SS Protect your ldeaa : ther mar brine you wealth Write JOHN WEDDEBBtlWI CO. . Patent Attor : ney.Washington . , D. C. . for th lr 13 prlte offer and list of two hundred larentlons wanted. ANDREW CARSON , il H the . . . . | SUNNY SIDE DAIRY. M We respectfully solicit your business , | and guarantee pure milk , full measure , H and prompt , courteous service. " " H J. S. McBRAYER , H I'ROl'RIETOR OP THE H McCook Transfer Line. H BUS , BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. | j iPOnly furniture van in the H city. Also have a first class house J H moving outfit. Leave orders for H bus calls at Commercial hotel or H at office opposite the depot. M Ciase Oo. Land and Live Stock Os , ' H left hip or left shoulder | P.O. add resd Imperial t | Chase county , and Heat X L L H rice. Nebraska. Ruape. 1 S Stinklnc Water and tba j H Frenchman creeks , in . H CbHse county. Nebraska. "I L L H Brand as cut on Pideof H some animals.on hip and H Bides of some , or any H where on thi animal. H H R-I-P-A-N-S The modern stand- H w arcl Family Medi- / H w cine : Cures the ' 'l H J common every-day H ills of humanity. H fll TRADE J J L | ll H Julius Kttnert , | Carpet Laying , fl Carpet Cleaning. fl C Iam still doinsr carpet laying , caroet * * ' < H cleaning lawn cuttiag and similar wSrk. ? e ; * H or write me before CivinE such wort mZ M charRes are . ? ! H Tribune very . reasonable. Leave order ? office. JULIUS KUNERT. | DeWititte IFaIyRi : The famous little pills. M X. fl _