The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 12, 1897, Image 4

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    I I I I i i
i' 9
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I 1 ,
The president has called a spec
ial session of congress to convene
on next Monday , March loth , at
There is a promising possibility
that the coming city election may
be quite as lively as the most ex
acting may desire.
Of making holidays there seems
M 1 to be no end. It is now proposed
M to make February 12th , Lincoln's
birthday , a legal holiday.
America of right ought to be
H more free of trusts , and to this
H righteous end the great common
H 1 people of the republic ought to
H § earnestly and unflinchingly labor.
Hj I In addition to civil and religious
1 i freedom , we want and must have
M I I commercial liberty.
B I I 'If Judge N orris will agree to
B 1 1 keep up the gait struck in the dis-
B X 1 trict court of Hitchcock county ,
m I last week , The Tribune would be
B I I delighted to see him sentence a
H : 9 I few ex-state officers for embezzle-
H | 8 meat. They would go up for life
H | I 1 and a day , most of them.
| H | 8 Though succeeding to a looted
1 s treasury State Treasurer Meserve
1 m I as Pa oun * "s * wo mon ns oc"
1 cupaucy of the office over seven
B | I hundred thousand dollars ; and
Ri 1 notwithstanding warrants are be-
m W I * n& daily registered , the floating
Hjf " 11 l\ \ debt of the state is being reduced.
HI 1 !
S | | The condition that prevailed
| 11 along the Missouri river in 1881
Hi 9
| | | 1 will probably be experienced agnin
1 j , the coming spring. It will be re-
111 membered that there was an un-
111 " receti nted snow fall all over the
111i northwesi in 1880-81 , and when
ll ! ' m * ke ° 0 l egan sweeping down the
Balii valley it carried everything before
1111 • * * • Villages were carried away
, H1 r and. many farmers lost nearly all
H | I of their possessions. The settlers
H11 along the bottoms have been warn-
l Kt I
H11 ed in time , this year , but the loss
H la is likely to be ranch heavier than
B 111 * * Avas sixteen y ars ago , as there
Hll is much more property to be dam-
1 In aged within react ? , of the coming
lffi flood. Lincoln Journal.
iff The government should not be
1m permitted to run behind or increase
ffi its debt in times like the present.
M | \ Suitably to provide against this is
H Bil the mandate of duty , the certain
H H and easy remedy for most of our
H H financial difficulties. A deficiency
| H w is inevitable so long as the expend-
| Hk itnres of-the government exceed
H its receipts. 'It can only be met
l B y l ° ans or an increased revenue.
I HB While large annual surplus of re-
HH venue may invite waste and extrav-
HB agance , inadequate revenue creates
X distrust and undermines public
Hl , and private credit. Neither should
b be encouraged. Between more
9 loans and more revenue , there
Hl ought to be but one opinion. We
S should have more revenue , and
flj that without delay , hindrance or
Hb postponement. The best way for
B the goverment to maintain its cred-
K it is to pay as it goes not by re-
Hl sorting to loans , but by keeping
HB out of debt through an adequate
B income , secured by n system of
B taxationexternal , internal , or both.
1 It is the settled policy of the gov-
S ernment , pursued from the begin-
HB ning and practiced by all parties
B and administrations , to raise the
BS bulk of our revenue from taxes up-
Bb HbWB on foreign productions entering
Km the United States for sale and con-
H sumption , and avoiding for the
8 most part , every form of direct
B taxation , except in time of war.
| William McKinley.
t : rri
No public official in Nebraska
can hope to embezzle enough state
funds to dismay a certain class of
newspapermen from doing the
"fence act" for them.
The York Times says that ex-
State Treasurer Bartley "has won
the gratitude of the business men
of Nebraska" . But the price was
too high , Tim ; too altitudinous al
together. A few more such win-
niugs will bankrupt the state.
In misrepresentation and pre
varication of State Treasurer Me
serve it is clearly the distinct pur
pose of the York Times to distance
all competitors. But few men on
this terrestrial globe can equal Tim
Sedgwick in unlicensed imagina
tion when a Pop is on the griddle ,
TnE federal court has issued a
decree divorcing the Western
Union and Union Pacific telegraph
systems and the Union will have
to cut all its wires out of the Un
ion Pacific stations , take out its in
struments or sell them to the road.
There are some advantages to the
public in this action.
Bessie Endsley has a bad cold.
Mrs. Philip Strine has moved
to McCook.
Thomas Harris is working for
Wm. Byfield.
Mrs. J. W. Jones is suffering
with the grip.
C. S. Ferris has moved to Archi
bald Speer's place.
Ed Green will occupy the John
Horton farm , this year.
James Harris and wife visited at
A. J. Hatcher's , Sunday evening.
Archibald Speer has moved to
the Palmer place with his son
Mrs. C. T. Eller's mother had a
bad fall , but is recovering from the
effects of it.
The Sunday school was organ
ized at the appointed time with O.
E. Boone as superintendent. The
attendance , last Sunday , was good ,
and our people feel like they have
made one step in the right direc
Inauguration day was celebrated
at A. J. Hatcher's by the young
people far and near. They made
merry and rejoiced confidently
expecting that the time was now
at hand for that long delayed tide
of prosperity to begin.
The question debated at the lyceum -
ceum , Friday evening , was the al
phabet against the wheel ; decision
in favor of the alphabet. Question
for this evening , Besolved that the
iog is of more use to man than the
jun. This is the young peoples'
Persons who are subject to attacks of bilious
: olic will be pleased to know that prompt re-
ief may be had by taking Chamberlain's Colic ,
"holera and Diarrhoea Remedy , and if taken
is soon as the first indication of the disease
ippears , it will prevent the attack. For sale by
. McConnell & Co. , Druggists.
Some have begun to sow wheat ,
his , Tuesday morning.
J. H. Wade and wife were visit-
ng at J. E. TirrilPs on Monday.
The wolf hunt , last Thursday ,
, vaB more successful : Two wolves
vere killed and another crippled.
William Nixon has traded farms
with Jacob Pickrell and has moved
) ver onto the Beaver , and by this
Fairview Sunday school has lost
; ts superintendent.
After having been confined to the house for
: lcven days and paying out 525 in doctor bills
vithout benefit , Mr. Frank Dolson of Sault
5tc. Marie , Mich. , was cured by one bottle of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm costing 25 cents and
las not since been troubled with that com-
laint. Forsae ! byL.V. . McConnell & Co. ,
) ne Minute Cough Cure , cures.
Tbat U what it was made for. '
• * " "
. .
. . . ,
. .
Dave Smith was in town , Friday.
B. B. Duckworth and wife were
in Danbury , Tuesday.
Miss Myrtle Cochran is on the
sick list with the grip.
Bev. John Wintjen will preach
in Danbury every two weeks , com
mencing the 7th of this month.
Geo. B. Morgan went to St. Jo
seph , Monday , to purchase a sup
ply of spring and summer goods.
Eugene Dnuham's team broke
loose , Thursday , from the hitch-
rack and flew around town for a
little while but did no damage to
speak of.
Commissioner Kobinson accom
panied the other commissioners to
Lincoln , first of the week , on bus
iness of the county , taking in the
legislature briefly while there.
New officers in the Union Sun
day school for the coming year are :
Wm. Scarrow , superintendent ;
Louie Ruby , secretary ; Altha McKee -
Kee , treasurer ; Maud Eno , choris
Woodman camp at Leba • n
gave an oyster supper , last Mon
day night , to their visiting neigh
bors from Norcatur , Wilsonville
and Danbury. Two candidates
were given the mysteries of Wood
craft by the Danbury team , and
every one enjoyed themselves
Don't allow the lungs to be impaired by the
continuous irritation of a cough. It is easier
to prevent consumption than to cure it. One
Minute Cough Cure taken early will ward off
any fatal lung trouble. A. McMilleri.
Henry Carothers shelled his
corn , recently.
Bert Wales purchased a good
young work horse of H.T.Church ,
James Ryan's children have
been quite sick , latety , but are bet
ter at present.
The grip has been putting in its
work in this locality , but most of
the afflicted are convalesciug.
The people in this vicinity were
treated with an electric storm and
a light shower , last Thursday.
Lee Somers and wife had a new
baby girl come to their home , re
cently. Mother and little one do
ing well.
Meeting at the Coleman school
house every two weeks at eleven
o'clock , fast time , conducted by
Rev. Long. Sunday school every
Sunday at ten o'clock , with J. W.
Corner , superintendent.
W. H. Epperly narrowly escap
ed having a runaway , recently }
while in McCook. Some one tied
his horse where the animal would
not stand , and the timely work of
two neighbors alone averted a
It is surprising what a "wee bit of a thing"
can accomplish. Sick headache , constipation ,
iyspepsia , sour stomach , dizziness , are quick
ly banished by DeWitt's Little Early Risers ,
small pill. Safe pill. Best pill. A. McMillen.
Robert Barr is drilling in wheat ,
this week.
Jake Crocker began putting in
ivheat , Monday.
J. E. Logue had business in this
town. , Monday.
Essie Dunham is staying with
Mrs. Perry Stone.
J. H. Wade and wife visited at
7. E. Tirrill's , Monday.
Rev. J. E. Tirrill preached to a
Lull house at Banksville , Sunday.
R. M. Wade and wife visited at
J. M. Hammond's , Wednesdav of :
ast week. ]
Andrew Anderson visited the
) lacksmith , Tuesday , having his "
) lows sharpened , getting ready for • <
ipring work. ]
w imww iiiimm <
- -
inplirnitriniiiii it-- iij
R. M. Wade and wife and Mrs.
J. H. Wade attended meeting at
Banksville , Sunday.
Hattie Bunnell left , Monday
eveningfor Kansas City , Missouri ,
to keep house for her brother
Quite a number from this place
have been attending the revival
meetings at McCook , and are re
joiced to see the good work that is
being done there.
They are so small that the most sensitive
persons take them , they are so effective that
the most obstinate cases of constipation , head
ache and torpid liver yield to them. That is
why DeWitt's Little Early Risers are known
as the famous little pills. A. McMillen.
Ellis Divine has bought a new
A. Prentice took a load of cane
seed to town , Tuesday.
M. H. Cole took hogs to Mc
Cook , Tuesday , for S. Johns.
M.H. Cole bought another horse
and will run two teams , this year.
J. W. Corner , E. Coleman and
Clarence Wales went to Frontier
county , Monday , and moved Wm.
Neusbaum to the Torbet farmnear ,
W. S. Hamilton's.
Bob Johns hereby has our un
qualified permission to pitch in at
a lickety-brindle gait to provide
for the bright femininity that arriv
ed at ] his home , to gladden their
hearts , at one a. m. , Thursday ,
March 11. Mother and child do
ing well , and Bob is out of danger
if he doesn't take a back-set. It's
a girl.
Preaching at the school house
at 11 o'clock fast time. Last Sun
day the congregation was disap
pointed again. They waited until
after 12 and as they were leaving
the preacher drove in sight , but
they went home. We suggest that
in the future the preach-1 * come
regular on time , or else just drop
the appointment , and then the people
ple will know what to depend on.
The congregation is getting smaller
because of the uncertainty of the
preacher being present. We would
rather have no appointment than
to have no preacher.
Many cases ol ' "Grippe" have lately been
cured by One Minute Cough Cure. This prep-
nration seems especially adapted to the cure
of this disease. It acts quickly tiius prevent
ing serious complications and bad elfects in
which this disease often leaves the patient.
A. .McMillen.
A. Barnett of McCook was a bus
iness visitor here , last Saturday.
Erwin Hopt of McCook visited
friends here , Saturday and Sunday.
C. G. Broman and wife of Tyrone
rene were visitors here , first of the
Truman Wood was under the
factor's care , first of the week , but
is improving slowly.
Mrs. Nellie Hodgkin of Cam
bridge spent Sunday with friends
tere , returning in the evening.
Geese and ducks are very plen
tiful on the river , likewise hunters ,
jut time is the only thing killed
; hus far.
A. G. Dole left , Tuesday , for
Slwood to begin a three weeks' '
rip in the interest of a St. Louis
; cale firm. '
Business connected with the .
Utter will case called Mrs. Utter
0 the county seat , Thursday of (
ast week.
D. A. Wood will leave , first of ,
he week , to join his recently wed- \
led better half at Gothenburg , :
vhere he will farm this season.
The revival meetings in progress l
his week , are fairly well attended
md the interest is increasing. May
nuch good be accomplished.
A daughter of Wm. Doyle of ]
3ox Elder is making her home
rith her cousins the Misses Stec
> hens , and attending school here. )
, m d"1 1"
mil l ! '
The barber says the sarsaparilla
ho got at the Indianola jag-factory
cured his case of grip , and he don't
give two beats of a tom-tom who
knows it.
Last Saturday , E. E. Smith
moved the house on the Thompson
farm , recently acquired by him ,
from tha hill to the flat near hiB
dwelling and will build an addition
to it soon. It will be occupied by
H. L. Burton and family.
The vane of the windmill con
nected with the waterworks plant
was broken by the wind , Wednes
day. The town council may yet
be compelled to house this affair of
fearful and wonderful construction
to keep it in running order ; it
certainly would not impair its use
fulness to do so.
Carl Dennis of Olathe , Kansas ,
arrived here , last Saturday , and
spent a couple of days with his
brother E. L. , local manager for
the Barnett Lumber Co. The for
mer will also be in the employ of
the company , this summer , and his
talents will be devoted to building
swine asylums for all , provided , of
course , the company sells the ma
This community was shocked ,
Saturday morning of last week , by
the sad intelligence that A. E.
Morris , who recently went from
here to Redky , Indiana , had met
death by drowning the day previ
ous. Particulars are meagre but
it seems that on Friday afternoon
he was riding a horse across a
stream swollen by recent rains
when the animal stumbled and
threw him over its head. The body
was not recovered until Saturday
morning. General regret is ex
pressed at the loss of this bright
young man.
If you have ever seen a child in the agony
of croup , you can appreciate the gratitude
o ( the mothers who know that One Minute
Cough Cure relieves their little ones as quick
ly as it is administered. Many homes in this
city are never without it. A. McMillen.
Spring Catarrh.
Again spring is here. The
long , cold winter with its bluster
mid chill , has passed , and has left
in its train innumerable victims of
shronic catarrh. They have taken
1 great many remedies during the
winter with perhaps temporary re
lief , but a fresh cold has brought
4 CD
du the old symptoms , and , heart
sick and weary of trying , they have
concluded that there can be no re
lief for them. This is a great :
mistake ; and now is the time to
rectify it.
The spring time is the most fa
vorable time of the year to treat
jatarrh. There is so much less
liability to take fresh cold that the
ireatment is unimpeded. All old
jases of chronic catarrh should be-
jiu immediately a course of Pe-
: u-na as directed in Dr. Hartman's
jooks on this disease. There are
o many different phases and stages :
) f catarrh that one hardly knows
vhen he has it. A great many
Deople think they are suffering
: rom something else and have tried
nany medicines in vain , when if
hey could realize that it is catarrh
ind take Pe-ru-nafor it they would
mprove promptly and soon recov-
sr entirely.
All who desire to learn more of
satarrh should send for a free copy
> f Dr. Hartman's latest book , {
vhich will be sent free by The .
? e-ru-ua Drug Manufacturing ,
Company , Columbus , O. 1
E. E. Turner of Compton , Mo. , writes us '
bat after suffering from piles for 17 years , he '
ompletely cured them by usinij three boxes 1
f DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cures ec- ,
ema and severe skin diseases. A. McMillen.
Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher , wife j
> f the famous divine , passed to the 1
uture home , Monday this week. '
Don't borrow this paper always , 1
iut subscribe for it. You'll feel '
letter and larger. 1
= 1
One minute is all the time necessary to de- ;
ide from personal experience that One Min-
te Couch Cure does what its name implies.
, . McMillen.
pewit m
Absolutely Pure. H
Celebrated for its yreat leavening M
strength and healthfuliiess. Assures the H
food against nhmi and nil forms of ad ill- . H
terntion common to the cheap brands. H
Royai. Baking I'owdkr Co. , New M
York. H
The greatest danger from La Grippe is of H
its resulting in pneumonia. It reasonable care 1
is used , however , and ChamLcrlnin's Cough H
Remedy taken , all danger will be avoided. H
Among the tens of thousands who have used H
this remedy for la grippe , wc have yet to learn V H
of a single case having resulted in pneumonia , H
which shows conclusively that this remedy is H
a certain preventive of that dread disease. It l l
will effect a permanent cure in less time than H l
any other treatment. The 25 and 50 cent sizes M
for sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists. m H
Begi 11 tlic Nov Year f ' l
right by subscribing- H
After the big fire in Cripple Creek , I took a | H
very severe cold and tried many remedies Q J
without help , the cold only becoming more H
settled./Alter using three small bottles of H
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , both the cold M
and cough left me , and in this high altitude it H
takes a meritorious cough remedy to do any H
good. G. 13. Henderson , editor Daily Adver- H
tiser. For sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , H
Druggists. H
] j OUR STOCK OF ? jj l
Wall Fair
rj for 1897 > J IH
I Invite the Inspection | H
JLW. McConnell & Co. | M
iJyrxjgr rsgrarjr-jjjK s r xj * : jya. j > , p. jyt jOjg H
J F.D7 Bukgess , " 5 H
Plumber and \ V
Steam Fitter 1 fl
jj McCOOK , NEBR. | |
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass fa |
Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings. Z |
V Agent for Halliday , > Waupun , Eclipse V |
' Wmdmihs. ? BasementofJthVMeeker- H
} Philips building. * rj _ P H
* * * $ $ § @ / " H
| Palace Meat Market 4 ( M
, Two doors south of > , V H
W Commercial Hotel. < j3 { j H
jj ? A. CARSON. Proprietor. $ 1
* * , n m
J. Everything usually in j ] & H
jjjf a First Class Market will F j H
$ be found here. H
t 4 H
? Leave Orders for Milk Here < ? & 4 H
> SKCE350S TO ZLM22 S0 SLL. 5 * H
\ Fire , Life & Accidents \ ' H
> = ' H
> Houses rented , collections and J j H
> conveyancing. Taxes paid for S ' H
I non-residents. 113 East Dennison - % H
> son street , McCOOK , NEB. H
DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , 1
Pleasant , Quick Re uUs , Safe to take : H
< HM