HI | Why Will You Pass a Good Thing ? S If stoFand see lil \ OUR | | Mjf S GENT'S , J mm S lady's , 5 MKr * S MISS'S , J IH 5 • CHILDREN'S , 5 IB AND • 2 IS 2 BABY'S 2 Br. I I Can Fit Them All i I igfgN I J. F. GANSCHOW , R < THE OLD RELIABLE \ I FEET FITTER H | MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. I K ESTABLISHED IN 1886. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. I ft Famons Clotlli Coin H Seasonable Goods B At Lowest Prices mm Ulsters. Overcoats , Suits , Underwear , M.Hosiery , Caps. Corue and examine the Hp large and excellent assortment. H ) B See our lines of Samples for ION AS FNTF1 Bb Custom Work. A good fit and BV Lowest Prices Guaranteed. Manager. Kr Hs TREASURER'S REPORT. BJtECAPITULATION : Showing the amonnt on hand July ist , 1896 , the Hh [ collections since made , warrants redeemed , and amount remaining on hand at the B close of the 19th day of December , 1896 , in each and all of the several funds and Hl \ accounts of J. B. MESERVE , County Treasurer of Red Willow County , Nebraska , HhjT - ' together with the total amounts of the several items stated : H HfiiS Amount BM rWnc on hand An ? ° unt Total. Disburse- Amount M Jast since ments # now H&V settleme't.collec'ecl - on hand. HHf - State. & > ( General S 9 ° 9 53 S1S2979 $2739. 2 $273932 B Sinking S774 17206 25980 259&0 L School J37 74 27680 41386 41386 W KP University 679S 1-664 20462 20462 [ i m Capitol 32 S3 115 115 | jHK Reform School 22 57 79 79 B | Institute for Feeble Minded 2272 4569 68 41 6S41 Di Relief 2253 4520 6773 W 73 Kr Live Stock Indemnity | Kc * School Land Interest 32412 91699 1 241 11 1 241 11 E * School Land Lease 7140 72609 797 49 797 49 . County. KB General 01462 ,9379 485181 3 51 = 85669 B Bridge S126S 104362 185630 105986 19644. | Bondlnterest 34 ° 97 ° 7167 348137 27500 320637 B County Road 166 01 23088 39689 30468 9221 H District Road 31272 24883 56155 24604 315 51 K > Soldiers'Relief 43557 9470 53027 12972 40055 V Road Receipts 97&43 97&43 97 < M3 m Sinking K School 500 500 500 R District School Bond 748484 270621 1019105 39509S 624007 H > District School 403075 658969 1062944 o"395 251649 H Interest 99905 99905 99905 t Advertising 17905 17905 17905 U Bank Interest 32644 326 4.1 32644 E North Valley Precinct Bond 207799 4299 212098 1228 91 S9207 A East Valley Precinct Bond " 69624 270 69894 69S94 it Willow Grove Precinct Bond 241307 5802 245199 1514 29 93770 * J tL Indianola Precinct Bond 130169 3658 1318 27 12360 I 194 67 r-m r BartleyVillage Bond 4310 : ; 2007 451 12 8000 371 12 Myi fBartley City 326S 662S 9896 9S00 96 If I McCook City 2118S 152446 173634 159908 13726 IJ Indianola City 12939 13475 26414 18703 7711 B Insane 79 79 79 j Received Tax Sales 46583 1 14053 160636 96773 63S63 H HighSchool 1239 1239 1239 m ! Judgment Fund School Dist. 29 85 85 85 H S2698023 S2455683 5154006 S3275003 S1870003 RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Frank Harris made a business trip to Lincoln , Monday. Brakeman W. E. DeLong is resting five days by consent. Mrs G W. Burnett is entertaining her mother , Mrs. H. Cook , of Oberlin. J. B. Culbertson left , last week , for Chariton , Iowa , on a visit to his parents. Traveling Engineer C. A. Dixon went over the Orleans and St. Francis line , - last week. Hostler and Mrs. R. A. Brown's New Year gift was a bouncing boy of regula tion lung power Brakeman D. J. Nichols has taken a vacation , and it is rumored will soon em bark on the sea of matrimony. Ed. Beyrer and wife returned , last Saturday , from their trip to Iowa , and he went to work , first of the week. G. W. Vallery , general passenger agent in Denver for the Burlington , was an eastbound passenger , Monday morning. Roadmaster Satn Rogers went down to Cambridge , Tu s-'ay , and reported nine inches of good ice on the pond there. Dame Rumor has it that a prominent conductor of this division will desert the ranks of bachelorhocd , some time next month. Emerson Hanson , claims .agent , who has been visiting his family at Bushnell , Illinois , arrived at headquarters , close of last week Hans Lawritson , agent at Cambridge , was the gues > t of hie brother here , Tues- daj' , on his way to Colorado Springs , to visit relatives. Conductor and Mrs. J. H. Burns began the new year with a new girl baby , who made her appearance at the Burns' home on New Year eve. Oscar Chambers of the depot force was last Saturday installed as day operator at Orleans. He is succeeded by Chris Law ritson , formerly in the company service here. Oxford Standard. During the past year 34 railroads with 5,441 miles of road and $102,533 000 cap ital stock have passed under manage ment of the U. S. court. These roads are bonded and stocked for $275,579.00. Snow , sand and wind delayed trains on the Cheyenne and Hastings-Red Cloud runs , Monday. Freights were pretty much delayed on the main line as well. The storm amounted to a blizzard in localities east and north of here. A. G. Willis came near meeting with a serious accident , this week , by being struck by a box car which was being switched to a side track. When the car struck him it knocked him off the track instead of on the track as is usually the case. Red Cloud Chief. F. G. Westland is thinking of patent ing a spring seat for the locomotive , which ought to be popular with the boys that have been enjoying fifteen days for indulging in a snooze while on duty. It is warranted to bump the engineer's head against the top of the cab upon the first indications of sleep. Engineer and Mrs. W. D. Trout of Sheridan are visiting with relatives at Crete , Nebraska. . . .Assistant Master- mechanic James Ritchie oi Sheridan has been confined to his bed for the past two weeks with a severe attack of pleuris3T , but we are pleased to learn that he is now convalescent. Alliance Grip. Miss May Wilburn , formerly of this place , but now of Roggen , Colorado , has been visiting relatives and friends here for a week Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burge of McCook spent Christmas with Mrs. Bnrge's parents , Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Kith cart N. Bowman will leave , Saturday , for Hudson , Colorado , to re sume his duties as section foreman , after a week's visit with his parents , Mr. and Mrs. A. Bowman The B. & M. rail road officials say the recent change in the running of trains on this branch cuts down the expense of operating the line by about 20 per cent. Wilsonville Re view. Cline is laid off the road and has gone back to Orleans , to the jewelry business. Under the redistribution Cropp and O'Neil are braking for Curran while Wilson and Cox perform a similar act for Lyman Hazelbaker has been trans ferred to McCook. Mrs. Hazelbaker and daughter Bernice went to Edgar for a visit with her parents Will Yeiser has been laid off the B. & M. road and is at present visiting friends in Red Cloud. The young people will miss "Yeis" Engineer Harris and Fireman Koll have been transferred to McCook , and are now running first in and first out of that place. Their families still remain here and will for a time , at least. . . .By the change on the St. Francis branch it is reported that the section men are carrying the mails on the west ern end every other day. We can hardly credit the veracity of this statement , however Tie railroad boys lefton the St. Francis run will have their pay great ly increased under the new time card. The taking off of one crew compels the crews now here to go over the track every day , which does away with the lay over at this end and adds sufficiently to their mileage to increase the pay about $20.00 a month. Republican City Democrat. ' * " I3 " " ' " - \ - Vl - TTII I . . | fl- I I Awarded Highesv Honors World's Fair , w CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. SUNFLOWER SILHOUETTES. Engineer Harris is moving his goods and chattels from Republican to McCook. Brakeman Hazelbaker shipped his household goods to Edgar , on Monday , from Republican. No. 63 arrived at Republican at6p in. , Monday , and did not get out until after No. 15 , the latter slso being late The St. Francis train onlv reached Danbury , on Monday , and doubled back to Republican on account of blockade west. Roadmaster Wilburn found a drift of snow between Briekpon and Hastings , on Monday , 1200 feet long and 6 to S feet deep. * Geo. Hughes went to Cambridge , on Monday , on account of the ice season opening up with good prospect for an abundant harvest Monday was a red letter day for the snow plow. No trains moved between Hastings and Red Cloud Conductor Benjamin doubled back to Uberlin from Red Cloud on No. 141. The station of Ayr was opened , last week , with Mr. Conrad agent pro tern. W. E. Davis of Blakeman will officiate peimanently , the latter station being closed. McDonald is also closed and Agent Taylor goes to Holbrook. His Foot Crushed. Orleans , Neb. , Jan 2 ( Special ) Tom Smith , the sixteen-year-old t > on of Law rence Smith of this place , was severely injured at the B. & M. depot grounds , yesterday , by having his foot crushed between the bumpers on freight No. 63. No oue witnessed the accident , but it is supposed he was crossing over the train while it was standing still , but it started before he got over. He was taken to the I office of Dr. Bently , where the foot was dressed and cared for The foot was terribly lacerated and may.result in the loss of the entire foot. No blame seems to attach to the train crew for the acci dent , as it resulted as so many accidents do , from bo\s carelessly jumping on and off cars about depot grounds. Lincoln Journal. The people living on the railroad line from Culbertson to Imperial have been making such a kick for a daily mail that the railroad company has made arrange ments to have them accommodated. Three days in the week the mail will be carried by train and on the other three days the mail will be earned out on hand cars specially constructed for that pur pose. • Dr. Denney , assistant superintendent of the Burlington Voluntary Relief , from Chicago , was in the city , Thursday , on relief business. A barn in South McCook , belonging to Lewis Casten , was burned down , Wednesday noon. Origin of fire un known. The force of carpenters has been in creased here , and many freight cars are now undergoing repairs in the 3'ards. 1 i M B HEADACHE CURED * - I i > % BY THF USE OF S ? I McCONNELL'S I i i J HEALTH GRANULES | I & PRICE 25c. A BOTTLE. jj t & YOUNG § WIVES "We Offer You a Remedy Which Insures SAFETY to LIFE or Both Mother and Child. MOTHERS FRIEND BOBS CONFIXESIEJrr OF ITS PAIS , HORROtt AND DANGER , Makes CHILD-BIRTH Easy. Endorsed and recommended by phyal- cians , midwives and those who have used it. Beware of substitutes and imitations. Sent by express or mail , on receipt of price. Sl.OO per bottle. Book "TO MOTBEBS" mailed free , containinc ; voluntary testimonials. BE&DFXELD BEGULATOB CO. , Atlanta , Oa. BOLD BT ShL DRUGGISTS. I i / \"k ktkf % II I § § JANUARY 9 TO 23. | § | H H I j&m KS Prior to our Annual Invggp H jjgj | entory , Winter Goods must be § 83 H ffife sold to make room for our Spring § $ H p ® Goods. Come and see what bar5 3 H jrara grains we have for you , gjyp H EStfe SrS SJ | | KS Special Discount on Kerngpj $ fe nants Short lengths in Dress § @g M p $ Goods , Novelty Dress Goods , in B ggra Dress Flannel , Underwear , Blanigm M $ | | kets , and all Winter Goods. § | | H O g SS Men'sand Boys'Overcoats jjjgj H p $ at and below cost 8g § H 5 23 SS Bnng * us your orders for gg 5 H pj | Groceries , and we will save you $ & H good money. § § M sb at the . . . * mi H , Store . . . .m M W Sfe C. L. DeGROFF & CO. Pi WJ Hi H : If DRUGGISTS."k | | . FWnational j p H US Authorized Capital , $100,000. H q | Capital and Surplus , $60,000 H hH . , . . . , . . H | GEO. HOCKNELL President. B. M. FREES V. Pres. US . . , . . . , . j { W. F. LAV/SON Cashier. F. A. PENNELL Ass't Cash. S H . , . , . A. CAMPBELL Director. FRANK HARRIS Director. ? | = § | H . . . . . . . If v. FRANKLIN. President. A. C. EBERT. Cashier. § H m iCITIZENS bank ! I # JOF MeCOOK , NEB. # M # t > H # Paid UpiCapital , § 50,000. SurplusSi0,000 a H # # H f - = = = DIRECTORS = = r- if H w M . , . . , . . , H J ! / FRANKLIN N. S. HARWOOD A. C. EBERT Ig . . , , . . . 3 ? H. T. CHURCH OSCAR CALLIHAN C. H. WILLARD. h H i ssssssL i # - ' J J - - . \j