H * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . | Highest of all in Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. I IvKSl Powder ABSOLUTELY PUBE H i i " | By F/M. KIMMELL. H $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. B In StntoAuditor Eugene Moore H "good-bye" report he finds man H abuses and points out numeiov H imperfections and suggests sundr H reforms iu state finances. Bi H they come pretty late to be of ser\ H ice to the Republican party. Soi H of death bed repentance style , yo H know. Failing to clean their ow : H house , the state house l oys seer H to cake pleasure in showing th H Populists how dirty they will fim H things. H It is stated on high authorit ; B that President McKinley will mak H an earnest effort to enforce the la\ H against trusts and other unlawfu H business combinations , uotwith H standiug it is charged that the lav M was framed so loosely that a four H in-hand could be driven throug it H and that it cannot be enforced M There were a number of instancei H | in the last election indicative o H | of the powerful opposition anc 1 prejudice felt against trusts anc H certain corporations , through , b ] H and for , there is a growing impres H sion , this country is being run. Ii H Michigan , especiallywas this prej- H • udice very markedly shown. Gov- H' ernor-elect Pingree has been mosl R energetic and persistent in his ef- H1 forts to ameliorate the condition ol Hj the people ; and has succeeded ad- Hj mirably and effectually in bringing Hi some of the corporations to taw. K This fact brought down on him H the powerful opposition of these H combinations , insomuch his defeat B was expected. But the joyful elec- B tiou returns show that he ran many m thousands of votes ahead of Presi- M dent elect McKinley , despite cor- fl poration cutting and slashing. It M will always be difficult to shackle m a courageous , manly people. 1 The plan adopted by the Illinois H Central railroad company is the H best and most practical attempted H in recent years for the prevention H of strikes among railroad employes. H The plan now in use by that cor- H poration which employs 20,000 or H more men is to induce its employes H to become stockholders in the com- Hj pany , if only to the extent of a H single.share , and every facility is H provided to enable the poorest men H in the company's service to secure I stock , the company going so far as H to accept payment in installments , I and paying interest on the money thus accruing for the purchase of H stock. As the company's stock is I dividend paying they cannot be I charged with seeking to "unload" . I- The effort simply is to interest I employes in the property by making - ing them part owners. More than I ten per cent of the men have alI - I ready made application for stock. { That the plan will succeed there is I r little room for doubt , and the good I results to come from it reach be- I yond simply the prevention of I strikes. Greater interest and care I will be taken by the employes , who I will thus be placed in position , too , I to study the rights of the company , I as well as their own rights as work- I men ; and there is a liberal educa- I tion in being compelled to look at both sides of a question. This is a move in the right direction , and t may well be copied by other railroad - ! - road managements. i The old way of deliveringmessages by post al * hoys compared with the modem telephone , * . illustrates the old tedious methods of "break- s - ing" colds compared with their almost instsn- | f taneous cure by One Minute Cough Cure A. I * ; McMillen Druggist. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r . • * - - - * * . - * A New Yoiik city judge recently properly refused to grant articles of incorporation to a club of foreign- born citizens on the grounds that ; he opposed the idea encouraging any plan tending to sequester a class of foreign-born citizens from the American community to give prominence to their attachment to their native land. The question of government con trol and ownership of railroads is securing converts right along. The Chicago Journal in a recent issue advocated the government taking the Pacific railroads in charge. It would be an excellent opportunity for Uncle Sam to demonstrate whether or not he can run a rail road. But who really questions it ? In the interest of economy the advisabilitv of consolidating some of the judicial districts of south western Nebraska is being consid ered with some degree of serious ness. Doubtless such a course is practical and desirable. It would save the people quite a sum of money , and in no wise cripple the the ends of equity and justice. And another office in which econ omy may well be practiced is in the county attorneyship. It can not be questioned that the old sys tem of district attorneys is more desirable than the present plan of having county attorneys , so far as : the poorer and more sparsely set tled western counties are concerned. A return to .the old system would also be in the interest of economy and better service. The length of life may be increased by less ening its dangers. The majority of people die from lung troubles. These may be averted by promptly using One Minute Cough Cure. A. McMillen , Druggist. RED WILLOW. Benjamin Baker had a butcher ing bee on Monday. Rev. Yogel preached at the Willow , Sundav morning. The meetings at the Christian church are said to be of unusual interest. Therewere.no public "doin's" on the Willow , Christmas , but there was a Christmas in every home. There was a magic lantern show at the school house , Saturday night. The few who attended said it was good , but as the members of the Christian church were at meeting and the Methodists had exhausted their surplus funds in the oyster supper a week ago , the receipts were slim , but bring that show along at some future time and it will take like hot cakes. "My daughter , when recovering from an at tack of fever , was a great sufferer from pain in the back and hips" , writes Louden Graver of SardiSj Ky. "After using quite a number of remedies without any benefit she tried one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm , and it has given entire relief" . Chamberlain's Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheumatism. Sold by 1. . W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists. INDIANOLA. Miss Lena Wright is visiting in McCook , guest of Miss Ursa Smith. Miss Anna Barton went up to McCookj Thursday afternoon , to indulge in some New Year festivi ties. She was a guest in Mel. Spaulding's family. I. A. Sheridan spent Sunday at home returning to Lincoln , Mon day night. The general impress- is that Sheridan will yet be taken care of by the incoming adminis tration. "Excuse mc" , observed the man in specta cles , "but I am a surgeon , and that is not where Lhe liver is" . "Never you mind where his liver is" , retorted the other. "If it was in his big toe or his left ear DeWitt's Little Early Risers would reach it and shake it for him. On that iron can bet your gig-lamps" . A. McMillen , DruggirX 1 = PLEASANT RIDGE. Mrs. E. C. GoehrJng is suffering with neuralgia. Charley Green has rented Ed. Walters' place. Minnie Harris is clerking for James McAdanis during vacation. Mrs. Smith Gordon and Mrs. L. C. Doll of McCook visited Mrs. Jas. Harris , Monday. The children of Frank Jones of Tren ton visited their uncle J. H. Jones and family , Sunday. Ed. Walters is going to move to Grand Island in the near feature. We are sorry to lose these good neighbors. We have enjoyed the fine weather1 late ly and would not exchange the climate of Nebraska for any other that we are acquainted with. The people in this neighborhood have found how to keep constantly employed , and that is a valuable discovery these hard times. Will tell you what they do next week. There was a Christmas tree at Pleas ant-Ridge , Christmas eve. An interest ing program was carried out and the tree had presents on for everyone in the neighborhood , and the absent were not forgotten. Al Hatcher personated Santa Claus and some of the boys said he was too funny for anything. The children ivere delighted and the older people had i pleasant time. Miss Endsley , our tea- : her , deserves great credit for her untir ing efforts to give her pupils pleasure luring the holidays. Say have you heard the news that's lying all around ; That soldiers for Cuba , n McCook can be found ? Jim Harris , 3en Stoddard and Charlie Brewer , too , .re the men that's enlisted to fight for iberty so true. But about their brave captain they are is mute as any mouse ; But we under- itand that his name is A. J. Rittenhouse. L J. stands for Andy Jackson , the old lero sublime ; And Rit , we know , will [ ill the bill of hero every time. Alex. , Jim , Charlie and Ben , all sound ommon and tame , But Captain A. J. j littenhouse is on the roll call of fame. ( le'll lead his soldiers onward to victory ' nd fame. Now who after this can say here's nothing in a name. Then hurrah or McCook and her Cuban volunteers ; md for Captain A. J. Rittenhouse three ousmg big cheers. NORTH COLEMAN. Frank Hackencamp is happy becaust it is a boy. Casper Hackencamp shot a wolf a few days ago. Will some expert give us a recipe foi hulling corn ? I. B. Stryker saw five gray wolves in a line , Christmas. Fred Brown set a trap and caught a big gray wolf , Tuesday. There is vacation at the Spring creek school during the holidays. The grip or some kindred disease is troubling many in this locality. An outside view tonight , Wednesday , indicates that our lovely weather is a thing of the past. If people would experiment on burn ing corn and coal , there would probably be less corn consumed for fuel. There's a little Brown Church in the vale. It's a boy , the first one , and brings much joy to its mama , Mrs. Eunice Brown Church and its papa , Mr. Arthur Church. The farmers have been trading around among themselves to beat anything. They are now , for the most part , sup plied with corn , hogs , shoats , pigs , cats and hounds. The people of Spring creek were up to the times with their Christmas entertain ment. The tree was large and full to overflowing with beautiful and useful presents. The house was well filled by people who expected a treat and they were not disappointed. The affair was a success in all respects. ASH CREEK. I. E. Neel has rented the Hadley place for next year. L. B. Kerns of Indianola visited last Thursday with J. H. Warfield. Frank Schamel is helping W. D. Wil- liams.pick corn during vacation. Nettie Endsley is spending the week with her sister Bessie on Driftwood. Mr. and Mrs. Endsley took Christmas ilinner with their daughter Bessie , who is teaching on Driftwood. W. H. Burns and wife and daughter , Mrs. A. L. Miller , visited , last Wednes- 3ay , with Mrs. B's brother , Nels Downs ind family. The Junker Bros , had two runaways du Tuesday of last week , and the Voge Bros , also bad two runaways one day ast week. W. D. Williams has caused no little : xcitement in the past two weeks by his earn of colts running away twice. They ) ecame frightened while in the field ) icking corn. The first time the wagon ras badly demolished but he got it fairly epaired , and the last time the tongue vas broken. g EDWARD E. L0WMAN J i GKCZSSOS 70 ZLUES 20W2LL. Z Fire , Life & Accidents i t INSURANCE. I \ Houses rented , collections and S conveyancing. Taxes paid for J non-residents. 113 East Denni- # son street , McCOOK , NEB. # J. H. Worfield and wile were among the large number in attendance at the china wedding of W. N. Rogers and wife. They report a very enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown from Cole man precinct are expected on a visit to Ash creek friends , New Year's. Mrs. Brown was our teacher Miss Edna Whit- mer , last winter , and her scholars and friends anticipate a pleasant visit. A very peculiar wedding took place in south Bondville on Christmas day. Miss Maud Jones and Mr. Fred Stephens were united in holy wedlock by Justice Korb. The legality of the marriage is questioned because Mr. Korb , having been elected to the office of Justice of the Peace in November , has not yet been qualified. The school rendered a very nice Christ- nas entertainment on Thursday after- loon , December 24th. A few visitors vere present. At the close of the pro gramme Pearl Williams in a few well : hosen words presented their teacher , tfiss Clara Happersett. with a handsome ) in cushion , made by the school girls , nd a lovely photo holder from the boys. he ( the teacher ) was greatly surprised , nit it was then her turn to surprise , ihe gave them a treat of candy and pples. Mothers whose children are troubled with ad colds , croup or whooping cough will do rell to read what Dr. R. E. Kobey of Olney , lo. , says on this subject. He writes : "For ears we have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , and always keep it in the house. It ; regarded in our family as a specific for all inds of colds and coughs" . The 25 and 50 pnt bottles for sale by L. W. McConnell & o. , Druggists. On several of the lines the government as inspectors riding on passenger trains J ascertain whether the officials are mding any mail matter under the head of "railroad business" that should not go free. An offense of this kind makes the offender liable to a heavy fine. Notwithstanding the hard times , S.M. Cochran & Co. are keeping a complete line of general hardware. See them he- ore buying. To cure all old sores , lo heal an indolent ulcer , or to speedily cure pile-you need sim ply apply DeWitt's Witch Ha/d Salve accord ing to directions. Its magic-like action will surprise you. A. McMillen , DruggiM. Try that 15 cent box paper at The Tkibuxe office. Worth 25 cts. Also cheaper grades. One Minute Cough Cure , cures. That is what it was made for. Z F. I ) . BUKGESS , 2 I Plumber and ; \ Steam Fitter ; McCOOK , NEBR. Z ri , , > STOC . OF- ' g ) / IronLeadSewer 9 2 Pipe , Brass Goods , 2 i Pumps and Boiler Z Trimmings. Agent J for HallidayWau- f pun , Eclipse Wind f ? Mills. In Meeker 7 Z building , basement ? Jk _ _ vr\rsssasar > B\asB i , J _ _ _ | _ _ 50 YEARS' JH B EXPERIENCE. H B TRADE MARKS , rflHIV DESICNS , Fr ' COPYRICHT8 &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain , free , whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest apency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken thronpb Munn & Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN , beautifully illustrated , lanrest circulation of anysclentlflcipurnal. weekly , terms * 3.00 a year ; ffc ! : . , moptn6. Specimen copies and IIano Book on Patkkts sent free. Address MUNN & CO. , 361 Broadway. New York. Begin the New Year right by subscribing * for THE TRIBUNE. Commissioners' Proceedings. McCook , Nebraska , December 2ist , 1896. The county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment , present J. M. Thomas , James Carmichacl and Stephen Holies , commission ers , Harlow . Keyes , county attorney , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previ ous meeting read and approved. The follow ing official bonds were examined and on mo tion approved : J. H. Bcrge , county treasurer. Harlow W. Keyes , county attorney. W. 11. Hartman , constable , Grant precinct. Henry Richardson , constable , Gerver prec. C. VV. Peters , justice , Alliance precinct. Abram Hammond , justice , Red Willow pre. Milton H. Cole , assessor , Coleman precinct. Frank Weaver , assessor , Hondville precinct. T. A. Rowland , assessor , Grant precinct. Andy Uarber , assessor , Fritsch precinct. C. W. Hodgkin , assessor , East Valley prcc. M. M. Young , assessor. Heaver precinct. W. E. Rollings , assessor , Indianola precinct. C. C. Smith , assessor , Gerver precinct. James K. McDowell , road overseer district 2 , Alliance precinct. August Wesch , road overseer district 25 , Qfcmt precinct. Ira H. Harrison , road overseer district 6 , Box Elder precinct. J. L. Poole , road overseer district 42 , Leba non precinct. Nelson Downs , overseer district 15 , Bond- ville nrecinct. ArWceks , road overseer district 37. Grant precinct. Jesse Smith , road overseer district 17 , Danbury - bury precinct. A. Brown , road overseer district 43 , Missou ri Ridge precinct. II. Walton , road overseer district 12 , East Valley precinct. William Scarrow , road overseer district 41 , Beaver precinct. H. J. Schamel , road overseer district 22 Bondville precinct. C. C. Richards , road overseer district 32 East Valley precinct. John M. Ford , road overseer district 14 , Ger ver precinct. M. B. Leopold , road overseer district 24 , Beaver precinct. Samuel Hughes , road oveiscer district 21 , Valley Grange precinct. The following settlements of road overseers were examined and on motion same were ap proved and clerk directed to draw certificates on the road districts as follows towit : Charles II. Nichols , overseer district 23 , certificate 32 27.00 A. Brown , overseer district 43 , certifi cate 33 30.00 Jackson Teeter , overseer district 2 , cer tificate 34 23.45 A. Ebert , overseer district 21 , certif. 35 , 27.00 0. V. Ault , overseer district 4 , certif. 36 , 21.05 W. S. Fitch , overseer district 9 , cer. 37 , 7.97 E. B. Lister , overseer district27 , cer. 38 , 27.00 Geo. Fowler , overseer district i6cer.39 , 15.59 1. B. Stryker , overseer district 3S.cer.40 , 29.96 Ira II. Harrison , overseer district 6 , certificate 41 3000 John Real , overseer district 26 , cer. 42 , 28.40 Fritz Ruhr , overseer district 19 , cer. 43 , 27.00 Nelson Downs , overseer district 15 , certificate 44 27.00 Martin Kinck , overseer district 31 , cer tificate 45 26.58 Board commenced settlement with J. B.Me- serve , county treasurer. On motion board ad journed to meet December 22. Attest : R. A. Gkekn , County Clerk. McCook. Nebraska. December 22d , 1896. Commissioners met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present , J. M. Thomas , Jas. Carmichacl and Stephen Bollcs , Commissioners , and R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. On motion the following claims were audited and allowed and clerk directed to draw warrants on County General Fund , Levy of 1896 , in payment there of as follows : J. W. Dolan & Co. , coal and indae (2).621.05 ( ) CASE OK HATTIE ENGI.EMAN , INSANE. G. C. Boatman , clerk 5.80 Dr. A. W. I Ioyt , physician 8.00 S. R. Smith , attorney 3.00 ) . R. Neel , sheriff 2.00 Michael O'Leary , witness 2.00 Peter Foxen , witness 2.00 | . A. Hammondwitness 2.00 f. R. Neel , witness 2.00 I. C. Oakley , board pauper 26.44 1 * . J. Cress , mdse 1748 Frank Freelove , repairing and erecting booths 1.00 Indianola IIdwe.Imp. & Fur. Co.repair- ing pump 1.50 foseph Junker Jr. , repairing booths 1.50 VI. O'Leary , board Hattie Engleman 1.50 I' . J. Cress , mdse 2.39 r. A. Erbuse bldg. for election 4.00 ATm. Adams , fiour for poor 6.00 I. T. Brewer , meat 1.70 iVm. Smith , supplies for co. supt 10.25 dcCallum & Short , mdse 12.00 ilectric Light Co. , light 1.83 } . F. Eifert , making booth & ballot box. 2.50 Redemption Tax Sale Accountwarrant.27.35 . B. Meserve , co. treas. , expense 24.17 I. J. Mitchellstationery 20.90 V. G. Culbertson , clerk election Valley Grange 4.00 i. B. Nelson , clerk same 4.00 loses Battershall , judge same 4.00 V. Ebert , judge same 4.00 „ A. Phillippi , judge same and returns. 6.45 t. A. Green , co. clerk.recording bonds i : expense 36.32 And on County Road fund , levy of 1S96. as follows , to-wit : II. II. Pickens , appraiser on road ' . 3.70 W. II. Harmon , same 4.70 Jas. Boatman , same 3.40 Joseph Dudek , sharpening plow 25 James Wingate , road work 3.00 James A.Millerroad work.claim SiS.al'd. 10.00 IraH. Harrison , fixing plow 40 Claud Fowler , road work 7.50 Reeves & IIindmanroad work 30.00 C. H. Nichols , road work 3.75 And on County Bridge fund , le\yof 1896,3 * , follows , to-wit : Geo. Loomis , bridge work 8.00 James Toner , bridge work 5.00 W. L. East , bridge work 6.00 Hupp & Slutts , lunber 40.5S T. J. Cress & Son , hardware 70 S. M. Cockran & Co. , hardware 11.10 M. Rinck , bridge work 2. so Petition of John W. Corner et al. asking for road commencing at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 27 , township 4 , range 30 , extending thence west upon the section to the southwest comer of section 30 , said town , and ranee , H having been granted and all the rcjuircmcRls I of law fulfilled , the following claims for dam H ages by reason of location of said road , wen - H allowed by appraisers and approved by com H missioners : M Henry B. Wales , claim S15 , allowed at S 7 5 | H William DivineclaimS15allowed at. . 15.W J H Patrick Coyle , claim $30 , allowed at. -5 00 B IlughGcarty. claim S30 , allowed at . . 15.00 j M M. Coyle , claim 20 , allowed at , 7.50 H And on motion clerk was directed to draw _ _ _ ! certificates on road districts 19 and 38 in pay _ _ | ment of the above claims. _ H Board continued settlement of accounts ol { H J. B. Meserve , county treasurer. H On motion board adjourned to meet Dec. 23. H Attest : R. A. Grkkn , County Clerk. H McCook , Nebraska , December 23d , 1890. H Commissioners met pursuant to adjourn J H ment , present J. M. Thomas , James Carrnich j H ael and Stephen Holies , commissioners , arxl ] H R. A. Green , county clerk. H The following claims were audited and al _ H lowed , and clerk directed to draw warrants on | the county road fund , levy of 1896 , in payment H thereof as follows : | Frank Carol hers , work on road , claim H 23.15 , allowed at S 20 65 m M Lewis Catothers , work on road , claim J H 5l3.75"owed at 11 25 7 | Robert Moore , wqrk on road 18.7 ? | And on county bridge fund , levy of 1896 , a" . H I. W. Dolan & Co. , lumber * M VV. C. Billiard & Co. , lumber io. fr | I. II. Harrison , bridge work 3.5ns H Harnett LumberCo. , 17.42 _ _ l I'erry & Bee , lumber 28.17 _ _ | Jeorge Younger , bridge work 6.01 fl H Henry Carotheis , bridge work , claim H $18.15 , allowed at 15.6 ? _ H Stephen Holies , bridge work 14.05 * ' J H And on county general fund , levy of 1896 , a.s r H follows : H CASE OF JOSEPH I.UTE , INSANE , j H G. C. Boatman , clerk $ 7.1 ' H A.W.Hoyt , M.D 7.it , J-M S. R. Smith , attorney 3.00 fl J. R. Neel , sheriff , mileage and fees. . . 21.73 M G.C. Boatman , clerk of district court , H costs in State vs. Kelley 59-7. . _ _ | Same , costs in State vs. Brinton 18.9S | Same , costs in State vs. Loreiu 185.3K M I. M.Smith , county judge , costs State H vs. McLain 20.30 | E. A. Sexson , juror 2.ou / fl STATE VS. I.OII EN/ . H Michael CoyIe , witness 2.00 / < Q | Robert Moore , witness 2.00 _ | C. W. Leppcr , witness 2.00 | HenryLepper , witness _ 2.C0 _ | Henry Corcoran , witness 6.fca _ | T. F. Ryan , witness 7.30 H John N. Smith , witness 7.40 H Frank Forb , witness 9.00 H State Journal Co. , stationery etc 30.8c H Eime R wcll , J. P. , costs iu State vs , M Brinton 10.IS J Geo. G.Eisenhart.referee in county seat 17.50 J M Dr. A. P. Welles , med. attendance 45-co _ _ ! J. A. Wilcox & Son , mdse 8.8c H C. L. DeGroff & Co.mdse 12.74 _ _ _ ! Harnett Lumber Co.coal 10.15 _ H J. M. Thomas , service as com 24.50 | Jas. Carmichacl , same 13.90 | Stephen Holies , same 23.85 J | H The following settlements of road overseer " " _ _ H were examined and approved and on motion • _ _ _ _ _ _ clerk was directed to issue certificates in pay H ment thereof as follows : f H W. S. Pate , overseer district No. 7 , certificate H tificate No. 46 527 c M James Bergin , overseer district No. 28 , f M certificate No. 47 2691 H The following official bonds were examine- ! H and on motion approved : j H Charles Puel/ , assessor Danbury precinct H Wm. N. Nutt , assessor Mo. Ridge precinct f H Jacob Korb , justice Bondville precinct. H S. O. Hoagland , overseer Fritsch precin- ' H district No. 31. _ H RESOLUTION : On motion it was ordercu I HH that no family receiving help be allowed t < HH exceed 500 lbs. of coal per month to he pan H for by the county. H The Board having made a careful examina | tion of the accounts of J. B. Meserve , count > * | treasurer , find the following to be a true an i H correct account of all moneys collected , db _ H L > urscd and remaining on hand at the close of J _ _ _ _ business , on Dec. 19th , 1896 , in each of the _ _ _ _ several funds and accounts from June 30th. H tS90 , to Dec. 19th , 1896 , inclusive , which state H is as follows : H [ SEE STATEMENT ELSEWHERE ] H On motion Board adjourned to meet Jam. 4 | iry , 6th , 1S96. H H Attest : R. A. Green , County Clerk. | : OOPERATIVE MINING AND DEVFI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OPMENT COMPANY. J H Notice to delinquent stock holders : J _ H Notice is hereby given that the Secretary of _ _ _ _ _ he Company will offer for sale , to the highen _ _ _ _ H udder for cash , at his office at McCook , Neb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m the 15th day of January , 1897 , the following _ _ _ _ _ H [ escribed shares of the capital stock of said ' 1 _ _ _ H -.ompany.on which assessments remain dc _ _ _ _ . Certificate No. Amount Dur _ H I2 > icoo shares 5 70 00 j H ! 5 > 1000 shares 9000 | 10 , 1000 shares 100 co _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | l7 , 500 shares 3000 _ H l ° 500 shares 2000 _ H > 9 > 500 shares 3000 _ _ _ _ | 22 > 500 shares 35 00 _ _ _ _ _ i 24. 1000 shares 100 ce > HIH 25 > 1000 shares 10000 _ _ _ H _ 32 > 500 shares 2000 _ _ _ _ _ 1 33. 500 shares 4000 _ _ _ _ _ _ iH 3g 500 shares 5000 _ _ _ _ H 4 ° . 1000 shares 4000 * _ _ _ l 5 ° . 1000 shares 3000 _ H % order of the Hoard of Director- _ H The progressive laaies of Westfield. Ind. . is HH sued a "Woman's Edition" of the Westfielu _ _ _ i News , bearing date of April 3 , 1896. 'ILt _ _ _ _ _ _ paper is filled with matter of interest towomer < _ _ _ _ H and we notice the following from a correspoi / * _ _ _ _ dent , which the editors printed , realizing tha ( J ll it treats upon a matter of vital importance J \ _ _ _ _ _ _ tneir sex : "The best remedy for croup , col- ' _ _ _ _ _ and bronchitis that I have ! > een able to fin. _ _ B is Chamberlain s Cough Remedv. For famih _ _ _ H use it has no equal. 1 gladly re ' eommend it _ VH 2p and 50 cent bottles for safe by L.V. . V , _ _ _ _ Lonnell & Co. , Druggists. J H Read the best coun- H fcy newspaper that's M The McCook Tribune J H every time. | | The old lady was right when she said th- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ child might die if they waited for the doctor H She saved the little one's life with a few dose4 _ _ _ of One Minute Cough Cure. She had used i * t _ _ _ i for croup before. A. McMillen , Druggist. H DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , | Pleasant , Quick Results. Safe to take. H