H | I Why Will You Pass a Good Thing ? t I stoFTnd see Hft' ; | our. ; Kf | GENT'S , 5 H ' , . > \ J LADY'S J K/ | MISS'S , - 5 H $ S CHILDREN'S , 5 H | J AND I Hr | BABY'S t K I I Can Fit Them All j K I CHOOL HGt l J BM i s V THE OLD RELIABLE I I FEET FITTER l ; 5 MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. | & | i' i'f ESTABLISHED IN 1886. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. 1 I Tie Fans Cloii Coipii B y I ? Seasonable Goods H'i' ' i At Lowest Prices K v } Ulsters. Overcoats , Suits , Underwear , H j [ Hosiery , Caps. Come and examine the | large and excellent assortment. HI a h • < - | See our .ines of Samples for | . ] 0NAS ENGEL , B ft I Cgstom Work. A good fit and BXnS I Lowest Prices Guaranteed. Manager. • = = = - - V - - - - - - - B ? ? 11 j TRIBUNE OFFICE j | | TABLETS I ] PENS & INKS | j PENCILS | j [ TRIBUNE OFFICE j If SitoiifbeMcGoolTiii Vat tt RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. , Four enginerr arc retting 15 clays bv request. And there are others. Thr pay car unloaded its welcome dollars lars at litis station , Wedne'.dsty night. General Supt. Calvrrt spent Inst Fri day here on liu-nnrs1 * of the c nnpany. Trainmaster Kemon was down on the Sunflower line. Saturday , with the pay car. Conductor C. W. Browson took in the Shriners m eting in Lincoln , Saturday last. Trainmaster Web Jos'-elyn and daugh ter were up from Orleans , Saturday , ev ening last Henrv Smith is the temporary round house foreman vice Thomas Crabtree , discharged. Etner > on Hanson returned , first of the week , from his absence in Illinois visit ing the family. Mrs. James Chambers arrived from Newcastle , Wxomhig , first of the week , and is visiting relatives in this pl c \ Tom McCarl got one of his feet pain fully squeezed in the turn-table at Im perial , Wednesday. Jim Patterson is also suffering with an injured foot. William McCarl and bride returned , last Friday moining , from their wedding trip to Iowa. They are occupying com fortable quarters over McAdams' store. Chief Clerk Harris ofSupt. Campbell's office , went over the Cheyenne line , Sat urday , spending Sunday in Cheyenne , and returning home on Monday night. Mesdames B J. Sharkey and James Murphy accompanied Mrs. Luke Tulley to Omaha , Sunday night , where Mrs. Tulley will undergo treatment for her failing eyesight Thomas Crabtree spent Sunday in Denver on a business visit connected with his patent packing. It is said that he disposed of the right to use the same to the Santa Fe company for the sum of $5,000. Mrs. Oscar Yarger arrived from Or leans , Monday evening , and is visiting her parents-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Yarger , while her husband , who has been transferred to Heartwell and made sta tion agent at that place , is preparing for her removal to their new home. Western lines still have under consid- ation the proposition to stop all adver tising except in publications of regular and frequent issues , like newspapers. Though the lines as a whole refused to adopt the measure when it was last con sidered , and it failed t > become effective because unanimous vote is necessary , the chairman and a committee were instruc ted to canvass the situation for the pur pose of ascertaining how many lines would'go into the plan. If a sufficient number will do so a si-ie agreement will be made. Blamed the Engineer They tell a good one on a Norwegian of Marshall , Montana. He did not speak our lan guage very plain and consequently had many misfortunes. He went into the depot to get a ticket to Osaga , Minneso ta , which is situated in the northern part of the state. He said to the ticket agent : "Ay gas ma gat teckit for one Osiwa- ge" . The ticket agent fixed him out for Oswego , New York. Now he had calcu lated on returning home in three days , but having a ticket for Oswego , New York , he was duly landed there. He was in search of relatives and of course could not find them. In about five weeks he returned to Marshall. His relatives were somewhat alarmed at his staying away and asked the reason of his delay. "Blam you fool enyeneer. He gat drund , ay gas , and gat on wrong track. Yemmeny Christmas , ay ban mad" ! Sioux Falls Forum. f J Sandy Robber Say , Cul , do yei know wy I uident fetch dat millionare last night ? Rounder Jack No , wat was de mat ter ? Sandy Robber Well I'm right here to tell yer I was just gettin ready ter get him , wen de blokey turned on me , and told me ter call on C. A. Leach , the jeweler , where I would have a fine selec tion ter pick from , and get it so cheap it wouldn't pay ter steal. After hearine some friends continually praising Chamberlain's Colic , Cholers. and DiarrhcEa Remedy , Curtis Fleck of Anaheim , California , purchased a bottle of it for his owri use and is now as enthusiastic over its won derful work as anyone can be. The 25 and so cent sizes for sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists. Read the best coun ty newspaper that's The McCook Tribune every time. f Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , DR . * CREAM BAKING POWMR MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. TIMI : TAKI.F. jjj _ | | LINCOLN , DENVER , OMAHA , HELENA , CHICAGO. BUT'IE , ST. JOSEPH , PORTLAND , KANSAS CITY. SALT LAKE CITY , S ! \ LOUIS and am. SAN FRANCISCO , POINTS KAST AND AND A I.I. POINTS SOUTH. Whs I. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : CKNTKAI. TIME. No. 2. Vestibuled Express , daily , Lincoln , Omaha , St. Joe , Kansas City , St. Louis.Chi- cage , and all points south and east 5:55 AM - No. 4. Local Express , daily , Lin coln , Omaha. Chicago , and all points east 9:00 P. M. N0.I48. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Hastings and intermediate stations 5:00 A. M. No. 76. Freight , daily , Oxford , llol- drege , Hastings 6:45 A.M. No. So. Freightdaily , Hastings and intermediate stations 7:00 A. M. MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 5. Local Express , daily , Den ver and intermediate sta tions SI5 P. M. No. 3. Vestibuled Express , daily , Denver and all points in Colo.Utah and California , 11140 p.m. N0.149. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Akron and intermediatesta- tions 6:00 : A. M. No. 77. Freight , dailyStrattonBen kelman , Haigler , Wray and Akron 3:20 P M. No. 63. Freight , daily.Stratton.Ben- kelman , Haigler , Wrayand Akron 5:00 P.M. N0.175. Accommodation , Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays , Imperial and intermediate stations 8:00 A. M. Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars ( seats free ) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write L. E. Magner , Agent , McCook , Nebraska , or J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. About Lenno Hopre's Death. A friend of the Hoge family hands us the following concerning Lenno's death : Miss Lenno Hoge , daughter of .Mr. and Mrs , S. E. Hoge , died at the resi dence of her parents , 1362 South 15th street. Denver , on Wednesday evening , Nov. nth. She had been suffering for the past three months from acute rheu matism. Although her illness was se vere , death came unexpectedly , as recent ly there had been an improvement which encouraged her family and friends and it was hoped that she would soon have been able to travel south to Holly Springs , Miss. , there to spend the winter for her health. A simple but impressive and touching funeral service was conducted at her late home by the Rev. Charles Marshall of the Episcopal church. The interment is to take place in Fairmount cemetery of Denver , where the remains have been temporarily laid in a vault. In the passing away of Miss Lenno Hoge , Denver loses a young lady of high culture and exalted character. She was born at Kearney , Neb , and had reached the age of nineteen. Her early educa tion was received at St. Joseph Academy- of St. Joseph , Mo. From thereshewent to East Oakland , Cal. , where she com pleted her studies at the Louredes Academy. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat Semi Weekly Tuesday and Friday Eight pages each issue Sixteen pages every week only one dollar a year , is unques tionably the biggest , best and cheapest national news journal published in the United States. Strictly Republican in politics , it still gives all the news , and gives it at least three days earlier than it can be had from any weekly paper pub lished anywhere. It is indispensable to the farmer , merchant or professional man who desires to keep promptly and thoroughly posted , but has not the time to read a large daily paper ; while its great variety of well selected reading matter makes it invaluable as a home and family paper. Remember the price , only one dollar a year. Sample copies free. Address , Globe Printing Co. , St. Louis , Mo. For a Mere Song. A limited number of novels by best living authors for sale at this office at five cents a copy. Only a few left. S. M. Cochran carry in stock the Ger man , Riverside , Antique and Royal Oak heating stoves nothing better in the market. The prices are right. Wanted-An Idea 3 ! Protect yonr Ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDERBURN k CO. . Patent Attor neys. Washington , D. C.for their $1,600 prize offer and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cores Plica , Scalds , Boras. W U " "l I , - - * F ' , .u..ii . " " " . . ii H " t _ M , _ _ _ . f . 1 1-1 1 ' * t- * ' i i . . T- -j B B toargaiiis ! n H ftift Ladies' Capes , Cloaks an < ! $ V& li H Jackets , XMies in Dress § & { | &M Goods , Dress Flannels , Klan&rtf : H Jgjf kets , Underwear. Cfothing" . gg | l l ft&3 Hals and Caps , Etc. $ l l ggg All .Winter Goods : it rejfeS 1 | &W § duced prices during- month S > < " H mt of December ji J M rS § overcoats at cost $ $ d i l ggjg Now is the time to buy. Thr Jg § f H fj $ $ assortment is good. 3 < > H &fe Grocery stock larger than | jj * | | i S ever. We suii have some of 2&5 * H &s § those choice winter apples at gfej ] H low . Sjkj . ' ) H JJ KJ a very price. m M i M y $ & at the . . . m m m ] Casft M Store &M mil H SgSS C. L. DeGBOFF & CO. 8 ' H Hg J - H gpi i _ _ _ _ _ J fyl * 1 j xS _ _ _ _ _ . - . _ v-w _ _ _ f& ' l O i B H [ -NATIONAL - ] ig ! H | • o2x > " T = * E H m Authorized Capital , $100,000. g h M g Capital and Surplus , $60,000 gj M j GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. S . H Vi. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. pg - H ! Q A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director , g H % * V. FRANKLIN. President. A. C. EBERT : Cashier. % -A B # l B ! CITIZENS BANK | : -1 # OF MeCOOK , NEB. # ? # ii ol # = H # Paid Up Capita ] , § 50,000. Surplus. Si0.000 ii * $ # ® % J * = = % | - = DIRECTORS i = = r , ll V. FRANKLIN , N. S. HARWOOD , A. C. EBERT , Jt " f H If H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN , C. H. WILLARD. * 7 | # # * 1 : rr : 1 yg M I | 3'J J3Ki 3lftX3 flail m 13 I nervous disyuMj ? . Wvak ileu Jfy. Vua oIXra.ii , Poccr , X | 111 Urn * Til * ? * i rMjMy * * * ' Headache. WaUefulut-tB , Lost Vitality liighUj Kznis- ° f M mrZk > L. G2 i & \ Sp WtilousTevil dreams , linpotency . and wastlnc dihenecs . . canned by . X. bm * Ymk X * wS IB \ youthfuZCTTDrawexctss' .CoaWiuanoopIates.Iiii.nervelon . e 5. • m A . . " * , ' / WQi'e ? { | ff'9CIOkd | landTiIoodlinllder. Jlatesthepaloandpnny.trcjnjrandplncn. . . < • . 4&Q5Xl iiWiilj EaMlycarrledlnTestpocket.SlperboxCfor8i.ByinalUpra- t } m ) & & * iilj | . . * - . . \'E \ 'rfyj * vl J * > 1 Wfelpal'l. ictth a written pit rtiv.ttcorrrMT 'jreJtLniltd. , Wrlten < .irce frV.1 fcUQ'OE& ' Sv &K v-a tfv _ iJfJmr rlli . ii liooU. , . sealed . plain wrapper with . tertimonlajs and - - B B | Ba ry . * WiW . > tJH . l > J\CT . aiBnnTi/.ini tnrrtin.r. . ' chnrrxpj'fnntitttatUm . . * BnttartcJinUa- - § ol. iMiuz. auD i. nuiuii. t { 8aijbra3ri rtsts.orad < lnu IX BECU > C0..2a2uJcIcsJe . > Ckieatv F sale in McCook. Neb..br I * W. McDON > "EIi & COPnifieits. gM