_ _ _ _ _ ! I y ou ass a 0X ( * Thing ? S STOF AND SEE | B > ; our I K | J GENT'S , \ Bf ) j LADY'S , J H ? 5 MISS'S , J I Hk : , t CHILDREN'S , J IKi 1 AND J K | BABY'S 2 H | J | K i I Can Fit Them All j J. F. GANSCHOW , H THE OLD RELIABLE i m FEET FITTER HM' ' 5 MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. S _ _ _ ' ° T' ' t Va 'Mt V S ! i VVV * % ' % H . . I ESTABLISHED IN 1886. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. § I { ft Fid Hii Coqaif H : Seasonable Goods H At Lowest Prices B - ) > Hr * \ Ulsters. Overcoats , Suits , Underwear , B r < Hosier 7 , Caps. Come and examine the BV * lar8e a ° d excellent assortment. H ft HH\ _ HHH \ \ See our lines of Samples for ION AS PNPFl H Custom WorK. A good fit and . , * . K Lovrest Prices Guaranteed. M ciU 2Q61 B % DO YOU RErtD I j II UK HE ? B I The Leading Weekly in West- m J em Nebraska. m$1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. V $ ' b _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B n i riii iTii - lijntoiirfleMclloolTrii . _ _ _ J _ _ _ t - ; . , i i i - _ _ ' „ . ' - ' ' _ i " ' "L * - . ' _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - RAILROAD'NE S ITEMS. ofR T. ball , New Year eve. Tickets $ i.oo A ( liugliter whs horn to Engineer and J\Irs \ Harry Dixon , Inst SrtlurflH3" . Mr > . J R. Strroloumb uiid children nrtivei' in the city , Wednesday night The company has not put up finer ice in yearItS uncommonly clear and t > olid. Auditor Hrandt vvus at headquarter. : , Wednesday , mi business of the auditing depaitment. Operator McElheron was down from Culbertson , this etk , uef of li. H. Doan andfamilj - . Conductor C. D Kenad } ' came down from Holyoke , Saturday night , return ing on Monday morning. Engineer Walter Holliday was down from Lyons , Colorado , last Friday , look ing after his property interests here. Thete is much talk about retrenchment and economv in shop circles , and Janu ary first is stated us th date for the com mencement of the new order of things Mrs. J. R. Sircoloutnb and childien of Sheridan have gone to Lincoln and Mc- Cook for a mont'i 's visit Hrakeman Carey is the father of a new girl , born Tuesday night. This makes three girls in this family , and the Grip extends con gratulations. . .G. E. Leming. agent at Gillette , is taking a 30 dajs vacation , which he will spend with lelatives and friends , at Beatrice and Red Cloud P. D. Galarneau , this morning , received notification of his elf ction as a member of the Advisory Committee of the Bur lington Relief Department for 1S97. to represent Electoral Division No 4 com prising the Northern and Wyoming di visions of the B. & M. in Nebraska , and , considering that the territory reprsented extends from the Missouri River to Bil lings , Montana , covering over 1500 miles of road , it is quite a position of honor , and we congratulate P. D on his elec tion. Alliance Grip A CLANKING GHOST. Atrfnl Experience of a Chicago 3Ian In a Missouri Hotel. "The most disagreeable experience in my travels , " said the man from Chicago cage , " • was when I awakened in the middle of the night in a Missouri hotel 1 I and heard a chain clank in my room. I don't know "whether it is the association of a clanking chain that makes the sonnd so dismal or the mere fact of be ing awakened by a noise that shows the presence of something living , but I don't know of a more unpleasant awak ening. "I sat up in bed , but could see noth ing , for the room was as dark as a pock et , and my heart thumped with suspense as I heard that weird clank , clank , clank , accompanied by a strange shuf fling noise that was quite as mysterious and baffling. I reached under my pillow and drew out my" ' • Revolver ? " suggested the man who finishes everybody's sentences. "Naw , my whisky flask. I took a pull that would have made my wife give me a temperance lecture if she could have seen me" "And what became of it ? " "The whisky ? " "No , no , the clanking ghost. " "Well , I fell off to sleep after awhile , and when I got up in the morning and investigated , I found out what it was. " "A maniac ? " "No ; I was the only maniac. It was curled up nnder my bed , chain and all , and it turned out to be a pet coon that the hotel people owned and which had escaped from its quarters and found its way to my room. But I wouldn't put in another night like that for a farm and wood lot ! " St. Louis Republic. A Check For S700. There was once a comedian who out- financed Edward E. Rice. Startling as the statement may seem , it is neverthe less true that when this farceur retired from Mr. Rice's company he owed the manager $700. To Mr. Rice the condi tion was not alone unusual it was also irksome. One morning , when he was fretting under it , he learned that the actor had secured a first rate engage ment at a large salary. He sat down and wrote an urgent letter , finishing with a demand for an immediate remit tance of "a check for 700. " In due course he received a communication by mail containing a heavy metallic disk. The letter read : "Dear Ned Yours received. Find inclosed , as requested , check for 700. " The metallic disk was a G , B. & Q. railroad baggage check numbered 700. New York Herald. f Getting Keady For a Fight. On the way to Richmond Sherman paid but slight attention to dress , but when he did the staff knew something was going to happen. "There is going to be a fight today , sure , " said Colonel Audenreid of the staff one morning. "How can you tell ? " asked a com rade. rade."Why "Why , man , the general's over there by the fire putting on a clean collar. " That day Cherawwith 40 cannon fell into the hands of the army. Human Documents. Spirited Chemistry. A French savant thinks that by the year 2000 a spiritual chemistry will have been discovered that should entire ly change human nature. This will be greatly due to chemistry utilizing the heat of the sun and tapping the central heat of the globe. Under the reign of chemistry the earth , we are told , will become a vast pleasure garden and the human race will live in peace and plenty. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , DR * CREAM BAKING POWDHt MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia , Alum'or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. HjMTIMB TABLF. [ jlM ] HlLUUB _ : CS0Z , HEBEASZA. WiiliUB LINCOLN , UENVER , OMAHA , HELENA , CHICAGO. BUTTE , ST. JOSEPH , PORTLAND , KANSAS CITY. SALT LAKE CITY , ST. LOUIS and am. SAN FRANCISCO , I'OIVIS KAST AM ) AND Al I. POINTS SOUTH. WEI. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : CKKTKAI. TIME. No 2. Vestibuled Express , daily , Lincoln , Omaha , St. Joe , Kansas City , St. LouisCln- ca < jo , and all points south and ea t 5:55 A M. No 4. Local Express , daily , Lin coln , Omaha , Chicago , and all points east 0:00 : r. M. N0.14S. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Hastings and intermediate stations . . . " 5:00A.M. No. 76. Freight , daily , Oxford , Hol- drege , Hastings 6:45 A.M. No. So. Freightdaily , Hastings and intermediate stations. . . 7:00 A. M. MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 5. Local Express , daily , Den ver and intermediate sta tions Si5 V. M. No. .v Vestibuled Express , daily , Denver and all points in Colo.Utah and California , 11:40 P.M. N0.149. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Akron and intennediatesta- tions 6:00 A. M. No. 77. Freight , dailyStrattonBen kelman , Haigler , Wrayand Akron 3:20 P. M. No. 63. Freight , dailyStrattonHen- kelman , Haigler , YVray and Akron 5:00 P. M. N0.J75. Accommodation , Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays , Imperial and intermediate stations • 8:00 : A. M. Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars ( seats free ) on through trains. 1 ickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write C E. Magner , Agent , McCook , Nebraska , or J. FYancis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. The old lady was right when she said the child might die if they waited for the doctor. She saved the little one's life with a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. She had u ed it for croup before. A. McMillen , Druggist. PLEASANT RIDGE. Our school is piogressingniceh. E. C. Goehring finithed husking corn. Tues day. Albeit Hatcherchildren have the whoop ing cough. Robt. Rogers * father from Illinois is paying him a visit. J.Y. . Jones and two of his children have the whooping cough. J. M. Baldwin has some fine hogs that he is keeping for the prosperity market. Mr. Stark and wife and James Harris and wife visited at J. M. Baldwin ' s , Sunday. J. M. Merrell has moved to the Cole place. We are pleased to have neighbors coming in. We are thinking about a literary at Pleasant Ridge. All who are interested please let it be known. James Harris patched his windmill , Tues day. J. W. Jones assisting him. They earned their dinners but got no supper. Thank you North Divide , but don't talk about poetry this time of the year , When the weather's so cold , And the fuel so dear. You can find poetry in the Omaha Bee , But its cruel to expect such a thing of me : And how can we effuse I'd like to know , With e\ery- thing in the country moving so slow ; That tide of prosperity that was coming this way , Must have passed by us on election day : Or J else it got side-tracked before it reached here. F01 we have not seen it. nor will not I fear. But we are glad there are some bright ' -puts ' amid the gloom , Among them we count The ! j McCook Tribune. i ' nothing , and not irritating , s-tienglheiiing , ! I and not weakening , small but effective sucn 1 are the qualities of DeWitt's Little Early ! Risers , the famous little pills. A. McMillen. | j Druggi t. J For Rent. \ Dwelling house , 710 Madison street. ! Inquire of L. Lowma > . Mrs. Anna Gage , wife of Ex- Deputy 0. S. Marshal , ' Columbus , Kan. , says : j { TWINS in scarcely any pain Sof "MOTHERS' FRIEND" DID NOT SUFFER AFTEBWAED. QHsent by Express or Mai ! , on receiptor price. Si.OO per bottle. • Book "TO MOTIIEBS" mailed free. BBADFIELD REGULATOU CO. , ATLAXTi. GA. SOLD BY AIX DRUGGISTS. i i ! I I . mr - - . _ - - . . - - . . . - _ . . . . - . ' S _ ? c ! _ - - - j- H December | § H Idargains ! p P3 Ladies' ( 'apes , Cloaks and § jjrajj Jackets , Novelties in Dress dfti § Goods , Dress Flannels , BlanEfrS g j kets , Underwear , Clothingg jg $ & 3 Hats and Caps , Etc. § P $ * B * * * * d BSg $ m& All | Winter Goods at recfeS feifi ( luced prices during month gfc $ 5SS of December. gfep \&l& \ „ , . . m3 s | | OVERCOATS AT COST g Now is the lime to buy. The gjjg $ S § assortment is good. § 3 8 * * * * * * JjSg Kg | Grocery stock larger than [ | Sj $ d § _ ever. We still have some ol * 3I fex those choice winter apples at IpS S&3 a very Ioav price. gfe oas cfe ? rvx3 * * * * 2 2 s g p H wash H H i , bargain n * Store B pg G. L. DeGROFF & GO. % m is i tFmsTij j la _ _ M | | NATIONALHj ] | 8 I bankT ] S S3 Authorized Capital , $100,000. | | l iSl Capital and Surplus , $60,000 | Q m od * , is jXI GEO. H0CKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. P § | = W. F. LAWS0N , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash. jVj j | = p A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director , s , % ? Ht C : ? V. FRANKLIN. President. A. C. EBERT. Cashier. & is W r # - - THE * 3r < f 1 CITIZENS BANKl # i $ # OF MeCOOK , NEB 0 # # # & # & # Paid Up Capital , 850,000. Surplus , Si0,000 ik § it f -zr : DIRECTORS- # Ji V. FRANKLIN , N. S. HARW00D , A. C. EBERT , JT | II H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALUHAN , C. H. WILLARD. * jf | S2i : . k = 5e & . = 2k eL . aec _ _ _ . _ _ : fc $ g3& < ci * ymjijl * 3p.xjjp ijBrjy.ii iJ i sgca r jec yV W y'VS3W : * & III J\TT3 l37 h J5 TJ m' , ' * FanoniKejawnrcnres . quietlypernanentiyan . I IS 4 Ji fclaSiltEl ! 13 nervous di3 aMs. Weat MemofvLuss oi Urain iowcr. m I ME. ' if jKi litiJ * * altf 7'UM ) ' "llIleodncbe , Wakefulness , , Lout . VluUIty. . Ni bUy Kai3- TK 5k > mSjrf &vTS & Brsion-r evil dreams lapotener . and xra.stUie di . ea. c caused by fSibt flB AWm IS 1 Byswt < * * ul Turortrees . e.CoaiaiijinoopIaies.l9anervetonIc . J W C ? hO'b W9CY O.Q land blood bailder. ilaiesthepaicandpunytron aDdpc = : p. . . . I # • ? / K. + ldl * i/ til , I EaMir . carried In vestpocket.aiperboi ; ; IorS5. . Brmall.prc- , LrH * fl IsaJ * T 1 ctKeJpaid.wf&atiTl t < njrt ranernu > juir < ft nd X. AYrltensfrce KJEfv'CsrSEv wdflSsAjRfv tpFm cedJcal boot , sealed p'aln wrapr'pi" . Trlth . te tImonlal3 ard KftU-Za-iH JliHg-wt itiWlWv JC MRTiiTinini iitn iti ? XocharrjtJormnntltatUnit. Brwartof imltn- - . . . . , . . . usu. luiui. atmu xuui. f Jcni. SoWI)7 . < > rart-Dt orii3drt-i iEiVKbKOCtJ..a * jJeTtsy > , Oileitu. . . . . . . , . . . rtrsalein.McO''lc.Keb..l.rL. W. MtCOXNKLI & CO. I > m2aits. I I s I II w t • H H < _ H