H Highest of all in Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. I Iv9y Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE H By F. M. KIMMELL. B S1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. B Everything * bought H of Leach will be artis- H tically engraved. On- H ly finest work leaves H our store. Hj The Hon. Edward Rosewater of the B Omaha Bee still lives. H | Frank Rathhun is among the appli- Hi- cants for the Cambridge postoffice. B Uixnv says he is only restrained from Hi grinding oiit a furlong or two of poetry anent Sheridan's defeat for a secretary I ship on the board of transportation by J "j-j " the fact that the matter is too serious for Hi 1 the spirit of poesy to even contemplate B with complacency. TUB coming women has arrived. She is here very much : The other day Miss Emma Monroe , the 15-year-old editress oftheAttalla ( Ala. ) Beacon , rawhided her hated contemporary of the Attalla Herald , William H. Cather , in an em phatic manner. William must not be confused with "Bill" Cather of the Lin coln Journal , either. S NORTH DIVIDE. Several of our people are suffering with coughs and colds. I Walter Hickling and wife were hasty callers over this way , Sunday morning. Sam Rickards , our old side partner | | 1 and former chum , was married , recently , H j I at North Platte. * * H I Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Moore from the B ' i Driftwood were delighted and welcome H it jf Divide visitors , Sunday last. Yxa ! i I J 11 | Morley Piper is teaching school in the H j | ! | Winans district in Frontier county. The HIH I term will last four months. Hj ] | ! And still the coyotes are becoming BtH j more numerous and bold , making the HEj early and late hours well nigh unbeara- HE ble with their racket. Hl A certain person , lacking the true idea VBBjlj of courtesy , misinformed the writer as BAvjff to Thanksgiving services at Box Elder. .AVBafi The stormy weather prevented a meet- BBBjE ! ing being held on that day. H | The Epworth League hied themselves H | away to the Spaulding school liouse.Sun- Hf day afternoon , and held a most excellent BB BBjl meeting presumably for the benefit of BB Bfll free thinkers in that part of the woods. H | A number of the lads from the vicini- Hj ty are at work gathering corn in more HBr favored localities near by. This hustling Bj betimes is the proper thing and means Hj dollars to spend during the holidays. B | A. F. Reeves and Ad. Finkerton have B been busy for the past few weeks shell- | Hv ing corn at various places north and east H | of here. Bert thinks he may have a H ; steady run of about a month. Hj Preparations are well under way at B | Box Elder for the coming Christmas fes- HH tivities , and not a few are keeping an H eye on the good people and behaving ac- Hffi cordingly as those who are 'prof * will Hy fare the best. H | A host of the numerous friends of B Mahlon Campbell were invited to his Ht cosy home up near the Willow , last Fri- B day night , and whiled away a few very B pleasant hours. Refreshments appropri- Hj ate and plentiful were served during the B evening. A number of games and char- B ades were played which caused no end H of merriment. Everyone had a happy B The Thanksgiving entertainment , by H Martha Johnson and her pupils , was re- H hearsed at the church on Thursday even- H ing last , for the benefit of those who B could not be there owing to the severe weather of the week previous. The reci ! tations and songs were well rendered. h A short talk by Rev. Vivian , in which B he told of the games and pastimes of his 1 boyhood while in England , amused the H old folks as well as the children. B TYRONE. B -A-H are well an a-kicking. Hj Frank Borkmau shelled 1200 bushels H of old corn , last week. HJ Our local weather prophet is getting Ejj readj- his forecasts for 2897. B We learn that W. B. Murphy has W j moved back onto his farm near here. Bf Frank Moore and N. Walton attended Bf G. A. R. meeting at Wilsonville , Satur- B [ day. H Prof. Bowlus of Orleans will deliver K , his lecture on Education at the church , Bm next Sunday at 11 a. in. H , One Minute Cough Cure , cures. B J That 15 what it was Bade for. WBj-a i , , , • • • ' ' " ' " > INDIANOLA. P. E. McKillip was a Lincoln visitor , Monday. S. R. Smith bad business of the law in McCook , Monday. John Welborn had business in the new courthouse , Monday. J. J. Lamborn went up to the county capital , Saturday evening. Representative L. J. Holland was a pilgrim to the county capital , Tuesday. Miss Nellie Holland has been chosen as stenographer for the board of trans portation. C. W. Beck and Willis Gossard went up to the county seat , Tuesday , on busi ness of the soldiers' lelief commission. • No one takes the Courier so seriously as its publisher does. It's really pathetic. And its circulation is known to be the smallest in McCook. Jacob I < erch and family were up at McCook , Tuesday , on business at the court house. They will take their de parture for California on next Thursday. Until January 1st , Knipple will sell you anything- and everything- Queens- ware line at UNHEARD-OF PRICES. An unsurpassable opportunity to buy a Set of Dishes , sort up broken sets , or get an odder or fancy piece for a song1 . PROSPECT PARK. Essie Dunham visited Mabel Hartman , last Saturday. W. S. Hartman and family visited at C. E. Boatman's , Sunday. Andrew Dillon is helping J. M. Hammond mend shuck corn , this week. Miss Estell Cratty , who is attending school at McCook , spent Sunday at home. Ivan Pickrell has been ( mite sick the past week , with a cold and sore throat , but is better now. J. M. Hammond and wife were up from the Driftwood , Sunday , attending Sun day school at this place. R. M. Wade and wife and J. H. Wade and wife visited at Rev. J. E. Terrill's , at Fairview , Thursday of last week. J. , . A. Stephens is very busy gathering corn. He is one of the few lucky ones of this neighborhood who have com to gather. Ada Hammond , who has been attend ing school at McCook , has been at home sick for the past week or two , but she is nearly recovered at this writing. The members of the Sunday school at this place are making preparations for a Christmas tree , which will be at the school house on Christmas night. Mr. Gardener of Traer , Kansas , passed through this burg , Monday , en route for McCook. He was tracking a load of stolen wheat. He located his man all riRht = = Finest line of Solid Sterling Silver ware and Novelties at C. A. Leach's jewelry store. DANBURY. Born to O. IEverist and wife , a girl. Shiloh ladies will give basket supper , tonight. C. P. Underwood is threshing alfalfa , this week. ; Ed Rogers of McCook was in town , ! Thursday. ' Mrs. Oman , from Michigan , is visiting ( her son Charles. 3 U.S. Leisure went to Omaha.last week , : with a car of hogs. Howard Ruby is moving into the rooms back of the bank. Tauber Bros , are plastering S. G. Bas- ; tian's new house , this week. O. B. Woods and T.E. McDonald were \ county seat visitors , last Friday. ( Andrew Carson of the Sunny Side dairy was over from McCook , Tuesday , on business. George Leach and Rufus Carlton rode " over from the county capital , Sunday , on their bikes. Cashier T. E. McDonald of the Bank ' of Danbury was a McCook visitor , last Friday , on business. A. B. Smith is moving his household goods to Wilsonville , this week. He has - bought the Review. ; The young people of this vicinity were invited to an oyster supper at the home of D. H. Rittenhouse. 1 = = = = = 1 To cure all old sores , to heal an indolent j ulcer , or to speedily cure piles you need sim ply apply DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve accord ing to directions. Its magic-like action will surprise you. A. McMillen , Druggist. • * " - - ' , . , 7 - ' r -Jr NORTH COLEMAN. The wolves have been giving evening concerts , numerous and free. M. L. Brown had the bad luck to have a cow drowned in the fatal Red Willow , recently. The parents in district 74 are respect fully invited to visit the school on Friday the nth. There will be a Christmas tree at Spring creek on Christmas eve , or the next evening. Dr. A. C. Harlan and family have left their farm and are taking up their abode in McCook. Sim Cramer occupies the Harlan farm. There was nearly a water famine , last week , in this locality , but the windmills were going on Thursday , which presum ably brought a supply of water. Joe Saunders and Robert Johnson sat up all night , Nov. 30th , and kept a red hot stove to keep the final coat of plas tering from freezing on the former's new dwelling. The youths of 74 had a bee splitting kindling wood. The next Monday they were awarded by a liberal supply of marbles from their esteemed teacher , Annie Irvin. Knipple must close out Entire Stock of QUEENSWARE before January 1st. Everything goes regardless of cost. You can buy a Set of Dishes or any part of a set or an individual piece at yonr own price. COLEMAN. Bert Wales is building a stable. School in district 58 closes today. H. B. Wales is through picking corn. Com picking is about over. R. Johns helped M. H. Cole butcher a 400-pound hog , Wednesday. A. Prentice hauled a load of wheat to the county capital , Saturday. Tom Ryan and Mike Coyle are drill ing for coal on the Stephens farm. M. Williams of Arkrnsas was looking over this town , this week , with a view of locating. M. H. Cole marketed a 410 pound hog in McCook , recently ; and B. Johns two that weighed 345 pounds apiece. Zion Hill church and the Coleman school house have been annexed to Box Elder charge , and the Revs. Vivian and Long will preach at these points every two weeks. The price is No Consideration with Knipple. Queensware goes at BELOW COST until January 1st , to close out stock. Unequaled opportunity to buy a Holiday gift for small money. Try It and See. Whatever may be said about the pub lications of Rev. Irl R. Hicks by those who do not fully understand the facts , there is no denying the truth that his paper and Almanac have come to stay. His splendid journal , Word and Works , is now entering its tenth year , largely in creased in circulation and in every way improved , until it deserves the national reputation it has attained. His 1897 Al manac is now ready and is by far the finest and most beautiful he has yet is sued. It contains 10S pages , including cover artistically printed in colors , and is filled from back to back with just what is wanted in every shop , office and home in America. One feature of the Alma nac for 1897 is a series of 12 original , beautifully engraved star maps , with ex planatory chapters , which could not be bought for less thaft five dollars in any work on astronomy. As Mr. Hicks has so correctly and faithfully warned the public of coming droughts , floods , cold waves , blizzards , tornadoes and cyclones in the years passed , aside from the other varied and splendid features of his paper and Almanac , these considerations alone should prompt every family to subscribe at once for 1897. The Almanac is only 25Cts. a copy. Work and Works is one dollar a year , and a copy of the fine Al- ! tnanac goes as a premium with every 1 yearly subscription. Write to Word and Works Publishing Co. , St. Louis , Mo. A package of perfume - ' fume makes a suitable - ] ble present for old or young. McConnell & j Co. have a nice line. | Dr. Z. L. Kay. ' Office , rooms 4 and 5 over Leach's jewelry store. Residence , room 21 , I Commercial hotel. | Notwithstanding the hard times , S.M. Cochran & Co. are keeping a complete ' line of general hardware. See them be- I Tore buying. j Leacli , good goods , ' prices right , no mis- j representation. | S. M. Cochran carry in stock the GerI I man , Riverside , Antique and.Royal Oak ' aeating stoves nothing better in the ! market. The prices are right. 1 DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure , Pleasant , Quick Results , Safe to take. " J * t + - . , 1 ,1 , l , .1 . I - , . , , I I ' Knipple has some line Appl.es at 75 cts. a bushel. Get some before all are gone. GERVER. X.J. Johnson had his pump up , last week. C. M. Lofton is picking corn for N. J. John son , H. 13. Troxel of Beatrice.Neb. , visited at O. L. Thompson's , close of last week. J. E. Dodge , wife and family were down vis iting with O. L. Thompson and family. Last Friday night , while at J. E. Dodge's practicing singing , Roy Lofton , F. S. Lofton's little boy , while out playing , ran over some thing lying in the yard , hurt his lip and nose and knocked one of his teeth out. The oyster supper andquiltsellingcamc off , last Thursday night , at the Pleasant Prairie school house. There was quite a large crowd. Pearl Benjamin was the lucky one. The aid society scored a success , and we all had a good time. * Last Wednesday evening , Roy Albrecht was driving home from O. L.Thompson's with a hay rack and the wagon tongue came off while going down a hill. I lis team started to run , going through Sidney Dodge's wire fence before it was caught. The team was not cut badly but the boy was not hint at all. A new line of Cellu loid Toilet Set , Cellu loid Mirrors and Eb ony Brush sets at McConnellVs. ASH CREEK. The German Parsonage is completed and they are ready to begin school. Clara Pickering , who is attending school at Indianola , spent Sunday with Uattie Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rittenburg of North Val ley spent Sunday with their daughter , Mrs.W. D. Willams. Mrs. J. C. Happersett and Miss Lulu Beards- lee of Indianola visited the Ash creek school , last Thursday. Laura Newman , who was attending the Ash creek school , has withdrawn from school to herd cattle and her brrother has started to school in her stead. C. E. Matthews , after spending a week ; with friends on Ash creek , returned to Mc- ' Cook , Thursday , and will be book-keeper in ' Carson's new meat market. ' The Ash creek people rejoice with the ma jority of the people that the Red Willow Co. Agricultural association elected new officers for they did not intend to work for the fair next year for their health as they did this ; and somehow it didn't seem to improve their health much , either , especially the men who Irtid stock there and had to sleep out with them , as well as the women , who baked and worked very hard to get things ready that they might help the fair. $ $ $ never would go so far before. Let C. A. Leacli show you what they will go. "Excuse me" , observed the man in .specta cles , "but I am a surgeon , and that is not where the liver is" . "Never you mind where his liver ib " , retorted the other. "If it was in his big toe or Ins left ear DeWitt's Little Early Risers would reach it and shake it for him. On that you can bet your gig-lamps" . A. McMillen , Druggist. Leach would like to have you inspect his stock , which you will find is very complete. Mr. C. M. Dixon , a well known merchant of Pleasant Ridge , Fulton Co. , Pa. , has a little girl who is frequently threatened with cioup , but when the first syniptoms appear , his wile gives her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , which always affords her prompt relief. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by L.V. . McConnell & : Co , Druggists. Useful and durable presents for all occa sions at Leach's. WanteuQTfdeTsSI Protect yonr Ideas : they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEKBURN & CO. . Patent Attor neys. Washington , V. C. for their SI.800 prize offer and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. I F. D. BUKGESS , 4 Plumber and \ \ Steam Filter \ I McCOOK , NEBR. g : > Ltstock of1" - f IronLeadSewer , 7 1 Pipe , Brass Goods , 2 Pumps and Boiler Z Trimmings. Agent i I for HallidayWau- 7 pun , Eclipse Wind 9 j Mills. In Meeker 7 \ -building , basement < DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds , Burns. ' ' " " ' ' ' [ mill ! ' r - - j JB5W \\'lj5 H I Christmas Presents 1 ' M I MeMILLEN . 1 M 1 1 c-/MS THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN-fa W | M 1 Celluloid § Leather Goods , | M I Venetian § Bohemian Ware , i M j/ ? § " = ia LARGE LINE OFCF5 _ | H El DOLLS , TOYS , ALBUMS , | | S j P BOOKS AND BOOKLETS. | | fl fpy "We can please you in Quality and Price. pQ | U A. MeMILLEN , Druggist , McCOOK. 8 'M BARTLEY. C.V : Wiit of York , Ncbr. , was a business visitor here , Wednesday. There are several new cases of diphtheria , F. A. Hodgkin's little boy and Win. Cowles , both are reported better , Doctor Ilathorn hav ing charge of the cases. The Fritz boys of Indianola were threshing alfalfa with their steam huller for llodgkin , Williams and others near here this week. The yield is poor but of a good quality. E. L. Dennis , manager of the Harnett Lum ber Co. at this place , made a business visit to Cambridge and Arapahoe , this week , Harry Dole taking charge of the lumber yard in his absence. Rev. G. 15. Mayfleld still continues his re vival services at Dry creek church , and the attendance and interest is reported good. Rev. Mayfield is a conscienstious , earnest worker in the Master's vineyard and we hope his effort may be crowned with success. Our school is greatly diminished in attend ance owing to fear of diphtheria , and some consider it would be well todismiss for a time until the disease has run its course. We think every precaution is and should be used to pre vent the spread of the disease , and schools should close if necessary. The M. E. Sunday school is making prepa rations for a Christmas services on Christmas eve , which will be purely of a literary charac ter. It was decided to have no tree this year b it to make an extra effort to bring to promi nence the biith of our Savior , and make the program an interesting and instructive one. At a regular meeting of James Laird Post G. A. R. , the following are among the officers elected , your correspondent not learning all them : Allison G. Keys , commander ; John W- Wolf , S. V. C ; James Epperly , J. V. ; J.V. . Tomblin , officer of the day : S. U. Rowe.O. M. ; James Finnegan , sergeant , and W. W. Lemas- ters , chaplain. The comniander-elect , A. G. Keys , was a member of Co. E and A of the 34th Iowa , and with his regiment saw some very active service. He is an ardent admirer of the G , A. R. . a general favoiite among his comrades , and will simply add one more "emerald" in his wreath of highest honors re ceived from the various organizations of which he is a member. Success to A. G. Keys , com mander , and that grand organization consist ing of honored heroes , the G. A. R. RED WILLOW. Julia Slye is reported to be quite ill. T. F. Quigley's infant son is quite ill. We learn that there is soon to be a series of meetings at the Christian church. I3en Canaga was visiting his parents on the Willow , the fore part of this week. Rev.E.J. Vivian preached an impressive sermon at Red Willow , Sunday morning. Mrs. William I5jfield is fitting up a couple of nice yards of Light Brahma chickens. A house and scratch pens go with the yards. S. L. Miller's family are expecting a visit from their son Alonzo's wife. Missouri was too lonely for her without her parents and Lon will return in the spring. A literary society is to be organized , next Thursday evening. The young people have charge and they propose to make it an im provement on some of the previous ones. Absolutely pure , perfectly harmless , and in variably reliable are the qualities of One Min ute Cough Cure. It never fails in colds , croup and lung troubles. Children like it because it is pleasant to take and it helps them. A. Mc Millen , Druggist. HOW TO PREVENT PNEUMONIA. At this time of the year a cold is very easily contracted , and if left to run its course without the aid of some reliable cough medicine is lia ble to result in that dread diseasepneumonia. We know of no better remedy to cure a cougher or cold than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. We have used it quite extensively and it has always given entire satisfaction. Olagah , Ind. Ter. Chief. This is the only remedy that is known to be a certain preventive of pneumo nia. Among the many thousands who have used it for colds and la grippe , we have never yet learned of a single case having resulted in pneumonia. Persons who have weak lungs or have reason to fear an attack of pneumonia , should keep the remedy at hand. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists. After hearing some friends continually praising Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , Curtis Fleck of Anaheim , California , purchased a bottle of it for his own use and is now as enthusiastic over its won derful work as anyone can be. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by L. W. McConnell & Co. , Druggists ; The length of life may be increased by less ening its dangers. The majority of people die from lung troubles. These may be averted by promptly using One Minute Cough Cure. A. McMillen , Druggist. _ _ _ S _ _ . _ Try that 15 cent box | paper at Tiie Tkibune H office. Worth 25 cts. M Also cheaper grades. H SHERIFF'S SALE. H ly ! virtue of an order of sale issued from the H district court of Red WillowcotmtyNehraska , H under a decree , in an action wherein Guy | Lilly , as administrator de bonis non with the _ H will annexed , of the estate of Thomas Loner- H gan , deceased , is plaintiff , and John ILDwyer , | et al. , arc defendants , to me directed and de H livered , 1 shall expose to public sale , and sell H to the highest bidder for cash , at the door of H the city hall , in the city of McCook , Red Willow - H low county , Nebraska , on Monday , December H ' 14th , 1896 , at the hour of one o'clock p. m „ the H following described real estate , to-wit : Lot j H number one in block number twenty-six. First | Addition to the City of McCook , Red Willow H county , Nebraska. J. R. Nhel , Sheriff. H Dated November 12th , ib'go. H W. S. Moki.an , Attorney. H SHERIFF'S SALE. M By virtue of an order of sale issued from the | district court of Red Willow county.Nebraska , B under a decree , in an action wherein The Mc- H Cook Co-Operative Building and Savings Association - H sociation is plaintiff , and Ollic M. Waterman , | et al. , are defendants , to me directed and de 1 | livered , I shall expose to public sale , and sell | to the highest bidder for cash , at the door of J H the city hall , in the city of McCook , Red Wil H low county , Nebraska , on Monday , December H 14th , 1S96 , at the hour of one o'clock p. m. , the H following described real estate , to-wit : Lot i H number five in block nine in Second Addition / | to the city of McCook , Red Willow county , 1 | Nebraska. J. R. Neul , Sheriff. S l Dated November 12th , Ibn6. ' ' 1 W. S. MOKI.AN , Attorney. H SHERIFF'S SALE. / H Uy virtue of an order of sale issued from the " H district court of Red Willow county.Nebraska , H under a decree , in an action wherein Guy Lil- T H ly , as administrator de bonis non , with the will - * \ H annexed , of the estate of Thomas Lonergan , " * - . M deceased , is plaintiff , and John Quan et al. are M defendants , to me directed and delivered , 1 H shall e\po e to public sale , and sell to the high H est bidder for cash , at the door of the city 'I H hall in the city of McCook , Red Willow coun H ty , Nebraska , on Monday , December 14 , 1896 , M at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. , the following H described real estate , to-wit : Lot eleven in H block ten , First addition to South McCook. H Red Willow county , Nebraska. | Dated , November 12th , 1896. H . JR. . Neel , Sheriff. j H W. S. Morlan , Attorney. Nov.i3-5ts. H SHERIFF'S SALE. H By virtue of an order of sale issued from the M district court of Red Willow county.Nebraska , M under a decree , in an action wherein Diedrich H Willers is plaintiff , and Mary J. Pennington , 1 et al. , are defendants , to me directed and de M livered , I shall expose to public sale , and sell M to the highest bidder for cash , at the door of M the city hall , in the city of McCook , Red Wil y / H low county , Nebraska , on Monday , December r fl 14th , 1896 , at the hour of one o'clock p. m. , the H following described real estate , to-wit : The M northwest quarter of section number twenty t H nine , township number one , north of range | number twenty-six , west of the 6th P. M. M , „ J. R. Nr.Ei. , Sheriff. M Dated Novembei 12th , 1896. B W. S. Morlan , Attorney. | | SHERIFF'S SALE. H By virtue of an order of sale issued from the H district court of Red Willow county , Nebras- H ka , under a decree , in an action wherein The H McCook Co-Operative Building and Savings H association is plaintiff and Annie S. Stiles et H al. are defendants , to me directed and deliv , M ered , I shall expose to public sale , and sell to { M the highest bidder for cash , at the door of the * l M city hall in the city of McCook , Red Willow M county , Nebraska , on Monday , December 14 H 1896 , at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. , the fol . M lowing described real estate , to-wit : Lots one < jD and two m block twenty-eight in Second addi - JH tion to the city of McCook , Red Willow M countyNebraska. Dated November 12,1S06 j H J > RNeel Sheriff. j M W. S. Morlan , Attorney. > M > Mm SHERIFFS SALE. i H By v > rtue of an order of sale issued from tht l H district court of Red Willow county. Nebraska 1 H ri ? decree m a" action wherein C. P. & ' H A B. Dewey are plaintiffs and Chester Dow H et a . are defendants , to me directed and deliv- H - ered , 1 shall expose to public sale , and sell to H the highest bidder for cash , at the door of the . H city hall in the city of McCook , Red WUIow * M eb aska'nMon la " M Sy : ebu aska'r < > ' December 14 , v 1896 , at the hour r ' of one o'clock , p. m. , the fol H lowing described real estate , to-wit • The H southeast quarter of the southwest quarter and H southwest quarter of southeast quarter of sec H ni. . frty'two - h , lown5hip number three H Dated November - i2th , 1896 " • W. S. Morlan , Attorney. M . SHERIFFS SALE. | By virtue of an order of sale issued from the H district court of Red Willowcounty.Nebraska ' Meek n r ' creen tSH on where'n ookr cree\ ' > , \ - a2 - Cook Co-Operative H Building and Savings n cation is plaintiff and William H Davfs et al ' E . _ M are defendants , to me directed and delivered ttfl I shall expose to public sale H and sell o the ) highest bidder for cash , at the door of the city I M hall , m the city of McCook , Red willow H ty , Nebraska , on Monday , December coun ' H i& 21 at the hour of one o'clockp. . m , The fcl owifg H described real estate , to-wit : Lot six in block X H two * , rst addition to McCook V 1 , Red viHow county.Nebraska. Dated November 19S M . . , J- RNeel , Sheriff. H " w. S. Morlan , Attorney. Nov20-s H The old way of delivering H messages by post- - boys compared with the modern teleohW H illustrates the old tedious methods of H " brea ing" colds compared with their almost instan- H taneous cure by One Minute - H Cough Cure K ure' A McMillen , Druggist. ' " - M